Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (Sept. 2, 1904)
-art OfltGON CITY CNTINPRItK PNIDAV, IPTtMBtR I, 1W4. PAGE 2. 1 Oaf Co-respondents Corner f ! S BHff Biti of GojsId From All Parts of th County. 2 Correspondents are requested to r new their work. We will furnish all neeessarr stationery. The news from your neighborhood should appear In these columns every week. GARFIELD. R. A. Punean 'and fnynr.V. Huffman. K. C. Huffman. NSrs. Josa Huffman. Walter Lemon. Luoretlu !mon. K. K. Pavla. Jacob Johnston and K. M. Ulll. returned from .the huckleberry patch Friday. The lm'rly secuivd K5 g-allons of berries. M. Tatteison. C Krlisbaum and sons Crover and Mulder 1. ft for the moun tains Friday to gather berries. E. T. Fails and wife and Mr. and Mrs. Holder started to the mountains Sat urday. Grange met Saturday rltn an auenu- race of to members. The session was a very harmonious one. Horace Davis is critically 111 at his home. Ines Ki l libautn. daushur of C. Krieg baum. Is seriously 111. Hoth cases are gaid to be Intermittent. M. Patterson lost a valuable horse last week. J. J. Palis nns Just returned from a four weeks' trip to the mountains. Irwin Surface WeddlnQ. One of the prettiest wenninp. ii.... ever been at tiarncld. was mai oi M. Irwin to K. K. Surface. The wed ding took place at the home of the :ir..nis. iii-oniitlv at 7:30 p. m. Wednesday. August Jlth. The contract ing parties are both school teachers, well known throughout the county. The bride ... ....... was atttrea ina prcny c".-iiu.i.- atlk mull; the groom in me comenuo, .., A ,,., h;)Vt. ,,.fl f,lr ,. hop black. The K- v. A. 8. Plack. of iola. officiated, using the ritual of the Meiho- iIall,, ., ,.,,. jl;inning h:lVe a se dist Kplseopal church. Thirty friends of i rf who(1I,ng ,.oll(.h. the couple were present. Mr. and Mis. , ul)(, ls.lvn(. ,,..,, h.lV(. K,. Surface will be at home to their friends , (o lnlimaills hll,ing. at their home in Estacada after October j All().w. ziK,.r n,.u. a Hying trip to 1st. Your correspondent joins with their Mi)niI.V many x friends In wishing them a e. j ,U.;.lav f)lmtlv have purchased prosperity, and continuous happiness. lirMI.,v .,,. vaiipiam and will move In Praise of Chamberlain's Colic. Chol era and Diarrhoea Remdy. "Allow me to give you a few words In praise of Chamberlain s Colic. Cholera, and Diarrhoea Remedy." says Mr. John Hamletl. of Eagle Pass. Texas. "I suf fered one week with bowel trouble and took all kinds of medicine without get ting any r-lief. when my friend. Mr. i". Johnson, a merchant here, advised me to tnke this remedy. After taking one do I felt greatly relieved and when I had taken the third dose was entirely cured. I thank you from the bottom of my heart for putting this great remedy In the hands of mankind. For sal O. A. Harding. by CLACKAMAS. . . r for this .ne mane, ... town is under consme.aimn ... ( the leading eitnens. Jb me .eauing o. -- ---- j picnic excursion made by the membeis I Cll II. e ,ue.ii".iii-. uii' ' ' r. Sunday schools to the old hatchery on Clear Creek. A variety of rigs, includ ing a hay rack, were employed toeonvey the merry crowd. Tennis, ball and a series of races made up the .orts of the day. The picnic dinner, with plenty of (. cream for everybody, was heartily enjoyed. I.ate In the afternoon the elder ly people and the children departed, leav ing the young folks to drive home by moon light. ii ....Ltnii la In finlcr nnil iiartiis . .,p ... ... . . from this vicinity are i.amiK eieij u, j lor tne nop ncus ; The Sunday sch.sds will hold services , as usual during the hopplcklng season j Rev. Binrkenm.ry is ansenr aiienuwig . conference at the Dalles. Next -k he will attend the conference of his own ; atsirici nem ai cww-. , Miss Agnes Marten has gone to Kasi ern Oregon for a stay of some weeks. MOLALLA. And It rained a little last Saturday ; infill. i Kvermann Kobblns and party returned! i ONE OP DR. CUPID'S PRESCRIPTIOKS. Tliat rove Mnr limes cures disease is a fact th:it has receniW Ijecn called to the ! b.ten'.ion of the puoiic by a prominent i lhvsici:.n ion! a,U v- nriifessc.r. In sonic ' nervous