Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (June 20, 1902)
OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, JUNE 20, 1902. New To-Day. '"'iM.ii' In C!.w'" ,,' 7 i I'1"0 '" ,. II .if I.I.U k I. III., .vn I v: ... ,. ijw Hiii-i well. IU'I k Iioiii Oregon iiKll.iH...lth. I'-'kl'l !'----.T.TTii ii I HI." IlKCKIV. i""l KT. on Jim" i'. H1-. " I""1'- I .o r. .! Ul u luil'KNH-". wo UK I,W' I IN MA UN ii I ret rived unlil Juiiw ... ..Utlullllrr KIHI I'll I'RIM, ""!"'. -'0 l't l""'' Hpecillcatloiis ! :,r.t i.""'-1 f,,,, ,a Mil 1111.1M applieallnM l Ihe ' IV, Vr.rrv id mild l j mii. .. i;iH)IM. (I. HK tih.V M ,L Hood gea Apply A. lU.ding. n i...ii.i-W r , ,,i it.. iii n - llllflltN. Ii( tliiMVi.r f!ri...k waa In 'Own yesterday. Mayor Adam Knight, of Can by, was III the city last hatuiday. II. Coclnan, a fanner o( Needy, was in Did dty Tuesday. Mlna Harah (lllm,... .,1 ill. I. Vl-lling tiff mniir at llaytun, Or. Ii'ililnr 1 I L'... ..I il. i . t. ii. , - ' i"i naioria iauy lliidjet, ii In Ida city Tues.iay. David Davis, ,t,r of Ht. Helen Mint, in Him illy Tuesday afternoon. MIm Janey llsrgrravri.of Gladstone, U in heat tie on a titoni h ' vim with relative, Piece Price. Hee Clisrnuii's Hhot to Cull and inspect ill Millinery at Ilia Red Krunt. Irs. H. It and A. I, Welnhard llldg. , Iteatie, IntlMlM, KILLED H RUJIAWAT ACC1IH.ST. Death of Mm. Ilcrbi rg ndt' Injuy , of tie (bid i ,. h.r rt.l Lr t. . ....-r . Enquire a . H ....... LTn,A r.ui'.iir man with ! i, nk ailg""d wage i ;-leiei..e miililr.1. Vu' lurlU U i''.J.I.r . K'H-li V. T'0', Wll.oll. U hKAM.NN. M l. I'llYHl 4m.ii iir.Mmi'l""lH'l. llii in I I'l.oh.llTI. t' M.ln J; -in btx. t'll u"l ""iil'l) jf or inU'1'- IT-In ll'i" MiotiittMliia m-iir ;'lW.i,"ii-n". ,:"rw- ..Ml uiiIIpD mHH llMll IIIhMI liwu Riiiiiu. n. uun, Oftfi'l". TICK H IlKlrKHY UIV'KN TIIAri In t rr ttti'iiii" i"f "J hi-"'" fKieii iy y ""n IUmmam 1maim. vrOKItriTFAKMSON VV I I.I.AM rir li wii i'itiuii'I imI Oirtfnn .. . mmk ami uriu ( inn in , i.niit Cimnty. Ilvi io ii-i.iy iniixt 0 I'utiUml fur Ml fl r-iiiiiiif - m.on ri ifrum. Kiiii'tiru of f uMffCKl lUnk, Diruun Ciiy. I'lHiKS A i It I K K I Tl . (..Ill-Mlii Hi II. il. 'III.. I l'v llirl'lr.l . ...ii" ouniry '"(ny lr ilkH l.lUr". :0Yir WANT A IIOMKt-TWO mlrimi (lifi'in Cl'V, nr Jmirii !,na i!xhI I'liiilli: r' nmr lni"l- iii.r Iiiiifp Imrn uml rll. !; lo liiiilr-l "nil fifty l"l'ir.. A't- W. AI.KHUM, OKIIKf. UlfKOII :)i,0rf nun. MiMMillln (ifm.l, ul Hi..i.,(., vlniiiim Imr mini, Mra W. W AUrm, lu tlila i lly. Mr. V. 8 O'ltnn li-ft Ul tiltflit fur Alllulll. lll ( klm kill Villi li I..I..U (..r Mr. I''. V. tt liiln mfiitto Vu'fxi (imve in mt..i. t'acilli! Uiilvi-mliy loiiiiiii'iiii'tiicnt. .... I If .. . t- i riru 01 .-M-wnrrir, C IH hiin-l I . . i, i ; . ' U) nli iIik fi.ii.i,y ol ro.iin.Htt.r (,t.!J'""'it l'' t " ..... 1. .1 !.. .... . " mil in una i uy, Mr. II.. I Mr-, J. II. Ill'lrll", WITH ill lll vmiliiiti rxUlivi-a. HiiiiIhiiiiiiiIii, fitiHtlim, Um, belt, cor nla ami w ri)Hf. l'our pit i m iiuhi'i gxl Rocki fur 25 ceiU at ilia Um kut Hlure. (iilllna. of Ht. vil y Iml HumUy iIiEB'S MUX HKI'I'II.T AN I' NW i.ii; (.if i.nlfin. A li4if of )utr i.w twiliiinl. J. H. Yuik, I'roji., Hr. Or. For I'rin-i, quality and atyle In Millln fry call on .Miai Uuldamitli. Tli Im-1 aixl cln't tine ol rlbtioni In tuwn at Him Uiickitt Htorc V oirnr