Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (Jan. 1, 1904)
OKKGON CITY ENTERPRISE FRIDAY, JANUARY 1, 1904 5 Ayers Losing your hair? Coming out by the combful? And doing nothing? No sense In that! Why don't you use Aycr's Hair Vigor and Hair Vigor promptly stop the falling? Your hair will begin to grow, too, and all dandruff will dis appear. Could you reason ably expect anything better? Ajar". Hair Vlnr U 't " wild Hi. M liir wa. (alllna mil vary had If. Inn Ilia lUlr Vlr .miipail ll and imw l" ' r la all right."- W. C. Luu.uua, LuuLar, ( l. l 04 a hollU. J. aYllti aaiaaalaaalaaailaaaaaa f0T aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaia Thin Hair Oregon City Enterprise TOLD IN SIDEHEADS. OlIBUHVKO ClIIUHTaUH. The people III (Jolton ami vicinity olwcrvud the I Inlet nine nenmin Wedneatlay evening of IiihI week when at lb tnaiiK" hull uti appro priate pii'itrMiiiniH anil pri'entei, the fxcrciren conclildiiiit with a tree and the dlatrlhtltitin of rni'iilH. Ilnrilitf the veiling Howard M. Iliowm-ll, of thm city made a nhort addren". 1Umkmhkiik: tiikih "iioh." Ivlherl Hurl, who lor noiiie eleven yearn him been empl' yeil in the local plant of the Oregon t'hy Maimf icinrinii Company, wax rciiieiiiiicred Chiintiinin bvllieiin ploM'cx In tlm ciirihllit ili-p irlnient who pri'Hciilcd him w Ith an eit-lit-il.ty dock an a t ken of their retiiird for him. Mr. Unit l one of the lieHd men in thin de partmcnl at the woolen milln. Pkatii at Mri.iso. Carl JidiuiiHon, awed H'J yenrn, died of lr.ij-v luet Sun day inorniiii; at the home of Ihh ion, John Cartoon, nt Mulino. 'J he decenned w iih a native of Sweden and came to the United Mniico T2 yenrn nuo, locntioK in the chile nl Nflirankn. I' or the InHt It yeum tin hun hcen a realdent ol thin county. He in nurvived I y three conn it follow : John Carlnon, of Mulino; Carl K. t'ailoon, Chicago; and tiuotav 8. Carl ami, of Sweden. Mamin Wknt to Cm r l-it .The Ma antin of Itreiron City and vicinity accepted the. invitation of the rector, ihe. Kev. I. K. Hammond, and attended thenervice" at St. I'nul'a Kpiacupal church at five o clock Sunday alternoon. The nervice wan held In commemoration of the leant of St. John. Solon were, nnnu hy Mies (Jrace M. Maroliall and Mr. ('. - Miller and Uev. I'. K. Iliimmond delivered a aerinonin haiuiony with the occasion. Smai.i.i'ux at I'Ainit Ckkkk. Pr. C. II. SiiiUli, ol Knjtle Creek on .Monday re ported lo Counly Jiidno Kyan, an health otllcer. the eiinlence ol a cane ol email- Jii ix at llmt place. The alllicteil man in oe Itrni ket, w ho coniracted the dieiie in KaMern Oreu"" whence he recently came. Judtin liyan han diieclcd lr. Smith to lake charun of the i no and take nuch ntcpn an will prevent the fur ther npn-ad ol the contagion. CamkOit Skconk ISkst. A team of basketball pluvcrs representing the Ore gon City Y. M. C. A., wa defeated hy tlie l'ortliind Asnociation tciitu at Port land Christman Kve. tlie acore being 1!) to 11 in favor of the mctrooliiari terttn. A ret urn gmiio wan arranged to he played in thl city IrtHt night when the local team Imped to he able to reverse the re mit. The memhera of the Oiegon City team and their respective position were : Cooke and Telford, forwards; Merrill Moons and (ianong, center; Caliir and Dernier, guard. Wil l. IIavk to Bkiiavk. Win, Cintpr wan nrresled at 3 :30 o'clock last Friday morning after he had assaulted Frank Lnwlcr and beaten him up badly, (iln ter w as ruptured alter a ciiaso hy Oflicer Shaw and when arraigned in justice court pleaded guilty to tlie charge nnd wan lined $10. This' (iintur paid and wan ilincharged but before he wan re leased the young man wan given to nn (terntand that if he remained In this cily he would lie obliged to behave himself. Ciinler formerly resided here and it ia re ported that he has canned tlie ollicers trouble heforo. I'l.KAnun With tub Hkcoiid Madk. Representative