tiisciM of women, such as hyv ttna. tins Musician givi s instances where women Wire put in a pleasant frame I affair. '. fieshmenls wen- served on the mind, were m:ifie hr.ppy hy fa'.linir in love, j K.min,N ;,1,.t i . , .1 11 n C.nk Is a In inl and in consmumce w. re cured of then , Uuated on the banks of Milk nervous tumults tne weak, nervous sv- r 1 tern toned and sti.iated belittle Dr. ''' ' ""tne three miles from (i . Cupid became Mioug and vigorous, al most without tin ir knou letlife. Many a woman is nervou and irtitable. feels dra(r tted down and worn out. for no reason tlu-.t she can think of She may be ever so nuch in love, but Dr. Cupid fails to curt tier. In ninety - nine per cent, of these cases it is the womanly organism which requires intention: the weak back, dizzy spells and Mack circles about the ryes, are only syi:i in . is. U lo the source of the trorblc and ror' rt Ihe irregularities, the drains on the womanly system and the other svmi.toins disappear. So sure of it is the World' Dispensary Medical Associa tion, proprietors of Dr. Fierce a Favorite J'tts-.'ripnoii. that tin y cfiVr a J? reward for women w ho cannot be cured of leu or rhea. female weakness, prolapsus, or bill ing of the womb. Ail tin y a-k is a n.ii snd reasonalee fiaj of their menus of cure. Dr. Fi rce's Pleasant Pelb ts clear Ihe complexion and sweep n the bnatli. :li-y cleanse a' r'ciKale the stoi-ach. liier and bowel ami producr permanent b m fit and do not re act oo the sjsum. Or i.s a gentle iaiative. "The Common FeTe M'dical Advir' is f nl fi-.-e. pkpci-oound. for 21 one cc nt '.amp It ty t.T-i:?t of mii'iniy Send ii tanins forioth rx-und conv. Addrn.s, Woild's Dispenaiy, Buiialo, N.V. . from their mountain outing Satunlay j eveninn. Just In time to save themselves a K'xxl soakliiK. which they no douM needed very much. Alskle Clover seed has most all lx-en sold at price. ransliiR from nine and one half to twelve and one-half there Ik no reason why ull kIioiiM not have st tln lop price had they not been In such a rush lo sell I then sold eo-opera-tlvly. X We notice an ixcvount of the Hot Spring on the Clackamas waters by Mr. 4.3111. which seems to me Is Incorrect. It Kia on to say: "Selh Austen discov ered these springs ten years mho. Ye scribe v isited these sprlnits 15 years aso. hroucht home a 'bottle of the water and had It imalyied. John Haicley had been at llnse sprlnits several years before, also some imrty from Oregon City prob ably the Hand boys saw the Hot Sprlnns the same year. Soih Austen had to be , KmJ.j ,1)0 ,,.,, wooJg wn,.,v bolls up Khese beuutifiil Hot Springs and If the , f l1iHOOV,.l.,.). .inu Austin, his Klien name was not our "Seth." Has Sold a Pllt of Chambsrlain'i Cough Remedy. I have sold Chamberlain's Cough Kem edy for more than twenty years and it has given entire satisfaction. 1 have sold a pile of It imd can recommend It highly. os ph McKlhiney. Linton. Iowa, lmi m Iim, lvnu.lly BO(H, M,-n when iroubl.d with a cough or out. it ai- ; ways affords .p'ick relief and Is pleas- ant to lake. Koi Sale by ti. A. llai.ling. . MULINO. Threshing Is about over In this vicin ity. this fall. I Dan i (taves has an interest in the meat wagon of late. Reta liowman called on Nata Sun day last. Mrs. Podge spent a few days with Mrs. Craves this week. Agnes YVoodslde was visiting her cousin Miss Nellie Huckner. Monday. Emergency Medicines. It Is a great convenience to have at hand reliable remedies for use in rase of accident and for slight injuries and ail ments. A g'Hid liniment and one that is fast becoming a favorite if not a house hold necessity Is Chamlifrtuin's Pain Uulm. l!y applying It promptly to acut. bruise or burn. It allays the pain and causes the Injury to heal In one-third the time usually required, and as It an ..tiu....r,tle li nrevents anv danger of ' ,, . . ..,. Mli poisoning When Pain Halm Is mi(. tr(.at(, - foie Intlammatlon sets In. which In- ., , ,. re.overy For Sale by EAGLE CREEK. Mrs. Harry Malon retumed home from Portland Sunday, and Is very mm-h tin- j proud In health. Mrs. Hester .iitheiis attended the cli -j cus at j'ortiann