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About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (Jan. 8, 1904)
G OREGON CITY ENTEKP1USR, FRIDAY, JANUARY 8, 1003 ' ALMANACS ARE ANCIENT. fkey Wrrf Made by (he Krreka u Far flack its A. 1). HHt. According to Theon. tin- eoi'.imetitntnr in I'toleray. uliuatitics, as wo under i.niil tlio word, weiv constructed from ..;il the year Iti) A. 1) by tln i! recks .if .leninina, but the dates of fesli ami other events of national Inter est 'mid tuvii exposed oh nimble tab ! i in Koine ao years H. C. I.tihindo, . n authority on tlio subject, states that T. earliest alumnae of which the nu I ii r's name Is preserved was that of I onion J Melius, who lived In the mid- of the twelfth century. A primitive English calendar or al manac was eallotl the "prlmo-staff." "roiu stock" or "clog almanac." It was ninde of wood, Imiio or horn, about e.ght Inches long, like a square ruler. On this the days were marked by a series of notches, every seventh bolus of larger size. The festivals were hull cated by symbol, as were the golden number and the cycle of the moon. Specimens of this "clog almanac" may be seen at the ltrltish museum and in museums or libraries at Oxford. Cam bridge and Manchester. Pome of larger el.'.o were hung "at one end of the mantle-tree of their chimneys" for general use. and smaller ones were carried in the pocket or on the walking stick. re-arson's Weekly. DROPSY Do Your Ankle op I.tmh flwell Are Your Eye Puffy? We lire the Sole Amenta for the Only Tiling Known That Cure the Kidney P1nc(imc Thnt Cnune Dropsy, vli.i Pulton Compound. It Is now welt known iriut dropsy la not In tiMll a tllseaso, but Is uc.oly u. :i.v it symp tom ot kulmy disease ccotiiiautc ih etmrnte ata"a hcroiulorti ino'.iuitilo. llenco, up to lhe discovery of iho Ku.tou Compounds, flrcpaj waa lDov.ralde. Il In cow, however, curable la uoar.y uluo toutV.s of all can's. Hr U n Intrrratlng lecotory. to wlnca wo rotor bj siii:itii-i" mii.i:. In the Circuit Con.t of III Stale or Or. -gon, lor Clackamas Couni)-. Imirt M. Welch. William M. ) llowlell, Arthur r llowleit, .1 1 1 T. ll.nv'.'tt, IVa-l v lion loii. Olive K. llowlell, O-0ar llo. ti a d l.oon llnwtrtt, hv their guardian, . J. ilottit'M, llils., I I Jo. m l.'tl, and I. villa I IV !i , lvi'-.J Ity virturof an execution, j i, I i n 1. 1 or. det and deeri'e, is-meO ,mii ni and u nler re seal of the atme run (led court in the ahm ii ! 1 1 !. I cause, and lo me iliri'i til an. dated thi' 7lh day of Pei-ember, A. I l!,t, no hi a jndi;mni reideret and end r, .1 in ,nl emirl on the iili day m November, A II. Is; 1.1, in lavorol plainilll-, aitl a.'ain-t said ahnv nam, I de.'t'nila.i, Inr the Mini of OIIO thousand MX blllld't'd IlliflVtvIO (J Iif'J) iloliars, loiirtlirr " ti cosli niul at. Notice rr I'uMlriiflon 'I'linber Land Act, June II, 1S7S. I'nilo.l States Land Olllee, I Dregon City, Dr., Oct. LM, liHUI ( Noi'eo in lioieby given that in compli ance iih thx pt oviHions n I ho act of omigteHsof .lime H, 1S7M, entitled "An i act lor the Hale of lunils in the I ut iles of California. Oreitoti. Ni'vada NIII'.ltll'l"MM tl.l'.. I'lirnuaot to Jil.lnuionl ur li'r, decronanil an ruiviiilnii iKHiind out of the Clronlt I and VVKiinutiu Territory," H extendi d 1 Klunli.-tn I,. Hooker, H. It. .Irnnip, Ho'nliro. went c irnat of ldd ibnintloii Uinl elalm No HI ot lloorn and ICnnlea Itrork, lirliiK llio null lirnt 1'urimr lit I ho tract onuvi.y,( hv i It. I.ilirr nud l'rtoTliii. J. Murnhv i imiii ,m r-uiii- in , r i .'mill inr mi 'Mini , i uiolll'O in OKI iiin.n ll'l I, Illnro r IONN, IO ItlM oi v incKmiina aim uaiou in inn nay oi i Doi'onilioi, llkiit, upon a jintitnionl and do 1 croo ol loreoloMiro duly roinlorod In nul l I court ii pi iti Hi '.'Sili day ol Novcnilicr, lno.1, : lii mill wliori'ln 1 1 or in all llnlinan, Jr , nan i'l Until! and i.vonuid llnoker, Jr., xrinlsalon. tornoy loos, on aliicli tlior Is nun a ! tl- Mra IVlor Oeybontx of P'.'s ri'lmorw itroot, etncv due ainoiililiiig to on ltiotiainl two ii 1 1 1 1 V Fiio rrtiou -i. Ih-,'.i no alnrtiiii.K y ilroMoal. Hor iitiysloiaa hail lli..illy lo tun Iut ovi'ry fvw day. S;ie has lurcoU uout ly u rty lotion an,) jrow worm from .lay lo iUy. Ttio rliyiiciao finalW toM hor hu'oaiut thai Nho ha,l ttritit'a lloaoof tlio Uului'.Y-i. that ll waa In au a.l Taucti i-hronio a ato atul tvyoint ttirdioal aul. Hor hourt iiivi itaio hor iho umiuI tri'Ubl una ha was in .u' ti a sonoua voi-iitin n tlio rolatlv, a woro sfui for. l'l.ry iui h,riu I'uhiin'a Com ixitoul II atiivt'l iiu l) o s.'M-.ach. lh hrt thing that hut it im so fr a .H-k. 1 aortitut w,vii ti.o uM.i.v ii'-v!;inl u It 1 o at it tlio iin pnivfln.nt w ...s llii-ii (irino i.l till hor roi on-i y ., . 