Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (Oct. 30, 1903)
OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE FRIDAY OCT. 30, 1903 New To-Day. Dll. ('. H. HKAM NN 1 1 it 1 1 1 1 1 1 M ' drug store, riH over MONEY rates. TO LOAN AT LOWEST iV OKimni. MOSEY lMir cent. HtiimiKi,, TO LOAN AT Kami security. AM) U'HkN wanted. iti;si'i:i TM'.i.i'XiiHL eou general limine work. Apply curlier of Hi x ih hikI Wnlur streets, i t n City, Oregon, 11 KIMSKM A GRIFFITH (OFFUT.H IN Hi Weinhard Hillldliig) have the cliuliv est city, suburban and country prop erty lor smallest prices. MONKY TO I.OAN-1 HAVE SEVERAL aiiuis nl money belonging to privnle 1 1 1 1 1 1 v 1 1 1 1 1 h I which 1 mn authorized lit loan , on long tlmn at U end 7 wr cent. ( ohI ol loan will be iimilti very reaiton II. K. Causa, attorney at law, WANTED-A TIU'HTWOKIIIY GEN tinman or lady In each rotinly to man age liimltiKim lor an oM established bonne i( in! ill lliiaticlal standing. A straight Ihhi lido weekly nlury o IIMUO paid liy check rai l) Monday with all eipeimes direct Iroin head iuarliint. Muniy advanced (or ex iwiiriiia. Kni'lonH addressed enveloMi, Manager, 3lH Caitoil Illl)(.t Chicago. Knli 1. MANAGER VANTKl in this county ainl adjoining territory to represent ami aivrtlitri an old established busi ness house o( miliilllna'li'ial standing, hslary 1-1 weekly, with $3 per day fur cim'iim'H paid each Monday liy cheek direct (roiu headquarter. Expenses advanced and horse uu I buggy fur timlnid w hen necessary; ,.oMition r inani'iit. Address President, 'HO Mo tion Building, ClilrnKO, III Nov. 21. Personal Mention Mrs, .In". Clis-a In v i h i t i 1 1 n nt HiHid River. Jesne Cox, of Klwood, wan a visitor to Oregon City Monday, Mut Kaiidln, ol Sprinwittur, was In Urn city Wednesday. Jimse Geuige has returned Iroin a visit with relatives at Salem. .'on. Atnrhein tiaa returned from a visit to Ida old iioiuu in Sw iUerland. J. C. Klliott, a prominent merchant at Damascus, waa In the city Monday. Miaa Clo ltanhor, ol Nalein, waa thla week thit guest ol the Misses tjtliiin. C. H. Johnson wuri at Al-rdcen, Wash ington, I hia week on a business trip. Mis Blanche Bain, l Portland, vis ited liii'iula in Oregon City Hundity, Miss I ImX'-I Bickers, ol Salem, waa this week the guest o( Mr. K. R. Reattie. W. C. Campbell, ol Portland, was the gnent id ( tri'Kon City Iriends Sunday. Mil- It. T. Smith, formerly ol this rifv. was tin' iii'Kt Siiinlity ol Mra. II. i. Mrnikiht. J. II. liM'liliT, city rix-ordiT uf Milwau ktx, waa a viaitor to thla city thn Utter jiart ol the week. C. (1. Ilnntlcy and T. F. Morlny apent aevaral daya thla week on the upper Clui kumaa alter trout. C. Ki linliel, ol the letial form of U'Ken A HrhuM, liaa returnoi from a buaineaf trip to Connull, Wellington. B.H.Cook, real eatate dealer ol Portland, waa in the rity Weilneaday, liaviiiK hnaineaa at the court tiouae. Miaa .Ida (loldamlth line returned to her home In Knirene af'er a vlait with lieraiatera, the Miaae (toldamitb o( thin city. W. M. Handall. of Lni Annelea, waa in the city aeveral daya this week, viait Inij hia nephew, I'oatmaiiUtr T. P. Kan- Gwilliam Uwilliatn luft Wedneaday lor bla home at Colorado 8prlnn, Colo., Iter a vleit with friends and relatives In tbia city. Miaa Annie Knitlinh, of Portland, and Miaa Krnderirkaon, of Aatorfa, recent Ktieata ol the Miaaea Albriht in thin city, have returned to their homes. Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Weetover and Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Cheney attended the aoaaiona ol the State Preaa Asaociation at Salem the latter part ol lant week. J. K. Marks, lormerly engaged in the practice ol law in this city and now lo cated at Canyon City, (iraot county, was a viaitor to this city several days this week. Mrs. P. ScbloBBor returned home yes terday from a two weeks' viHit with hor danitlitor, Mrs. Captain M. D. Phillips, In Oregon City. Albany Herald, Octo ber 2:i. Wm. Fry, for many years an employe at the V. P. A P. Company Mills, has gone to Dnnsmuir, Calilornia, where he has accepted a place with t ho Southern Pacific Company. Frank Morfltt and Chas. May, of Malheur City, were vixituii; in Oregon City this week. The former was en route to Oakland, California, where he goes to attend the Polytechnic lUinineHS Colli'ifO. Judge Wm. (lallowav has sold his Park place prooerty to Mrs. Sarah May, of Astoria, and will remove bis family to McMinnville where they will reside. Mr. ; Galloway, however, will remain in this city and cobtinue bis le-al practice. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hoge, of Forest Orove, were visitors to Oreuon City luat Saturday. Mr. Hoge is the editor ol the Koreat Grove Times and with Mrs. Hoge was returning from Salem where they attended the annual meeting of the State Preaa Association. J. W. Church, who for some time has been stationed at Wheatland, as the rep resentative of the Portland Flooring Mills Co., has been transferred to Linn, central Washington, where he accepts the superictenileucy of a mill. He left for bis new ajation Sunday. THE LOCAL NEWS. A good chiott protector will prevent tlint cough I rum rrin'lniig your Iiiiiuh We have all kinds at all pili i-a. Char 11. an A Co. The Junior V.l deavor Society of tlin Flral I'r I'Hlivtotinn church will give a dune social Huh ! riday evening, Hi Hie new iiiuimi), Among the births reported thla week were thn following : To Mr. and Mm I'M ward 8. Garrett, Monday, October 2'i, a aim; to Mr. and Mra. Jotiea, Monday, October 2IS, a daughter. Married, at thn Congregational manae In thla city, on Wedneaday, Orlolier In, liHKI, I). 1). Kllia and Kditb Kiaenbarl. Ilotli partiea are from Multnomah coun ty. Kev. Ilollinger olliciated. l-.dlth Klaenhart anil I. I'. I'.llla pro cured a marriaue licenae at the olllce o' County Clerk Sleight Weddi'mlay. Tl parties came from' Multnomah county. Proscription we 111! Just a the doctor orders them. We uae the puteat diuga that money can buy, and our long years of experience lias aurely made na relia ble. It rin u your prcacriptloii to ua Charman A Co. Miaa English, of Portland, and Miaa Frederickaon, of Astoria, played "The Ancid'a HnrciiHcle'' aa a violin niiet at the morning service at the Kir at Conure uallonal church laat Sunday, lloth of (lie young Indies are gifted young violin tats. Mra. Kate New ton, of tbia city, Ibis week brought tiown town some ripe red raplerriea that excited the curiosity of citixena. The berries were actually pro duced In Mra. Newton sown berry patch. The members of the Mm cala-e Quar let and a number of Man abeea will go to Kagle Creek tomorrow evening to at' tend a social meeting that has been ar ranged by the local tent. On Sunday evening the choir lit the Congregational church will give asp ml number from the ' obi lunea that w ill be used for lliii "Old Folk's Con cert" next week. The themes will be The Autumn of I.iIh" in the morning, and "Kecoiiomy, a Corner Monu of the Home," at night. P.vetyhody'a lishla to itching piles. IMch Slid MMr, old and young terrible the torture they milTi'r. Only one sure cure. Poan'e Ointment. Absolutely safe ; can't fail. After you have examined the photo- gratis at the other studios in our com munity, call 011 us slid compare our work with what you huve seen. We believe you will be Interested in our poking, which give life and eraotialily to photograph. Anna Wisner, pho tographer, Main street, near Tenth. Nov. 2Hih. The Scandinavian American F.vangel ii ul Lutheran congregation, of Harlow, on Monday filed with County Clerk Sleight articlea of incorporation. The cupiliil stm k la $UMM, and the folic. wing named trustees filed the articles aa iu corporutors : .