Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (Jan. 8, 1904)
OliKdON CITY ENTERPRISE FRIDAY, JANUARY 8, 1904 5 Ayer's Don't try cheap cough medi cines. Get the best. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. What a record it has, sixty years of Cherry Pectoral cures! Ask your doctor If he doesn't use It for coughs, colds, bronchitis, and all throat and lung troubles. hT fount! that ATM! 1'r.nrry Pwtnrl It Ins nifttrln I ran irp.rrlM for hrou- nlillU. ImBih-nis. foifin. i"l linn -lU " M. Lokimak, M.l N. T. JV.,Vi.. pi M, Alt rtntjirl.t. for .,wH, M" Bronchitis Correct ainy tendoncy to eont!p tlon with small doaea of Ayer's PIHa. Oregon City Hntcrprisc TOLD IN SIDEHEADS. WmiiiKti IN VAi'iT.-Frnnk Wllla lid Cora M. Uarifer, holli of Klyville, were married at Hie olllcn of Hie county clerk, thvMiiiher I'll, Mayor. H. Ilni Ick, olliciallnu. In order to avo d any unneceniiary promiiieiicn ill Hie matter, the ceremony at the reiiient of thMyomiK coiuile, wan perliirtned on the interior of the laru recurd vault in tin' clcrk'n ullirc. I.ocl.aWo Horn (iAMKa. The first thli tic: event of the winter ecaeon Were pulled olfat the Y. M C. A. roumn hint ThutNilay evening. Hy nuperior playing the locale won lioth content". The IUhI event w aa a return uartte of bankethall with the Portland Y. M. C. A. Tina wan won hy Oicuoii City the wore laiing 4 to 2. In tli game ol in. lour haneliall that fulloweil, live iiiliinva only lieing plaved, Dregon City alao won by ncore of HI to !'-'. Ian-ai. Saloon Uoihikii. The leiM)l aaliKiu wan liiirgUnaed at an early hour hint KaHirdiiy uinriiliig Willi theexivp tion ol a h'W galloiia of wliikkey tiolhlng waa i arried aaay. Min e the imiprietor leavea no money In the building over night, the hingiara received no monetary Tcward for their work. Entrance to the Hal I wan gained hy citttitiK a hole thioiiiib the wall ol an a ljoinitig atore room. I i k : at Kas Kkancibco Tiie rcmniiiH ol Hcrt C. HH)oncr, a former reeidunt ol tin" city, who dietl at San Kraiicieco hint Thuraday, waa broiiiihl to thin city lor burial. The body arrived Saturday morning ami brief nervict-a were con dinted at Mountain View cemetery where interment look place. Sooner wan aged "l yearn and in nurvived hy w ile and two children. He went to Cal ifornia tome lime nun in the hope" that change, of location might benefit hia health. Will IU'hn Coal I'icmi'iibakilv. For oerhana the tirMl lime ill the hiHtory ol ik iiianiilai tuririir iiiHtitutioiia ol thin place, a ncow loaded with coal, wan towed up the Willamette river lant Sat unUv The fuel w ill he naed hy the Crown Company inMead of wooil, tern porurily, until the aianagemetit can in-iroiluce- oil hiirning luachinery about February 1. Coal ban never before been lined by any ol the inanufiicf uring iimli tutiona of thin city. An iMi'HKnaiVK Mkhvii , T'be joint ln Htiilhilion of the ollicera ol the local W. K C. and (1. A. K. .I'ont waa held at Willamette Hull Moinlnv evening. Alter an interenting programme, refreMhmentn were nerved. One of the number" on the evenirin'n programme wan the inntalla tion of the beautiful nilk flg that wan recently acijuirtiil hy the Post. In thin connection, Mayor (iralit H. 1'iuiiik niaile a aliort aihireaa thut waa patriotic and impn'Hnive. Notify Okfick ok Mihtakki. When F'.nlcrprine HiiliHcribers make a payment on nulmcription and the proper credit dnen not appear on the margin of Hie pa per or the F.nlerpriae ia not icceived reg ularly, we will eKteein it a favor il you will promptly notify the oflice that all errora may be rectified. Then are a number of nubHcrilM-rn who are conaider lily deliiiipient in Iheir auhacription and we aek that they remit at once we are revising our large hat of aubncrili ern and would like to be able to n ark all up to (lute. Siun Yot'R Communications. The Kntcrpriso thia week received Irom Shubel a communication with reference to an item that appeared in the corres pondence from that place Hie week be fore. In forwarding Ihe communication, the author tailed to allix his signature. It ia not the policy of the Fnterprise to publish any communication except the author's name ia allixed thereto, and it cannot mske an exception in this In stance. We