Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (April 10, 1903)
OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, APRIL 10 1903 Correspondents are requested lo re row their work. We will supply nil eoefisary stationery. The news from jmir neighborhood should appear in these coin in ns every week. The busy ason is past yon should renew your correspondence work.' t'taty'. Mrs. Kliuer Carlton, of Portland, is pending a few days with her sifter, Mis. Kosenkranu, L. Honors and eon. of Portland, spent lt week on their farm about a mile nortli of town. James Kvans and sons are rafiinif pil ing In the Willamette river. This week they intend taking a ratt to St. John s. Mr Fun ton is Si'.ttini? about one hull dred cords of four foot wood with his team saw, at the S. P. 1. R. yards for Mr. liates. Mr. Gilbertson has purchased a farm from C. Barluw, consisting of about one kundreit acres of bottom land across the Molalla river. Harry Iair. Adam Knicht, and E. I Kias were delegates to the Republican ronntv convention at Oretnn City last Saturday. Adam Knight was elected to no to Kugene. Ther were fwo funerals in Canby on 8iindav The remins of Mrs. hurley were brought from Arlington and laid to rest in the city cemetery and the mother of A. 1'orter and Mr. Utiiol, who men here on Friday, was buried at Ziou ceme tery iu the afternoon. Es'e Creek. Mis. Suitor is soma better, and is able to set up some now. Harvey Gibson made a trip to Oregon City last Saturday. Jess Douglas went to Sandy on a busi ness trip last Monday. James Gsbson went to the new town of Boring last Monday. J. P. Woodle and wife were visiting at the Suitor home Sunday. Pick Gison had the misfortune to lose one of his steers last w eek. Miss Alice Smoot, of Portland, was bii'iedat Currinsville on Tuesday, March 31st. The. farmers are nearly all through eeedii g their farms, except potatoes and gaidcns. James PeShazier and family were vis iting Mr. and Mrs. Pick Oibson last Sunday. James PeShazer and family, of Fir wood, were visiting 11. B. Gibson anil wife Sunday. Wesley Douglass has been unfortunate enough to lose three or four head of cat tle the last winter. Kev. Craig, of Oregon City, i react i d at the Eagle Cieek school house Sun day t 3 o'clock p. m. Pick Gibson sold one of his work horses to Mrs. Marshall last week. He is now breaking another wild horse. Dr. S. L. Roberts, who went to St. Vincent's hospital, Portland, died from the effects of an operation on his foot last Monday. Among the many pleasant things tl at occur in and about Eagle Creek there are a few sad outs. Dr. 8. L. Koberds had to have his foot amputated last week. Seveialof trie Eagle Creek people at tended the funeral of Grandpa Poe at Sandy Ridge on Tuesday, the 31st nit. The old gentleman w as nearly 'JO years of age. Mr. Nelson and wife have moved on to their ranch adjoining the Baker place. They have been very busy clearing up the laud and getting it readv for the plow. . Ray Woodle, with his three horses, have been turning over the soil. So we oredict that Mr. Nelson will have a fine crop on his littie farm. Mr. and Mrs. Y. J. Howlett were vis iting their daughter, Mrs. Viola Douglas last Monday. As Mr. Douglas is in Eastern Oregon, Mr. Howlett had to en tertain himself by carving seven or eight fine porkers and getting them ready for the barrel. Stafford We are having a bad spell of weather. G. Reuter lias returned to Stafford again. The only kind of consump tion to fear is " neglected consumption." People are learning that con sumption i.