Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (April 10, 1903)
OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY AFRIL 10, 1903, New To-Day. FOIt HUH Oil TIlADK-tJond 'A'i Inch wagon, f'JI) ; boom; horses fro ri) (Mill to I'JOO i i,da, 2l) lof 3). Apply t o U. Jennm, Heaver Cruck March. 27-3t PLENTY OK MONEY lowest rales. TO LOAN AT C. II. Iy. M om-y to liuiii at lowest mien, 1IKIKIKH tV (.HimTII. MONKY TO LOAN AT II AND per rent. Futtu security. U'Kisn KCIIDIIIII. 1 I K. I ) i ICS A (i III I'KI III, (olllresln tli 1 Wilnlianl Building,) have the choicest clly, suliurtian ami country rijerty fur mallcst prices. MONKY TO LOAN ON HEAL PIKP erty security al 0 per cent, bIho nri ap proved clatiel security. O II. Himk k, attorney at law, Slovens Building Ore gon City . MONKY TO I.OAN-I IIAVK SEVERAL KiiniH of money belonging to private i.. !.. I .... I i l l. I 1....I.....I ,., I M'nt. HI'IIVIIIIIHII nilh'll 1 " ".vi loan, on long time at 11 ami 7 per cent. Coat ol loan will lie matin very reason able. II. K. Ciioss, attorney at law. Edwaid Morgan, of Viola, who rutin a farm and la well known over Clackamas County wax in the clly Monday. Misses Edna Park and Ethel Jackson of this city apent H iturday and with friends at Mount Pleasant. Alexander Tire, who ia well known at Canny was in Oregon Cl'y Monday look ing after the. estate of Ida hiollier. Miaa Mattie Draper, the ellident book keeper for llnnlley lirotlitira, has return ed from ft pleaioiralile trip to California George Brown, of Barton, a wed known resident of Clackamas County, was on the slreelH of thiri eity during the week. Mra. T. A. McBiidu and Miss Mav M' Hriile left lar-t Tuesday for the r home at Deer Iahmd. They will remain until fall. Itev. Willani Latoiirclle, of McMinri ville, hua been in the ciiy during the wei'k in the inleieat of the McMinuville college. James A. Chaw, of Sun Franciavo, who formerly resided at Park Place, waa in Oregon City last week on hia way home. Henry M Tancher, of Den Moines, Wash,, spent Thurailay and Friday of last week with ha mother at Mount ItEGlsTEKKP POUND CHINA male, Jennings place, two milcB below Oregon Cily. Breeding ceriillcatea flir Ilinhed. , WILLTKADE-ONECOW AND TOP buggy for hnga or need oata or w heat. Inquire Jennings place, two indea below Oregon Cdv, or write Kumnson Bhos., Ilox 244, Portland, Ore. ill Urella Munaev, of tliia eity, ia very at hia home in thin city. J. W. Draper waa on uusineBB In the city of Portland Tueaday. Maika Meyer, of Needy, railed on Ore gon City Irieuda Wednesday. Frank Jagger, of Carua, waa in the city one day during the week. V. It. KirliardHon and Kd Morgan, of Itedh'tul, were in the city Monday. Claience Knotta, of thia city, will leave today for the mines in Kaalern Oiegon. John Hutton, the creamery man at Stone, wua in Oiegon Clly one day thia week. Mra. K. S. Latouielte apent Sunday laat visiting her Hon Kenneth, at Me Minnville. Mra. William Stulky, of Needy, waa on the streets of this city one day the paat week. K. C. Chapman, of Clackamas Station, wiia on the atreelB of Oiegon City one day 1 1 1 1 Ft week. C. U. Barlow, the Harlow real eatule man wan n Ihe streets of thia city one day recently. William A. Tice, who resides near ('unity wax doing hunincns in Oregon City a day thia week. Mr. and Mra. J. Nelson Winner re turned W ednemlay after u few days so journ hi California. It. F. Miti hell, a farmer of Naimene, Ore , waa in Oregon City Monday look ing alter business. Andv Korhcr, the Canity implement estate businena. merchant, was on the Btieeta of thia city one (iuv thin week. Mra. P. Wink, of Tnenda visiting Mr. Scott in thia city. Itev. F.xon, of Viola, who need to be a pilot on the Willamette river was in Ore gon Cily one day recently. Dr. M. K. Havilimd, 'who baa been away on a trip to .lapan wna in the city ode day timing the week. Albert and Clarence Fugle ami Jack Marinas were