Hans 1'aiilmin, of lieorge, was in the city Monday on hin way home from Sulem where he attended the special session of the state legislature. Mr. I'aulsen is pleased with ihe work that was done and the record that wan made by the two hotmea. He say all the people wanted waa the correcting of any defects in the tax law and an early adjournment, preferring that matters of general legislation be, left to the regular eession. Mr. I'aulsen is also of the opinion that a more protracted sesaion waa only prevented hy the holding of a caucus hy the Republican members. Stimulating School Wohk. A short time ago County Superintendent Zinser tried the experiment of placing in the hands of the teachers of the county cer tificates nicely engraved, with blank to be tilled with the pupil name, which would be given to tlm pupils neither absent nor tardy during one month. At the end of three months, (luring which time tlie pupil was neither absent nor tardy, a larger and more attractive cer tificate would be issued with tlie pupil's name inserted. Mr. Zinser now report that he find the scheme is succeeding far beyond hia expectation, wherever the certilicates have liecn placed the record for tardiness and absence being considerably diminished, lie has now eecored (Hit) bronze medals, cast in the shape and apearrance of the famous lib erty bell, which rang out the announce ment ol tlie signing ol the. Declaration ol Independence. He ia sending circular lei turn to nil teacher of the enmity, ex plaining that tli iiwditli will tin for warilil to them to neeiit In the pupil In Mi'lt viuIh inakinif the hlifheHl aver kkx In lil or bar atwlii'". It In Umiiirlil tlmt tlilx nvxtnm mil have the elfVi-t i'f nt I rtl II I H 1 1 UK IlitlTf-cl In the HMnlU-H (if 'lie children, himI will lo doriK! e rt-nl at leaat ilo aaity Willi niri'lcm wink mi 1 1 (Mft ul corim l ttii children ' WAM llHMKMIIKHhll A(lIN. A H token el tlitiir h p r--i 1 1 r jo il liix kinillv aMen ton urn) I'onrleoiiN treutii i-il In provld lnK lor iheir rimifuri tliifiiiK the )'"itr. ili i. Hirer" ol tliH Clm kmnm rtnililv court limine aimlu reineinliereil IVIer Nnhn-n, the oliliitiiitf Janitor, on ( IimhIimiim Kvh. m lien the lit' I cr wan prc-oiitcil wiih a ; Mnn "tnln aft of three, piece. I.aat year Mr Nclircn received a flue chair from i Ilia .nmi amirce. Miuiiiiow at Pi.AHKra AlexMiwIer Hmiili, of Lafayette, Yamhill county, and Ml Gertrude I'rmlen, of (')aiki. i CUckaiiun count v, were wrihlnil at the home ol the hrlile'a lutrenle, Dr. and ' Mm. I'rn'len, at darken, VVelnnihiV afternoon, Dccetiilier '.'li, KKl.'l. Kv. J. Henry Wood, pator ol ihe Kirwt Metlc oiliid church ol thin l it y. ufllrlated at the ceremony. Alter a hriel vlnit In Tort Inml the linppv couple went to (.afayatta where they will renlde. Mr. Htnitti In vsooiiili'd wilh hin fiiiher in Yamhill county in the rninliiK of line cattle. T'lKi) Fboh l)i.oui) I'uimimku Luiiioa, wileul Tlioman JohiiMon, ol Willamette Kulln, died Monday of IiIoihI poinonlnK that renulled from Ihe exiraction of noma tivlli ten I'ayn ntfu. The itecHaced wan a native of I'r-.nnia. where the waa Ixim ChrinUuaH I lay, 18(14. Cominx to llu) United Stale when 3 venr old, nhe lived (or neveial venrn in Iowa. I'll lie remher 81, 1HH8, nhe wan married lo Thomnn Johnnon, at Spokane, Wanhicc ton. I'urllie I "t Ave tear nhe Who renldelit of thin cily - 1'lin hllhtmml and four yomiK childien nurvive her. Fu neral nervieen wore cotuhlch'd at the lute home at 10 o'Woi k Wediii-mlav inoruina' hr Kev. J Henry WoimI, of the First Methodlxt church, and interment wa had in Mountain View i-emelery. ClIHlnTMA AT OlIKIIo.N ClTV. The t'hrintman neiinon waa veiy tfeneiallv oh oervml hy tlie chiirchen ol (Jieuon Ciiy. ('aiiialan, or entertainment appropriaia In Ihv occasion, were rendered in Hie diH'eieut cliurchea either ('liristmaa Kvh or Chrisimaa ir'lil. A Si. John' Citlii