- a curable disease. It U neglected consumption that is so often incurable. At the faintest suspicion of consumption get a bottle of Scott's Emulsion and begin regular doses. The use of Scott's Emulsion at once, has, in thousands of cases, turned the balance in favor of health. Neglected consumption does not exist where Scott's Emul sion is. Prompt use of Scott's Emul sion checks the disease while it can be checked. . Send for free sample. SC'lTT 4 KCWNE, Cbwnirts, 409-41 Vtv Street, New York, j k. and t .00; all druggttu. ioeomptioo Weak? " I suffered terribly and ws ex tremely weak for li years. The doctors said my blood was all turning to water. At last I tried Ayer's Sarsapurill.i, and was soon feeling all riht aiiii." Mrs. J. XT. Kial.i. H.ij'yrne, Ct. No matter how fong you have been ill, nor how poorly you may be today, Ayer's Sarsanaiilla is the best medicine you can take for purifying and en riching the blood. Don't doubt it, put your whole trust in it, tiuow away everything else. SI Ma bottle All drunrlntl. Ak olir doofnr wlmt lf tMnlra of Aw' Sftrsju'artlla. 10- kuowli about this irntntt oUl iHim It niodii'tne. Follow hu ulvl aud w will ! salitVi. J. ('. ATM Co., Low1I,Mm. Miss Julia Baker is going up near Jef ferson to visit with friends. According to the "say so," we will soon have a wedding to report. Anuust Delker spent Sunday with tire family of Mr. and .Mrs. Sager. A wheel will be rallied off at the Staf ford general store on April 10th. Mr. Schroeder, of Salt creek, is visit ing with his son-in-law, Saui Moser. Ferdinand Schmilke mode a short visits witlr his parents of Beaver Creek last Sunday. Albert Holton, a traveling salesman from St. Helens, etai i over night with friends in Stafford. Postmaster Renter and Kev. Wetie have returned from Taconia and report a very enjovable time. ' S.'we thief or thieves entered Mr. Ren ter's smokehouse. Pietty risky; some one may yei get their fingers burned. Kev. Chus. Waehlte has returned from Taconia, Wash., where he has been at tending a conference under the auspicis of the German Baptists. Whv don't some one agitate the ques tion of a cheese fa.'tory or creamery in Stafford. Theie Bre good facilitit s as lo I water, location, &C and cons would ac cumulate, 'if it weie not sivh hard work j fur the nver-bilsy housewife to care for . the cieaiu and boiler. BEST FOR THE BOWELS If yon haven't areolar, halthy movement of the bowels every day, you're illr will be. Kejpyour bowel open, and be well. Force, in the shp of violent physic or pill poison, dangerous. The smoothest, easiest, most perfect way of keeping the bowels clear aud clean la to take CANDY CATHARTIC EAT 'EM LIKE CANDY Pleuant, Palatable. Potent, Taste Good, Do Good. Never Sicken. Weaken or Orlpei 10, 25 nd 60 centa per box. Write for Ire sample, and book let on health. Addreat 434 Sterling Remedy Company, Chicago or New York. KEEP YOUR BLOOD CLEAN Perrv and Frank .Sharp have been cir culating a petition for a referendum on the Lewi" s L lark lair, it seems line it U nrettv late in the dav for the people of Oregon to vote to back down, when so many o'her states have been so liberal in their appropriations. Greenwood . Mies Armstrong spent Saturday in Portland. Charlea Rider is working for Mr. Cole, of Canemah. Charles Blazier, of Oregon City, visit ed bis parents Sunday. O. L. Kider, of Independence, who has been vitnting relatives in (jreenwood, returned home Friday. George McCotnick, who is working at Linn's saw mill, waa visitiing in Green wood one day last week. Everyone is happy to think the free rural delivery is an aFsured fact. Tl.ey expect the carrier to make his trip about the first of May. School opened at the Greenwjod Bcbool house Monday, with Miss Arm strong, of Portland, as teacher. This is her second term of school at this place. William La wry, of Boston, Mass., has been visi'ing his brother-in-law, W. S. Rider, whom be had not met for about forty years. After a short visit in Port land Mr. La wry will visit relatives in California. Union Hall. Henry Iiicbter is splitting wood for Alvin Phelps. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Burns went to Canby last Wednesday. John Thomas went to Canby one day last week on business. Mrs. Caroline Thomas visited Mrs. J, D. Wilkerson last, Sunday. Bud Hilton and wife visited his moth er and brother last Sunday. John made a business trip to New Era oneday last week. Klizaand Mollie Burns were the guests of Mrs. Otto Striker last Sunday. Mrs. Keisner, of Sherwood, Ore., is visiting ber sinter, Mrs. John Molzan. John Burns called npon bis mother, Mrs. Nancy Barns, one day last week. Messrs. J. L. Thomas and T. J. Grimes are building fence for L. Kiggs. Miss Mary Thomas, of Portland, visit ed her sister, Mrs. Nettie Kiggs, few daya last week. Miss Mollie Bums, of Portland, visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Burns, a few days lust week. Edmund Snyder, the teacher of the Union Hall school, spent Sunday at home with his mother. Misses Veva Jones and Agnes Wallace, of Mulino, were the guests of Mrs, Otto Stiiker one day last week. Joseph Kief, of New Era, passed thiough this place on his way to Xturgis Bros.' sawmill, lie is thinking of build ing a new houe in the near future. Dover. Air. Kiizuuller has lost another tine cow. William Roberts has purchased a new wagon. It has been showering here for the last few days. Mr. Leaf took dinner at Mr. Kil.mill- ! er's last Sunday. C. Bauman went to Portland hist Monday with a big load of tine apples. Mr. New has returned from Eastern Oregon to stay with his daughter, Mrs. Robetts. Josenh PeShazier is fencing iu a sheep pasture. He does not want his sheep to bother anyone. The farmers are busy putting in their crops, such as sowing oats, clover seed, planting potatoes. Mr. Seward has returned home to put in bis crop. He has been working for Mr. Dodge, of Sandy, all winter. Miss Bertha Aborts' school will close Friday, the 10th. Some of the children have not had any advantage of the good school that has been taught, as they have not been sent a day. The sick of this neighborhood are all about well, but Mrs. S. R. Kitzmlller, who was taken quite sick a few days ago. Mrs. Guy Woodle, who lives at Burton, is at home taking care of her. OilniHrtrilM. F. M. Oshnrn and wife attended church at Stone Sunday. Robert Heier is still unper the skillful care of Dr. Soininer. We are glad to report that Henry lloll'ineittter is improving. Miss J. A. Hover and daughter, Min nie, are on the sick list. Mrs. .1. X. Tong was visiting friends in Uiesliam one day last week. Mi. Kriedol,.h and family spent Sun day with Frank McMurry, of Stone .1. H. M'irton, ex-county cominifaioner ook dinner with A, V. Cooke Sunday. Miss Mam! and Ida Moak, of (ireshaui were the guests of Miss Jeanette Newell Sunday. J, J. Cooke, the wide awake real es tate man of Oregon City, was seen on 0 ir 8treetj last Ihursday. The Modern Woodmen of America are talking of giving a grand celebration on July the 4th at Morton's Park. The twelv-year-old son of M. V. Don lev has smallpox. Dr. J. II. Hickman, of Portland, is in attendance. las. H. and A. C. Cooke, of Portland, were out lant Sunday and spent the day with their brother, and family. A. W. Cooke and Henry Green well attended the lodge of I. O. O. I', at Clackamas lat Wednesday night. Mr?. F. Matthias is at the St. Vincent hospital at Portland, where she is ex pected to undergo a surgical operation as soon as her strength will permit, as she is very low. If the writer is not badly mistaken, the boys in the neighborhood will have me for their cow