do not insist on using the writer'! name in publishing hia state ment, but before we print any communi cation we must know who the author ia. II the writer of the communication here in referred to w ill make himself known we w ill gladly give bin communication publication in next week's issue ol the KnterprisH, hut until the identity of the author of the letter is disclosed, we must refrain from giving the same publicity. Canby is I'KosruKous. A representa tive of the F;nterprise spent one day last week at Canby, the enterprising town in thn sooth end of the county. Canny is probably the best town in the state in proportion to its aize. Aa evidence of the growth of the town and the prosper ous conditions that obtain at Canby, a number of new buildings are in course ol erection, including a business house that will be occupied by a large hard ware ami furniture firm from Portland. George Knight and W. II. ltair are do ing an extensive business in packing and shipping apples. The writer found the members ol the firm bard at work among choice lot ol larn red apples, for which Oreiion in lamed. Tim Iruil was indiiir I packed preparatory Id being1 ehlpd Hi .; Iiforttiw. A lurijH mp ol pntatM-a wan I this year Krown in 1 lie vicinity of fnhv ! Bin) ilia iIiiiiiIiik ml iimrki'tinK of Hun product U mw underway. All in nil, Canby In a llviily burn nml with it Ice- j trie street Huhls', assumes quite a mclro- I imjIIUii appearance. Pkatii AT Cakus. The death of Mrs. A. Cooper, of Cams, orcnrrKil at HjhI place IhhI WVilnesdny, of .imiliii' lilu. The deceased wan (H yearn ol w, mill liml resided at Cams for many year". She leaves a husband Ht tlit place, end three urown ions nil two 1uiikIi''- Oiih lHii(liUr liven at Niiimyaido, Wash ii.uldi.. and th other In Mrs. 1.. v . In- liralll, ol tlie weal nine. firm. y'- waa a well knowu nd tnti'li esteemed resident of the Cams neluhhorhooil, and her many friends reifret hnrdealli. The funeral look pai-H Friday iiiornili t 10 o'i lock, from Hie residence, and inter ment wan in Mountain View cemetery. Kev. Krank II. Mixai-ll, pastor of the Presbyterian church In Ibis city, con ducted Ihe services. Ill . L1 1 .. If . ....... m That Fanton Koaii. rreacolt Kalh fliMneh haa itmlitnted injunction proceel iliua auainnt Clackaman intirity to pre vent the entahlinhiiieut ol ttie celebrated Kanton road near thli city, a ordered at Hih laat U-rin of H.h county comiiilaaion era' court. The plainllirreiireaeuta that the conntrui'tion of the road an ordered will divide hia farm arid render him ex tetmive ilainane while it will fail to nerve the convenience ol the public. There haa la-en litigation over thin road for the j UhL Hire veara and it In no more nearly I Unbilled than it wan at Hie tM-Kinjilng oi the conlroveray. Kallilleinch waa r reateil recently on the charge ol obntrin t ing thin highway and, lieing tried befnrw jury in the jnatic court, wan found guilty ami lined fUU II. K. Cronn la the attorney lor Mr. KalbHeincb. Will Hchn Coal. Another evidence of the (a"iiig of cord wood an a fuel in thia aectloll of the Male haa been dia cloed thin week ill the eKliihlinhmeiit In thia city thin week, of a coal yard. Never before in the hiatory of the city hnn there lieen conducted heie a regular oflice or depot (or Hie iliHtrihtlllou of coal among cuatomera Th llitrodili tion ol Ihinfilel in place ol cord wH"l accoiipanieH tbu move on the part ol the leading inarm-lai-tii'ing Imitittitiolin of the cily wlm-li have recently aubtituled oil lor w.xid an fuel. With an ahuiidaine of other more le"irnhle work at more r-muiuTii-live compem-ation, a len number of men are found who are willing to be employed at wood filltting. Thin ban reeuHed in a acar ity of o il and coiiHUmera ol luei have found It nec.-nnary to look alter an other aource ol atipply. Wa" ah Kaki y Piokkkb Henry Sam eon, aged HA yearn, died Wedneaday at hit farm home near Needy. The de cea"ed wan a native of Pennnylvaiiia where in IHIIH he married Kllen V. Itovlea, who died three yeara ago. In 1 Hri'J lie croancd the plalnn to Oregon lo cating on the larm near Needy, w here he di.'d, ami where he refilled continuonnly for dl yearn. Mr. Samnoti waa a charter member of the Maaunic lodge of Silver ton ami the funeral nervicea Friday were under the aunpicen ol that lodge. Burial waa had in the Kock Cre.