jiotniay. Mrs. Eliza Wllburn. Misses Margue rite Jaeoues and Pearl Foster and lien ! Jacques were 111 Portland Tuesday. (bo. ( luster was a visitor u imi- ,.ln, Tuesday. wlt) r i o po.and K, lla, , Anderson. Mrs. B. ; i Sln(r,.y rrturn,.,i Sun- frm (h( h,1(.k,.bwr. ,,.,.. Tll..y . , , ,., ,,... h,.rri,.. ..... i F..1 liuinelt returned from th tains Sunday. !! was fortunate enough , to secure one deer. T)rvinfr.rinarations simply deret : op dry catarTh . they dry up tin) secretions, j which adhere to tne memuraue auu ucuom. poj causing s far more serious trouble than the ordinary form of catarrh. Avoid all dry- ! ing inhalants, fumes, smokes and snuffs ' and use that which clesiiBeg, soothes snd 1 heals. Dy's Cream Balm is such a remedy : siid will curs cstarrh or cold in the bead 1 easily snd plesssntly. A trial size will be mailed for 10 cents. All druggist sell the i uOc.size. Ely Brothers. 5fl Wsrren St., N.Y. The Halm cures witnoui pain, ooes un i irritate or cause sneezing. It spreads itself I over sn irritated and sngry surface, reney. j ing immediately the painful inflammation. With Ely's Cream Ualm you are armed j 1 against Nasal Catarrh and Hay Frer. UNION HALL. The picnic at Metropolitan l'aik waM a decided siieciss In every way. Al though the prevailing bad weather caused Iseveial that would have attended to stay jit hum". Missis I Ilmiy Fanlon Cbas. Thomas and managers of tin- Tlie large and commodious grounds w suitably linpioied will make a charming place to spend a day with nature. Here we see nature displayed In the most charming altitudes. A spring of pure water bubbles forth near the center of the giounds. Hi and old Oregon I'ines and cedars furnish shade in abundance. Beautiful vine mapbs festooned with moss form beautiful arches over tin driveway leading to the hall. AH III all. Melrotsillian Park is a very pitures.iie spot of flat ori s own make. Mrs. Mltehill Is visiting lur sister. Mrs. O.oige Manes. Mrs It. K. IVebb-r.-iif Portland, vii-lti-d her pir. His. Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Hums, last week Mr. C. It. Nash and family of Oregon ly Were the giieslH of Ml. I.. P. limns and family last Sunday. Air. Adam Knight, our bustling road su ri leor. and a large force of men. have doing some .fheletit work on the I'nion Hall and Canby road. Mi. J. P.otibms and .VPs. rjroi ije Mam-s were visiting Mrs. I.. Kiggs last Monday. Sir. John Mcintosh and Miss Ji nnle 1 "-e ' ' v Mrs. Welsslilz, Buffalo, N.Y. cured of kidney trouble byLydiaE Pinktem's Vegetable Compound. Of all the diseases known with which the female organism is afflicted, kidney disease, is the most fatal In fact, un less prompt and correct treatment is sp j pi ied, the weary patient seldom survives. Being luiiy aware oi mis, Mrs. nan ham, early in her career, (rare careful study to the subject, and in producing her (freat remedy for womnn'a ills Lytlia K. l'inkliaru's Vegetable Compound made sure that it con tained the correct combination of herbs which wss certain to control that dreaded disease, woman's kidney troubles. Read What Mrs. Welsslita Says. Dsab Mrs. Finish am : lor two Tfars my lifo wa, gimpiv a burden, I .uff,.rc(i with ..male troubles. Slid pains aoroRS my back and loins. The doctor told me that I had kidney troubles and presi'ril)ed for roe. For three months I took his medicine, but grew steadily worse. Mv husband then adrised me to try Lydla I'. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound, and brought home a bottle. It is the great est blessing erer brought to our home. Within three months I was a changed woman. My pain had disappeared, my complexion became clea., my eyes bright, and my entire system in good shape," Mrs. Paula, Weisslitz, 17fl Seneca St.. Btiffalo. N.Y. isoooftftlt tf vlflotl of atu$ Ittttr prtii ftmttmut caaasi MnSacee; Covey went to Portland last Monday to alien. 