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About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (April 8, 1904)
Enterpris Oregon I 1 PI OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, APRIL 8, 1904. ESTABLISHED 1866. VOLUME 37. NO. 22. City t E Real Estate Mmhiess It has been apparent for some time that Clackamas County was not receiving Its just share of the immigration flowing into the State. This has come about largely from the fact that other localities have made special effort, through local or ganizations and in the distribution of literature, to Induce and invite newcomers into their respective counties. Clackamas County has to pay a large sum as its part of the appropriation for the Lewis and Clark Fair, and it ought, in all good conscience, to receive its proportion of the awards in the way of new settlers to buy up our sur plus lands, and aid in the building up of new industries. For the purpose of helping myself, and directly and indirectly this great county,I have opened a real estate office in Portland, at 233 Washington Street, Labbe building, first floor, and will be open for business on and after April 1st. Capt. James P.Shaw, late of Hood River, who was associated with the real estate department of my office some years ago, will have charge of the Portland office, and will be a full partner in the real estate department of the business, both in Portland and Oregon City. Hav ing lived many years in Portland, Capt. Shaw has an intimate acquaintance with the metropolis and its people. From now on we will have special opportunities for sell ing real estate left with us. We shall make a specialty of the following properties: Clackamas County Lands Oregon City Investments Gladstone Property Hood River Fruit & Berry Lands And shall at all times try and attract capitalists to take advantage of the untold re sources of this great county. We wish to increase our list of farms for sale and can promise faithful and efficient service. Would be pleased to have visitors to Portland call and get acquainted with our plan of selling lands. The firm name will be CROSS and SHAW Mata Street, -Oregon City, Or 233 Washington Street, Portland, Or TO IMPROVE KIVEtt i?oincia' A. MILLER ATTMRMKV AT I.AW l Lt nil Title n Unnl oiiicejBV lltinlneHnii Hpeclnlty t; tvm .ira-iii-.. in nil Courts of the State ' v. Room 3, Wcinhnrd Uhlg. opp. Court House, Oregon Citv. Oregon J L.I'OKTICR, ATTORN KY AT LAW' ABTA!Tor rnrKTT rramsmt'. Offlca ncxi to Oregon t'ltr Knh-rpri-a, v V V I: V V V I! Uemn, morns". . jij Q EO. C. 11KOWSKI.I., ATTOKNF.Y AT LAW Oregon City. - - Orr-gon Will practice In all the courts of th state. Ollloe In Caulleld building. Q W. EASTHAM ATTORNEY AT LAW orricE oib Bank ol Oregon City. Omtoos City, Ow.J W. B. U'B.n 0 B'1"'b, U'REN & SCHUEBEL Attorney at Law. pcutrdjcr gifcx'oltat Will practice in all conns, make collection and settlements of Estates. Furnish abstracts of title, lend yon money and lend your money on II rut morgage. Office In Enterprise Building, Oregon City, Oregon. JjIVY STIPP Attorney at Law. Justice of the Peace. JBgge,r Bldg., Oregon Uty J U. CAMPBELL, ATTORNEY AT LAW, BB0OM CITT, - Will practice In allthe courts at the Mate. Of- toe, In Cuunoiu Dublin.. JUST RECEIVED A FULL LINE OF y y TTm i a j inig STEEL RANGES 111 If you need anything in the way of Hardware, Crockery, Glaxs-ware or Gianite-ware, I can supply your wants. Call and inspect my stock. Complete line of new ami second-hand FURNITURE carried. Let inn supply you with a house- keeping otittit WALL PAPER of the bent quality and latest styles at right prices. Attention, Here's a Bargain 6000 feet, IJ4 Inch first clam Manila rope, In one piece, is offered for Bale at a bargain for a few days. I. TOLPOLAR Main Street, lTOportcd Work oh Willamette to Oregon Citj. Major Laugfltt Recommends Dredging of liars and Removal of Copley' Rock Se Money for It. Brunswick House & Restaurant Newly Furnished Rooms. Meals at All Hours. Prices Reasonable. Opposite Suspension Bridge. Only First Class Restaurant In Town. CHARLES CATTA, Proprietor c D. 4 D.O. LATODHKTTE . .MiIn YT WO tfjrt COUNSELORS AT LAW MAIH ITRBIT OBKQON CItY, OBEOOK. mralia AWtracti ot Title, Loan MonaT.Fora Mrlf ! "nd traniaat titoiral Law BiilaMi. Oregon Washington State Fair Victories .... ON BARRED PLYMOUTH ROCKS On on Mute r'alr 1002 l-a-3 on Cock Birds, 6 in Competition 1st on .Hen, 10 in Competition i-a-3 on Vulleta 40 in Competition jnd on... Cockerel ai in Competition lit on pen, it in Competition 1st i Americas Class Hat wna I "t on pullrU the paal S year. Stuck for (ale, rgf In irainn. WiiHhlngton Stale Fair 1002 We only sent 3 pnllets, I hen and I Cock and won on every entry but one besides specials, including best pen In the show. Prizes won 1st Cock, 1st Hen: 1st and and Pullet; 1st pen. Exhibition Stock a ipaoUlty lorn (rand pulleta for late. Egg S3. 