Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (May 15, 1908)
. t OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE. FRIDAY, MAY 19, 1908. BOOSTING FOR GLADSTONE. BRETON AT THE OAKS. NEWS OP THE COUNTY LOGAN. At the nnnual meeting of the Clour Crook Mutual Tolopliono Compaivy May 4th. the following otllooni wore elect ed: President. Loula Kunk; vloe-prvsl-dont. C. M. Kolsom. Othor directors, T. C. Jubb. K. N. Hroek and W. K. Mura powor. 6. D. RobMns was plot-tod eo retnrv und treasurer. The company now has 90 stockholders and 7 rented phones. Arrangements were made for connection ' with Damascus by switch service at W. E. Mumpower's. , t, Rev. A. II. Tnrtch has exchanged his farm for property at Yakima and a large number of nelKhbors gathered at the place on the evening of the 4th to bid them good bye. We wish the family suc cess and happiness In their new home. J. K. Wltilg and 1.. H. Klrchem are making some alterations and Improve ments in Julius Husch's house. Supervisor Uerber Is doing some road grading near the Kaspor Moor place. The Sprlngwater dramatic performance was well attended, considering the short notice. Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Tracy have" another daughter at their house. The Republican candidates. IMmlck, Moody, Ureaves and Ramsby, spoke at Gill's Hall on the 11th. V.. A. Dlmick was the principal speaker and made a very able and candid address. The Dem ocratic candidates will be at the Grange hall on the evening of the 16th. C. Schuebel and three other speakers will be at Gill's hall on the ISth to discuss the county high school and thvre Is a dance on the 15th at the grange hall, so we can keep busy for a while. C. J. Herin has arrived from Yakima to take charge of the place he bought from A. H. Partch. and Mr. Partch and family have gone to their new home. TEAZEL CREEK. Mrs. Joe Simons Is very sick with heart trouble. Dr. Leonard of Silver ton. is treating her. Grandma Mackrel. of Molalla. is not expected to live. 8he has never recov ered from injuries received from a foil she had last winter. Rev. Caulder, of Marquam. has been carrying on a revival meeting at Glad Tiding, during the past week, which is exciting considerable interest. Reese Daugherty and daughter, were visitors at Mr. Everet 'Judd a last Sun da. Also Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Qulnn call ed In the evening. The Ladies'' Aid of Teazel will give an entertainment before long, and klso have an auction sale disposing of a few arti cles which they have been making. The money to be applied for church progress. STAFFORD. Clover is coming on bravely with the sunshine and showers we have been fa vored with, but the frequent showers make the soil rather too wet to put in the late gardens. In most places. The sick as far as heard from are im proving. Mrs. Powell is about the house again, but looking rather frail. Mrs. Lar son had to return home, which leaves Mrs. Powell without needed help In the house, as girls are hard to get In Staf ford, or elsewhere. C. M. Uage's wife and daughter are visiting at the old home. Mrs. Brink is able to ride out. Rev. Waehlte will preach twice a month in English, instead of once as hereto fore, on the first and third Sunday even ings. The Oswego butcher was around Mon day collecting up veal. He seemed to have very good success. The sneak thief who stole the hard earned dollar and a half from poor Mrs. Reuter has not been proven guilty, ex cept in the minds of the people, and the 8&n,a with the seven dollars taken from Mrs. Gebrardt's bureau. SHUBEL. TTrpH TTtittmnn nnd fflmllv nt T-Ti ch land, visited with his parents here Sun- j day afternoon. Albert Hornschuh and his girl, Henry Hettman and his best girl, went to El wood for a drive Sunday afternoon. Rev. Wllllam Essig and wife are spend ing a few weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Stelner. Nearly every body went to the circus Saturday. Railroad Is the talk around here at present. Fred Heft's little boy Is quite ill. The entertainment In the Shubel school house Friday night, for the benefit of the Shubel nine, was a splendid success. Good order, an Interesting program and $49.40 marked the evening's success, although there were only 14 baskets and pies. The boys are worthy of every encouragement for a good baseball team Is a credit to anv neighborhood or town. The Shubel second nine defeated the Clarks nine on the Clarks diamond Sun day afternoon, 24 to 12. CLARKES. Mrs. Hoel Is very 111. She Is staying with her daughter. Mrs. Lee. Mr. and Mrs. Haag spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Scherruble. The boys in Clarkes played ball last Sunday and Clarkes beat. Some boys from Colton were there. Mr. G. Markuardt was In town last Sat urday on business. Mr. and Mrs. Stromgreen went to town to see the circus last Saturday. W. H. Bottemiller Is going to build a new house. W. G. Klelnsmith will build the house. W. H. Wettlaufer is through planting potatoes and he is going to plant squash now. around a half acre. Mr. Shepard Is clearing for Pete Kern. Albert Durst is working In the shingle mill. Fred Force has 110 little chickens. W. H. Bottemiller Is moving out of his old house which he is Intending to tear down. Elmer Lee was hauling wood last Sat urday. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Marshall made a visit to Can by where her sister lives. It is expected that the Clarkes school will close next Friday, May 15, In place of two weeks later. Frank Bittner was in Clarkes laBt Sun day. Mr. Scherruble has bought a Victor talklne machine and it is a nice one. Ed Bouel and one of his sisters have. the mumps. Mrs. Cummlng Is on the sick list. C. Stromgreen bought oats and wheat of Mr. Haag last week. We have plenty of rain now, and we ought to have warm weather to make things giow. We have a buyer for timber landsand for two ten acre tracts. We have for sale some fine river front properties. Have made some nice additions to our list in last few days. W. F. SCHOOLEY & CO. 606 MAIN STREET OREGON CITY. MULINO. Mullno Is still alive and busy. Miss Doris Kvuns und Mr. Otis DiX took a buggy ride, to Colton Sunday, The Infant duughlcr of 11. Turner bus been very sick, but Is now much bolter. Sat unlay wus road day. A number of enterprising men went to Oregon City to discuss road matters. II. W. Shuw was on a short visit to his home here. Mr. und Mrs. Charles Shaw and son. coiled on Mrs. R. 11. Long. Mr. and Mrs. Kvuns visited at the home of their daughter, Mrs. Turner. Mr. and Mi's, tlent Wood and Mrs. Tom Klsh were visitors at Liberal the lat ter part of the week. O. P. Mullutt took a load of chick ens to Liberal market this week. Everybody and his brother went to the circus and hud a good time. Mr. Udell hus moved from High street, Mullno, to Main street, Mullno. RUSSELLVILLE ITEMS. Mr. and Mrs. Wood and Mr. and Mrs. Newman have moved from near Ore gon City to their home here, which they recently purchased from E. P. Ciutor. J. Teter has his new house nearly com pleted and Is no wbullding a wood house and Is preparing to build burn. He Is a mechanic and a rustler even for Rus selvllle. County road work seems to be the order of the dny, and Judging from the amount of blasts we hear, there will be few stumps and rocks left In the roud lino Its. E. K. Dart and family. Sidney Cordett and family and Miss Llllle Gibson were visitors at the Soda Hill Kami Sunday; also Mr. and Mrs. Scott Carter and son Arthur. Crops of all kinds are doing well and promise an abundant harvest. Uur school Is progressing finely with Miss Stella cnrlsweli as teacner. Our country seems to be booming; several places have been sold lately, and some one every' few days looking for land. MAPLE LANE. A large number from this pluce at tended the circus at Oregon City Satur day. Mrs. Blgelow and son visited with rel atives at Molalla a few duys last week. Miss Nora Criswell visited with friends at Marquam Sunduy. The Orange under the management of Mrs. Swallow and Mrs. Parker, are pre paring exercises for children's day, the first Saturday In June. The Maple Lane ball team will glvo an other dance and oyster supper at Beaver Creek hall next rrluay evening, April la. Mr. and Mrs. Owlllln were given a surprise party by a number of their friends last Thursday evening. The Maple Lane baseball nine defeated the Shubel team on the Hlghlund dia mond last Sunday. Next Sunday the home team will play at Willamette against the West Side team. SPRING WATER. Our school closes this week. It has been a success, from start to finish. The officers of the Springwater church made an agreement with Rev. Robertson for him to continue the supply for this church to July 15. Mr. and Mrs. James Shlbley have gone to Eugene to attend the State Grunge convention. It is getting near the June election. It will be well for the voters to study the many different measures before making their X. The writer will name a few that he thinks are Important: First. Local Op tion 2d, the Single Tax. and to consider on this propostlon. that It exempts about o.000.0O0 worth of taxable property in Clackamas County. Who Is going to make it up? The farmer mostly. Anoth er proposition is the proposed High School in Oregon City. The writer is in favor of more high schools, but would it not be better to vote for a high school at Ore gon City, or let Oregon City build its own high schools, and three or five dis tricts in the county group together and build their own high schools. Nice growing showers and even- thing growing nicely. Strawberries