bells and tin cans in the near future, for everything is point ing that way. 0. W. Grillin has purchased a sawmill and will erect the fame near Edgar Kichey's. Ora is a wide awake young man and has had quite a little experi ence in the mill business and is sure to be successful. The Enterprise 1.50 per year. -jNWt Uw. II 3 Growing Old Ought not to mean growing weak and feeble. It does not weakness or feebleness for those who eat with good appetite and sound digestion. It is of the utmost importance that old people should retain the power to digest and assimilate food which is the sole source of physical strength. When age brings feebleness it is generally because of the failure to assimilate the nutrition con tained in food. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery cures diseases of the stomach and other organs of digestion anil enables the per fect digestion and assimilation of food. It invigorates the liver and promotes general physical well being. "It ie with (rratitud we acknowledge what Dr. Pierce's medicine has done for Knui'lmrit ti er's (rood, in fact it has cured hrr," writes Misa Carrie Ranker, of IVrryslmrfr, Ohio, she had doctored with several physicians hut found no relief until Dr. pierce advicd her what to do. Bhe has taken only three Inittlettof ' riolden Med ical Discovery' and is emir-ly wHI. she suf fered with pain in kidneys, bladder and liver for ten years, and her linilet w-rc srel!fd with dropsy so bad she could hardlv w;il!;. Mv 'nnd tnother's name is Mr.( aroliee ilenii'-n. In r;ie Is 71 years. 1 will fc'ladly iiil-.w.-r i.11 k-Ittrs ot inquiry." Sick people are invited to conmlt Dr. Hi V. Pierce by letter, frr. A',1 cor respondence is held 11s strictly private and sacredly confidential. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets rtgulato the bowels. DR. FENNER'S KIDNEY 1 Backache All diseases of Kidneys, Bladder, Urinary Oikiuih. AIo Rheumatism, Hark aohe.HonrtUtaeHHO clravei. Dropsy, Female Troultlou. CURE Don't become discouraged. There Is cure lor you. If necessary write 1 r. l enuer lie has spent a life lime curlntr Jusl hucIi ca-sesas voiira. All consult (iilniia free. "FlKht months In bed. heavy backache, pain aud soreness across kidneys, also rheii inallsm. Other rctncdlex failed, I'r. l eu tier s Kidney and llacluu'lie I'uro cured me comulclcly. II, WATKKS, Hamlet, N. V." liniMlsts. .VV t. Ask for (look Hook - Free. ST.YITUS'OANCEKrriMrN!? For Sale by Charman S: Co Huntley brothers Dr. Welch, of Portland, the well known di'iilist.who was l imit d out 11 few weeks a.o, was in Oregon City Tuesday. Mi eting of Spiritualists! At Willamette Hall on Sunday, April at 2 o'cloi k' P. M. Good speaking and music will be the program. ItuiiS'cr of 'olI mill 4ri. The greatest danger from colds and jr ip is their lesulting iu pneumonia. If iea sonahle care is UNed, however, and Cham berlain's Cough Ueinedv taken, all dan ger will be avoided. Among I lie tens of thousands who have used this remedy for these diseases we have yet to learn of a single case Iciving resulted iu pneu monia, w hich shows conclu-ively that it is a certain preventive of that dangerous disease. It will cure a cold or an attack of the grip in less time than any oilier treatment. It is pleasant and safe to take. For sale by G. A. Harding. Oregon I'lty Market llcporl. (Corrected to Friday.) Wheat No. l,!h)cper husiiel. Flour Portland, f.Vlopcr bid. $1 05 persk. Howard's Best, $1.05 per sack. Oats in sacks, wlute,l to $1.25 per cental, gray. $1 ID Hay old Timothy, bales, $11' per ton; loose, $8 to $11 per ton. Clover $10 Oat, $!). Mixed huv, $H. Millstntl's Bran,' $11100 per ton. shoilH, $'tl oil per ton ; chop, $111.50 per ton, barley, rolled, $L'")..r)0 per ton, Potatoes lioc per bundled lbs. EggsOregon, 15c per do.e. butter Kaoch, Mr. to ,")."c per roll. I )llioli:, . liolce, 5 ) lo i I li led apples, 7c per I Prunes, (dried; petit" inn, large, oc per lb. ' per i: ;. . I!" per lb; Dal medium, o'.jc; Silver. 