tlie lHt Valum In Millinery for Ilia loANt money. Mini liolilmnilli. ('ailaoriiV ('urrinrt KmbroMcry tilk; I M.lit.a' Mali. Ml. lliM tti Vrtlllt. Ill ntylna ami at (iri.ea to auii one and ill. IJ.SKYTtU.OAN AT 8, 7. AND II It tnt. rami iwM'urity, UK UIMI. lo loan at Inarral raira. & tiuirritii. X icsi"!1 i f oiiwci -ia- tig" t i k yt-alor-a lour a S. J. Vanillin ami lriil mttirniMl Mon if morn i nil fr"in tlifir lioin-yiiiooit. D. C. ) l.yman Utonret'e aitfinli-U mmfncfinpiil at MfMinnvillu Colli-K". Uaanl Mmpliy, tl.e I'ortluml ailHftn. iitsl lrm:.ila in llna ilila fit V laal Hun- lb ) uf St. Jolm't ii luxil lifld an luvaijiB (Hi me in Caiit'iiiali li aUy. ff. II. liiirulianli. Jr.. of Hali-m. waa 3.IUHLU, ui Ural at I lie w'tik, Vialting l!'.to.l. Mm. Kciilii n Hiinnaiiii wont in t)ifi:on fily M iniLy lo viall Imr anil. Ill Ji-ill-Kiiterpriie. I Attortiy Jolm W. I,udir li-ft 7kr AnliUiiil and Mxdlord uu . ; buniiuaa trip. CinUin l!,.!,..ri I Vmiiiif am in I'ol t- "ul ImI (-ilunLy niKiil and waa lull 1 1 f J into tlie myalHiiea of tlie Myalic xiiiii;. Him Jcniiiu lU.tia ia in KuuHntj at- gliding ciiiiiinencfiiiHiil ol tlm Mate uni--'iiv. Mid ia Dm guuai ol Mra. Laura i'lirria. Judge Gordon K. IIa)ra Ml Monday -'.tit lor han KranciBC'i on li-gal In"" hiiiI will be auamit iroiu itie city 'tool ten d.ya. Jlri. (In. h.ttmi.rlnif- K.iaiuii). waa "iliaciiy Friilay and wa tlm utwal ol Mr i W l- I ci.. ii. .Unulilnr Uloiinl Chria Taylor, wlio waa one of "it ju uiya oliluat iioiif)ra. Nicholas Htempnl, of Hoot, returned limiMly eviminn from OrrK.011 t'l'V. '"re h hia,it) a aiu'ceanlttl Unnl auainat Ifu lLM. ...... .... . ... i ... 1 ... .IA a.ri.l --w uu aiii)iiiiieii io jiiiii iv v.v ""'I beat land. IoUmIj Uailer. !rof. llarrv D. Wilcox, IhIb atiwrin 'lfnt uf 'ti,B Oregon City public hool li.t Monday inoriiina lor Tort '""I, wlicr,, w, re.iilf during the mniiifr. lliaaddreaa ia 80 Third atriwt. .M'. Then. E. Oault. of GladHtono, till. . ... 1 . I. ' ""r ton unit Uiiligtiler, IB in ami '""l allHinliiiK Hie Ctiriatian Kiideavor iivea. M a. T. W. Claik mturnnd Ve.lni'dy fn.iil Kaker City, hVi a two iiionllia' Vint Willi rnlalivca J Aliel Miti'-hh, fiirmi-rly a rriili nt ol Una i'iy, ia among Una yeai'a ma'Wiaiea ("in I'ai'llli! I'tiiveraiiy. Ciiiinty Jn.lgn T, K. Itvan ailendi'd tlm ili.tili'l rui.Vi.filliiri i.f li.. WimmIiiii.ii l.f tint World In Woodliiim VVdn(day. Il.MlilriitL'H 1). Stiinillur lipwlav fiuin Han r lanciai o anil Iff t vra fur Ilia Fail in Ilia interi-at of' Ina III in. Mxrril) MiKtrna will rilnrri (nniin lliia aii'k (mill Ciirvallia. Hm h.a Iimii. h linlriii ol tlm agi Irulliiral collrga lur tlie iaat year. Ml.M-a K.lna CanflnM ami Girtnidu Munr-a atlemli'd (''.iiiiiiwin muni ol tlm lata agiliiiltural tol.egt) at I'orvallii Una n k. Mia UnrtiH and M'yma Hliannun, of ll.-i.n t. Coin., arrived lii-m TiirailV lr a t.ilid vlit Willi lli.'ir lather, J'lnl Sliatiiiun, ul Hrii'gwaii'r. Itev. Mr. Urin e, ol tlm Hi-Hlnana' Mia- aii, n HI I'.irllalid, will nci'iiiy tli mliit I M. I'aiil K.lroial ( Iniri'li next Hun 'lay inornmg al 11 o'cliak. .Mra J). , (ilaaa leave! tomorrow for Cnrvnllia, win-in ah will remain until M.iiiilav, af'xr win. h alie goea to 1'uiPMia (or a lii'intli'a with iiimidx. Mra. K. H. Uol'inaon and twoi hildren. Hai iainei lo, anlve.l tlii week and will nuke a aik weeka' vi-lt lo Mra.'a uioii.i-r, Mn. r . L. t'oi li rane. Jildgn A. H. lliiniiell, of The D.illea, waa in Ida ltv SaliniUy, ariijiiipai.ln.1 liy Ina daiiiililer. Jii'lua Keiilii-ll waa ..... i.r il. .ii.iriifva lur H.'lxM'.