1 . i l ist i. . s oXiiiiiiiit-a inn ni.: :i--. f fin S: n I-rum'iM-o Stiu 1 Vi'titM", Lrii !:ir Koliulliol.iM iL. I tt.o it-ooi.ry atii.iiU to all the Public Land Slate by act of lAnmisl 4, 1Stf. Mielmel Kroll, ol V. y, icouutv of ClaekaumN, laie of Oiegon, ! has this iliiv IiIimI in this ulliro his awm n Hiitenioni No. ti:i", f,.r the pinclme of ! the "4 of ae'4 and no '4 of '4, of hoc 1 1 urn No, "tl, 11 tow nabip No, :i a, ritniie N' 3 e, and ill otl'or pionf to nhow thai j tlio land HOiijjht ia moro vuIuhI'Io fur Uh lniibor Btone than for uvrieilllural ' pin p.-oh, and to eaialiliah his elaim to oiiiil land Ixifure the remoter ami iiueivor . of this olllee at Orenon Cpv, Orenon, on J I'linrsiliiy, lhe Hlh day of Jiiuilary, l'.KH. 1 He nuines aa wilnoa-oa: i II. M. tlrownoli, DreKon Cily, Dregnn ; V II. II Sniimon, tiiegun CI y, lro- gon ; J V, Piaper, liu-iion I liv, Dm- niainlii.K ' 'o nuike aul ol tlio luil.miin 1 won ; Thoiuaa Pull'v, of Sbubel, ttrenon. Iiiiiilrit and liiu coma t '.l. 'tl), t thereon al th rat ol tiiiui Hue iinilir is, v.t;, nmiinr itn 1110 ousts oi ami m mi ilns nt. nun iiuo ilullar g. : hi r "Hi 1 1 1 01 si or oeiit per an u as I'V n ' I ' of rs l.i : 'loisMi of 4-.a Twrnty-noTortt ' "1 I ,, n :is :.: Ml.illi-n a lit i:li .-f oiiior .i- 1 iti m v ilist'H The ltuat In the Air. The air of cities Is impregnated with dust and tilth. To combat their dele terious effects the streets should be freely veutilated and watered. Wind ntnl rain art' the great destroyers ef dust. From the fields the wind lifts 1 the debris of vegetation mllen. seeds, I spores of fungi and bacteria: the dust j of the soil silica, silicate of alumin- 1 Hun. ijaibonate and phosphate of lime and peroxide of iron. In and proceed- j ii:S from volcanic regions flue particles j of carbon and dried mud are taken up I and wafted hundreds or even thou- ! sands of miles. In and round about cities and towns the finely ground dust j of the pavements, fraguieuts of straw, hair, stable manure, debris of insects, : soot, eplthelia from floor sweepings or j shaken from nigs, carpets and liedding, , together with gases and other volatile j emanations from factories, rendering ! establishments, abattoirs, tanyardsund ; compost heaps of all sorts, though not j of the air, are In it, In so much as to be in some degree almost everywhere present. Sanitarian. I..., If T 01 i. . k ij Ki:i.. ttr flit's an.l KlJli oocriln: nal pruprrt ,ioii: HokMmdi.g al Hi isntu Ii ost onri.or of III I'otlli liall ol III Miiiiliwosi qiaitrr ol m'O lion .(I, In loi sliio 'J son 11, ul rsivo 4 oasi, of iho Wi.l iniollo NUri inii, m t'hok-1 amas coiinly, atale ol Oreiton. rum ini! tnoiuo seulii Ii runs; fun fast paraili I I mi iho soiiiii iin ui said MviiiHi iii nm rmls; tlionc nortli (; tlii 0 wt-si It 11 roila 10 111 iao id ht.'iiiiilig. No iiirroinr. In v iroio nl s ilil i iiou tion, jui'Kiiioni orilor ami ill orro, ami in C11111I111 ilioo aitli the eniiiiiiaiiits ul ul only Uio 1 1 " "ils wvono hoi rjt il.o 1 Ii i.l to 1 .' 11 on ,t In sin 1 1 ' ... ; l.,,u, h ado hint; "ji 111 win nay 01 iiiimmry, 111114, HI Id hour ol In o'clock a in., al 11, 'runt il.iorol the court lnuo In Ur. mm t i t'laokaniAs oonniv. tri'on, soil at I u I 1 1 c aiictinii, autij'ct to rv'louni Hon, lo Hi Incliost hi. I In, lor cash In hand, all Iho right, lit ami mtr osiwliii'h tlio vkitlim nainoil iIoimiiIhiiIs or onhfr or am ol tin-in, hav in or to n.iiil alHiv ilrsi rilioil real ptoinisi s, or anv nan Im-io if, lo.aUsly II sai l .toi ulinii, JiiiliMiiont oulor ami ilu n 0, 11.l1 rt -I, c.i-ls and aocruing coils, J. K SIl.WKU Slierill ol t'l.irkainai t'onniv. 1 irfcn i. Hv K G. HAt'KKI i, li. ptin. Putod, 1 l.i-. Hin Oav ol lii'. oiiitii r. VM. 'O 1 , ' ' 'I ! 1 S 1 1 M.o w:. 1 it ni il.r rulmi '.P'o Wi t s..i . t! luiliroi ,-uiiul n.,i.a alio ivua aoil, auit tioiiuita 1 !iav.i iiro;wT don't ti o'jorti. Thor l o 1 :i! 1- - kl. wn w'l cur til ctirouK ills .1-:' l':t hohinl It Ii nl that II 'ii. J. Tho !! a I t'l ilishiiiiI for t i'is'iims, ti; inr 1'iain'ii'a. Ii.ii John J. Kulton lo. 9 Washington troot. Sun tuni isco. will- oon:tH.imoi.ri toril (or pauiploek. Hi 111 1.1 avu'ji lor un CHARM AN A CO., VKVG CISTS A Canny Scot. A canny Scot lived in a small settle ment some miles from the neighboring town. The distance, however, could be considerably lessened by cutting through a large estate. This practice was accordingly so much resorted to that the owner gave peremptory orders for all trespassers to be turned around and sent back the way they came. One time, however, the Scot In ques tion, having occasion to take some arti cles