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About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (Oct. 30, 1903)
6 OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY OCT. 30, 1903. A BANQUET IN JAPAN. fadkinai and Amnarnrala Ar or Important Than IKr Kwllna. Pining l not hi Japan serious bust' the Circuit Court or ihe SMte o( Ore bom. The Japanese do not meet to eat f,nJ lV''m-v '"' but rat because tlvoy liave mot. ani M. Tracy, riaintitf, conversation Mild amusements form the Thomas Charma'n, Defendant ) principal part or a Dandier, (.onversn - tion mvd not he hoM only with yout, neighbors, for tf a man wishes to speak to a friend in another part of the rooit fce- Quietly t!lp the psjvr panel behlni him, passes into the veranda, enter the room apiin ami fits down on th floor before his friend, Exchnnglnf cups is the chief ceremony at a Japa nese dinner. Sake, a spirit made frou) riee resembling dry sherry, la druuk teresl thereon at the rat ol S per cent, per ., r .i.,- t,. ... . i n ,,., annum from the lth dav of iVlober, hot out of tiny lacquer and gold cupij im, h(, , .,, lllH;M , muttoml throughout dinner, and the niusmes. mamting nie out of the personal property who sit ou their Ucols In the open spact of s'id defendant, and if sufficient could of the floor, patiently watch for everj ! ", ,,,un1- then out et the real property i. . , i . belonging to said deiendant on ami alter opportunity to fill your cup with sake. , , M, d j,,,,,.,,,, , t(, .,,,. MU, Whou a gentleman would exchange : mm of i5U.U present aiiiount of Judgment cups, which is equivalent to drinking ! and also tue costs upon this raid rit your health, he sits down In front Pi ; No. Tmrelore bv v.r.ue ot said execu- . . . . , tion, judgment order and decree, and in you and bogs the honor. ou empty I compliance with the commands ol said your cup Into a bowl of water, have II ! writ, being unable to find any personal filled with sake, drink, wash It agalBI property ol said defemtaut's, I did on the --a k.., i i. -. ei ,.i ii. r.1. i t 13th day of October. l'.Wt oulv levy uinm nd hand It to your friend. He raises 11 h(f ,ollowil,g dMcrlbwl pr.Mrtv of to his forehead, bows, has it filled ant j ,) detendant, situate and bein In" the drinks. As this ceremony has to be i Oouniy of Clackamas, and Slate ol Oregon, irone through a great many time o-": jj t, . r- ! An undivided one-hfth interest in and to drinking Is often a mere rretonse. Eat,,,,, f0iioiii( de.cnbe.1 premi.rt iiiuate.! lng Is, however, but a small part of thf tn Clackamas Comity, State of Oregon, ! entertainment. We must be amused; j i "R parts of t lie I). I.. Claims ol Wesley and to amuse Is the business of tha ; J'X". f A. See ley. in Township. 3 ... ... , . r S'outli, Kan(! 1 Kast ol the W illanietia geishas, the licensed singing and danc- Meridian and beRiniiingat the North K.ast lng girls who are attached to every tea ' corner of the said I), t.. 0. of Wesley Josiyn houso. But the singers at a Japanese dlnnri only take the part of the chorus In a Greek play, and they nag the story which dancing girls represent or sug gest by a aeries of gestures or po tures. The dancers are splendidly dressed, and their movements are so Interesting, so unlike anything seen la Europe, that we watch them with curious sense of pleasure. Srvtai urareT. The exjreme clumsiness and cruelty j with which operations were performec i. i . . i a ft . v. tm-u ui.sii.n,i 10 Hampton bvileeil recorded ill H.H.k2S pace tury would scarcely be credited had j a ,3 01 the record 01 denis for aui county we not authentic descriptions of them j '' state, and I will, on t.nurday, the by the operators. Will 1UY OK NOVKMUKK, ha. Thus Fabrlclus of Aquaiedents I t 'he hour of 11 o'clock A. M . at the front 0537-1019), the eminent professor ! door ol the County Court House in the , ; . , . . 1 1 itv of Orenon tny. 111 said ( ountv and I'adua and preceptor of the Immortal j f.,,,, , puWkt It.tion. subject 'to re Harvey, describes what he considered j demption, to the highest bidder, for I". S an Improved and easv operation in the ! gold coin. cah in hand, all ihe right, title ni . , ..T ,t k I s'"1 interest which the within named de- followlng terms: If it be a movable , fed81lt9i or ,iUl of Ulf m na(, on lM llie tumor, I cut It away with a redhot of said l;th October, l:s) or since had in or knife that soars as It cnta, bat If It be I to the above described real property or any adhered to the chest I cut without bleeding or rmtn with a wooden or born knife soaked In aqua fortls. with which, having cut the skin, I dig out the rest with my fingers." When the surgeons of Edinburgh were Incorporated. It was required as prerequisite that they should be able to read and write, "to know the anato mle, nature mid complexion of everle