in Oregon (lily Thursday from their place it Molalla. The Derthick Club will hold ila regu lar meeting at the home of Mra. VV. L. lllock on next Monday evening. William Horing, one of Clackamas County'8 heat ami moat highly respected residents waa in the city a day the paat week. A. 0. Arndt, a German farmer of Au rora ami a leading Republican, of that place, waa in Oregon City one day the iHHtawcek. Mr. (iordon Hull, of Mehama,. Ore., ban taken a position witl Charinan & o., tbiK'gialH, recently vacated by (ieo. Swti fiord Mra. T. S. Lawrence and Mra. Mar ahull, of Portland, were in Oregon City laat Wednesday attending Mra. G. W. Grace'a lea. J. W. Draper, a leading land ollice lawyer ol this city, made a Irlp into the Viola country Saturday, to look for good milch cows. Dr. C. B. Smith, of Eagle Creek, was in Oregon Cily Wednesday leaving in the evening for Fugene wheie he went as a delegate. Edgar Mercsse, of Willamette Univer aity, one of Willamette's leading men, was In Oregon City Monday viaiting sev eral old friends. Mrs. Fromong after a few weeks visit with her son, JoseVh Fromong, at Glad stone, left Wednesday of this week for her home in Nebraska. I.em Parker, of Bay City, one of the leading limber exiter'a of the Htale, wax lining business with Musars. ISrownell & Draper in thia city Tueaday. J. M Taylor, of Portland, an old real det.t nf this citv, was in Oregon City Tuesday. Mr. Taylor reports that his wile's health ia not improved. Henry Hornahuh anil Victor Erickson, two well to do farmera of Carua, we'e In Oregon City Monday. These are two staunch Republicans of Clackamas coun- . Harley Stevens, Jr., of San Francisco, is at home with his tuirenta. having not I cciiiiiletelv recovered from hia recent ill- nens lie will remain heie till he re covers. Mra. S. I. Fancher, of Mount Pleas ant, left Fridav for Ies Moinea, Wash., w heie Kb expects to xpentl the summer with her son, in hopes of recovering her health. Minx Mattoon, after a ten months' i May at Albany, where the has been giv ling mimic ifH'ons, returned to her home at Viola Monday, anil panned through ! Oregon City. .1. A. Thayer, the well known real es I late man who nied lo live in Oregon ! CHv now resides at Modesto, Cel., and writes Ibat be ia doing well in the real New Kin, spent and Mra. K. W. A S. Pattiillo, secretary of the 0. I. A S. Co., of Portland, was in the city Thurailay paying the company's taxes. The amount of the Oregon Iron &. Steel Company's taxes he paid Was $4500. At the Baptist church next Sunday there will Im appropriate services, both morning and evening. The evening ser vice will consist of songs, solos, recita tions and readings, rendered liy the choir ami Sunday school. 1(10 acres, about L'5 in tame grass, house and barn; 100 area good timber. Located l.1 g miles from Wilhoit on the Scott Mill road. 101X). AIbo Kll acres on Milk creek, above Union Mills, 20 acres bottom land and (0 acres good limber. fltOO. ' G. B. DiMH K, trustee. Oregon City. A. B. Herrinan, Flora nee Sullivan and William Ilerrman, all Oregon City boys CO ,00 OOOO 00000 0000 0000 OA m m tt k m t a k 9 gATTETI ON 8 O o o O O o O o o o o O o o o C000O O o o o The only first-class Second-Hand Dealer in Furniture Stoves and Utensils. It is worth your time to come and examine the stock. You will find a full line of New and Second-Hand Furniture, Stoves, Crockery Hardware, Etc Higheat cash price paid for second ham good"- f 8 p O O O J o o I. To I polar MAIN SRTEET One DoorlNorth of Cjmmerical Bank o o o o o o o o who are attending school at Mt. Angel are In the city this week on their spring vacation. Their school ia resumed on the 15th of April. A i. Ilerrman is a teacher al the college and ia to be con gratulated for his advance since leaving Oregon City. The Women's Lewis A Clark Club held a Micceai-ful meeting at Willamette Hall on Wednesday afternoon, and meetings will be