Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (Oct. 30, 1903)
OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, OCT. 30, lj03 5 f.T.f.TTTTTTT EYour Banking ?j h No mutter It o w m u 1 1 no mutter now large, S THE BANK R nr v, Pi flRFRflN PITY r ' ... . fcj will give, it carelul nt Cj tcntion. Thin mesHngo K ... . i- . i Li uplli'M uj mi: iik'U uuu 5 thu women alike. Oregon City Iintcrprisc TOLD IN SIDEHEADS. Attkmh.ii I'svuiisii Ikbvh tc. 1 Iih iiieinhcra ul Meade I'imi No. '., (i. A. It., of tliU rily, attended hi a InKly llni iin Vi'lllliK of the Soldiera' Moiiiiliii'lit III l'urlUml Sunday. 1 K A III AT ( fcllll. Vlula, lli Olie- year-old daughter nl Mr. and Mr. M, Itlnliken, ul Onweno, 1 i I Friday alter noon ul howul trouble. I uncial aervlcca , were held Saturday. An (i ii 1'iusnkM.--Ji'lm Sinll, iii;1'1' " yeara, ilicil al Ill home Hi Highland lobar '.'(, I'M1:!, 'Mm dccearicd wan a wo lirer ol Is.').' ami in muvivf.l ly a Wile and mvfii children, llurial look place at lliKlilanil Friday. 'ast Ilia Money Kai k George W, (illllhaii ia plainllir In an actum brought auaiiiat Cleopatra hmilli lo recover about lill. Tim (lcli'iiilant In tlm cami con duct confectionery atom In Una city and the iilaiiitiU'alli'ifi-ii that Im loaned tier 4iiO In money anil paiil liilla amount ing to K'l. TllR I.ATK Mlia. IoimoN. Mra. Mar Karri J. IihIoii, aged t)ti yeara, died at llir home ol Imr daughter, Mr, (i. II. Young, October 'M, MUX Funeral aer Vlrca were held at tlm I'reiihyterian I'lmrrli Friday kiiil hunal look place in In .Mountain Vii'W cemetery. A I'iik nr I.aiiul. Fred Nelwin, deputy county anM-nnr, IhM week re ceived Iroin a friend in Nnrlli Carolina a blind-made laurel (rhododendron) wood pipe. It la ipiite a iiovi'lly ami la valued by the recipient. The wool ul which the pipe waa manufactured la of a epeclca ol laurel foreign lo t tint grown in tbia ntntc. Tiik JriiiiK Hah Kki ovtiiKD. Judge Win. Galloway In again na joung ami pry "aa Im nerd lo Im" after having been rather badly crippled lor acvural tiny m, by recurrence ol ttoulilii with Iiih loot that wan Injured aeveral yeara ago. 1 In la now ahltt to he about iigain without Ihu alii ol i-rnlehea and Willi tlm new luit In which Im liaa invented, tlm Judgu In of at striking appearance a" ever. Will Mink Kok Uoi.d, Tlm Molalla Central Mining C'oininy, with a cupilal atiM-k ol i'),(K)0 I ma 11 led artiult-a of incor poration and la preparing to prorevd Willi the dnvelopnienl of tlm proertU' in the Molalla nulling iliatricl that ars con trolled y the Dieuilieri of ttiil orgumta lion. Tlm capital Block li noii-aaaeaaalile and tlm incorporate ri are: I -inn K.J onus, Otto V, OUon and Frank II. WuIhIi. Cl.AlKAMAa CotNTY (iKAI'KH D. B. Martin, a rilcceHafnl (armor uf tlm Motml l'letaaiit rmighliorliood, rciiifinlx'red ttie Ki.terpriie olliir one day lerontly with box of the II neat grapei we liuve campled tlila year. Th variety very much te aembled in flavor the famous New York I'oncorda. Aa a producer of miMrior grain, vegetables and fruita, Clackmnaa county ia not excelled in the etalu. Komktimnii Anot'T Dowm. A lung arti cle in the Argonaut for October itllli give lull account of John Alexander I)owin, whoae religioua invaeion of New York ii jiiNt now attracting the attention of the country. Ilia marvoloiia iucce in Chicago, liia aucceaa at a tighter, his power to get money from liia follower, and liin auccena in founding ion City are among the themea of which the arti cle intereatingly treat". ArrnNnxii (loon Koadr Convkntion. County Judge T. K. Kyan and Coinmia aiotierfl Killin and lirolmt, of the Clacka maa county court, went to 1'ortland Fri day to attend a meeting of the Good KohiIh AHaociation of the state. Under direction of the Clackauuia county court Home of t lie beet roada to he found in the state have been built in thin county and the mem hern ol tlm court were prepared to explain and dniiioimtrate the inethoda employed to accomplish the satisfactory roBulU. Hatiskaitokv Vai.L'kj Ar Fol'NI). Heveial Oregon City people, who, with M. K. ltuin, a (urmer newspaper man of this city, bave interesta in the Overland minea near Hutnpter, have received cop ies of the Humpter Miner containing a report to the effect that very satisfactory values In this mining property bave been disclosed by recent assaya. The pub lished statement ia bi followi: "M. K. llain returned last evening from the Over land mine, where be has a force of men at work. lie la pursuing the very wise policy of linking on the vein, to prove iu value, before driving a long, expen sive tunnel. The showing la the shaft Is Retting better with every foot of deptb attained. It is down bow about twenty feet ami already the values are satisfac tory. From four afcsays be got an aver age of I Kl 111 In gold, witli Monm silver aa a hy product. The individual Hiimplcs went finlii to '7 li n 1 ennui cents. ' Mr I'.iiiii anya tlm Overland will le I opened lli this winler, slid eveiyoini j inllliir with the property env" it will' liiiike a mine." A iiinng lln Oieou City people hsvllllf Inlereala III tliln plnpiT'4 are: I'',. I!. 'In y lor, T. I. ICundiill and I'.. 1 I.. Johnson. I Hi ir Aoainst lli'.i.A nvKH As aconsi.. oiieiicii ol liiinily iliHiigiiM'tneiila, Alvlnai J. I'Jlner loduy llleil III the ClnckllliiH j county ciicuiicoiirt four lion lor money proceeding Nguiiist kiiiHiuen. The' n mount Involved In each piocenduig la 'CD, but with the accrued interest llnit I asked, tlm total will reach I.VH), The delHiidniit in the four aiiita are aa fol lowa: J. K. ami Mury J. Kliner, John II. ami neatliia Vick, Kted ami I'rsiila I'hillipiun, Sam inn1 F.luiiru Klmer. I 'lten , hchuhel are the attorneys for the plaintlll In all four cane, la A Kkih.ioi F'ANATti;. II. M. Iloggeas, of New Kra, wa broiiirht to the I court house last Friday to be examined ; lor insanity. The limn wua terrorixiug j the people of New Kra by bis irange j actions. Jloggess, who is a merchant of ; New Kra, iriiagiues Unit he has the power to call buck to earth the spirits ol the ile I parted, lie Is said to have at one time j Imwii an Inlldel hut he recently embraced I Spiritualism ami in his enthusiasm ha j collapsed menially. Iloggeas wasetam 1 llicd Isdore Judge Hyin stmdiiy hut it was the opinion of (lie examiner that Ihe iiian ia not Insane and m uus given his freedom. ('oiin Can Hit GiiowN IIk.iik "l.axi iiess is largely to hlamii for the general fiiiluie among Willami-tte vallev farm er o ucccsluily raise corn," aid County Treasurer Calnll today. Mr. Calull this year pr xluced on iiislaim near this city a crop of orn that would he a credit to any of the fa rnous com states in Ihe Fast. Mr. Cablll w to- iluv showing sample of corn, the stalksj healing from two to lour cur ol well dl velopi-it kernels, each ear having fiom 1 1 to M rows ell tilled out The vari ety wns the Crosby Kate Hweet com. which Mr. Cahill lias found to he the miml hardy and prolific crop. He pre fers sweet corn for the reason that while the atalks make the best duller for cat tle, the ears are protllable for feeding hogs. The seed was planted Muv 1(1 ami Mr. Cahill say that with a reasona ble amount of proper cultivation, tin crop can be grown lo good advantage in Una state ami with satisfactory returns for the farmer. Win KrKNii A Million The Port land General Klectric Company ii pre paring to make extensive improvements In It plant, and lo that end J. C. Har stow, a well-known electrical extstrt of New York, ia ci.mingout to take charge of the work, which it ia tliouitht will take about two year to accomplish. Most of the improving will be done at the company's head works at Oregon City and will coiisit of new buildings, duius, new inachineiy, etc,, for the bet ter utilization of the company's water (lower. The increased demand on the company for light and ier rendered the improvement necessary. Manager Gissle is now in New York, attending to the details of the preliminaries. The cost ol the new improvements will be about II.Ut-l.lKM. The Portland General Klec tric Company Is compmcd largely ol local cspiialiKts, but Mr. I'ratt, of Hrooklvn, a stockholder