Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (May 15, 1908)
0 OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, MAY 15, 1908. OUR FARMERS PAGE. ENTERPRISE READERS ARE INVITED TO CON TRIBUTE AGRICULTURAL, HORTICULTURAL, LIVESTOCK, POULTRY, DAIRY OR "BIO CROP" ITEMS FOR THIS DEPARTMENT. The Humorist's Guide. Oil, JIoHton In tlio town for beans; they cut 'em with a fork. Molasses Hows In Nw Orleans; Chi- cugo rniin to pork. They're colonels nil in I,ouIhvMu, und wlmn yon nil a Joko, Do careful to nmicinbor, Hill, about tho I'lttaburg smoke. St Louis girls Irnvo lengthy feet, or so ;,' tho JHt(r claims. Depraved Now York In but tho soat of mM tho bunco gumes. Ixmg yours ago, Milwaukee took the lend In bxor, I wIh, Am! everybody writes a book In Indl- uunpoIlH. Tho rubber plant In Brooklyn thrives; It likes I tut climate there, And stnld bluestocking Ntock nurvt von In (but old city where, Our fulberM met and threw aside, aa statesmen nay, tho yoke, Now In not this a bandy guide for got- tliiK up a Joke? Transplanting Tri. In HnvueUnlverHellM. acordlng to an other foreign contemporary, there la a practical article of gonural Interest on transplanting planta Id full foliage at night Tho results of aomu export mentN by Rotiaull would mnko necea- aary tho customary transplanting of declduoiiN tree In tho fall or winter. Ho haa found that trees may be trans planted In full follaxo In May or June, with llttlu or no Injury, provldod tho process In carried on at' night. Thli haa been demonstrated to the entire satisfaction of somo of the moat promi nent hortlctilturlHts of Franco. Electrocuting Rati. The electric rat-killer of A. F. von Illederhelm, claimed to have been do I n it effective work In a factory at TrleHto, Is designed for lowering Into draliiH or other Infested places, and consists of a shallow tray with a bot tom lined with closely-spaced metal points alternately connected to the positive and negative terminals of a high -tension electrical circuit. Tho ant mala are promptly electrocuted as they step on tho points In attempting to reach the bait. Tho apparatus destroys only rats and similar vermin, and It In affirmed that there In no risk to cats and other domestic animals. tlco to shoot tlinm for tho table, and In somo Htutos tho hunters kill them In great numbers at their roost I fig places, A government expert suggests that tho eastward movement of the boll weevil has been faclllatod by the killing of tho robins. If that Is shown to bo so, tho cotton growers will not recelvo much sympathy from the mom Iters of tho Audubon societies.- Le. llo's Weekly. Running as a Cure. "Dromotheropy," Just added by French physician to the rapidly grow ing llHt of "cures," la systematically running exorcise, beginning with a slow paco and gradually Increasing with the patient's training. The treat ment .already tried upon 200 patients with great success, Is specially recom mended for persons who are weak and Invalids without having, any organic disease. Robins Killed for Food In ths South. A mllloln robins were killed In lioulsuna during tho winter of 1907-08, the offender men and boys who shoot them for food. While they are protected as Bong birds In Northern States, It Is a common Southern prac- Unrully Treaaes. Sometimes the simplest little aids will make a marked differences In a woman s appearance. For Instanco, one whoso hair Is unmanagablo will find that by applying a mixture of one teaspoonful of glycerine to flvo times as much water to loose ends of tresses those short strands stay neatly In place, says the New York Evening Tel egram. In putting on the mixture It should be well shaken and then ap plied to tho hair with a soft brush Just before tho dressing. Tho coiffure In then dono up In the usual way, and the hair should He In place without having a atlcky or oily look. When short hairs aro obstinate the best method of training In to put them on curlers. Afterwards they should bo combed out until they aro soft and fluffy. If soft curlers aro used they may bo scented with perfume, so that they will Impart to tho hair a delicate frag rance after a contact of hours, There may bo a few drops of any perfumo put In to the glycerine and wator solution, but tho greatest care should be taken not to have tho ef fect strong. Finger Nail Tip It n by cutting their nails too far down at tlio sides In an endeavor to taper the lingers' ends that many wo men make tho condition worse than nature Intended, for unless the flesh at tho hMos has Hoiiiethlng by which to hold, it will full away with flat ef fect, boaderilng the tips perceptibly. Tills I" a fact that should always bo borno In mind by amateur manicures or tho damage they will do can never bo repaired. Just Stretch. "Stretch," commands a high priest ess of beauty, going on to provo that this foreign cult In tlio sum total of physical Improvement. In abort, to be fetching, JiiKt go on stretching. Tho