to town in a wheelbarrow, decidiil to run the risk and was about half way through when he saw the owner In the distance. Not relishing the idea of retracing his steps, he bethought himself of a scheme, aud, promptly turning the wheelbarrow to face the direction from which he came, he sat down upon It as if resting. Boon the owner came up and, seeing him there, roughly ordered him to turn around and go back. As "back" was in this case his ob jective point, the Scot obeyed and went on his way rejoicing. The Daahl-baaonk. Like each of the various clans of tin Kurds, the bashl-bazouk can easily be distinguished by his costume. His shoes or "yemenys" (meaning leather1 are red or bhick. His goltlike stock ings, which leave the knee exposed, are elaborately embroidered In black, Ins short Turkish trousers are of home spun, while about his waist Is a short sash of wool or silk, surmounted by n leather Dolt in rich colors and embossen In red. This is divided Into three or four sections. In which he keeps his re volver, his chibouk or pipe and his yat aghan, always kept sharp. The bashl bazouks never carry daggers, as tue Circassians do. A cartridge box hangs from the side, as also a small silver snuffbox. They wear two Jackets the tinder one with short sleeves 11 mi the outside one with long. At the ei bow Is an opening in which they earn In a leather bag written quotations from the Koran as a talisman to pro tect them from the bullets of the mi versary. About the neck is a chain 01 silver coins, from which Is suspended t powder box. Did Sot Look nixht. The intelligent co-'-iposItor, one of the kind that figures in many an anecdote, worked on an Arkansas paper at a pr riod when a well known novelist was editor. One day the printer undertook to s"t up the word "doughnut." He spellf-d It "donut." "See here," said the novelist, "don't you know how to spell 'doughnut? You've misspelled it here." The intelligent compositor came over and gazed at the pr-jof and scratched his head In perplexity. "Well," he admitted, "that doesn't look right, but it had a 'w' in it once, and somehow that didn't look right either." l-'faliliiK I'..; A visitor 1.1 c:,r reking was uwaU by the horse i;Ui- ti I roll of paper. 1 i. . ;: j saw with astimis..;... 1 was uttai lied a 1. 1 I about the room. 1 ! Jects and tviinivli.g I window. I pmi , o. was hearij by th" 1 man outs:'.',' in . i n and who esc;. ;i J. 1. line behind hit-.. ' rlu:iu-r. ( I ti.o lllltl i the f-y the fii.i ! . (lilt l.f III .:. a I inn. P. ..llg I. in', in rling v.iri 1; litem tlifi:: .i ilow:-;.,. ..irginroiiM : ti." rod b ..v;:,g his t K im; U.-o get Hla Own Not!. B. I-. Farjeon was one of the very few writers who set up work In type without the medium of manuscript. When the novelist first turned to fic tion he was editor and publisher of the Otago Times, which was printed at his own offices at Dunedln, and many of the chapters of his novel "Grif" were transferred direct to type by the lata BIr. Farjeon, who was one of the most rapid compositors of his time. He was a firm believer In charms and attrib uted much of his good fortune to a New Zealand greenstone which he wore for many years on his watch chain. Lon don Tit-Bits. A Mental Strain. "I'm thinking n a trip to C.ii ' r nla." said S:nur:. "Iteally. nid i.:;ri." remarked I'i prey, "you ra:i't ;:.'.'ord that. Vni;e not accus'.oiui d to t'.at sort of thit.'.." "I merely sa,,l 1 was thinking of it I can afford to thin!;, can't I'" "No; that's what I meant. You re not accustomed to thinking." 1'hiln delphia Press. ' . Legal Notices. I Itjaor License. Notice i heioby given that I will ap ply at the next regular meeting of the city council (or a renewal of toy saloon license at my present place of business, Main tret, between Fourth and Fifth. Jan. 15. M. Hamuo. 4'O.YI i:T .XM'H'i:. lloi artuiont of the Interior, t'niiril Slams l.nti.l Otll.f, (ignii 1'iiy lirigiin, ih'i-eni nor .1. lint. A snlh.-ior.t oonie-l tilti'i'ivii hstiiiir lion liloil in 1 ins ollio. th i. l;i hy laooh If S'.-hiiiiit, roiiti-slant, against inm i-siia l nin No. 1.".''