Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (June 20, 1902)
OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY JUNE 20, 1902 i ' poR -E5-flLXlQ, imj ly iy vy Vy y asV v"V V y& i CORRESPONDENCE ftgii-o--'o-'N--fv-o--'I-'p'-0'-0 Our correspondents will please tend n rticles before Wednedays o( each week, otherwise it reaches us too late (or publication. Lofn and Stone. Where is everybody going the Fourth T How odd it seems without rain for a week. not as rlentiful as Strawberries are last seasou. Grass plenty, gardens late. Grain looks well, especially some on A. Swales farm. ' Mr. Forbes, butter maker tor the C. C Creauiery, has moved his family out to Stone. The creamery is turning out about thirteen hundred pounds of butter per week now, and still increasing. There will be a social dance at the Gratis Hall, on the evening of the 4th by the young folks. Basket supper. There will be a social at Harding Grange June 21, when Flora, Pomona and the cfcildren will entertain the public with appropiiule exercises. Little folks, come prepared will) recitation, songs etc. All are welcome; bring your lunch, including strawberries, cherries or any thing good. The residents of this place were awak ened on the evening of June 3rd, bv a strange mixture of noises. The lirst thonglit was, that Mt. Hood hud a Pelee fit, but on inquiry it proved to be a jolly "tin can brigade" tendering their noisy respects to Mr. Fred Kiebhoff and bride. I Fred i all smiles now. Saturday last, was the regular monthly meeting of Harding grange. Tinee vis iting member were present, among whom weie Willard Austen, of Grant County, and I. LeMahieu, of Oregon Oiiy. The latter read an essay on "Grange Work and Duties," which was very much appreciated. No Hair? "My hair was falling out very fast and I was (ready alarmed. I then tried Ayer't Hair Vigor and my hair stopped falling at once." Mrs. G. A. McYay, Alexandria, O. The trouble is your hair does not have life enough. Act promptly. Save your hair. Feed it with Ayer's Hair Vigor. If the gray hairs are beginning to show, Ayer's Hair Vigor will restore color every time. S1.M a Mite. All trantet. If your dnipgtat cannot supply you. end us on dollar aud we w ill eiprea) you a bottle. H' aure and gl 111 uauie hi your iH.iret eiprcaa oilice. Addreaa, J. I . AVtlt CO., Lowell, Uaas. Tne little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. D. Penman met with a painful accident Tuesday ; she fell out of a window and broke her leg. A crowd of men has been a work ou the road several day. They have Iwen grading. blasting stumps and doing other luurh needed work and have made a great impiovenient in the road. The annual school meeting was held at the Greenwood school house Monday evening Mr. Kruger was elected a director for three years, Mr. Eastman director for two years and Mrs. V. is. Rider was re-elected clerk. Cinby. are plentiful here at Strawberriss present. The engine house and woodshed for the city hall are compleied. Mrs. Foweler and children left for Ca'ltornia last Sunday evening. Mr. and Mis. E. H. Carlton, of Tort land, spent ttie pst week in Cauhy. George Zetk lias returned from Gold ITi'l, Or., where he has been working on the steam shovel. J. U. Campbell and H. S. Moody, of Oregon City, were in town last Saturday on legal business. Pete Snsbauer, of Hubbard, wg call ing on old friends and acquaintances Here last luesday. F. Rosenkrans hag returned from the mountains, wiiere he has been attending to bis mining interests. School closed last'Friday. Prof. Win rhes and wife took all the scholars to Mackeburg to the picnic last Wednesday. Rev. Hammond, of the Oregon City Episcopal Church, held a service here at the Christian Church last Sundav after noon. Quite a number of Workmen and their wives attended the meeting of the grand lodge, A. O. U. W. which was held in Portland last week. A school meeting was held here Mon day evening. All old officers were re elected and a five-mill tax was voted to pay oil the standing