Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (Sept. 2, 1904)
Oregon Cror Enterpri : f"h"Hilv VOL. IT. NO. 4, ESTABLISHED 18. Nine Stolend Blghtr-aer fruit and vegetable farm at Caouy on linn of Southern Pacific railroad, all level, 74 acre In nice cultivation. All fenced, bordere on Molalla rlvr, IS acres prunoa In At condition, 13 aero peaches, 4 aorei applet, 6 acre a atrawbnrrlea, 6 roora frame dwelling, large barn. 40x BO, prune dry or 24x40. coat II GOO, ITalnery, warehouse, mile to acbool, M mile to railroad atatlon, one mile to steamboat landing. To go with the place; 1 apan horses. 2 cowa, chickens, I plow, wagon, back, harrow, mower and all other farming Implement! and growing crop at time of sale. Price 180()0; 15000 caab, balance lo 6 yeara at 0 nor cent Interest. 8tock and timber: 252 acrea, T. 8 8., R. S E.. one mile from Molalla river and on line of extension of motor railway, 200 acrea level, to acres fenced, SO acrea In cultivation, no bouae, barn 60x75, living water, 200 acrea beavr Umber, fir and cedar, valuable, would crulae Ave million or mere feet of good, merchantable tim ber, besides piling, mile to achool, great outrange, 17 inline to Oregon City, porfect title. Price 112.50 par acre; $1000 cash; balance la 8 yeara at 6 per cent In to rent. Two hundred and fifty acre a lock ranch, rolling enough for good drain age, aoll good, 80 acrea In cultivation. 80 acrea more ilaabed and burned and could be put Into cultivation for 110 per acre, balance paature land, email creek runa through the place, 2 living springs, 3 acrea orchard, 8 room box bouae, covered with rustic, painted, lft story, big home made barn 30x60, aheddod all round, large outrange, on CROSS and SHAW lUia Street, Oregon City, Or L.POBTES, ATTORNEY AT LAW iirrsiCTior rmMTT rcawsaiD. OHIO oei to Oreioa CUT Enterpri-. Acuta and chronic diseases, nervous dis orders, women's nd children's diseases a specialty. Office hours of Dr. Parker 9 to 12 a. m.. 1 to 6 p. m.. Consultation free. OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS DR. E. T. PARKER Successor of Ir. I-ove DR. GRACE E. HUN of Portland Office houra of Dr. Main I JO a. m. to t Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Oregon City oBlce, rooms 13 and 14 G;irle building. I'ortland office Jl-J20 Mowhawk WJ O W. EABTIIAM ATTORNEY AT LAW I.snd Titles Examined. Abstracts Made, iieeds, Mortganei Prawn. Money Loaned orrici ovsa Bank of Oregon City. OBsaoa City, Oa. W. 8- U'Bea 0. Bohasbtl U'REN & SCIIUEREL Attorneys at Law. Will practice in sll courts, make collections and settlements of Estates, furnish attracts of title, lend you money and lend your money on first morgan. Office In Enterprise Building, Oregon City, Oregon. JIVY STIPP Attorney at Law. Justice of the Teace. Ji gger Bidet., Oregon Uiy J U. CAMPBELL, ATTORNEY AT LAW, OH ClTT, OsseOR. Will practice tn sllthe courts et the state. Ol Ice, lu :uflil buiidius. p D.S D.C. LATOCKETTB 1TTORNEY8 AND COUNSELORS AT LA 1 main stbiet oaaooN citt, oasooa furnish Abstracts of Title, Loaa Money, ForeeloM Mortgagea. and transact General Law Business. For Gentlemen Farmers of some means. We can recommend every one of them, and the price is right main road 22 mile from Oregon City, l',4 mile from Wllholt Springs. $20 pr acre; $2000 down, balance on long time at 0 per cent per annum. Two hundred and twenty-five acrea at Ixigan, 0 mllea due eaat of Oregon City, 10 mlloa from Portland, 100 acrea In cultivation, 50 acrea more nearly ready to break, 8 acrea prune orchard, whole place fenced, mountain trout stream running through the ranch, aeveral large aprlnga, frame dwelling 8 rooms, coat $500, poat barn, 2 mlloa to cheese factory, aame distance to creamory that sells $1000 worth of butter a month, acbool Vt mile, aplen did neighborhood. $30 per acre; terma to ault. One hundred and alxty-flve acrea at Logan, 130 acrea In splendid cultiva tion and In crop, four miles of board and wire fencing, 4 acrea orchard, two dwellings worth $2000, two large barns, living water In nearly all the flolda, place la In good repair and ev erything neat and tidy, 4 mile to acbool, 10 mllea to Portland, 9 mllea to Oregon City, creamery and cheese factory In the neighborhood. $8500; half down, balance on easy terma at 8 per cent Interest. 