member of humauls body and likeways to know all vayncs of the same, he may make flewbothemle In time." that due Comes High. K nicker Experience Is the best teacher. Bocker Well, aren't we always rais ing her salary? Harper's Bazar. Notice ot Final Settlement. In the County Court of the State of Oregon for the Countv of Clackamas. In the Matter of the Estate ) of Bernhard Peppel, deceased.) Notice is hereby given that the under signed, Executor of the Estate of Bern bard Peppel, deceased, has filed in the County Coort of Clackamas County, State of Oregon, bit final account as such Executor of said estate, and that Mon day, the 7th day of December, 1903, at tbe hour of 10 o'clock A. M. has been fixed by said Court as the time for bear ing of objections to said report, and set tlement thereof. C. 8CHUEBEL, .Executor of the Estate of Bernhard Peppel, deceased. Nummons. In tbe Circuit Court of the state of Oregon for Clackamas County Henry Bnawise, Plaintiff, 1:1 vs. Annie Suawise, Defendant. To Annie Snawiee, the above named defendant. In the name of the state of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint hied against you in the above entitled suit on or before the 5th day of December 1003. that be ing tbe laet day prescribed in the order of publication of this summons, and if you fail to so appear and answer said complaint tbe plaintiff will apply to the court tor the renet therein prayed, to wit: A divorce from the marriage ex isting between you and tbe plaintiff. This summons is pulilixhed for six consecutive weeks by order of Honorable Tbos. F. Ryan judge of tbe County Coort of the state of Oregon for Clacka mas county, made on the 20th day of October 1903 the first publication being on the 23rd day of October 1903. VALENTINE BKOWN, 8. R. HARRINGTON, Attorneys for plaintiff. Notice of Final Settlement. Notice is hereby given tbatl have filed my final report in the matter of the Es tate of Jacob Raucb, deceased, in tbe County Court of the State of Oregon, for tbe County of Clackamas. The Court has appointed Monday, November 30th, 1903. at tbe hour of 10 o'clock A. M. as a time and day for the hearing of objec tions to such final report, and for tbe settlement of said Estate. William J. Kalch, Executor of the Estate of Jacob Rauch, deceased. H. . Caoas, Attorney for Estate. Dated October 22nd A. D. 1903. OASTOrtlA. Bears ths lla Kind Iw Haw Bocffl Big to Lejjnl Notices. Mieritr Nnle on l'.-clln. 1 Stvts or Okv,o:, I Coisty or Ci..u kam vs.i j Py virtue ol a judgiec ul order, decree and an execution, duly issued out ol ami under Hie seal ol the above entitled t o in n Hie 0 Mvtj,m "8, t 1 , r 3 e of the WilUm alHve entitled rau.-e. to me duly directed ! ,. rl,jall .,,,1 i,t ti, sai.l ,..iii.. aitddateittheU'tli dav ol October. I.vt, ! et ' , , .V lh1 " ltu!1 ui-on a judRiuent rend"ere,l an.t entered In I ,or,h ",Hl " 1,',!,"ry to yell aald said court on the Hith dav of October, l'Xi, alnive described real properly to satisfy in lavor ol J. M. Tracy l'lsinhil and a:aint i ceitaiu claims tiled and allowed by the Thomas i'hariiiau lVlendant for the sum ! said administrator atsaiust the said ea- j ol $a 1 oo present amount ol Judgment in- in ee. .'.!. Kuimiug thence South on claim ! line l 7? chains to a stake; thence South tin decrees 0 m mites W est iai.!y chains to the Moialla Kiver; thence down stream on the bank of the river to the north boundary ' of the said Seelei claim; thence West on VTth boundary 27.75 chains to the South : West corner ol the Jolvn Claim; them- North on claim line 40..V) chains to the North west corner of the Josiyn claim; thence Kast on claim line :' chains to a tract of land sold to H. Thielson by deed I recorded on pace ftd in Book H of the re- 2 decrees Kast 17.50 chains; thence Kast 3 chains; thence North 23 degree Kast 1'.' chap s to North boundary ol claim; thence East on claim line. -fiiwi chains to place beeinnimr. acres. ve and i eic-pt a tract ol ahout -S. acres .old to Kred l'n mereoi m satisfy said piainiins jmig- ment or Jer, decree, iiueresi, tosia anu an accruing costs. J. R. SHAVER. Sberifl of Clackamas County. Oregon. By E. C. ii ACKETT. Deputy. Pated, Oregon Cilv, Oregon, Oct. b'th, !!.. r mm . In the Circuit Court of the Stale of Ore eon, tor the Conntv ol Clackamas. ' Martt" Cro,z"- 1'"''t1. I John Croir, Defendant. ) To John Crtilzer. Defendant. In the name ol the State of 1 'reton : You are hereby required to appear and answer the corupfaim tiled against you in tbe above entitled suit within ten da s from the ser vice of (bis sum.i.ons upon you if served within this county and state but if served within any other county in this state then within twenty days Iruni the date of this summons upon you, and if this summons is served upon you by publication you are required to appearand