4' 1'annipe,, Heels mid Carrots, $1 per sin k. Cabbage ( new). 'Zr. per lb. A pples, "00 lo $1. Dressed chickens. 10 10 12'2 c per lb. Livestock and dressed meals; beef, live, $:l. 75 lo $1.50 ier hundred. Hogs, live ft'.jtutl eta; liogs, dr-s-ed, 7c; sheep, 3 'o o'-jC ; drcs-ed, 7 1 J to Sets; Veal, dressed, 7j to He ; laiub, live, 3,'jC ; lamlis. dressed, ti'.ji: lo 7 j DancingSchooil TURN IS Y will conduct a dancing; hcIiooI at Boaver Crock Hall. Meet every: Tuesday Evening. Dance utartH at 8 o'clock fihar; clone at I '2. A 1 in i h h i n 5 0 Cents:; : : : LADIES FREE : The Great Itarloiv Minstrels. Kates Bros., Spanish King experts, who close the strong Olio of the Great Harlow Minstrels, who will appear at the Shively Opera Moiif-e 011 next Thursday, April 10, give a wonderful exhibition of amazing acrobatic and athletic achieve ments, comprising I he most dillicult feats of modern physical research. 'A ith out any visible eli'ott on their part, they manage to hold the audience spell-bound by the various phenomenal acts per formed with the ul most nicely of equi poise, fully demonstrating their superior ability over others in this particular act. A Nwcr.t llreutli is a never failing sign of a healthy stom ach. When the breath is bud the stom ach is out of order. There is no remedy in the world equal to Kodol Dyspepsia Cure for curing indigestion, dyspepsia and all stomach disorders. Mrs. Mary S. Crick, of white Plains, Ky., writes: "I have been a dyspeptic for years tried all kinds of remedies but continued to grow wore. By the use of Kodol I be gan to improve at once, and alter taking a few bottles am fully restored in weight, health and strength and can eat what ever I like. Kodol digests what yen cat and makes the stomach sweet. Geo. A. Harding. For Young .Men and Voting Women. There is nothing that will arouse the ire of a young man or woman so quick as to have inferior laundry work put off on them. They may dress ever so well, but if their shirt front or shirt waist is mussy, their neat appearance is spoiled. The Troy Laundry makes a specialty of ladies' and gentlemen's fine work. There can be no better work than is done at the Troy. Leave your orders at John son's barber shop. This office carries in stock a complete line of legal blanks of every variety, and we are prepared to fill orders by mail on bort notice. Subscribe for the Enterprise. J 1 j a few j ' paint j facts T Wo curry only puro Lcail ami Oil. Our pur parcd paint is absolutely guaranteed. Our colors in oil, tho best made. Our prices are knocking our competitors "sky liigli." Hav ing just opened our stock order, you will find no old dried up goods here. If you are con templating painting your house, barn, wagon or in fact anything you have, come in and let us liguro with you. Always on hand and glad to givo you information. Our tiino is yours. ! I a l I HOWELL Reliable Garde CIIAMBKKS IIOWKI.L 0. R. & N- ' Oregon Short Line and Union Pacific THREE T RAINS TOTHE EAST DAILY Through Pullman standard and Tour ist sleeping curs daily to Omaha, Chicago pokauc; tourist sleeping cars daily to Kan as l ity; through Pullman tours keeping cars (personally conducted; weekly to Chicngo, Kansas City, St I.011U mid M lupins, reclining chairs (seals tree to the cast dailv. prom l'ortl iiid I'Kl'.Rr I TIMK SI'IIKIlULKS Anaivi riiirago-'Salt ,ke, Denver, pi. l-.irua 11 11 Wurt III Inialiu Rule 4;.!l) p. rtnceml i'tv. Si I .num. ' ' : -0 a. Ill I'l.i,.:,,.,, mnl V. el Atlantic K press H;l.'i p. in Salt Lake, Denver, PtJ Wort ii, t linalia.K 110- il;.:il a m. Ml ( 'll V , St. billll.s,1 via Hum- Chicago ami Kast. ington . St. Paul Past Mail li p 111 via Spokane Walla Walla, Lewis Ion, Spokane, Min neapolis, S Paul, IMllulli, Milwaukee, t'tncaiio anil Must . 