Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (Jan. 1, 1904)
6 OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 25, 1903 THE FISHER MARTEN. Conceited, ( wnnlna am latelltareat and Wlihiml Frar. 1 !u fisher mutton deserves to be tic '. hoi lor known tl.un be generally ts. If oi)y on .tcvouiK of Ms owa good ;';:iion of hl!v.s-.lf, bis wonderful run t..ii, ttnd shrewd ttit.l'.gonce. i::e of the largos t and handsomest e." t'.w mur-tons, lio has also agility, atrvtis-sli iiiul ciu'araiiiv for any two of his kind put tocotlior. Measuring V::t three fis t In length, with a slim, vioro body, the fisher will travel mormons distances in a aittgle night, to', tiding lightly up Into tlio nlr, with liis now turned up In onlor to catoh every whlfT of scout, outwitting other animals ami the cleverest trappers and uuiking himself at homo wherever he haviMMis to find himself. WHO KNOWS When Hit Kidney Trouble Una Frsptenctl find Reached t lio i C'..r. ir.lo C?ti;;o? If It Hns It U, l:oi:nhlo by Anything Known i the l;ulton Compound.! Y Aro Tlio Solo Aont. j I As -.r- TU.n.r. . t- -i ..usual character of ft j fi!iin t'om:o.vd" . ..t couu'iiny ibsw not pule lis'i it tavtti. f - ! except tlicst. report- j leg rccoverl la kidney disease that her r - j It .1 the iti-cte sin.-tt, a' to bo Incur. I t'.e. ! . b an ;'.vr recovery In cos lacura- bl ala the iv'rt'nS of tli Fulton C.mpounds, r. r-Tted by Jo'-.-isA Jntueon, tha agent of lli Ful..a iVmixm;.;! iii L.w Cites: W. II. Friitley. a r,sh!cnt of Lou Qntm, hr!r. chtoaw ktdr.ey disooso (IlngUC Lt rajc) : ait, lUa everybody else, fouud all treat Ha commenced oa Fulton's Ronl fciirititF'M nim:. In the Circuit Court of the Sta(e of Ore gon, lor Clackamas County, Laura M. Welch. WHIIhmi M. Hovlell,Ar,hiir K Howled, J i r Ho.vietl, Vrl W. Howl, tt, Ulv. K. Howleli, iKour llov let, mill Louis Hon h-n, hv :nelr guardian, W. .1., mi.-., vs John N How It-it, ainl l.vdia V. Hewlett. Dells. , , i , county n( I lai-kamas, Mh'h of Drouuit, w.l ..I Hie ahovr x.ltll.-.t curl in III. Imv,. " '"'"" " "-l. f'-r h pmrliH-H of niiillp.l oiis',mi.l lo iiie.hrf.'t-.l mi ilnt-.l ,h" 4 ,,,4 '"' "'l4 ' "l4. ' tur Til. iIhj- ol lii-tiiiln-r, A. IV Uiwnliii No. ,1 h, ruiiKK J'ntKiiim ri'ilr,i nn.l rMrrr.l in sni l . i it e, kiiiI ill odor prool to allow thai III Innd eoiutit ix innia viiliialli for lla .olloo tor iihllrulloa Tuiilinr Land Ael, .lima S, 1S7S. I'nil.'d SiiiitM I.hiuI tllllef, Oienon Cuy, Or.. Oi l. W. HHU NoMiv in lieiwhv itiv.Mi llml in eoinuli alien ilh tin. priiviNioiH ol tin. act of ooiiKioHi. of Juno JS7H, .iilitlid "An art lot I he khIo of timber IuihIm In (lie atKtea of t'liliforiiia, Oreiton, Nevada and WxidiliiKtmi Ternlorv," mh exieiuli d lo all the I'ulihe l.mid Slitlea liy act o( AiiK'il 4, IS1IJ. Miehaid Kroll. of K y. Miii:itii'i"MMti.i: grounds the thickly covered hUU and I ' bru.ry, and on D.m.r r in noiiii.iaiiee, uui no is an iun. ii at home on the tree tops a on the ground and can sloop as soundly In a low hollow of a tree as on a branch of a tir tree, where he will lie stretched out in the sunshine like any old cat. As for fear, he docs not know what It I. He will not only face but ac tually kill a Camidinu porcupine and l does not even appear to mind the Ui;;is which penetrate his body. He Is not particularly fond of meeting an Old hoar with cubs, but la ffenerally clever enough to steal her cubs while al.e goes oiT on some little expedition Of her own, while Instances have boon Mated of the fishers In the Rocky mountains even killing young grizzlies. As for man, he appears to laugh at bim and his designs for trapping wild animals. He will pull a marten trap open and take out the bait, whether alive ,or dead; he will tear a plue mar ten or mink to pieces in no time and carry It off or drag the trap over some rough projection In order to spring it and make oflf more often than not Without having received as much as a t era tch. Put perhaps his cleverest trick, when lie finds a trapper Is following his trail, is to get behind the trapper and follow his, so that while the unoon acious trapper is walking after the fisher the fisher is keeping completely cut of danger by following the trap per. Many a useless mile has the trapper walked in this manner, and many good baits has he lost by the Tory same shrewd, cunning animal he ts trying to trace and catch. Collier's Weekly. Un write that b hu tul...a Sftih'a pouu.l In elf Ut and 1 again a!. in to do a good hard day' nork. Johns A Jo'r.i 3, lb Lo Gau drucgiit. tonflrm Hit r.v very andkcotTOtinTinlc:lrrrooTerlr!i la aitnltiT fas i f i tiro: lo U;.'.nry illfrasd In t.oa littii .i til of wt-t-h n luctiruliio t.y auriLiii fN' 1 lowu to dn''f."