Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (Nov. 27, 1903)
OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY NOVEMBER 27, 10(p 8 DANGER IN THE HIGH DIVE. Drafam a Kraat lajarf a Taoaa hot lalHa4. "Except for those who have an espe cial aptitude for It mt they aw fw in,UUp In," mui a Hiving export in U'.u r day. "A good dhor may occa- !m:illy lose ins uaiamv. out. m-ing amorally cool headed, he can regain It, or at any rate suitlelotitly so aa to pre vent Injury to himself. "In the majority of cases tlonfnoss Is the most frequent injury inflicted by dlvlnR. The mnse of this Is that few flud it easy to drop the head sufficiently to sot It well between the arms. The ivsult Is they receive some treniendoua Mows on the head, and If the water Is truck a hit sideways the ear geta moat of the concussion, and the result will frequently b a rupture of the mem br.ine of the tympanum. A good pre- Teutlve for such an accident U to place io the ear a little medicated wool or cotton dipped In oil. . "Another Injury to health cauaed fre qnently by diving arise from getting large quantities of water Into the lungs. ' The extent of the harm done in case of this sort depends on the condition of the water as to its cleanliness. I have often seen boys, for Instance, dive lnte water at place where It waa absolute ly lilthy from the evacuation of drain age Into It The danger to health, es pecially to those with not overstrong constitutions, can readily be aeen. "The higher the dive the looger, of course, will he the duration tinder wa ter. Now, an inexperienced diver la rarely able to .hold his breath under water for more than a second or two at a time, and If the dive Is an unusu ally high one he will In nine cases out of ten give up the struggle In trying to retain his breath and Invariably, too. Just before hia head reaches the sur face. The result not Infrequently la that the water that has escaped Into his lungs and stomach Is far more than Is good for him, and to many It Is posi tively Injurious. "The best thing I know of to bring one quickly to the surfare In high div ing is to have a piece of cork fasteued under each armpit Corks weighing four ounces each are sufficiently strong In buoyancy for a man ot 1M pound In weight There are many devices by which the corks can be kept secured under the armpits. Perhaps the sim plest is to sew each cork into a tight fitting canvas or cotton bag and then again sew each bag on to the bathing euit by a couple of strands, allowing the strands to run over the shoulders. "Those with weak hearts." the erpert added, "cannot be too strongly advised j . . , . , , against high diving. The spring, the I rnsh through space, the break and the j entering and cleaving of the water are ; altogether too exciting for weak hearts, and especially so In cold weather." Philadelphia Ledger. A Miaer'a Laat WLh. A Greek died In the small town of Caracal, having always Jived on the alms of his compatriots. Before dying ! . 