Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (Nov. 27, 1903)
OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 1903 DO YOU WAST A UOOU MAPI IKM Tryforlleaiii Wi Bouth Peoria fit., Ciiicauo, Ii.i,., Oct. 7, 1902. Eiulit iii'iiidii nu't I was ) III tlit I waa ruiiiiiiilfed to lio or mt down nearly nil I lis tuna. My etimiiu li wits, no weak and upset that I could keep nothing on it end I vomited frntjiitinlly. I could not urinate without proal pain and I coughed io tiiui li tlint in jr throat and lunga were ruw and sure. Tim duttnrs pro nounced it Hright's disease, and others said it waa roniiiuiptiun. It mattered little to inn what they culled it anil I La i no il -sire to live. A tinier visiU'd me f rum St. I.oiiie M 1 1 nikrd nin if I had ever tried Wine of Cardui, I tulil li' T I linl not ami she bought a bottle. I Im'Iiuvu that iUavnl my I if . I l.ihf vi louny women cuuM save mill li soller iii if they but knew of ita valun. b Social Events Don't you want freedom from pain? Tukn Winn nf Cnrilui ami maks one mipri'iuu effort to lit Wi-ll. You ill) Hot lined to In a weak, helpli-oi sufferer. You can Lava a woman's health and iloa woman's work in life. Why not scure a bottle of Wiue of Cardui from your druggist today? Personal Mention I Miaa Neva (iriawold, of Kaletn. It via- itn.g willi fiienda in this cily. K I.. Ilooitengariier. of Portland. via- llr. I Ut Sunday with friend In this city t i.r nry V. It. had business In f-uo in Wednesday. Mi F.ilud Graves visited with friends ai Mi'MuuiVilln teetvrday, Mim K Ihi Sameon speul Thanksgiving w iih Irii'iiilit al Aurora. Male Senator Ilrownoll waa In Halem holiday. J. J. Mallatt, of Mulino, wai In the cily IIih latter part of last week. Mayor limit II. Iiiiilrk apt-lit Kuuday with his mother at Hubbard. Win. Harlow, of Harlow, waa visitor to this city Tui'aday, Miss Mary Conyera, of I'orlland, vis ited Una wi-i-k with friends In thia city. Mia. J. K. Heller spent Mono ay in I'orllaiid. Mr. Moreno, of Salt-in, visited Thanks giving luy with friiMiiln In Ihla city. Mrs. Juhii Feebler, of Halem, waa vielmr In tli in city Thanknglving Day. Mm. J a n i i'n 1). Uptmi, of Portland, waa laat Kiimlay thn gtieat of Mra. C. I). I.atourette. Mr. Shook Hit, an employe at the state insane asylum at Salem, visited thla wet-k with relatives in tlda city. Mm. l.ydia Match, of McMinnvllle, waa tin' guest Holiday of Mia. Charloa Albright. Mr. and Mra. Fred Greenman have returned from tlirir honeymoon trip to polnta on the Sound. Charles May ha returned to Malheur Cilv after ii two weeks' visit with frionds ami relatives In thia city. Jo' Knowland, Jr., of Honor, Califor nia, visited with friends in Oregon City thia week. Miaa Uitrrath and Miaa Karten, of I'lirtlnml, are In the city to attend Thankatiiving the guonta of Miaa (Jala. Thoa. Went and Honald Jarknon, of I'ortlnnd, were viaitora to lliia city Hun day. Miaa Winner hai returned to her home In Silverton, after a viall with the Miaaea Shaver in thia city. Mma Mahrie McCown, nurae at the (iood Samaritan lloapital In I'orlland, apent Sunday with her relatives in thia city. Hon. L. T. ilarrla, speaker of the lloimeof KepreaeiilHtivca of the Oregon Stale Li-Kialature, ment Sunday in thia city, the KiloHt of J. J, Cooke. Mra. J, Wealey Wick a, who has been viaitlnjr her aiatttra, the Miaaea (iold Kiiijth in thia city, has returned to her home at C'hicHHo. Miaa Dtdnhlne Conover, of Salem, via- lied in this city Tuemlay morning, beinu en route to her home after a viait with Iriemla in 1'ortlaiitl. JihIko and Mrs. T. F. Ryan attended a liampiet and dance given hy the Scot tinh kite Mhhoiib at the Cathedral in Portland Wednesday evening. Jack Latouretle, Gordon Moores and Ion MuMium, students al the state uni- verajtv at Kuitene. are home to eat ThankRKivinK turkey willi their relatives. Merrill and (u-rtrude Moores, who are attending the state agricultural college at Corvallis, are home for the Thanks Kivlng vacation. Will MarHhall, of Hiuhland, spent a number of days this week visiting rela tives In this city. Mr. Marshall expects to return to Oregon City next week and "Hint at Huntley's during the holidays. Mrs. Eva Albright Lyons and Mias ttroiighton, of Portland, attended the linen shower that was tendered Mias Klina Albright in this city Tuesday evening. Harvey E. Cross, secretary of the Wil lamette Valley Chautauqua Association, will leave early