-ti. S. A. Palmer. Hi I,;.. ; ilriitci'l.'f i-iia l"rur.. H. 11 Mnynard, I .o I1. alutua ilriK,;it, the Kerry Prig IVui of No. 8 M rKl sinvi. Snu rnuoiHi. W. I, i )J, Hw i:.'r';'S 0.'-li, I)r Marklrr, t!m i l-.ver,l;i: dm . ;(. Wiiha k Martin, Hi I; wt ..iiPiiUMlnui:...-.. nd juiiirn of other 'ull f T"!: Urumrisi till r.-rt sih.imiIo reooveri,' lu c.- nlr kulu.'y d h('l.!.i'. that wer pmittlvriy lu -uv 'ile oy auylliii; uiowa iicot ill "ul.oa Cro-. 'luiilt. I i. : y. rheumatism fnmarlo acl.t, gout ard h'. n. .vr tmiihU-a ai- inf. that the kuiury ar. -t perror..iinc t V'lr fir.i':loti. The ohromo s'r. of kidm'V tmutili' In .ritht, Disease. It y .i f ol lar .-uiJ or t-iwMo. If your kidney Iro.t1.:! fc;.:!j ou RfiiJ 'or Pamphlel. 1'er-e- ti i ;eof rtHHr.riei tifurly Wl iiereent anion mnoa i :eum lompouua urt o.i tue .'nil day oi November. A. 1. IM. ill lavor ol I'laiiiutlJ, and aiiliiat hi.hI aiiove i anie I ilelendni.te, lor tne auinul one t!.itiainl nix liuiiilicil ninety two ($W.').tol;ars, lonellier lih costa anil ai loiury lee, on allk'li there rieni v tin aiuoumiiig to one llionaainl lo i. ....i..i ...l i... t ii... , liutbor atom, than for auricultural putp,. and lo eMiiihliah tun claim to eitid hind Injure the reglmer ml iw elver of ihia olllie at Oreiion CUV, Orivon, on riiiiriNlay, ihi. Uth iluv of January, HHJi liiiniltv.l ai.ii tins -1 1 1 1..- dollar and liny i lie nailiea aa wilnea-ca : p:ii: v chroriu' c.: fir .-inhr d !Cu irv PIx-um-i. II: for PI tw.t-t, i 30. Jo ' ii J. Fulton i'o 400 Wash b'v:. n tre.'t.Sin r' coniimn.vl.-r. aral.o.H fr imu'''' We rr :t'e t-ol Viui ua Ui t'uiloa Liiyoiiui u Uu. uii- CHARMAN A CO., PRUtiGISTS Legal Notices. iyiii!. l'.'.!i.,K), togMhrr llli interi'ft tlieieon at the rate nl ,S per cent er an niini nnc ieiiinber IS, 1MI7, lomtlier Willi the coal ol ami u eon iliii writ, i-iini-inanoii K me to make aale ol (lie loilowiim d.-M-ribeil real iroiert., to wit: Keuiiinie at the iiutliwei.t Corner of I lie nortli half ol Hi aontli wrest quarter ol neo lion HI, in io imliii 2 aomn, of ran.; 4 rii, of the WVIamelte Meri.iian, in t'laok ainas conniv. alnie of llrcu'iin. riiiinmu tiieme south (i rods; tlirtna ent para hl alili ilie BOUlli line ol raid arvium 31 Hill roil.-.; i hence nnrli li roils; tlmrce west lul rods lo the plar of beginning. No v Itiereiore, by virtue of said eircii Hon. j'lilginrnt order and decree, and In comi'iHiii'e with the coiiiiiiand ol aul win, I will, on Sxlur.Uy, tlie Hth day of January, 1BU4, at Hie hour ol III o'clock a in., at the trout il.iiirof the Court house In Or. von t'l y. t'l.H'kunas loiiiity, Oregon, ..ell at imlilio audi. in, subject to reilemo lion, to the lichen bidder, lor i-n-ti In band, all the rik'ht, title ami inter est which the within liatned ilelbiiilanls or either or any of them, have in or to wni.l above devrihed real premises, or any imrl Iriere-.if, to rails! v the enl.l exectlllon. I judgment older and ilcvrea, interest, coal uu accruing i'0Sl. J. R. SHAVER. Slieritl n Cluckaniaa I'miiitv. irri;o'i. Hv K. 0. HAt'KKl f, l), putv. I'ated, mis lltli day ol ltavmber. I'M. II. M. Hrowiiell, Oregon City, Oreiton W II. II Saina.iii, tiirgon Ci y, Ore iton; J W. li HHr, Oiemm t ity, Ore' gon : 1 horiiaH litlv. of Sliuliel. Oregon f Any and a'l la-raon cb.imiii)f adveraely the atHive-ile-MTllied hinda are reipieated to tile their claima in olllce on or before raid I lib dav of Jatiuarv, l!HV. AI.UKKNON S. DKKsSh K, Kegiaier. OKDI t.t i: MO.- A Larky Game of Chen. A story Is told of the Moorish prince Abul Hejex, who was thrown Into prison for sedition by bis brother Mo tamuied, king of Granada. There he remained for several years until the ting, fearing he might escape, place ! limsclf at the head of a fresh revolt and seized the crown, ordering one of tls pashas to see to his Immediate exe cution. Ahul Hejex was playingat chess when the pasha cunie and bade him prepare for death. The prince nsked fur two hours' respite, which was re fused. After earnest entreaty he ou tlined permission to finish his gain.'