Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (Oct. 30, 1903)
OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, OCT. 30. 1903 w vy- vy vy v-s.v CORRESPONDENCE Correspondent are requested to re nev their work. We will supply all necessary stationery. The news from your neighborhood should appear in these column every week. 8udJ. M Kiinel has hi. tii.e residence fin ished so he ran more in with hi wife. A butchemhop, it is rumored, w ill be opened in Sandy soon which is greatly needed heie. Pave Kinnaird, of Oregon v'ity is sur veying Sec. 13 in whicb the progressive village it located. Jawed Tbalen has just completed a handsome residence and has a wife he also secured so Jim in well fixed. Ne's Nelson has his residence about complete. It i one of the finest and most expensive houses iu this country. Two dailv stages are running between and'Boring and one daily mail and passenger between Sandy and Uresham. wills have temporarily deed down on ties but most mills are running on local orders. Considerable lumber is shipped to Portland. J A. Wewer has opened up a first cU.-s feed mill in a vacant building on Meinig Ave., and has all machinery in running order to chop feed. Max Kligel whose separator was de stroyed by fire of Vetsch & Sons has pur chased a "new machine and ia now finish inn up a few scattering jobs. Hunters of all kinds are out by the score everv Sunday excursion trains are bringing many hunters and fishermen to thtse parts. The woods and streams are fairly over run with sportsmen. Things are progressing nicelv in I Sandy. The fair weather ot the past two weeks bas advanced all farm work very lunch. Potato dwging is complete The crop is very good. Some coniDlain of blight having effected the pot.toes. Aibon Meinig, vice-president of the Chenny Creek Mining Co., brought a ! load of ore from the mines guarded bv three heavy armed men. Some people are wondering what it all meant but it is supposed these men were etranded huot eis from the hills. The whistle and roar of the 0 W. P. A R. R. cyrs can be heard bringing new life and activity in to this already pro gressive Sandy country. Sandy is now a great lumber center and soon thou sands of cord-wood will be shipped and car loads of farm produce will now 6nd a way to market by 0. W. P. Ry. It is five miles to Boring the nearest station aui an effort will be made to have a branch line built to Sandy, as the ever increasing farm products and great nat ural resources will demand railway con nection. Not only is Sandy a lumber center but it is actually slow but sure becoming a mining center beside a commercial dis tributing point for a very large surround ing country. The Chenny Creek gold field located above Sandy near Salmon river are proving to be mont valuable digging Ore taken lately essayed $83 per ton. Some specimen went enor mously rich. A company now is run ning a .unnel with a distance now of 225 feet and the ore shows up better as the tunnel advances. Over a hundred claims have been staked the past year and great things are yet to be heard from these mines. Ned Neleon, an expert miner of Colorado, pronounced the Chenny Creek mines as first class prospects. Cbag. Peshall who is developing bis mining property is jubilant over rich s'rikes he lately made and would not part with it for love or money. A Ierlert I'alnlesa I'll I is the one that will cleans the system, eet the liver to action, remove the bile, clear the complexion, cure headache and lease a good tate in the mouth. The famous little pills for doing such work pleasantly and effectually are DeWitt's Little Earlv Risers. Bob Moore, of La fayette, Ind., says: "All other pills I have used gripe and sicken, while De Witt'8 Little tarly Risers are simply perfect." Sold by Geo. A. Harding. Eldorado. E. Dodge, of Meadowbrook, was in this place Monday. Mies Lillian Gang, wbo is teaching school at Clarkes, visited with Al Jones' family Saturday and Sunday. Jones Bros, have not all their cattle gathered yet. Eli Stark called on Al Jones this week. Curtis Helvey is working in Canby. Remember boys, baseball every Sun day at Eldorado; also the girls are cor dially invited. Root. Bnllard spent several days in the foothills this week. Clyde Smith spent Sunday at home. Clyde works at Liberal. Jim Fisk and Em Jones are in mountains at present prospecting. tbe Sour Stomach No appetite, loss of t "rength, umt oeas, headache, constipation, bad breath, general debility, tour risings, and catarrh of the stomach are all due to Indigestion. Kodol cores Indigestion. This new discovery repre sent the natural juices of digestion as they xlst In a healthy stomach, combined vita the greatest knovn tonic and reconstructive properties. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure does not only cure Indigestion and dyspepsia, but this famous remedy cures all stomach troubles by cleansing, purifying, sweetening and strengthening the mucous membranes lining the stomach. Mr. 8. 8. Bin. of Rarannraod. W. Vs.. artr I wit traebstd wttk tour stomach for twsoty tsars, Kodol emad aae and w are now uto a) at sUSj srsabr." Kodol Digests WhatYoo tat ammmlr. 11.00 Six hokflntSJ. ttaeeOekM tea, wklck sails for 60 oaat. iams by I. A Pewrrr 00.. OMIOAOO gold by G. A. HAEDING, Druggist , (iarlUM. W P. S n n 111 n Is ew'ing a small build ing on hii farm. Miss Kthel Tracy has been quit ill but is recovering. Mr. Nile ia not so well be is failing fast a victim of that dread for consump tion. Mrs. Stevens and Mrs. Snutfln, of Portland took tea with their aunt, Mrs. K. Harner, last Thursday afternoon. Beautiful fall weather for the past week. Nearly every fanner baa ltn- -J proved the time digging potatoes and gathering apples. Mrs. Tearl Stevens is visiting her par ents, Doc Palmateer and wife. She will return to her home in Portland next week some time. We hear the roar of trains on the K. R. track now and the snow isn't flying yet so it is nice to run down to the me tropolis ilo our shopping and home the same day. E. Surface began a rive months term of school in the north . Garfield school house last Monday. The south Garfield school will begin next Monday lor a short term. Miss Creta Lemon is still lit Fortland where she went to have her hand treated (or blood poisoning caused by an ever green blackberry brier. She went toC. R. Smith and he lanced it. It still pained her so bad she tried lanciiiK it with a penknife and all together she came near losing her arm. Zton has a new.minister a Mr. Black. A few were out to hear him. So often the past summer it would be given out that a new minister was to prvai h and not te true. The people got tired of be ing disappointed so there was not the crowd there that would have been to welcome Mr. Black. H. H. Anders who got both legs broken is reported as getting on nicely. The neighbors had a bee and dug and housed Mrs. Anders potatoes also cut and housed her some wood. I guess the company had some idea ot the generos I ily of the average resident of Garfield when tbev said they would not see her I suffer. ! Mrs. Sarah Palmateer attended the ! funeral of herald mother, Mrs. Tnttil, jot Portland. Mrs. Tuttil had suffered severely for three months paxt. She wa9 We'll known up here having moved to this part of Oiegon in 53 then the wife of F. Pierce. She leave five daughters and many grand children, (having seen tier 4th generation) also many friends to mourn their loss. Garfield Grange No. 317 met In the Irvan school hou?e presumably tor the last time as we will be in our new hall next meeting. All who attended report a good meeting Mr. Casto and Mr. Kercbam were present. Our literary contest was won by the blue the white having to furnish the treat for the blue. The contest will continue for another throe months. Th- Garfield farmers are not well pleased at taking their hard earned hon ors and ascribing them to Cazadero. The car load of prunes thus nannered were raised and dried In Garfield not Caiadero. A pretty way to gain noto riery taking Garfield's products lo blow their horn with. We think it an out right injustice to we prune producers. Quite a number of men of families are quite indignant at their wives because the said men are not very good stove wood providers and thereby su-pect the women in general of sending a petition to the O. W. P. R. R. freight manager to request wood for shipping so the said women could have