New York World has been driven to verso by this now way to beauty. advises: If your cheeks has lost lta dimple 'Neath tho march of Time, the wretch, There's a remedy quite simple Take a beautifying stretch. All tho beauty you desire Thin one exercise will fetch; Even truth Imagination Aro much bettor for a stretch. The Streaked Celling. Air moving at the rate of 5 foct second through a narrow passage la resisted by friction about one-fourth as much only as air moving at tho rate of 10 feet a second. When the velocity Is very little Indeed, the re sistance met from friction la very lit tle Indeed, and therefore air can move, although very slowly, through such Invisible wires or passages as are In the plaster with which the celling of ordinary rooms are covered. Look ing at tho culling of a room which baa not been whitened for some years, one can usually cq darkish stripes cor responding to tho spaces between the lulhs. These are caused by dust left behind by air which has gradually worked Its way up through the mortar . ,t? . . 1 I I. - J L. . L. a in mc places ii"l uiocneu uj me above. rrof. Edwin II. Hall, of Har vard, In Tho Youth's Companion. Potato Soup- Cut half a pound of peeled potatoes Into slices (they should be weighed after being peeled) and put them Into a stow pan with an ounce of butter, an onion and a turnip, sliced, and a few pieces of celery, cover tho pan and let tho vegetables simmer for ten mm uU-h without becoming in the least brown. Then pour In a quart of white stock, (tho liquor In which a piece of mutton or fowl haa been boiled will answer the purpose), and after It has boiled up let It simmer until the vexe To Be Pooular. tables are quite tender. Remove the It Is astonishing how much you can onion and pass the potato, etc., through learn from people In social Intercourse when you know how to look at them rightly, nut It Is a fact that you can only get a great deal out of them by giving tthem a great deal yourself. The more you raldoto yourself, tho more magnanimous you are; tho more generous of yourself, tho more you will get back. a sieve; return the puree to the stew pan and add half a pint of milk wnich has been boiled with a tablespooaful or rice flour; season the join with salt, pepper and a little grated nut meg; stir in about a dessertspoonful of chopped parsley and as noon us It In thoroughly hot send It to tho table acompanled by sippets of fried bread. Whenever Wheels Turn ELECTRIC MOTORS ARE NEEDED No Matter What They Drive Or Where They Are A Saving in Power A Reduction fa Expense-- An 'Increase In Output--An Improvement in Product Some very decided improvement always results when,' Electric Motors turn the wheels. THESE BENEFITS ARE ESPECIALLY VALUABLE TO fiakers Blacksmiths Bottlers Botchers Confectioners Contractors Dentists Dressmakers Grocers Latfftderes Housekeepers Jewelers Machinists Printers Woodworkers ECONOMIC PHASE OF LOCAL PROHIBITION MAYOR MATLOCK, OF EUGENE, WILL TELL HOW HIS TOWN RUNS WITHOUT 8ALOON8. In the minds of a great many peo ple, tho economic side of local option has great weight, especially in the communities where the question Is to bo votod on next June, and where the Saloon Kevenue plays a part. How can Oregon City bo run without this Sa loon revenue? Is uppermost Just now In the mlndi of thinking people and tho question is being agitated especial ly by those who pay taxes. It In a ser ious question and It ought to be thoroughly discussed and both aides ought to be given a large hearing. In the minds of business men, there lin gers doubt regarding tho feasibility of running the city without the aid of the 1 present liquor license, and on the other hand there Is manifested a great amount of zeal to abolish the saloon without taking thought of the finan cial problem of the city. On both aides of tho question there is an abundance of good argument which ought to be heard and understood before the vo ter casta his ballot at the June election. The aim of the local option people Is to make Clackamas County dry next June, the aim of the Saloon con stituency Is to keep it wet In order that the problem may be thoroughly discussed a mass meeting will be held next Friday evening. May 15, 1908, at Shlvlcy's Theatre, corner of 8eventh and Madison Streets at which th Mayor of Eugene, the Hon J. D. Mat- .Z lock will tell "How Eugene Gets ' Along Without the Revenue from the . Licensed Liquor Saloon" and the 8a-1 loon keepers of Oreeon Cltv have been I invited to make the strongest defense) J possible in behalf of their business : on the same night and from the same ! platform. Here is an exceptionally . good opportunity for the people of la the City,. and all are cordially Invited'! to hear the discussion. Many, especial-1 ly the voters who are dubious regard-1 Ing their votes, ought to be present on Friday night. r 1 It Beats the Band Sousa on the Victor glvea you every number "by request" As