1 Llngllng llios.' circus. Messrs. I,, ltiggs. .Malt Kirch and Oil vin Parker are going to the coast for an oullug. Miss I.ydia Johnson Is going to slay with Mis. John lialy during hop pick ing. Miss Kreihlcka Itichler of Portland, is visiting her parents. . Mr. and Mis. Martin Rl hler. The Stomach Is the Man. A weak stomach weakens the man, be cause it cannot transform the food he eats Into nourishment. Health mid strength cannot be restored to any sick man or weak woman without (list re storing health and strength to the stom ach. A weak stomach cannot digest enough food to feed the tissues and re vive the Hied aiTTl run down limbs am! organs of the Ixuly. Kodol Iiyspepsla Cure digests what you eat. cleanses and strengthens the glands and membranes of the stomach, and cures Indigestion, dyspepsia and all stomach troubles. S. .1.1 by ii. A. Harding. DAMASCUS. .Mr. H. ltriltliaupt had nearly all the young men In the neighborhood picking peaches yesterday for Ihe Oregon City market. Mr. Dallas and .Mr. iardner of the city of Damascus, had a very severe accident one day last week while hauling straw from the farm of 1'ercy Winston. I While coming down the hill- the team. I which was a young span of colts, be- came unmanageable, ran away, and I threw both men ort the wagon. Mr. ;ardner had his ankle bone dislocated ! and was bruised considerable otherwise. Mr. Dallas was a little more fortunat but sustained scleral bruises.. AI. Fiatlion has la-en troubled lately I with poison oak. but Is Improving. Several from this section ale going Imp ..,. ,,, ...,. Mi. ,.bv' ck made a living visit home Sunday. Damascus Is booming. Air. A. M. Cooke completed his in iv barn recently and (;eorge Deity Is building a tine fiain. wood house. J. I'. Woodle of Kagle Creek being the boss carpenter. Jol.n llilbry has been balling hay and straw for Air. Tong for several dais lately. Ml . Mil ell Ni'Well resigned his posl- i '" ""'' , '"' l"- feuns Plants Every farmer knows that mie plants grow better than Jicrs. Soil may be the same irid seed may seem the same nit some plants are weak and nliers Mrong. And' that's the way with children. They are like youir plants. Same food, same home, same care but some grow bit; and strong while others stay binall and weak. Scott's Emulsion offers an easy way out of the difficulty Child weakness often means starvation, not because of lack of food, but because the food .Iocs not feed. Scott's Emulsion really feeds and .gives the child growing strength. Whatever the cause of weak ness and failure to grow Scott's Emulsion seems to find it and set the matter right. Send lor free wimple. Scott t bowne. C Ivnu-J. : prarl St., New York yx. sad i.uo;all drugyislA. month and Is succeeded by Toung Know I. Mis. Stevens, of Portland. Is spend ing her summer vacation with Mrs. Wal ter Smith. The young ludy who has been visiting Mr. Paulson's family was taken severely III last week and had to return home to Albino. Mr. Scih Young llnlslied threshing Sat tuduv. that being the lust Job of the season. Warren tirecnwell Is balling hay In the Harmony settlement that Is what lime he Is not Visiting at Mr. (."a. from 14S to SS Pounds. one of the most remarkable cases of a i-old. deep-seated on the lungs. - causing pneumonia. Is that of Mrs. t intrude K. Fennel'. Mai Ion. lnd., w ho wus entirely cured by the use of Due Minute Cough Cure. She says: "The coughing ami straining so weakened me that I tan down In weight from 1 IS lo pounds. I tried a numlcr of lemedlea to no avail until I used thie Minute Cough Cure. Four iH.ttlea of this wonderful remedy cuivd me entirely of the cough, and strengthened my lungs and rcston-d me to my normal weight, health and strength." Sold by !. A. Hunting It. DORADO. Hop picking Is ull the go nt present Newt Xl.iule begins Monday. August tY K.I. Tulllg.r. the jntli. F. Kinney and II. Jones took III the big show Monday. JolleS llios. were up to the "Ml. Ranch" last Week Sowing glass seed. Mrs. M il" I Fruiter of Sab m was a ls Itor of V.ia Kinney's S.ituid.iy. John P. M.u lln and family. Fr. ,1 ll. il nian, Jr.. and family ull stinted I i tin hop yaid Tin sday. C. and S. Smith weie In the city Mon day mi, CIdo S.nllli itrd nil.- Int. nd to pli '.. hops at Saleiil Flank Jat.i' lias moled out akulu and Is tluchliiK at Mullno Ibis week. Kill Jones lias h. ell cleallllg Home tills tin) last we. k Chns. Spiomle and famVly to I'oltlainl An Hi I..N In See the big nh.oi. Iiail ii....s 1.