-a I'lirriey in lier II&.IHII ilamage anil auainal tlie Houlhern I'avillf Co. Dee Hlinpaon liai gone lo Oregon City lowotkiutlia Willamette ru.p Milla. He liaa a good Job and in tlio Kail will iriiirn l.onie. a be lial lieen re-cle.-led to U-acli in tbe lnilepiiileiite tcliool. Ill.leielidfnie Elilerpriae. K lw aid Avery Newton graduated Ihla 1. 1 i..ili.Mii anil auivi-rv f rum tlie i'niveialty o( IVnnaylvaiiia. lie gradu ated tl.roe yean ago Irom Uia fame ur atitution in dentlawy Ho Well known in Una eity, wbeie liii uiotlier, Mra. K. L. Newton remdea. .... r? It MiwinHi of tlie United Hlalea Uml Olti. e, moved lln week lo Ilia Julin K. Iluniplirya reaineuuo Upper Seventh airiMjt. He will remain tln-re with Ina family for aliuut u w,eka, when lliey will move into the liarria reai.U.iae In Nurtli Uregui City. W. liillM-rl l&eattin returned Friday Irom Wrangle). Ala-ka, where .ie Ima r... li.. mil nine monHia lirwi li-Hl i.ii.M " r - and will l"elid the anrnmer .... .. . In L'l.,.Q(llt ll.A here. Mr. ueaui" env m lirat of the week to attend tlie loininem e- meiil ekeniaea of the alale univeranjr, (rom whidi he graduated latit year. .... ,.i l inn'a Mill, was In iieorue r-" "i - - , . i town Mori'luy aiTompan led by liti nephew, K.J Kurnmeyer, .") arrive-l lrom Chhago. Mr. i M pee haa . ... I '...k ..i . ii r i't Nn. 1:1 lor lieen acnwii n' , ,r, .. Ill yrara and belore Holding mi" waa a director in Ida district. He haa I...I.I a w hool ollloe eoiilinuoiiHiy .u.i. 1S7H .... i u- ivinmr. of Canbr. waa in m i.... II. I. .a arranged lor tneniy i ie--.y. ,"" "" ",. ,'ne mile north f MoUIU. wl.l-h wil be ... i.... Mr. K iner I a nm. in tTv;;, Aviation and ha a church at Cnby. betudee "reaching at other place in the county. (),orge J. Currin, of lone, Morrow County " P ,rom I'ortland Hatur- v.iiii.iij. i:.,,, il.u framl itav. lie liaa ooen ." , '.'"y. . Il Mt Mom uV for I. oil if" 01 iauN. , , , 5 JUrm. Mr. Currin will probably rutnrn to lone HUB WIT. Mg wheat rand. In Morrow County formerly a repreHentative ill nTriion legislature from Clackama. County m"l i well known Here. Heady at) le. to Wear Hala in the latent Mi-a Goldamllh. I'ricei lo anil you all Ue.l Fiont. In Millinery at Childreii'a Day emrcirie were held al the Melhudial Chuitli iaal bun Jay evening. A ani'1-KM.fnt lulint aot:ial WBB lilvell Ut Haturday night III Linu'a Mid achool- IIOUMtt, Kkuo, June 10 A very aad arrldnnt with runaway team occuired at I'roctoi A Keer'a aawmill near Cottrell, and re ulied In tlie death of a lady by the name of Mr. Ilerheig, tlm injury of her little child, and a imall hoy badly briilited. A near a can be aacertained, a man hv Him lialliHof Howell Wrat at the mill loading lumber on hi wagon. Tlie blowing of the wliitle, a a aignal for the mill to atari, Beared the team, which ran about lllty yanla, meeting the hack wlikh had been atumiing ai rr.:ir t lieen' store with the lady and child In it. It appear that that the hack team v.. i.v uu i.i turn arounii. io na Irightened at the runaway team), wiien It tipped to one aide, throwing tlie lady and child out. Ihenina wneei oi me nn nwr the Imlv'a neck. breaking it and cainlng almoat Inatant death. . . 