00 J. MURROW & SON, Oregon City. Oregon. Improvement of the Willamette river between Portland and Oregon City wa the Ural river and harbor work approved by JuiIkb Taft altr he took the cilice at Hecietary ot War. There ia no money available to carry out tha work, so that nothing can be (lone until river and harbor bill ia pwd by the neit Con K,rB. Ttie report on the nubject waa aiada by Major W. C. I-anfitt. incharKe of river and tiarbor work for thia aevtlun of the country, upon surveys made by David B. Oitle', asHistant eugitii-er, aa nisled by II. L. (JillMtrt, junior engineer, and waa approved by the lioard ol Engi mvrs on July 11, 1WU. It baa been printed as a Houe Uocuinent. A new dipper dredge lor the upper Willamette will be completed in Auituai, but there ia no money to operate it. The improvement propoed is to create a i-bannel 12 leet deep at low water from the Madmon bridge ai Portland to Ub Weuo, a dintance ol right miles, and at leant three ami one-h if feet deep for the other four and one-half miles to Oregon City. IStich a channel is all the more necetnury now that the paper mills at Oregon City are UHing oil aa lilel and the Oregon Iron A riteel Company deire to Iraintporl ore direct 'nitn Mrxiuo to its works at Uwego in steam schooner ol a draft of about 17 feet. Thia plan has not been definitely c!ei-ided on, and the pres ent plan lor a 12 foot channel, the report says, will prohtthly serve for some tune to come any development of lee-drfi romnieire, a for ahout eight months ol the year ihe river is unc-hy four to aiz feet above lo-ater mark. The ttrnt obstruction be removed in going up 1 lie) river is a itravel bar for about ItOO feet in the channel on the went aide of Ross Inland, two ciles above Madiron bri Jge. Thia will involve the dredging of 4tj,000 cubic yards of gravel and and to nmke a channel 12 feet deep and 1M) fuel wide. A short shoal oppo site Hell wood haa only eight feet of water on it, and it ia proposed to remove 8000 cahic yarda here, luia dredging is es timated to cost $14,000, and the annual maintenance cost is placed at $2000. The construction nf a deflecting dam at the bead of the Hues Island channel to a height of eight leet above low water ia estimated to coat 130,000, the purpose being to maintain the dredged channel, but this ia not recommended at present. Elk rock, five and one-half miles up, and Oswego ieel, seven and three-quarter , miles up, are pronounced somewhat of a menace in longy weather, but it ia be heved that there is ample width of chan nel at these points and that buoys will be all the work that is necessary. Cope ley's rock, nine miles up the river, ia mote or less dangerous to navigation, be cause it is almotU in mid-channel just be- ow a deflecting rock ledge on the lelt bank, and boatx have to swing around in a awilt current at nirlil angles to their course to pang it. Its removal is recom mended at a cost ot f.'ioU). Dredging at Jennings, Mehlram s and Mugoon's bars, between ten and eleven miles ui. is recommended : also the dredging of the bar at the head of Clack amas KaCids, which boats cannot paxs without lining on account of the swift current. The agti-aa'e ot 01 these parts of the work is estimated at (1500. Ihe report continues: As at present there is but little if any necessity lor the 12-foot channel to Ob- wego, the dredging tn obtain it should he deferred. All the other work, however, hotild be done as soon as funds are available, and to this extent the locality ia worthy of improvement by the general government at the present time. This work can be done for To 100. The commerce of the Upper Willam ette for the vear 1901 ia stated at 101,901 tons of freight ami 103.971 passengers. The greatest improvement in the navi gation of the Upper Willamette would be the purchase by the government of the locks at Oregon Citv, out a report on this eubject, made about a year ago, still Bleeps In one ol the 'lepartments at W ashington. Probably ttie legal ques tions involved are being investigated in the attorney-general's department. There tan t money available lor work on the Upper Willamette thia year, not even for snagging, although the snag- boats should be oerated for three or lour months every season. The funds re maining lor the lower river are only euflicieut to ran the dredge Ladd the whole season ana the Columbia part of the season. They will be employed on the bars, but the exact location can only he learned when the high water bas gone and it is known where bars have been built op. Oregonian. Home Mhort Stories. Gyrus Townaend Brady, the author, bad occasion to consult his physician for a alight ailment on one of the ex tremely cold daya recently. He waa busily engaged in his literary work on tbe doctor's arrival. (lurrying into the reception hall from bia library, lie said : "Doctor, I wish yon to get through with me assrieedily as possible. I left the hero and heroine