Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (July 3, 1908)
OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE. FRIDAY, JULY 3, 1908. GRADUATION AT NEW ERA, CURRIN WILL IS FILED. NEWS OF THE COUNTY GLADSTONE. Mr. iiml Mrs. J. t". Paddock. Mr. and Mm. Uracil. Mr. urn! Mr.". 1'. .1. Wells. Mrs. J. J. Tingle an.! Mr. l A. Williams, have returned Newport, where liny Wi'nt to attend tin' tr A. It. convention. Mrs. V. A. Williams has returned from a visit to friends In Ncvvpoit. Miss F.dna Urowning. a member of the Willamette Ladles' Quartette, is a guest nt Mr. Cross' homo. There will be four picnic parties at Gladstone Park on the Fourth. Campers aiv beginning to move into tlio 1'aik. There promises lo be a larger mimlirr of touts than usual, judging limn the number of camping sites that hii.i Imvii slaked out already, a. a majonty of the people pick out their locations al ter their goods arrive on the grounds. The Gladstone school dlivctors have elected tlio following teach. is: r.rcntot. Vedder, principal; Miss Munson. of Clack amas, anil Miss Pearl Sievcr, of Glad stone. Mrs. Frank Hailey Is 111 nt her home in Hold's addition. Mr. Truman Avery, who has been Working In Kambo's shingle mill has re turned to his home, lie is employed at pieseut In grubbing stumps oil of his acreage recently bought from tlio Glud Btone Keal Kstate Association. Miss M. lorothy Cross is expected homo from Chicago tor a two weiv-r visit in August. She is leaching M tlio Columbia College of Kxpression. from which institution she graduated. CARUS. Last Saturday evening was spent very pleasantly at tile home of Mr. and Mis. Gardner. The occasion was a party giv en In honor ef the Sunday School, dames were played until a late hour, and after refreshments were served, everybody went home hoping to be able to spend another such enjoyable evening. We hope this weather will last for a while, because many want to make hay soon. Well, we will soon have some more good roads in our neighborhood, as they ale jrrading. and the rock-crusher is expect ed back here this week. I suppose most of our neighborhood will attend the celebration of the glorious Fourth at Wright's Springs this year. It is an ideal place for a picnic or cele bration. We have heard that there will bo i.n other chance for making a nuis,. and getting treated one of these das. There was preaching at ino cln.tch Sunday afternoon by the Methodist min ister, of Mulino. KELSO. At the annual school meeting T. H. Wilson was elected director and Kob-rt Jonsrud. clerk. A seven mill tax was voted. An addition o:' one room Is to be built to the Fohool house also a new fence around the school yard. Miss Dorcas Hedin closed a successful term of school here. Friday evening. June 19, with an ice cream social. A splendid programme was rendered t a large and I y appreclative audience. Two of the pu pils. Mary Llekford and Minnie Lindhoim, have received eighth grade diplomas. A Sunday School was organized at Kelso Hall last Sunday afternoon. This is a union Sunday school, and all are ir vlted to attend. Tim. 2:30 P. M. Uev. Mr. Sherrill. of Cottrell, preach ed at Kelso Sunday afternoon. He will speak again at Kelso. Sundav, Julv 12, at 8 P. M. Rev. M. Hagoes held services at the Lutheran chinch last Sunday afternoon in Norwegian, and in the evening in Kn'-dish. Mr. Wirtz. of Sandy, gave an Interest ing and instructive lecture at Keiso (Jail last Sunday evening. Haying has begun in this neij,libor hooa. Joel Jarl is having his plar 1 tslr-.l. Miss Hose Vaeretti is visitiag her sis ter. Mrs. Max Kligel. Misses Margaret and Angela end Mas ter Joe Canning are spending their vaca tion at home. Miss Stella Jonsrud. of PoitVt.. td her folks over Sunday. Miss Georgia Donahue ia spendm vacation at home. i IS't- DAMASCUS. Miss Mary and Miss Nettle Tons, from Seattle, are home to stay several months. ! Mrs. Harry Ion!ey. and children, from ; Fairview. were visiting Mrs. Donley last We.l;. Miss Minnie and Xoah Royer called on ! Miss Janett .M-well. lately. The hill below A. Xewell's is getting a coat of gravel, which was nct-dtd very badly. Mr. Stall was out with the rotid grader lai ween. Our roads look better. Mrs. Thiesen and Jlrsi Starkwedther were visiting at Geo. Devie's last Sun day. M;ss Lena Lehman, of Estacada, was vi'Mtin.? h. r family Sunday. The farmers are very busy hoeing and picking their small fruit of late, liig of rain, but all are taking advantage of this food weather. Fr 1 Palnupiist. of Gresham, callfd dn friends her.