wood to use. So gentlemen do not feel hurt if vou are used a little slighty by the said farmers. Just think be did not get his wife wood and go on. Ifietias ItTitrt INeae. To cure dyspepsia or indigestion it is no longer necessary to live on milk and toast. Starvation produces such weak ness that the whole system becomes an eaBv prey to disease. Kodol Dyspepsia Lure enables the stomach and digestive organs to digest and assimilate all of the wholesome food that one cares to eat, and is a never failing cure for uidiges tion, dyspepsia and all stomach troubles Kodol digests what vou eat makes the stomach sweet. Sold by Geo. A. Hard ing. Canby. Mrs. A. Kocher and son, Calvin, have returned from Arlington, Eastern Ore gon. The new M. E. minister arrived here from California with big family last even ing. Mr. Dick and family will move into the property he recently purchased from Mrs. Klinger, near the Christian church. Mrs. Klinger will return to her farm ner Macksburg. Dr. Sommers, of Oregon City, came np on the Saturday evening train and with Dr. Dedman made a visit to Mr. Marks, of Marks' prairie, wbo is very ill. There Is a new furniture and hardware firm started bere in town at the corner of First and C streets. Mrs. Saunders has sold her property al the corner of First and A streets to Henry Kocher. Mrs. Handsbro and daughter, Mrs. Pitner, after a six weeks' visit bere with relatives, left for their home in Los An geles, Cal., last Saturday morning, ac companied by Mrs. ilandsbro'a niece, Miss Ella Armstrong. George Brown, from New Era, will erect a large warehouse in Canby. Tt e lumber is on tbe ground now and the building will go upas soon as Mr. Brown can get carpenters to do tbe work. The warehouse will be located on the corner near the Lee building. A threat NenaUioB. There was a big sensation in Leesville, Ind., when W. H. Brown of that place, wbo was expected to die, had his life saved by Dr. King's New Discovery for consumption. He writes: "I endured insufferable agonies from asthma, but your New Discovery gave me immediate relief and soon thereafter effected a com plete cure." Similar cures of consump tion, pneumonia, bronchitis and grip are numerous. It is the peerless remedy for all throat and lung troubles. Price 50c and $1. Guaranteed by Charman A Co., druggists. Trial bottles frsje. ahvrwoixt. Farmers In this section are busy dig ging potatoes while the good weather lasts. Most report good croia. J. K Morebuck is having a new well dug as his old one has gone dry. Never befoie was the water as low as it ia now. II. H. Welch has his new dwelling neatly completed If. II. Kyiimn is putting on the finishing touches. Mr. Ilagey, our enterprising livery man, was in the aietroplit Saturday, Miss l.ola Savior and Miss Dora Smock diove to Portland Sunday with Dr. A. L, Say lor. Mrs. S. J. France is visiting at her sister's, Mrs. Kyman's. Reverend Wortielsdorf and wif bays returned from a visit with their daugh ter of Knlgetield, Wash. William F.llaon ia doing some neces sary repairing around his bouse. Sherwood ia promised a new butcher shop in the near future. J. C. Smack Is building some new fence on his farm. Miss Lora Bell paid her grandmother a visit last week. W. P. .Ylathew has sold his farm. We are sorry to lose such a good neighbor. Our postmaster, L. S. McCoiiiimII, and wife are spending several days with Mrs. Council's father and mother, Mr, and Mrs. Sears, of Cottage Urove. Fred Smith, one of our energetic voung men, wan seen on the way to Portland with hia best giil recently. We hardly understand this, Fred. How about it? Will it be necessary for the boys to hunt up their old cans? A. Typical Mouth Air ten Sit ore 0. R. Larson, of Bay Villa, Sundays River, Cape Colony, conducts a store typical of South Africa, at which can be purchased anything liom the proverbial "needle to an anchor." This stole is situated in a valley nine miles from the nearest railroad station and about twenty-five miles from the nearest (own. Mr. Larson says: "1 am favored with the custom of farmers within a radius of 30 miles, to many of whom I have, supplied Chamberlain's remedies. All testify lo their value in a household where a doc tor's