70 HOURS Portland to Chicago No Change of Cars. Tickets- cast via all rail, or boat and rail via Port land, Ocean and River Schedule PRO M PORTLAND 8 p. m. All Sailing dates sub I ject to cliailKK. For an Prani'iHeii j Sail every ii nays p. m. Daily Lx. Sunday. p. in. Saturday 10 p. 111. Columbia River Steamum To An'orin a (1 iVuy LumliuuH. I p. 111. Kx, Sun day. C. W. Stringer, City Tkt Agt. 3rd and Washington Sts. L. Craig, f'.cn. Pass. Agt , Portland, Oregon. Astoria & Columbia River Railroad Co. DAILY THAINH, I) Iv Kx.' Hat. D'ly KHectivft July.'., 1002 D'ly D'ly P.M. j A.M. 7 iki: H on H ll.r) 0 (Jii 8 20 It IX H '.iHi :v 8 41 ! 40 8 Wl! 1) 50 8 M 10 0J1 ! 08,10 10i 1 A.M P.M. 9 40 8 35 8 20 8 (XJ 7 54 7 41 7 38 7 28 7 17 7 02 (I 4 2 B 32 r, 20 6 10 I,v. Portland . Ar II 10 Onlile . . . Rainier . . . . .. .Pyramid.... Mayger .... Quiiicy .... . . . latnkanie . . . . .Marshland . . . . . . Westport .... Clifton . .. . Knappa . .. . .... Hveimen .... John Day . . Ar. . Atoria. Lv 10 0-1 0 .12 :if) fl 27 !t 17 !t 08 8 .W 8 40, 8 33 8 HI 8 07 7 .15 7 45 1010 21 37 10 :v 10 00 11 10 08 II 10 10 20! It f 10 30111 30 8EASJIDK DIVISION 11 35a. m...l . 7 40 a. m . 4 .10 30 a. rn . 6 50 p. m .12 30 p. m 5 50 p. in ASTORIA 11 'mm rv. 8 15a! m..'.'J 0 2 5 i 15 a. m...1 : 30 p.m ... I 1 00 p. ni . . . I BEASIDE 7 20 p. m 30 p. m 50 a. m 0 40 a. m. .. ) CONNECTIONS. All trains make close connections at Ooble with all northern Pacific trains to or from the East or Hound Points. At Portland with all trains leaving Union Ltepot. At Astoria with T. R. A N. Co.'s boats and rail line, and Steamer T.J. Potter, to and Irotn Ilwaco ami North Iieach Points. Ticket otlice, 255 Morrison St., and Union depot. J. C. MAYO,Oen. Pass. Agt. Astoria, Or Subscribe for the Enterprise more on tap, if you want them & JONES Druggists Building I.I NX V.. JONKS PLUMBINC CHARCfTS are no Ii'l'Ii 't 1 h in 1 ln-e n .mv oilier Irmle, ami ours aie no Inguer Hi 10 service- leinb'ted dcniaioU. What we iimleiliike lo il i iu a thorough and Hiitwf.ictorv manner. There will not be found alter our woikinun get III mug! 1 wilh a j b anv defective joints, leaky pipesi. lonae conneclloiiH or oilier evidences of "heainped" w nk. I'A'ery partrtill be perlcct, mid look p"ifecl, mid Hheii the bill couieH in you'll not ask for any deduction. rj. C. GADKE THE PLUMBER C. I tan PIONEER m$hf and Expfe, Freight and parcidH delivered to all jmrtH of the city. RATES - REASONABLE S3'-13DLJLES OF TIME HOl'TIIKIl.N PACIFIC RAILWAY NoltTII llill'NI). ' :ii(l a. in. ! a. in. (Albany Local) 0:10 p. in. norm noi'Ni). ! :L'L' a. 111. 4:!5il p. 111. (Albany Local) ll:l I p. 111. Daily Rivsr Excursions UK h:k;o. ci rv it jats. ll.UI.V SrilKllCI.K. Leave PORTLAND Knot Taylor Ht, 10.10 A. M. 4 3D P. M Iave OltKI.ON CITY Pont Eighth Kt. 7 30 A, M. 1 30 P. M. Only the following lamlingi will be made: MiiKooue's, Meldrutii's, Murey's, Kisley's and (Ihwpo. Hinnlav excepted. ROUND TIIIP 25 CENTS. Oregon City TrannMrlaliii Co. PORTLAND TO THE DALLES By the fast and com modious Hteamer Regulator Leaves Portland daily except Sunday at 7 a. m. This is the Great Scenic Route. All tourist admit that the scenery on the Middle Columbia is not ex celled for beauty and grandeur in the United States. Full informa tion by addressing or calling on J. S. BOOTH, Agent, Tel. 914. Portland, Or, Office and wharf, foot of Oak St. inor lik :