deot. Lockerhr. Mr. Buries has his house inclosed and expects to go east of the mountains to work this summer. C. E. Osborne and Mr. Williams, of Oregon City, arrived here June 14, safe and sound, for an outing on the north fork, where fishing is good these hot days. King fipurgeon, superintendent of the Upper Clackamas Hatchery, and family, passed through here on June 9 for the s'Btion, where they will reside for tie summer. Sidney Smyth and Mr. Stebens, of Portland, and C. W. Raymond, of Day ton, Ohio, were out and had a good time tinning Sunday on the head waters of Eagle Creek. They returned here in the evening and left for Oregon City Monday, Jane 16. Mrs. Greenwood. Everett has gone to Tacorna W. 8. Rider lost a valuable horse last week. Miss Mamie Gregory went to Portland Monday. H. II. Gregory has purchased a Web ber organ. Dr. Powell is having some slashing done on his place. Mr. McCormack bought a new hack last week of Wallace and Corceran. Several Greenwood residents attended cburch at Central Point Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Heardt and children were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Montgomery Sunday. Mrs. Jones, wbo has been quite sick since ber return from California, is still very weak. Only 50 Cents , to make your baby strong and I well. A fifty cent bottle of Scott's Emulsion will change a sickly baby to ' a plump, romping child. Only one cent a day, think I oflt Its as alee as cream. fiend for a free sample, and try It 6COTT & BOWKH. ChrOTlnfa. I 4?-4'5 rl ftfrret, New Tork. I joe and $ i.oo; all druggist fViTi w ifTu.n Garfield. II. Epperson is able to be out, after an illness ol four uiouths. Mrs. Sarah Palmateer is going to East ern Oregon to pay iter son and daughter a visit. They live near Douglas. John Davis, of Oklahoma, gave his brothers, J, J. and William, quite a sur prise, by coming to pay them a visit, the first in 32 years. The oldest child of Fred and Delila Davis dropped dead Monday morning from heart disease, the child having been subject to it all its life. Quite a few have bought separators to run (heir milk through. Mr. Kitching took the contract ot collecting the cream and carrying it to the htune creamery Mrs. Fred Covey will start for Dufur, Oregon, Monday. As she is qinie ill vitli that dread disease, consumption, we tear lor tier, but dope lur her recov ery. Ben Porter, 84 vears old, had the mis fortune to lo-e his residence by tire last Thursday. He managed to save some of his household effects. As he is so aged, it is bard on him. Rev. J. W. Exon, pastor of the Viola charge, was referred to in terms that were anything but complimentary in the Uarneld correspondence last week. A gross injustice was done him and this explanation is due and is willingly and cheerfully given. Everybody is looking for Tracey and Merrill; not for the reward, but to be ready to run if they see them. All con cur with the Governor in thinking the conduct of the convict in trying to stop Iraceyand Merrill should be rewarded by giving the man bis freedom. Doc Palmateer and his sister, Mrs. E. M. Harner, contemplate going to the pio neer reunion in Portland this week, as they think it is well earned honor and dearly paid for, as all who came across the plains so early gave up home, com forts, education, society and the bless ings of the civilized country to conquer the wilderness, brave the terrors of In dian warfare, and live on no fare, that those who came later can enjoy the fruits of their sacrafice. God bless the pioneers. Kelio. Joel Jarl has purchased a new buggy. Now girls, this is the time to make the best use of it while the roads are good and the buggy new. Fred Brown, the sawyer of Brown Bros.' mill, hurt his foot quite seriously the other day. One of the teeth of the saw penetrated the top of his foot, in- meting a very paintul wound, lie is now unable to work and will remain so lor some little time. ing his brother, Jacob Schilling, who re sides on the John OafTney place, and a sister