1, U! 1 ... - ,i.. i.i I Le made his wife swear that she would bury him in the dirty old overcoat i and knowing what 1 had suffered form-whii-h he wore every day. The poor ' erlr I began to look around for some woman had to ask the Creeks of ' ,H'"B 10 cllt'clt " sml 011 I'kiiig over Caracal to help her to provide the costs ne 'a,r 1 n"Uci Joan! Kidn,,y .m Of the funeral. A good hearted Greek h" wnimendl .0 I procured them , e. ,. .. " and took them as directed. It only re went to see her in her affliction and. irt.j few d treatmellt to w,r, otr poiuling to thebody, said he would j ie attaeic. Since then I have recom glve her a better coat to bury the man j mended Doan's Kidney Pills to a nuni- in. men she tola niin or the aena 1 enn's last wish. The Greek, whose ! ansrdclous were awakf-n.-d. told her ! tLat she should certainly not part with ! tlie hodv before she hs.l well etnmlner! the coat, for there must be some par ticular reason for the request. The widow nnplcked the lining of the over coat and found 35,000 franca In bank noUs which the miser wished to take Into the grave with him. The General's Now. Like Cyrano de Bergerac, General B, of the regular army was possessed of a nose which excited curiosity, if not comment, wherever he appeared. At one of the hops given at the post the dancers wore fancy dress ana masks. The general's partner chanced to be a vivacious young thing who had never met him before. Nor waa she any the wiser as to his Identity when, follow- lug the custom at mask balls, be re moved the covering from hla face. Els partner followed suit, and ber prattle ceased for awhile. Then she remarked. reproachfully: "Oh, but It Isn't fair! You haven't taken off your nose!" New Tork Herald. The Halloa Paaaloa. The prospective heirs of the dying m1sr come silently Into his sick room. The physician la seated by the side of the patient, a finger on hla pulse. "How Is our dear uncle today, doe tor?" ask the prospective heirs. "There la email chaage In his condi tion," whispers the doctor. The dying miser rouaes himself by supreme effort "Small change?" he gasps. "Put It in my pocket!" Judge. Om the Sabbath. In Bcotland once a drunken man met a clergyman chasing bis runaway dog an Sunday. "Tammas," aald the breath less clergyman, "I am sorry to aee yofl 'in this condition, but whistle for my fcr. He la running away." Tammas regarded the speaker with gravity and raid: "Wbustle? I may drink whisky, lut I'll no wbustle for ony dog on the Lead's day." Hla Sonrealr. "Tiring any souvenirs back from jrotr Kpr "One only, but It cost a lot" "What was it?" "Empty pocketbook." Cincinnati Coi-imerclal Tribune. &L;e people talk as If they thought tTrythlng that dropped from their lh waa a "bon mot" Atchison Glob REAL EMATK TIUNSFEKS. Furnlshfd Eterj Wwk by Ihe Clacka mas Abstract & Trnt Company. w of soe L'4 2 8 e I u y ve.ter to A Miirdoek 65 a 1 3000 1000 40 ,n V(V ft 3 1 w F A Mabee to Pitcher A Kryan ae of see Sti 3 5 J K tirooiu to Arnold tract 73 PruneUmls 0 M Hintfliam to Coleman A Mor row 127 a in elm H7 4 2. 4000 2750 II C Coleman to 1 M liingliam 2 ."7 in Orom City V W Josre to K (tollman 1 a in el 111 4 1 a M C Hubbard to K V Hubbard 20 a in sec 50 x D II Cloce to J B Perrott lots 0 7 8 blk 4 Kdgewood M Olson to J U Perrott lots 6 7 8 250 200 bik 4 Ednewood 4o5 K C Hunter to U I Hunter ss ol wo(secl253e 120 C M Crittenden to M Markeaon 10 a in elm 42 3 I e 500 E B ilnwlev to J C Spraijue 76 a lnclni3S33e COO C A Schulti to U Frey 15 a in aeo 321 2 e 15 Willamette Falls Co to W V Scott Io 3 tract D in Will Falls 112 F Johnson M Erickson 10 a io II Johnson elm 2 2 630 Willamette Falls Co to I) A Losey lot 3 blk 12 Willamette Falls 1 F Smith to J II Rreidenstein se