held hereal'cr the first Wednesday of each month at 3 o'clock. It ia the intention of the club t ) get all of the women in Oregon Cily inter ested in l he work which the club intends doing, and all who feel interested are urgently rcqiiexted to meet with the club and send in their names for member rhip One of the worthv objects is to help hnild a Maine, of bacajawea. which is Id be erected in front of the Woman's Building at the Lewis & Clark Centen nial Exposition. Fred B. Turner and Mlas Nellie Nil son were united in marriage last Sun day at the home of the bride'a mo her. Mrs. M. Nelson, of i'ark Place, Rev. Young, of Oregon City, officiating. Hen ry Nelson, brother of the bride, waa groomsman, and Miss Julia Folkenberg bridesmaid. After the wedding cere mony a siimpitions wedding supper was partaken of. TIiohb p'enen were: Mr. and Mra. Thompson, Mr. and Mrs. Tnr nerj Mra. Alma Hackeit, Mrs M. Nel son. Mrs llorgen, Miss Cora Mieliael, Miss Hiildah Muudhenka, Minn Carrie ' ihson, Mr. Young. Ileniy and William Nelson. Mr. and .Mrs. Turner will re sile at Portland . Local Ever). 4 V9 lOi itx. 0 ftfl The latest styles in ready to wear hats. Miss Uoldsmilh. A pi 10 Easter Fishing tackle Cut Rate Drug Store, al Charman'i It. L. Tloloi'n, leading undertaker Oregon City, Oregon. March l!7-tf The latest veilings Goldsmith. and drapes. Miss Apl 10 Easter stationery, all kinds and styles, at Charmau & Co., cut rate druggists. Wanted immediately ten wood chop pels. Price $1 per cord. Crown Paper Company. Hose bushes, clemat s, ornamental shrubbery and cut flowers nr the Glad stone .Ureen-house. Jamks Wilkinson, Proprietor. ('all and inspect Prices moderate, Apl 10. our trimmed hats Miss Goldsmith. A marriage license was issued Mon day to F. I). Turner and Nellie Nelson, of Clackamas county. Den't forget the masquerade ball to he given bv Warner Grange, Saturday night April 18. Eas'er Egg Dyes 5c pkgt 100 colors in package. Charman & Co., cut price druggists. The regular quarterly meeting of Po mona Grange, Patrons of husbandry, Was held ai Maple Lane Wednesday. The K ister sermon at the Congrega tional church will be preached at 7 o'clock in the morning. All tally risers are especially invited. BASTE Ri STATIONERY THERE! is just as much style shown in the choice 01 .stationery as in clothes. And fortunately it doesn't cost any more to choose from the late6t than from last year styles, if you come to Huntley's to select - .... Our spring shipment direct from the eastern mill is here, it contains all the newest things and we will be glad to show them to you whether you buy now or not. Prices run fron - 25c. to 75c. per box In bulk 15c to 25c per quire Envelopes to match 10c. to 25c. PER BUNCH Calling Cards, per package of GO, 15c. Calling Card?, per box with Enveopes, 2oc: Invitations and Regret Cards with envelopes, 2oc; Dainty Notes per box, 2fc; Sealing Wax, all shades per stick, oc; We take orders for all kinds of Engraved and Embossed Stationery and guarantee highest quality of work. .... lull MTIC V II U II I L.L. I 8 I BROS.i POP Druggists U L P R A R Stationers ICE Booksellers The Portland General Electric Com pany is replacing its 1000-volt wire along Main Blreet with a 2000-volt wire. New poles are also being set along the street. The old ones are too short to carry the number of cross arms necessary. J.U.Campbell has received his com mission as captain ol Co. A, Third Reg iment, 0. H. G. Major C. E. McDo nell, of Poitland, inspected the company last Monday night and complimented the otlicers and men upon their splendid appearance. The 9:20 south bound train had one of its couplings break Wednesday morning just as the train was pulling out of town. After considerable delay the trainmen managed to fix up a temporary coupling but only after a delay of something like halt an hour. John W. Bennett, of Clackamas coun ty, nephew of Uriah Daniels, deceased, has