- Sunday. Almoin Newell is back 'from' EasVrn Oregon. TEAZEL CREEK. Haying will soon commence In ttils sec tion. The hay is of fine quality this sea son on account of so much rain. Grandma Dart is reported some better this week. Mrs. Joe Simons is still verv low. Her sister from Portland, is visiting her this week. J. F. Qtiinn. with his family, landed In this cou n tv a few days ago. Many of the Tenz-i Creek people mean to celebrate at Willioit on the Fourth of July, if there is not too much rain. Mrs. Losvvell. of Molalla. has returned" lo her children, and many friends, land ing here last Saturday. Mrs. Hoswell went east to visit last Fall to stav all winter, t'ntil lately she could not come home on account of the storms and bad wasnoiJts on the railroads. Mr. Qulnn is down from NV-zPleree, ! The Remedy that Does. Idaho, and Is a son of Rev. J. H. Qulnn. i "Dr. King's New Discovery Is tho rum or Teazel ( reek He expects to locate cdv tha does the healing others promise ...... ., u, u ui.: muiiiij suns him. Aunt Mary Kayler and daughter made a flying trip to Oregon City a f.-vv davs ago. making the round trip in one dav In spite of her age and the rainy weather. : " - i Cascasweet, the well known remedy for babies and child-:-n, wiil ipiiel I'm- it; one in a short time. The ingredients are printed on the bottle. Contains no opi- ates. Sold by Howell & Jones. : We have a buyer for timber lands and for two ten acre tracts. We have for sale some fine river front properties. Have made some nice additions to our list in last few days. W. F. SCHOOLEY & CO. 606 MAIN STREET OREGON CITY. CLACKAMAS. fur little town is to have a genuine Fourth of July celebration. Kvory body is Invited lo bring a basket of lunch and loin the grangers In a picnic dinner In Hie grove adjoining the grange tin It. Then will be a programme and other attractions for the forenoon. After din ner, a ball game Is on schedule between the Lents and Clackamas teams, for a purse of money. Ice cream stands will be placed In the grove and at the ball grounds. "C.randnm" I'.alley. n resident of Clack amas many years, and an invalid for twenty or more, passed away last Wed nesday. Funeral services were held at the house. Interment was made In the Clackamas cemetery. Lev. Scnape. a returned missionary from the Congo Five State. Africa, oc-cupr-d the pulpit of the Congregational Church last Sabbath. An oiVerlug was taken for the benetit of the mission with which he Is connected. Mrs. H. R Ilolcomb. who has been III for several weeks, was able to visit her parents last Sabbath. Mrs. A. M. Spurgeon spent Saturday and Sunday with her daughter, Mrs. John Smith, of Parkplaee. Mr. and Mrs. A. Mather were out of town over Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. F.. It. Kelly are enter taining an old time friend and were In I'ortland last Sabbath. MULINO. Mrs. Shepard and son are visiting nt Mr. II. ltoloy's home. J. J. Mallatt has returned from his trip to Newport. Thomas Aiem and J. L. Fvans made a business trip to town last week. Mr. and Mrs. Albright of Liberal, were visitors at l.akcshore. Fred Wallace Is home for a short stay. A party was given at the home of Mr. ind Mrs. Clarence Mallatt. Saturday evening. June L'T. Games were indulged in until a late hour when a delicious lunch was served. All present report a pleasant time. Mrs. Aiken and daughters Miss Jessie, ind Mrs. K. O. I ix. were down from Sh ubel last week. Mr. and Mrs. CiiyJewett are the proud lMtssessors of a tine baby girl. A brother of Mr. Joseph I dell was vis iting here tins week. Miss Sade Kvans has been making a vi.-it at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Del. TYulluigor of Futon Mills. NORTH BEAVER CREEK. A glorious Fourth" to you all. Strawberry picking is almost over with m our burg. Mr. Muralt and Mr. Hart m il had unite good success w ith tin Ir sli avvberrios this year. Willamette Hur.'M li.i-r returned homo from the O. A. C. rt C.