'Stock Farm Investment 344 acres, two mllea from terminus of O. W. P. & Ry. Co. line at 8prlngwater, 160 acrea In cultivation, whole place fenced, CO acrea In clover, 14 acrea orchard, two million feet good mer chantable timber, three line living springs of pure water, email dwelling, large new barn 60x84, outrange of elk weed and pea vine for a thouaand head of atock, about 40 bead cattle, A great many other places, large aand small, for sale at all sorts of prices, and to suit all sorts of people 233 Washington Street, Portland, Cr t r JUST RECEIVED If you need anythine in the L) Glass-ware or Gtanite-ware, I can Li inspect my atock. to Tight STEEL ($Qg- RANGES Wi Complete line of new and second-hand me supjuy you witu a Douse- keeping outut WALL PAPER of the best quality and latest styles at right prices. E Attention, Here's a Bargain 6000 feet, li Inch first class Manila rope, In one piece, is offered for sale at a bargain for a few days. R Main Street, Brunswick House & Restaurant Newly Furnished Rooms. Meals at All Hours- Prices Reasonable. Opposite Suspension Bridge. Only First Class Restaurant In Town I i 1 tvt 1 I"- r 1 We are lu a joei tion to save you from 10 to 20 per cent, on undertake er's supplies of which we carry a complete stock. R. L-. HOLMHN, Office: One door south of Court House or at Cigar Store opposite Bank 01 Uregon fjity. Fams apan horses, wagon, new binder, and all farming tools with present crop for $30 per acre; very easy terma. Good achool and growing neighbor hood. One hundred and alxty acrea In Highland, 120 acrea level, good aoll, all fenced, 40 acrea In cultivation, run ning atream through the place, water In all fields, 1 acre orchard, 4-room box bouse, barn 44x50, 20 acrea In clo ver, 20 acres In grain and vegetables, great outrange, 7 mllea to Cazadero, 16 head atock with Increase, all for $2600; half down, balance In 6 yeara at 6 per cent Interest A gentleman's suburban home, 88 acres, all fenced and cross-fenced, aoll Al, 31 acres la splendid cultivation, 7 acrea heavy timber, living spring and cistern, 5 acres orchard, all va rieties of fruit, 8-room 1 story bouse In good condition, new barn 26x60, dry houee with outfit, other outbuild ings, 10 bead milk cowa, 2 horses, cream aeparator, wagon, buggy, grow ing crop, farming tools. This fine home la 3V4 mllea from Oregon City, i mile to school. Price $4500; $1500 down, balance In 6 years at S per cent Interest. Three hundred and forty-nine acres of level, rich soil, In Marlon county, 5 miles from Woodburn, 220 acres In good cultivation, free from atumps and rocks, balance In pasture, whole place fonced and cross-fenced, one fair old dwelling, 8 rooms, two large barns, other outbuildings convenient to place, 6 acrea orchard, 7 acres hops, 14 mile to acbool, title perfect Price $35 per acre; terma made to suit the purchaser. This la a rare bargain. xxxxxxxx w r y x xxxa A A FULL LINF flF N 1 A A A ! A I 4 way of Hardware. Crockerr. supply Tour wants. Call and FURNITURE carried. Let I A A 'A A I I. TOLPOLAR Oregon City. CHARLES CATTA, Proprietor nr rr t tvt r- ? as We are under small ezp. nee. Have no middle men to pay, own our hearse and will treat you fair. Ons Prick to All Undertaker & Embalmer WILL TEST THE LAW HKNRV WEINHARD QUESTIONS CON- TITUTIONALITy OP MEA8URE. Can Local Opt 'on In Us Prettnt F'M B InvoHfO An Important Matter. Henry Wi-tiihard. the I'ortland brer uml a heavy taxpnyer In Multnomah county, hns bruuaht a suit In the Mult uomuh county circuit court (or the pur IKiM of Uetermlnina the coimtitutlonullty of the local option law us it la framed and the provisions of which It Is pro powd to apply at the November elec tion In the flxhl that Is being made aaainxt the saloon. Mr. Welnhard, who Is represented by a number of the lead ing attorneys of I'ortland, among them being Hon. Joseph Hlmon, questions the legality of the act In several respect. The reasons why the law Is said to be unconntltutlonal, Illegal and void are re cited In the complulnt as follows: "That the local option law was not duly or legally enacted and has no force or validity becaune the law was not sub mitted to the Governor for his approvul or dlnaiprval, and the law has not been signed by the Governor, nor returned with his objections, nor filed by the Governor In the office of the Secretary of State, and under the Coimtitutlon of the state of Oregon no law can