In December for Han Franriaco to attend a meeting of the Pa cific Coast A when talent will ne selected and arrangements made lor t Mr. and Mrs. Oiaa Albright, of Ore gon City, aiimiiiiii-e the engagement of tlieir daughter, Klioa, to Mr. J. W. Church, of this cliy. The wedding will take plat In December, Hobert Itonnett, of Milwaukle, and Miaa Dorothea Coles ware married at thn reaitlenteofMr. and Mra. Conklln, on l.aat Ankeny atreet. Portlaml. TuhhiUv evening, hy Itev. P. K. Ilainiiiond. of lliisclly. Alter a v alt tit r.ll'nrr.1. they will return to Portland and reside! Willamette hall waa the acene of a gay party Thalikagiving eve when the mem Iters of the lucul lotlga of Foreaters of Amnrira gve their ninth annual ball. Nearly one hundred couplea were In at tendance ami the pleaaures of the dance were prolonged until afmr midnight. Cooke's orcho-tra lurniahad the music. A pretty wedding was celebrated Wed neadsv evening at the home of Mra. Hlanrliard at I'aneipah when Miaa Kmina May Wade, ol this cily, became the wife of K. II. Hmlth, of Fairlield, thia county. About tblrtv of the friends of the young couple wilueaaed the ceremony whirl waa performed by the Kev. P. K. Hammond. The bride looked sweet in a costume of while ailk mulls and car rled a hoqiiol of chrysaritliemume to maich. Mr. and Mrs. Smith will reaide at Fairfield where the groom is success fully nngagnd at hop raining. Miaa Klma Albright, whoae engage ment lo J. W. IWiunrli, of thia city, haa lieen annount'ed, w-b the recipient of linen shower luftailay evenimr at her home, corner of Main and Eleventh Btreela. It waa a very uleaaant all and, aa inleuded, proved a aucceaaful aur- prise on Mlns Albright who was taken entirely unawares. A er previous ar rangeiiieiit the young lady friends of Miaa Albright to the number of about sixty aaeeuililed at Mra. Moody 'a home and prix:eeded to the Albright home which waa entirely captured by the fair army, i lie young lailles at once entered into thorough enjoyment of the evening and not a memtter ol the company doubla but that the purpoae was attained. Amusing and appropriate gamea were played, songa were aunif, instrumental aelectiona were contributed, lively conversation engaged in and all was supplemented by the serving of the moat delicious lunch with which the invaders came bountifully supplied. Among the games played that or.caaioned much merriment among the eiimriiinred as well aa the Inexperienced memberaof me party, was mat in wnirii each was furnished s card upon w hich to write six rules (he author would recognize in man aging a hualiaud. The answ ers were aa varied and comprehensive aa they were ridiculous anil the reading aloud of the several hsla afforded much amiiHement. Some of thu rulusBuggealei! were; '"Feed the brutea. Jturn the muati. Have on a ditty wrapper when he comes home. I,et him go to all of the dances alone. Make him think he la having his own way but at the sume time manage to have youra. Let him have all day Sunday and two nights during the week at the Club." Mias Alhriifht was gi-ncroualy remem bered by her many friends, who pre aciited her with many uaeful and costly article. The party did not break up until a late hour and, In leaving, exprea aiona of reitret were made by the guests that In the relations altout tobeaaaumed by their populur attenuate, her reaidence will be away ftoin Oiotton Citv. At the same time they were eepceially lib eiul in beaieakiiig for Mine Albright sin cere wishes for much happiness in her new home. Nubscrlbe For Knlerprlae and Orero man and (Jet One Free. Dra. Pealie c Peatie Ilentials. 10, 17, 18. Weibard building. Rooms Do you want a map of the Pacific Northwest? The KnUtrpriae haa made an arrangement with the Oreuonian by which we can furniah valuable map to gether with the Enterprise arid the Weekly Oregonlan for one year each, all or me remarkahly low price of 'i:ib The cost of the map alone is 2.60. The Enterprise haa the exclusive right of in troducing these maps Into this county on a clubbing otter. Samples of the map may be aeen at the Enterprise office and all ordera sent In by mail will receive prompt attention. The map Is one of the best and most serviceable we have ever aeen. It is a wall map and conaiata of four Dairea. Ita dimensions are 28x30 Inches. The first page contains a map of the world In con nection with which ia shown the com parative times and