. De was in no hurry about the moves, we are told, and well for him he was ot. lor Drore an nour bad elapsed a essenger brought the news that Mo tammed had been struck dead by apo plexy, and Abul was forthwith pro claimed king of Granada. It was in deed a small favor for the pasha to jrant. but it altered the whole current Cf the king's career. H ork anal Leisure Showl Be Mated. Work Is good. No one seriously doubts this truth. Adam may have doubted it when he fir. -it took spade in land and Eve when she scoured her Hist pots and kettles, but in the course Of a few thousand years we have learn ed to know and value this honest, trou blesome, faithful and extremely exact tog friend. But work Is not the only food thing in the world. It Is not a fetich to be adorned, neither is It to l-u Judged, like a sum in addition, by i's dutwnrd and immediate results. The fod of labor does not abide exclusively to the rolling mill, the law courts or the cornfield. He has a twin sister whose name is leisure, and in her sod She lingers now and then to the last gain of both. Scribner'g. An ordinance providing 0r the luit isbment 1 1 iie'sons residing in houses or upon premise having privies and ces-piol nut connected with the ixibhc sewer. within the boundaries of sewer districts numbers one, two and three, Orriron City. Oregon. 8ec. 1. It shall be unlawful for any er mm to reside in any house or iiikiii anv I remises within tt boundarie of sewer districts numbers one, two and three in Oregon t'ily, Oregon, when the ces pools and privies located In sucb bouse or upon stu-li premises, and which are used by the residents thereof, have not been connecl -tl wyh the public sewer in such district, as by ordinance bereiolore provided. Sec. 2. It shall he the duly of the chief of collie lo ascertain all bouse and prem ise, m said districts, whose owners have not complied with Ilia or inance hretof're passed by the council and approved bv the Mayor, providing for the connection of the rrivies and cess pools located therein or aixin such premise, and lo post a notice thereon, that it shall be unlawl il for any l-erson to reside in sorb, house ut upon sncii premises, while the cess pools and envies used in connection with aueb house or premises, remain in connected with the 1'i'hlie sewer in such district. Sec. 3. Any r on residing In anv house or upon any premises In either of snid eetr districts, alter a notice ha been p .sled thereon aa provided tor in section iw) of this ordinance, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, .nd unoii cunvic j tiun thereof, before the Mayor or Recorder, I .'hall be punished by a lineornot less than li .e dollars and not more than twen'v live oollars, or by imprisontne it in the city Jiii one aay lor each two dollars of such line imposed. Sec. 4. Every day, or Iraction of dav, l! at any ierson ahail reside in any house or nponany premises as a ove mentioned, and after a notice has been posted thereon, es provided for in section 2 of this ordi nance, shall be deemed a violation of thuj ordinance, and subject such person on con viction thereof, to all of the penalties pro vided lor herein. Read first time and ordered published at e special meeting of the Council of Oregon City, Oregon, held December 2Kb, l!3 at 8 o'clock P. M. By order of the Oeinril nf Oreeou City. BKCCEC. Ol KKV, Recorder ol Oregon tJily. t o .vr v.m'v x o r mi:. Department of the Interior, United States Land Otlice, Oregon City, Oregon, Decem bers, luu. A sulhcient contest aflllavlt having been filed in this olHi,-e, Oct. I'.S, HKll. by Jacob H. N'huntt, contestant, against homestead enir. o. i'.si, mad July 12, 1!M, lor Mv,. tsection 2d, township 8 S., Kange 1 E , by lister E.Sabine, L'onteslee, in which it is alleged that contestant it well ac quainted with aaid tract of land ami "knows the pr- sent condition of the same; also that said lter E. hahine has ahau d.imil said land for more than aix iiioinlit lat past ; that he has not resided upon, cultivated nor Improved said laud for more than six months last past; that In fact, said Lester E. Habiti has never since making said entry, resided upon, cultivated or Im proved any portion of said land In anv manner whatsoever, nor has anv one done lot bim, and that aaid alleged absence irnm the said laud was not due to his em plo.rnent in the Army, Navv, or .Marine Corps of the United Slates 'a a private soldier, ollicer. seainati, or marine, during the war wiin Spain, or during any oth-r war in which the United States may lie en gaed," Hid partis are hereby notilied to appear, respond and oiler evidence touch ink saiu allegations at 10 o clock A M., on J.ntiary 16, l!H, before the Register and Receiver a' the United Slate Land Olllce in ti'egon Lity, Oregon. i tie suet contestant having In a proier ain.iavu. men ueceiutier 4. yjta. set forth la -is which show that ailer due diligence peroi ai service oi nils notice cannot be made, it is herehy ordered and directed tv.t such notice be given by due and proper publication. OEO. W III BEE, Receiver. ."ollon lu CrtMlllor. Notice is In r.'1'V given that I hav lietn apiKii ited administratrix ol Hie estate ol John Killer, ocre.isnu, by toe County Court ol CI ickaiims Count , Oregon. All