advice is almost out of the question. Within one mile of my store the popula tion is perhaps sixty. Of these, within the past tweive months, no less than fourteen have been absolutely cured by Chamberlain's tough Remedy, This must be a record." For sale by G. A. Harding, druggist. Beaver trera. All are busy digging potatoes here. A number of the farmers have their wheat sown already. Vaila Dills was seen on the streets bere this week, A. MeCord was buggy riding with Nellie Stevens this week. Daisy Hughes is home again. The young folks ol this section gave S. P. Londigan and wife a lively charivari last Wednesday night and were well treated. John Bohlander has moved on to tbe Hughes farm. Mr. Reynolds, of Maple Lane, was in this neighborhood looking for hay this week. Wm. Martin has tented the Levelling farm. D. E. Jones visited his parents last week. Laura Parry is home again. Shulil. Mrs. E. F. (iinther and Mrs. Ilettman vinle.l Mrs. MosHinger lat Sumlar. Mim Laura Ginthcr who ia attending school at Oregon City visited her parents here one dy laet week. Bill Hettman Iihh iunt returned from The Dalles where he has heen visiting mends. Henry Ginther is recovering from the accident which befell him a short time Rgo in which he had both lega injured. He was hurt while working with the baler. BsDg Ccsis Too ltlsch When the price paid is the mother's health and happiness. The father doesn't realize as he romps with the child what years of wifely suffering must be set against die baby's laughter. Chronic invalidism ib high price to pay for the painful joy of maternity, yet it is at such a cost that many a woman becomes a mother. Such a price is too mucn because it is more than nature asks. By the use of Doctor Pierce's Favorite Pre scription ma ternity is made practically painleas, and quick convales ence is aaaured in almost ev ery case. "I am pirated to give my teti. rnonv ind with I could find words Irony enoufta to Induct othrr tiiC fercrs to uae iJr. Pierce'i Favorite Prescription, write tin. Wetley Guy, of Kemplville, Ont, Boi 6. " For eight vert aftrr my little boy mi born I aufTfrred with female weakness, alio sore, Bess in ovanos. especially on my n-ht side, and pain in tjark. Wg. r miw-rable srmietime did not know what I waa goinr todo, Tried several doctor but derived no benefit until I befrsn uinn Ir, Pierce's Favr.rM Prescription, tlad only used four l.ottl'-. alo wmie of In. Pierce's Antisejnic and Hcn'rur Suiipomtorles, when I Ml like anMh-r p-!-',ii. I rc-oiuniend Dr. Pierce's medicii;.-! to a'! wv frien'i. If anyone wishes to write mr ! wii Kindly answer." Dr. Pierce' r'avr rite Prescription con tains no alcohol and is entirely free from opium, cocaine and all other narcotics. The dealer who off era a substitute for "Favorite Prescription " does so to gain the li'tle more profit paid on the sale of leas meritorious me licines. His profit is your lots; therefore, accept no sub stitute. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellet regulate the bowel. oft C0OO00OOO009O009CO00CO000OC0CCOOO000O00O o 0 0 o o o o o o o o o o o o o o 8 0 o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o Q o o Getting Your Prescription Filled By Us Moans carrying out your Doctor's wishes to the very letter. We use nono. but the best and fresh est drugs. We give it our special attention. No boys behind our prescription counter. Our work is the best that science, experience and money can produce. Trices popular, but not cheap as low as it is safe to go. This is the Time and Place lo Buy Your Rubber Goods Guotlyeiir Crown Hull) ( fiOo Foster's Ciir.liiiella Hull) (i! $1.00 (loodyt'iir JenrMcy Fountain, 2 tjt (u 7"o Gooilyoar Journey Fountain, 3 ijt (ni S'c (iootlyear Jearscy Fountain, 4 cjt (a $1.00 Countiss Ilnjiitl Flow Combination, M qt i: .t'2.00 (itii'on Fount Syrin'o, 2 jt H 7-o Fonttr's I'll jo (iuin, .'1 it (it $1.75 Norwood Combination (C $2.00 (.iootlyear Ladies Syringo (i. $1.00 Whirling Spray, regular price $.'1.50, our prieft $2.7." o. o o o o o o o o o o CHAMBERS HOWELL occocccocccooccooocococooccocccocccoccco Loss? Logan. Spud digging is the order of the day. Mr. Schmale moved on the Huher farm this week. There's