diataucee. All of the United States possessions are indicated by flag. This page also shows the arms and llaga of the various nations of the world. Page two ia devoted to large sited maps of the states of Oregon and Washington, each state being shown by llaeif. On the reverse side of this psge isiriven considerable statistical mailer concerning the two states. In on cob u in n 1 arranged in alphabetical order all of the counties In each state together with the locatior. in the state of the par ticular county toguther with the total population of that county. F'ollowing the list of the counties is given the names Id alphabetical order also, of every city, town and postollice in each stale, the name of the county in w bich it is located and also the section of the state and the population of each. There is also shown on this psge the new seal of the State of Oregon as adopted br the legislature last winter, together with some descriptive rnstter allowing the respects in w hich the new diHers from the old. Five sepa rate uiapa are shown on the third page. They are Alaaka, British Columbia, the Hawaiian Islands, Philippine Islands and the minor United S'alea poaseasions In the Pacific Oi ean. The fourth page shows a map of the United States. Idaho and the minor poaseasions ol the United States in the Pacific Ocean, the map allowing I he lat named land being larger and mote uaeful titan that on the pre ceding page. Arranged In klphabeticla order on thia page are also the counties Slid tow iia of the Btate of Idaho, together wiih their location and population. The combination of these maps is worth toe '. 5ll for whim It retails. They are punted tn ttood niap paiT anu win last a llle tune. I he varum drawings are richly colored and tt.e in .p ia a very cieditabie production. He will furninh theae maps to Clarkmn ia county people at $2.25 aud include wmIi Ihem a subscription to the hntefpiiMi snd the Weekly Oregonian for one in advance. This is a rare oiler and one that will probably not be duplicated attain. Call al the Enterprise office and see the map or mail us your subscription snvway. ou will be sure to be pleased with the premium vou will receive Mart me .ew l ear oil right hy signing lor the r.nterprise, the beat county pa per, and the Oreironian, which for gen eral newa ia not equalled in this section bena in your subscription at once. HDHffiS BROS. Oregon City's Big Cash Store Clothing punishings Unusual bargains in Men's and Boys' Clothing and Fur nishing Goods for this week. There's every reason why our men's clothing section should be just as popular as the woman's department. Best styles, best variety, latest materials, perfect fit and a saving of fully twenty per cent on what you are asked to pay at the exclusive clothing store. Men'a Fine all wool Fancy Worsted Pants in neat gray stripes Correct Cut, all sizes, this week your choice All $4 00 values, $3 45 All $4.50 values, $3.85 All $5.00 values, $4.30 All $6.00 values, $5.20 All $(i.50 values, $5-65 All $7.50 values, $6.35 Men's Fine all-wool Chevoits Suits in dark and medium mixtures, cheviots and tweede, extra well made, best of trimmings and workmanship, all sizes, suits the exclusive clothier would ask you $20 for t . O our special sale price H'sj'S Men's Overcoats in all the newest and best styles and materials, plain or belted backs, prices from tfn rn , fanz nn which is considerably less than you have to pay y'" ijluuiUU at exclusive stores for equal grades. Headquarters We are known by all to be Headquarters for Holiday Goods. Our large stock of Novelties are arriving daily. A fstarlllng Teal. To save a lire, Dr. T. U. Meriitt, of No. Mehoopany, Pa., made a startling teat resulting iu a wondoerlul cure. He writes, "a patient was attacked with violent hemorrhages, cauaed by uloera tiou of the stomach. I had ollen found Electric Hitters excellent for acute stomach and liver troubles so I pre scribed them. The putiout gained from the first, and has not had an attack in 14 months." Electric Hitters are posi lively guaranteed for Dyspepsia, Indi gestion, Constipation and Kidney troubles. Try them, unly DUc at Lhar- man A Co. Til AT SII0KTAUE OF IAKS. Portland Lumbermen Propose to Southern Pacific Company. Hue Pnrtlund attorneys are busy preparing papers In a suit to he instituted againt the Southern Pacific company by the lumbermen of Portland to compel that company to furnish