olic church Chritmiii morning, "ficr hitlh ioii, Ihe pastor, Fulher lliiilo hialid, liesloucd the pupal lieo-ilii lion on Hie audience. The privilege ol pro nouncing thin lieiiediciion on hia I. recoil (Jit V coii((rc(iition Wan exleuded In Futli er lildehrand on the ocrHon of hin re cent visit to 1'iipe I'iiih X at Koine. A lni audience altended the iinpn-t'iim service. Sui'i'KsM'l'i. Dancimi I'AKTtK.a. The ineiuliern ol h 01 1 11 1 m 111 Hose Company, of the Oregon C ity voliinteer lire depart ment, are lo hu conitratulalinl on the ucceaa of their annual hull given at the Armory Chris! man Kve. More than 100 couple were In attendance at Ihe party, which lamed until long alter mid night. . Ihe prize walll wan won hy Koy Woodardand Minn D11I1I On Chrixlmas night Tiirney gave anoihor of hin pleas ant panics, Ht which a large niimher of young people wa elite itaiticil. Mr. Turney tins arrangemenln i'un)leted for his giaml uiaHiiiifrikde to !' given at Ihe Armory New eara Kve 'Five valunhle prize will he given aaav and the uiiitc will he furnished by an oicheatra ol five pieces. Din Nor Stop Diiinkinii. Because he lulled to keep his promise not to drink, made prior to the marriage, M. AI. Bow ers, ol this city, has instituted a suit for divorce from John S. liowers, to whom she wan married in Ihia city in Septem ber l'.lOL'. The plainliir alleges that from the day of their marriage tlie delendant ban drank to execs ami during much of the lime han been "beastly intoxicated." In addition to asking for a divorce and Ihe privilege ol resuming her maiden name, Mrs. M. M. Davis, the plaintiH' asks for an order of tlie court directing the delendant, who is employed at the United Slates Fish Coiiiini-sion near this city, to advance the necuaaary fonds with which to meet the costs of the suit and also for an allowance per month a alimony, Harvey K. Cross is the attor ney for the plaintiff. Wkkk Maiikikd Si'nday. The mar riage of Miss Minnie Tremhath and Mr. Jos. (j. Heaulieii, both of this city, toon place in this city at 8 o'clock Sunday evening, December 17, 1003. The Kev. I'. K. Hammond, ol St. l'aul's KpiscopiU church, olliciated at tlie ceremony which was attended by only the immediate rel atives of the contracting parties. Doth ol these young people are well known in Oregon City where they have resided practically all of their lives. The bride in the daughter ol Mr. and Mrs. John Tremhath, pioneer residents of this city, and is one of the fairest daughters of the Falls City. The groom is popular among a wide circle of friends and is employed at the paper mills. The happy couple has begun housekeeping in a cottage at the corner ol Fourth and Washington streets and have the best wishes of a boat of friends for much happiness. Coi.lkok Boys Sanu. The Glee and Mandolin Club ol Stanford University gave an entertainment at the Armory in thia cily Saturday evening under the lo local direction of Miss Mary Conyers. There were in attendance many Oregon City people who enjoyed the various numbers. The programme given here was unite similar to that, given a year ago but that ia not discrediting the work of theclnhs any for the programme would hear repeating many times. Mr. Stearns, the monologiat, wa very clever in giving the telephone selection, bush and linker created considerable fun in their imita tion of opera but a usual Baker was ton much impressed with hiinsolf and de tracted from the real enjoyment of this number. Dush is a very capable imper sonator and did not over-do his part. Afler the programme, dancing was par ticipated In by the young people until the 11 :a0 car departed with the collegi an for l'ortland. Wm. 8. Crane, of California, Md. .suf fered for year from rheumatism and lumbago. He was finally -advised to try Chamberlain's Pain Balm, which he did and it effected a complete cure. F'or sale by O. A. HarJbg. MlRVKUX') ltrUTH