(. J. Simdaneas, K. Arnt son and Fred Anderson. Deputy Sheriir K. C. Ilackett attended a wedding at Harding Sundny. Ilia fail ure to put in an appearance at the court liouae Monday morning or to aejid an explanation for hia abseuce, led some ol liia associates to com hide that possibly the genial deputy hud allowed himself by mistake to replace the groom at the cer emony. All such theories, however, were dispelled Tuesday, when Mr. Hackett showed up at bis desk. II you aire looking for rliance to grt aome tlrftlriiblr rity lot at it bat rant la, lo not fall to luvrntl t;nte (he property to be sold W4mMlay, rWoTeinber 11, at 10 o'rlork. at tli court bouae door, nl Mltrud Hi! aale. For partic ular laqulr of K. . ' t'auflrld, aaalgnre County Clerk Sleight waa among the Oregon City people who took In the Hun day excursion over the O. W. P. A K. line to Caxadero. He says it is surpris ing how the property and lands ol all kinds are being developed and improved all along the course of the road. Scores of new houses ate being built. While making the trio Mr. Sleight especially noticed the roads in that section ol the county and be says they are not to be surpassed in the county. 'Tisn't safe to he a day without Dr. Thomas' Electric Oil in the house. Never can tell what moment an accident is go ing to happen. Dr. Matthews, a local veterinary sur geon, this week reported to Depulv Prosecuting Attorney J. 17. Campbell that he had found near tbia city a horse alllicted with glanders. Cn the advice of the assistant prosecutor for the state, Dr. Matthews went to Portland Wednes day and verbally reported on the case to Dr. McLean, the state veterinarian. Dr. Matthews reports but one case, and says it is an isolated one and can be successfully treated without danger of further contagion. J. P. Cole, of Barlow, and R. T. Kib ble, uf Molalla, are tint only citizens of Clackamas county that were summnaed (or service on the (ederal jury in the United States district court. The fed eral court, which ia now in session in Portland, will have to dispose ol the public land Iraud cusps that are pend ing and which have resulted in the in dictment of A. B. Thomson, receiver of the LsGrande land otli e, on the charge of soliciting a brilw; Horace Ci. McKin ley, H. A. D. Puter and Miss Marie Ware, on charge of forgery. Workmen in the employ of the Ladd Metal Company at Oswego, report that it is the purpose of the company to in stall a large smelting plant at that point in the near future. This company re cently placed a small smelter at Oswego as an experiment. The initial test made last Saturday, was a complete suc cess and with the working of the various mines in this section e the valley. 0s-1 wego Is considered an eapeclaintly de airable Miint for the location of Hindi plant. The company ia n-Kirted to have in contcinplntioii ilie iiiHtHlling of 11 aineltei that will employ .'MM) men and it will be t-atuhlinheil at Oanego or Tn coma, 1 Workmen with street. am relaying Main In the vicinity ol atren1 F.igih The Old Folia' Concert at the Congre gational church, Friday evening, No vember (I. We have the largest stock, the best a- S'irtmimt, so when you are In need ol anything In the ding line come U 11a, Charman A Co. On the aflldavit of K. Matthies. a mar- 4 ring li-ene una iaaued by County Cleik nleight lueailay to Wiebke K roll 111 and Claua Krolim. William Barlow, the founder of Bar low, this county, was assisted Huri'luy by a company of friends from this city In the celebration of bis elgbty-llist birthday. The octogenarian is becom ing (jinle feeble. A large chorus Is practicing faithfully at the Congregational church on ih'e Old Folka' Concert, to be given on Fri day evening, November (I. Even body want to bear the church music of the Father. The admiaaion to the Old Folks' Con cert at the CongieKationul church on r riday evening, November tl, is only 2"c. The best old tunes and anthems will be rendered by a large chorus choir in ap propriate costume. Jesse George, who lor some years has conducted a restaurant in this city, Is preparing to go toAberdeen, Wah.,w heie he exH'i-ts to engage in the aame busi ness. His many Oregon City Irienda wish him aiux-esain hia new location. The 0. K. Dancing Club, a socisl or ganisation formed among the young men of this city recently, ave i:s in itial party at Willamette Hull las' Sat urday evening. Cooke's orchestra fur nished the music for the event wbi'-h was so much of a success that the cl ib expects to give another dance soon. The Saturday Club of the Comrela tional church is making arrangements o bold an other Thanksgiving Market. These markets have been held lor sev eral yes'B to the great satisfaction of numerous patrun. Hi- market will he held on Tuesday before Thanksgiving, the place to be designated later, t At the Old Folks' Concert, Congrega tional church, Friday evening. Novem ber 0, the lutiei and anthems ol our lathers and grandmothers will be sung bv a large chorus ol Oregon City's best singeis. This promises to be an enter tainment fully up to the standard that the Cungreitationalists usually give. Ad mission, 25c. No reserved seats. The set vices at St. Paul's Eni-conal church next Sunday, being the festival of "All Saints," will be as follows: Early celebration of the holy commun ion at H, lolloweil hy sermon and holy communion at II. Miss Mary l onyers and Miss Delia Mtillaii will sing at' the 6 o'clock song service. Sunday school as usual at 10 a. m. Harry Jones and J. W. M Kay, the contractors, have tiled in the circuit court an action for monev suit against J. P. Lovett for 100.85. being the bal ance alleged to be due on a contract. U'Ken A Schuliel are the attorneys for the plaintiffs. The amount in contro versy, savs Mr. Lovett, is claimed by the contractors for work outside of the contract, for the performance of which the parties had only a verbal agree ment. The parties, being unable to ad just the charge to he asked for the extra work, have taken the case into the courts. The Uenulue va. CountcrOU. The genuine is always beHer than a counterfeit, but the truth of this state ment is never more forcibly realised or more thoroughly appreciated than when you compare the genuine DeWitt 's Witch Hazel Salve with the many counterfeits and worthless substitutes that are on the market. W. 8. Ledhetter, of Shreve port, La., says: "After using numerous other remedies without benefit, one box of DeWIU's Witch Hazel Salve cuied me." F'or blind, bleeding, itching and protruding idles no remedv is equal to DeWitt' Witch Hazel Salve. Sold by G. A. Harding. At the annual meeting of the Clacka mas County Humane Society Monday night ollicers were elected as follows: President, Miss Anita McCarver; vice- president, George A. Harding; secre tary, Mrs. E. G. Caufield. These three ollicers constitute the board of directors of the society. Besides guarding the best interests of animals and prosecut ing persons guilty ol cruel treatment thereof, the society has recently a pub lic fountain at the intersection of Main streets, the principal business district of the city. The King's Daughters of the Episcopal church will give a Hallowe'en party, Friday evening, Oct. 30, at Willamette Hall. There will be a short musical pro gram, duncing, and a fortune teller n ho will give you your fortune free. Turney will furnish the music. Admission 25c. All are cordially iurited. Oct 30 IIOONT 1'Olt OKEUO.H CITY. One of the most substantial boosts Ore gon City has ever bad is the Palmu Tab lets sold by Howell