of re of sec 23 2 5 e... 300 A Bruiser to I! F Schmeltxer 100 a io see 3013 a 10,000 MKIincerto J S Dick lots 10 11 12 blk 23 Canbv 050 S F Marks to J E Marks 93 acres in Marks' cliu 5 J K Mint to A B HibbardOOa in the ne of sec 30 5 1 e 500 J A Thaver la J Ward, puts of lots 1 6 2 5 blk 9S Oregon City 1200 THE CLACKAMAS ABSTRACT A TRUST CO. are the owners of the copy right to the Thome system of citrac indexes, for Clackamas county, und imve the only complete set of alrttra -ts in the county, can furnish inforinatii 1 an to title to land at once, on ap' ication. Loans, investments, real estate abstracts, etc. Office over. Hank of Oregon City, Call and investigate. NO llttlll'TIl K. .Many Oregon C'lly People Tail t to Iteullxr the rinaiaea. Backache is so deceptive. It comes and ges keeps you gnesainif. Learn the cause then cure it. Nine times out of ten it comes from the kidneys. 1 lift, a , 11 J f MO II D ,VIIIV7T IIIO ,u r it 3 1 Cure every kidney ill Irom backache to diabetes. Here's a cue to prove it: Mrs. I). Murphy, widow, who lives at 395 I von St., PortUnd, avs: "Years a;o, a lien living in Kansas, I was great ly troubled with kidney complaint. At that time, I was, I ininlit say, perfectly helpless fur months, hut in time it wore awav as mvsteriousiy as it came. It did not Mlier'nit. aeain until last fall when . . . . 1 there was every svmntoru of its return, her 0! my friends." Plenty more proof like this from Ore' fon City people. Call Ht C. G. Hunt ''y'8 druZ s'ore and ask what hiscus- loiners reisjru For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Fosler-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y., sole agents for the United States. Remember the name Doan'i and take no substitute. A Timid Plnnarr. Til bet a dollar If I should ask yon to marry me you'd refuse," venturer! oussle. trying to inject a little mora spirit Into the conversation. "My, but you're a cheap one!" re sponded the girl. "Y-y-y-why?" stammered Gussle. "Because you won't bet more than a dollar on a sure thing." Baltimore American. Jaat Pasalaa. "Are you acquainted with Mrs. Tub by?" "Yes; we have a passing acquaint ance." "Oh, as much aa that?" "Yea. We were at the same card ta ble once. She paKsed, and so did I." Cleveland Plain Dealer. A Remedy. lie The doctor told Jack that he had been studying too hard lately. She And what did he recommend? lie Oh, he advised him to go Into odety a little more and give hla brain t rest Brooklyn Life. lone Needed. She Mamma says I mustn't encour age you at alL neThat'a air right I don't need any encouragement Philadelphia Preaa. FKOTI MOL'TII AFRICA. few Way of Falng Chamber Iain's Cough Remedy. Mr. Arthur Chapman writing from Durban, Natal, Houtb Africa, Bays: "Aa a proof that Chamberlain's Cough Rem edy is a cure suitable for old aud young, I pen yon the following: A neighbor of mine had a child just over two months old. It had a very bad cough and the parenta did not know what to give it. I suggested that if they would get a bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and put some upon the dummy teat the baby was sucking it would no doubt cure the child. This they did and brought about a quick relief and cured the baby," This remedy is for sale by U. A. Harding. Loss of Flesli When you can't cat break fast, take Scott's Emulsion. When you can't cat brcatt and