-rv.illLi. Miss Lottie Lluhm is home for a vaca tion. Mr. and Mrs. Norm in Howard :-pi n' Sunday with their si-i t le ilhcn i. at F. Harris's. Mr. and Mis. John Mor.i.iineiy. of Portland, are staying; .villi ir. and Mis. 1'itd ll.nerici for a sIi-m". whl!. Miss Klnore Harm.'. I s. -nt one day last Week with Miss llo.vai I. Miss Anna liluhm and fib lid weiv out for a buggy ride Sunday. Dave X. Jones, of "laKfii'l. Cnlllornl.i. spent last week with les bi-.tlier, John O. Jones, of this pla" Mr. and -Mrs. Godfrey liluhm and daughter, w.nt on the excursion trip up the Columbia to the Multnomah Falls, Sunday. LOGAN. Considerable gravel has been hauled on the roads. Lutein has a gravel pit that is hard to beat.! The gravel Is line and there is just enough sand to make Jtl pack. There is no excuse for not hav ing good roads and we are getting along well in that direction. The crops are generally coming on nicely. The warm weather brought out the vetches wonderfullv. . ! llev. G. J. P.ich preached at the Hap n "jt!ht church last Sunday. Kev. Mr. Davis Ipreaclus on, the first and third Sundays. I The Lobsters defeated the F.agle Creek second b am in. a game of ball last Sun day. Ttie .seore was three to two In a five-inninar-cxme. "ur boys are liable to g.-t stuck up If they do not lose more gam. s. Gill will give a grand ball on the Fourth. I'se De Witt's Little Karly Risers, pleai-ant little pills that are easy to take, cold by Howell & Jones. CLARKES. Fn Jn.eii td a Ha Ka.M. d Marshall. William .Mueller. Frank r and Samuel Kim.T have purchas lii -limk, stallion for lluuu. ry (jar.l and family came li-om Wregon. to ClaikH to visit las .-tieiiu last Matin day. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Martin came back .from Kasii-in Oigon to visit her re.auv- IS last Week. Harry Gard preached last Sunday In Chokes in the M. K. ehuicli. Clarkes will have a big celeb. arion en the 4lh or July. They will have ball games and Giant Dimick is to spiaK and tney will have a band and all kinds of rac-s. Mr. and Mrs. Hagg spent Sunday at Mr. Schii-w . 's. Mr. ami Mrs. made a visit to Mr. and -Mrs. Seh.-i ruoie's last Sunday. The hoys played Pail last Sunday In Chokes. There was a large crowd pies ' nl 111 the afternoon. All the farmers are . enjoying this lain vveulh.-r. There are some making a lit tle hay. some a.-e cultivating potato s, some are hoeing and they .are wishing for a nb e Fourth of July. Haying will be in full blast. Leu Marshall is hauling lumber to build. W. Ii. Botti-miller got a swarm of bees last week and no box but he put them in a nail keg and they are all right. put tail to perform, says Airs. J. it. lierson, of Auburn Center, I'a. 'It Is curinif me of throat and lung trouble or long .standing, that other treatments re lieved only temporarily. New Discovery ' is doing s.o much good that I reel eon- lident its continued use for a reasonable length of time will restore me to perfect health." This renowned cough and cold remedy and throat and lung healer Is sold at Howell & Jones drug store. 50o and $1.0". Trial bottle free. li Seven Pupllt Presented With Diplomat Front Eighth Grade. (iradiiatlng exercises were held at ttie New Kra sellout house last Saturday ev ening. June 27. The school house was decorated very beautifully with crepe paper of crimson and cream, (die class coloisl, tlowers of the same colors, and Ivy. The crepe paper was festooned from the center of the celling to the sides of the room, also draped around the room In loops. It.iskets of loses hung between the windows Potted plants were scattered about the room, and ttie pletiiies with festooned with Ivy. The stage was a mass of flowers and Riven and was very beautiful. At S:t,'t the grand march was plaved by Mrs Lillian dans Howard, who iiad .been (lie tea. tier of the school. Father F. S. Mathews opened ttie program with a prayer, and ingcd the parents and pu pils to advance In their education as much as possible. Little Veda ltiown recited "Tlio Child len s Hour'' in a very able manner. Nellie lturgoitie sung Tirxah's Sere nade (from Pen Hurl, which was highly appreciated. "The Old