-k cemetery near Needy. Five children atirvive the deccaaed. They are: W. V. II. Sum aun, Oregon City; Marion Samnon, llulc tmrd ; Mm. Chaa. Spiingler, Carua ; Mra. J. It. Jacknon, Ely; and Mia Charlotte Samnon, Dregon City. Piikasant Law Not Paskki) The Salem Statesman publishes a report to the effect that the bill prohibiting the killing of Chinese pheasants uutil Sep lemlier l'.MMl, was not reallv tmssed by the special session ol the legislature and 4a therefore void. The Statesman reports that in reviamg the record ol the house, it has been disclosed that the measure w hich originated In the lower brunch ol the legislature received but 3t' votes w hile 31 were required. Tne mistake wan made by the reading clerk of the house who incorrectly footed tip the Imuse vote ami announced 31, the nec essary majority, in favor of the measure. With thin dincovery the game law in thin resiHH't has not been disturbed, and the sportsman may kill pheasants again next Fall under the' name condition that gov erned the limiting of these birde last season. ClHCI IT Col BT CoNVKNKD Judge T. A. Mcllriile on Momlav convened in ad journed session the November term of the Clackamas county circuit court. Among tin' orders made was one grant ing to Anna C. Kddy a divorce from Daniel M. F.ddy and granting to the woman the privilege of resinning her mniilen name. Anna C. Crabill. The parties were married at Portland Sep tember 14, l!02. The report of K. (t. Caiifield. assignee of the eslBte of E. M. Arkinson. an insolvent debtor, regarding the sale of some real estate, was allowed und ol the $l:iii0.18 in the hands of the assignee, Mr. Cautleld, it was directed that f 4(H) be retained by that ollicer, 'J15 be naid Newton McCoy as a balance due for legal services, and the balance to be distributed among Ihe various credit' ore ill proportion to meir respective claims. A temporary injunction wan granted in the suit of Prescott Kalb fleisch against Clackamas county to pre vent the construction of the celebrated Fanton road. A number of other minor orders were made. Judge Mcllriile will he in session until and including next Monday. Baptistm Ei.kct OrFicKiis. The an nual meeting of the members of the First hnptist church occurred in the church Thursday evening. Keporta ol the ollicera of the church and of the various auxiliary societies were read and showed the church to be in a prosperous condition. The membership of the church haa been materially increased during '.lie year just closed, and w hile the debt is slightly increased, the church now owes but little. The congregation numbers about 3LM niemhers. The olli cera elected to serve for the coming year were as follows: Peacons, V. W. Mars, I). C. Latotirotte, A. J. Burgess, James Ward and Joseph Rentier; trusteee, W. W. Mars, I). C. Latourette and A. 8. Dresser; secretary, Mra. Carrie I'arker; treasurer, John W. Loder; financial sec retary, Miss Mary Mclntyre; finance committee, P. C. Latourette, W. M. Shank, D. Mclntyre, A. S. Dresser, T. E. fiatilt, W. W. Mars. John W. Loder and Mrs. Nellie Shank; baptismal com mittee, Mesdnmes I). C. Utourette, T. K. (inn". Carrie I'arker, ml Messrs. James Ward ami II K. Cmas; commit ice on fellowship, Mesdamis 0. 'P. WllllaniN. D. C. Latourette and A. M. I'lirter; liorller J. W. llar; pianist, Mind Veda W ill i x run. Mrs. A H. llicsMir was re-elected to the position of superin tendent of the Nnriday school, hut de clined to servo, she ataii'm that she could not ie ll ''"'e l,IK' ,,,H ieiiired in future. Theelerlion of her successor was postponed one month, dur I n It wiili h tune she w ill serve. I,ock Hkino Kki'aihkii The Port lanil (ieneral Klcrtrh: Company In rnak itilisoiiie extensive improvements In its liH'kn at Willamette Kails In tliin city. New nicr and timhera ar.1 replacing the old lumber tliat has aerven lor years, nu the dimension of the lockn will not be (JlHturhed. Will Imhuk Wahkantb.