. inu.l Julv 1J. s;h. lor K'4'. ."sortlon '."ii, 1 ow ns'iio H S., ;aiii 1 K., liv besirr K. Sahine, t'oiiii'sf . in which ilia aliegnl that roniosiatn ii . Ii ac ipiaiu'il with ssi.l irj.t ol land ami "knoaa 111 ;ir. sont coniluion of t 1 sain; also thai sal. I l,.lr K. Salin o has ahan iloni-U sanl Inn. I or iiior Ihan m nion'lis last 'asi ; dial h has iml losl.lo 1 ii.ini, ciiliivairil nor iinpr ived nai l land I r moro than aix months last .Hti ; that in Iin"., said l.osir K Sahin has nevr smoo making saiil entry, resiiie.l Ui )ii, riibivaieii or im proved any porlion ol said lam! in any manlier haisnever, nor has any in 11 dun so loi 1 1 i ii . ami lliat mini aiU ci-.l uhsonc from hp ani l laml was nut dnr In Ins 0111 l)vinnt in the Armv. Nav, or M:irin t'urpa of the I'nlti'il Slams as a private sohlier, ollicor. sHainan, or marine, ilnrniif the war Willi .s,iain, nr iliiriiijt i y nth r war in Inch In foiled Ma'es inns h en. K-ajje.i," ssn I paitirs are horehy loilllio l 10 I'l'ear, r"-i I and nlbr trmlence touch- ingsnnl a legations at It) o'clock A .M., on January lo, I!m4. hetnr th l(Kister ami Kepenera' H e I'l Hed Slates Land tillli: in I lron t'uv, Oregon. The aaj.t i-ont-siat.t havinK in a procer alfi.liivit, til I lioceinlier 4. Put. set forth la. ! hlcli alio that anr ilno ililigonce irr.n al mviu nl this online 1 annul h ma le, it is lierehy onteroil nnil direcleil fiat such iiotM he given hy line ami pro,or puhlicsiion. ;Kd. V. Ill HKK, Ki'i-eiver. Any and all iM'rsona el nuiliiif adveraely the above-described land are requested to 111, their claims 111 tbla ollli e mi or before said 1 Ith day of January, l!HM. A l.ti K.KNO.N S. liKK.sSr Ii, Koginler. .ollcr lo Crrdilorn. 1 ! i,..r..i.,. ..i.'ui, iii-i 1 1,.... I.... ,. ai'poi'iieil ailiiiinisirairlx nl th eslato ni John Keller, iifi'easiiit, hy In County t'mirl ol l ln'kainas ( oiinu, Drogon, Ail persona having 1 Imina against sal. I aiat are hrhy iioiitleil to present ih sain lo in for ainiil at Ih othc of tioorg t'. Uroonell, my aiinmoy, at Oregon t'iiy. Or, on, with proper vouchers Ihi rofni w i'liin an nioullia alur the Oat ol Una initio. 1 liito.l a Orgon t'lly, Oregon, Una 1st, lav nl llivointior, l' ,t. ANNA M. K IM. I. Kit, Aduiiiiislratrix ol the o-talo nl John Keller itoeeaseil, Police of I'lnul Net tloiucnl. of K. .otlcc lor I'ultlicu Ion. Pepartrilei t of lhe Int-rlor, l.iiid Ollloe al I Iregon City. O-egnn. .Ian. 4, I'sil. Nnliee is in-rehy given Hist tne lollnwing nanieii senior ns hi-, I notice nl Ins inien- 1 i " 1 to make linal i riHil in siionort of his I'liin. ami that sal I or inf will no mail ho- lor r.egisier ami Jt-i-eivi-r at Oregon City, i-iregnn, on FKHKL'AKY 12, pml, Viz: Jonathan Itii-hiiinn.l ; II. K. No lL'i"i4 lor the ' of NV! ' NW'i- . t SWi' hU 01 n n ;4 .-ski:. -4. 1 . , u , j-,. Il 1. allies lhe tollming witnessi-a lo prove his continuous re. enie inmn und cnliivuiion ol s oil In 11 . 1 . viz: John itolcher, ot h ilinoii, Oregon; 'il liu'n Stniip, o .salmon, Oiegmi: William H Hall, ol I'onlaml. Oregon ; James (hlell. ol Murium, Oregon. AI.OKIiNO.V Hl'.K-i-iKIt, Kgister In the County Court of the Suite Oregon, for the County ol Clackamas. In lhe mutter of the estate of Sarah Hughes, dccfttxeil. Notice ia hereby given that the Final Account of the Administratrix of th tut of Sarill K. Ili'gbes, defeased, lias been tiled in H.iid court for aeltleinent, and that Vlonday, llie 1st dav of Febru ary, l'.KH, at ten o'clock A. M., Iiaa been appointed by "aid court for the hearing of objections to said final aci'uunt and (or the aetllemeii! therein. Dated Heceiuber H, l!Ki;i. SAlCAll SKAHS, AdminlHtraliix of the Fetatu of S.uuli F. Hughes, deceased. .olloi ol I'inul set lleiueul. Notice is hereby given that th under signed, ailiniiiislnHor of the Fatitli ot John Aeker, defeated, ban tiled his final account in raid estate in the County Court of lhe County of Clackamas, Stale of Oregon, and the County Judge of said County line apHitnted Monday , the 1st day of February, HI04, aa lhe day oti winch said account shall I mi houIo.I. All persona interested in aaid estate, are hereby notified to tile any objection to sanl account on or before said date in said Court. First publication Iw. H, HX1.1. (ill.HKUr I.. IIF-IHil'X, Adiniuialratjr afoteHaid. L. STII'P, Att'y for Administrator. The Borne Prod net. "I should think you would be am bitious for political distinction." "No," answered Mr. Cumrox, "I don't care for it. My daughter has studied painting and ber pictures of me are tunny enough without calling In the tld of any professional cartoonist." Washington Star. police ot Final Acrouat. Notice l herei.y given that the under sined, administrator ol the t-sUte, of J. it. Keilly, deceased, haa tiled his tinal account In the county court ol Cla :kania county, State of Oregon, and hy order of aaid court. M ii-ih. he I -t lav of Fehruarv, I!i4. at 10 o'clock A. M., haa been appointed for the hearing nl niij'i ti ins to "'d linal account and the aett.eineut iloreof. E. F. RII.KY. Administrator of the eitate of J. it. Keilly, deceased. The Single Mlafortnae. "Misfortunes never come singly, yon know. Miss Frlsciila." "Alas," said the poor maiden, shak ing her head, "the single misfortune w the worst of all!" New