A Jones, the drug gists. These tablets are absolutely guar anteed for ull forms of weakness, and cost only 50c per box. Call at Howell A Jones for booklets on Palmo Tablets, the great nerve-builders. Drs. Beatie A Beatie Dentists. Rooms 10, 17, 18. Weibard building. The excitement Incident to traveling and change 01 mod and water often brings on diarrhoea, and for this reason no one should leave borne without a hot-1 tie of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and I Diarrbu-a Remedy. For sale by G. A. Harding. Social Events Members ol the Org'n City I O O. F lodyew ill t 1 1 1 ; 1 1 1 entertain the ladiea ol 1 he licit kali Indue al one ol their en jovsble sons! events Whist, music arid 1 lelresUjiieiiis and a Kood tune item-rally 1 aid be the prmripsl diversions. j Mis. C. (i. Miller Wednesday after- tioon entertained the members ol the 1 cluck c.ub al its initial meeting lor , if,e winter. Mrs. A. H. Dresser a tig a solo and M ra. C. II. Caiifield lead a pir on Current Events, fneclub meets aemi Weekly and will I entertained two weeks hence by Mrs. J. E Hedges. The Horodora Club will give Its next dam lug party a! Armory ball on Friday evening, November 27. Invitations will be ismrd next week. It is the purpose of the cluti to give a uusijuerade party dur ing the holidays to tie followed shortly afier the liratof the year by a Leap Year party in w bicli the young ladies of the city will take a prominent part in the entertainment ol their gentlemen friends. The dancing party at the Armory last Friday night waa a pleasing s'lul suc eem. AfVjut fifty couples were in at tendance and the music by Turney's or chestra seemed even belu-r than usual, tins was the initial pirty given by this club this year and lis success Insures the gn'ing of other dunces at intervals of about a month each during the winter. I The following named ladies served aa Patronesses of the party: Mesdames L. L. I'ii kens, Cha. Albright, I. L. Porter and I.I i.n wood E. Jones. A number of people were in attendance from Portland. .fluke a (.'lean Mwrcp. There's nothing like doing a thing thoroughly. Ol all ti e salves you ever heard ol, Iliii kieii's Arnica Hi'ivu is tbe I"-. I. D sweeps away and cures burns, o-es, bruises, cuts, boils, ulcers, -kin einpiiotis and piles. It's only 2V, and guaranteed to give satisfaction by C'liarm.iii A C j . drng'isU. Nasal Catarrh quickly yields to treat, mcut by Ely's Cream Italm, which is agree ably aromatic It is received through the nostrils, cleanses and heals the whole sur face over which it diffuaea itself. Druggiata sell the 60c. siza ; Trial size by mail, 10 cents. Test it and you are sure to continue the treatment. Announcement. To accommodate those who are partial to the use of atomizers in applying liquids Into the nasal passages for tnUirrhal trou bUt, the proprietors prepare Cream Balm in liquid form, which will be known aa Ely1! Liquid Cream Balm. Price including the praying tube is.75 cent. DmggisU or by mail. The liquid form embodies the med icinal properties of the olid preparation. Married. Wiikeler-mabstos. At the residence of the bride's parents, Miss I.illie Mar ston to Mr. Alva Wheeler, on Oi-t. 27th, The rriueisibe accniiiplislieJ daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Colby Marston, who have resided in this county for a number of veara pat. Tbe groom is a worthy young man and son of Solomon Wheeler who for many lears past I. as been in the emnloy of tbe Coiled States Fish Commission. Tbe groom is also a grandson of Solomon Wheeler, a pioneer known to many old timers. Many of the friends and neighbors gathered to witness the ceiemony which was performed by Justice ol the Peace Li vy Stipp, in his usual felicitous style. The couple received many useful and valuable presents and all joined in