Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (July 1, 1898)
OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE FRIDAY, JULY 1, 189S TMt ROAD, Trr, whlthw Ued th mud, fair heart! Ray, wnltlwr leads the nmil AnruM a rill, round bill, Bnald dell wher rlvur tori, Whar ixnillug mil Iiimm etuil thalr luad, Ob, thlthr Imda Hi rnad, duar hwt, Oh, llilllinr loada the ruiult Whet matuir wuera Ih road nie lead, Ho I hue and I tugnttiiir in. Oninreinlonaiilp la ill our need, l:,lnn nil our wo. Th ln IrM tall on miW hill fur year has w1IiikI tlio menrlr. When he la dual, wa aliall be atlll Tugutlier, IIhiu Mid I. Bow liu.bnd Ilia afternoon I I dar Not wlilajwr ln, liut wnd Ihn thought In airi'hlaa mnaaaiia. All Ilia air In allanoa thrall It caught. Oh, thra ar And reared traaal How aoft 11m wind dream round tnelr tall hnada (iranpl Til drowajr loaves tha( due aloft Hllr Ilk a child In aliwp. Tiling lit limit's (Ire begin to burn Th branda to hurl al winter' brow. Tli aim wooed loaves algh low and turn To i' rl in nun ou th bough. IVey, whither Inula tli road, fair heart t ' bar. wulllier "il tb road T Aornaa a rill, around a hill, Bnalit a doll wlmr rlvare alart, Khar bending mil Iron abed their load. Oh, tbllbnr bda lha ruad, 111 J boar, Oh, Uilthar loadi th roadl John AllMirt Many In Chap nook. AN ANIMATED PICTURE. At Lwl th Other Woman Redd Bhe Want) to lt Marad At. Thin girl had tlia uloknl between her pretty Hp before ilia stopped aboard tha our Ml the oorunr of Eleventh and V trent. The nickel wot irntmbly jiart of liur shopping change. llr hand ami rim worn filled wltb bundlug and park Ha, mid aha had no doubt converted bur iu vitlnii mouth Into car fare re ooptahle before (raving tho lual em porium aba visited, Kviu after the fnuiid it mitt ha Hindu no mova to re niovo tho nickel fniin It enviable lodg mmit. Win was too busy counting her packages and bundles, to ' if aim bad lust Buy, probably. Tbu conductor as Ihn girl not ahottrd liitd buowImI whi'U boolieurved Ihn iiicki l resting between her pearly tooth, for aoudui'tors are iroiilo. With tlio coiu atilt showing lis shiny rim butwuuii her II pa a delightful effort of silver aud coral In combination the girl 'lookod up wlnsouioly iu tho eye of tho will duiitor when bo approached her fur her fare. Tho (Niiiiliiutor hold out big hund with a pretty abort, "Faro, inisat" Tlio girl very carefully ul each aud every ono of bur bundle and package la tha space beside bur, niuiliiiK vaguely tho while. When both of ber baud worn free, the drew a tiny, apotliuw luca banilkorchli f from the luiird akin bng hmiKliiR from hnr Klnllo, Thoti aha took the 0 oi'tit pliwo from U'twmui Imr lipe, vtIihhI aud pollahod it oiirufully wltb tha biii)(lkcn:ul(if and, with the irttlnat s'lniaoo Iu tha world, droppod It into the uo apohiKi'tio puw of the O'ltiduotor. Tho oouduotnr gmilud, aud o did all of the mnu puaavuKor on the oar. The woman paawiiKi'M uiurmurod to enob othor that the pretty jjirl bud only doue the thing "fur effect." Waahlug tou i'oat aclanllfl Farming. An agrloultural editor of CblcaRO tnade a trip Into touthuru California wburn lie coufldmitly expected to antuu lah tho uutlvoa wilb hiteuporlor knowl adgo of axiliiutiflo and luociwoiful fiirui lug. He hud atretchud tbliiK ooqaldur ably oue evouiuK wltb a viow to ntak lug a atrouKT linpriwHlon, whvu oue of the old ruHldenta, who gpoke ic'ly aud bad a aquiut In bla riKht eje, took oburge of tbo ooiiVurHutloti. "1 t'poau you liulu't hierd o' my pi'nuh bruudy oruhi'd, mlbtor. I reckon tbut'a 'bout aoi'ntillo ag anythiiiK