answer on or before the last day prescribed in the order for publication, to-wit: The 5th day of Decemcer, A. 0. llB.and if you fail to an awer. for want thereof the plaintill will apply to tbe Court for relief demanded in the com plaint, to-wit ; for a decree dissolving the bonds of matrimony beretofor existing between the plaintilfand defendant and for her costs and dsbursements herein This summons is published by other of the Hon. Tbos. K. Ryan, Judge of the Comity Court of the State of Oregon, for Clackamas County and tbe first publication thereof is bad on the 23d dav ol October A. D.,1'J03. W.'T. HUME, Attorney for the Plaintiff Notice of Male of Ileal Property. In tbe Circuit Court of the State of Ore gon for Clackamas County. In tbe Matter of the Assignment of E. M. Atkinson, an Insolvent Debtor. J Notice is hereby given ihat under and pursuant to the order of tbe above entitled court In tbe above entitled matter, I will sell to tbe highest bidder for cash, at the I rout door ol the county Court House of Clackamas County in Oregon City on tbe 18th day of November, m'J. at 10 a. m., all of the following described real property located In aaid Conntv and Htate, to wit All of Lota Oriel 1). f wo (2). Three (3).Four f4), Five(5).8il('i). Heven(7), Eight (HJ.Nine 19) and Ten (10) in Block One in Kairniount. Also all of Lot I wo (') and Lot rour ( t) in Bloca j nirty eix In Central Addition to O'egon City. Clackamas County, Htate of Oregon. Also lts lettered C, D, E. K, I and J and the undivided half of lots lettered ( and H in Buena Vista, Clackamas county State of Oregon Also the following de scribed parcels of land in Park Addition to Oregon City, Clackamas County, Htate 0; Oregon, to wit: Lots One fl, Two 2J, Three 3J, Pour (4, and Five J5J in block Sixteen thereof and f-ota our 4J, Five 5J and Hix ij in Block Seven 7J thereof and the North hall of Lot Eight J 111 Block Ten thereof. E. G. CAUFIKLD, Assignee of E. M. Atkinson, insolvent Debtor NEWTON M'.COY, Attorney for Assignee. Nov. J3. edition. In the county court of the state of Ore gon, for the county of Clackamrs. In the matter of the application of Louis Danovsky to Louis Dans. Notice is hereby given that Lonls Danov sky has applied to the above entitled court for a change of name to Louis Dans, and tbe said court has fixed tbe 7tb day of Dec., l'.H3, a. in., at Oregon City, aa the time and place for hearing the same, and all persons are requested to appear and show cause, if any they have, why the same should not be granted. And the court has further ordered that the above notice appear once a week for four successive weeks in the Oregon City Enterprise, a newspaper of general circula tion, published in Clackamas county, Ore gon, the first notice 10 appear on the.'jOth day ol October, 1903, and tbe last on tbe 2uth day of November, ltsM3. By order of Hon. Thos. F. P.yan, judge of the above entitled court. Dated this 2Jlb day of October. 1903 ISAAC SWETT, Attorney for Petitioner. Tbe Enterprise II .60 per year. llMlton. In the comity court of the state o( Or egon, (or the comity of Clackamas. In the mailer ol the estate of Jamra Anderson, deceased. ti. II. lhnii.'k, the lulv aiUMiinteil, nna'ltled .n.l actio administrator ol II... ret it urn in t!i hIhvh entitliM rourt, r I t . . ( . i .i . t 1 1 ' lll.t l.turi mA r.kri I linluirf lvl. tt.a .v ; Hai l osthio, low tl : Tht mint ItHMrit 1. of thit iinrlhttHt I. late, and to pay the Coat of a,l in in intra tion thereof. It is therefore ordered and decreed by this court that all heirs, known and tin mown, and all persona interested iu said estate, if any such there be, are hereby cited to piear lefore the wtove entitled court on Monday, the 7tli day of lVeemher, A. IV, l'.HK!, at the hour of 10 o'clock in the forenoon, to show cause, if any exist, why an order should not be granted to the said ailiiiinietia tor to sell the alxive described real prop erty at public auction, and a copy of this citation be published fur at least four successive weeks in tie Oregon City Knterprise, a newspaper published, printed and in general circulation in said county and slate. lated this llith dav of October, lWo. Seal.) TllOS. K. KYAX, Attest: County Judge. F. A. Sl.KHIHT, County Clerk of Clackamas county. 