- At the regu lar monthly meeting-ofthe Oregon City Water I'oiiiiuiKHiim Monday iilirht, it wai decided to take up tiie I0.MKJ 0 per cent honda, which heenme due January 1 and inane warranta, hearim, the name rate of li.lerent, in their nlead. The mill-annual report of the necretary wan re4d. It nhown that during the pint year tliecitv water nyntern haa produced a profit of (2KK). During the name perirxl there haa been laid 2MX) feet of four inch water main and 4'K) feet of and l.'a pipe. Aksi'al Ciii iicii Mkktinu. The an nual lireellni. ol the Conureifatlonal chilndi occurred lant WedneadaV night in lhA liiiri h. The work ol the church during the pant year wan reviewed, ml reooria of the officers read. The annual election Ol ollicera wan nmuwn. con. L. II. Andrews, W. H. Adair, Hobeit Warner and '. II Dye; trimteea, Mm. M. M. ('barman and L. Adamn; Siimlav school niiM-riiiteinlent, J. l.une. . . - t..1.,.n.M . Uev. K S. Bollinger wan re-elected a" pastor for the coming year. The reporln of the olllcern showed that during the iihbI vear the churc?i had been in a pros neronn condition, and all hills against ilm church have been provided for Dunn the vear alwjut W members have h. mi add'-d to the meinlsf rnhip ol (tie church. During the same period the total expense of maintaining tne church has been 1H'.0. Will MkktTi ksoay. W. S. U'Ken, who is prominently connected with the Initiative and lieleremlum legislation in this state, saya the executive committee ol the proposed Direct Nominations league will he convened at Portland Tuesday, January 11'. when a jwrmanent organization will be fo med. The direct Humiliations nill that haa been Jra(U'd lor submission to the electors of the stale through the initiative, will be finally corrected at this Ineetirg and a form of (H'tition decided upon lor circulation among the people ol the state. The pe tilionn will he vigorously circulated in every section of the slate and Mr. U'Ren says the necesxaiy nignatures are to oe secured before February 1 or in time to insure the placing of the proposed law on the official ballot for the considera tion of the voters of the state at the reg ular June eection. Sno l.D Cai-U rou the Map. Persons subscribing lor, the Weekly Oregonian and the Enterprise and wishing the world's map as a premium, all lor the advertised price ol $2 25, will please either call at the Enterprise office for the map or remit an additional 10 cents to cover the cost of mailing the map When the map ia to be sent the sub scriber by mail, the price of the two pa pers including the map will lie -' 3-". We would prcler that each snbsenlr t n kin if this combination would either call at the Knterpiise office or send some body fur his map, as it is liable to be damaged in the mails. The original arrangement by which this ofTer was made expired January 1, but the otter will he continued lor a etiort time longer. Those desiring this combination of pa pers and the map as a premium, will do ell to send in their subscription at once, aa we cannot guarantee any defi nite time that the offer will be available. MAKTKLOLS KE.M'LTS IS TKEAT 1X0 I)It0IS. The Oreat Kropsy Specialist, Franklin Miles, M. !., LL. It., Will Send :t.75 WORTH OF TKEAT-YE5T FREE. Dropsy ia caused by disease of the heart, liver or kidneys, and its treatment has been very unsuccessful. After fifteen years ol profound investi gation and experience, Dr. Franklin Miles has perfected a remarkable treat ment. It is composed of three impor tant treatments and is called the Grand Dropsy Cure. Among the chief symptoms of dropsy, are shortness ol breath, swollen feet or ankles, limbs or body, and in bad cases cough, fainting and smothering Bpells. So remarkable are tbe cures effected by this new treatment, that (lie Doctor does not hesitate to send $3.75 worth of hia Grand Dropsy Cure free as a trial. Every afllicted person should try a treatment which lias cured hundreds of cases that bad been pronounced incura ble by from three to eighteen leading physicians. Mr. II. E. Cole, 144 Sherman Ave., Allegheney, Ta., writes: "Under your treatment Mj-s. Cole gained rapidl and nr w is as well as ever, though ill a dozen years and olten at death's door. Mer case had been given up as fatal hy 0 lo cal doctors." J. H. Ahrams, Benton Harbor, Mich., reports: "Iliad a serious heart trouble and dropsy. Obtaining no relief from local physicians I coneulted Dr. Miles and now am