II TKEAT- ixu .mors?. The Ureal lnpf HpecliillNl, rranklln Mild', H. I , IX. II, VT'IH Send $3 75 WOltTM dl'TIlC IT'IKN I I HEE. lMiiy is caiinrd hy dvi-uxe of Ihe heart, liver jr kidneya, and it tieatment han U-i-ii eiy IP, ll ce mIkI. After llluieu y.:.un ol pi jio'in I i'lvcn'.i nation and experience, Dr. Franklin M lie has perfected a remarkahle treat. merit. It I composed of three impor tant treatment and la called the uianu )iopy Cure. Among Hi chief symptom of dropny are nhoitnes of hreath, nwollen feet or ankle, litnh or hsly, and in had cane cough, faliiiiug and smothering "pell. ho remarkable are the cure effected hv ltd new treatment, that the Doctor doe not hesitate lo ternl (.1.75 worth of hi ijinnd M'onoy Cure free as a Innl Kvery alllicteil peinon nhoiild lra treatment willed han cureil Imn lreil ol case thai had been pionotinced inciira- hle by from three to eighteen leading piiynicinnn. .Mr. U.K. Cole, 144 Kherman Ave., Alleghenev. I'll., writes; " Under your treatment Mm Cole gamed rapml and Ii'w in an well an ever, though III a dozen tear and olten at death's door. Her rae lud been given up 84 fatal by 0 lo cal doctor. " J. II. Ahram, Denton Harhnr, Mich. report: ''I had a nerioua heart trouble and droosy. Oh:a niiu no rein f from local tihvsiciann I conetilted Dr Miles and now am well." Mr. Kdw..rd Aikev. Forest Hill, I'l, stale: "Mv home doe ora did not help me an. I thought I would noon the. Since taking your Special Treatment can tmly sav I am well." Mr ll W. iarilner,Iliioiiiuto'i,Ind. ; Mm M. I!. M rvlm, ol K .gein, O. ; In 1 1 II at Keisler, I'hicago, ami hunt'ed of Other were ,-uied ol dr ipy allei being given up an beyond help A thouund reference to, and tetl moniiils from liih"P", ll ruvoien, hank em. faimeis and their wive will be sent free on reipiesl Send at once to Franklin Mile, I) 1. 1,. 15. tiiand )i-penni v. 813 to 523 .Main St., Kikhuit. Indiana, for free tri'sllllellt -l'le.ine meiitlon Huh pupei. Fkk Akk Im'iikasU). In it opera tion, tlie hiw authorizing county clerk sn l recorder of convevancen to charge certain feen for tlie recording of inntru nients and other document a amended at the special essmn of H e state legis lature lat week, the receipt of those offices will be largely increai-ed. Ihe main resnecia in which tlie amended hill differ from the old sCHu'eare in the charge to be made for recording inatni- inents. The charge per folio la now I t cents, a agiiust 10 cents, and it will now cost 5h cents to make a marginal satisfaction that could heretofore have been done for 10 cent. Kut while these two incri-aaes in chaigenare noted, the expense ol 10 centn for indexing nnd 25 cent for thecertthcate in abolished. 1 lie cost for having recorded real estate and chattel mortgage will range from $150 per instrument and up. Ihe bill pro viding for t hi increase in 'ees in the re' enrdcr's cilice was introduced in the leg' ishituretiy Kepreeniative Carnahan, of Clatsop county, Ihe cost ol having re corded a deed of average size under the law an amended will be from $1.15 as against under Ihe old law. It will cost considerable to lecorddeeda ol great lenirth. F'or instance, a deed from a rahpiB'1 corporation to a private individ ual was tiled in tlie office of the Clacka man counly recorder yesterday. The recording charges of this Instrument will be t'2 05. Since thin law applied to all counties haViug less than 50,000 in habitant, Multnomah is tlie only county in tlie siate that is exempt from its pro visions. Itriitully Tortured. A case came to light that for persist ent and unmerciful torture has perhaps never been equaled. Joe Uolohick, ol K.L.u. iviii u-ritu l'iir veara T tljliinn, vn - -' j endured insufferable pain from rheuma tism, and nothing reiieveu me iiiougu 1 tried everything known. I cauie across F;io trie Bitters and It's the greatest med icine on eaith for that trouble. A few