'l i,. I,nv that waa hurt waa holding the leain while the man waa loading the wagon. He fell behind the leant ami came near Mug crorihed, but eacaped with only alight brume. A lad about eleven year old, who ive liia name a Jeaaie Warner, iro-n P.iril.twi nr Vu ni'iin v.r . haa been loaflutf about the mill of tlii vicinity for Ihe laat lew day, apj.arenliy conieme 1. Ii 1. ..l.l ili-i l.u avaa iIih cauae of the ruiiawav at Cottrell. cauaing the deatii of Mra.'llerberg. ll i likely that he haa eacaped from aorne aid aociety or orpl.ini home. The autboritie would lo well to Intobia caae. The girl' cla at the Ciaed WediUBilay mghl. tiMia were held. Y. M. C. A, Closing exei' MISS MAY M1LWA0 15 Til K LEAD ' tyXXXXXXXXXXSCXXXli !kJ TUP A ri Ahead In Ihe lonteat fur (;odlr4 nf J. Ortj lib 110 Vole THE ion. They are the giieata ol rei- VI ,1 1 1. ......I. a. fit iib. iiauu ia a bibwi-.u tJaull.of Aahland. Juliu- li.lanKer and family, of Baton f;00!!". La., and E J. Korumeyer and "'a Maitie Knrninver. of Chiiago, mved Ml Ww,k j gre vihiting the' .. r vliila . -v " tmuige reea av j.iini "'likely u,at 1 df the party will "te iD Uiii vicinity. Leonard Charman returned Wed 1J 'morning from Corvallii whore he "nt Monilay morning to attend com '0i-rnent of the Oregon Agricultural yWfiM. Mr. Charman graduated from ttlt ( I 1 fy .1 .1.1. . . " V- twenty yeara ago anu n. j mthenrRt that he ha witnes-cd Dry CuUirrh. Drv Catarrh in icou follu-le niiue 10 " , content. Cue Ooucnea . 'reely .Uu.ur. dai y, takinn mo - -.. regularly ..cording to d.rectlon Fot Sale by all druggiata. Hook on Catarrh free. Addree HmithJo-, t reno, Cal. Miovr To A voIl Trouble. Nova .ttOV 7l ...,l (ami V Wltn ! DWMi v..- ' " -.1...1. it irr iimi Kem- lain'i t;o ic, ." iwi ..!.! edv. Iti!almo8iceri.u , ,V , 1. belore tl.e u,un,er i over, and I it n procured now may wve you tnp to own in tl.e night or in your bu;rt -ion It 1 everywhere admitted to be U,2'm."t ..cee.Hful medicine In nae for tZ complain., both for chddren and adult. No fan, ly can afford to be w ih nut i'. ror taw "y - Druggist. Cl.arman i Co., the Cut price Drug giaia, ca.ry over !0,(HK) article 111 their up to date Drug htoie. Hpecial price on all bicyclu, new and old at Huntley' Hook Htore. Duu'l buy a wheel till you get our pike. It ia reported thai K. 11. Uabbert, of the Itmrier Herald, will aeBtime charge ol the Hi. Helena Allot, owned hy David U4V1, Now ia ihe time to paint and (novate your huiiHe. Cliarumn A Co. are mak ing apecial price on paiiile, oil anu itaiaoiiiiue. Judge William Galloway, Receiver of il,.n,.wiiil'iiv I I Ollice. ha lieen elected vico-preaideiil ol Ihe On-goll 1'io- licer Aaaocialiou. The 4-year-old daughter of Chaile Holme, of I'lea-aiit Home, died tat Hrtturday inoriiiug. The luuerul wa I eld Hunday altera, on. One ticket for the Uoddea of Lilierty coiiieit with every ckhIi purcha-e to the amount of one dollar will be given at Albright meat market. The only good printing in ihe county I found at the Kuterprine office, l'ricea right Htock, tyle and workinanahlp unequalled. 1'ruiupt printing. John I. Martin, a (aimer living about 10 mile eaat of thia city, wa thrown liom hi wagon Tuesday anJ .