wish ing them the best that earth affords. Both were oni-e the pupils of the writer and he wishes them a delightful voyage across the ocean of life. Mav all their troubles be "little ones" and all their joys as large and bright as life seems now. 1. Statk or Ohio, Citv or Toledo,) ss. Lucas County. J Frank J. Cheney makes an oath tha he ia tbe Benior partner of the firm of F. J. Cheney A Co., doing business in the City of Toledo, County and State afore said, and that said firm will pay tbe sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and every case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of Hall's Catarrah Cure. FRANK J, CHENEY, Sworn to before me and subscribed in my presence, this 0th day of December, A. D. IS'.tO. . A. W. GLEASON, j seal I NotaryPublic. Hall's Catarrah Cure is taken inter nally end acts directly on the blood and mucuus eurlaces of tbe system. Send for testimonials, free. F.J. CHENEY, A CO., Toledo, 0. Sold by druggists, 75c. Hall's Family Pills are the best. Dancing School. At Armory hall Oregon City Monday nights for men only. Wednesday nights open to everybody. Gentlemen 25 cents ladies free. Saturday afternoon from 2 to 5 p. ni. for boys and girls age from 6 to 16 years. Prices reasonable. See J. H. Turney. Phone 1301. P. O. Box 90. Oct 23 Treasurer's Notice I now have money to pay county warrants endorsed prior to March 1, 1901. Interest will cease on such warrants on the date of this notice. Dated this 10th day ol Oct., 1903. Oct 23 Exos Caiiii.i., Treasurer of Clackamas County, Oregon. Loans. Real property and chattel mortgage loans. Abstracts furnished. G. B. DiMicK,Atty. at Law, Oregon City, Or. OA8TOHIA! fiaanth A 1h8 1w Haw slwars BoiM I R. L. Holm m, leading undertaker t Oregon City, Oregon. March 27-tf WM. GARDNER & SON WATC HMAKERS A N D JEWELERS.. All work given our prompt and careful attention. , . . I rice b It e a 8 on a b J e O: Oregon City Machine Shop BUCKLEIN & KLEINSHMIDT. Proprietors. General Machine Work of all kinds done. We carry in stock a line of Shafting and Pulleys new and second hand. First class Engine and Saw mill machinery. ' Orders by Mail or Telephone promptly filled. At rear of Pope't Hardware Store. Oregon City, Oreejon. ( For Fine Candies, huTS, V V. Fruits, Etc., Call On J'he I KOZY KANDY KITCHEN t Letter List. r; The lollowing is the list of letters re maining in ttie postofficeat Oregon City, Oregon. Oct. 20, 1903: women's list. Collins Mrs 8 S Pace Mrs Eva Fames Mrs Ann Richey Miss Estella V Huffman Miss Lena B Ward Miss Minnie Lane Miss Rosa Miller Mrs John Chambers mem' Breslin L J Cox Albert Damms Clarence Dick E E Grazier ET Heft Fred Hodge A J Knoop Willie McLeod Albert TOM P, 8 LIST. Neal Thomas Norris Frank Parsons C Roliinette Joseph Sbull J II Stephens A R Tonkins Rev John Turney E Wilkerson D RANDALL, P M. Christian Science. First Church of Chrit Scientists, Garde, building, corner Seventh and Main streets, SunJay at 11 a. m. The subject of the sermon is, "Adam and Fallen Man." Children's Sunday school meets at 10 a.m. testimonial meeting Wednesday evening at 8 p. m. Reading room open Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays from 2 to 4 p. m. The Prattle of a Erfirht ChU.I. At times It cannot be denied the ques tions of children become Irksome, but who would wish a child to ask no ques tions? Julius Sturm tells In on? of his pretty fnJry talcs how a RrnndfiitlKT. driven Into Impatience by the constant questionings of Uls grandchild, ex clniuiod. "I wish your tonjtue were out of Joint"" Hut when unexpectedly his wish was fulGllcd and tbe child became dumb how he Joyfully exchanged one of the two years which an angel had prophesied he was yet to live for the privilege of bearing the little one's prat tle again! The Plraaure of Eating. Persons