cars for traimportu tlon of the products of the mills. It is alleged to be a fact that as many as 800 loaded cars have been standing on sidetracks during the past few weeks and have not been started for tlieir des tination owing to the lack of motive power on the road. The present condi tion of car shortage has worked irreat hardships upon many ot thn mills, and repeated requests for relief have failed to bring about any cnango. as a result me lumbermen have reached the conclusion that "forbearance ceases to be a virtue," and the suit will lie entered within the next ten days in the names of all the lumber firms in the city and a number along tile Southern Pacific as plaintiff. The industries of Oregon, says the Or egonian, would not eufl'ur to the extent they are because of a shortage of cars if the Southern Pacific would cease trying to maintain a monopoly upon the busi ness along its lines and give the other roads a chance to supply a few cars. At least this is the statement of representa tives of other roads, who declare that the Southern Pacific, through motives of greed, refuses to accept the cars of com peting lines to be loaded for local hauls. The implied intimation is that the Ore gon branch of Mr. Harriman's system wants to grab all the business, and when It ( not able to handle it. bottles np the superfluous amount that no other man may get it. The consequence is that that portion of traffic which the Southern Pacific cannot handle must lie untouched Statx or Ohio, Citv or Toledo, ss. Lucas Col.ntv. f Frank J. Cheney makes an oath tha he is the senior partner of the firm of F J. Cheney A Co., doing business in the City of Toledo, County and Slate afore said, and that said firm will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and every case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of Hall s Catarrah Cure. FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to belore me and subscribed in my presence, this 0th day of December, a. u. ltwu. A. W. GLEAR0N, j seal Notaryl'ublic. Hall's Catarrah Cure is taken inter nally end acts directly on the blood and mucous eurlaces of the system. Send for testimonials, free. F.J. CHENEY, A CO., Toledo, 0, Sold by druggists, 75c. Hull's Family Pills are the beat. A Great Agency We Have Secured Control for Thla City of the Fulton Com pounds, the Only Things) Known to Medicine That Cure Kidney Diseases) In Both the Primary and Secondary Stages, iremflnta maun wt i -r. :. saast-jsssr ass assswsK Tho kidneys arc not sensitive and ths dlsrnaa la aomelimos faatened and alraady ehronlt with ilia very flrit sjoiploma. Ifitbasbunf on eight to ten months II is surely chronle. la either ease why takeebauoeaf Vihj not take at Drnt ths only thins known that cures kldnor aueaae In the etirotilo as well aa the prlmar leave. The Pel I cake rtted below, bj permit tiuu. ie eupccUlly valuable, for lu Incurability irua doubly cunltrmed by couttulilug; phyalclaun, ami after recovery under the Fulton Compounds llie reoovory wait ulao doubly allotted, dn May 1st, unci, the auu of H. C Pell, lbs SiatiUKerof the 1'autne Coattt Ulscult Ciuitni of St'coud nud Kulttom streets. Sen Francisco was doolnrtHl by the family physician to hive chroitie klduuy disease aud Incurable. Another physician ass csllea In aud oontlrmed the dlatinosls. The whole body waa swollen with droptty, aud a fatal termination looked for. Tbc c ulton uouipouuiis were then turned to as the only hope. Us September IS the dropsy had disappeared and the boy waa well, and after double exatutoatloua tbe phyaielan declared the recovery complete mid (are Mr. Poll a wrttlea report whioS he uow baa. Judge U. A. Caitanlaa. the Police Judre of ftia Frsuoiaco, also attests tbe reoovery uoder bla own observation of a friend of his wSe else recovered when the case (ebreale Bright s Die ease ot tbe kidneys) waa well ksowe to to uv eursblo coordiiiK to all medical authorltlsa. Up to tbe advent of the i'alton Compounds medicine knew noiuluf that would euro kidney troubles after tbey became ekronlo. About nine-tenths of all esses ar now euro bis. oven after tbey bave developed Into tho dreaded chrenlo forms of Hrlfbt's Disease and diabetes. No atatemeuta are published or Invited oisspt from ehronlc oattea that, like the above, aro im curable by all other knowa medicines. If youi stuuey imuuie is receni mutton a neaai ixtm pound will euro It quickly. If It