Yorker. Notice. Notice is hereby given that the under signed has been duly apiointed aa Admin istrntor of Diana Hcott, deceased, and any and all persons having claims against the aaid esta e must present them to the und r- 1 ign-;d Adiniuistratur at Highland, Oregon, duly vermeil wi'hni nx months ol the date of this notice. Dated thi 30lh dav of De cern her. 1!J3. MATHIA8 KANDLK, Administrator of the estate ol Diana bent, decease.). O. H DIMICK, Attorney for Admr. .lics to Ofililnra) In the County Co in nl the stale of Ore gon, lor Clackamas t.onnij. Notice is berehy given that the under. signe'l Onttlneil lioese, J r.. has been duly appointed administrator of the Kstale ol IJottfred ltoesi-( Sr., dei-ea-ei, ami also ad 111 i 1 1 i st rotor ol the estate of Kli.slit-th lines deOOHseil. All persona having claims against said es tates or either ol them are lierehy requested to preaeni same men proper vouchers with In si months Irom this (late to said admin iatraior at bis resilience ai Damascus, Ore gon, or at lhe olllee ol tin attorney at ore goti City. Oregon. Dated Decemher 10. 1'sY! COT IFKIKD HO EKE, Jr. Administrator of the estite of Ootilried Hoese. nr., deceased, and of the estate of hhzaheth itoese, deceaseil. JNO. W. l-ODEtt, Ait'y for Adin'r. 4 itafion. Ore- Notice. Palnleaa Oprratloa. The old beau was trying to make fcimself look youthful. "He is dyeing for love," they com mented. Chicago Post The kicker usually does not auuch progress, notwithstanding le puts his best foot forward. Boston Transcript Noijce is hereby given tbat the under ! signed has been duly apiminted as Admin ' iai raior ol the estate of John L. Scott, de ceased, and anv and all persons having ; claims against lhe said estate must present I them to die uin ersigned Administrator, at Highland. Oregon, duly verilied within six 1 months of the dale ol this notice. Dated the 30lh (lay of December, 13. ! -ATHIAM KANDLK, make 1 Administrator rf the estate of John L. Scott, that deceased. ti. o. 1" Jllt-n., Attorney for Admr. In the cou:i' court of the slate of gon, lor the count! ol Clackamas. In the matter of the estate of James E. Carrie, deceased. Order to showcause why order of sale of real rstate should nut be made. A. M. Crawiord, administrator of the estate ot James K. Currie, deceased, haying hied his petition herein duly yenned, prays for an order to sell the aiitiihaest of the southeast the east Y2 of the southwest , and lot 4 ol section .W. township () north' ol range i west, of the Willamette Me ridian, containing VU.'.t) acres in Clat sop county, Oregon, a portion of the real estate of said decedent, for the purposes therein set forth. It is therefore ordered hy the said court that all the persons interested In the estate of said deceased appear Ix lore the said county court on .Mondav, the first day of February, KM, at 1U o'clock in the fore noon of said date, at the co.irt room of aaid count court in the court house at Oregon City, Clackamas county, Oregon, to show cause why an order should not tie granted to the said adiiiinistrat ir to sell said real estate of the said deceased at private sale; and that a copy oi tins or ler be published at leat four successive weeks In the Oregon City Enterprise, a newspaper primed and published in said cilv and county. Dated December 30, l!sC THOU. K. KYA.V, Judge. .ollre ol I'lnul Met I lenient. Notice is hereby given that the under signed administrator ol the Kslat ot John VV', I ice, deceased, has tiled his linal ae count in sai l estate in the co iniy court of tbe c unity of Clackamas, Slat of Or, gnu, and lhe cniinly Jude nl said roil 11 1 v has appointed Mondav, February S, Putt, as th dav on hieh sal I aocniiiit shall hv settled. All persons inten steil in suid Es tate are hereby nolilied In .'lie any uhjoc tious lo said account on or 0i said oate in said courl. First iii ll ii H t ion January , l'm. Last pilbheaiioli Feb"iiarv5. I!M. A LEX AN HKK TICE Admiiiisirutnr aforesaid. GEO. C. IIKOWNEI.I., Atlv. lor administrator. I ..... I.