who lives at Eagle Creek. Mr. Rogers and sister, of Gallatin, Missouri, have been visiting their uncle and aunt, Mr. and. Mrs. Elmer Dixon. Thev returned home by the Southern Pacific. This fair weather It very favorable for ripening strawberries: the crop, though not at large as usual, it of excellent quality. They are coming into market quite freely at present. A. J. Frederick was circulating among friends rnda v. lie is going to travel for a cigar company and will also, as a side line, take orders forenlarging photo graphs for a Chicago company. W. Gilbert lleattle, who has finished a nine month's school at Wrangle, Alaska, came borne Friday night. He has accepted the school for next winter and will return in August, at the school reopens September 1. Quite a ripple of excitement has been aroused in the community by the pos sible contingency of having to provide breafast tor the two escaped convicts at the point of gun. The very thought makes the hair rise. Geo. Weld, at present slr'sl T conductor in Portland. accompanied b) a voting lady, drove out here Sunday last to spend tha day with his mother and onj'v her luscious strawberries, sugar aud cream. School election resulted In the election of F. P. Larson, director and rranlt r ,t ilmlwr land, mile from Sherwood railroad autU . , ''T?.te. I .ml Willamette river, f 1.1 l-r acre. "" 5 ii ..ntilv.lrd. new house ami barn. t.n Improved count. ni ?i ct!S K. K. ' " f-.i Ponland, K 'J- .... .... t.. ...1. ,.irnii. All Hear Hi e.r l!.. - Busk Uovsr. has been very sick Ibis Mrs wtek. Mr. Nelson and wife went to Portland last week. The people are very muc'ii disappointed on account of the small hay crop. Joseph IVShaaer and wife were over to see the Columbia lust week, lsitiug relatives. Mrs. Kitzmilh-r and sister returned from Portland Thursday aud have been very sick ever since. Mrs. Ward and two of her sons, from Newhurg, who have been here visiting relatives, went home Sunday. The Children's Day exercises were very interesting and a large number ol people was present, The scboolhouse was decorated very prettily. Stafford. Fred Oldenstndt is hauling mill feed from Oregon City. Miss Flora A they is spending the week wish her sister, Mrs. DeNeni. Mrs. Polifkaand daughter spent Sun day with her mother, Mrs. Weisseuborn. Henry Baker is once again able to ride about. He was in Oregon City last week with horse and bugny. C. W. Larson cut his foot a couple of weeks ago and has been laid up ever since. Public scale are being put in on the Oregon City and Dayton road , near the postotlice. Bea man's camp moved headquarters from Kruse's creek down the Oregon City road. Clarence Weddle is suffering from a sprained knee. It is keeping him in bed this week. The A. 0. U. W. boys turned out In force to attend the grand parade at Port land June, 14. John Estberg made two trips np over Cape Horn and out on the Meridian Suuday on bis wheel. Spud (old ones) arel'O cents rer sack. Some spuds shipped to San Francisco have never been heard from. A road is being opened Into Frank Weddles rock pit. Hock will be hauled from there onto Polifka't hill. Henry and Jacob Bchatz are hauling posts from Cedar Creek on to their farms. Tney calculate to put up goat fences. The excavation for the new store base ment hag been made and some material la on the ground with which to build David Weol fie spent Sunday with bis sister, Mrs. Closer. Mr. Weoltle is one of Washington's prominent pedagogues Miss Christina Schatz has again de parted for Portland, where she is em ployed at waitress in a prominent hotel John Johnson and daughter were out from Portland Saturday, Mr. Johnson was looking after the interests of his farm. C. F. Polifka, Robert Biet.le and Frederick Delker have each purchased new mowers. Polifka sold bis old one to Fred Baker. ... i . ..... r. mm 1'iirnp, nil nrnr iiir car i n- . u" '"can .;d ?; -v - " " ;y i limtiira in Weal Oirgon City, l.ood ..xailOM, Weddle. clerk, ill district INO. . i. , tin. mt ."