getting ripe, and now we may have fresh berries until November. Next to strawberries, goose berries, then raspberries. Ixgan berries, blackberries, and then comes the second crop of strawberries, and the ever green blackberries. We think that Is hard to beat. JENNINGS LODGE. The doctors are of the opinion that Mrs. Shaver can last only a few days longer. The operation which she had performed some time ago did her not material good. Mrs. G. D. Boardman, who has been In the Portland sanitarium, will be at home in Jennings Lodge next week. Mrs. Brown's large, new barn Is near Ing completion. Mrs. Yale has moved Into her tempor ary new house. "Col." Morse has been doing some clearing up lately. Mr. Bealch, of Estacada. visited Mrs. Errend last week, and they both attend ed the circus at Oregon City. It Is understood by the citizens of Jennings Lodge that we are noon to have five-cent fare from Oregon City. The song of the saw and hammer has all winter, and still continues to be heard In almost every section of thlB neighbor hood. Mrs. Spooner's sister was visiting her Tuesday. o. Been tie TIN Kitd YM Han Mwin 5f Bifiatus DAYTON. The baseball game here Saturday between the Sherwood White Sox and Dayton's team, was 2 to 3, and Sunday's game by the same teams, was a score of 3 to 4, both games In favor of Sherwood. WIL80NVILLE. The baseball game on the Wilson vllle diamond, Sunday, between St. Paul, and Wilsonvllle, was 1 to 2, In favor of St. Paul. Psople Form Club and Will Exploit tin Park. Some of tho live ones of GhulMtono have organised a Boost Chili for the purposo of exploiting tho lioautlful park where the Chautauqua In held each year. Many new homes are go ing up all around tho park, ami a new J5000 school house will he erected this summer. A new church will also be built. The citizens of Gladstone are beginning to realize" that no better placo exists for the erection of homes. There are many beautiful nooks and corners of this valley that entrance the stranger and hold tho permanent resident with a fascination that lends a constant charm to life In this beautiful place. A publicity committee was appoint ed Friday night for the purpose of petitioning the 0. W. P. It. It. Co. for the re-establlshment of tho car sta tion nt the Clackamas bridge, the es tablishment of a new station at Her ford street, a 3-cent commutation tick et to Oregon City, and a 10-cont faro to Portland, Oregon. The people of Gladstone seem to have thoroughly awakened and are prepared to light these Important mat ters. H. K. Cross was made perma nent chairman of the publicity com mittee, and C. A. Warren, presldont of the Warren Publicity Company, was elected secretary. The entire member ship of tho Boost Club are enthusiastic for a greater Gladstone. GLADSTONE. The school directors of Gladstone have selected the plans for the new school building. It Is to bo a two story structure of eight rooms, besides the basement The four rooms on the first floor will be ready for ftse In the Fall. The upper floor will be flnlnshetl as needed. The directors have been care ful to selert a plan which calls for straight stairways with an outside door at the foot of each flight. All out side doors will open out go as to avoid jams In case of Are alarms. The dominating Ideas throughout the whole structure will be simplicity, utility and comfort. As soon as all plans and specifica tions are ready, they will bo open to those wishing to bid on the construc tion. However the school board has not fully decided to let the Job by contract. Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Rausmunsen were visitors at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. Salisbury last week. Mrs. Ainlee, of Portland, was the guest of Mrs. Wm. Williams last Sun day. Mrs. J. J. Tingle has just completeed extensive repairs and Improvements on her home In Gladstone. The Inside of the house has been newly tinted and a new windmill and tank furnishes all the luxuries of city water. The ladles of the Christian church expect to hold a social next Friday night. Mr. Dauchy, who met with a rather serious accident while raising a wind mill tower, is Improving rapidly. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Nash and son. spent Sunday at the homo of A'V.1 Parker. ' Miss Pearl Sea vers has completed her year of teaching and Is now home on her summer vacation. Mrs. C. A. Warren, who has been quite 111 for the past few days. Is Im proving rapidly. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Warren expect to move to Gladstone about May 15. from Eugene. Mr. Warren owns the Thurmn property but exepcts to uuna a new nome tor ninisen during the coming summer. Miss Mella dinger and sister-, of Hood River made a short visit at the homes Mrs. H. E. Cross and Mrs. Wm. Hammond last week. Mr. J. W. Moon, of Kelso, Washing ton, purchased two lots from the Glad stone Real Estate Association across the street from the Bell home, Mr. and Mrs. Moon are among the pioneers of the settlement which Is being built up around the Christian church. They will build a home for themselves during the coming summer. T. J. MYERS FOR CORONER. Clackamas County Native Son Prom ises Careful Administration. . Tom J, Myers, who recently pur chased the undertaking establishment i of Shank & Blssel, Is a candidate for the office of County Coroner on the Democratic picket. He Is a young man who Is well capable of Ailing the po sition and Is thoroughly conversant Daredevil Automobil Rldsr Make Sensational Whirl. It requires hardy man to smllo calmly In the face of death. Under the stimulus of patriotic excitement. In tho rush and strife of. battle men havo done heroic things and have bo come noted for bravery. To cooly tako one's life In hund und dash with It to tho brink tif the grave with a smile on the Hps and no tremor of tho muscles Is something which not every one can do. Yet thero Is a man In Portland today who has often done this thing, who In fact makes It a bus iness to bravo death. He has lookoil the black angel In tho face so many times that tho sensation has lost Its cwo for him. This man Is Harry Breton, who, when Tho Oaks opens for tho summer season. May 1(5, will make his bow to tho pnoplu of Port land In his daredevil automobile ride. Breton's ride Is a sensation In It self and throughout the east has made him the center of many scenes. He hag an automobile made of steel throughout and weighing something like 600 pouuds. It Is equipped with 34 horsepower engine, This ma. chine Is driven down a steep Incline constructed high In the air at a speed which after a swoop down a 45 per rent gradu equals a mile a minute. At tho foot of tho Incline la a gap 25 feet, and across this the car Is drlvon. After tho gap Is Jumped tho car Is run out onto the roadway and brought to a standstill. The least swerving of the steering gear would send tho driver to Instant death. The slightest lack of calcula tion would end tho ride with tho fun eral of tho driver. Many times Pro ton has had thrilling escapes, but so far has escaped serious Injury. He will be tho principal feature at tho opening woek of The Oaks beginning May ic. HOOD VIEW. There Is one case of diphtheria In the family of William Murray of this place. Jessie, the little girl, wus tak en 111 In school last Wednesday. Tho home has been Quarantined and school closed. It Is greatly feared It may spread as the child was taken with fever In school. Wilsonvllle Farmer Insane. J. C. Jaeger, a native of Germany, aged G9 years, wns Monday commlt "ed to the Insane asylum. Ho Is a farmer of Wilsonvllle and last Feb ruary was stricken with an attack of paralysis, which enfeebled his mind. J. W. GRAY Candidate For County School Superintendent ROBBINS FOR REPRESENTATIVE. Ij. W. Robblns, Democratic candi date for Representative for Clacka mas County, is a native son of Or- with his line of woik, having been In the employ of J. P. Flnley ft Sons, of Portland, for nearly three years, und has given the business thorough study. Mr. Myers Is an cntet'iirlc'iig young man who has spent most of his llf In Clackamas County and .".III unques tionably poll a very hnvy vote for the office of Coroner. H: pnmilsoa n care ful and economical administration, an. I will always endeavor lo save money for the tax payers. - X X we tarry Heavy Fence wire Cement Lime Land Plaster Oils, Paints Arsenate of Lead Sulphur Blue Vitrial Shingles, Doors, Windows, Mouldings and are in a position to quote very close on either of obove mentioned articles. Always ready to serve you Prank Busch Furniture and Hardware We Sell Yo Groceries not for today only, but for tomor row, next week and next A trad, cannot b. built up by die playing or deceiving cuilomere. But w. expect to capture your cuitom By More Than Liberal Treat ment The way we All your order will show how ANXIOUS WE ARB for your trade, and we'll b. Juat ae anxious to keep It w. are to get It. W. have Just r.c.lved a new hlpment of Seeley's Bett Flour, which we are anxious for you to try; 50 tb aack for 11.33 SEELEY'S THE BIO STORK th and Main 8ts., Oregon City gon and Clackamas County, havl'g been born at Molalla In 1870 and Is the son of Levi Hobblns, one of the old settlers of Molalla. When a mere boy ho took a posi tion as clerk In the General Merchan dise store then conducted by Robblns & Son at Molalla and filled tho posi tion so well that when In 1890 the partnership of Robblns & Co. was dis solved, though only twenty years of ago, he was placed In charge of the store, which he reorganized under tho firm name of Robblns Brothers Com pany and of which he Is still the mana ger antl principal owner. In politics, Mr. Robblns has always been a consistent Democrat; ho has taken an Interest In the afTalrs of tho county and especially in the affairs of his community; It was largely through his efforts that the Mutual Telephone Lino was established from Oregon Ci ty to Molalla and he has been a per sistent worker for Its Improvement. Mr. Robblns was married In 1900 nnd has two children ;ho has a beau tiful home and Is respected and hon ored by all who know him. Ho signed Statement Number one without quail' flcatlon, and as a thorough business man will ably represent CluckamiiH County In the legislature. 