Clock on the Stairs" was re cited with great expression by F.stclhi lloft'mnn. An oration on the class motto. "Not finished; Just begun." was ably handled by May belle Hoffman and showed she had her subject well understood. Nettle liurgoyne then sang "The liii.lgc." which never grows old. Mr. Willis Duiiton. accompanied W Nettle liurgoyne. rendered a violin so lo In a very satisfactory way. "My Lost Youth." was delivered by Helen Sputuk. who did great credit to herself. The "Class Prophesy" was read by Lot tie Kief and caused much merriment and was thoroughly enjoyed. I.llah Dunlin and Kstella llolTinan sang "Kod Wing" In such a catchy manner that they were called to repeat It. Lilah Dustlii th. n delivered the "Val edictory." w hich was very Impressive and heartily encored. Superintendent Gary presented the di plomas. Mr. tiary made a few appro priate remarks In his usual pleasing man ner. The program closed with the class song. "Haste not; Kest not." The following were the graduates: Net tle liurgoyne, Kstella II. I luff man. Helen A. Spulak. I.llah I. iHistin. Charlotte It. Iteif. Dora It. Dustiti, and Maybelle L. Hoffman. Tills was the (list graduating exercises ever held In New Kra and great credit is due the graduates and their teacher, Mrs. I loward. DOVER. Old Sol. the hay maker these days. "Isn't It hot'.' Is very !..-. Is what you hear In I 'over now. Dover claims the only three legged cal. one that lias never had but three legs. It Is three weeks old and Is well formed in eveiy(wav. witlf the exception of the right fore leg. which is missing from tin- shoulder. It Is healthy and active, being able to run and Jump and get around almost as well as If tt had the other leg. Her owner. George S.ivv tell. and her manager, I'errv Kltzmilh r. expect to exhibit her at (in sham on (he Fourth, and later at ttie Chautaiuiua if they are successful in their llrst experi ence. Tills Is a good chance, for eveiv one to see one of Nature's freaks, which happened near home. Who said that the Dover Imivs are not game? Well thev don't know. I'll tell you why. Uist Wednesday night. June -I. several of the Dover braves went to give Mr. and Mrs. George Kltzmllh-r a rousing charivari. Tiny marched boldly to the Mrs. llxon place, where they sup pose.! ttie young couple weri' and pro- ceedeii to do the thiuw right by tiring i guns, ringing cow Dells, ami beating near- iv all one siungies on the roof, nut the bride and groom were a hair mile off at the home of the bride's parents, listen ing to the noise. Gcoige had a nice lunch prepared for the bovs. ,but they did not git It. Why? Ask the boys. There was a good attendance at Sun day school, last Sunday. Preaching next Sunday ur ):i0 A. M. Sunday sch.Mil af ter. Joseph De Shazer. wife and family, and Grandma De Shazer. Mrs. J. W. Kxon and Mr. and Mrs. George Kltzmlller took dinner Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Kitzmlller. L. K. Coon and Joseph De Shazer are hauling lumber from the , Ftrwoo.l mill for Dr. Wallers this week. Several from this locality have planned to celebrate the Fouith on the North Folk or Kagle Creek, while others are going to Gresham and some to Kstaeada. There is a new road petition out in I this district calling for a road lo run I up the ridge between Itear Creek and John s Crei k. This will make ihree par lab. I roads within a half mile or 'each i other, and there Isn't a single settler that this road will be the only outlet tor. We have county roads now to every settler In the district excepting two, anil they have good private roads. Heron- any more roads are granted ror Hits district, suppose those thut we have are pot In shape so that they ran be traveled with a light wagon any way. Il appears ns I though every tini" one or two persons j want a nearer rut-on to a certain neigh bor' s. they ask I lie enmity to grant a road, ,1s that right? TWILIGHT. Twilight District. No. l"!l. Is Just com pleting a fine new school house, which will be ready for occupancy at ttie Fall term. Miss MainlelCiiteser lias been en gaged as teacher. Chas. Anderson, or Paltrm-nla, Is a llh eral speaker, and was visiting at George Lnzelle's .Mountain Ash rami last week, lie lias