-eteived severe injurie wliicii will conline him to hia home for everal week. C. A. McMillan, the Went Hide grocer, thia week told hi establishment to r. L. Oswald, w ho came here recently with family from Ohio. Mr. McMillan haa moved into the L)onaldaon house and will take a needed rent. The Knworth League of the Methodist Church gave an Ice cream and traw u...... in tlm iMctnre room of the church 00 Tueiday evening. A literary and musical program waa renuereu uu the evening wa thoroughly enjoyed by those present. Tli hoi dava are here and wi'l last until Octolier. It follow that yon must Mr amniiier clolbiiiK. the kind thai ins tlie form perleclly. There is great aalu- laclion in having good nilltig cioiuea. .See Joe Knowland, on fceveulb Bireel, near depot. Tlie Sunday Hchool of Ht. Paul's Epis copal Church will give its annual picnic tomorrow 00 the hank of the Tualatin. A panaenger car will leave at 9:30 A. M. and after that hour wood cars will run to Ihe picnic ground at Irregular intervabt Many children and grown people will enjoy the beautiful day and a pleasant tune is anticipated. Chriatian Hcience services are held in Red Men' hall every Sunday morning .til, 'dock. Hubject lor Hunday, June .' "Is the Universe, Including Man, Evolved bv Atomic Force." Sunday ......i . 1? nVliM k. Wednesday eveu- 11 uuui - - ing meeting at 8 o'clock. To thee ser vices all wie welcome. "My little son had an attack of whoop ing cough and was threatened with pneu monia; but for Chamberlain's Cough Remedy we would have had a serious time of it. It lo saved him from lat eral severe attack! of croup." U. J. Htkickfapkn, editor Woild-llerald, Fair Haven, Wash, for saie oy uu. . Harding, Druggist. n:u- .:.l;nn .a . i.luaanra and to nmke Iiau rm.i.a " r" - - . : ..Uaaiirable one must ride a good ....i 'i:l. tt.o WnlfT.AinKrican. Heel Johnson A Lamb about it. Main Street, across from bnierpneeoiuce. fteoan.... of bicycles, sewing machines and all other machines neatly, quickly and cheaply done. Extra parti lor wheels. I.' .. . l.l.- L ... rr,l .ill New tires lliaisiauu iue rioi., "r"--. lamps, bells, saddles, etc. Secretary Cross, of the Willamette Valley Chautauqua Association, has .rr.n.niwnta (or tlie Dftseoaii I11BUD - j...;.. .mini at Uiausione Ira uui.ui . 1 . t 1. ..,,.1. Aaoom Mv. Vancouver. Mount Angel, Silverton and Chemawa have entered and It is probable that the fifth team will be tl.e Oregon City boys. (. ivml.l Aajtilv bhI a team from Portland, either the Monograms, Up church, or Fidelity. There will be a game everv day during me AB-eniu., with tbe exception of Sunday and the tournament is expected to he the best in year. Last vear the cup wa won by Vancouver and this year the winning team has iti choice ol a trophy cup or .150 cfh prizp. Each team will be given 30 for expeniii. For flue Photo call on Snodgras. uc cessor to Cheney . A cialty made of high claa work. Portrait Enlarged, in Ciavon, Water Color and India Ink. A. bromide enlargement free with all cabi net sitting for a hort time. Give n a call. The contest for goddess of liWty is becoming exciting. Miss May MilHiead Is In the lead with 140 vote and Mr. Charles Calta la a clone second. O'her candidate may appear before the close Ol the contest, which ia one week from to morrow nlirht. Last night the vote wa: Mis Mhv MilHtaad 140 1 Mr, ('has Catta 101 !:..- f 1 i;.il... t ij ma i.tKAic .'Biin " 1 u v.u U'.iiio,.,. . :il K , tm .................. ......... 