butter, take Scott's Emulsion. When you have been living on a milk diet and want something a little more nourishing, take Scott's Emulsion. To ct fat you must cat fat Scott's Emulsion is a rcat fattcner, ' a .great strength ivcr. Those who have lost flesh want to increase all body tissues, not only fat. Scott's Emulsion increases them all, bone, flesh, blood and nerve. For invalids, for con valescents, for consumptives, for weak children, for all who need flesh, Scott's Emulsion is a rich and com fortable food, and a natural tonic Scott's Emulsion for bone, fteh, blood and nerve. We will send you a free sample. B lurt that thli plcturt In th form ft a Ubl l on th wrapper of tvtry bottl of Emulsioa you buy. scon & BOWNE. cncMim, 409 Pearl St, N. Y. S0c and $1 1 all drujUU. COLUMBIA RIVER SCENERY Regulator Line Steamers Portland and The Dalles ROUTE ALL WAY l.ANI'lMiX "Bailey Gatzert" "Ir!I.-h City" "Regulator" "Metlnko' Connecting at l.yle, Waili , wi'h the Columbia Uiverand Northern Ity. lor Walikiaciis, )aly, Onterville, ioil-n-dale and all CUcketat Valley point. Steamer leHves Portland daily frxn-pl Sunday) for Th I)nllr 7 11. in.,J arrive The Ilrtllt-8 ri:!0 p. in.; nteumer rooli''i:t with C. K. AN. train at l.yle for iol i dendale. Steamer leave. The f)nle 1 daily except Sunday) for I'orlland at 7:30a,. m., arrivea Portland a p. in.; C. K. &. N. train leaving Uoldendale at 6:15 connect with the ateainer for Port land. Steamer "Dalles City" and "Hailey Gatzert" leaved Portland 7 . m., Tue day, Thuradaya and Saturday lor '1 he Dalle and way point. Hound trip tick ets to any landing, 60 cent. "Oiatzert" topa at Vancouver, Caacade Ixk, Stevenson, White Salmon, Hood Hiver. Lyle and The Dalle. All other land ini; made by steamer "Dalles City." Excellent meal served on all Meainer Fine accommodations for teams and wanoi.g. For detailed Information of rater, berth reservations, railroad and ata"e connections write or call upon H. Mc donald, anent. Alder street wharf, or li. C. C 1MPBKLL, Maimer, Portland, Ore. Astoria & Columbia River Railroad Co. DAILY TRAINS, I)ly Ex. D'ly F.flective D'ly Il'ly Bat. July 5, W1 P.M. A.M. A.M. P.M. 7 (JO! 8 (X) Lv Portland Ar 11 10 9 40 8 Oft! 9 Mi ttotile .... 10 or, H :v 8 20 ; 9 ls . . . Rainier .... t2 H 20 8 38 j 9 35: . . . Pyramid .... 9 :V 8 00 8 441 9 401.... Mayfrer .... 9 27 7 64 8 601 0 60 Quincy .... 9 17 7 41 8 68 10 00... 'latnkanle .. 1MW 7 38 9 08.10 10 ... Marshland .. 8 58 7 28 9 19,10 21 ....WMtort ... 8 4!l 7 17 9 37jl0 3l .... Clifton 8 33 7 02 10 00!U A7 .... Knappa.... 8 10 0 42 10 08 11 10 .... Hvenn ... 8 07 6 32 10 20 11 06 ....John Day... 7 66 6 20 Xl0 3OH 30 Ar.. Astoria. Lv IV, 6 10 SEASIDE II VISION 1135 a. . .. 7 40 a. m .. .4 00 p. ni ..10 30a. m . . 6 SO p. ra ..12 30 p. m . . 7 20 p. ra .. 1 30 p.m . . 4 50 a. m 6 60 p. n ASTORIA 11 30 a. ra. 8 15 a. m.. 6 15 a. m.. 2 30 p.m .. 5 00 p. m . . 9 40 a. m.. SEASIDE CONNECTIONS. All trains make close connections at Oo'hlt with all northern Pacific trains to or from the Kant or Hound Points. At Portland with ail tralna leaving Union Llepot. At Astoria with I. It. A N. Co.'s boats ami rail line, and Steamer T. J. Potter, to and from Ilwacoand North Beach Points. Ticket office, 2.r5 Morrison St., and Union depot. J. C. MAVO,Gen. Pass. Agt. Astoria, Or GET Star Brand SHOES Are Better WK IIAVK WON A REPUTATION U bo fi.vl.xl. 