la of over eight to tea months standing tt Is lbs only thluf known that will save your life. Joka J. fultoo Uo., V Washington street, fcsu FYaaelsro, sole (JAUI)NEB RECEIVED THE LIMIT Maximum Seutcuce Imposed On Loral Character For Mayhem. Robert Gardner was Saturday morning given the maximum sentence of 20 years in slate's prison oy juuge mcorme ior the crime of niavhem. Gardner was taken to Salem by Sheriff Shaver Satur- dav nislit. Gardner's trial was conducted in the circuit court Friday, O. B Diinick and Howard M. Brownell having been ap pointed by the court to delend tbe ac cused man. Uistrict Attorney Harrison Allen and his deputy, J. U. Campbell conducted the prosecution. The case was submitted to the jury at 4 :30 o clock Friday afternoon and the jurors deliber ated until 7 o'clock tbe following morn ing before amvir.2 at a verdict which waa sealed and returned to the court where it was opened at 10 o'clock. Guilty of tbe crime of nisyhem as charged in the information was the verdict. Coun sel for the defendant declined to take up the time of the court further in consider ing the case. "I have only to say that I am innocent of tbe ciiine, said Gardner when asked if he desired to make a state ment before sentence was pronounced, Ia passing sentence, Judge McBride re viewed Gardner career, wnicn Das oeen one of almost continuous transgressing In November 1892 Gardner was sen fenced by Judge McBride from this county to serve seven years for criminal assault. But three of the seven years were served, Judge McBride with other prominent citizens petitioning the gov ernor and securing the pardon of Gard ner in lie hope that be would mend bis ways. "Instead," continued the court you bave been a menace and a nuisance to ttie public since vour release Irom prison and bave spent most of your time in jail for wrong-doing. The crime of which Gardner was con victed is mayhem committed while at tempting criminal assault on Martha Andrews, an Indian woman of this city The specific offense consisted of gouging out with his hand the woman's one re maining eye and leaving her entirely blind. But one circumstance attending tbe trial suggested sympathy for the prisoner and that was the presence in the court room of his aged mother. This was overcome by the revolting nature of crime and the general unlavorable repu tation of the accused. p. m. snd reaches Gearheart Park 6:40 p. m., Seaside 6:50 p. m. This fast and popular train is equipped with all modern conveniences aud its commoJious coaches and elegant parlor cars make tbe journey from Portland to the ocean one of ease and comfort. In connection with this excellent ser vice, round trip season excursion tickets from Portland to all Clatsop and North tieacn points, good to return until Oct. 15th, are sold for $4. Saturday special round trip excursion tickets between same points, good to return Sunday ev ening $:'.50. Special Season Commuta tion tickets, good for rive round tripe from Portland to all Clatsop and North Beach points, $15, Beach excursion tickets issued by the 0. R. 4 N. Co. and Vancouver Trans. Co. will be honored on trains of tliis company in either di rection between Portland and Astoria. For additional information address J. C. Mayo, G. F. & P. A. Astoria, of E. L. Lewis, Comm'l. Airt.. 24S Alder St.. Portland, who will be pleased to msil to your address copy of the latest Seaside pamphlet telling all about summer girls, ea serpents and sunsets at seaside. FOR I0CR SUMMER VACATION. Hundreds Visit Oregou'i Beach Resorts. Papular Unexcelled train service and cheap round trip excursion rates offered by the A. & C. R. R. attract visitors to Clatsop Beach from all sections, and the many advantages of Seaside and Gearheart Park, together with their superior at tractions, make either of theae well known reanrta an irlel nlat-o tn anAntt eoinpoundeni Fulton 'a Renal Compound for, - dav. a Week or a month, whether fish- ies. II ; fer Diabetes, . ,.,: ,! K.thin r in l.tla rw-. BrlKhl's and Kidney INaeasea l 60. Free anslvms made for patleate. Bend tor pampluot. Wo arc tko azslualfo afoata la Wiia lety. CHARMAN & CO., DRUGGIST8 Take tbe Enterprise fifty-two weeks a year. ng. hunting, surf bathing or in idle rec reation. Throoiih trains leave Union Depot Portland at 8 :00 a. in. daily and reach tbe ocean at 12:30 p. m. without delays or transfers en route. The Portland-Seaside Fast Express leaves Portland every Saturday at 2:30 Don't make any mistake, but remem ber the name, Swamp-Root. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Koot, and tbe address, Bing bamton, N. Y,, on every bottle. Inseparable. Affrighted, he turned on bis pursuer. "Tou black thine, wby do you follow me constantly? What are your 1 am your sunshine companion," mockingly replied his shadow. Chi cago Tr'bune. Women as Well as Men Are Made Miserable by Kidney Trouble. Mtjt Kidney trouble preys upon the mind, dis courages and lessens ambition; beauty, vigor ana cheerfulness soon disappear when the kid- frff neys are out of order or aiseasea. Kidney trouble haa become sn, rtrevalent l that it is not uncommon .1. for a child to be born .ro .frii-t.j ,iti. .t. l:j L ltllbll,u Willi VVtfl IWU- neys. If the child urin ates too often. If the urine scalds the flesh or If, when the child reaches an aee when it should be able t control the passage, it is yet afflicted with Dea-wetting, depend upon It. the cause of the difficulty Is kidney trouble, and the first step should be towards the treatment of these Important organs. This unpleasant trouble is due. to a diseased condition of the kidneys and bladder and not to a habit as most people suppose. Women as well as men are made mis erable with kidney and bladder trouble, and both need the same treat remedv. The mild and the Immediate effect ol Swamp-Root is soon realized, it is sold by druggists, in fifty- -ant mrA a llw Will 1IU WltQ UUI1AI ' ' V . sizes. You may have a W JBf"" sample bottle by mail tree, also pamphlet tell- Boms ot swaf-Boot Ing all about it, including many of the thousands of testimonial letters received1 from sufferers cured. In writing Dr. Kllmei St Co., Blnghamton, N. T., be sura and mention this paper. ' FOUGHT AT SIX PACES;" (narmlnarr Dwcl Tnwt Took Flacks 1st Loadoa In 1803. Dueling In England In 1803 was often a very sanguinary business. On a Friday morning In March of that yiar a most extraordinary duel took place In Hyde park, London, be tween Lieutenant W. of tbe navy and Captain J. of the army. The antag onists arrived at the appointed placa within a few minutes of each other. Some dispute arose respecting the dis tance, which tbe friends of Lieutenant W. insisted should not exceed six paces, while tbe seconds of Captain J. urged strongly tbe rashness of so decisive t distance and insisted on Its being ex tended. At length the proposal of Lieutenant W.'s friends was agreed to, and tbe parties fired per signal, when Lieuten ant W. received the snot of his adver sary on the guard of bis pistol, which tore away the third and fourth lingers of his right hand. The seconds then interfered to no purpose. The son of Neptune, apparently callous to pain. wrapped his handkerchief round his hand and swore he bad another which never failed him. Captain J. called his second aside snd told him it was in vain to urge reconciliation. t " They again took their ground. On Lieutenant W. receiving the pis tol In his left hand he looked stead fastly at Captain J. for some time, then cast his eyes to heaven and said In a low voice, "Forgive me!" The parties fired as before, and both fell. Captain J. received the shot through the bead and- Instantly ex pired. Lieutenant W. received the ball In his left breast and immediately inquired of his friend If Cuptaln J.'s wound was mortal. Being answered in the affirmative, be thanked heaven he had lived thus long, requested a mourning ring on his finger might be given to his sister and that she might be assured it was the happiest moment be ever knew. He had scarcely fin ished the words when a quantity of blood burst from his wound, and be ex pired almost without a struggle. Glas gow Ilerald. GOOD THINGS TO LEARN. Learn to laugh. A good laugh is bet ter than medicine. Learn to attend strictly to your own business; very important point Learn how to tell a story. A well told story Is aa welcome as a sunbeam In a sick room. Learn to stop croaking. If you can not see any good in this world keep' the bad to yourself. Learn to keep your own troubles to yourself. Tbe world Is too busy to care for yoi'.r ills and sorrows. Learn to greet jour friends with a tinil". Tbey carry too ninny frowns In their own hearts to be bothered with !: rf yours. !.-"'i-n to hide your aches and pains tii..:"r a pleasant smile. No one cares whether you have tbe earache, head ache or rheuuiattem.