1 n . In the circuit court ol the stale of Oregon, for the comity of Clackamas. Nancy E. Tibodo. I'lam ti tT.l v., Norris N. Tibodo, Uelendant.) To Norris N. TiUido, the above-named defentlant. In Ihe name of Hie state of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and answer the comprint tiled against you 111 the above entitled suit on or before the llth day of leeeiuher, VXKK. and if von tail to so appear and answer viid complaint with i 1,1 Mu ""V t"""'l" apply lo the ( court ior tue renet praye.i tor In plaitmll s complaint, town : 1 hat the bonds ol mat 1 rmiony existicg between plaintill and de irnuniii oe uf-soiveu anil llelil ior liailKUI. I'tna numinous is pulilished pursuant to an order made by the Hon. 1 hos. F. Kyan, judge ul tha cnuniy court of Clackamas county. Oregon, made and entered this '."th day of October, l'Vt. tke lirst publica tion ol this suiiiinoiis being October ;HI, l'.ni;!, and the lat puhli atlon thereof to be December 1 1, 1!W. (I II. HI MICK and liKO. I Sl'UHY, Attorneys lor I'laintill. ll MM 0.. In the Circuit Court for the State of Ore gon, for the County ol Clackamas. Eva Garrick, Plaintiir, ) vs. Webster K. tiarnck, llefendant.l To Webster K. Ciarrick, the above named defendant: In the name ot the State of Oregon, You are heieby required to appear and answer to the complaint tiled against you, III said Court, 111 the above entitled suit, on or be lore the li'ih day uf Dec. .V. I). P"('., ami II you fail to appear, and answer said com plaint, on or before said date, the plmntitl I will apply to the I .url lor the relief de. manded m her said complaint, to wit: For ! a ilecree against you, dis.olvi ig the bonds j of matrimony, now existing between you fttiil it!il iilnintitf miwI irivii... I,. l.u . care and custody ol your two minor chil dren, Karl i.., and Vernon Kay. This summons is published by order of the County Judge ol Clackamas County, State of Oregon, made on the ITTth day of Oct. A. D. 1!A directing that said hum mons be published in be manner provided by law, in a newspaper of general circulv tion published in said County and State, the date ol the first publication of this notice being Oct. 3oth A. IJ. 1!MI, and tha date ef the last publication thereol being the llth day of Dec. 1903. C. H. DYE, Attorney for Plaintill. In the Circuit Court of the State of Ore gon, for tbe County of Clackamas. Etta L. Kelly, Plaintiff, vs. Louis Kelly, Defendant. To Louit Kelly, defendant. In tbe name ot tbe Htate of Oregon: You are hereby required to appear and answer tue complaint tiled against you in the above entitled suit within ten days from the date of the service ol this summons upon you if served within this county and state but if served witbln any other county and in this state then within twenty days from the date of this summons upon you and if this summons ii served upon you by publica tion you are required to appear and answer on or before the last day prescribed In the oruer ior publication, to-wit : The fltb day day of December A. D 1903 and il you (ail to answer for want thereol tbe plaintill will apply to the Couit for relief demanded in tbe complaint, to-wit: For a decree dis solving the bonds of matrimony heretofore existing bztween the plaintill and defend ant ami lor a decree changing the name of the plaintill to Etta L. Fletcher and lor her costs and disbursements herein. This summons is published by order ol Thomas E. Kyan, Judge of the County Court of the Hiate of Oregon for Clackamaa County and the first publication thereof is had on tbe 23rd day of October, A. I). 1903. W.T. II UME, Attorney for the Plaintiff. .HOTICi: I'OK ll III.ICATIO. Timber Land, Act June 3, H. United States Land Ollice, Oregon City, Oregon, October loth, 1903. Notice ia hereby given that in compliance with the provisions of the act of Congress of June 3, IH78, entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands in the Hlates of Calilornia, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Terri tory," as extended to all the Public Land States by act of Angust 4, Axel Ii. Liridquist, of Portland, county of Multno mah, State of Oregon, has thia day filed tn this olhce his sworn statement No. '1310. for the purchase of tbe EJ of WVi of Hection No. 17 in Township No. 2 8. ltange No. 7 E. and will oiler proof to show that the Jand sought is more valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said land before tbe Register and Keceiverof this office at Ore gon City, Oregon, 011 Monday, the 4TH DAY OK JANUARY, 1901. He names as witnesses: Joseph Mayerl, of Portland, Oregon; August Bperling, of Portland, Oregon; James Brown, of Portland, Oregon ; M. Mc Intyre, of Salmon, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above-described lands are requested to file their claims in thisollice on or before said 4tb day of January, I'M. ALGERNON 8. DRESSER, Register. Cheapest lots In Oregon City for sale. In'juire st the Enterprise office. Oct. 2 tf. Miirttin-'M wti.i:. In the Circuit Court of Ilia Slat of the on lor Hie Count v ol Clackamas Northwestern V iiuu'i ml Company, a corporation, I'liiinlllt, v. 5,11 W "".a,, am. ." rumri, ...a 'I All.. I A I ........ u. .1 L'.u.. I. ... 