a rumor on the breeze that a wedding is near at hand. Miss Golda Parted visited Oregon City last week and had dental work done. J. C. Sprague,of I.ogan, was out Mon day looking after ruad interests. Stone will have still another sawmill. William Mumuower, o( Stone, is pre paring to build one. Mr. Alvah Wheeler and Miss Lillio M a rude n, of Breezu Hill, were married Monday. C. F. M. I'rown was out Monday de livering beef to Loamtea of a suierior quality. Mr. and Mm. F. S. Iliiichini are vis iting relatives in Koneburg this week. Iluntera and people looking for some thing to shoot are very plentiful. The Mnlve Tliuc Ileal without leaving a Hear is DeWitt's. The name Witch Ils.el is applieil to many salves, but DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve is the only Witch Hazel Halve made that contains the pure unadulterated witch hazel. If any other Witch Hazel Halve ia offered you it is a counterfeit. K. C. DeWitt invented Witch Hazel Halve and DeWitt's Witch Hazel Halve is the best salve in the world for cut, burns, bruis es, tetter, or blind, bleeding, itching and protruding piles. Sold by lieo. A. Hard ing. Dullno. J. Launn is again working in Adkins Bros.' logging vamp. B. McDonald and family hays moved on the Wells place. . Carlson, of Portland, was visiting his daughter, Mrs. Krickson, a few days last week. Jot Mallatt Is working; for Bob Hnod grass, of Meadow Brook. Judge Hayes passed through this vi cinity a few days ago. Silas Adkins, of Oak Point, Wash., was visiting his mother a few days last week. Charles Daniels has gone to Kedland to work in the shingle mill. All enjoyed a good time at the party at Hardesty's Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace and Eva were visitors at the Erickson douse Sunday. For the First Month. Report of Holcomb school, Rose Feathers, teacher, for the first month of school, commencing September 21, l'J03, and ending October 19, 1903. Number pupils registered "K" girls, 24; boys, 16; total, 40; number school days daring month, 20; number holidays during month, 0; whole number days attendance, 708; whole number days ab sence, 52; whole number times late, 0; number of pupils neither absent or late, 15; number of visitors, 9; number of pu pils at date, 40. Cattle for Male. Registered Jersey ball, cow and five grade heifers for sale. Enquire of E. M. Haloes. New Era, Oregon. U Shaving Outfits We Are Still Selling "Doodles" of HOWELL St JONES RELIABLE DRUGGISTS Oarua. Mr. J. Guyer and family leave Cams Thursday for Wasco county, their future h'ime. Dr. and Mrs. Goucher spent Sunday with H. Faust and wife. Clara Hayhiirat and Tilly Thomas called on Dolly White Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Siwiice called on Mrs. London one day last week. Clara Schoenbiirn was tho guest of the Misses Irish Sunday. Bertha Spangler called on Kinina In skeep last week. Mr. and Mrs. Irvin I'rutt and Mist Mary Moore are visiting their mother, Mrs. P. Moore. Prof. F. K, .Murdoch spent Saturday and Sunday w ith friends at Kedland. A number of the young folks spent Tuesday evening with Vada Dills. Mack Jtros., of Kly, were baling straw in Carus Monday. Itoliliril the 4a'rnrr. A startling incident is narrated by J. Oliver, ol 1 hilailelplua, as lollows: was in an awful condition. My skin was almost yellow, eyes sunken, t ingue coated, pain continually in liack ami sides, no appetite, growing weaker day by day. Three physicians had given me up. 1'ien 1 was advisee; to use r,lec trie Bitters; to mv great joy, the first bottle made a decided improvement. continued their use (or three weeks, and am now a well man. I knovr they rob bed the grave of another victim." No one should fail to try them. OntyfiUc. Guaranteed at (Jharman A Co. 