persons having i Uima against aaid estate are hereby nolihVd lo present the same to me (or pa mem at the olllce ot (ieor.' I Hrownrll, mv an. rnry, at Oregon City. t 're. on, alili proper Toucher Iheredne within six inotitlia alter the date of tin notice. Dated at Oregon City, Oregon, this 1st. day ol December, PH't. ANNA M. KEI.I.EK, Administratrix ol the e-tnte ol John Keller deceased, .ollrr of I'iaial Mettli-nteitl. of In the Count v Court of the State Oregon, (or I lie County ol Clat katiiM. In the mitiler of I lie etdate of Sarah K Hughes, deceased. Notice is hereby given that the Final Account of the Administratrix of the ea late of Surah E. Ili'ghea, deceased, lias been llied in said court for settlement, and that Monday, the 1st dav of rehrti ary, ItHM, at ten o'clock A. M., baa been appointed ty said court for the bearing of objection to said final account and for the settlement thereof. Dated Dei e in Ik-r 8, l!H3. SARAH SEARS, Adminiatraltix of the Estate of Sarah K Hughes, deceased. The Blahop and the Widow. According to a contemporary, a bishop ho is widely known for his sympa thetic and kindly nature having occa aton recently to call upon a widow on arme church matter, and finding her teeply distressed at her loneliness, ven tured, as he was quite entitled to do, to flTer a few words of fatherly consola tion. "You must not," he said, "be cast fown by your sorrow and lonely posi Con. Remember the maxim, 'Man pro poses, but"- "Ah, my lord," lnter Jppted the lady, "If man only would." Q hi not mentioned whether the bishop 5 as a bachelor or not. London Stand-d. Etymological. - "Well, there's one consolation," ob eYved Mr. Suburbs philosophically, as tp shooed bis neighbor's hens over the nce for the some hundredth time. "At fcst I have discovered why chickens tare crops In their anatomy." Vbyr asked bis wife curiously. Wby not. with all the teed they ;nt In tbcmselvee?" queried Mr. burba. New York Times. Citation. In the conn' j court of the stale of Ore gon, tor the county of Clackamas. In tha matter of the estate ol James E. Currie, deceased. Order to show cause why order of sale ot real estate should not be made. A. M. Crawford, administrator of the state ot James E. Currie, deceased, having tiled his petition herein duly verified, prays lor an order lo sell the southwest of the southeast X, the east of the southwest V. and lot 4 ol section 30, township 6 north, ol range 6 west, of the Willamette Me ridia::, containing VUM acres in Clat sop county. Oregon, a portion of the real estate of said decedent, for the purposes therein set lorth. It ia therefore ordered by tha said court that all the persons Interested in the estate of said deceased appear before the aaid snunty court on Monday, the first day of February, 1004, at 10 o'clock in the lore noon of aaid date, at the court room of said county court in the court bouse at Oregon Uity, Clackamas county, Oregon, to show cause why an order should not be granted to the said administrator to sell said real estate of the said deceased at private sale; and that a copy ot this order be published at least four successive weeks In the (irei-on City Enterprise, a newspaper printed and puuiinueu in bbiu ciiyann county. uatea ueceniner s), v.ta. THOS. V. RYAN, Judge. Notice to Creditor. otice is hereby given that the under signed has been appointed by the County Court of the Slate of Oregon, for ttie ( 'onntv ol Clackamas, executor of the last w ill and testament ot l-.stber K. W ilhaiiis, deceased A l pi-r'ons having claims against the snid estate are hereby required lo present the name, properly vended, to the undersigned at the ollice ol Hedges & Orillith, in Oregon t.i'y, Oregon, within six month from the date of the first publication ol this notice J.LOYD E. WILLIAMS, Kxecutor of the last will of Esther li William, deceased. HEDGES A GKiFr lTH, Attorneys lor Executor. First publication Nov. 27, 190.1. Notice ot I'lnal Meltlement. In the County Court of the State of Ore gon tor the County of Clackamas. In the matter of the Estate of Frederick Lehman, IJeceased. Notice 1 hereby given that the under signed, administratrix of thees'ale of Fred erick I .eh man, deceased, has tiled lu tie yunty Court of said Clackamas County her final account a administratrix of the sani estate, and that Monday, the 4th day ol January. 