-in, I II I Ah. vi 1 .1..,. si T, Si. bona, Tony Stephens, J. W. A lex amler, Marv l Aloiandor, Ivlsnii I,, I, an, Ihlia II I. ano, John E. Ilurk. May Hulks, M. I.. Hove, C, I' riinuipsiin, - -Tliompsoo, Orilla II I. sue, Oscar J. II. l ane, Thomas J Murphy, llarrli-t K. Mutphv, li. VV, tlillieri as aduilulsiratiir ol lhsialonl l'hohi, Oilhorl, itoeoasml ; It W.litlhert. Malluda tillbert, Oolllo l.ilho IIHImtI, Kslolla Ollhort, Orant I'hogly, Da lol I'. la', Hal. lie, Wllliolin riili'ioiuanu, Wllhliiin Thielemann, Jeaiiftti. Thielemann, William Martin Van lliiren and I, aura It. Van Kiirau, wore do lmlai ts, which Jnilgmonl ia against Urn said ih'li'iidiiiil 1 Hard llockor, Jr , anil Iho said doori'ii against all of th said d lomlanta, I will on Sitiird iv he I ill It dav ol January. P'l, at tlia hour ol J:0n o'clm k in Hi aliornoiin nt sal I dav ai the Iroiil dour ol lhe Clackamas County Courl Hons In Orogmi ('ity, Oipgon, sell al piiiiho aui Hon In ih hh-hi'sl old'ler, lor cash In hand Ih premises in ih said decree nl lorolii in lioscriheit, or so utuon Ihorenl aa may ti ucessatv lo satisly Ih auniuiil nl plainllll'a Jndk'nienl liorolualior al d, Ih aaid prouusoa being dcrlhd a follow : A part ol Ih lloiiailini I, and Claim ol lionrge llniok and Funic Union No. Id In ,in-ln:. .'I soulh id rang I east ol Wlllani eite Mi r 1 it I it it In Clackamas County. Ore j gnu, inor particularly iloscriliod aa lollows, 1 In-wit : Coinmpiieing al lhe unrihwost cnrinr ol said dimallnii laud claim and running thi ne easterly tracing ill claim lln to point jar riiongh so mat a lln miming soulh Ihprolroiii and paralhl with the west boundary nl aaid ilnnailoii laml cUliu lo III Willamette nvor vs. 1 1 1 cm nl! and close .J11 acres of said donalioii land clalui, eii-i'piiiig liirtroui th loliowing doscrihed tract; I nuiineiieiug at Ih liurihwesl cor. in r id sai l iliinatlun laud rlaiui No. Id am! riiuiiing Ihene aoiith along th claim Hue ,S.In M feel ; theue east U'S' h-l ; ttiuc ninth :i .0 SI leet ; them Pa-t Hit loo I inure or less to lhe claim line; Ihenc nnrlh 4 l 7 loot on the claim Iiu lo Ih north line nl al l claim ; thence e-t along the north lino ul sanl claim In Iho placeuf begiuiiliig ciuilaliili g ;i ' , acres. That I will nlb r lor sal and sell th hov described premises In parcels and Ih Iho urd r following : first; Coinlnonclng at Ilia point whr the west liuiimlaty line ol lhe said donation I in, I claim 01 lii'org and Kiiiiu o llr.M k No Hi In Clackamas Counlv, Hlalo ol (ireg iu, inti-rM'oia lb Wiilainen river and riinulug thrnc smith M dog. ininutoa oast tin loot ; iheiic soulh ft? degrrrs fVJ mlliiiirs rust 1'ki.liJ feet; Ihollc south III dgrea TI miiiuloi east 1.".' lol ; tiionee nortli liloh lrt lo a pm nl :m:i.;;i leet east nl the soulh west corner of the said donalioii laud claim ; thence east I Ills ;7 foot ; Ihenco nortli ami parallel with the west boundary ol aids doiiatliiii laud claim PL'H.isI feel; thence wrsi Ii:'.' loel lo the west line ol the aaid donation laud claim ; (hence north on aahl weal line td.l.t lel to a point S.I1I..1I feet south of in northwest corner ol said claim tlirnr Fast blij leet; thane north IUi a fet; thiif iisl till lerl I Hi claim I no; tlienc smith ftd dgrees S minnt a east 1111 claim lln lo a point IH71I bet east ol th west boundary line nf aaid claim; llirno south to a point 4bMl loot smith and PITH loot rasl of th iiorihwFst corner of aaid claim, bring (he mirthrast t urner id Ih trai l cnnvrvr.l to I'hnmat J. Morphv bv J. II. Laber; theno we t Pill.h loot more or less to th Willameit river; thrnc up stream billowing Ih meanders nl said river to the place of beginning. (Excepting a Inn Hull thereof dm rihrd as lollows: Com mencing at a point 1 1:; IIJ he l south and t.'.'J fort east ol lhe norihwrsl corner of lhe tiooigo and Eunice llrock D. I.. C. known as claim .No. IH; riinnlng Iholice smith ITUT.IW leet to a point; I In nee west ,'IM.:7 leet to a point ; thence soulh -.'pi "i f(.et to a point on th Willamette river; tlienc soiuheasifily IIKi.Ulerl to a point; Ihrni ras , Ms leet ; thei, cr nnrlh ll.lts I l to a pollll; thence easl .'!.-. I I feet to a P11II1I thrnc north Pml I I leel to a point ; Iheni e In a northwesterly direction In the begin uing and coniaiiilng L'JJ J.i acres. Second; Coininrnoiiig al a point tl'i HI fool south and I!I7!I (eel rasl nf the inirih Willamollo river 1 tnrnii lol low lug lhe ino- auili'is ol said river suiiili ,'t,l digrora III) li'lnilles at '.'rv7.4 lorl ; lluuu e aouili '.'I d. groos ;m liniiulra rasl I'H.'J lerl fur a begin, uing pond ol Hi trnel In b doaeilhed, Said tiiigiiining point being on the meander line ol lh WiIUiiihIo river; Ihrnoii rasl HIM 7 ( lerl; Ihriic soulh 1 1 1 sl M lerl, Inui nr leas, lo Ih Wlllauirtie river : ihriic h llnwlng III inriiudiir biinnl lb Wlllninoltr river up stream lo Ih said point ol h ginning, Third: That certain trad described aa oouinioui lug at a p ilul IPi.1 III leel auinh and r.b'll In least it th unrihwost corner of III said doiiaHoii bind claim No. pi; ihrnca rillilillig wral K.II lool; lhell.11 BoutU 4JU.'.t lorl ; thonc raal IK. 