you boon tolliu ua 'bout. I got a curtain wuy o' truiitiii thorn trooa o that 1 tap 'urn In th' uprlug, J'"t miiue'g you do a wa piti truu, uu by txittlln up tb' gap fur iz month I have th' Hung' pencil! brandy you evtir put down your gwullow. Tbat'e korect, an I huvu a neighbor an kinder luyt over nieln fnriulu. lle'a 'gperi montiid an dorvelopud a punkiu pie punkln. Ho tuugliHl up milkwewl, aug ar oauv, oggpluut, water croag an eome gpiuo till bo got tb' thing to euit tb' tuHto, an uow all you have tor do la to bile th' fruit ail innk your cruHt. Ile'g gut inoro board in bouHO ordurg thau be kin OU in 1,000 year. Jont uow I'm turulu in y 'tuution to th' raiglu o' ap ple dumplin'i, an I think by uex' year Ikln" JJut hero tlio agrinultural cilltor gnnp ed for brmith unci tho old rvHidunt culled another old ruHidunt to holp get tlio vin itor to big hotel. Detroit Free 1'roan. Noup, Savory Hoop. No up to ditto oook prepares the Htouk from whluh her dinner gotip ig inndu the duy the Noup IriiiiHidud. block for at luiint a weck'g aupply abould he tuiide at oiion;theu the preparation of the dully dinnur noup will not occupy moro than 15 or 30 mlnuton. When auiiHimimo ig gervod Hevonil tilling in tho week, the entire amount umid In made nt onou, and the different garniNheg oro uddud the day it ig served. It in the mime with Htiuoes, aud by a littlo culculiilion a good mannger enn eiiHily dincovur about what proportion of eauh sauce in uucug aary for a mouth'g supply. This once prepared, the table is revolutionized so thut tho KamunoHg that tho plain roiih't and broiled meata ig no lon ger known. A now gnuco eaoh day gives uu entirely different fluvor to tho muutg and vegetublos. New York Tribmio. . New York lias n shop iu whioli Bibles and rum are sold sido by side. The place it at tlio foot of WaHhiugtuu street, not far from tho Syrlau ouluny, and its patrons include Syrians, Armenians, Turk, Russians and Irish longshoremen. The Bibles, togutbor with other bonkt of a religious oharaotur, are kept iu a case a,t the cud of the bar. ,: , . . I , ' 1 . ' Nail will not boni when hammered Into linrd wood If they are first dipped iuto ail. - FALSE TEETH TRADE. A REGULAR BUSINESS IN BUYINU AND 6ELLIN0 THEM. toiaatlmaa tha lllaeardad BU Ara CUauM ad, Mrl(htnd tip aad ItMold, and omatlme Thj Ar llrokaa Va for tb Old Gold la Thm. "Old Fnlae Teeth Bought." Tblt Ig the sign whlob attract the attention of visltorg to the office of a onrtaln dealer In dental and optlual sup plies who does buslneas In Chicago. "It'g queer how puople are attracted, by that glgn," said the owner of the establishment. "I never intended it to be prominent, because there are other Hum In my bugiuuNglam mora Interest ed in pushing, but It seeing to fairly foroe Itself iuto the minds of everybody who coiling hero, no mutter what bit mission may be, aud 'old false teeth bought' is the only thing they oan think or talk about. "Thure'g nothing auduoloua in deal ing In seoondbeud fulse tenth, although I will admit the sign is an unusual oue. It la a legitimate branch of our trade. With ordinary usage fulso teetb don't wear out and are just a good at the end of a few years at they were wbeu new. The tooth themselves are valuublo, aud the gold work aod in binding even the ooinmonplsne kind together Is costly. I'eopla are forever getting new Idea about their teeth and keep the deutlstt busy changing or building over their artificial inolnra. Then, you remember that a whole lot of people who wear fulso teeth are dying every day. "Ten years ago there was no way of utilizing