in Ihe Standard Oil Com pany, has Ihe controlling interest. Tele gram. MollK PoMKSTIl' ISKKI.Il lTV. After three month of married life, Melvina Siium, w ho became the briilo ol George S urn, Sr., at I'ortlaml, July 111, last, afks for the dissolution of the marital ties ami for it division of Ihe pmpeityo' ttie deleudanl'e, which ia estimated to be worib H(MMI. In her complaint, the plaintiff represents that her husband compelled her to pcrlorm bard and se vere labor, w bensihe was physically un able to do so, and in addition called her many had names, l ayette I. Wake, ol 1'orllnnd, dcsircH a divorce from Grace 1'. Itluke, whom he married in I'ortlaml in November, 1 808. lie claim (tint she freiiiently left borne without his diluent and remained away aa long as her pleas ure dictated. These tempoinry absences, complaina the husband, finally termi nated in desertion. Skhvkd His Cocstrv Wfi.i.. CIisb. F. Uoss, a veteran ol the Civil War, died at hia home at Willamette, Friday, Oc tober IM and was buried at Mountain View cemetery the following Sunday alternoon, The deceased was born in Pennsylvania, July 10, 1S24 and served In the Hist Ohio Kegiment. Ketiirning to Ohio at the close of the war tin mar ried Miss Acinas, who died in lSiiO. In 1870 be wedded Mias Mary Ann Krcher and moved to Oswego, Oregon, where he waa employed for some time as an engi neer at the iron work. Mr. Uoss ia sur vived by a widow and four children who have the sympathy of many friends in their bereavement. It Naved UN Leg. 1'. A. Punforth of I-aGrange, (ia,, suf fered for six months with a frightful run ning sore on bis leg; but writes that llucklen's Arnica Salve wholly cured it in five days. F'or Ulcers, Wounds, Piles, it's the beat salve In the world. Cure guaranteed. Only "(Sets. Sold by Char man A Co., druggists. W n. T. II. Ki.m-ra Statu Oi-rficcii. The state convention of the Woman's Christian Temperance,! nion ol Oregon held its concluding BcHaions at Salem last Friday, transacting considerable official business and electing the follow ing officers: President, Union I). Har ford, Newberg ; vice-president, Mrs. K. C. Wheeler; corresponding secretary, Mrs. Henrietta Urown ; recording secre tary, Mrs. Sarah M. Kern; treasurer, Mrs. llessio J. Shane, The president made the following appointments: KvanglistB Kev. Ionise Painter Rounds, Mubama; Mrs. Harvey liailey, Portland ; Mrs. Klizabeth V. Wilson, Eugene. State Organizer Mrs. SuBan Foster, Portland. Superintendents Institutes, Helen I). Harford; evangelistic, Ida . Ilarkley, Portland ; prison and jail, Mary M. lilain, Albany; Sabbath observance, Sarah C. Hoberts, Forest Urove; moth ers' meetings and white ribbon cradle roll, Kibe M. Yotaw, Ashland; Labor and Christian citizenship, Helen I). Harford; lecture bureau, Mm. Mary V. Charlton, Salem j auti-narcotica, non alcoholic medication, Mary K. Allen, Newberg; scientific temperance iustruc- lion, Sarah A. I.lverrnore, IMo Springs; lehlutioli arid law enforce merit, I'i'lantliiii Geer, Wjllurd; medal contest, Helen 0 Kirk, Now 'berg ; flower mission, Mary K. Towns. rid. M:i Third street, Portland; assistant for KH"lrn Oreioii, Nina l Wolf, Cnlonj press work, Mr. Aclisia M. Morris, New berg; peace and meny, KoiIihm I. Ko'Hl'b, Mehama; aocial and red-letter day, Mar garet Houston, Kugetie ; health and be ledity, Kmily I. mm, llayton; work among lumbermen, Mr Miller, Sag inaw; work among foreigners, C. A. Gearhart, Astoria; work among soldier ami sailors, Klizabclh l)algleish, 12 Twelfth aireet, Portland; svsiemalii: giving, l.iii-v l Wbitaker, Indepeiid eiicejwork among railroad men, Mra. I'ugli, Portland. f.niT Fok Anotih.k. On the grounds of desertion Nancy K. Tibedo hah brought suit lor divorce from Nonis N, Tiliedo. whom she married at Riverside, Califor nia, In February 1811. OmcKK OK PlIKH Ass'x iatiom. The Hiinnal election of nllii-era of the Oregon Slate Press Association resulted a fol lows: President, H, L. Mooiehesd, Junc tion City; flsl vice-president, K. Hofer, Salem ; second vice president, George i. Cornwall, Portland, Oretron