'I leel ; Ihonin imrtli IUI, ill loot ; thone as Ml lerl; thence norlh I'M) loot to Ilia plaon of hi'glnnliig, Coniaiiilng all acroa, ' Fourth: Coiuiuooclng al a pnlnl L'7 ir.i fret south ami tl.'L' tool east ol lhe notth wst ivirnor id lb llouigo ami Kiinlc llrock l. I,. (',, known as elaim No. (d; r l 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ic thruo soulh 170. US lert lo a puiiil; llirno wrst :HM V;7 lf-i lo a point; ihroe smiih SIH.TU 11 l i a poinl on the Willinnitl river; Ihenco soullo-aslrrly PHI II loot to a iinint; llioner rasl ,VW lorl ; Ihoiio north 4l:t. IS lent lo a pnlul; thrnc rast l.'Ci. 4.1 (rot in a ki!m; thruo north ii 14 Irrl tu a polni. thence In a liurth wrsirrly dlirolloii lo lhe boglmiiiig and C uit lining '.' aerra. Filth: I hai orrtalu tract nimlp, o be l.shor ami wile lo John II. Ilurk. d riiied as Inlluws ; Cumin in. lug al a point 4lii.'i td leel aiiutn ami I II 711 lol s ul ih inirliiaesi ciirurr nl Hie a, donation laud rial 111 .No ii ; lh- no weal h.ll.s leel lo III Wlllamrll river, thniee hdlow log th ineaodiT. nl ai.l river south .fi di gies :io uilniilea oasi LVi.M li ihenofl aoiith 'Jl dgrs in lunuiii a e.isl ;".'i J feel ; lhnc asi s is 71 lol , llnu.c.. a, mm HUM l.'t In Ih WiHameil liver; Ihrno lullo- llig in uii-anilora nt aaid rivor soulh 1,1 dn. grroa rast Imi d Irrt; Ihenco auinh 7.'n gnsea ras: '.-.( 4 , ei ; Iheiicn aniith ,VI de grees eaat 'Ji'll.ll !( ; t lie 1 i soulh 17 d grors rast 41 li lerl Ii the aonlhoasl oi.rnrr id th trad ol land sol oil In Ma-y it. ) tilt -man by decrr ol th cn 1111 court 1 I the slat ul Oregon Inr th c.iiniv id. Mullno inah ; thence nnrlh along lhe' aa line of said lust named (raei s7d loel to th plane ol lirgluning. rorpiiug Iherrlrom, how. vr, thai oeriaiii ,p irii.ui inrrnd ronvyd lo I'. J. Murphy by i,n sail J. II .ahr, I'miialiiing .11 a. ii'S and huiimh-d as hd low.: Cuiuiiirneliig at a puini 4HI'i h IihiI aoiith and Pl7:i lerl rast of Ih iiurlhanul corner nl llie said donation land claim No 4H; theno wrsl S LI frel; Ihenco suulli 1.11 Jii leel; I e rasl ;'s ,.rli u,,,,,.. noun I'd :M del .ti,encrra-t Valferi, hem nnrlh .'.V.I leet In lh p ai r ol beginning. Hiilh: Coiiiinrnciug al a poiul 011 the west boiimlarv lln ol aul doiialloii land claim No. 4l, SdO.M r. I .null, of 11, e nnrlh. west corner ol aaid claim; them mm tracing ih claim . m iho Willamrlt river; ihrnc soulh fta degrees nniiiilea easl tl ' leet; liienco toulh ,'i7 drgrres ,V.' Illlllllles east 's;.l,.' leel; llu-in'r s.illlh Id degrees 2.' minnt. a rasl I.'.' f.-rl; thence nonli Jill 7ti fool in a pnlul .Till 7 1 fort asi ol lhe southwest corner nl the sanl donalioii laml claim. 11, encei-a-t .'tis. .'7 Irrl ma point; Ihrni nnrlh and parallel with the wrat ,M ''y nl said donalioii laud claim 111.11 Ml I,., I; ihence wt 1 i.-J h ot lo the west Iiu of aaid claim, couialidog list,' acrs, ami bolngtli tract luipmlril to ho convym hy III said J. II. Labor and wife u, Edsou I.. I. an, To (hn J.idgiuenl of plaintiff against Iho said defeu, Urn I ....... 1 11 l-. Jr., lor th sum ol .'.'.,'i7, and lh lurthor sum in as ailnrnpv 's b a, and Ih lu-. ihor sum 01 Jul 7;, pi. mini', ,,( ,,,. Ihirsemeiils, tngelner aim .... 11,. said sin, 1, ,1 tn rMt ,, ,1 r ,-,, .r IIIIMI troiu uVBUlllr 2H. lisrt all In I'. n.,i Hiaiesg iid cm, , ,!, ,.,,,1 of ami upnii the said wril ol eioi'iilion. J. it. SIIAVEIt. Sherlll of Clackama iinly, Or. TrenHUirr's Siitlce I now have innnoy In pay count warrantscniliirseil prior lo April I, llkll, also mad w irrauta ernlorsml 1 1 r ll aP tl July i, lln.T, Inleri-t will c,.s,i on Hileli wairauls un llni dale of IH nulic. Oregon (Tiy, Ort'gnii, Di-cemlier 4, HKtl. Fnon Camii.i,, Ireasiirer nl Clackainas Cniinly, (begun. Suimcrib fur tlio FhtorpneM DELINQUENT TAXES FOR 1902. police for I'nlilleiillon. (Timber Land Act, June ,'!, IH7S ) L'. S. Land Ollii e, Oregon Citv, ) December I'll, I'.IO.T f Notice i hereby given that fn com pliam.'H with the provisions of the act of congress ol June li, 1HIH, ontille.l "An act for the tale of timber land iu the stateH of California, (Jregon, Nevada aud Washington Territory," as extended to all the public hind states by act of Au gust 4, 1SU.', Alexander W. I ourtney.of I'ortland, county ol Multnomah, slate of Oregon, has thi day liled in thi ofliee Ins sworn statement No. li.;4., for th purchase of the nw'j of section 28, ii township No. f) s, range 3 e, and will oiler proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for ils timber or stone than for agricultural purisjses, and to establish his claim to said land before the register and receiver of this ollice at Oregon City, Oregon, on Monday, the 14th day of March, 1104. He names as witnesses: J. D. Htites, U. II. Osliorn, Kobt. Osborn, VV. K. Thomas, all of i'ortland, Oregon, Any and all persons claiming ad versely the above described lands are- requested