well." Mrs. Edward Aikey, Forest Hill, Pa., ; states: "My home doctors did not help me and thought I would soon die Sinf i taking your Secial Treatment can truly j sav I am well." Mrs. D. W. Uardner.Huntington.Ind. ; Mrs. M. B. M 'relan, ol Koners, U. ; Jn litis Keister, Chicago, and hundreds of others were cured of dropsy aftei being given up as beyond help. I A thousand, references to, and testi monials from bishops, clergymen, bank ers, farmers and their wives will be Bent free on request. Send at once to Franklin Miles, l . LL. B. Grand Disjiensarv, 513 to 52:; Main St., Eikhart, Indiana, lor free treatment. Please mention this paper. Mim Known Iikts Diaohce. lues lay morning Judge iieorge of the Multnomah county ciri uil cou't granted Mrs, Myrt'f Krown a divoti'e Irom tieo. W. Kroari The partiej reaided on a larm near Hea ver creek. In granting Mrs Krown Ihe pel i' ion for a divorce, Judge (J'-if'ge gave the woman a divorce, Ihe cua'o lof a three-yi ar-ol I child, a wife'a d ier in the real property o her former hoahsli I and I0 a iiioiilli (or the ,-iippoit of the little one nul l Hie further order of Ihe coiut The defendant in Ihe suit is a well to-do id Ihi" couipy and prohiihly as old a" the young woman who is now divorced irom mm. A Portland paper in rejioiting the case said: "Mrs. Krown brought a divorce nit u.'mnal her hushaml on the ground ol cruel and ml an treatment, extend ing nvs' almost Hie entire cour-e of iheir married life. She alleged in her com plaint and HHereii from Ihe witnea-i stand a tale ol domestic woe that t not ollen heard in the grin ; ol a divorcesnn, and adhated to it to Hie end ol ti e trial She charged Krown with a neries of lam ilv jam, iin hiding He striking of bis wi'e with a heavy aalt cellar; throwing a hot pancake in hr lace; threatening ro hang her: Jeprivii g Inr of the ties ol lile; g'tilTand morosp conduct ; m suits in the presence ol neighbors; dous ing her Willi mud.'y aster and a hucke' of milk ; cruelty to llieir three year-om child: accn-iiig her of unfaill'lnlnesa and divers other things, not the least of, w hich was a lailive to carry out a prom-1 ise made before their in trriage to build , a house that would nut all the other houses in Ihe neigh horhood in the shade. I The defense contended all along that the trouble was instigated and brought to j climax through meddling on the part of j Mrs. Krown'a father. J'hrenologi-t (irif- j fiih, who, it was asserted, wanted to get j a portion ol the property towoich Brown holds title. Tills the phrenologist, hoar ever, moi n:n-l!y and vehemently, denied. The trial lasted fortwidavs before Judge iieorge, and at the tim a'tracted considerable attention. A sensation of the time wis ihe act ol re lieving Krown of a revolver, when the otlicers were informed 4v inflith thai the man wa srmed and apt to do some body harm." l ured Alter MiifrcrliiK ' Wnrr. K. K Hare, Supt. liama Cycle .4 Mfg Co , Middletown, ldo. suffered for ten years with dv-pepi-ia He spent hun dreds i.f dolls'is for medicine and with doctors wnhnut receiving any permanent benefit lie sava "One night while feel ing excel tiouallv bad I whs about to throw down the evening paper when I saw an item in the paper regarding the merits ol Ko lol Dyspep-irt Cure. I con cluded to try it snd while I had no fai'h ill it I feit ta tter sf'er Hie second dope. Afler using two bottles I am Mronger and tetterlhan I have been in years and I recommend Kodol llpepin Cure to my friends nml acquaintances snlferii g from stomach trouble." Sold by (ieo. A. Harding. Kkoimkaticn Hkoins. County Clerk Sleighi on .Monday hinan the registra tion of Cl-o ksmas comity electors -The lime in which voters msy renisier con tinues until .May 15, hut flectois will find il more convenient to legister now and avoid Ihe rush tluit alnsvs imrks the ch-siiiK days. JiiBlice of the peace and iioUnea public may obtain iPgiMra tion smplie of the clerk and proceed with tne registration of voters in their respective lomlities. Where the reis trstion is insde other than at Ihe clerk's office, the law allows the justice or the notary ceifoiming the work a lee ol ten rents. TotK Fight at 0wego Portland and t 'recoil City sports w itnessed New Year's Day at Oswego