this old material. It was all dead waste, so to speak, liut now It la different, and puople aro more econom ical. Fall teeth, especially if heavily set with gold plates, are worth too much money to be cast aside when new one are ordered or to be burled in a grave. Thug it ooiueg thut a tradu of coiikIiIit able proportions has spruug up iu this llnu, ami old fulso teeth are A staple Iu this market." "Who brings them hero to sell aud what clans of cuHlnmers buy them?" ".Small deiilihts who ore hard np flunuclully and luck tho inclination or facilities to clean np aud build over the dlKcurded sits, which they aro sharp enough to rotuiu from their patrons, are tho main source of supply. Koiuntluie they make their patrons a little allow ance for the old set of teeth, but they gut out of this whenever possible oil the plea that Ibey are worthless. Then we have pi Kir folk who euuuot afford to wear fnUo tix tli any longer como iu here occasionally and otter them for snlo." Undertakers? Welt, that ig a fea ture, of the trade I don't core to talk about. I might be misunderstood, aud, tome people are( to etiuoaiuleb, yon know. "Why, one woman came in here yes terday to buy an opcta gluss. She look ed like a good customer and wag inspect ing tome high priced glasses when I topped to wait upon a man who fre qouutly brings in some flue teeth. She saw me take a set from biiu aud pay fur them, and then, noticing probably bl miubt'i clothe aud an end of black orapo sticking out of one of his side pocket, sho flounced away in a fury without a word of explanation. It it bard to plouse everybody, aud a time are bnrd I bnvo to be very careful." "But what about your sales? Who take these old grimier and Incisor from you?" "Principally a class of men who make a buimg of working over the tuts. When tlie outllt is In reasonably good shape, it Is giveu a thorough olvutisiiig, brightened up, aud then re sold to (leutists who have a uhuap pat ronage. A little tinkering will niako them fit after a fushiou iu tho mouths of people who want to make a show of false teeth at small cost. Where the set aro not good enough to be used outiro they are brokeu up, tho gold eltliur melted dowu or saved to be remodeled, and tho teeth theniHolvus romouuted a they are ueeded fur patients. It'a a good thiug fur poor people, for many of tbeiu are thus enabled to get pnsubly fair fulso teeth . at a nominal price, wheu otherwise they would have to go with out, owing to the great expense. Excuso me while I wult upon this woman." When Tho Inter Uouau man left tho establishment, the merchant wu dick ering with an ample proportioned Af rican "uuuty" for a double set of teetb with beuvy gold plutee, which she said she had found iu a hotel where sho worked as chambermaid. "Der genman' don' go' to 'at 'org pltal," said aunty. "E's wua so nick when dey tuk' 'im way ho don' ohtr forgot 'is tout', an I doau' 'speo' he'll wan' 'em auy more. Steal 'em? No, snh; no, sahl Boss, 'e say 'tuk' olo truck 'wuy. I doau' want 'em 'round 'ere.' Olo truck uinph, iiniph why, dnt' Jus' liku llmliu fivo dollubs." Chicago lute Ocean. To Huppnua MvVullng. A largo number of tlio best women of Byrucuse, those Identified with clubs and thoso not no crgauiul, huvo united iu a movement to suppress the sweating syNtuiu, so fur us it exists iu Uyrucusu, A consumers' league hits been formed and oo-opbrutiou with the trade u.ihoiii bly is hoped for. The movement origi nated with the Political Equality club and was spuedily indorsed by tho House hold, Economic uHnouiuliou, aud from this start hag spread through many club aud social circles of (Syracuse. The league is formed ou the lines of the New York and Philadelphia organizations.. a. 1 1 A French ; physiciun who has been investigating the proper nutriment for long aiHtanoe bicycle riuing na con cluded that the, ideal refreshment is fruit and milk. ' .. . "'la Park the obairain the square and garden are let out to visitor for a tri fle eaob. From tbi aonroean Income of 160,000 fraoo a year it derived. 