1 I inv. lvioitiiiuttii ' ' . . . . il ' . L . . t Itv Vilttleida illdUIHIll ltnlr tle..rM. mii.I an e ttH'lltliin. dlllv Insued nut lit .nil ! the seal otthe above eniilled court, in Ihe above entitled cau-ie, lo me duly directed and dated the !t It day ol October, I: Hi, upon a judninent rendered and entered In said court ou the Hill day of O, tuber, I'ltl, In lavor of Northwestern Klnancial Com pany a corporation, Plalntitt, and suslnsl the above named lh'lendanls, lor the sum of ls.Vl.Ui, ami the further sum of $-'7.'.'. Posts and disbursements, and Ihe costs of and upon this writ, conimandiuK me to make sale ol Ihe following described real property, situate iu Ilia county of Clacka mas, slat ol Oregon, to-wit: Ileum all of Lot Number l'bre(:H Iu Secllo" Kotir (4), I'ow ushlp two fJ) South ol ltange Two ('-') Ks-t ol Wlllaiuetie Meridian. Now, therelnre, by virtue of said execu tion, Juditiiieut order and decree, ai d in compliance with the commands of said writ, 1 will, on Saturday, Ine ltril PAY OK NOV EM II KK, likfl; at the hour of 10 o'clock, A M , at the Irtml door of the County Court House In the City uf Oregon City, In said County and Slate, sell al public auction, subject to re deniption, to the highest bidder, 'or 1'. S. gold cola rash in hand, all the right, title and Inters.-! which the within named de fendants or either of them, had on the date of the imirU'SK-e herein or line had in or lo the above described real properly 01 any part thereof, lo aatialy said execution. Judg ment order, decree. Interest, costs and all accruing coals. J. K.SHAVEK.' Sheriff of Clackamas County, Oregon. Ky K. C. UACKKIT. l'eputy. Iated, Or'Ktin City, Ore., Oct Kith, Unci. Kiii:itit'i-''M aim:. In the Circuit Court of the Stale of gon, lor tin- County ol Clackamas. J.;i". Shannon, I'lainiill, 1 vs. I John M. Cuuimlniis and Jane fumming, bis j wile, W. J. t umioiiins ) (ieorre T. Howard and Klir.tlH'th J. How- I Ore- ard, his a lie, I Defendants. J Stat ie or Okkoosi, County ol Clackamas. sa. Itv virtue of a judgment order, decree and an rxecuiliiu, duly ismh-iI out ol ami under the seal id Ihe alnive entitled court. In tbe above entitled cause, to me duly direcied and dated 1 1 c - 't l dav ol Sepiemlier, l'u, upon a judgment rendered and entervd In sai l court on the lth day ol September, I'.stt, in favor ol J. )'. Shannon. I'laintill, and auainst the above named Defendants, lor Ihe sum of f 171.1", with Inleiesl thereon at the rate of K per cent per annum Irom the l'.'th lay of June, I'11, and the further sum ol 'i as attorney's lee and the further sum of ln ii costs and disbursements, and the costs ol and upon this writ, command ing me to make sale ol tbe following de scribed real properly, situate In the county ol Clackamas, slate of Oregon, to- it: lit numbered, two (J) in Block numbered Four ( I) of (ireeu Point (now a part of Ore gon City) in Clackamas County, Stale of Oregon, according to the maps and plats of said Green Point ot record iu the olllre of the Kei'oider of Conveyances In said Clack ama.H t 'ounty, ( iregoti. Now, The elnre, by virtue of said execu tion, judgment order ami decree, ami In compliance Willi Ihe commands ol said writ, I will, on Saturday, the 7TH DAY OK N'oVEMBEit, l'"3; at the hour of In o clock A. M., at Ihe tnnt door ol Ihe County Court House In the I'l y ol iregoii I ily, in said 1 ounty and Stab sell at public auction, subject to reilemi tion, to the highest bidder, for t'. S. gold coin cash ill hand, all the right, title ami Interest which the within named defend ants or either of them, had on the dale of the mortgage herein nrslnce had in or to the above described real properly or any pari thereol, to ratlsly said execution judgment order, decree, interest, costs and all accruing costs. J. It. SHAVER. Sherill ol Clackamas County, Oregon. By K. C. II ACKETT, Deputv. Dated, Oregon City, Ore., Oct. Iitn, 19U8 police lor lssbllcaillou. Timber Land, Act June .1, 1X78. United States Land Olllce, Oregon City, uregon, oetu. iism. Notice is hereby given that In compliance with the provisions of the act of Cotiirresa of Jane 3. IH7H, entitled "An act lor tbe sale of timber lands In the Hlates of California, wregon, .sevsua anu vvasniiigton ierrt lory, ' as extended to all the Public Laud States by act of August 4, I8!r.', Henrietta Brown, of Albany, county ol Linn, Hta e of Oregon, has this day filed In this office his sworo statement No. 1)21 1, for the purchase of the K'i SK"4 and NK of Hection ro. -il in township .11), b a, Kange No, 3 K and will oiler proof to show that the land ought is more valuable for Its timber stone than lor agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said land before the Kegister and Kecelver of this office at Oregon City, Oregon, on Thursday, the 10th day ol December, psi.i. she names as witnesses: Julius C. Hurke, of Portland, Oregon Edward Burke, of Portland. Oregon: Nar cissa E. Ball, of Portland, Oregon ; Thomas ltevine, 01 rortiaml, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above described lands are requested to Hie their claims In thia olllce on or before said 10th day or December. J''!. ALGERNON 8. DRESSER, Register. Notice for I'ublleallon. Department of the Interlor.Land OMiceat Oregon City, Or, Ootolier 3, 1IWI. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his inten tion to make final proof In support of Ida claim, and mat said proor will be made be fore the register and receiver, of Oregon Cily, Oregon, on November Id, 1903, viz: .lonii si. tvngnt, H. E. No. llWi, lor tbe wU of nwti of see. 10, t 6 a, r 3 e. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous res, deuce upon and cultivation of ssid land, viz: Oliver Lalerty, of Colton, Oregon: H. E. Carr, of Colton, Oregon; Peter Laferty, of Colton, Oregon; T. S. Force, of Cokon. Oregon. ALGERNON 8. DRKHKER, Oct. 10, 1903. Register. police For I'ublleallon. Department of the Interior, Land Office at Oreaon City, Oregon, October 24, 1903. Notice Is hereby given that the following named settler has tiled notiee of bis inten tion to make ti rial proof in support of kla claim, and that said iiroof will be made be fore tbe Register and Receiver, at Oregon City, Oregon, on DECEMBER 15, 1903, viz: John Jobannessen H. E. No. 12300 for the H of BE of 8ec. 18, T. 1 ., R. 6 K. He namea tbe following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: Ferdinand Korstrier, of Alms, Oregon; D. B. Tbomas, of Aims, Oregon; W. I). Tbomas, of Aims, Oregon ; M. r. Hickman, of Alms, Oregon. ALGERNON 8. DRESSER, Register. HIM II OHM. In lb Circuit Court of Ihe Stale of Ore gon, for the County of Clackamas, U.K. Cross, PliilulilT. 1 vs. I I.imiu lluglics and ItoU'it Mur-I dock, loniliiiitH. J 'IV t lie alnive named dcfuiiilitiita, Lena IliiiJiea and Kobcrt Muidock. Iu llio luiiie ol Ihe auto of Oregon, you ami each of you are hereby required to appear and answer thn complaint tl 1ft' against you In tint above cnttlcd action in die above tunned couit on or bolore the lUib day of December, 190:1, ami if you tall to appear and answer aald coin pl.iint on or More said dale, the plain till will apply to the court (or a judg ment against yon for the sum of JT.MI, due plaintill' for professional services rendered you on a conliact made and entered into by you with plaintill', and which sum has not been paid, or any part thereof, and for the sale of all your right and Interest in the Robert Allen P. I.. C. No 42, in sections 4 ami 9, in t 0 a, r 1 e of Willamette Meridian, lo sal isfy Ihe said judgment, which real prop erty lias lieun attached In this cauan, the description ol which la morn partic ularly given in the certificate of attach ment lilcd herein, and for his costs ami disbtiiaeiiienta iu this action. This summons la published by order of Hie county Judge of Clackamaa cotinly, slate nl Oregon, duly made on the 27th day of Ootolier, A. !., HM8, direction that aald siiininona be published once a week for six Siiccesalve and consecutive week in a newspaitr of genera! circu lation, published in aaid county and alate, the llrat publication of this notice being III the issue of October 30, lUtU, ami Ihe last in the Issue of December 11, 1903. 0. II. DYK, Attorney for Plaiutilf. mnmns. In Ihe Circuit Court of the Slate of Ore gon, lor tbe Countv ! Clackamas. John J. Jones Plaintill, 1 vs. V Koa Hell Jones, Delend'l.' 1 Kosa Hell Jones, above named iM-fcti da 11 1. In the name ol Ihe State of Oregon yon are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint tiled against you In tbe above eutiiled soil In the aluive named l o irl on or lielore r riday, November nib, psU, the same being six weeks Irom the first put. II cailou ol this summons, and you will lake notice that II you fall lo so appear and an saer said complaint, the I'laintill will ap ply lo the Court lor Ihe relief demanded In aid com plaint, to wit : Thai the ImiimIs o matrimony existing between you and I'lain till I dissolved. lhissiimu a Is published by the order ol t lie Hon. Thos. A. Mchrlde Judge ot Ihe Klflh Judicial District of Ihe Stale of Ore gon, in the Oregon City Enterprise, a weekly newspaper ol general circulation Iu Clackamas County for six successive weeks commencing Krlday, Sepiemlier :'oth. I'"U, and continuing to ami including Friday ?iuVellilier nth, PHI. GEO. C. HltoWNKI.I. and HOWAHD M. HltiiWNKl.L, Att ys lor I'lainiill Sutler at I'lunl Mellifluent. Notice is hereby given that I, the under signed. Administrator of the Kstate ol Lucv M. Campbell, deceased, have tiled my II 11 nl report as such administrator, In the I ounty Cuiiri of Clackamas County Oregon, and that tbe said Court has Hied Monday Ihe 7th day ol December P'U. al lo o'clock m. as the day and lime lor the elamlna 1 tion t said report, hearing objections to 1 the name and lor (he liual settlement ol I said estate. K!tS EST M A Mil IKS, 1 Administrator of Ihe estate nl Lucy M. t'anipbell, iteceased. HRl'CK C. CUKKY, Attorney for said estate. oil co for lulllculon. Department of the Interior, Land Olllce at Oregon I Ily. Oregon, t ictober '.'I, l!i3. Notice is hereby given that the billowing named settler has tiled notice of Ins Inten tion 10 make final proof In support ol bis claim, and thai said proof will lie made lie lore the Register and Receiver, at Oregon city, Oregon, on DECEMBER 15, 1903, vlx: Ferdinand F. Korslner H. E. No. IZM for the NU HE1 8 NE'. of Sec. in, 1. 