to file their claims in this of liee on or before said 14th day of March, iyi. aluf;hnon b. dkkssek, Register. The Enterprise f 1.50 per year. Summons. IMceofS lie. iff 's Sale TAX EXECUTION. Statu of Oim.ns, I Cnt-NTY nr Clackamas, I M To ,t It. Shaver, Shorill of Clackamas County, Oregon, liroetiug: In the name ol the Stale ol Oregon, You are hereby commanded to advertise and sell In Ih manner provided hy law the several articles of personal property and parcels ol real proprty uimiu which taxes have been respectively levied for the year I'iO.' aud which are marked and extended as unpaid and dolinipient upon lhe accom panying tax mil nl Clackamas Counlv for said year 1112 and that you pay over all money so collected to lhe county treasurer of said county as required by law Witness my hand and the seal of the county court of the Stale of Oregon for lhe County ol Clackamas In In aith day of No- veuiner A. li. r.sii. Hra! F. A. HI.EHiHT. County Clerk of Clackamas County, Ore State of Oregon, ) Co.. Oregon, I1()(lk "'-duo. Atkinson, section , acre 2 rto: tux 1 1. XI, penalty aMi iirl 'oi o..m ,.i Vr' , - "nirsuiilink. I' t jr,. block 7; tux tD.i-i, mil,, ally Intorest to oi '"!"klry' , w itn ic. Mnr.'i,: biinkH, bit X7, block 7; tax to ! pemilty $, InleroHt luoi ' "' !ni' i'! Mrol,bk'a', lot .HI block 7; tnx $o.l.i. ,: "Hy IO.iii, IntoroHt $oni 1 Oove. ('. A. Mnri-hlinnka, li'it"V dock !); !,, 0.13, penally 0.0l' IntcrcHi $0.01 ........ ftiitreiibiinks, lot N j.ij. po.mlty 10.01, Interest Sviwcnrl. OeorKlnnn, and Krnxlor Jennlii Ue Mnrchbnnka, lot 12. block 0; tax $0.12, ,),.. uliv to ni i.., - . . : " ' . ' oii'-ieai ll. Ill Miir.'hliniika, bit 1.1, block 0. tax till .,:?'m!'y ,"-01' """"" Mnrrhhnnks, lot 14.' bVo'c'k"'-'lai 10.12. penalty to.'ot,'0 Inre" MiirrhbAnksjot 'l., 'bVo'ci,' tVlai V"' u' A''-""'-ii'bnnka; Vol' lV ttJi Wn- : nTot'ri n "1R,S ' W -h'o'bVrVaon. lot 12, block 3; tax $1 ll ,,,. Hty 10.11. Interest Iiuo Robertson. Ini 1 vi i. tin ....i. .'.;'.. 11 " Rotiertaon, lot block I); tax 5.11 14 .14 .11 .11 rllJ.n.TIO.M. In the Circuit Court of the Htale of Ore gon for the County, of Clackamas. Lydia L. Bchoonover, 1 riaiiiun, vs. liert J. Bchoonover, Jjefendant. To Uert 1 . Hchoonover, defendant: In toe name ol the hiate ol Oregon: You are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you In the above entitled, suit, within six weeks from the date of the first publication ol this summons, which time expires on the 20th day of February, P4, and if you so fail to so appear and answr, the plaintllf will ap ply to the Court for the relief prayed forlu the complaint, to wit: A decree dissolving the bonds of matrimony existing between plain ti tl and defendant, for the care and custody of her child, lwis Hchoonover, and for such other and further relief as to the Court may seem just and equitable. This summons is published by order of Thos. F. Kvan. Judge ol the County Court of the State of Oragon for Clackamas county, I and the name of the owner when known or dated Dec. r.nn. 1 person to whom taxed, la as rollows, to-wit: flat it IipmL v.uhlleatinn Ian. A I'ULl I Aa uodlvMail I Int. aeree ae 4eorltd In Keeerei nt Lxst, OlaakaatM Clackamas County ) I hereby ce;lify that the foregol tiff la a true and correct copy of the original warrant for the collection of the Delinuuent taies tor the year V.Hr and of the whole thereof ol such original now In my bands and that lhe same was received by me on the ffith day of November, I!M).'t. J ft. SHAVER Hherilf and Tax Collector lor Clackamas County, Oregon. Now, therrlor. in obedience to the com mands of the aaid shove mentioned war rant I will on the 1 1 lh dny ol Janunry. ISO I. at the hour of 9 o'clock A. M. at my ofllce in the Clackamas County Court house. In Oregon City, Clackamas Coiintv, Oregon, aril the several tracts or parcels of real tirou- rty embraced In the delinquent list of Clackamas County, Oregon, lor the year V.ttl. and a description of which profKrty, the amount of taxes, interest to date of sale, and ienaltiea accrued against each tract - - " , --. . . . and date of last publication, February ly, Wfi. W. H. POWELL, I R1 k n ui.!..inr in 2 H 9 Ii1aL sj a . a 11.13. penalty io.!! t'ere.t IH.IU Robertson, lot 1-11, penally 10.10 Itotiertaon. lot 11.11, penally . Mock 10.11, 4. block $0.11, .14 .14 .11 .14 .IS .11 lie in in 1: tax Interest l;"tax Intereat t. Mock 10.11, Is; Ux Intereat Itobertaon, lot ii.iz. penalty $0.10 Irrigation Lumber A Fuel Co Itobertsnn, aoiuh half of lot' 4 'nak I2" ,,"l)' Plty 10.08, Intereat to 07 "obertson. lot I. bloak li;tac $0 1o' pe""7 en' ltera.t Boxorth. lira. m.viiim Continued on l'aae Vine 111 IIS 111 .tt III