4 a - arvw.-.' k AN OPEN LETTER To MOTHERS. WE ARE ASSERTING W TUB COURTS 'OUR BIGHT TO THE EXCLUSIVE USB OF TUB WORD "CASTORIA," AND PITCHER'S CASTORIA," AS OUR TRADEMARK. , DR. SAMUEL PITCHER, of Hyann'u, Massachusetts, was the originator of "CASTORIA," the same that has borne and does now bear ylmx on every the fac-8imile signature of ' C&tfijv&c'&t wrapper.. This is the original "CASTORIA" which has been used in the homes of the Mothers of America for over thirty years. LOOK CAREFULLY at the wrapper and see that it is the kind you have always bought on the and has the signature of OGtsyffM&JUK wrap per. No one has authority from me to use my name except The Centaur Company, of which Chas. II. Fletcher is President. Do Not Be Deceived Do not endanger the life of your child by accepting a cheap substitute which some druggist may offer you (because he makes a few more pennies on it), the in gredients of which even he does not know. "The Kind You Have Always Bought" BEARS THE SIGNATURE OF Insist on Having He End That Never Med You. IT ALL WILL COMt OUT RIGHT. Wlinti'Vrr ta a i-rtii-1 wrong, Viliulevi-r In mijiwt, Tli" himt jrixiri. Himi apwd along Will traiii),le In tliu iliitt. In jiiuiti ! mllisl at fata ltli all tli puny iniiiM, Bm now I know if I l,ut unit It all will rune out ilk'M. Though rim ninjr iI.mi tlm Ju.ti'a cruwa And liy tlm i-. n i.i a pait. Anil fur U' ri(l 1 ) fi U hood 'a frowb. And nature mlil l.T art, Thiiiigh lnUir tmla ll.rotigh blinding Inn, And ldl iibh la iiiIkIiI, I know Ilia honi-xi, .mruent jr'nra Will bring It nil out right. Though poor and Iuvi'Ikm crvaala may pas Kur iurti rtdlglun's gold, Tlioiigh tk'nomnrv mnjr rule Ihn man, Vihll truth uioula glanm cold, I know a biw aupr-in, auhllnio. Control ua with II" nilghl, And In (iial'a own );hHiii1 tlm II all will eoiiiv out right. -Ella Wheeler Wilcox, Bplandld Cryatil la California. Some time ago John E. Burton of Lake Geneva, Wig., leased the right to prospect for crystal in the old Green Jdouutuiu mine, uear Mokelamue hill, in Calaveras county, (Jul. He fouud a uninbur of t. no enocinimis, and ope of them i claimed to be the lurgest group or mass of crystals ever fouud. A taken out from the drift where it waa uncov ered it wa 1 1 feet 7 inches iu circum ference. It was 4 feet 2 inobe loug, 3 feet 0 luetics wldo aud 8 feet 3 inches high. It weighed 2.U00 pounds. Tbo mass included one lurge ceutrnl crystal aud a surrounding group of snmllei ones. From the ctutrnl oue it was esti mated that a perfect sphere 14 inches in diuinoter could be out, while several other from three to eight inches iu diameter could be obtained from the mas. Mr. iiurtun has found iu all about 13 tous of crystals. Eugiueoriug aud Mining Journal. 