." , ni,valiolti The very district lias laid In a supply ol wood A , s of ld on Molalla p an , j very board meeting will be held Jun.lU to Cor..rr lol on ylh ami at. Ilunn . cta, Oregon I t,. anange some necessary Implements ,;.H ,ouc and lol In the K'wu of llolton. Seven fiuil trt,.,,, , to theschool grounds. KM,d location, 'lermaeaay. ''- mofgood clear lumi. '". i..u m... v .a. aania. ,U) ,1 county road. Ten miles Horn I ortUnd,fi.iiriiiilf1BI, , ' . '.. I. v... t r . I. : . . 0rm. Nellie Stevens is homo again. Knox Cooper Is home on visit. Mrs. Eaton Is rapidly Improving. II. Jones was quite sick lnl week. 8. Kalllllsch was in Canby Sunday. C. Spence raised his new barn Wed nesday. S. Jones and C. Jaggar went to Oregon City Sunday, Lily Hay ward, of Oregon City, Is visit ing Bertha Spaugler. The Misses Iva and Pansy Irish ate visiting at Harmony. J.K.Graham, of Portland, was out lat week for a couple of days. Alt Kirk and mother, of Heaver Crook, spent Suuday at K. Howard's. Scott Bitdy was out from Portland Saturday and Sunday, visiting his par ents. There will he preaching next Sunday iflernoon at 3 o'clock iu the Kvatigcliral church. Heaver t ree. Henry Iloruschuh passed through here lust Suuday and visited Shiihel. Mr. and Mrs. X. Davis visited H. Perry, of Heaver Cieek, la't week. The school meeting was held here as usual mid was called to order lV ins chairman. Fred Comerth was elected director lor three years, and II. ilollinoii as re elected clerk fur the second time. For the last two years Beaver Creek has been trying to got a new school- h"ue and at hist got it by the scant vote of 1.' to 10. It Is ridiculous to think ttiat so many people did not want In have a change In the long period of time of I!: vears ami to serine a healthy room (or the pupils to study in. After this hail passed they made the plan that the new house should he -lOx.'ixH. A commit tee was appointed to see the carpenters lo find out w hat they could furnish the material for aud build the school hoii-e for. The meeting adjourned lo hold a special meeting June 'M. New House 34X4 feet, k it, h "Hi.. puili fiooo.oo .v acres nroved C . ........ ....I tut lii 'Cam-wall W"'1" "T"',;;. Lot to a l. feel. Jill I " " ' line of the best .lock .a.n hr. ill Chu kamaa county , con.Llli., ,)f J(. diced, two good lM.. tana, su'sll orchard, Urol !' ..,t,tJ? balance good pl' '"' '1- '"" l'ui Metall. Terms reasonable. 1 Loan you money on fit. I inottgage security and loan your imBr, , ?o Abstracts made. 0. B. DIMICK, Attomcy A New Organ Delivered at Any Railroad Station CAp or Boat Landing In Orefjon....... P40 Hood View. Frank Brobst made a business trip to Portland Saturday. ' At the school meeting Monday Mr. Barnes was elected one of the directors and A. P. Todd was re-elected clerk. ChUdrens' day will be observed at the Hood View church Sunday morning, June 22. Everybody cordially invited. Miss Helen Murray returned home Monday from Redland, where she hag been teaching school for the paBt three months. The strawberry social given by the D. of H. Lodge Tuesday evening was largely attended and a good time was bad by all present. Will Barber arrived home Saturday from Eugene, where he has been attend ing the State University. He expects to spend the summer here. Messrs. Charles and Bert Seely and the Misses Elligson and Emma Peters went to Seaside Sunday on tbe Wood. mens' excursion. George Seely arrived home Friday from Portland wbete be has been under physician's care, at the Good Samaritan Hospital. He is somewhat better. John Peters, Ed and Tom Mnlloy. E. W. Camehl, Mary and Jane Murray. Millard Crissell and Albert Camehl were among those from this place who at tended the A. 0. U. W. parade in Port land Saturday. 1 1 tlj. W. II. Everhart, of Molalla, was in town Saturday. Mr. Schilling, of Peoria, 111., is visit- HOUSEWORK Too much housework wrecks wo men's nerves. And the constant care of children, day and night, is often too trying for even a strong woman. A hiijrgnrd fnce tells the story of the overworked housewife and mother. Dcrnngcd menses, leucorrhaa and falling of the , womb result from overwork. Every housewife needs a remedy to regulate her menses and to keep ber sensitive female organs Id. perfect condition. 