1, " Vera CauUeld 13 j M IvaHmith 12 W " Maggie Hinnalln 8 " llulda Holden 5 llin Koorth of Jult celebration are assuming definite shape ....I Hi. iiriiirum will nronali V on ready in announce next week. Many of the i musical people of the city niei in Wil- . .. 11 1. 1 . I I...I.I . lameiie 11a last uigni anu "cu Li IniiiiiKry rehearsal. The music will be , W t.Miula will lie engaged and ' n the vocal munic will be of high order. . U Geoige F llorton 11 the chairman 01 me m .musical committee and all of the mem-1 U ber of the commitUie will do their besi 1 y to make that parlol the program pleasing and entertaining. The nmcial attractions committee i negotiating for star at traction for the Fourth The orator of the dat and the reader of the declara tion ol independence will be lelecled in a few days. Busy Druggist i Best Druggist ; iru,ur r?iti anil Pnnfmiih D30le mftV virnu v' w now no to l ort and on the elecirio car . r'.he same day for cent , W for ''e--nrUwn and garden Special sale of Millinery at Red Front. .ollre to Water t'oasumers. All persons intending to use water through hone for sprinkling lawns, gar dens, sidewalks and street, must file a written application with the Hecietary of the City Water Works, before using the water. The one of water for all uch purpose will tie permitted only between the hours of 0 to 8 A. M.and 6 to 8 P.M. HATKH MYABLI IH ADVANCE IS THE round trip. This I effective only the departure ol the 4 :Z0 r. M. car. Kicked by Horse. John Hooey, tbe 17 yesr old son of James Hoeey, of (iren Polot.wa kicked by a yesterday ifiernoon and suffered frightful injurie. his face being crushed levond semblance of re ngniti ..n ll.rria' vrncerv team wa tied near the Hosey residence and the horse were feeding. One of them caught its foot in a rope. The boy ran in to cm rne roe and release the animal, when tbe horse kicked him in the face, crushing it In a horrible manner. IherK.y managed . o crawl out from under the feet ot the horse. He was bleedingly hadly and was taken to his home. W. sommsr wa called to attend his injuries. He will recover. hn.itli'i Dandruff Pomade stops itching scalp apon one application, three to six removes all dandruff and .in atno falling hair. Price 50 cent! at all druggists. (. W BUB . , , . sprinkling; where the monthly rate ia $1.00 and the ue i coniiiieu w n'o mies of the consumer. tl 00 for the season for street and ;dta!k sprinkling, for each 25 feet frontage of stores, where the regular store ratals paid and the sprinkling confined to the frontage paid for. Hprinkling not to extend beyond the center of the street. 2.00 per month lor iruca gaioeueru, in addition to other use. 2 50 permon'h where water is used during the sprinkling season. Fitch c insunier will be allowed the use of hut one stream of water at a time, . 1. ....... 1. . n.,?lBt not exceeding ? inch. mi.'iiiti. - - , Where the spriiiKlinvt cnarge is uu. . .: l .11 e.m.iin iirwinlfeH of COHSHm- liliu B.i u'u. , - ers. except the one supplying the family ' ft A lTllVl'1'' ..illl.t use, nniai oe reiouicu n v.-v., hose cannot be altacner. . jtinr. ni thMa rules and rrea- lation and an excesmve use or waste ol water the service will oe biidiou snuuui further notice. ... By order of the Board of Water Commissioners. T. L. Charman, Secretary. Oregon City, Or., May 6, iw-'. Stock Keepw Fresher. Drugl Don't Have Chance to Grow Old. Newest and Latest Varietie With the Mot Perfect Equipment. Plenty of Registered Pharmacist ' for Prescription Work. Wide-awake progressive methods, .. .t,. 