's drug store. WlllamatU. T. E. Gary made business trip to Butteville luesuay. Mrs. Kobt. O'Brien, of Milsn, Wash., Is visiting relatives and mends here. Raymond Olson was very plnaaantly surprised by his young friends Monday evening, It being tils twelltn birldsy. Mr. and Mrs. Andy Fromong are en joying a visit from their brother and family. Mrs. Ernest Butler is visiting friends bere this week. Miss Maggie Harmon was a guest at a delightful surprise tendered her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Harmon, ol Sunny side, Saturday evening, It being the twentieth anniversary ol their marriage Iflstresw After Eating Cored. Judge W. T. Holland, of Greensburg, La., who Is well and favorably known, says : "Two years ago I suffered greatly from Indigestion. After eating, great distress would invariably result, lasting for an hour or so and my nights were restless. I concluded to try Kodol Dys pepsia Cure and it cured me entirely. Now my sleep is refreshing and digestion perfect." Sold by Qeo. A. Harding. Strayed From West Gladstone, floe-bitten grav horse, weight 1200 pounds. Shod all round; lame in off-hind leg. Horse bought by Bugarman & Co., junkmen, lately at Beaver Creek, Thomas' place. Finder liberally rewarded leaving word at Enterprise office, or address P. D. Hull, Parkplace, Oregon. At Special Prices Guaranteed Ka.ors from.. ll.At) to $.1.00 Ilrtmlies IOo to .'Oo Strops 2ro to $1.25 Mugs 15o to 50o Shaving Soapn Colgate, Kirkn, Williunm, Pears und tho benl brands at and IOo. Try nhaving yourself a couple of months and pay fur an outfit. Toilet Soaps If you are not buying your soap here you should be to get close prices on standard brands. Wh'itu Out Meal.. . (t. He Cake Witch Hazel (n; fo Cak Snowberry (m Ic Cuke Kbouy Tar (if- 5e Cake Pears S.'ented ( 5e. Cake Cuticura (i 20e Caku 1711 (t. 2o Cake Colgate's CasMinero Hornet, 1 "t; and 25o Packers' Tar ( 2k' Cake Transparent Glycerine (" .'5c Cake All standard brands comparatively cheap. LINN U. JONES Harlow. Go to D. O. Froeman'i for bargains In shoes. J. Mollltt wdo was visiting olJ friends at Itasjiw left for Tacoma Sunday. Miss Iuna Andrews, who das been quite ill with pneumonia is much better. Mr. and Mrs. V. ft. Armstrong are the P roil I parents of a baby girl born the and. Mrs. Snshaiier, of Hubbard, spent Tuesday with der lather, I das. Shuildt w ho ii very 111. Miss Neil, of Salem, spent a few dsvl of last week visiting her cousin, Mrs. W. K. Tull. Mr. and Mrs. Cliihls, of Oswego, are visiting this, week with Mrs. t'liild's par ents, Mr. and Mrs. S. Evans. Mr. Erit-k son, of Glenilalo, moved his family to Barlow Wednesday and ex pects to make this his future dome. Mrs. A. Hcoifgin spent Saturday and Sunday of last week visiting her aunt and undo Mra. T. V, Andrews and II. T. Melvin. The Hamburg Medical Co. abound In Barlow three nights of last week. The show consisted o( Dr. Ilellhorn, his wllu and nine children and was vttry good. A few of the friends of Mr. and Mrs. J. Ogle met at their home laat Monday evening and gave them a little) surprise it being the ocearion of their tenth anni versary. The evening was ipent In games and various other amusements and at eleven o'clock the ladies served a very dainty and appetizing lunch to which all did ample justice. The crowd departed for home al a late hour wishing Mr. and Mrs. Ogle many more years of happy wedded life. Beaver Orssk, The rainy woather has again set in and most of the farinar have their wheat sowed. Almost evervhmlv has n.faiu dug am) the crop turned out fine. O. Thomas, II. Htahen, K. Howard and A. Thomas left for the mountains this week. J. Tramaine'and family have moved en to the Mrs. Jones place. The Bohlander brothers are now busy breaking in wild bronchos. Messrs. R. Lewis, H. Jones, William Scantlnn anil I). Tlwiinua rulliol nn Mr. H. P, Londigan. Boys, got your guns ready for there is going to be a wedding pretty soon. The Beaver Creek school is tirnirroaaino nicely under the instructions of Miss f. lilanlie. D. W. Thomas is on the sick list. Mrs. D. E. Jones ia on the sick list A. Stellrteman madn a ttnalnn.. i.ln t Portland last Sunday. , T Tt TUm.i tom .AAllw I I the looks of his bmldimra hv iriuii.,, .i, - n , R..-,IIBUi a coat of paint. Friend Cs.Ua palled nn Vtlm - . . .. UEJ WRUUO Daniels last Sunday. Wm. Owens called on frinnda bora il.i. s-v. v lID week. NO ilich til !n 17 m.M "inmtnar , a - u)tuujUa tUUi" Dlaint" whAra Or. Knl nr'fl h wtssios nl Wild Strawberry ia kept handy. Na ture s remeuy ior looseness ol tha bowalt. o a o o o a o o o o a o a o o o o 8 a o o o o o a o o o o o o o a o o o o o o o o o o o a o o o o o