7MECARDUi Is doing this for thousands of I American women to-day. It cured Mrs. Jones and that is why she writes this frank letter: Glendeane, Kjr., Feb. 10, 1301. I am so glad that your Wine of Cardni ! helping me. 1 aiu (eellng better than I have f;!t for I ai.i doing mr I own work wilbrut any hnlp, and I I washed last Weuir and waa not ona bit tired. That shows thai tlio Wine la doing ma wA. I a.n it-Uinf Hu.h!r Nwtfy. J. 1). Hitter had a barn raising Satur day. Charles Noblitt visited relatives here last week. Miss Mary Mitts called on friends Sun day alteruoon. i A large number of our people enjoyed the picnic at Mackaburg on June 11. A lodge circle is being organized heie (or ladies, by Mr. and Mrs. Williams, The haying has begun and fanners are in hopes the sun will keep on shining till their hay is in. Mr. and Mr 4. Richey and Wesley Vo der passed through here Sunday on their way to the station. F. M. Berry returned from Alaska Sa.urday. He and family expect to spend a few weeks at Wilhoii Springs for the benefit of their health. Misses Nora and I-oa Fish, Leona Mohr, Mae Kinzer and Messrs Ixe Fish and Gene Garrett attended the dance at Molalla the ni'dit of the picnic, while several others went to Barlow. School meeting, for the piiriwse of electing ollicers was held Monday, with only eight persons in attendance. It seems (lie patrons take very little inter est in such affair. It surely is time the women came forward to manage the school work. . it ." ..' .-4! V'"'' ''v 11' K I-" V I.T v.--vv-. '-V ... . .... ,V ,. . v- -' ... ' Vt' .-i '"'. i. : : . .. . '; .. '', '!"! 'in 1 fv'v r- i 1 1 1 than I ever was before, and p good I and eat hearty, iieiore 1 bgan tuning Wine of Caniui, I utd to l.ava to lay down Ave or nix tl-ne err- day, but now I do not think of lym.lown torouirh the da. lias, hkhauu Jovaa. g 1J)0 AT Rt M.IHTN. Tot aD! ULT.rpr., Mrtrt. in Inc irmn. Qwttaaoofa aMlu U,.. Cbati.D.jv l.i.a. Waved From An AwTnl I'ale. "Everybody said I had consumption," writes Mn. A. M. Shields, ol Chambers burg. Pa., "I was so low after six months of severe sickness, caused by Hay Fever and Asthma, that few thought I could get well, hut I learned ot the maiveloiis merit of Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, used it. and was com pletely cured." ror desperate Throat and Lung Diseases it is the safest cure in the world, and is infallible for Coiiu'hs. Colds and Bronchial Affections, (iuur- anteed bottles fjoc and $1.00. Trial bot tles free at Geo. A. Harding's. Popular Seaside Schedule and Round Trip Excursion Kale Via Astoria & Columbia Hirer Railroad Co. Beginning Saturday, July 5tb, the A. & V. R. R. will resume its regular Sea side schedule and every Saturday there after during the Summer season the Portland-Seaside Express will leave Un ion Depot at 2:30 P. M. and run through direct without transfer to Flavel, Gear hart and Seaside, making close connec tion at Astoria with steamer Potter and I. R. St N. Co 't steamers to and from North Beach Points. In addition to this excellent service, an additional lota train will he run between Astoria and Clatsop Beach points, thus ofTerinir b trons of south beach unexcelled facilities ror traveling between beach points. In connection with this improved train service, round trip excursion tickets be tween Portland and all Clatso n anrl North Beach points (except Ilwacu) are sold every Saturday at the rate of $2.60 lurmeroonu trip tickets, neing inter changeable with all boat lines and lim ited good to return Sunday evening. Upon application to J. C. Mayo, G. P A., Astoria, an elaborate album of Sea side views and points of interest on the Lower Columbia River will be mailed to your address free. Iter la a picture of ono of the nnt perfcrtly finished orn now aa turi-d. It la ii,,. rHHr