I.....I..J rf it cmiinletelv relieved and cured me." Just as good for liver and kidney trouble ami generally ueoiiuy. i,.iu Nic. Satisfaction utiaranteed hy Charmao & Co , druggists. Johnson's First Tnllorlna; Jolt. rrcsldent Andrew Johnson had neror been ashamed of his humble origin, hud, Indeed, often narrated the mi happy story of his first Job at tailorln;: He had been summoned, he would say, to the residence of an Influential citizen and hnd been bidden to imike over one of the citizen's old coats for the son of tho house. Johnson, n little nervous through ex ecus of zeul, took off Ida coat, turnco back hi sleeves, measured tho you,'j and set to work. He waa getting alon;: well the Job, Indeed, waa nearly tin Islied when dinner time came and he reached out for his coat In order h put It on nnd go home. To hia chngrln he discovered then that It was his own coat which he had cut up for the hoy. Iwrarlnx to Eiceaa. A cricket club in the south of Scot land, which ha evidently found thut tlie use of lurid language doesn t. add to the amenitlea of play, has passed the following bylaw: "Any member swearing to exces may he expelled." I have not beard whether the clu 1 committee has yet arrived at a defini tion of "moth rnte swearing." The at tempt to find one to meet all cases it' likely to result In language both "vain ful and free." Glasgow Times. Cartoalta- Conquered. "I thought June had such a de:i(i fully stiff neck." "She hits." "Xoineiise. There was a man paint ing the steeple of the brick ciiurM and she watt bed him for half an hour " Cleveland Plain Dealer. IK) YOU WAST A 00! MA ft .HuliKrrlhe For Kiiti-rpri" and Orero. nun and fei On Vrtrr. Do yon want a map of the Picific Norihwesi? The Enterprise hi made an arrangement with the Oregonian by which wa can furni-h a valuable man to gether with the Fiiiterprine. and the Weekly Oiegoninn for one year each, nil for he reimirknbly low price of $2 25 The cost ol I lie, map alone in 'l 50. The Knlerprise ha the exclusive light of in troducing these map into 1 tlie c nnty on a clubbing offer. Smple of lite map may tie seen at the Fmlei urine office and all orders sent in by mail will receive prompt attention. The map in one of the bent and niont lerviceable we have ever seen. It is a wall map anil consistn of four page. It dimensions are 28x31 inchen Tne first page contains a map of the world In con nection with which in shown the com narative time ami distance. All of the United State possesions are indicated hy flag. This page also sl ow the arm and flag of tlie various nation of the world. Page two in devoted to large sized maps of the n'aten of Oregon and Washington, each (tale being shown by itself. On the reverse side of this page i given considerable statistical mailer concerning the two state. In one col umn i arranged in alphalrtttical order nil of the counties in each state together with tl e location in Ihe state of the par ticular county together wilh the tut I population of that county. Folio in the lixt of the countie, is given the narn. s it alphabetical order al-o, ol every city, tow n am) postotlice in em-h state, the name of ihe county in w hich it in located iiid also ihe section of the sta'e and Ihe population of each. There is a'so shown on thia page the new seal of the State ol Oregon s adopted hv tne legiUtnre lai winter, together with gome descriptive matter showing the reopi ci in which li" new differs fr nn the old. Five sopa ra'e m ip-are show n on the thjid page. They are Alaska, llriti-li Columbia, the Hawaiian Island, Philippine Islands nd toe mieor United H'ate possessions in the Pacific; Ocean. The Iiiirlh page shown a map of the Unilet Slates. Idaho anil the minor po.sei-sions ol Ihe United States in the Pacific Ocean, tlie map show ing the last named land being larger and more useful than that on I tie pre ceding p we. Arranged in ulphabeticla order on