become effective or be valid until the Governor has had an opportunity to examine and to approve or disapprove of the same, except such measures as the Ixginlatuie may refer to the tf-ople under the referendum clause of the Initiative and referendum pro- VlftioltH. "That said proposed local option law was not duly or legally submitted to the electors of the Btate of Oregon be cause the Initiative petition therefor did not have attached thereto 8 per cent of the legal voters of the state of Oregon, and therefore the pretended submission thereof to the electors of the state by the Secretary of State was without au thority ut law and was and Is a void act. and the vote of the electors was ultra vires and void. "That the law Is invalid, void and of no effect, because the same purports to be a delegation of legislative power to the County Court of each of the counties of the state, which delegation of legis lative authority the Legislature has no power to divest Itself of or vest In such County Courts. "That the proposed local option liquor law law Is invalid, void and of no effect, because no where In the act does the law prohibit or declare unlawful or Invalid the sale of Intoxicating liquors. "That the law Is Invalid and void, be cause nowhere In the title of the act Is there exprensed any Intention to pro hibit or make unlawful the sale of In toxicating liquors, nor does the title of the law Indicate or give notice that the law prohibits or makes unlawful the sale of Intoxicating liquors, and such law Is therefore, obnoxious to sec tion "0, article 4 of the Constitution of that everj' act shall embrace but one sub ject and matters proerly connected therewith, which subjects shall be ex pressed In the title. "The law is void because the initiative and referendum amendment to section 1 of article i of the Constitution of the state, by which It is claimed the local option was enacted, violates the Con stitution of the I'nlted States,, which guarantees to each state a republican form of government, which Is a repre sentative form of government, and the said amendment establishes a democratic form of government as opposed to a re publican form of government. "The local option law Is void because It prohibits a prescription by a physician following some other calling, and pro hibits sale of liquor upon such prescrip tion contrary to tlie Constitution of the state and of the United States against granting special privileges and limita tions. "The law Is void because Its taking ef fect In a particular locality is made to depend upon the vote of the people there in contrary to section 21 of article 1 of the Constitution of Oregon. "The local option law is void and un constitutional because it docs not create the political subdivisions of the county referred to therein, but leaves them with out any means of determination. "It Is also void In this: That It at temps to delegate to precincts the ques tion of prohibition when precincts are not municipal corporations or government agenctes, but merely convenient divisions of the county for purposes of county gov ernment and of elections. The said local option law Is void be cause In Its enforcement unconstitutional search warrants are authorized, not to be issued upon a probable cause, but upon suspicion. 'That the law Is void because It pro vides an unconstitutional rule of evidence and throws upon the accused the burden of proving his innocence." It is expected that the case will be finally passed on by the courts before the November election and the ultimate decision will be awaited with Interest. OREGON CITY TO HAVE A HOSPITAL Dr. M. C. Strickland Proposes to Estab lish Such an Institution. Dr. M. C. Strickland, of this city, pro poses to supply another of Oregon City's needs on his return from Europe about six months hence. Or. Strickland leaves In a few days for New York City where he will take a post graduate course at a' leading medical Institution. He will then go to London, thence to Paris, Berlin and Vienna, and at the latter place will still further prosecute his medical studies. expecting to return to this city about six months hence, nnd establish a hos pital In this city. During the absence of Dr. Strickland from this city, his practice will be at tended to by Dr. Louis Wolf, at present house physlclnn at St. Vincent's hospital, at Portland. It Is the Intention of the Oregon City physician to have Dr. Wolf associated with him In the management Of the proposed hospital. A iMwpltal has for years been greatly needed Ifi this city and the people of this community will be glad to learn of the probability of t last securing such an Institution. With Jvi many factories and the ever present eim-ht of danger con nected with their continuous operation, the need for a convenient place of treat ment la apparent. The hospital pro posed by In-. Strickland will be of ade quale capacity to meet the requirements of the community that will be served. 