1 .... . mil minute tn We are not the "Biggest Thing on V Earth," but those who trade here seem satisfied to keep on coming year after year, vite you. 1 j We in- n C. G. HUNTLEY, Prescription Druggist OREGON CITY Our electric fan makes this store the one per fect place In town to W. net yoar 8oda Cool bj asOctober.andno flies, b Everyoneknowsabont ki our ice cream. A IA Correct Price. Millinery and the Lowrst Mis Goldamith. Indirlilnals Money U Loan. At 6 and 7 percent. Call on or write Jno. W. Lodcb, Oregon City Oregon. Stevens' building. THE ANU HKAI.IN'G CL'EE t oil E'l'sd'EsnClta ATARRH . l,' . Eiuy and plceflJint to xi CuitLfttu bo in- It iBqr-icklyahjrrbcd. t u..;;1.riiin1. t It OLrfntt ai i CleaiidM me natal r"fi All ATI iiiuaminiiuu. - .. ami Fnnw:u the Mouibrane. Rrrtorrt l Sa-rnvwof Ta-teanii t:neiU Urpe Pw, Ween DrneUor r mml; T't-U Riac, lOcccta by liLX iJKUi ilivtto. OQ Mureii CUH a'- - COLD 'N HEAD 1 riraxmri 1 tv. tir.. jiv u. a 11 1 si 11 f,rUiii.jijiarrrOTryM im nam.irBtg IBTrf' TWiwriry rrT.BawanM..' iib fw. A N"TT bttsch I a THE IIOUSEFUKNISIIER jj I . . 4 r An Economy. We can't speak too strongly of the economy of having a refrigrator. These are substantially made, with extra thick galvanized iron lining, and are scientifically packed to insure perfect preservation of food and econ omical use of ice. Our regular size at $10.00 is a marvel of convenience. Hammocks 90c up Garden Tools. ! It's time to buy a good supply of garden tools. We are making apecial offering that should interest you on rakes, spades, spading forks, hoes.' garden sets, shears, shovels, trowels, etc. They are the kind that do the work to your liking. Full sue Hoe or Rake for 25c up. Lace Curtains. Here are novelties made to our order in exclusive designs. In the magnitude and variety of these Lace Curtains, in their artistic excellence and in their un nsually low prices we present a sale that will be prof itable and helplul to you in draping and adorning your home. Lace curtain material nc per yard and up. Iron Beds. There is so much more pleasure in the iron bells of to-day than in the old heavy wooden beds used in the days gone by. There is a beauty, grace and economy in these iron beds with bras trimmings. We furnish you the entire outfit bed, spring, mat tress and all, for $6.25. Linoleum. If you knew the cleanliness and comfort of a dining room floor covered with one of our linoleums in per fect imitation of carpet, yon would not think of hav ing anything else under your dining table. A glance at the rich patterns is enough for the wise housewife. Good quality 65c per square yard. Coal Oil Stoves. If you have a small room, with no way to put up a cook stove, you will be interested in one of those small oil stoves with large oven. They are highly recommended during hot weather, and more so for camping. They use little oil. Price with oven $2 50. Croquet Sets. More attention has been given to make these sets substantial. Balls and mallets are made out of hard .wood, the handles tough and firm. Price $1.00 for a four-ball set. Tents and Camp Furniture. We have good stock of tents, and sell them as cheap as $3.00. -uiciiceiueut.