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About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (May 15, 1908)
OKEQON CITY ENTERPRISE FRIDAY, MAY 15, 1908. t Summont. In tho Circuit Court of Lbo Stato of OroK'in, for Clackamas County. II. 10. MuuiIn, IMalntifT, VS. Emma K. MmmIn, Dnfundant. To ICiiuna K. MiiijiIi, (lofondnnt above ii am oil: In tho name of tho Htato of Oregon, you aro liurufoy rutjulrod to appoar ami answer the coiiiilalnt Mud aKUlnut you In tho above ontltlod Hult on or before tho nth day or Juno, 1008, aalil rtntu uolng after tho expiration or nix wonk from thw flrnt publication of thin sum mons, ami If you full to appear and aimwcr saltl complaint, for wunt tlioro or, tho plaintiff will apply to tho court for tho rollnf rimuaodod In tho com- filalnt. towlt: For docrun (IIhhoIv Die tho hoiidii of matrimony now ex isting between plalnllff and dofond ant. ThU summon Is published by onion of Hon. Thomas A. Mcllrldo, JuiIko or tbo Circuit Court for Clackama County, Htuto of Oregon, which order Was mado and entered on tho lit day of May, 1908, and tho tlmo proncrlb td for publication thoroof U alx weeks, First publication appearing May lit, ltOH, and continuing each week there aftor to and Including Juno 12th, 1908. LIVY BTHT, Attornoy for Plaintiff. Summon. la the Circuit Court or tho State or Oregon, for Clackama County. Elizabeth Wood, Plaintiff, Lauranco II. Wood, Defendant. To Lauranco II. Wood, defendant: In tho numu of the State of Oregon, you aro heroby required to appear and answer tho complaint filed against you In the above entitled suit on or bo fore tho 5th day or June, 1908, that being tho last day prescribed In tho order of publication of this summon, od If you fall to so appear and an swer aald complaint the plaintiff will apply to tho court for the relief there in prayed, towlt: A decree dissolv ing the marriage contract existing be tween you and tho plaintiff. Thli summons 1 published In tho Oregon City Enterprise, newspaper, for alx consecutive week by order of Hon. Tho. A. McDrlde, Judge of the laid court, made on tho 24th day ef April, 1908, the first publication being on the 24th day or April. 1908. CLYDE RICHARDSON, Attorney for Plaintiff. Summon. In the Circuit Court of the State or Oregon for the Couuty or Clacka mas. Lllllo Sunderland, plaintiff, v. Lewi L. Sunderlaad, Defendant. To Iowl L. Sunderland, Defendant. In the name of tho Stato or Oregon, you aro hereby required to appear and answer the complaint In tho above entitled cause on or before the 29th day of May, 1908, and If you fall to io appear and answer, tho plaintiff will apply to tho Court ror tho roller pray ed ror In tho complaint, namely, ror a decren dissolving tho bond or matri mony heretofore and now existing be tween the plaintiff and defendant. This summon I published In the Oregon City Entorprlso, a weekly newspaper for six successive week, tho flrHt publication thereof to bo mado on the 17th day of April. 1908, by order of te Hon. Grant IJ. Dlmlck Judgo or the County Court, made an entered this 15th day of April. 1908. CLYDE RICHARDSON. Attorney for Plaintiff. Summon. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Clackamas County. William W. Huir, Plaintiff,' v. Alice Hulf, Defendant. To Alice Hulf. defendant abovs earned : In the name of the State of Ore gon, you are hereby required to ap pear and answer the complaint filed agalnat you In the aove entitled suit oa or before the 22d day of May, 190S, aald date being after the expiration of alx week from the first publica tion of thli summons, and If you rail to appear and answer said complaint, ror want thereor. the plaintiff will ap ply to the Court for the relief de manded In the complaint, to-wlt: For a decree dissolving the bonds of mat rimony