bei n traveling In the Fast, where he lectured. He hopes to be present at the New Fra camp meeting tills month to meet his old rrb.nds. MOUNTAIN VIEW. We have nothing trineh to write this week so wo will begin about the weather. Thermometer w. nt up to s:i degrees Tues day In the shade. Strawberry pb ker.'i had to leave the patch . and seek the shade. J. M. Glllett is painting for Mr. Chlsm this week. Tom Gerber Is hoarding at home now, as he has been transferred from The Dalles to Portland. John Darling and son are cutting their hay crop this week. itosro Clark Is driving team for the Wtiite boys. W. Welch Is able to be out on crutches with his broken leg. Mr. Fisher and wife returned to this burg again last week. .Mrs. Will L'verhart and daughter, of Molalla. were the guests or ,M1km Pearl Currln over Sunday. Frank Albright Is home again. John Glllett and wire spent last Sun- dav among niciiils In Milwaukee. M ". and Mrs. Hert Cummins Monday evening and Tuesday In spent i'ort- land. Mrs. Shortledge, or Taylor street lias sold her proprty and will spend the Sum mer at tin; coast, then go Last fur the Winter. Mrs. Jennie Stlllwell Is on the slik list this week. Millard Glllett Is driving the delivery wagon for Geo. V. Fly. Misses Mabel rriinels and Winnie Jack son are attending the Hummer Normal at the Uarkley school house. Wiley May Ih helping Mr. Htlllw a new well. ell dig EAST MOUNT SCOTT. Everybody Is biiHy picking strawberries at present. I The telephone line has been completed and the llrst message was sent last Hut urday evening. The Children's Day programme was given last Sunday afternoon. In the ev ening. A number or people from this burn attended the exercises nt Lents. Ernest liiich is at home from work, laid up with the mumps. Unite an accident hannened to Albert , Deiirdorff lust Thursday afternoon. W'hlln cuttlng wood a piece of the sledge broke off and struck the. man In the thigh, cut- : on aim Simon me. man in me inign, cm- : ting a smull artery. Last report that he was Improving. ' K. (i. Kit ton and Mrs. Bradford, of I-ents, attended the Children's, Day exel-: ciHes. Left Estate $10,000. Valued nt The will of (tie tale Mrs. lHoim Ciiirln has been tiled for probate. The value of the estate Is $1 (, consisting mainly of a donation land claim of ll-i) acres at Cnrrlnsville. liidor the terms of the will Ueorge Cm l In receives 7!' .'1-1 acres oil off the south end of the claim, Martini Cochran receives ttie same amount ad joining, mid Hubert Y. Currln, and Hugh F. Currln are given an eipml amount of the land Hugh Currln receives the por tion of Hie claim that embraces the farm home. Mrs. John I'hleti Wagner, whose hus band died last week lit Wllsonvlltc. Is given the entire estate through tile will .. . . t .. .. 1 1 .... i I! Vvm.i, ;. r m : v.,.;,' rn. - or dies, ttie properly i everts to tier four .laughters In count pails, the two sons h iving been deeded their portion of Itie estate DEAVER CREEK. "Make hnv wlillo ttie sun shines" Is the motto III tills Inn K at present. Several of Iho runners have their hay down and are wondering. If Its going lo rain oil the t'oiirth. Kobelt Jones unit faiulh', who have b.eii visiting parents here, have returned to Wardiier. Idaho. Mr Jones In hav ing a large bain built on. lei- Iho nuinage- incut of II. Stelner. 112x711 feet. Mrs. Ilrlseiithwalle called on frl at Cuius this week. William Thomas has llnlshed limiting Wood. John ltohlander Is hauling shingles at present. .. ... . . . . .. it.. ...........i I'TnllK Nlelioilia au.l .uui iamun nr,m v. till. ugh this burg tolling a lu ll tins we. h. 1 guess thev want .1 t be Ileal. I, now about It. Flank'.' A. Thomas Is busv buying wool. fur hello girls have purchased a new hlevclo. I guess we'll not walk any more. Several of the people ,llee attended the funeral of Mrs ll.iln at Clin k. s-last Sundav. Jacob Stelner Is lure vIsltltiK parents lit . res.ut. William Daniels Is busy rutting hay. We understand I'm! are l.i have a change In our mall route soon. ll. iniel Urns, have their bai ns nearly eomnleted. John Wolf has sold tils farm for and will soon leave for Portland. Tho Sluib.l baseball nine will give n dall.e III liiav.l Cie. lt hull oil the I7tll of Julv Instead of the I'hiIi. Kvei ybody . come. I i i t ...i ?