a genuine cock fight tbat was conducted according to the rules of the sport. The battle was waged between blooded game birds of Portliiud and this city, ami me combat ants from the former place worsted the local contestants There were nine sep arate evei ts.each for a $25 purse, and the dcatn of one or the other contestants de termined the enuairement. More than one hundred sportsj witnessed the port, which w is carried on more or less se cretelv, since events of this kind are not allowed in this state. Miss Alice Bailey, of Atlanta, Ga., escaped the sur geon's knife, by using Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. " Dkab Mrs. Pi.vkiiam: I wish to express my gratitude for the restored health and happiness Lydia E. Pink liam's Vcfretablo Compound haa brotipht into my life. " I had suffered for three years with terrible pains at the time of menstrua tion, and did not know what the trouble was until the doctor pronounced it in flammation of the ovaries, and proposed an operation. " I felt so weak and sick that I felt ! sure that I could not survive the ordeal, and so I told him that I would not un- . derrro it. xne loiiowintr ween i reao. an advertisement in the paper of your Vcfretablo Compound ia such an emer gency, and so I decided to try it. Great was my joy to find that I actually im proved' after taking two bottles, so I kept taking it for ten weeks, and at the end of that time I was cured. I had gained eighteen pounds and was in excellent health, and am now. You surely deserve great success, and you have my very best wishes." Mips Alice Bailey, 50 North Boule vard, Atlanta, (ia, f 5000 forfeit If original of about letttr proving gonuinonoMS Cannot 60 pro duced. All sick women would be wise if t Uey would take Lydia E. Plnk liain's Vegetable Compound and be well - pi fen gftSiOtiiA AVegetable Preparationfor As similating tiicFoodandRcfiula ting iheStoinachs and Bowels of ui:i.:ti.VgTTHTiT:f.l Promoles DieslionChrerrur ness and Rest .Contains neillicr Opium,Morpliine nor Mineral. ot Narcotic. Jtx .tmn ' Aperfecl Remedy forConslipa non, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea Worms .Convulsions .Fcverish ness and Loss OF SLEEP. Fax Simile Signature of NEW YOTiK. EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. OREGON CITY F S. BAKER X PROP. I t Mi aW Oregon City JVIaehine Shop BUCKLEIN & KLEINSHMIDT. Proprietors. General Machine Work of all kind done. We carry in stock a line of Shafting and Pulleys new and second band. First clasa Engine and Saw mill machinery. Orders by Mil or Telephone promptly filled. Al rear of Pope 's Hardw ire store. Oregon City. Oregon. A J J r. r, IN GUI! ELEGANT NEW STORE We sre located in our large new store and with a larger ami more complete stock of better goods, are better prepared than ever before to furnish you just wiiat you want at prices lower than the lowest. T. 'J 'A J J J J -.1 3 bl mw tm lag nml Helling I'lles. It absorbs tbe tumors, allavs tim .n.. ... auud liiGiant mllnf ITverv Knv ia warrant. .l .Qui Ixiin:.-?,:T,7-,:,'r.r,::!,r ;. ; p ;., HMFEi sfte JX 'f)rfHz :; h - .V-'-.V .. 4 j M .-V- 'Jtp I i' FIREARMS K vr St'ti fa nous for yr biKauw of thfr ! 1 The World's Best By Every Test ;S.)1. Me hits f .r hiijh-stacH .ril (llMli'V st N -W Orleans, 1 SSS I I'bi.-aifo. lS:t:l; Paris, l'.KH) FOR SALE BY . E. MATTHIAS -Sole Agency for Oregon City Bean the ) Mi" "'"-i" ouiis tl. un.. u.M llw D.iM Biguta ,JJJ7-l,. u trri IE For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of In Use For Over Thirty Years tmi mmu " " PLANING MILL All kinds of Building Material, Sash, Doors lUOUlUlIlg, X".. m aj i.v m m m m W b OREGON CITY, ORE. Philip Bccklmt A. Kleisshmidt Main St., OREGON CITY g h ism pile orai & s?jes. ty drut-'ulfti Sent bv mil on receipt ot price. 80 cents and 1 iS w per box. WILLIAMS MFO. CO., Props., Cleveland, Ohia. For Sale at UUSTLEY'S ACCURACY, SAFETY, DUKABIL,"' r ire tsntl in L'r B-;n:,'rt' of t . - i.m! f fur a 1 k.iili . 4 auuatinx . r r:h K! r JJZS, TISTOLS, SHOTC rJ N o a- r w r-r c.. -'Ti:,-i:r, -. r - .. J. Stevens Arms A Toe! r.o. ixx CJ'ico?:; r,: : r . I.uans. Real property and chattel luortgiy loans. Abstracts furnished. tf. B. Dimick, Atty. at Law, Oregon City, Or.