now existing between plain tiff and defendant Thl summon Ii published by or der of Hon. Grant IJ. Dlmlck, Judge of the County Court for Clackamas County, Oregon, which ordor was made and entered on the 7th day of April, 1908. and the time prescribed for publishing thereof Is alx weeks, commencing Friday, April 10th, 1908 and continuing each week thereafter to and Including Friday, May 22, 1908. GEO. C. BROWNELL. Attorney for Plaintiff. Notice to Creditor. Notice la hereby given that the un dersigned baa been appointed by tho order of tho County Court of Clacka mas County, Oregon, executor of the estate of IouIhc Wolf, deceaHOd, and that all persons having claims against mild oBtate are required to present them duly verified as provided by law at the offlco of U'Rcn & Schuebel, Oregon City, Oregon, within six monthH from the ditto of this notice. , Dated first publication May 8th, 1908. JOHN WOLF. Executor. U.REN & SCHUEDEL, Attorneys for Executor. Summons. In the Circuit Court or the State or Oregon, for tho County of Clacka mas. Mlnnlo A. Thynne, Plaintiff, vs. William F. Thynno, Dcfondiint. To William F. Thynno, Dofendnnt: In tho name of tho State of Oregon, you aro required to apponr In the above entitled Court and answer tho complaint filed ngalnRt you in the above entitled suit on or before, tho 15th day of May, 1908, thnt being the last day proscribed In tho order of publication of this summons, and If you fnll to so appear and answer said complaint, the plaintiff will apply to tho Court for the relief demanded In tho comylalnt, to-wlt: for a.dlssolu- tlon of tho bond of matrimony now Diluting bolwoon plaintiff and defend ant. Thin summon In published by the ordor of the Hon. O, II. Dlrnlck, Judgo of the County Court of tho State of Oregon, for the County of Clackamai, duly mndo out and entered on the 2d day of April, 1908. BLU CIUM LYNCH, Attornoy for Plaintiff. Date or flnt publication April 3, 1968. Date or IhkI publication, May 15, 1908. RRWAIID 50 emits reward for nameii of winner or first prize for Hewing and patchwork at last County Fair. Call Kntcrprlao. Admlnlatrator'a Nolle. Notice Ih hereby given, that the underNlgnnd ha been, by order of the Honoruble County Court of Clackama Co,, Oregon, appointed admlnlHtrator of tho OHlate of 8. I). Coalman, de ceased. All persons having claim jcalrifit said estate are required to present them, duly verified, to me at my residence at Handy, Oregon, with in alx month from the date of this I notice. . , Dated May i, ius. EUJAII COALMAN, II. E. Crow, Administrator. Attornoy for the Estate. Administrator's Notice. Notice li hereby given that the un dersigned ha been appointed by the County Court of Clackama County, State of Oregon, ai administrator of tho estato of George Saum. Sr., de ceased and that all penona having claims against said estate must pre sent them, properly verified, to the administrator at the office of C. D. A D. C. Utourotte, In Oregon City, Ore gon,, within six month from tho date of thli notice. Dated April 30, 1908. GEORGE BAUM, JR.. Administrator. Stockholder Meeting. Notice Is hereby given that there will bo a meeting or the itockbold en or tho Mechanic Land Company at tho office of T. V. Ryan, Eighth and Main street, Oregon City, Orogon, on May 16, 1908, at 2:00 o'clock p. m. E. A. LEIGHTON, Pres. Summons. In the Circuit Court of tbe Stato of Oregon, for Clackamai County. Edward Webster Cole, Plaintiff, vs. Llzilo Colo, Defendant. To LIzjiIo Colo, Defendant: In tho name of tho State of Oregon: You aro hereby required to appear surf answer the comnlalnt filed against you In the above entitled iult within hIx consecutive weeka from the in iIhv of Mav. 1908. tho date of the first publication of this, the said sum mons ; and If you fall to appear, am