Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (June 5, 1908)
OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, JUNE 5, 1908. WILLAMETTE GRADUATES. Fine Programme Arranged For Com mencement Saturday Eve. The commencement exercises of the graduating class of the Willamette school will bo held next Saturday ev ening In the Assembly Hall of the school house. An Interesting pro gramme has been arranged, nnd friends of the graduates are invited to attend the exercises, which are un der the direction of Mrs. Viola M. Godfrey, who has maintained a high standard of excellence during her ad ministration of the school In the last year. The class motto is "Thus Ends Our First Lesson," the class colors being red and cream and the class flower a cream rose. The graduates are: Ninth Grade Fred Baker, Gladys Katherlne Baker, Mabel Alice Hodge, Nellie Iva Johnson, Mary Elizabeth Roddy. Eighth Grade Ida May Uerdlne. Bessie Louisa Johnson, Rosa Belle! Lynd. Ernest Mass, Jr., Alice Kath-( leen Oliver, Hazel Arline Olson, Nellie i Bly Richardson. The programme fol-j lows: j Selection, Moehnke orchestra; ! march, selected, Miss Alice M. Goett-j ling; invocation. Rev. It C. Black well; ! salutatory, Arline Olson; piano solo,1 "Charge of the Light Brigade." (Paull) Alice Oliver; recitation. "Nauhaught, The Deacon," (J. G. Wnlttler.) Fred Baker; piano solo, "The Dying poet" (L. M. Gottschaik), Arline Olson;; class prophecy, Nellie Richardson; vocal solo, selected. Mrs. Richard) Clark Ganong; recitation, "The Tear of Repentance," (T. Moore), Gladys , Baker; piano solo, "Fifth Nocturne," (Leybach), Miss Bertha L. Frederick; reading, "A Matinee Girl Sees Bern hardt in Camille," Miss Myrtle Tooze; class poem, Rosa Lynd; class history, Ida Berdine; piano solo, "Norwegian Bridal Procession," (Grieg), Miss Alice M. Goettling; valedictory, Ernest Mass, Jr.; address, Rev. J. M. Linden; selection, Moehnke orchestra; presen tation of diplomas, Frank Capen, chairman of the Board of Directors. Woodman Building Oregon City Oregon . OREGOFJ CHIT S JtWSKEJST STORJS Great Bargains for Market Day SATURDAY, JUNE 6 Premiums for Strawberries. The Clackamas County Horticul tural Society has donated prizes of! $3 and $2 for the first and second best crates of Btrawberries, commer- j clal pack, to be exhibited at the Rose Show, June 12 and 13. The Rose So-' clety has offered a prize of $5 for the crate of best strawberries. , The Best Pills Ever Sold. ! "After doctoring 15 years for chron-! 1c indigestion, and spending over two hundred dollars, nothing has done me as much good as Dr. King's New Life Pills. I consider them the best pills ever sold," writes B. F. Ayscue, of Ingleside, N. C. Sold under guarantee ! at Howell & Jones drug store. 25c. Just For Saturday Best 14c Grade Dress Ginghams 9c yd Just For Saturday Clark's Best Thread, Spool Thread 7 Spools for 25c Just For Saturday Best Calico, all colors, regular 7c and 8c grade 5c yd Just For Saturday Ladies' Wash Skirts, regular $2, $250 and $3 grade $1.49 Just For Saturday Special purchase of Ladies' black and colored Panama Skirts. Latest style, worth $6.00, Sat urday $3.98 Great Bargains in Ladies' Suits All visitors to the city are invited to make headquarters at the "Busy Store" where "Good Value" is the "Pass "Word" in every department. This store has been in the same location for eight years and his built up the largest business in Oregon City by having the best selected stock at the lowest prices. There are always many bargains at this store, and Satuaday being a Gala Day we have added a list of still Greater Bargains just for Saturday. The Busy Store OREGON CITY Ask for Red Trading Stamps Just For Saturday Cabot W Muslin, limit 40 yards to each customer 7c yd Just For Saturday Men's "Wonder Socks" great value 2 Pairs for 25c Just For Saturday Boys' Pants, regular 50c and 65c values; the kind that wear 39c Just For Saturday Standard Shirts, the regular $1.00 quality, light and dark colors, neat patterns, soft front and detachable cuffs 69c Just For Saturday Our entire stock of Men's Suits, this season's very latest in style and pattern, at Way Down Prices. Hi'iiKTiibrrour Hart, Sehnffner & Marx clotht are guarimt.