-!lUIM'l s secoii'l nine w.i i. ii, -i ,bV Cotton Sundav by a scute of U to 11. John M JoVies lias eonipli ted tils long fence which he start, d live years ago. 't he Shul.el nine will play at tin- home diamond on the 5th. STAFFORD. The regular order of business at pr nt Is caring for clover liav, some which lias b.eii cut ever sin..- the fair davs we had. and the new clover ..i...; I ..I.I....I .... O.l.t If made It hard raking ' However, the inosi of ii was gathered, nml not vol y badlv bleached, as vviille It tallied s.u veiy ! .lav. I lie We the eclipse ! Who saw ither was also cool, but situ e the weather has been line. tile eclipse',' 'I'll I hose who can l.i! von It was a Utile I did u..t. I. ok spot on the southeast cornel of the suu as large as your thumb uatl. Noth ing In our opinion to make a fuss aboul and put 111 the aim. line' that Utile spot disappear! d In ttie course of a half hour. The bovs meet Wednesijav afti r the day's Wink Is done to make a eioipiet ground In Gage's grove, it being a some what central place. A ntiuhborliood picnic Is proposed for ' the gliu ioiis Fourth. Miss llee Gage, who came fioni school last week to spend some time with her grandparents Mr. and .Mis. I.age. on Sundav morning broke out with what supposed to be i M i llion iiieasles. but by Wednesday tell well again, and the red blotches disappeared. Ily another week ttie ramlly will know Is It Is any thing catching .Meantime - Mr. and Mrs. Gage lias ruiulgatid ttie house and take all pie cautl.itis possible. The year old baby of Mr. and Mrs. John Waunker Is still very , sick with some thing like cholera-lufaiitiim. Mr. and Mrs. think returned Satur day from Newport when- they went to attend the reunion of the Grand Army. Mrs. Iliing brought home various sou venirs. SUNNYStDE AND ROCK CREEK, Saturday evening about 7 o'clock Mr. Jackson received a telephone message ; that tils son HI' n had bei n diowned while' swimming In tin- slough. It was a gnat shock to tin- parents, who ipilckly went .m r there. 'I he body was found about , II o'clock Saturday niht. The funeial was held .Monday at J o'clock. The par ents have the sympathy or the entire neighborhood. ' George Johnson i has tils telephone In j and all an- happy. A basket picnic will be held on Mr. Grillitb's plan- on ttie Foiirh t.f July. Wi lli ar Mr. Thorpe willisell I ream and on the ground. Come one.; come nil. ami bring Well filled baskets, and clijov a day In ttie woods. ' Mrs. Giillllli had the misfortune to step Into a poslhole and hurt her knee and unkle unite badly Inst week. She Is some better, Several .men willi teams are working on Hie loud hauling gravel. ; George Kills Is thinking of going to Walla Walla to work In the harvest Held. Mrs. George DeardorlT does not Improve Very fast, but tries to get out doors as much as possible. History of Oregon Land Frauds. Oregon land frauds have littriKted wide attention all over the country, and tin doings of limnis J. Honey, and William J. limns have been commented upon In the proHS, mid the people of Oregon I, live at last been given an oportunlty lo learn the Inside history of Hume of ttie great est fi. luds ever pi rpetiated on any gov ernment. H'o plieti A. D. Puter. some llmi s known as "king of the land thiev es," has writb-n a book, In collaboration with Horace St.-vens, and has named the volume "The History of the Oregon Land j Frauds." The book Is profusely Illus trated willi half tones of many of the j prominent figures in the i;a-d s, ini.l fold tells graphically of hlH own knovviidge of the frauds. Kvory page Is replete with i Interesting Information and the volume should be In the hands of every Ongon- Ian wtio desires to become posted on one . of the most monumental frauds of tho I times. N. N. IlobbliiH Is agent lor Clack- I aulas County for the book and anyone Interested m.iv communicate with him ! by infill, and they will bo, given a chance . to examine the book. Mr. Itobblns Is selling many of filter's books In this , county. . I TIME TO ACT. Don't Walt for the Fatal Stanes of Kid ney Illness. Profit by Oregon City People's