hwer or plead theroto for want there of, the plaintiff will apply to the Court for tho relief prayed for In tbe complaint herein, to-wlt: For a de cree of court dissolving tho bondi of matrimony and marriage contract now existing between plaintiff and defend ant, and that the plaintiff be freed therefrom, and for such other and fur ther relief as to tbe Court may aeem just and equitable. Including his costs and disbursements horeln. This summons Is published by order of the Hon. Thomas A. Mcllrldo, Judge of tho above entitled court, whlcn or der was made and entered on the 24th day or April, 1908, and the same di recting that the publication thereof bn for six consecutive weeks next suc ceeding the said date thereof. J. 11. lUTClUNUa, Attorney for Plaintiff. Summons. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Clacka maa. George W. Wllaon, Plaintiff, VB. fjirlnda Wilson. Defendant. To Luclnda Wilson, the above named derenaant: In the name of the State of Oregon: You are hereby reaulred to appear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above eniiuea suit on or hnforn nil weeks from the date of the publication of thli summons, which first publication ii on tne isi day of May, A. D. 1908. And If you fall to appear on or be fore said time, for want thereof the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded In said comnlalnt to-wlt: for a decree dissolving the bonds of matrimony now existing Be tween vnu and the nlalntlff UDon the erounds of wilful desertion for a peri od of moie than one year. This summon is puuiisnea oy or der of the Honorable Thomas A. Mc Drlde, Judge of the above entitled court, mado and entered on the 25th day of April, A. D. 1908. WILSUN ft JMKAX,, Attorneys for Plaintiff. Administrator Notice. Notice Ih hereby given that the un dersigned has been duly appointed by the County Court of the County or Clackamas, State of Oregon, adminis trator or the Estato of Mrs. Mary Cal lahan McUn, Deceased. All persons having claims against the said estate aro hereby notified to present the same properly verified to the under slgnod, at his office on Main Street In Oregon City, Oregon, within six months from tho dnte of this notice. Dnted May 7th, 1908. THOS. F. RYAN. Administrator of tho Estate of Mrs. Mary Callahan McLIn, Deceased. Summons. In the Circuit Court for the State of Oregon, for the County of Clacka mas. William Becker, Plaintiff, vs. Annie Hockor, Defondant. To Annie Becker, tho defendant above named: In the name of the State of Oregon you nre horeby required to appear and nnswer the complaint filed against you In the above entitled suit, on or be fore tho 20th day of June, 1908, said date being aftor the expiration of six weeks from the first publication of this summons, and If you fall to ap pear and answer said complnlnt for want thereof, the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded In the complaint, to-wlt: , For a decree dissolving the bond of matrimony now existing between plaintiff and defendant. Till summons I published In the Oregon City Enterprise, a weekly pa per published at Oregon City, Oregon, by ordor of Thomai A. Mcllrldo, Judge of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Clackamai County, which order was made and entored on the 1st. day or May, 1908, and the time prescribed ror publication thereor Is six weeks. First publication appearing May tho 8th, 1908. J. U. CAMPBELL, Attorney ror Plaintiff Executrix Notice. Notice Is hereby given that tho un dersigned has boen appointed execu trix of the estate of Frank E. Wllla, deceased, by the County Court of the Etalo or Oregon, ror Clackamas Coun ty, and has duly qualified. All per sons having claims against said estate aro hereby notified to present the samo to mo at tho residence of WH Hum