Ihis page are also tlie counties and towns of the state of Idaho, together wiih their location and population. The combination ol these maps is woith tne 'l 50 for which it retails. They are printed on good map paper ami will lal a lite time. The various drawing are richly colored anil ti e map is a very creditable production. We will furnish these maps to Clackamas county people at $2.25 and include wilh them a sutin ription to the hnterpnse ami the Weekly Oregonian for one year in advance. I bin is a rare offer and one that will probably not be duplicated again. Call ai the r nterprise office and see the map or mail ns your subscription anvwav. You will be sure to be pleased with tlie premium vou will receive. "tart tlie New Year off right by signing lor the Enterprise, the best county pa per, and the Oregonian, which lor gen eral news i not equalled in this section Send in your subsc riptions, at once. We cannot guarantee to prospective subscribers that this offer tor the Orego nian and the Knlerprise with the map as a premium, will hold good after Jan uary 1, next. So send in your subscrip tion at once and take advantage of this unusually liberal offer that will probably not be duplicated again. TheValne of t nexnetlna; Ocoopntlona Engrossing occupations frequently In jure' the mind by the semi-Importance thoy are apt to produce, and still more, perhaps, by rendering It unfit for those leisurely side glances on the world about us, In which the best experience of man Is gained. Even tho poet's highest thoughts, even Shakespeare's finest reveries, seem to be not the fruit of hard study, but of those careless Bashes of Insight which It Is the best effect of unexactlng humdrum occupa tions to promote. Loudon Spectator. rbrntnloglcal Error. 'It says In dis paper dat a feller wot broke out of Jail was shot t'rough d- T-l-t-a-l-s. Wot does dat mean?" "T'rough de victuals. Dey must a plugged him In de stomach." 'But dey had chased him two d.iy tn' he hadn't bad not'ln' to eat" 1 "Don de paper's wrong. It ougbter laid he was shot t'rough de appetite " Kansas City Journal. Over-Work Weakens Your Kidneys Unhealthy Kidneys Make Impure Blood. All the blood In your body passes through your kidneys once every three minutes. 1 no moneys ara your blood purifiers, they fil ter out the wasto or Impurities In the blood. If they are sick or out of order, they fail to do their work. Pal ns, aches an d rheu matism come from ex cess of uric acid in the blood, due to neglected kidney trouble. Kidney trouble causes quick or unf teady heart beats, and makes one feel as though they had heart trouble, because the heart 13 over-working In pumping thick, kidney- poisoned blood through veins and arteries. It used to be considered that only urinary : troubles were to be traced to tho kidneys, ; but now modern science proves that rearly all constitutional diseases have their begin- ; ning in kidney trouble. It you are sick you can make no mistake by firsi doctoring your kidneys. The mild ' and the extraordinary effect of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great kidney remedy Is soon realized. It stands the highest for its wonderiul cures of the most distressing cases and is sold on its merits by all druggists in fifty cent and one-dollar siz es. You may nave a sample bottle by mail Homa of Swarip-Hoot. free, also pamphlet telling you how to find out If you have kidney or bladder trouble. Mention this paper when writing Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y. 1 ' ". ', '. V. t ii-.t, . ...