Experiences, Occasional attacks of liackache, Irreg ular ii lino t Inn. headaches and dizzy spelis 1 are common early syiupbns of kidney disorders. It's an error to neglect these Ills. The attacks may puss off for a time i oui reiurii wuu greater inicusiiy. n ! there ure symptoms of dropsy puffy swellings beneath the eyes, bloating of limbs and ankles, or any part of the body, don't delay a minute. liegln taking I Uoan'H Kidney J'llls, nd keep up tha treatment until the kidneys are well, when your old time health ami vigor will return. Cures In Oregon City prove the effei'tiveness of this great kidney rem edy. On the date of. February 27th, 1!)0, W. V. Stone,, a well known resident of On gon City, Oregon, writes us the follow ing: 'I have been much benefited by the nsii of two boxes or I loan s Kidney Pills. My trouble was occasional dizzy spells and too rrcqiient passages or the kidney , becretlons. I had to get up often at night to pass them. I have also bad some few attacks of backache. Waving round I real help through the use of Doan's Kld- ney J'llls 1 do not hesitate, to recommend them." ! inem. For sale by all dealers, Foster-Mllbiirn Co., Huff lets, moo mi cents. I Hiiffalo, New York, ' solo agents for the United States. I Itemember thu name Dunn's and take no other. Pioneer Woman OUR FARMERS' PAGE. ENTERPRISE READERS ARE INVITED TO CON TRIBUTE AGRICULTURAL, HORTICULTURAL, LIVESTOCK, POULTRY, DAIRY OR "BIO CROP" ITEMS FOR THIS DEPARTMENT. 0 Fruit Inspection. It hits lutix been a set tied pulley of tlio frult-KrowluK h.IuUh til" tho Pnollle ('mint to fimttT the) growth of tho In- 'luHiry by whiio kind of hIiUo M In I'lltii'iillonitl work, nml li.v IcgliilutUui ri'c.iirilliiK tho sulo of ur In fiHtcil fruits or trci'ii. Oillfoiiilu hiii lii'i'ii tlio pliuieer In this: lino mid hita Imllt nj it very I'lulioi'itlo Hystoni of Iiismh'Iiiii. imrtlciilurly In regard to tho Importation of tropical friillx nml plants. Thi't-o are ho ninny tlciully posts: In fi'hthiK tho citrus nml other koiiiI tropical fntllH Unit It Ih only by the cm'ii'Iho uf constant vigilance that l jthry ate kept out of the California or chards. s The laws of Oregon, hs of the oth er Northwest Hlnte. hnvw largely born iniiileleil after thosn of Califor nia, but the machinery for enforcing; them Is somewhat different In ouch stiite. It Is quite m'ticrnlly conceded j pmv thai Urcunii has the bent nynteiu uf all for the work uf education, lu-i speet ion unit taw euiorccmeiii. I hence It liecoineii the duty of every The otllcers now couslHt of a lloiinl K,liw,,r M ho services of the lo of Horticulture comprlseil of mU nietii-1 ,.,,( ,,Hpcctor on every occasion ami hers, one from each of live hurt Icitl- ,,, ri,llU. (, U,)I1I ti 1 tit at tin-ill districts, ami one fur tlio state j, tlm,.M , ,1,.,. (,Bi w my nccom nt large, nml it secretary. In acttltt Um, ; ,,unii (In. do ming up of all Iho lie tho fruit growing- counties each Imvo j K,,C,.f rcliiirils or Oregon ami make u County litstieclor. For many years ,. ,.llln. ,(1.!m,m llH n,,, r,,Me. Jl"""!the liiuinl attempted to handle t,,:, work alone, but whs continually liaiul - Icappeil by the rucl that the illtrlcts were too large ami the expense fund tisi small. It was an Impotilblllly to cover the ground uml perform the work satisfactorily. With the addi tion within the last two or three yearn of the force of County Iuspec- I tors, It has been possible to ort:nul.o the work In a satisfactory manner ami . a great deal of real good has been f uccomplbilieil. One of the stroll fi'lltlllOH of our organization Is that one of the require i niellts for appointment US Ceilltlllshloll j er Is the member must be lie ,.,., ,, i i. hidimtrv As Industry. under tlio present system me i om-. mMsloncr s full time Is not required i It allows him to carry on his own lutsl. 