1904, at the hour of eleven o'clock A, M., ha been appointed by taut Court as the time of hearing objection to mm unai account, and lor the n al settle ment thereof. ADE.MIEID LEHMAN, Administratrix of the Estate of Frederick lehnian, deceased. Precisely- That. Eraggsby I tell yon I'm overwork I am turning out an awful lot of Trk Just now. f ocker Tbaf a Just exactly the word jnr employer used In describing your frsrnt work. Baltimore; American. people seldom Improve when they karje no other model bat theaiaelve to ti&erj) after. Goldamitk. Notice, Notice is hereby given that the under. signed ha been duly appointed as Admin istrator of Diana Scott, deceased, and any and all persons having claim against the saiu ra- musi present tneiii lo the nnd re signed Administrator at Highland lininm duly verified within six months of the data of this notice. Dated this 30th day or De cember, 1J. MA1M1AM KANDLE, Administrator of the estate of Diana Scott, uriBlini, G. B. DIMICK, Attorney for Admr. Notice. Notice is hereby given that the tinder signed has been duly appointed as Admin istrator of the estate of John L. Scott, de ceased, and any and all person baying claim against the aaid eatai must present them to the undersigned Adminiitrator. at Highland, Oregon, duly veritied within six month of the date of this notice. Dated the 30th day of December, 1003. ATHIAS KANDLE, Adminiitrator rf the estate of John L. Scott, deceased. O.B. DIMICK, Attorney lor Admr. Notice for Publication. (Timber Land Act, June 3, 1878.) U. 8. Land Office, Oregon City, ) December 26, 1903.J Notice ia hereby given that In com pliance with the provisions of the act of congress oi June 3, 1878, entitled "An act for the tale of timber lands in the ttales of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Territory," as extended to all the public land slates by act of Au gust 4, 1802, Alexander W. Courtney, of Portland, county of Multnomah, state of Oregon, has this day filed in this office his sworn statement No. 6342, for tlm purchase of the aw'4 of section 28, in township No. 5 a, range 3 e, and will offer proof to show that the land sought is more vaiuaoie lor its timber or atone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish bis claim to said land before the register and receiver of this office at Oregon City. Oregon, on Monday, the 14th day of March, 1904. He names as witnesses: J. D. Stiles, C. H. Osborn. Robt. Osborn, W. R. Thomas, all of Portland, Oregon. Any and all persona claiming ad versely the above described lands are requested to file their claims in this of fice on or before said 14th day of March, 1964. ALGERNON 8. DRESSER, Register. .otlri ol Filial Nrtflrmr-nt. Notice ia hereby given that the under signed, administrator of the Katnte ol John Acker, deceased, has tiled hi final account in aaid estate in the County Court of the County of Clackamas, State of Oregon, and the County Judge of said County has appointed Monday, the 1st day of February, l!NX, a the day on which said account shall be Nettled. All persons interested in said estate are hereby notified to tile any objection to said account on or before said date in said Court. First publication Dec. II, liKVI. GILBERT L. HEDGES. Administrator aforesaid. L. STII'P, Att'y for Administrator. .olie. to Creditors In the County Court of the Stale of Ore gon, for Clackamas County. Notice is hereby given that the under signed (iottfrted lloese, Jr., has been duly appointed administrator of the Estate ol Uollfried HiMwe, Sr., deceased, and also ad ministrator ol the estate of Elizabeth lloese. deceased. All persons having claims agalnat said e tates or either of them are hereby reouealed to present same with proper voucher with In sis months from this Jute to said istrator at his residence at Damascus. Ore goo, or at tue oince ol his attorney at Ore gon idty, uregon. Dated December 10. psTI liOTI FRIED HOES K, Jr. Administrator of the esuie of Outlined Hoese, Sr., deceased, and of the estate of Elizabeth Hi iese, deceased. JNO. W, 1,1 Mil) It, Att'y for Adin'r. OTICK I'Oll ri llMCA IIO Timber Land, Act June 3, 1M7K. United Stale Land Olllce. Oreiron Cltv Oregon, Octolier loth. 100.1. Notice la hereby given that In compliance wiiii tne provision oi tne act of Ijomrress of June 3, I87H, entitled "An act for theanle of ti rn tier lands in the Slates of California. Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Terri tory," as extended to all the Public Land Stales by act of August 4. 