-od to Uii all Wool. 10 to 25 per cent reduc tion on Suite. Aik to tee our f 10.00 Suit. Estacada and Eastern Clackamas ESTACADA. Mayor and Mrs. Heylman gave a house party in honor of Mrs. Hoffman of Eau Claire, Wisconsin, from Friday until Monday last. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. M. T. O'Connel. of Winlock; Miss Esther O'Connel, Mrs. Hubble, Spirit Lake, Idaho; Mr. and Mrs. O. WY Olson, of Portland; Mrs. Hoffman, of Eau Claire, Wisconsin; Master Arthur Hoffman, Miss Mae Stevens, Lake Side Place, Portland, and E. F. Surface. Last Saturday the residents of Esta cada were awakened by the fire ?!arffi at 4 A. M. The home of Mrs. Sarah Jane Chase was wrapt in flames before any body discovered it, and nothing could be done except guard the surrounding property. Mrs. Chase had been away for a few days. There was no one in the house at the time of the fire and nobody has been able to ascertain the cause. The house and contents were totally destroyed. Mrs. Close carried S1200 insurance on the, furniture. The building belonged to Mr. A. W. Eckerson, of Portland, who had some insurance in the Mc.Minn ville company. Mr. W. A. Wilcox sold his 81.88 acres near Springwater to S. N. Kil burn, of Portland. Mr. Kilburn ex pects to put the entire place into fruit. Miss Gertrude Morron gave a party at the home of Mrs. H. V. Doe last Tuesday night in honor of Miss Car rie Doe. A large party of friends were present and everyone reports a most enjoyable time. The W. C. T. U. Medal Contest un der the auspices of the Epworth League of the Methodist Church last Friday night, was a decided success, Miss Edna Miller won the honors of the evening a silver Medal. The other three, contestants, Mary Dale, Lora Stormer and Kitty Ellen Reagan, each deserve a great deal of credit. Each received a pretty china cup and sau cer in token of the appreciation due their work. The music furnished ad ded a finish to the evening. The church was crowded. Mr. KHgore, Mr. Al. Lindsey and Mr. John Ely were the judges of the contest The services at the M. E. Church for next Sunday are as follows: Sunday school at 11 o'clock; preaching at 8 P. M- Rev. M. B. Paronnagian, pas tor. The Sunday services at Mt. Zion are: Sunday School 1:30; preaching, 2:30. Rev. M. B. Paroanagian, pastor, Everyone is invited to attend . School closes Friday for this year, The Rebeccas held a very interest ing and enjoyable meeting last Wed nesday night. The annual election of officers was held and the following of fleers were elected: Miss Gertrude Morron, Noble Grand; Mrs. Robert Kerr, Vice-Grand. Mrs. E. C. Miller, Secretary and Mrs. J. C. Tracy, Treasurer. Dr. and Mrs. Adix were initiated into the order. After the business of the evening was completed a del icious banquet was served. Mrs. A. Morran has been on the sick list the last few days. Mr. Lou Palmateer meet with a very painful accident last Friday, while climbing a rural telephone pole he plunged the climber Into the ball of his loot causing a wound that will lay him up for a time. Of the 249 who registered In the Estacada precinct only 205 voted Twenty three additional voters were sworn in making the total vote 228. Of the numerous challenges only one stuck. Estacada went dry by 27. The county High School lost out by 115 votes. Both fish laws passed by a large majority. The bill to limit the candidates money carried by a vote of 105 to 53. The appropriation for the U. of O. lost by 81 votes. The winning candidates carried in Estaca da by the following majoites: Geo. E. Chamberlain 37 Willis C. Hawley 94 Robert S. Bean 145 J. W. Bailey 81 Thos. K. Campbell 70 E. B. Tongue 123 C. N. McArthur , 37 W. H. Mattoon 62 R. B. Beatie 23 F. W. Greenman 126 C. E. Ramsby 122 J. C. Paddock '51 Tom J. Myers 39 T. J. 