bv the aide of little babbling brook, and I am afraid they will freeze to death if I don't get back soon." President Hadley, of Yale, haa won a wide reputation as a teller of good sto ries. One oi his favorite talea runs as follows: "A Methodist preacher was vigorously expounding the text, "There shall be weeping and wailing and gnash ing of teeth." "Aye," be said, "there shall be gna-hlng of teeth !" "Yes," he shouted, pounding the pulpit with his Gut, "there shall surely be gnashing of teeth"' "But I ain't got no teeth!" shrilly piped up an old woman who had been worked up to full realization of her sins by the preacher. "Then, mad am," yelled the minister, turning in ber direction, "tly will be provided." The late John MacMahon, of the Irish bar, although Celt, had a ponderous, heavy style, and no sense of humor. On account of being deaf he agreed, out of policy, with any remarks made by the judge, even though he did not understand what was said. On one occasion he was appearing before a master of the rolls, who thought MacMahon waa arguing rather elementary law for such a court aa his. "You are speaking aa if I were mere tyro in the law, Wr. MacMahoo," said the rr muter of rolls, testily. "Quite so, my lord," (.aid counsel, airily, pro ceeding with hi argument oblivions to and regardleaa of what the judge had aid. Business at Land Office. -For the quarter ending March 31. last, the re ceipts at the Oregon City land office ag gregated $15,414.43, as against $23,000 for the preceding quarter. Ol that amount there was received in fees and commissions $17,416 H6 from 39 timber and stone land entries, embracing 4066.77 acres, and the further sum of $1781. SI from 119 homexleads, representing 16, 437.35 acres. The receipts for extend ing and reducing testimony to writing for tbe three mouths was $142.65. College Boys Sano. Tbe Willamette University (tlee Club gave a concert at Shively's opera house in this city Mon day evening. A programme of interest ing numbers was presented by the club FAIR BILL HELD UP House Will Not Let It Ii Con sidered Now. LIT rt Will Be Made to Have the Ap propriation; Placed on Sundry Civil Bill. Washington, April 4. Tbe Lewis and Clark Exposition bill scored a great vic tory In the house today, although the necessary two-thirds vote to pax the measure was not secured. On two sepa rates votes il was shown that there ia very large majority in tbe bouse in favor of an appropriation. It now remains to- be seen whether majority of the hnnce. desiring to aid a laudable undertaking. can be defeated through inability t bring the bill helore tbe Loose. The Brat vote waa on tbe bill direct. and the second on a proposition to mak it privileged measure, so as to make ft pooible to call it np at any time. Three members, or the majority of committee on rules Dalzell, Rep., Pa., Williams, Dem., Mm?., and DeArmond, Dem., Mo.. opposed the suaoeiiaion of tbe ruiea ou both votes today, borne might Uk this to mean that it will be imposKihle to secure rale bringing the bill to a vote, but as Speaker Cannon is un doubtedly in favor of the appropriation, and General Urosvenor, of Ohio, a mem ber nf be committee on rules, is with him, tbe probabilities are tbat the com mittee will decide that the majority of the bouse it entitled to pass this lega tion, and therefore a special rale will be granted. , Oeneral urosvenor said after the vote was taken : "The committee on rules is computed of pretty good fellows, and they are pretty apt to act in a decent manner." It ia doubtful if Dalzell, the third Re publican memberof ihe rules committee. even after voting against the bill tod .v, will stand out against his Republican colleagues to prevent tbe action the ma jority of the bonse bas emphatically de cided it wants. The Oregon delegation is much pleaed with tbe character of the men alio vo ed with tbctn today. The majo. ity was composed of the leading representatives on both sides of tbe party aisle, promi nent Republicans and Democrats giving voice to the idea that the Exposition ought to be encouraged, at leant to toe extent of government participation. There ia another feature of tlii propo sition which is encouraging to Oiegua people. If there's any great delav in the matter of securing a special rule to cn- A Cure Tor Headache. Any man, woman or child suffering from headache, biliousness or a dull, drowsy feeling should take one or two ot DeWitt's Little Early Kieers night an morning. Theae famous little pills are famous because they are a tonio aa well as a pill. While they cleanse the system they strengthen and rebuild it by thesr tonic effect upon the liver and bowels. Sold by Geo. A. Harding. PRIVATE MOSEY TO L0AS At S and 7 Per Cent. Amounts on land $100 to $3000. Also some on chattel and personal security. For Sale The Russell homestead, 150 acres, 6 miles southeast of Molalla, at $6 an acre. The Phillip Marquam homestead, 