gnn-n, mada irM-iiy for Mlrrs I'luiw llouw. IV fumy walnut or hcliil oak ra.ra lino ,iy mif boveird Kruiih P:u 1 pertei'tly IliiMiid, ail orimint'ht to mi) tiiiiii.lnii. Numirmia to w arid vii'iimMi- Imiituvi im rils ar unlMiitlfd In Ihl" orgia, " It at once one uf the b'-l and nioat dura bin organ niaoutai lurrd In I'm tl Blatta. Ilutll with sin-etui nsard to Tactile t'oaat rllmaia. ttcalil. m r. irtil:.. .....1 l...... .til. !m-.i . nn . .1... I... ,.v,ri regular plue rffi cla. to be found' In no older make. To IntriMhirs this (' " " milking iii"l eicepnoml M .i..i, in .mr nrii.a ana will delivers nmt fully giinriil"id Organ, freight pa Hi. In sny ' Hon ..r l,ul I, .lull, u l ii... .. . ... .. ... r ..i .... 7 .. . .. ..., ,.l U H.itl K W in. .r..0i, ,i,r III. lllli i'i , M month. T In fun.i. r aly.e 11 t. rlc . on .ntnr lerma. Writs ua tudaf, " 1 offer Is limited only to the Ural luu Inairuinenu. SPECIAL INiRODUCIOHYOHERi Ei.ers Piana House am l.arge.l Uaahlnaton St., I'orllaml, Or. PORTLAND, OULGON l eading anil Miial llraponaible Wealera Healer. lion Spraaue Ate., ilntl Market U mmka.., H.ek. a. r-raafb Wlnth sind J Sl.. darranealn ., - I used DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve for piles and found it a certain cure, says S. R. Meredith, Willow Grove, Del. Oper ations unnecessary to cure piles. They always yield to DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve. Cures skin diseases, all kinds of wounds. Accept no counterfeits, (ieo. Harding. OA8TO niA . Bigiatut tf If You Could Look I nlo I Ii e f ul u re n ml ace I lie coml 1 1 lvn , . , "men your cmigh, If negle-ted, will bring you, you would seek relief at once and that naturally would be through Shiloh's Consumption I i 1 4 r Guaranteed lo cure Con Ivlll C sumption, llroncbltia, rra Asthma, and all I.ung Troulilea. Cnrea Cougha aud Colda in a dny. JS centa. Wrile to H. C. & Co.. 1 Moy, W. V., fur ffet lrl bottle. Ksrl's Clover Root Tea parities tbt Blood Catarrh of Hie Momacb. Leads, to dyspepsia, causes Indigestion, always results In sour stomach, water brash and loss of appetite; causes yon to belch up gas; causes your tongue to become bloated j causes you to bloat up alter eating; cansns yon lo feel as if you hail lead in your stomach ; causes Ing wind and sour food, bad taste in mouth, offensive breath ; causes Blunting pains in the stomach. II neglected brings on inflamed and ulcerated stom ach. K. B. Catarrh Cure heals and In vigorates the stomachs that have been weakened and impaired by catarrh, and Is a sure cure for all stomaeii ir,,i.i... and loss of appetite when taken accord ing to directions. Kor sale bv all drmr- gists. Book on Catarrh fr Smith Bros., Fresno, Cal. r' Oregon Utr (Corrected lo Friday.) Wheat No. I, )c bushel. , Klour-Portlan.l, $3.) P per sk. Howard's Ht, $;i.4()per bbl. Oa's-insaeks. white, l 18 M'' cental, gray, $1 10 to 1 U Hay-old Timoihy, hle. t1', loose, f!) to fl) ou ;r v" Oats. U Mi-d hay, t- ... 1 1 . IV II... t 1 7 flU .iiniaiuiiMitraii. ? 1 " . n in shorts, $1!) Ot par ton; cliup,lw ton. barley, rol.,d, 00 "er Ui PotatwH-POc to $1-18 V bl "" . - Kgga-Oregon, lflc pef dos. , Biitter-Kancb, :W U Onions, choice 1 lo i .V V"1 Asparagus. 6c per lb. Itbubarb, 2; pff It'- Dried apples, 7 s3f I''; a.; Prune!. (.Iried) ptll.-''' F Ian, large. 4c per lb. oied' "'SIS Beets and $1 per sack. tireen h-bs, 3V l'f I"1 (iis)seherries,:icperlb. Strawhernes,5lo(H: i 'fc. Cabhge(new).40lo4.'cr Hon.,. 11 lo 12J5 r ,'Vf-r' Dressed chickens. W'J Livestock and dressed me y . . ... i.,iniire" tOf ." V"1 ", Ali 10 live 6cis; hogs, Ures-'. ... m y ... 'I... u iWU. stieep, a,'g "' t r veal, dressed. 7 cents; 3t:; lambs, dressed, tic live,$.l.5() 6 IN lioit l1nlnKh:Kk:n.ln.l.lll.l?ln3n.l.-l.-l.,1.'13.,1':, f) Full Una of 33 LADIES' asl CHILDREN'S SHOES All Grade Hpeela.1 Hergalnl In ' ..nir! nnnnnninn niTPUT lfffl Cll" UUUuLKlt-il, rAib .pnl' Jt m aim T1 Nt ' hm-M f, rr:.-. 7 I F" 3 M a a aa .. ..nil ileal I aa3a33aa3as3S33S33S3.13333.133333SSM33333333333