'Wa have uMihI now, young bloml whioh kffpa tin strictly up to dato thus Insuring to our cuHloiin'rs thn latest Idcus in styli'M jiricci) to moot coiiiMtition. Our stock of Hitinrt Footwear will jilraso tha most particular trado. m ft (if ft AfltKTUR Get That Habit Trading at OREGON CITY F. S. BAKER X PROP. lit ' a Oregon City JVIaehine Shop BUCKLEIN & KLEINSHMIDT. Proprietors. General Machine Work of all kiixls done. Wn carry in slot k a linn of Shafting and Pulleys ne anil second hand. First class Knjliie ami Saw mill machinery Orders hy Mail or Telephone promptly lllle. At rear of I'opa's HaHwara Store. Oregon City, OfOCOn. O: WM. GARDNER & SON WAT O HM A K E RS A N D JEWELERS All work given our prompt and careful attention. , . . Prices Reasonable . Inside each pound package of Lion Coffee will be found a FREE game. 60 different games. All new. At Your Grocer's. ( (ffaTlr-jffn I rl oYH"P THAT Younff Blood Tho ST A It DRAM) 8IIOK8 re mado up in aniart la( novvltiva in leather H-rfct stylea for tho well drt'Hsil man or Iniy, woman or cliihl. OUR PAH1LV UNH Is a Scialty, inado ly tho Star Itrand medium weight Ihix calf, medium weight sole, (iuaraiiteed satisfaction. MICHAEL'S PLANING MILL Ail l ;.i -if i,,;t.i; X f a : I O . .1. 1 :.uuu'i nil, asn 1 m irH MouhliiiL'. Ktc. - 1 - I OREGON CITY, ORE. I'll! lit- IlriKI.KI.V A. Kl KINallMIIlT 0 Court Houso Block ORECON CITY, ORE. mm i i .. . V. """" 'me. dui altar uk I r . J? "nl't' W cannot aix-ak too hla-h. B7(M flarmanfAa a .l.. . . wuui, .r.r hioaao. Waakaa.w UriM. Wa. iaa.atia .JliLV CONSTIPATION. ... y oi ausH Maanaa K3 -TO-SAC ElKlUT'to HHBIT W I fc 1 la A CL'ft FAMILY oy, ?,0. R. & ft Oregon Short Line and Union Pacific THREE TRAINS THE EAST . DAILY - TlmMt.ilt liillfttnti atiitiiliiril ami Tnef iat klrrpuiK rnra ilaily to Omalia.Chtof' MKjknnr; toiirini airrinni; t sr uaiij a kan-as lily; llirooxli PullijisB toon alcrtiiiijj rsra (K-riiislly comlurtn! weekly to I'liliso, Kanaua City, rrclil Inif clmlr-. arsis frcrlo the rat iliilj. lritu 1 ortlainl liansr Time Kciir.iiui.r.s j " Chieaao Ih.ii .ke. I.nrr. Kl. . m. l-i.rllan.l, Wurili.Oinaha.Kan- Mi'lal ... i-ii,.. m I jmiis.i lK-fla. til. ('1.1,-aii,. ami Ka.l. Atlanlin Kt preaa H.IAp. iu via llucil IliKlon , HI. Paul Ka.t Mall II p 111 via Hpokane Halt lakr lletiter. IX Worth.Onisfra.KaiivlOiJOl ... f l u U. I ..III. I wm i ny, 1 , tn.i", ClilraKo ami Kail. Walla Walls. I rail Ion, HiKikane. Mln neaiMiili. Hi. Paul 7;35ia iHllulli, Mllsiikre,i t'lursKO and Kail Ksccllrnt Meats. Brat 8trrl Ocean and River Schedule PROM PORTLAND I p. m. All HalllnK ilslra nib jnH In rlaiK for - an Krancia Hall avsryftilsys Oolumlila Biver Strsinara To Aaloria ad Way LaniliiiKa. Dally Ki Hilinlay, H p. in. Main rtlay 10 p. ru. I 9. t.t. 8n dir. 70 HOURS Portland to Chicago No Change of Cars. Ticket east via all rail, or boat aud rail t! P""' laml. , I'or detailed Information of rat berth reservation etc, call or""" agent at warf. General Offices. II. C. Cam""" Portland, Ore. Ms SCHEDULES OF TIME MOUTH IR.1 PACIFIC BAIL" NOBTU BOUKD. :00 a, ra. , 9:22 a. m. (Albany Low 6:10 p. m. SOUTH BOUND. 9:22 a. in. , ,. 4:60 p.m. (Albany Local) 9:14 p. 111. I h. Iwia, ComnVl A.t., 2 J Portland, Ore. Write ll'e j catchy Seaside pamplilet. P ' t tbilii.j all alont Summer tr.:li," . pent and Sunset at Seaside