Wills, Wlllsburg, Oregon, with proper vouchers and duly verified, within six months from date hereof. Dated and first publication May 15, 1908. SUSAN TIMM. Graham & Cleeton, Executrix. Attorneys. Administrator' Notice. Notice Is hereby given that tho un dersigned has been appointed adminis trator of the estate or Relnholt Mlobs, deceased; all persons having claims against said estate are hereby noti fied to present the same with proper vouchers, duly verified according to law, at tho office of Geo. C. Brownell, at Oregon City, Clackamas County, Oregon, within six months of the date of the publication of this notice. Dated, May 15, 1908. HERMAN MOEHNKE, Administrator or the estato of Rien- holt Mlebs. Geo. C. Urownell, Attorney for ad ministrator. Harry S. Moody was the favorite for the Republican nomination for County AHSCKSor at the primary nomi nating election, and is now the favor ite of all of the Republicans for that Important office. He is a man of high character, of unimpeachable Integrity and stands for an equal and Just as sessment of property. His reputation Is high among his fellows and his elec tion to tho office of Assessor Is one of tho euro things of the campaign. The voters of Clackamas County may rest assured that Harry Moody will play no favorite and that he will act in strict compliance with the law. CASTOR I A , For Infants and Children. Tki Kind Yon Hate Alwajs Bought Bear the Signature of "TOO MUCH WATCH DOG." Astorlan Criticizes Policy of Crippling Our Institutions. Under tho heading, "Too Much Watchdog," the Morning Astorlan, in a recent Issue prints an editorial wherein It takes a subtle fling at op ponents of the deserving appropria tions for two institutions of the pub He good, which are to be voted on un. dor the referendum at the June elec tion. The measures referred to are 'the Armory bill and State University bill. ! "It Is all very well to be careful of tho public funds In this day of pub lic extravagance and graft," says the Astorlan, "but legitimate ends must he served with a liberality that at loast will hot cripple necessary func tions of the common good, or dispar age them at the crucial moment of tbelr highest faculty for public ser vice. Roth the Institutions to be bene fitted, tho National Guarrd and the University, are valuable and necessary agencies of the state's entourage," tho Astorlan continues. "They are Indlsponslblo to its growth, culture and ' protection. Both are necessary features of every government and all through the states they have seen fit to endow these establishments of the common good more liberally than has Orogon. "Watchdogs" have been known to overdo the thing tlmo and again, to the utter negation of the real good and we feel that the Ore gon grange, in this Instance, Is work ing its stunt to a degree that will leave the State of Oregon cheapened and discredited If it is to have its way with these appropriations. "Oregon grows apace," the Astor lan concludes. "Her people and her amplified future demand more of her than was essential In the old nnd early days and on these especlnl lines she must range with the states of her class and do her best and full duty by her own sons and daughters as well as by tho country at largo. It will not do to stop at the dollar-mark every tlmo It is hoisted by some narrow prejudice or chill conservatism." REAL ESTATE Willamette Falls Co. to Harry Ber dlne lots 6 and C In block 10, Willam ette Falls. $125. A, E. Holcommb et ai to O. M. Wil liams 5 acres In Isorn Cranfleld D. L. C. No. 49. 