Tiuiberinsn ; secretary, Albert Tor-ier, Portland ; treas urer, trances K. Goishall; historian, (ieorge II Hiuiea; sergeant at-arms, Arthur ( in k 1 1 n . All these election were hy unariiiiiotis vote. Ihe Asociu t on will meet at Hood Kivt-r next year. Piu.ks koii Kssavs. The Oregon So ciety of Son ol the American Revolu tion has several time in the past offered prizes to the school children ol the state fur essays on subject connected witli Revolutionary liintory. The refills in the past have encouraged the sociuty to renew the oiler at Ibis time. Prize ol Jo, It" and 11(1, respectively, will there fore he awarded for the three best essays in the order ol merit, w ritten by students in Hut public schools of Oregon, on any ol the following subjects : 1 The Arous ing of Piihlii- opinion; the Work of Sam uel Adams, Thomas Paine, John Dickin son and Putrick Henry. 2, Lexing'on and Concord. :i. The Rattle of Kinv's .Mountain. 4, Virginia' Part in the American Revolution. F;Hsays are lim ited in length to U,()00 words; must be w ritten on one side of the paper in Hie Biuileiii's own handwriting and must lie accompanied by the certilli-ate of the principal of the school attended by the author, lo the effect that the author is a bona fide student in the school and has been Iu attendance therein not less than four week during the school year ol l!Mi;H. Kssays must be forwarded to the chairman ol the committee in charite, Wallace McCamant, SI Concord Build ing, Portland. Ore , so aa to reach him not later than February lat, 11104. In awarding the prixea the committee will lie governed by these three considera tions: 1, Historical accuracy. 2, Man ner of treatment. 3, Orthography, grammar, syntax and punctuation. Mohk Railroad Ri woks. Residents of Clackama were in the city this week and reported that negotiations have been concluded by which the City A Subur ban Railway ( oinpany, ol Portland, has leased from the Southern Pacific Com pany the railroad bed of that corporation between Willsbnrg, and Clackamas. There have lor many months lieen nl mora of such a deal and the announce ment of its consummation entire much speculation locally. The feasihihtv of such an arrangement is recognized since it is known that the Southern Pacific Company has taken the preliminary steps to constilict another roadbed by which its We-t Side trains muv reach Portland from the Kast Side, the Will amette river to be crossed at Oswego. From that point the route ol the road will he noitberly connecting with the niaiii line at Willhburg. Another line will extend froo the Oswego crossing point up Urn river joining tlm main line j ue I below this city. In this way the railroad company propones to avoid the existing heavy gradea between this city and Willsburg, and at the same time shorten the route by four miles. Tlm old line is to be used for local trains while the heavy trailic will be transferred to Die new line. These facts strengthen the suspicious that the reported trans action between the Portland railway company and the larger corporation has really taken place. The City A Subur ban Company already has a line that ex tends practically to the Southern Pacific Car Shoos and with the leasing of Ihe railroad line as reported, there is no doubt but that the street railway com party will acquire the right to use the railroad track clear to Oregon City. Women as Well as Men Are Made Miserable by Kidney Trouble. Kidney trouble preys upon the mind, dis courages and lessens ambition; beauty, vigor and cheerfulness soon ti l 6M disappear when the kid mkr& neys are out of order diseased. Kidney trouble has I for a child to be horn h Y " 1 'JLt a'li'Cted with weak kid U i'Vsa)-- neys. If the child urin- - ates too often, if the urine scalds the flesh or If, when the child reaches an age when It should be able to control the passage, it Is yet afflicted with bed-we'.'