Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (July 3, 1908)
OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, JULY 3, 1908. Lead tuslaiess FSffms of Oegoai City The Oregon City Enterprise r:nnn HORSES! rc, , ; ; P CIRCULATION 1650 COMFORTABLE VEHlV-LX . . . , SMtlV OREGON C.TY .JgV C"T SS. S" l -f Sf H i .' FEE" ,. Feed HorS I S 3 "" L7 V Grain, J Cnu. lnd Hides BW W Telcphono 42; Corner 4th A Main 8U Oreoon City, Oregon . w Aun MIGHT J WHn vr. Careful Driver FnrnierH Phono 71; Residence, phono 2412 OK Horn Livery Stable ... i uullton Ore 3 MP JIM :.: ! mips ; VU A. ROBERTSON The Seventh Street Grocer A full line of Fresh Groccnes AT RIGHT PRICES. Our motto It "Courteiy t0 aM., yy-.j1ir-.:.r,,'' When in the city come to The Grand Theatre High Class amusement JOc ; ',. The Busy Butineit Man knows that Good Work and Prompt Service" is the work-a-day Motto of the Enter prise. A complete equipment of modern Machinery insures the best that Printer's Ink Produces. Let us figure with you. Oregon City Enterprise Both Phones. Oreeon Citv. tin imi& 1 1 ' "" " 1 - - i i ii r ' : ' in ii iiwwi IH n 1 1 1 i IjT TTHii i ii In ni'. M I - 7 I.I I II 1 1 I .1. i n 11 " I ' I n-T fl 1 PI I 1 1 1 - PPTriT Bone " wWk I Ipi tlp rKlCE BROS I ;- 11 1 11 Mm fimmr m"dh- I i ll MHI . MiliBh ei. 3 i its i I I n R aAUimniniy, iuiiiiiuiiiw yii-i ' 6 ms. f"v 'k'ivf , ,t- ,t rt(wAv t FIRST IN THE FIELD. , C. A. Herman, of Melton Announces His Candidacy for Representative. l!y Hifuronco to a imld lulvortlfiomont In this Ihhiio, It will la seen that 0. A. Herman or Milton, announces his wmdldiicy on tho Itnpuhllcnn tlclct for roiircHentntlvo In (ho IckIhIiiIui'.! from this district. Tills Kontlcman has lived nt. Melton for nearly flvo years, wliero lm conducts n dniR store and Is also postninstor of die town, hnviriK served In that capacity for about twn yenrs, and lias been a resi dent of Pierce County for nlnntcun years. For elfjliteen years bo was an employe, of the railway ninll service, wloveii years on the const, sorvln;; two yenrs as national committeeman for Unit orRnnlzntion embracing tiui territory from lli'ltish Calunibia to Mexico and from the Rocky Mountains to tho coast. For six years he wns a liraUeman .and freight conductor on the Northern rnclfle, running east from Kllensliui'R, but was Injured in a wreck, laid a year In tho hospital, and then retired and settled at Mel ton, where ho Is ono of the leading citizens of the town. Mr. Hermann served two terms at Oregon City as captain of the Sons rf Veterans, IT. S. A., under Col. K. II. Baker, cx-Unlted States senator from that state. He Is a member of Knights of Pythias, Is a mnster and Royal Arch Mason and has been 30 years a member of the Presbyterian church. Twenty-eight years ago Mr. Hermann served ns enrol 11 m and en grossing clurk of tho Illinois le.gii-lU' ture, and can converse in English, German and Norwegian. He has al ways been an active, working Re publican, will make a thorough can vass of the district and. if nominated and elected, will honestly and ably serve his constituency. senator who receives a plurality at the primaries. There is no equivoca tion about Mr. Hermann's statement and the Republican gladly calls at tention to a sketch of his career printed in Its news columns. Puyal lup (Wash.) Republican. The announcement of C. A. Hermann for representative, whleli appears inj this issue, has the right ring; he: stands squarely on the Republican ' state platform nnd if elected will vote1 for tho candidate for United States 1 Seeley's Best Flour. A Coori Preakfist Dish. Tnko ttn (nice from tho ki'lll." In wlilrh n lioff's lioad h:is ln-cn rooked. Put In n fmih'i' pan !i!d whi n nt tin" 1 j 1 i n tj point mid rnmiKli coin iin;il to make u thick mush. Set away to cool, and cut In slioos to fry for breakfast. A piece of fresh pork boiled could be uird Instead of the hoK's head but la not as rich. Kodol will without doubt help anvono who has stomach disorders or stomach trouble. Tnke Kodol today and continue it for the short time that is necessary to Kive you complete relief. Kodol in boM by Howell & Jones. OASTOniA, Bpan the .Iff-, of i Von Havs Always Bought