- oil: incut peilil?ii ai present . VIOLA. Mr. i ll. is Miller, Sr.. and some nuiii' hers of his faiuil h.ue K' Hi' to the m. inn tains for huckleberi bs. Will lib kenlH.lliam and ivile. ai d Clara Seller, gmie to Alt. Anel to lilck hops. .Mr. I liiiiilltici will build a house Mr. Ciipellllld will do the Wolk. M: dpi. land la In lite ibluliv of i.i Ibis w. . k land Is In the v I. niit of Sub ui this w.-k liH.kliig fur a faiiu lo nut. The Hour mill Is dmug i gisnttiusliu s. tills week. l(ev. IMack Is alt. n. ling the M K C,.u. felence lit Tile P ill. S tills wetk NEEDV. Most of tile people III tills ll.'.li.ll getting ready tor bop picking. Mr. usteiholiz has recently sold place. Vitality and Success. WHAT CAN BE DONE TO flEET THE DEMANDS OF A HEALTHY LlfE ? CAN a man increase his vitality ? is easily answered in tlie affirmative if one stinlies the needs of the body and the laws of health. The first thing to arrotiiplish is to bathe the interior of the body with refreshing, invigorating pure blood. Impure blood, filled with tlie accumulated poisons of the body-waste, makes weak, listless and inert men and women. When the blood n filled with the impurities of the body, the kidneys and liver are unable to filter out all the tissue waste, these organs become overtaxed and cannot perform their proper functions; then it is that we feel listless, iieconie tirtd quickly and the back becomes lame and sore. accompanied by nervous feelings of irri lability and despondency. That is why a tonic and alterative made entirely from roots and barks, without a particle of alcohol or narcotic, such as Dr. J'ierce's Golden Medical Discovery, quickly brings a healthy tone to these organs and invigorating vitality, liecause the blood is bathed with the tonic influence of this alterative extract. To build v IVe guarantee that hisj contain alcohol, opium, or any harmful druo. It Is a pure compound of medicinal plants scientifically combined. Persons making false statements concerning its ingredients will be prosecuted. - 1 r iHM'f'In'l) at vlf v. . V.v Af Cf laUe rfoparolionfor As similating rhcrooilflmtRccain tittg (he SteumclB and Howls of rromotcs Di6rslion.Chm.iw ness and Rest .Contains nciilsT OjHiim.Morptiiiie nor Xiitcrcil. OT NAHCOTIC. Ms SmJ-lUwiiUl- Hirm.l AptTftcl Remedy forConsiivi Hon, Sour Slonwvh.DiarrikWA Worms .('onwilsions.Fcwhsh nrss itnd LOSS OF SlXtr. Facsimile Stilnnlurt ot KKW YOHK. i LXACT COPY OC WRAPPER. !'. r M.. ii.ll., ! M.s li i. r .Ml. lb. .? !. ' J K : ' 1 1 . nil i::i'' nvi'te a flying trip to I'lu i nun hi. i. of Shiiiilco, bo Mas lls ln r. has ti l tit ln d home, it a, I j. oi u, and lliiii 1 ' . 1 1" " I. ill i gnllIK to pi' I. h.iiS 1." ! Shu I. : rort Riots, s of sirlktis tne not niuil an In. IK .'. . i nf O.eiAolk, loss of sleep. ! .: ,ii ..ii. A TT T7 OT ALES ii1 - .', ;; " mfnr n.i 1111 . i. w "' Wl f i I j H Always restores color lo eny hair, all ihe dark, rich color it used to have. The hair stops falling, grows lone and heavy, and all dandruff disappears. An elegant dressing. 'C"?iW.!"'ir : a. up the body that has tieen weakened by an attack of grip, pneumonia or typhoid, write Dr. K. V. Fierce for ad vice, giving all your symptoms, and he will give you the best medical advice possible to suit your case, and without cost. For those who are weakened by the after effects of a bad cold, cough or grip caught during the winter, nothing will increase the number of red blood corpuscles and eradicate poison from the blood so quickly as I)r. l'ierce's (Jolden Medical Discovery. INSTRUMKNTS OH ACCURACY. The surveyor, with the aid of his transit, can tell the height of a mountain miles away. The microscope in the hands of the exK-rt can determine the presence of disease -germs, and other newly discovered instruments are being used daily by physicians in the diagnosis of obscure diseases of the lssly. A sci entific examination of the water is of the greatest value in determining whether i or not the kidneys are doing their work proK"rly. A finely fitted