0. L. COLDREN DEAD. Prominent Pioneer Passes Away on Elliott Prairie, Aged 74 Years. Tho many friends of O. L. Coldren were very much pained to bear of his death, which occurred at Elliott Pral- The effect of malaria lasts a long time. You catch cold easily or become run down because of the after effects of malaria. . Strengthen yourself with Scott j Emulsion It builds new blood system. ALL DRUOQISTSl mocks o r i we x x X rle, near Hubbard, Monday, May 4, 1908. Mr. Coldren was one of the pio neer settlers of this place, and a very much loved and respected citizen. Ha was born June T. 1X34 In l.a (rsugo County, Indiana, and was almost 74 years old at the time of his death. Ho moved to Ft. Hcott, Kansas, In 18(19, where he resided until 1870, when he moved to Oregon and located at 811- 1 vorton, where ho lived a few years and then moved on the place where ho died. He was married to Sarah Ann Reynolds, November 19, 18S4. In I (IratiKO County, Ind., and she preced ed him to that bettor land about six years ago. Shortly after her death ho went to resldo with hU daughter and fton-lulnw, Mr. und Mrs. Nixon lllalr. whose home Is a part of the old homestead. He never kuvo up his home, entirely, but every day as long as he was utile ho attended to his duties so dear to him, and with reluct nnre ho finally Kuve up, when too weak to attend to them longer. Ho leaves one daiiKhter, Mrs. Mary lllalr, and two sons, U'limel, of Irving, Ore. gon and Charley, of Portland, to mourn his loss; also several grand children, and one grout grandchild. Rev. Brad slreet, of the Congregational church, preached the funeral, which was held from the church at Hubbard at II A. M., May 7, and his remains were laid to rest by the side of his wife In the I Hubbard cemetery. Anniversary at New Era. The crystal wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs, .'Jeorgo llrown. of New Era. was celebrated Friday afternoon, by many of tho friends of Mrs. llrown who spent tho afternoon at her home. She was the recipient of many beau tiful crystal gift. Tho afternoon was spent Informally with vocal and In strumental music and conversation, and refreshments were served. Those present were Mrs. I. H. MeArthur. Mrs. F. E. MeArthur, Mrs. II p. Wink, Mrs. K. Hpuluk, Mrs. ,M. Haines, Mrs. J. I'llts, Mrs, William DuiMln. Mrs. J. Hoffman, Mrs. J, Rolf, Mrs. T. lllanch ard, Mrs. Miller. Mrs. Dundas, Mrs. Norton, Mrs. (. W. CSraco, Mrs. (Jeorgo llrown, Mrs. Stanber, Mrs. O. Blyter, Miss Knilly Hpuluk, Miss (lertrude Falrclough. Miss Edna Crltser. CASE AFTER CA8E. Plenty More Like This In Oregon City. Scores of Oregon City peoplo can tell you about Doom's Kidney Pills. Many a happy citizen mnkes a publlo statement of his experience. Here Is a case of it What better proof of merit can be had than such endorse ment? Theodore Hourth, living at Park placo, about two miles from Oregon City, Ore., says: "I found Doan's Kid ney pllla do Just what Is claimed for themm. For a long time I suffered a good deal with lameness and aching over tho kidneys and Irregularity of tho action of tho kidneys. Tho trouble was not severe enough to lay tno up, but was very annoying and made It difficult for me to stoop or lift any thing without my back paining mo. I was Induced to try Doan's Kldnoy Pills from tho recommendation of a friend, and went to Huntley Bros.' drug store for them. Their uso absolutely re moved tho troublo with tho kidneys, strengthened ' my hack and In every way proved your remedy to be worthy of all confidence." For sale by all dealers. Price 60 cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, New York, solo agents for the United States. Remember the name Doad's and take no other. Flre at Maple Lane. The residence of Oeorgo A. Brown, of Maple Lano, narrowly escaped de struction by fire Sunday. The flames burned a lurgo holo In tho roof about eight feet square, and had not Mr, Brown been assisted by neighbors In extinguishing tho blaze, tho result would have been a total loss of the house. o o s 4 4 and tones up your nervous 6O0. AND SljDO. 4000000000000400000000004 Bl, I'm" "H'T