1 B., it, a k. Its names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence ntxin and cultivation of aald land, vit: D. B. Thomas or Alms, Oregon: John Jobannessen, of Aims, Oregon; W. D. Tbomas, of Aims, Oregon; M. r. Hickman, of Alms, Oregon, AiAir,u.u. a, unr.mKK, Register. iMumraoiia. In ths Circuit Court of tbe Stale of Ore gon, for tbe County of Clackamas. Eva Keller Plaintiir, vs. .1 Fred Zeller, Defendant. To Fred Zeller, above-named defendant. In the name ol the Slate of Oregon vou are hereby required to appear ami answer me complaint nied against vou In the above entitled suit in the above named Court on or belore trlday, November l.'lth, 1903, the same being six weeks from the llrst publi cation of thia summons, and you will take notice mat 11 you Inn to so appear and answer said complal t the plaintiff will an- Ply to the Court forahe relief demanded in said complaint, lo-wit ; that tbe bonds of matrimony existing between vou and plaintilf be dissolved. 1 ma summons is published bv the order of the Hon. Alfred H. Hears. Jr.. Judge of the lourin judicial district or ths Slate of Oregon. In the Oregon City Enterprise, a weekly newspaper of genera clrcu ation in Clackamas, Comity fo six successive weeks commencing b riday, October llth, 1903, ami continuing to and including November 20th, 1003. GEO. R. HKOWNELL, HOWARD M. PRO WNEI.E, Attorneys for Plaintill. .Hotlce lo Creditor. In th; County Court of the Htate of Ore. gon for Clackamas County. In the matter of the estate of K. W. Hammett, deceased. Notice is hereby given that the under. signed has been appointed bv the Countv Court of Clackamas Countv. Oregon, ad ministratrix of the estate of E. W. Ham mett, deceased All persons having claims sgalnst said estate are hereby iiotilled and directed to present the same' to me, properly verified, as by law required, at the olllce of O. W, Eastbain, over ths bank of Oregon City, In Oregon Cily, Oregon, within six months from the date of this nolle -. SARAH A. HAMMETT. Administratrix of the estate id E. W Hammett, Deceased. O. W. KA8TIIA M, Attorney for Administratrix. Dated this 25tb day of Sept. llto.l. Bsentkt 4 lb aind Ym Hm kiwtn BgpgM NI'MMO. In the Circuit Court of the. Stale of Ore gon lor flat kamas County, Haiti A.Sahlatroiu, I'laintill', vs. Summons, lilcbard P. sAhlstrnm, Debit, j lo lilcbard P, Sahlrtrom, Deleudaul, In the name of the Stale t Oregon, you are hereby required lo appear ami answer the com plat ul II led against Volt In Ihe above entitled court and cause ou or behmt Die '.'ml day ol November, llsM. w hich Is the lime Hied by Iheorderol publicallon Issued III Ihe said cause, for answering said coin plaiul, ami II yoll In 1 1 lo so appear and an swer the plaintill will apply 10 Ihe court lor ihe rebel demanded In said coinplalul, to wit: a decree nl tha court dissolving the bonds ot matrimony bsreiohire and now listing between tbe plailillll and deleml atit, and fur a decree awarding lo the plain III! the care, custody and control ul Harri son A. Sahlalroiu, the minor child id Ihe plaintill' and delemlaiit, and for such nlber and further relief as lo Hie court may a 'eni Just ami eqoliahle This Biiiii-'ions Is published by order of Ihe Honorable John II, Clelaud, Presiding Judge of Ihe Circuit Court of the Statu of Oregon, lor the County ol Clackamas, only made ami tiled the pith day ol Scpletiilu 1. Ilkl't. The dale of the llrat puhlicatloi of this summons being September IH1I1, I and the date ol the last publication thsrnuf being the .loth day ol October, pact WM. II Kilt. Attorney for I'laitmir, M MMO-s). In the Circuit Court of Ihe Slate of Ore god lor tha County, of Clackamas It. I.. Adklus, 'rialntiir.i a Mary Adklns, IMnndanl.) To Mary Adklns, lb alnive named De fendant. Iu the name of tha "statu of Orego-i you are hereby required 10 appear and answer Ihe complaint hied against you In Ihe alaiva entitled suit, In tbe alxivs named Court on or belorr October .', 1IH, the same being more lbs six weeks Irom the llrst publica tion ol this summons, and you will lake no lice that ( you tall lo so appear and answer said complaint Ihe Plalulill will apply