0 FOREIGNERS ENLIVEN THING!. Wager Ovtr Can of Beer Precipitates Soma Trouble. John Tokay had a lively fight with a Slavonian laborer In a Main street lodg ing house at a late hour Saturday night. Reports differ as to the cause of the trouble, which for a time, threatened to cause the spilling of some dark colored blood. Tokay was taken Into custody by the night polk-e officer and lodged In the city Jail. The Slavonian claimed that he was murderously assaulted by Tokay In consequence of a disagreement as to a wager, lie asserts that the wager was based on the amount of the fare be tween Oregon City and Portland, and that he having won, the payment of the bet a can of beer was reluctantly made by Tokay, who enlivened matters by assaulting him with a revolver of large dimensions. The Slav managed to dis arm his threatening opponent, who Im mediately produced another gun and made for the surprised Slavonian, who Intercepted his assailant a second time and having overpowered him. held him until the officers arrived. Tokay relates an entirely different story. He asserts that the Slavonian deliberately thrust his hands Into Tokay's pockets and ab stracted threfrom about J3. and that It was for this strange manifestation of friendship that the Slavonian was as saulted. Tokay had the benefit of the doubt In the fracas. He has lived here and worked as a laborer for several months where he has enjoyed the repu tation of being a very peaceful fellow and when an Intepreter was called from Portland. It was learned that the Cuban was In the right and quite Justified In making the assault, although there was no evidence to show that at the time of the alleged assault he was possessed ol either a revolver or knife or any weapon. In police court Tokay was fined J50 but the fine was remitted pending good be havior. The Slavonian paid a fine of $5 for disorderly conduct. WILL NOT MAKE MANY CHANGES. Board of Equalization Will Not Disturb Property Values. , But one property pwner appeaj-ed on the appointed day before the County Board of Equalisation which convened Its an nunl session Monday. The members of the board ore making a thorough re vision of the tax roll and expect to make but a very limited number of alterations so that the aggregate of the property values, which exceeds 10.000,HJO or about 1300.000 more than the roll of 1903 will not be disturbed. There is very general satisfaction with the 1904 roll which has been very carefully prepared by Assessor Nelson, and that the assess ing of the property of the county has been equitably and efficiently performed is perhaps best In evidence from the lack of complaint on the part of the tax payers. DID NOT SUMMON PHYSICIAN. One Farmer Attends Another's Injuries in Runaway. William Dallas and W. M. Gardner, two farmers residing near Damascus, had an experience last Thursday after noon that they will not forget for some time. While descending a hill on a load of straw neofr Damascus, the .brake parted and the load, running onto the horses, frightened them, causing them to run away. Both men were thrown into the road. Gardner suffering the se rious dislocation of the right leg at the ankle, the bone piercing the flesh and lodging In the earth. Dallas, who has had a great deal of experience In treat ing the wounded in the army, came to the aid of his companion. He thorough ly cleansed the wound, reduced the frac ture and having placed the injured limb in splints, accompanied Gurdner to his home. This done, the men decided that the services of a physician were not essential to the treatment of the Injury. Gardner Is recovering. Diphtheria, sore thicat, croup. In n'.iint relief, permanent cure. Dr. Thomas' Electric Oil. At any Drug store. ROYAL