1M02. Axel 11 landipnst, of Portland, county of Multno mah, ntateoi Oregon, has tin day I led in tins olllce bis sworn statement No. 0.1 1 0. for the purchase ol the K nl W U of Section No. 17 in Township No. 2 8. itanije No. 7 K. and win oiler prool to show that the laud sought is more valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said land belore the Register and Receiver of this olhoe at Ore gon City, Oregon, on Monday, the 4TH DAY OF JANUARY, 1004. He names aa witnesses: Joseph Maverl. of Portland. Oreaon: August ripening. Of Portland. Oreiron James Brown, of Portland, Oregon; M. Mo Intyre, of Salmon. Oregon. Any and ail persons claiming adversely the above-described lands are requested to lile their claims in this olllce on or before said 4th day of January, 1004. ALUKltMJA S. DKKH3KU, Register. City Treasurer'. Notice. Notice ia hereby given that there are suf ficient funda on band in the general fund of Oregon City to pay all outstanding warrants endorsed prior to May 3, 1901. Interest ceases with date of this notice. Dec. 25, '03. F. J. Maraa, City Treaaarer. j Notice of I-'laal Accouaf, Notice li hereby given that the under signed, administrator of the estate of J. R. Reilly, deceased, has filed his final account In the county court of Clackamas county, State of Oregon, and by order of said court. Monday, the 1st day of February, 1004, al 10 o'clock A. M haa been appointed for the bearing of objections to said final account and the settlement thireof. E. F. RILEY, Administrator of the estate of J. R. Reilly, deceased. Notice. Notice is hereby g'ven that the under signed has been duly appointed Adminis trator of the estate of Ole Hanson, deceased and any one having claim against esid es tate must present them to the undersigned at his otlice In Oregon City, Oregon, within lx month from the date of thl notice. Pursuant to a judgment or.ler, decree ami an execution Issued out of tb Circuit Court of the Slat ol Oregon for the County of Clackamas ami dated th lull day of Decern her, Itkltl, upon a Judgment and lie ere nl loreclosiira duly rendered In sahl court upon Ihe'.'Hih day of November, IHO-'I, In a suit wherein Herman lluluian, Jr , km plitlutilt' and i.eonsid Docker, Jr., l.hmlH'tu l Becker, H. It. Jrssiip, rlophro iiin lesaup, J. II, Leber, All M. l abor, S. T. Stephana, Tony Stephen. J. W. Alex aiuler, Marv K. Aleiauder, Edon I.. I nn". Delia II. Lane, John E. Ilurke, Maiy llurke, M. L. (love, t I' llionipsuii, Thompson, tirllla 11 Lane, Oscar J. I). Lane, Thomas J. Murphy, Harriet r. Murphy, It. W. (filbert aa administrator of III estate ol I'lmelin (lilbert, deceased; It W. Gilbert. Mallnda Hubert, llollie Llllla Ollliert, Edlla (lilbert, (Irani I'hegly, Da iel I'. Lee, , Imogen Haldle. Wilhclui Thielemann, Wllheliulne Thielemann, Jeanrti Thielemann, William Martin Van Huron and Laura R. Van Hiiren, were de fendants, which Jiiiluiiiant la against lb sahl defendant Leonard pecker. Jr., ami the said decree against all of th said de fendants, I will on Hmir.Wy he Itiili dav of January, Iimi, at the hour of 2Hki o'clock in the alirrnooh nl sai l day at the trout door of th Clackamas County Court House in Oregon City, Oregon, aell at public auc tion to lb Mullen uiddxr, for cash In hand, the premises In lb said decree of foreclos in described, or o i.mcli thereof may be necessary to sallaly the amount ol plaiutlll a judgment herelualier ata l, lb said premise being described as follows; A part ol the Donation Laud Claim nl George ItpH'k and Eunice Brock No. PI In township :t soiiih ol range I vast ol lllam eitn Meridiiin In Clackamas County, Ore gon, more particularly described as follows, to-wlt: Coiomeiiiiiiig al the northwest corner of said donation laud claim and running thence easterly tracing the claim Una to a point lar enough so that a line running south therefrom ami parallel with the weal boundary ol aaid donation Ian I claim to the Willamette river will cut elf and en. clone 22o acres ol said donation land claim, elcepllug Iherelroin lb following described tract: t ouimenciiig at the northwest cor ner of sail dooailon lod claim No. Id ami running Iheiine south aloiix the claim line .110,11 feel; theuc east 1.2.' feel: them north .t'ttlMI feet; thence east Oil leet more or b aa to the claim line; thence north 4'.) 7 feet on the claim line to Ilia north lib ol old claim ; thence weat aliiiin tha north line ol sai l claim to the idaccuf beifiniilua' connlniog 2I, acre. that I will oiler lor sale and sell the abov deaeri bed premises lu parcel and In the ord r following: first: ( omineiicliig at th point where the weal boundary line ol the aaid donation laud claim of tienrga and Kimice II rock No. HI In Clackamas County, State ol (ireuon intersects tb Wiilameite river ami ruiinlnn thence south M dev. 22 iiiiinilra east till.;:' leet ; thence ouih ft deirreaa ft.' minutes east 111. ti2 feel ; thence tooth 111 degrees 22 mliiute east i.'.' leet ; luetic mirth 210. Th leet lo a paint :kU.7:i leet east of lb toiiih west comer of the. aid donation lend claim: thence east SIS 27 (eel ; theuc north an I parallel with lb west iHiuiiilary of aids donation land claim lll" leet; theuc weal li-.'