1 in s wiille kcepliiK a careful Mtipervl- sloii over Die work of the Iteipectors in bis district. The hoard has fol lowed the Maine policy In regard to the uppolntineiitH of County Inspector, nml In almost every cii'e men have been chosen who ore iiuioiik the lead ers In horticulture In tlielr localities. It will thus be seen that we have a good administrative system. It only: is, remains for th" fruit growers of ore- Kon lo make the proper use of It. j The otllrors of the Slate Hxporl-1 incut Station are tlepemleil upon for. Information on nil Bclentlllc (iiestloiiH; oii'l It Is InrR-oly iluo to their hourly ciMiperiillon that hi large a measure j of himtchs lias been attalm-il. Thej Commissioners nml InMpectors are In) , i,,r,i t, ,,..!. vi lli, lb, i Fvnorltni'Iit . l?ii,... I,,..,.,,, iitilfi.i-in uv-Hti-ms of C.ll.l.'ll, ll lie-' in.,.",.,. e ...... i r.ii- ni.ulu no, I iliuoiisott lire 1 1 1 in hi, oi 'i ,. - nri'Hrrlhi'il and (hen? Is no mfiiHlon. 1 . .... ... Meoimn I Li twtiL' ti 11 HUH I (111 III HH'll vi ' n t.i - - Into the front rank -its a fruit proiluc-; liiK Hlate; the Industry Is far putt the experimental Htugo; no other Indus-, try can begin to compare with It In! the production of wealth from n small urea of land, ami the support of a' dense population. Fruit lands are the MONSTER TO SATISFY CREDITORS THE ENTIRE STOCK OF I. TOLPOLAR 4 MUST BE SOLD! N01HING IS RESERVED Garland Steel Ranges and Stoves Complete Line of Furniture and Carpets Hardware, Tinware and Granite-ware EVERYTHING Wallpaper, Lineoleum, Crockery, etc' Large Assortment of Paints, Oils and Varnish Moulding, Pktureframes, Glass, Screens and Mirrors. COME EARLY AND REAP THE BENEFIT OF THIS GREAT SALE EVERYTHING MUST GO Main St. Opp. P. 0. I. TOLPOLAR S" 6 hli;hont priced everywhere, and fruit- growing; i iiiiunlllos leml In all that goes: u make life tli'Nlruhh', lint nil ilepemlM upon the way In which Iho fruit ittinvers tlieinaelveH make use of iholr oiiurl unity. We ntiiHl hnvo clinical ce opernl Ion In kiowIiik ii ml nun kcllng; uniform planting; of iipo clallleH for encli locality. IiIki'hI qual ity, an hotietit puck ami an lutclllgnnt n:ui kelliiK Not one mail In a thou sand can nt t 111 it nil, those IIiIiikii for himself, but by Intelligent coopera tion (boy can be sei'iircd. A local so ciety ItiHt, llu'ii bttof a salon union, should lie eHtnlillnheil In every fruit-growing- locality, nml then the con Hliint Horvlci'H of the local Innpet'tor demiiudoil to Klvo all the lieceHHiity limit iiellim nml Inspection. him they will keep III touch with ulin lur iirgaiil.atloiis In their country, ami llit'oiigh the district commissioner with others lliroiig'lioul the stale. This amount, of machinery Is abso lutely iioccKsiuy, but like nil other tua tllllleiy t Will runt oil t If left Idle, I mi have III mlllil tlio Ideal HllgltcHteil jiy wiillller In his beautiful poem of j ..j1U.llru .n. (. hie" iloMciibltiK the i ,,,,, ,.y Ul),i p rrilorlck. Miuytuml: .. , . , . ., reliurils mwccp. Apple mill pencil tree fiillteil deep Fair iim a f.uidcii of the Iud." It) V. K. Newell, I'lciibletii' Oregon Stale I Ion rd of iloiilculluro, In lh Oregon Countryman. Yeatt Recipe. Take one quart of fresh lint term!!!', put Into a I'Mllcl over the lire, and bent to boiling (siliit. Carefully silt In corn meal to make lis thick as Kriu'l. itopiovo from the tiro and cool to lukewarm. Have soaked one pniikiiKo of yeiiHt fonm In Just i-iioiikIi water to cover. When the gruel Is lnl.1. ui.rnl 11,1.1 tilt. VellKl Itlld ll't it i . . , Itlg. Cllieflll pot to Ket too hot. At tlio end of two hours ttie mixture will bo i snapping and fermeiitliiK, ami then add Hiittlticiit corn meal to make In to cakes with the hands. ly indue a little Hour In place of nil corn uioiil, they may be rolled ami cut, but this , makes liieiu a little more dllllcull to soak when preparlnt; tho bread, place on a board in dry, turning twice a day. I dry mine In the nun, bolnt? careful to bring It In at night. When thoroughly dry It Is ready for use, and may be lined In the making of now yeast so there is ho further need to buy, even iii start with. A TelilieHsee farmer keepH two bird I 'loKs, for a fox .limit, a slieperd for cuttle, a terrier for rats, nml u tbor- . . . : nnwmnMi i I ni mi nu bull dog for agents uml H. ' There Ih nothing, inciin or narrow nliout the American lien. She cackles for all, ami last year she supplied Cuba with a million dollars' worth of prime eggs, to say nothltie, of the etiormoiiM (inutilities Kent to Kugliiml and other countries. 4 FOR THE HOUSE t SALE