Baking Powcle? Saves Health The use of Royal Baking Powder is essential to the healthfulness of the family food. Yeast ferments the food. Alum baking powders are injurious. Royal Baking Powder saves health. ' ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO., NEW YORK. ONE ARREST IS MADE FIHE ENDANGERS VALUABLE TIM BER IN RESERVE. Henry Harmond, Careless Rancher Who Started Fire, Must Answer For Offense. Jack Caufield. who returned Saturday evening with a company of campers from the Toll Gate on the Mt. Hood road, re ported that a serious fire, that threat- ened much damage to the rich timber In the Forest Reserve, was raging in the vicinity of the Toll Gate on Zlg Zag creek. The drenching rain showers of Saturday evening and Sunday morning. however, had a tendency to check the progress of the fire which will not accom- plish the serious damage that was at first feared. Henry Harmand. a German former re siding near the Toll Gate, has been ar rested for carelessness In starting the fire which he allowed to get beyond his control. The charge against Harmand was preferred by Deputy Forest Ranger Milt Anderson. Last Wednesday Har mand set fire to a slashing on his prop erty, and was warned by the ranger not to allow the fire to get beyond his con trol. On the following Friday the fire be came too much for the men who were watching It. jumped the road and ran East along Zig Zag creek towards the Toll Gate. For a time It was thought that the building at that place were In danger and the large number of campers) there was much alarmed. Another bad feature about Harmand's case Is that the fire became unmanage- 1 able towards the north and ran up a heavily wooded ravine, thence to a ridge that leads towards Mt Hood and. which Is covered with some of the finest timber In the Reserve. Assistant Chief Forest Ranger Ander son was at the Toll Gate and personally investigated the case before causing a complaint to be made against Harmand. The fears of the rangers and the woodmen were that the fire would cross the Sandy river and In that event It would have practically uninterrupted pro gress to the Bull Run country which would place Portland's water supply system In great danger. It was believed by hunters that the fire would cover aev eral thousand acres before It could be ex tinguished, but Saturday' - opportune- showers did a great service In clipping the progress of the fire. STATE FAIR. The 44th Annual State Fair will be given by the Board of Agriculture at Salem, beginning on Monday, the 12th of September and continue through the week. ., v Several counties are getting up rep resentative exhibits of their products showing up their resources and it will thus be a splendid opportunity for them A to advertise for a large emigration Is looked for and the country Is already filling up with a desirable class of emi grants, and they are coming west to lo cate and will make good citizens, and even if only two or three settle In the county because of the showing the county exhibit has made, the county as a whole Is far ahead. In cases of this nature It Is not the actual cost of tbe exhibit that must be taken into consideration but the value the exhibit has as a stand ing advertisement, so to speak, of what that particular county Is good for. The live stock show will be fully up to the standard of excellence that has been given In the past and. special In ducements have Teen made by the Southern Pacific Railroad Company In transporting exhibits Including live stock free and too much credit cannot be given the company for their liberality In that particular. Stock breeding is only In Its infancy In Oregon and should be encouraged, for It is the coming industry in this state. and It requires no more labor or feed to raise a thoroughbred than a scrub. Don't fail to make arrangements to spend a part of tbe week at least in eaiem, or u you can do so go and camp, they have a fine camping ground full of oak grubs and plenty of good water piped Into the grounds. Working Overtime. Eight hour laws are Ignored by those tireless little workers Dr. King's New Life Pills. Millions are always at work, night and day. curing Indigestion. Bil- ionsness. Constipation. Sick Headache. and all Stomach. Liver and Bowel trouble Easy, pleasant, safe. sure. Only 25 cts at Howell & Jones. Druggists. VkWWrWWVWaVWWaW