.' feet lo th Weat line ol the sahl donation laud claim: theuc north on aaid west line 4d.lft leet to a tiollil MO.M feet south of the northwest cornerof said claim ; tlienc east 022 feet; thence north .'iqi Hi feet; thence east Oil feet to lb claim 1 ne; I hence south ,V) UeaTeea 1.1 mlnul east on claim line to a point MrT'J leet east of th west boundary line of aaid claim: theuc aouili lo a point lli.VlM feet soiiih and llKO feel east of the northwest comer of aaid claim, being tb northeast corner ot the tract conveyed to Thomas J. Murphy by J. n. i.aoer; ineiinn we i leet more or Iras to lb Willamette river: thence m. stream billowing the meanders of said river lo tb Place of beginning. (K.xcepling a i. lion the riaM described as follow : Com mencing at a point 1427 112 leet aouth and 022 feel easl of th north west corner of the deorge and hiinlca Brock D. L. C. known aa claim No. -Mi ; running thence south 1707. OH feet to a point; thence west :tm.27 leet to a point ; theno sooth Jlo 70 feel to a point on the Willamette river; thence southeasterly 100.0 leet t a point: thence east 0,1 (eel; thence north 41.11k le t to a point; thence east l,Vi.l.t feel pi a point; inence north l'MI 14 feet to a point; thence in a northwesterly direction to tha begin ning and containing 22 2i acres.) Second: Col encing t a point 4U.V0I leet south and 1070 feet east of the north el cornel of ald donation land claim No PI ol Ileum and Eunice Mrock, being lb northeast corner of the tract convey.! by J 11. La her and wife to Time. J. Murphy ; thence wat IfUI.H. feel, more . r. leas, tu the Willamette river; I hence following the me auilcre of said river south Xi degrees ,10 mliiulea al 27.4 feel; theme ninth 21 de. greea tkl minute east 2.11.2 leet lor begin nlng point ol tb tract lo b described. Sahl iiegiiiiiing point being on lb meander line nl Ihe WilUinml river; theniw vast H.IM 71 leet; Iheiie south III. 1,1 leet, more or leaa, 10 th Wlllainell river; thence following the meander IUi ol lh Willamette river Up stream lo lb said point ol b -ginning. Third: Thai certain tract d-crllwd a commencing at a l-ilnl 1K1 HI feel muili and IOi'O leet east if th north weal corner of the said il.mailou land claim No. HI; thence running weal Kit lei ; then a outh iJII.'Jtl leet' tbenc easl 21 leet; llienoc iiurlh 111120 leal: theuc eaat Ml b-i; thence norlli '-'.'.I' (wet to th place of beginning, containing ail acres, ' Fourth; t:oiiiineiiclug at a jxiliit' 1127 IK! feet south ami 022 feet east t, he mirth, west corner ol lb Ueirg ami Funic HriM'k D. L. l, known aa claim No. 41; running Ihenc aouih 1707 1M leet to a point; Ihenc west HIS 27 feel lo point; theuc aoulh 210.70 leet to a point mi h Willamett river; thence (oiilheaalerly I'.HI U leet to a ihiIiiI; thence east MS leal : Ihenc north 41.1. IS leet to a point; theuc east l.ti. 4J (eel lo a iKilot: tneiuss in. rib lool.ll leel to a point; lliaiic lu a north westerly illiectlon to the bculnnln ami omit lining 'i- 2'i acres. Fillti; I Hal eei lain tract Intended to ha ronvev I bv J II I. slier and wile I i John E. Illlike, deacrilied aa lollowa: Coiuiii in- lug al a point 410.1 111 feel south ami 1070 leet easl ol the northwest corner ol lb aaid donation land claim No 4i : th nrui av..i litll.H feel to lb Wlllauielle river; thence loll.iwlng th meanders ot anl river aouth .1.1 degieea .'10 mliiulea east 217.1 teel ; Ihetioa aoulh 21 deurees .10 mlnu'ea e.i.1 u frK( lhnc easl MS 74 leet ; thene- aoulh 1 101. S le.-l lo the Wil auiette river; thence fullow Ing the ineanderaof aaid river south UI .1. greea easl li' lert; Iheiice soulh 7.1 de gree eaat 2.'l 4 feet; I hence south l de gree east 2; leet; Ihenc soulh 47 d. grees easl II ti bet lo (he aouth-ast corner ot Ihe tra. lof land ael oil to ,M,y )i. man by deere ol the circuit court of lb slat ol Oregon lor Hie county 0( .1.,,u. mall ; thence north along the east iiu tit aid last iiamrd tract 170 feel to Hie plac id beginning, eieepiiug Iberelrom, how ever, that certain p rlioii thareol convPy.(( lo T. J. Murphy by iha aal I J. l Lalwy, rontaliilng six aces and bnumled a fn! loa a: Commencing at a point 41m u f S.111II1 and 11170 leel east of I h north we. 1 oirurr 1.1 ins isni imitation land rlalm No 40; thane wa.t M.13 (eel; Ihenc wi'ulli 420 20 leet; bene rati 2"t feel; Ihenc north liil.2il bet. fieiic east .VaJI.!, bane north 210 leet lo Ihe p ac of beglNniiig. Sixth: Commencing at a point un lh 1 weat iHiuiularv line of aaid donation land claim No. 40. Mo.,1 leet south of the north, west corner of said claim; thence aoulh tracing th claim ,. , 1(l8 Willainrtu river; then -e aoulh M degrees 2.' minute st Oil 72 leel ; thence iut, ,17 degree ft'J minute east psi.irj (r,r . n,,,,,-, soiitli 4i degree 22 minute east pej fi- i,,i north 2111 70 fe 10 ,K.i,t ,iuj.7;i (r ,,, ol in southwest corner nl ttie.aid donation laud claim ;lhenceea.t;ilH.'27 leel ma point theuc north and parallel with lb weal boimdaiy ,.n donation laud Haliu .1.11 11 feet; theuc west II.