8b Didn't Bay Nay. "Yes," said the summer girl to be as he bold up two shorteued skirts, oue of duck, "all our gowus for exercise are short, euding at what would be our shoe tops if we wore high boots, but we shall wear low shoes. I dou't know," he said shyly, "whether we think wo have nice uukles or if we wish to show our stockiugH, which are gayer this season than ever." "Unth," I ven tured, and she djdu't say nuy. Pitts burg Dispatch. Hunwaty. Watts This is the most honest town, I thiuk, on tho continent. The conductor missed me this tnorniug, and everybody in the car looked as if they were augry because I did nut pay. . Potts They wi re not angry because yon hadn't paid, but because they bad. Indianapolis Journal. cuicnrc nr iua. An all important matter iu growing vines is to see that they are constantly supplied with sufllekut witter. Planted as they usually uro, iu u situation where thoy uro exposed to tho sun u major portion of tho duy, the soil dries out very rapidly, ; and pleuty of water should be givou wheu necessary. In tho evont of red spiders attacking the foli age of the tender sorts of auuuals, a duily syringing will quickly eradicate the pests. To induce a low, bushy growth in annuals, out the tips of tho runners. Ilurdy vines, such as wistari-' as, honeysuckles, etc., wheu uot grow ing too rapidly, tun be trimmed with little or no injury. Woman' Home Companion. Th fculiulat. Perry Patottio Oh, well, they Bay that fortune knock once at every gny'r door. - ( Wayworn Watson That's a great lot of oonsolatiou for a guy that ain't got no door. Cinoiuuati Enquirer. aiav .taw"-. , - '.'-t.-l "' ''" ''rJi 2 IB fi Know the Hews " 9. You can have It all (or 50c Per Month Per Month v, In the Evening Telegram, of Port land. Oregon. It is the largest evening newspaper published in Oregni,; it contain all the new of the State and of the Nation. Try it for a month. A sample fonv will be mailed to yon free. Allures V. The Telegram, jjij Portland, Or li For first-class fresh & cured Meats Go to 'Wr't Chas. Albright, Jr. J Free delivery to all parts of the City. EmTAElD STtoBY, Practical . liorsesloep Trsck and Road Work a Specialty. Any style shoes forged in iron or steel. Wagon work and repairing. Satisfaction guaranteed. Shop on Seventh street, next door to ' Noblitt's stable. .'Va-'V'V'V'VV'V'V I ' William s rtiuncy s-iiio -v. . Has no equal in diseases of the (F ' Kidneys aul Uriuarv Orgnns. Have I you nogleuted yonr Kidueys? Have ' you overworked your nervous sys-1 1 tern and caused trouble with your I Kidneys and Bladder? Have you1 puius in tho loins, side, back, groins , I l unci bladder? Have you allabby np- . .pearanee of the face, especially I under the eyes? Too frequent de-( l I sire pass urine ? William's Kidney Pills will impart new life to tho dis- ( 1 ' caned organs, tone up the system ) and make a new -man of yon. By mail 60 cents per box.. , . 1 WiujAMSMro.Cfe., Prop., Cleveland, Q. 'vvB'V'vr ' For sal by C, G. Huntley.- - i&j:iu n:nn a v Do You SCHEDULES OF TIME SOUTHERN PACING IAILWA1 or socso. fellferala Eserrna (through) ' -' irgUcal( way stations) tJ0a.B. south souse, ioatburg Local (way atatlona) -27 a. m GalllorDia Jtipraas (through) Ua) p. m .POSTAL HCUKUVLZ. ar sotrrasaa ricirie bauboaa. Ualleloaeagoiuf Marie, l;00p.m. gaileioam aulng Hoiiitt, OOa. n. and 20 p.u. Mail alatribuied Irom liorih 7:SU p.m., 10 l,.io. Mali duulbuUd Iroin eouib s 10a.m., i:W.n. iirr sidb blsctbic lis Mall elaea for Portland and dutrlbatlof poliils, t'J uoou. aud 4.46 p. in. Mailcloa lor MiloaukM only, t.ii a. m l:B.m- Mali arrlvts Irom Poitlaud, 11:W a. m. and 4. lip. m. . sidb aouTia. Oreaou Cltv to Carus. Mullno. Liberal and Molalia leavas illia. and arrive atUm. . ...... Oregon 1,117 v ceaver vreei, aiioa, tun. Maadow Brook. L'nlon M 1 1 la. and Coltoo, leaves U S a. m. Monday, Wadueaday and riday. and returns on following data al 4 M p. m Oregon City to Vloia, Logan and Kedland leave Oregon