375. John Stucky to W. F. Lehman 12 acre In Joseph Kellogg D. L. C. $5000. Harry Berdine to W. A. Ross lots 5 and 6 of block 10, Willamette Falls. $:ioo. U. S. to Patrick Bruin 160 acre In Sec. 20 T.CS.R.2E, $ . Patrick Bruin to E. B. Bruin 100 acres In Sec. 20 T.C3.R.3E. $1.00. U. 8. to Jas. O. Llnn ICOacre In Sec. 24 T.3S.R.4E. $ . J. R. Shaver, Sheriff, to P. H. Mar ley 1 acre In 8ec. 9 T.2S.R.2E. $.75. Eastern Investment Co. Ltd., to H. J. DuPont Do Nemour Power Co. 2.25 avre in Wm. Whltlock D.L.C. $10. II. Ilullou to Thomas Ross W of N. E. 1-4 and E. of N. W. 1-4 of Sec. 29, T.28, R.4E; $1. J. H. Burnslde and H. O. Matthews et al to Thomas Ross and wife, a por tion of the 8t. John D.L.C. $1.00. Thomas Ross et ux U L. Burke 250 acres In Sec. 29 T.2S.R.4E. $5500. C, McCowan to E. A. Wilkinson lots 9, 10, and 11 In block C, Gladstone. $1.00. H. B. M. Rlnearson to A. Wilkinson lot 13 block 4 Gladstone. $1.00. H. B. M. Rlnearson to E. A. Wil kinson lots 14, 15 and 10 block 4 Gladstone. $1.00. V. A. Humphery et ux to H. O. Rayner lots 1, 2. 3 and 8 in block 29 of Marshfleld. $10. E. 8. Gordon to E. Hulbert lot 5 of block 147, Oregon City. $10. P. J. Henneman et ux to Agnes Hess a portion or the A. P. Smith D.L.C. $500. J. W. Roots et ux to L. G. Beebe 3acres In Marshfleld. $400. M. A. Letta to The Mt Hood Co. N.W. of N.E. and 8.W. of N.E. 14 of 8ec. 6 T.23.R.5E. $1.00. Ore Iron & Steel Co. to E. J. Peter sona certain portion or tbe James Athey D.L.C. $948. M. F. Donahae et ux to Portland and Sandy River Electric Co certain tract or land in Sec. 32, T2S, R7E; $1. A. and Wm. Tlce to Clackamas Co. $1.00. Fred Heft to Christ Moehnke, 8r. CO acres in Sec. 32 T.3S.R.3E. $1500. Willamette Falls Co. to J. and A. Downey lot 11 in block 9 of Willam ette Falls. $175. J. J. Sandnesa to L. G. and E. Wrol stad 40acres In Sec. 31 T.BS.R.1E. $2000. J. E. Naylor et ux to W. A. Jackson 120 acres In Sec. 26 T.5S.R.1E. $1.50. F. C. Wimbles to W. E. Purdy C0.25 acres In Joseph C. Geer D.L.C. T.3S.R.1 W. $G500. J. 8. Dick to O. L. Sannes 44 acres In 8ec. 33 T.3S.R.1E. $120. L. Koehler to John Satter lots 7 and 8 In blockNo.lO.Canby. $850. C. L. Urge et ux to The Waverly Association lot 2 in block 31, Cam bridge. $400. W. 8. Love et ux to H. E. Noble, Trustee lots 1 and 2, Pleasant Lit tle Homes. $1.00. E. N. Stroup to F. W. Prahl 100 acres In Sec. 22 and 23 T.3S.R.1W. $1000. M. E. R. Roeder to Geo. S. Roeder lots 2 and 3 In tract 58. Oak Grove. $400. Sellwood Land & Imp. Co. to O. T. Skoog lots 6 and 7 block 96 of Oak Grove. $100. R. B. Beatle to Jacob Miller Lot 11 In block 34 of Oswego. $150. I. W. Rivers to G. E. Loder lot C of tract 57 of Willamette Tracts. $200. F. J. Nelson to Oregon Swedish Colonization Co. 40 acres In Sec. 10 T.5S.R.3E. $150. U. S. to Presley Welch 631.86 acris T.2S.R.2E. $ . R. J. Ginn to Mrs. B. Brownrlgg 53 acres Sees. 7. 8, 17, and 18 T.2S.R.2 E. $15900. Mrs. M. M. Cross to C. E. Cross- lota 10, 11, 12 and 13 of block 101, Gladstone. $75. R. H. Lampnan to E. A. Swanson 80 acres Sec. 14 T.5S.R.1E. $2400. Eastern Investment Co. Ltd. to Jo seph Krotsch 20 acres in Benjamin Smith D.L.C. $1.00. T. Bishop to Harry Hargrove all of lots 7 and 8 block 1 of Marywood. $10. C, Schuebel to T. A. Duncan lot 8 In block 141 In Oregon City. $500. State of Oregon to F. H. Allen 60 acres In Richardson D.L.C. $800. , Geo. Drabbs to Adda Gosgriff tract No. 14 in Broetje's Acer Homes. $2300. W. F. Harris to Geo. F. Strong 21 acres In Sec. 14 T.3S.R.2E. $500. W. M. Knickerbocker to F. J. Pease 4.75 acres in Sec. 16, T. 2S. R. 2 E.; $2530. H. Hargorve to R. Gorter lots 7 and 8 in block 1 In Maywood. $10. W Miller to W. R. U'Ren lots 2 and 19 In block 18 in Gladstone. $175. E. G. Caufleld to J. C. Moore lot 7 block 16 In Bolton $110. F. A. Weed to J. H. Sutherland certain lots in Weed's add. to Canby. $1300. J. B. Howard to J. H. Sutherland certain lots in Weed's add. to Canby. $1120. A. H. Knight et ux to A. J. Knight 20.04 acres more or less in claim No. 56 T.3S.R.1E. $1.00. H. Johnson to