-..f. iX' J I t - - r ...... . ...... -. v : . V Miss Alice M. Smith, of Minneapolis, Minn., tells how woman's monthly suffering may be quickly and permanently relieved by Lydia E Pirikham's Vegetable Compound "Dear Mrs. Pixkham: I have never before given my endorse ment for any medicine, but Lydla K. Pinkliam's Vegetable Com pound has added so much to my lifo and happiness' that I feel Hk making an exception in thi3 case. For two yetirs every month I would have two days 01 severe pain and could find no relief, but one day whea visiting a friend I run across Lydla TL IMnkham's Vegetable Com- rund, she had used it with the best results and advised me to try it. found that it worked wonders with me ; I now experience no pain and only had to use a few bottles to bring about this wonderful chanp?. I use it occasionally now when I am exceptionally tired or worn out." Mis3 Alicb JL SMrrn, 804 Third Ave., South Minneapolis, Jlinm, Qui man Executive Committee Minneapolis Study tlub. Beauty and utrenjrth in women vanish early In life because of monthly pain or some menstrual irregularity. Many suffer silently and see their best ffifts fade away. Lydia E. Pinkliam's Vege table Compound helps women preserve roundness of form j r.l freshness of face because it makes their entire female orpai.isni healthy. It carries women safely through the various natural crises and Is the safeguard of woman's health. The truth ahout this prreat medicine is told in the letters from, women published in this paper constantly. " Mrs. C. Kleinschrodt, Morrison, 111., says: iney were did, and v;i 1 1 ,v "Menstruation is now regular and without "r"" I pain. I am enjoying better health than I hava i -rfs7T fr sometime." I ' and sickly, discouraged with life and without hope for the future, when proof ia so unmistakable that Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound v.-ri cure monthly suffering ail womb and ovarian troubles, and all the tilt peculiar to women. $5000 FO R F E IT I' w ' annnt forthwith produce the original lettan and lifpiatnroa of abuv feauuuonUli, wlucb will provo their aMoluta rentiineineM. Ljiii Iw l'inliliam Ucdicima Gih, L7na,.Miua. IN OUR ELEGANT NEW STOI, r. n r. B We are localrtl in our tjrire new More ai:H with a l.irier ami more coinplt- - .-Mrk of be'tcr goods, re better prepared than ev v before to fnrnisli yjn jnt what yon aant at p.-nea luavr than the lowvet. A J J J J A A ..TriTliaJLtta.'LU'LCL'L'L'tLL'LL'L'L'iL.'LLLL'Li.'LLLLLi;LJL' x3J iHf aiid lu iU'biUi: at on..-..-. :'. 'J THF WORLD S fcJESl By Every Test 51 rioll Mfla f r bi!i-stand f ! qiLili'v nt Ni-w lSf -, Chit-au'o, 1S-U; Taris, Iikkj FOR 8ALE BY - E. MATTHIAS - I S ! H ' iii Sole Agency for Oregon Ci '..Wi!,!',M"AlUW,'WfflrT wih. ir.s K.d jb H.ivt au-. - rj-ta 1 HEs2a M a au nix uti i-rjM u. n 1 imumnrf, 1 ! Z 7 " i i : .... r' -" - - -. . - ' H Li 66 i. ; r.w : "Dear Mrs. Pinkham: I have suffered ever since I was thirteen years of age with my meiueiv irregular and very painluL l doctored a great deal but received no benet.t. "A friend advised me to try Lydia li Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, which 1 after taking a few bottles of it, I found ITow is it possible for tis to make it plainer that Lydia E. IMnkham's Vegetable Com pound will positively help all sick women t All women are constituted alike, riuh&nd poor. high and low, all suffer from the same organia troubles. Surely, no one can wish to remain ik rMain St., OREGON CITY i'ik-. 11, abaortm the tumors, oil -. 1; a ls institnt relief. Kvrv har is amnt- hy drui.tlKti. nt hv rami 011 receipt ol price. SO cents f - .- . ; Ir box. WIJ.LiAXS MffO. CO., Frops., Cievelani, C ! . For Sale .11 HUNTLEY'S ! , '. v; 'i..'.jrinv 'iiy,1 1-.. A. v'"rte .. 1 FIREARMS Tlivre Nn-n fanout fur yrsrt Wtaw at tbolr ACCURACY, SAFETY, DURABILITY TV r fn'! 'n s lsrT rnm) of trryle ral.:.-r Bt.itAMt toe av.! kuitia fd. kkaotiii fr U-tti RIFLES, PISTOLS.SHOTGUNS A k 7 Lr i.Vr frrr tb STEVKNS". Tf 'r,-.. t L --r 'I 10 Will ta-nil (lin-M nrnu.' . r-a tweij t of ; u. Sc&d fur muairtMd catavicf. J. Stevens Arms & Tool Co., p. o. BOX CKICOPEE FALLS. MASS. l.'iaila. prop-rlv and chattel n lo.ui". Ahitrac'a furniahed. U. I!. Dimii K, Ally, at L' '.rt't')!i d'y