suffering from indigestion', dyspepsia or other stomach trouble will find that Kodol Dyspepsia Cure digests what you eat and makes tbe stomach sweet. This remedy is a never failing cure for Indigestion and Dyspepsia and all complaints affecting the glands or membranes of the stomach or digestive tract. When you take Kodol Dyspepsia Cure everything you eat tastes good, and every bit of the nutriment that your food contains is assimilated and appropriated bv the blood and tissues. Sold by G. A. Harding. Resolutions. Warner Grange, Xo. 117 P. of IL, at a recent meeting passed the following res olution : Resolved, tbat we the members of Warner Grange sincerely mourn the lots of our sister, Mrs. Mary E. Veteto who has been taken away by tbe hand of death. We sincerely sympathize wih the family of the deceased ; We recom mend that tiie charter be draped in monring for thirty days. Resolved, That a ropy of these resolu tions be printed in the Enterprise. 'Mrs. J. 8. McAbthtb, Mrs. Janb Blanchard, Georus Randall, i Committee. A ( im tor Dyspepsia, I bad dyspepsia in its worst form and felt miserable most all the time. Did not enjoy eating nntil after I used Kodol Dyspepsia Cure which has completely cured me. Mrs. W. W. Saylor, Hilliard, Pa. No appetite, loss of strength, nerv ousness, headache, constipation, bad breath, sour risings, indigestion, dyspep sia and all stomacb troubles are quickly cured by the nsa Kodol. Kodol repre sents tbe natural juices of digestion com bined with tbe greatest known tonic and reconstructive properties. It cleanses, purities and sweetens tbe stomach, bold by Geo. A. Harding. Court House Clock ORECON CITY. ORE. Pmur BlCKLEI A. Kl.BINSIIMtDT i Finest Chocolate Creams in the City. At.s Cigars and Tobacco. (2 WILLAMETTE GROCERY MILES & McGLASHAN, Props, $1.15 Gal Can Maple Leaf Maple Syrup $1.35 Gal. Snow Shoe Club Maple, high grade 25 Cents 6 Bars Happy Monday Soap Made in Oregon City 25 Cents ' 7 Bars Diamond C Soap 15 Cents Pound M. & M. Blend Coffee 121 Cents Pound Good Rio Coffee 15 Cents Pint Bottle Catsup 10 Cents Bottle Nice Stuffed Olives 2? Cents Large Bot. Anchovy Mustard 15 Cents Bottle Ripe" Olives, very fine Oregon ITtr Market Report. (Corrected Weekly.) Wheat No. 1,72 to 78c per bushel. Floor Valley, $4 25 per bbl. Hard wheat $4.75. Portland, $1.10 per sack ; Howard's Best, $1.05 per sack. Oats in sacks, $1 per cental. Hay Timothy, baled, $12 per ton loose, $10 per ton. Clover $9 ; Oat, $9; mixed hay, $9; cheat, $9. Millstuffs Bran. $21.00 rter ton. aborts, $21 00 per ton ; chop, $20.00 per ton, nariey, roiled, $.'a.uo per ton. Potatoes o5c to 70c per sack. F'ggs Oregon, 25c to 270 Der dozen. Butter Ranch, 45c to 50c; creamery, 70c per roll. Oregon onions, 90c to $1.00 per cwt. Dried apples,6c to 7c per lb. Prunes, (dried) petite, 3c per lb; Ital ian, large, 5c per lb. medium, 3tc; Silver. 4,'. Cabbage, 40 to 80c per dozen. Green pess, 3c per pound. Tomatoes, W to 35c per box. Apples, 40c to 60c. Cranberries 9)c to 12c a quart. Grapes, Concords. 25c basket : Data wares, 20c. Cauliflower, 40c to 80c per dozen. Dressed chickens, 10 to 12j c per lb . Livestock and dresserl mouta huf live, $3.00 to $3.50 per hundred. Hogs', live 5 to 5 W pIr. tioas itroaaoft 7e sheep, $2 to $2 25 per head ; dressed', 5c ;' , J J a . veai, arexsea, to sc; lambs, live, $2 per head ; lambs, dressed, 6c Nasal CATARRH In all its stages. Ely's Cream Balm cleanses, soothes and beats tha diseased membrane. It cons catarrb and drives awiy a cold In tha head ouicklr. Cream Balm Is placed Into the nostrils, spnada over tbe membrane and Is absorbed. Belief Is law mediate and a core follow. It Is aot drjrtn(f-doea not produce meeztng. large Sise, 50 cents at Drug. giiU or by mail; Trial 8 lie, 10 eenu. KLT BROTHERS, M Warren Street, New York jni 7fK