made application for letters of ad ministration on the estate in the county court. The property is valued at $8t)56, and there are several heirs scattered throughout the Northwest. Died at the home of his daughter, Mrs. G. Wallace, Highland, Oregon. April 6, Mr. Johannes Post, aged 79 years, 9 months, 14 days, a ter a long illness. He was laid to rest in Highland cemetery April 8, 1903. The deceased waa a native of Sweden and has resided in Highland for the past 28 years. duty of these men to investigate the work of the various shops throughout the state and fee to it that everything is kept in first-class chape. Frank Rogers, who is a member of the barbers' commission, was in the citv with two ol hi" fellow members Wednes day on an i ispection tour of the barber shops of the city. Every year it is the Married At the bride's home on Mo lalla avenue, on Wednesday evening, April 8, occurred a beautiful wedding in the presence of the families of the bride an j groom and several of their immedi ate friends. Mr. Isaac Pnrsifull was the happy groom and Miss Ixuise Schuler the fair bride The parlor was artistic ally deco-ated in harmonious colors and at the appointed hour Rev. E. 8. Bollin ger, of the Congregational church, made ttie happy couple one in matrimony. A bounteous luncheon was served and a moat happy evening was spent by the invited gueats. M'. and Mrs. Pursifull are having the well wiahes of a host of admiring friemN The cily council met Tuendav evening to take steps on the South End road matter A large delegation of Law tou hill citizens were in attendance. V . .Special Easter services will he held at the Baptist church Sunday, both morn ing and evening. The music has been prepared with great pains and the public is invited. All the latest styles in photos. En laigements, tinted portraits, Oregon views, frames etc. You winh the hent. Go lo Miss Wiener, Main St., near 10th, Oregon City. April 3. Efforts are being made to secure the Armory Hall for the revival meeting to be conducted for the colored evangelic! from Portland. The hall is now in charge of Company A, O. N. G., who have a lease on it. S. E. Kennedy, of Pasadena, Calif., who used to live in Oregon City but now resides in California, was in Oregon City Tuendav. Mr, Kennedy owns an orange ranch and expresses himself as highly pleased with California. The trial of Sol Clark, which was set for Wednesday, lias been postponed to Saturday on account of several parties interested in the ca9e having to go to Eugene. Sol is up for having salmon in his passeBtioa and his chances for con viction are pretty good. On Tuesday John Tost died at the home of Mrs. George Wallace at High land. The funeral was held at the Highland church Wednesday, and the interment occurred at the Highland cemetey. The deceased leaves a laige circle of friends and acquaintances to mourn his demise. COCO CO COZO CO cccoo $1(10 Reward, $100. The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure in all its stages, and that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh, being a constitutional disease, requires a consti tutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure Oin iukcii nun imi , auimg uncri.iij' u,.vu ! the blood and mucous surfaces of the system, thereby destroying the founda tion of the disease, and giving the pa tient strength by building up the consti tution and assisting nature in doing its work. The proprietors have so much faith in its curative powers, that they offer one Hundred Dollars for any caae that it fails to cure. Send for list of tea timonials. Address, F. J. CHENEY & CO., Sold by druggist, 75c. Toledo, O. Hall's Family Pills are the beet. . o coco o C) o 9 FRANK BUSCH The Housefrrnisher FRAN K BUSCH The Housefurnisher COCO WE CALL YOUR ATTENTION TO OUR MAMMOTH STOCK OF FINE JAPANESE MATTING THE MOST HEATHFULL FLOOR, COVERING PRICES 15c. 75c PER YD. COcCO: coco