.ing. depend upon It. the cause of the difficulty is kidney trouble, and the first step should ba towards the treatment of these important organs. This unpleasant trouule is due to a diseased condition of the kidneys and bladder and not to a habit as most people suppose. Women as well as men are made mis erable with kidney and bladder trouble, and both need the same great remedy. The mild and the Immediate effect ol Swamp-Root Is soon realized. It Is sold by druggists. In fifty cent and one dollar Ua Vt m.u kav R?:f! sample Dome Dy man free, also pamphlet tell- nan ot gwampRoot Ing all about it. Including many of the thousands of testimonial letters received from sufferers cured. In writing Dr. Kilmer & Co., Blnghamton, N. Y., be sure and mention this paper. IWt make any mistake, bnt remem ber the name,8wamp-Koot, Pr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the address, Bing tiamton, N. Y., on every bottle. ...rymrfl AVi'gclaUe Pr?nnrnlionTor As -slmilating tltc Food and Rctula Lug die Stomachs ami Dowm of ii A Promotes DislionCnwrfi ness and RVst .Contains neiltuT Opium, Morphine nor Mineral. ISot Nahcotic. W- SfU- mm Apfirfccl Remedy forConslipa tlon . Sour Stotnach.Uiarrhoca end Loss OF SLEEP. Fox Simile Sifinntur ot NEW YORK. A rYArT rnov rr uo a bolts A 'A A A r. r. r. r. A A A A A A A A IN OUR ELEGANT NEW STORE a We iirM located in our large new store and with a larver and more complete stock of better goods, are better prepared than ever before to furnish yon Just what you want at prices lower than the lowest. The 3EVi,ir- .KaXSnSXatSQEI ur-r-r? t in' 4 PILES Substantial Reasons We Have Sold Watches For many years and have had an opportunity to observe just the satisfaction that each make gives, and offer you the benefit of this experience. When We Sell a Watch We put our reputation back of it. We are in terested in the service as well as simply selling it, for we realize that our future sales depend on the satisfaction our goods give. If From Any Cause Our watch should go wrong, we are interested and cannot afford ". To turn you down." Our Stock Is Always Large. We can show you the choice and up-to-date designs. Our Prices Are Right As we buy for cash only and our expenses are small when compared with first class houses in Portland. If you are interested come and see us. BURMEISTER & ANDRESEN The Oregon City Jewelers ill Eiiin For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of Use For Over Thirty Years MWth tms mvtmm aoaeaaT. lira m wtt. Main St., OREGON CITY V M AW Jt In IF 11 mm MAH FILE OBTEST & EZ?Z2. liiiC and lK-liInu I' I Ira. li abburba the tumora, allays tbe; at once, iriea inunt relief. Kvery box Is warranted. Sold bv druirirl'ii. Sent bv nmll on receipt of price. 60 centa and II 00 ix-r box. WILLIAMS UFQ. CO., Props., Cleveland, Ohio. For Sale at HUNTLEY'S rnn; I Why you should come to us if you are in need of a Watch Since E-e Examinations of school Children became compulsory in many of the larger cities, statistics show that a large number have some form of Eye trouble. Our Optical departmant is now in charge of a competent Optician and we would suggest' that you have your Eyes and your children's Eyes examined. He will tell you if you have any troubled. Examination Free. ' ft 'PLUMBINC CHARCES are no lutrher t ban lii'iHe in any other trade, and ohm are no higher than ner vine rendered demandx. What v- undertake to do in a thorough and Pati"f,if'iry niunner. There will not be found after our workman et through with a job any defective joints, leaky piii. bmae connection or other evidence of "cnrriped" work. Kvery part will be perfect, and look peiiect, and when (lie bill comes in you'll not ask for anv deduction. F. C. GADKE THE PLUMBER -JEL.L.OH 2,000 miles of long dis tance telephone wire In Oregon, Wash ingtoc, Cali fornia and Idaho now in operation by the Pacific Station Telephone Com pany, covering 2,250 towns. Quick, accurate, cheap All the satisfaction of a Eersonal communication, listance no effect to s clear undemanding. Spo kane and San Francisco as easily heard as Port land. Oregon City office at Harding's Drusr Store. ii. I Great PIONEER rranfep and to$nu Freight and parcels delivered to all parts of the city. RATES - REASONABLE F.I635 MA y ; V