160 acres, 8 miles east of Marquam, at $5 an acre. Plenty ot fine water and good soil on both tracts. Also block 119, Oregon City, 8 full lots, 66xlH5 feet. Sightly building place; all for $1000. John W. Lodeb, Attorney-at-Law. Stevens Building, Oregon City, Ore. May 6. which was on its annual tour through aider the bill, the appropriation will be the Northwest. Tbe club is composed of put on the sundry civil hill by the sen the following members'. J. O. Van Win- ate, and it is certain the house will sup- kle, U.G. Kandall, w. u. winslow, H. H. Market. W G. Trill, E. G.Horn schuch. E. K. Miller, P. H. Zercber, W. L. Zimmerman, I. K. Wolf, Ivan G. Martin, R. 11. Chapler and Francesco Seley. Talked om "Fbititobowiso. " Col. R. A. Miller lat Saturday afternoon ad dressed the Grange at South Mount Ta bor on the au 'ject of fruitgrowing. Since his return to this city Col Miller has been tbe subject of coiifiderable jest ing at the haiidi of his fellow attorneys in the land ollice building. Judge Gal loway, who boasts of having personally dried more than seventy tons of fruit, declares that bis Democratic friend does not know a dried prune from a persim mon, and waa thunderstruck to think that Miller would havej the effrontery to discuss before an audience of intelligent farmers a subject about which he had such little practical knowledge. port it, the votes recorded today being such a guarantee. The sundry civil hill Attended Democratic Basqitf.t. Webster Holmes, an attorney of Salem, was in the city Monday, returning in the evening to attend a banquet tbat was tendered bv the Democrats of the Capi tal City. Holmes was accompanied to Salem by Col.t K. A. Miller and Judge Wm. Galloway, who were among those responding to toasts at tbe banquet. Their subjects were as follows: Miller, "Party Loyalty ;" Galloway, "The Bench and Bar." Holmes extended an nrgent invitation, to C. B. Mooresto go to Salem also and attend the Democratic love feast, but the ex-register considered that he would he entirely too much out of place at such a gathering and respective ly declined the proffered invitation. The I!ct lnmily Salve. DeWitt's Witch Hazel gives instant relief from Bums, cures Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Eczema, Tetter and all abrasions of the skin. In buying Witch llaiel Salve it is only necessary to see that yon get the genuine DeWitt's and a enre is certain. There are many cheap counter felts on the market, all of which are worthless, and quite a few are dangerous while DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve is perfectly harmless and cures. Sold by Geo. A. Harding. We take pleasure in presenting styles of ourown. Miss C. Goldsmith. is still in tbe bands of the senate com mittee on appropriations, but before ir is reported from that committee, the Ore gon men can definitely ascertain abeiher there is to be a special rule for the con sideration of the bill in tbe house. If tbe three members of the committee on rules, who voted against the ai propil tion today, adhere to their position, then the bill will be carried as part of the sun dry civil bill. Christian Science. first Church of Chriet Scientists, Garde building, comer Seventh and Main streets, Sunday at 11 a. m. Sub ject, "Doctrine of Atonement." Children's Sunday school meets a; iv a. m. Testimonial meeting Wednesday evening at 7:45 o'clock. Reading room is open Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saiur days from 2 to 4 p. m. Quite a Cabtqonut. McGlashan, the grocer, may be able to weigh out a dol lar's worth of granulated sugar to w;,liin an ounce of the proper weight and un pack 49 cases of eggs without breaking a single one, but he is equally proficient along other lines. "Mac" has consider able natural talent as a cartoonist and some of tbe products of bis work are on exhibit in the show-window of tne Will amette Grocery. The likeness ol Jap Slover, whom everybody knows, ia splendid and does not require an accom panying placard to indicate for whom the drawing was intended. One of Mo Glashan's bert contributions so far aa originality is concerned, is perhaps that of C. G. Huntley and H. A. Webster, who as Republicans, are pictured as lads carrying water to tbe G O P elephant at the convention tent. When it i known that McGlashan is a Democrat ia the strictest sense of the term, it tan be understood wby be should pick on to Huntley and Webster. Ordinary bonsebold accidents have no terrors when there's a bottle of Dr. Thomaa Eclectic Oil in the medicine chest. Heals burns, cuts, bruises, sprains. Instant relief. WILSON & COOKE are agents for the celebrated Sharpies Cream Separator. Call and see it work. Subscribe for tbe Enterprise. ROYAL If yon want to bnv a Cultivator go to WILSON A COOKE. Powcfe Is Most Economical Because it makes better an j mote healthful food ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO., NEW YORK.