many encores as you like. An unlimited engage ment He makes room for Pryor's Band, the U. S. Marine Band, or the Royal Marine Band of Italy, all In the same programme. Can you beat that? Only a small sum down, and the balance In easy payments, buys any Victor from $10 to $100. And you'll never want to beat that. HUNTLEY BROS. CO. Victors and Edison ! Pioneer Transfer Express Storage Co. j Furniture, Pianos and Machinery moved by experienced men :: : Sand and gravel in any quantity de livered on short notice. Try us once and you will be sure to come again. Phone Main 22 Office in Postoffice Bldg. o Buitb f ASTOniA. The Hind Yoo Haw Alww BoajM Careful of Your Property ! S. A. D. Hungate Is the only candi date for County Surveyor. He had no opposition two years ago, when he was elected by the Republicans for bis first term, and he has no one against htm now. Mr. Hungate was born In Clackamas County In 18UG, and has had 15 years experience as a sur veyor. He has made an excellent of ficial, and the duties of his office are more particular than moBt people im agine. Ability is sought in survey ing and the county has found It in Mr. Hungate.- One of ihe secrets of our success in the Baggage and Transfer Business Safes, Pianos and Funitue Moving Williams Bros. Transfer Co. Phones, Office 1121, Residence I&33 525 Main Strtet EXPERT ON ADVERTISING. which will furnish music and several specialties will be introduced. The Grafton V. Cheney Hn Choice Posi- cast of characters follows: tion In 5i Francises. Rev. Philip Dunchester, rector of In "Judicious Advertising" for St Marks, Philip SInnot; Norman March, there appears an interesting Weir, his college friend, a detectire, Interview from Grafton V. Cheney, ad- A. A. Price; Richard Heritage, com vertlslng manager of the Hale Depart- monly called Doctor Dick, Carl Moore; ment Store at San Francisco. Mr. Che- John Gordon, a fugitive, Emil Gordon; ney was formerly engaged with his Sheriff Blake, true to the law, Frank brother in the newspaper business in Busch, Jr.; Irene Arnold, with a heart Oregon City aid went to Han Fran- history. Miss Gussle Humphrey; Bess, Cisco seven or eisjht years ago. He the minister's sister, a bit of a butter has advanced 'iipidly m his chosen fly, Miss Florence McFarland; Mrs. profession ;ind' s .ow receiving a Pickens, a busy dressmaker. Miss salary of iZ per month. a"r. Cheney Kathryn Slnnltt; Aunt Bina, a colored Is a son of O. A. Cheney, of this city, servant, Roger BIrgfeld. and the local merchants could well , . profit by reading what he says about newspaper advertising. BE8T OF PROOF. A Reliable Remedy CATARRH Ely's Cream Balm ANYONE PROFIT USING POWER CAN BY CONSULTING Portland Railway Light & Power Company C.G. MILLER, AGENT OREGON CITY, OREGON It ulcklt absorbed. CiMi Rtliet at One. It cleanses, soothes. heals and ' protects the diseased mem brane resulting from Catarrh and drives away aCold in the Head quickly. Restores the Senses of Taste and Smell. Full size 50 eta. at Druggists or by mail. Liquid iTeun xtaim lor use in atomizers 75 eta. Alva M. Condt has filed a suit against W. H. Faubion to recover prin cipal and interest on a promissory not for $475.03, executed at Parkplace November 27, 1903, and payable one day from that date. DRAMA AT THE SHIVELY. "The Finger of Scorn" to Be Present, ed by Local Talent "The Finger of Scorn," a four-act drama, is to be presented at the Shlv ely Theatre Wednesday evening, May 27. The play was given one year ago at The Dalles, where it excited much guaranteed under the Pure Food and That Hyomel Will Cure All Forma of Catarrhal Diseases. Testimonials could be printed by the thousand, many of them from Oregon City and nearby towns, saying that Hyomel absolutely cures all ca tarrhal troubles. The best proof of its unusual curative powers la the guarantee that Huntley Bros. Co., give with ever youtfit they sell, "Money back if Hyomel does not do all that Is claimed for it" i Hyomel Is not a secret remedy. Ita formula is freely given to physicians who want, to know what they are us ing when they prescribe Hyomel. It la applause and was produced in several near by towns, where it was always favorably received. "The Finger of Scorn" is to be given here under the personal direction of A. A. Price, who figured very prominently in The Dalles production. The affair is to be a Ely Brothers, 58 Warren Street, New York. 1 benefit for the Oregon City Band, Drug Law by Serial No. 1418. There Is no dangerous stomach drugging when Hyomel Is used. It healing medication is breathed through a neat pocket Inhaler, reaching 7ery part of the air passages, destroying all catarrhal germs and curing the disease. TffiUE AM j .- . ''""'u"-:..6'..i-''i: -!: -. .-- LEAPING THE GAP OF DEATH Harry Breton In The Most Thrilling Of All Aerial Acts At The Oaks OPENING WEEK MAY 16-23rd, at 3:30 and 9:30 P. M. CONCERTS BY THE TYROLEANS. See ' The Tickler" German Day, May 29.