City Monday, Wednesday and yrlday at l;w p. n., tearing vioia asm oaya a(7;eva. b. Oregoo City to Willamette, Stafford and WilMiurllle, arrlroaat luAla. in. andutavaa al 11 JO a. m. deny. Uaaeral dolirary window I opea oa aanday from 10 to 11 a. m. Ad liierdioppd into th bos at in uoor U nompilr e..t off Hunday, aa ou omer duya. in Kuutd m.ii mat is aeiaree ana isiisio arrive ou tM a. m., b. f. train will Con ou U O'clock or 4:14 elect no car. WILLAMBITK FALtfl K'T. CABS LBAV loirssaios bbidb wiu.imitti riixa g.0 e. m. 4 gov - 70 (go :o " J0 " : " ll-oo " l" B. 12:10 2.1 " 1:16 p.m. M " 40O t:i " a 0 " M g 10 7: " t:l - - 9:6 . M Sunday ear leave every hour until t o'clock p.m. In cfloct on aud after January f, lsM, C. A. ttllXEK, serr. OREGON CITV asd POB1IJLSD KIVEKTEirB ITgAMaB ALTONA LBAVE POTLAl foot iaylor itniet 7:00. m. 11 " . t :M p. m. Foot Kigiiih.treet 9:03 a.m. 1:3U " I U p. m. SUNDAYS. 8:rea.m. 9:Ma, m. 11 DO l:OJ p. m. il::p m. 4: 0 ' 6: " 7:00 " Tickets liifrfhanr-abli with Oregon Oily tlecluc C.i a or Boat Legal Notices. Notice Tor Publication. Land odUe at Orrgon City, Ore., Jnne 14, 1S98 None la hereby sivau ttiii the following- named ae.Uer baa Iliad notice Of hi tuuntiun in make nual Drool In au. DJit "I bla claim, and Ui.t tdta prool will be made before the Register and Receiver al Oregon Liiy.ute., ou Juiy snu, lwe,Tii: BAM TEL PRATHEB: H. t 9272, for the ; of ML)i Bc SO, Tp. 6 8; R 1 K. He names th followlnr wltneaaes to pror hlicouiluuoua r.iid.uce upou and cultivation of aaid laud, vis: A. E. '1'homaa, L. B. Thomas, Manrus Grab, John H. Karguaon, all of win Milta, Oregon. ft-17;7-: CHAS. . AiOOllKii, Kogllter. Fiecuter'a Notice VT0T1CK is HEREBY THAT THE USDER XI aigned o.i be.u duly epoiniai b in Uoj. Uo.don K. Hares. Judse ol the Couuty Court ol the oiate ol Oregou, lor Clackamaa eouuty, executor of ih u.i wi.l and taauineui of Juaeph Waliof deoeaieX All peraous naf- in claiuiB axaiaai aaiu eiaia are oereoy nuu Bed to prjMut meaame duiy venflel to m ai tueorticeol 1.C AC. l. Liioureiw, my attjr peyawlluln aixmoutui from lb Uaieotibn a. ice. Haled, June 18, 1898, Oregon City, Oregon. J. -VHAKKINUION. Executor Aloresaid. Notice of Final HetUement, ' I hereby give notice? that I hare filed in the County Court of Clackamas Count r, etate of Ore gon, my aoconnu fur hnal willement a Admin istrator of th Haute of Aoguiiu Kaveriy, de eaaed, and tlie Court ha appointed Tueidiy, ih aeOviUJ day of Auguai, !, atlllo'olock A. jl aa th date for examination and aettlement of each aoooouu. UU t) K i tK, Admiuutrator with tha will auueiei of the ettate ol Augcliue K .Terly, Ueceaseu. lialej, Juue li, low. 6-U:7:lS EAST AND SOUTH -VIA- THE SHASTA KOUTE Of the SOUTHERN PACIFIC C0MPANT. Express Trains leave Portland Daily. 8ouh i l North. 9:IXt F.K. Lv Portland Ar :30a.m. :Vir.a. Lv Oregon Ulty Lv 8:40a.m. 7:46a.m. Ar B. tTauolnco Lv I SOr.M. The above trains stop al all stations be tween Portland, baleui, Turner, Marion, Jetlerson, Albany, Tangent, Sliedds, Ualsey, Harrisburg, Junction City, Kugene, Cottage Grove, Drain, Oakland aud all sta tions Irom Koseburg to Asblaud inclusive Rebate tickets ou sale between Portland, Sacramento aud San Francisco. Net rates $17.00 tiral class and JU.OO second class in cluding sleeper. ' Kates anil tickets to Eastern points and Europe. Also JAPAN, CHINA, HONO LU LU and AUSTRALIA. Can be obtained from E. E. BOYD, ticket scent, Oregon City ROSEBURU MAIL ( Dally i. B:S0a. m. I Lv Portland Ar 4:30r. a V:23 A. M. I Lv OregonCity Lv j3:Mr)r. M SaOr. a. I Ar Roaeburg Lv 7:30a. W est Bide Division. -BETWEEN PORTLAND AND C0RVALLI8. Mall Train, Daily (Except Sunday.) 