lalsiratory is necessary to make accurate analyses, ami that is a part of the magnificent equip ment of the Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute, at Iluffalo. A staff of exieri enced physicians, under the control of Dr. K. V. fierce, the founder and di rector of the business, make hundreds Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery does not World' PD m For Infanti and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought T J.1. sears , Signature AW In Use For Over Thirty Years tm mwa mmi. ntm tm. innous t. nsbm will be followed by utter lullilpse. UtlleiiS U reliable lellli .! IS Im mediately ,iii'.i.,ed Tb-ie's nothing; ei't. .em to c ic .. inp ta of Hie l.lier or Klilo is n Klecl'lc Hilt, is It a Won diilul toiili . and iMei iHi in nine and lb. t .! -I .ill iii.iuiuI in. ill. in.' fur run il.nn" It !ini. I! m 1 1 ousnesf, ltbeiinisllsiTi and Neuralglu and ntiella Mil lilt in g.iiiiK uiily r.O eriils and satis fiH'llnn Koar.iiileed by Howell & June. I n ugglsls. VEGETABLE SICILIAN Hair Renewer of such examinations daily, without i to the patient. A sample of water thriu will receive careful analysis, ab.1 every one who susjiecta kidney trouble should take advantage of this offer. Dr. Tierce's (ioldeu Medical Discovery is a most stimulating tonic because it gisss lo work ill the right way, assisting the stomiich lo assimilate the fxs, thus furnishing the Mood proper nourish ment, which in turn feeds the nerves. Neuralgia and nervous break -downs are only the "cry of the starved nerves for fix!." The proper fiaal for the nerves is good, rich, red Mood. The " Coldest Medical Discovery1' does not depend upon alcohol for a stimulating effect. It is gnaranleerio contain not a particle of alcohol. It is safe for the most deli cate system, ss it is an alterative extract made from roots and heibs. Although we know the genus of consumption and grip are in the air we breathe in rooms, street enrs, shops, in fact everywheie, yet scientists have not beriable'lo fight these Iwcteria very well. The ltfst thing; we enn possibly do at present is to keep ourselves individually in such a state of health as to enable us to fight the bacteria with our own vitality. The blood through our veins snd arteries should contain healthy, rrtl blood cor puscles, which are capable of wauling off the attack of these germs if they get into our systems. Dr. Tierce's Coldrn Medical Discovery is just what is needed for such persons and it has received the praise of thousands of s-ople through out the I'nited States. Krad what a strenuous young Western man sins oo this subject : u " I have len in giKxl health tint il alout three years ago when I noticed my back became lamtv and sore," writes lion. Walter St. John, Surveyor I Formerly Member of County Stija-rvisors), of 619 I,awon SlJeet, St. Taul, Mum. "The pains kept increasing with severe twitches and slow, exhaustive aches. I also found that my urine was highly colored and it passed with great irregu larity. I knew that I had the. dreaded Ilright's Disease snd probably inflamma tion of the bladder. Having read in your 'Common Sense Medical Advirer' concerning this subject, decided to try your 'Golden Medical Discovery. I found relief from the pain within ten days, the aching gradually disappeared, and I experienced simply a blessed relief. Within three months I was well once more. My appetite returned, the nerv ousness and irritability, from which I had suffered was a thing-wf the past, and for over two years now I have been a strong, healthy man." Till-; IKJl'NDAHY LINK between health and disease can lie accu rately followed only by the aid of a good medical liook, such as Dr. Tierce s Com mon Sense Medical Adviser, a work of 1008 pages; sent free on receipt of 31 one-cent stamps, to cover expense of mailing ony. If the paper - covered book is desired, send 21 stamps. Ad dress Dr. R. V. Tierce, Buffalo, N. V. This great work, in plain Knglish, should be in every home, for many lives have needlessly laren sacrificed through ignorance of Nature's laws. Dispensary Medical Association, mo JL I n ss a m m Miinuii