'Gary 52 J. E. Jack !6 T. M. Gill 2 The three highest voters for Re presentatives were W. A. Heylman 128, Walter A. Dimlck 125, J. U. Campbell 119. Mrs. William Schwabauer. be with her husband who has work In Mrs. William Schwabauer, of Glad- that locality. She leaves Bcven child- Canemah Park Openi. itnnrlng nt dm pnvlllon. Tlio Park tun fur several years been u rendu- stone, died suddenly of heart trouble ren, three boys, Aleck, John nnd Wll- Canemah Park was formally opened vim, of pltmmire seeker on Saturdays at a late hour Sunday night at Macks- 11am, and four girls, Mollle, Anna, Saturday, and durlnK tho afternoon nnd Humlnys nnd thlH season will bo burg. She went there just lately to Amelia and Emma. nnd evening many people Indulged in no exception. FALLS FROM BICYCLE. Harry McClure Sustains Severe jury on Singer Hill. In- Hary McClure, office boy for the Willamette Pulp & Paper Co., sustain ed severe Injuries Monday by a fall from a bicycle while coming down Sin ger Hill. His wheel struck a tele phone pole, and the boy was cut be hind the ear and over one eye. In a dazed condition he walked down to Frank Busch's store forgetting his bi cycle and asked for some screws, hav ing an order from the mill. His be havior was strange and he remarked that he had been held up, but that the highwaymen did not get his watch. The boy was placed in the care of the company's physician and taken home, he will prcbally be all right in a few days. Boys Brigade Break Camp. Company A, First Regiment, Sun nyside boys' brigade, under command of Captain H: C. Krum, broke camp at Wilcox grove Sunday afternoon, folded their tents ancf rolled up their blankets, and left for Portland on the 3:35 car. The boys marched, from Portland to the erove on Friday and camped there 'during their stay In this city. I WATCH OUR BUSINESS GROW SPECIAL BARGAINS for SATURDAY, JUNE 6 Ladies' Kid Blucher Oxfords, patent tip, a shoe usually sold at $1.75 d 1 n Special Price for Saturday, Jtme 6 P 00 Ladies' Kid, Gibson Tie, patent tip 1 Q Special Price for Saturday, Jane 6th I JO All our best makes of Calico, including the pure-dyed turkey red, to go C? Saturday, Jane 6th, at Jv Per yard Ladies' and Misses' Corsets in the medium length net Corset for summer and a O Four-hook Girdle. Special Price,-Satar day, Jane 6th t OOC Bargains on Sale All the Week Bucklen's Arnica Salve Wins. Tom Moore, of Rural Route 1, Coch-1 ran, Ga., writes: "I had a bad sore come on the instep of my foot and could find nothing that would heal I it until I applied Bucklen's Arnica Salve. Less than half of a 25c 'box won the day for me by affecting a per fect cure." Sold under guarantee at Howell & Jones drug store. Compang G, In Parade. Company G, Oregon National Guard, went to Portland Tuesday night and in command of Captain Loomis, marched in the Rose Festival Parade. The entire regiment was in line and the Oregon City contingent made a LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S OXFORDS Children's White Canvas Oxfords, mm size 8 to liyi OUC Misses' White Canvas Oxfords aa size. 12 to 2 OUC Ladies' White Canvas Oxfords size 3 to 7 03 C Children's Patent Leather Oxfords fC - size P to 8 tfloC Children's Patent Leather Ozfords 4 ap size S4 to 11 .CO Misses' Patent Leather Oxfords 4 Of) size 12 to 2 1 .OO CORSET COVER EMBROIDERY 18 inches, with good edges and fine material m 35c quality. Sale Price, per Yd CO 0 Men's Balfcriggan Underwear In tan color, sizes 32 to 40 Salt 65c Dressing Sacqaes A new lot of Ladies' Lawn Dressing Sacques at 43c, 50c and fOC The "CC" STORE OREGON CITY - OREGON J fine showing. ac