-2 feel loth w. line of aaid claim, containing 2SW aorw ml being lb Irael Intended to ha conveyed by the J, II. Lahrr and wife 10 Kd.on L. I.ane, To aatlafy tha JiplKinent uf nl.iolirl egalnetth .aid defendant lonarl I lee Ire r Jr., lor th sum ol I.II2J..17. and th further urn of 2'-l as .ttornev's e,. ,,1 lh. fu-. Iher sum 01 l 7.1 pliiitlll' rosts and ills- buraeiiienta. togetn.r wild Interest un th ' aid lima at the rate ol 11 per renl per an num from November 'iM I'sit .111.. 11...... Stales g ild coin, and alto th rod of and upon the sal.) writ 01 execution. u. . J- K- SHAVER, SlnrllTnf ( lackama county, Or. Treasurer' .Notice 1 now have money to ,.. warrantseiiiloraed prior lo April I, IU01. lao road Warranta molor....l , ' 1 ' ' .oy lai, jiru.i. interest will ceaeei un such warranta 011 Ihe date, ol this notice.. Oregon City, Oregon, December 4. HW3. , Caiiii.i., rreaaureroICIackamaa County, Oregon. SutiRcrilw for ttin Enterprise DELINQUENT TAXES FOR 1902. iiticeofS lie i ill's Sale TAX EXECUTION. Statk or Oiikuiin, I CocsTVor Clackamas,) To J H. Shaver, Sherill of Clackamas County, Oregon, (Jreedng: In the name til the State of Oreirou. You ar hereby commanded to advertise and sell In lb manner provided by law tb several article or personal properly and parcel ol real property upon which taxes have been reapectlvely levied fur the year i-.nji ami which are maraeu auu extended aa unpaiu ami aennuiieni upon the accom panying tax roll ol Clackamas ( otintv for snio year ii anil mat you pay over al money so Collected to the counlv treasurer of said county as reipilred by law w lines my hand and the seal of tb county court ol the State of Oregon for Hie County of Clackamas tnla 2Sth day of No- reinuer A . u. lisr.. fSeall F. A. HLF.IOHT County Clerk of Clackamas County, Ore, State of Oregon, 1 V. a Clackamas County I herehy ce.-tlfy that the foreiroln- la a tm. and correct copy of the original warrant foe the collection of the Delinutient taxea for tha year 1002 and of the whole thereof of ucn original now In my hands and thatthe same wa received by me on the 25th day of 11 U'DIIIUVI, liJU,), J. R. HHA VV.R Sberin and Tax Collector for Clackamas ;ounty, uregon. Now. therefore. In obedience to tha mm, . ... , . . . iii.iius ui wie aiu aoova nientmn.! was. rani i win on tne 11th day ! Jaanary, loo t. at trie hour or a o'clock A. M. at m nnie. in .us uiacaanias lyouniy tjourt bouse. In Oregon City, Clackamas County, Oregon, sell tb several tract or barrel of real eny emnracea in lb delinquent lilt of ..mcienia uotinty, uregon, lor the year iis. ana a aeaenpnon or wblch property the amount of tax, Interest to date of sal, and penalties ancrued agalnat each tract and the name of the owner when known or person to whom taxed, la as follow, to-wit: ated Nov. 27. 1003, 0. B. DIMICK. Ad mlnlstrator of tha estate of OU H ninn. I Deceased. ' HBO. L. STORY, ,R1 ,r'.?i lv141 l. Attv. for Adm. -" T " u I staraa at Co.. Oregon, Hook Atkinson, section 1 ax II. K penalty et 0.3 nticklny, Jobnnna- mock 7; tax altv 10 ni i.,....... ou.'Kiey, . Amt du. !. Pag KH, !. acre J.o; 10.13. Inter. Mnrahbaiik-.' fin, pn- S'l.lM I. II W tin IT a a- . 'v oi, IHOf'K T" fit iri if penalty 10.01, Inures $o 01 ' Zl ' .'!' I1 ,Jr-"''hbank. any 10.01, Interest to 01 ii' A ""ebbank. h'li" V tni W1: fna1r;'lblbk, lot '. block' "-' tax 0-1 . penalty ,0.01. ,r s7Zln irai..v; 12. block Marchbank, lot ally xo nt . P"n Marchbank lot U, block .'ux I0.1J, penalty 0.01, ,,;f, 1012. penalty lo.oi. Penalty 0.01, mtereat Marr-hbink.: tot Vs. block l;'ti toll' ,001' iF' Ji ""''hbariks,' Vol' V' tta'i r.u-penM" wyer. l',n.i. m" lot i2. block t. r.Tin?rii""- 10.01 Francl. it lo.n. mt.r;rto lb . Robertson, lot 1, block 11 ioiiBiLT anil pen- .14 .14 .11 .11 .14 .11 .11 .11 .11 .11 l.ll Robertson, lot 11.12, penalty 10.10 Robertson, lot penalty tax Interest t. block 10.11, II: tax Intereat I. Mock 10.11. it: tax lntrt 4. block 10. 11, . bleVk 10.11. II: tax Interact 11; tax latart II 11 10.10 Robertson, lot ti ll, penalty 10.10 ,. Robertson, lot 11.12, penalty 10.10 Irrigation Lumber AV "H"rln. outk half of lot 4. ?0; Ul . Palir I0.0S. lntrt loot .. . ' Robertson, lot blo I; tax 11.12, penalty .n. l.ur Soaorth, Kn, W ' .lLaiia"u fContlnaed an rt lint l.ll 111 111 t.aa t.M