7:30a.M. 11:Ua.m. Lv Ar Portland Ar Corvallis Lv 5:W r.M 1:20 r.M . At Albany and Corvallla connect witlt trains of Oregon Central A Eastern Railroad. Expreas Train Daily (Except Sunday) 4:50 r.M. Lv Portland Ar 7:S0r. m. I Ar McMinnvllle Lv 8:80 r. M. Ar . Iudepeudeuoe Lv 8:25 A. a 5:60 A. a 4:50 a.m. K.KOKHLER, . Manager. C. H. MABKHAU, Ais't Q. F. and Paas. Agent FOR sale: .. One of the best farms in Clackamas County for sale., "' . L. L. Fortkk. ROYAL Baking Powder. Highest of pit la leavcaiag tfrCBfth.-U. S. Oama aug Rfgwt. .Mo T1MC tfMtDVltH Aaaiva FOB JraoM foaTLASDw fBOM 1 . i Fa! Mail Salt Lak, Denver, Ft FaatMaU ( p. m. Worth, .Omaha, Kaa tilt, aa. aa Cily, St Loom, Chicago aad leal. - . . fipokan Walla Walla. Hpokao, gpoiane) Vljrar Mmneapolia, Mb 1'aol, Klrnr I p.m. liolutb, Milwaukee, Chicago aad fcaat. I p. m. Oceaa Bteauihlp 4 p. m. AU Sailing batae aubieot to change. For aa Franclaeo Bail July i, t, 9, 12, lj, la, U, M, 27, W 7 p. m. To Alaaka t p. as. eaul July U. 1p.m. Colnmbla liver 4 p. m. Ix-.Hundaj tl teamen Ex.ound Saturday To Astoria and Way- 10:00 p, m. Landiuga. a. ra. Willamette River S JO p. sa. Ex. Bon day Mon. Wed. Oregon City, Newberw, and Fri. raiem and nar-Lwdg a 7a.m. WlllamettandYanhill 4J0p.aa. Tuaa, Thar Klvera TueLihnr, anaSak Orewon City, Dayton, and Bat. and Wey-Lanoinga. Lear Snak Hirer , Lrav Bipana Lewiaton 1:16 a. m. Bipana to Lewiaton S4.;a m. Mon, Wed. Son, Tue and Friday and I hnr. W. H. HUBLBURT, Gen. Pass. Agent, Portland, Or. F. E. DONALDSON, Agent, Oregon Guy. FOR CLATSKANIE Steamer G. W. Shaver, LEAVES Portland foot of Washington street Tues day, Thursday and Sunday evenings at 5 o'clock Retarning, leaves Clatskanie Monday, Wednesday and Friday even ings at 5 o'clock. Will pass Oak Point about 7;. Stella 7:15; Mayger 7:25; Rainier 8:20; Kalani9:15; 8t Helens 10 :30. Arrive in Portland 1 :30 a. m. This is the nearest and most direct route to the great Nehalem valley. Shaver Transportation Co. When Going East.... Use a first-class line in travelling between Minneapolis, St. Paul and Chicago and the principal towns in Central Wisconsin. Pullman Palace Sleeping and Chair Cars in service. The Dining carB are operated in the in terest of its patrons, the most elegant service ever inaugurated. Meals are served a la Carte. To obtain first class service your ticket should read via. The Wisconsin Central Lines. Direct connections at Chicago and Mil waukee for all Eastern points. For full inform ition call on your neares ticket agent, or write to Jab. C. Pobd, or Jas. A. Clock, Gen. Pas. Agt., General Agent, Milwaukee, Wis 246 Stark St., Portland, Or. NOBLITT'S STABLES . Livery, Feed and Sale Stable OREGON CITY. LOCATED BETWEEN TBI BRIDGE AND DEPOT. Double and Single Rigs, and sad dle horses always on hand at the lowest prices. A corral) connected with the barn for loose stock. Information regarding any kind or stock promptly attended to by person of letter. ., , Horses Bought and Sold. Horses Boarded and. Fed on reason- 1 able terms. v Mott's Nerverine Pills The great remedy for nervous pros- ail Jtt5iak'' generative or- UtUHSAiigMUSUlAU.' PUIS Of ClthcY sezv such a Nervous ProstraUon, Failing or lost Minhood, Im potency, Nightly EouV sioni, Youthful Errors, Mental Worry ex cessive use of Tobacco or Opium, which lead to Consumption and Insanity. $1X0 per feox by mailt 6 boxes for $5.00. mm CHEMICAL CO.. Prep's. Clerehnd, Ct'.x. . . For sale' by C. Q. Huntley. . . 57" yw!"-cv tnwm i T 1 i r si. -r