lo the t'ouri for the rsliel demanded In aald complaint lo wit: that the bonds of matri mony eiiBliun between you ami I'lainiill ha dissolved. This summons is pub Ished by order of the Hon 1 hos, V. Itvan, 1'onnty Judge, of Clackamas County, Mate ol Oregon, m tha I'regon City Enterprise, a weekly newspaper published and ol geneial circulation 1:1 l lackamis I'oiiulv, uregiin, lor ail icces sive and cniifteculive weeks commencing: l-'nday, f-eptemher II, and continuing lo ami I in I in 1 1 11 ir I'm In v, 1 1 toner .'lo, put, GEO. C, HltoWNKI.I., ami HOWAKD M. HU'itt SKI, I.. Ally, lor I'lainiill. Ml M tlllS In the Ore it! Court of the Slate ol Ore gon, lor the I otinly of Clackamas. Annie E. I.avmaii, I'laintill,! vs James M. l av 111 an, Defendant I To James M. Layman Ihe above named dnlendatil. In the na na of Ihe Stale of Oregon, You are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint Died against you in the above entitled suit on or belore the .iqb day of November I'"1', thai being six weeks after Ihe dale of the llrst publicallon of thia Summons ami if you fail lo so appear and answer said rompialut the plaintill will a ply to the court lor the relief therein prayed lor to wit: l ,ra decree of oivorce lorever dissolving ihe Ixunls of matrimony now ex isting between the plalulill and deleudaul above nan ed and giving and granting to plalulill ttie care ami custody ol Ihe minor children, the issue ol said marriage, y,. : lames Deliver Layman, Cha-le. Arnold Layman and John liar. .Id Layman, ami lor the costs and disbursements 'ol thia nut and lor such other and lurther relief as to the Court may seem proper. I bis sum mons is published lor six consecutive weeks bv order of lion John H. Clelaud Judge or said ( rt, made oil the.'.lh day of October l!i3 D. P. PRICE, Attorney lor I'laintill. M'M.M.M In the Circuit Court ol tbe Stale of Ore gon lor the County of Cljckamas. Minnie F. Coor, I'lainiill, I vs. J. W. J. Cooier. Defendant. ) To W. J. Cooer. abovs named defendant. In the name of tbe Stale of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and answer tbe complaint tiled against you In ths above entitled suit, in the above entitled court, 011 or befora Friday, November fl, ll3, Ihe same being six weeks front the llrst Publication of this summons and you will lake notice that if you fall to so appear and answer said roipplalnt the plaintiff will apply lolha court lor the re lief demanded In said complaint, to wit: that the bonds of matrimony existing be tween you and plaintill hs dissolved. This summons Is published by the order of Hon. Allml H. Hears, Jr., Judge of the Fourth Judicial District of the Slate ol Ore gon, in the Oregon Cily Enterprise a week ly newapajier of general circulation in (.'larrkamaa l.'nnnlv. Oreion I... ... ......... ive weeks commencing Kriday, Sepiemlier , i.., ano t". 11. oiling 10 anu including November 11. 1903. GEO. 0. HKOWNELL, and HOWARD M. HROWNKLL, Altys. for Plaintiir. ."ollce for I'nblfrallon. Timber Laud, Act June 3, H7H. United Statea Land Olllce o rMr-flti PI Its Oregon, Aug. iH, l!m3. ' Notice is hereby given that in compliance with Hie iirnviaioiiM uf t It mni ,.r ........ . . .. , ... ... .... ,f, , .,,ugi rnrt of June 3, 1H7H, entitled "An act for ths sale of timber lands In lbs States of ' Calilornia, oregon, Nevada, and Washington Terri tory," as extended to all the Public Land Slates hv art of AiiiiimI .1 IHo-r Ii,... I.- Coles, of Portland, county of Multnomah! nmi 111 wregon. uas mis nay men in Ihss olllce his sworn statement No. 02.SI, lor tbe purchase of the Northeast 14 ol Section No. 13 In Township No. 2 S, Range No. 7 E. and will oiler-proid to show that the land Solltfht is morn VhIiihIiIw foe li fi...l.B. ... stone than lor agricultural porpcocs. ami .w ".I....... on coii 111 to sai 11 land belore Ilia lteiriNffr ami lru,i.4nu. ..r 11. 1. ..111 r- ..." - i -i u. .ton iiioce at. Orevon Cilv (lr .... U'..i. .... ..... day ol November, !I03. nne names as witnesses: Charles Smith, Charles Osborn, Frank G. Kelly, David 1, Kelly, all of Portland. Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adversely the annve-descrlbed lands are reouesle I lit file 1 heir ..i,. 11, ,. ni. .... !.. r. "" on or oeiore said IMth day of November, Hsl'l. Ai.ur,n.u.H O. DKKSHER, Register. ."Vol Ire, Nolle la lieeebv frlt-an II.. Ik- , ye mo iiuuer- signed has been duly appointed administra- 1 eomiu 01 nma Austin, deceased and all lierMins havlniF nl.lm. .. . , ' ...... a.Knni!il e Said HJS mtlat HMu.i.1 II. a ...... . aaiiia limy Ter- Hied at the law olllce of (I. B. Dlmick In the uinm u.inoing in Oregon s.;ity, Oregon, n,v..,i, a iiiuuius iruni me uate of this notice. Dated Oct. 8, 1903 W. II MATTOON, Administrator of the iiita r m.ii. tin, deceased. O. B. DIMICK. Atty for Adm.