F. E. Fish N.W. of S.W. of Sec. 4 T.5S.R.1E. $500. L. Brudvlg to E. Saltmarsh cer taintract of land In Sec. 33 T.3S.R.1E. $1000. L. B. Irwin et al to J. J. Sandsness, 220.87 acres In Sec. 31 T.3S.R.1E. $1.00. CLACKAMAS ABSTRACT & TRUST COMPANY. Land Titles Examined. Abstracts of Title Made. Offlce oyer Bank of Oregon City. JOHN P. CLARK, Mgr. The Clackamas County Rose and Carnation Society desire to thank the executive committee of the strawberry growers' association, for their dona tion of $26.00, proceeds of the straw berry and Rose Festival of 1907, paid to our treasurer by Captain James P. Shaw, chairman of the committee. PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY HARVEY E. CROSS ATTORNEY AT UW Real EnUite, Loans, Insurance GEORGE C. BROWNELL ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Phono Main 521 Office in Caufleld Bldg., Main and Sts J. t HEDCE3 F. r. CRIFFITH HEDGES & GRIFFITH LAWYERS Rooms 10-13 Weinhard Building, opposite Court House CD. & D.C. Latourette ATTY'S AT LAW Commercial, Real Estate and Probata our Specialties. Office In Flrat Na tional Bank Building, Oregon City, Oregon. Clackamas County Headquarters CLACKAMAS TITLE COMPANY, 606-608 Chamber of Commtrca, PORTLAND, OREGON. Full equipment of maps, plata, ab stract books and tax rolla. Agents tor Clackama County Lands, Money loaned, titles perfected. E. F. A F. B. RILEY, Attorneys and Counsellors at Law. Royal Restaurant and Lunch Counter Lunches from 5c up. Our 25c meals you cannot beat Our coffee you will nerer forget. Open all night Come In, Let's Get Acquainted. A. EJoyner, Proprietor 410 Main 8t Oregon City, Ors. FISH MARKET E. RICHARDS. Proprietor Freth Oysters, Clams, Etc., Always Fresh and Reasonable. Fish Market on Seventh, Near Depot BRADLEYS NEW ART GALLERY Am making a specialty of the finest Photos at hard times prices. I guar antes you the best skill and satisfac tion. Come In and look at my work and let's get acquainted. 'PHONE 2862. FAIRCLOUGH BUILDING West Side Main Street, Near Tenth. STORY & THUMAS Horseshoeing General Blacksmithing Carriage 8c Wagon work of all kinds. We also pot on Robber Tires. 328 Main St Cor. 4th J. U. CAMPBELL ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Oregon City, Oregon Will practice In all courts of the state " Office In Caufleld Building. Log Cabin Saloon BENNETT & MOORE Proprietors. All the Standard brands of Whisky, such as OLD CROW BOURBON HERMITAGE PENWICH CLUB CANADIAN CLUB CREAM RYE OLD LOG CABIN We Serve Free Lunch. Main Street, OREGON CITTT ITREN & SCHUEBEL ATTOtcN E YS-AT-LA W DEUT3CHER ADVOKAT Will practice ia all courts, make collect. Ions and settlements. Office ia EffTUPBUl Building, Oigi City, Oregon. O. D. EBY ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, law buBlneM tranctd. UTer utu ok ureroa The iiloreland IIO 7th Street Commercial Trade Solicited. Excellent Table Board, or Boaxi and Room by the Day or Monti. HOME COOKING. REASONABLE PRICES MRS. M.J. MORELAND Prop. W. S. EDDY, V. S M. D. V. Graduate of tbe Ontario Veteri nary College ot Toronto, Canada, and the McKillip School of Surgery of Chicago, has located at Oregon City and established an office at The Fashion Stables, Serenth Street near Main. Both Telephones. Fsnners' 13a . Mail 1311 STRAIGHT & SALISBURY PLUMBING TINNING and GENERALS JOBBING. Wind Mills, Pumps and Hydra n IIc Rams a Specialty. Phone 2683. Oregon City, Oregon. THOS. F. RYAN ATTY AT LAW Probate and Realty Law Practlo Specialties. Office Upstairs, first building th of Courthouse. ELECTRIC HOTEL & RESTAURANT Meals at all hors. Rooms 25c up. Family Trade Solicited. JOHN J. TOBIN Prop. "The kind your Grand father used" and be was of rare judgment. , Profit by his experience and use Old I. W. Harper Whiskey. For sale by E. MATHfES. hUHaSt