Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (June 24, 1898)
7i- WTERBRISE. REGON VOL.33. NO. 31. OREGON CITY, OREGON, FRIDAY, JUNE 24, 1898. ESTABLISHED 186fl City O J)R. POWELL A SEAMANN Pliyiluieni and Surgeon. Kp-olal allenllon given t() surgical work. OnWhumvi H 10 11 A.M., llofll', M., 0 to 8 I. M. Rooms t) ami 10 L'harmau 111. 10. 0. BIOWMU. 4. 0, CAMfVILL. JJROWNILL A OAMPHItl.U ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Oaavoa City, Oaauo. Will prafllln In (II tht oourta l th tat. Ol io, lu cufluM buiidm. Q 11. 1H0M. CIVIL KNUINKEIl kd DEPUTY COUNTY SURVEYOR. Will bo at court house on each Saturday and on regular suhaIoii days of county court. QLACKANAS AHHTKACT TKUHT CO. rurnlnh, Al'm, C'balna of TH'. rw-nrlp-Hull-, U, Insurant. Par TmiMi I'erfoat TlllM. lc.,io. mile i r imiik ol Orn t:ny. 1. r. CLAItK, Pr., ud Miir, OKWOMCITT, .... OmOIIH. J. II. MI M.Kit, I'KNTIHT - Kin wis of twill, gild eroana, nil kinds ol lllllng viiil bililgwiirk. Hi-vrntli Ht. lifr ltol. Ori-gun t'lty, Or. f O. T. WII.UAMH. KltAL KSTATB ANU UAH AUENT. A good lib ol builliFM, rtalridio and suburban I'rof.My. Farm Properly lu lrau to Hull ou r urms. CurrMU(1ur promptly nrd. OIBc. u dwr mil. ul Mulhudlai cnutou. Q D.4 l.0. LATOUKKTI It, ATTOUNKYH AND COUNSELORS AT LAW MAIM STBSST ORBMOlt CITT, OBBOOB. rurnlati Abstracts ol Till. loan tnr. Fr Iim MurliatM. and transact li.n.ral La Bualoa. II.' I. CROSS, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Wiu rAcnis IN Au. Count of tb Btat JUal btet and larenuw. ORoaoo Main Btrt bL Slith aod, Tnlh, oaaeo city. ua. A. 8. DRESHK1U , ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. , Omroom Mi Kliirick' Ht.o Store, near i theUankof Oregon City. ' Oatoow CiTT, 0ooa. Jt K. MARKS, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Will prallr In all Hi court of th alaU 0111c opposite court Iioum In Caufleld building. JL.PORTIR, J' . ATTOUNKY AT LAW AMTacTorririRTT rcaHHHBD, One nit to Oregon CltT bank on eth street. JjR, FRANCIS FREEMAN, -DKNTIST 1 Graduate of tha Northwestern Univer sity Dental School, Chicago. Also American College of Dental Surgory, With Dr. Wokli Willamette Block. mill COMMRKCIAL BANK, OP OHRUON CITT. Capital, VfXH THiCTa OaNiatL RAHKIH PII. taiia mad. Hill dlnoiintd. Make col lartloni. Huya and tolla cichanae on all wlnta In lb UulUid HUle. Enron and Hong Koiir. DeponlU reold ubert to check. Bauk open Irom t A. M. to 4 r. M. D. C. LATOURRTTK, Prealdenl. p, j. MKYEH, Caahler. B ANK OP ORKOCK CITT. Oldest Baialni Boost Is He City. Paid np Capital, IM,00O. Burplui, Idl.HAO. . rai.iniKT, - Ct crntB, TIC rRIMDINT, 00. A. HARDIH0. CAIMIia. - CAUfllLD. A f enoral bank In biialnea tranaaatod. Depoalta reoeWeu beot o chec k, Approred bills and notea dlaonunted. Count; aud city warranla bouuhl, lAana mid on available aeourlty. KichaiiKe bounht and sold. Oolleotloni made promptly. Drallaaoldavallaolelu any part of the world Telraphlo eioliaiiKoa Bold on Portlaud, 8au PranoUoo.nhloaaaand New York, nlerent pal J on time depoalta. JOHN YOUNGER, JEWELER, Opp. Huntley's Drug Store, FORTY YEARS EXPERIENCE IN Uroat Britain and America. , ONE FOR A DOSE.' RILLS ltnr ' mlM, Pnmii th-Blood, ! livaiHtptlft. BM i tk.r rlp .rrk.iL To r THB HBFRIGERATOR la not a luxury, but a houne hold nocoHHlly, Our refrigerators bave not ad vanced In price. $9.00 will buy a good one, largo enough iur the av erage family. We alao call your attention to our well annorted lot of camp stools camp stoves' and hammock u. Dellomy it Buech, The HoiiMifurnialiiirH. OpKmit Court Houne, & W. P. KltAKKlt OKO. K. KIIAMKR Knincr & Kramer ..Tailors.. 22S Waalilniiton Bt. Portland, Ore. Patent Manufactured in Oregon City from Ihe best selected wheat on the market. ! IT IS FOR SALE XKv.nau Guaranteed the lx;Ht. Patronize .Home Industry. Wo aro headquarters for Lawn Mowers, Lawn Rakes, Lawn Hose, Lawn Sprinklers, Garden Hoes, Cultiva 1 tors, Screen Doors and Windows, Wire Netting, Etc., Etc. BINDING TWINE Agents for White Mountain Ice Cream Freezers, the best made; also for Simond's Saws and Canton Clipper Tlows. Full stock of Steol Ranges, Hardware, Etc. POPE St CO. Comer 4th nnd Main KZH2ZZZZZEZZZZZZZ R Rich Strike Klondike had only Thomas Charman Pioneer Store. Theg Tell It. Her bIkm-h hIiow that oho knew what to buy; aluo that hur shoo man knew how to fit the foot. Shoes tell every time the habits and task's of their wear ers. If you need new ones we priiniiHe you satiufnetion. Krausse Bros.... jOOBI'fOI1 l Streets, - Oregon Cjty. You cannot make money faster than by buying your . . Dress-Goods ... where you can get them cheapest. Is all right, but you must have clothes to wear, and the best quality at lowest prices can be at & Son's TO ALL THE PEOPLE l Secretary Wage Makes s General Invitation. COITOX AND BEUIbTEBED B01D PrerVrenra Will be Ulrca IadUldaal Hiibaerlptlona-Uf AnoDBta AllotUd First. TREASURY DEPARTMENT, Ornci OP TUB 8ICRITABV. ( WAimnoTox, D. C. Jono IS, 1808. The Secretary of the Treasury Invites subscriptions from tlie people of the United Btates for 1200,000,000 of the bund of the 3 per cent loan authorized by conifreiM to provide ways and means to mmit wr expenditure. Subscriptions will be received at par for a period of thirty-two days, the lubecription being open fiotn this date to 3 o'clock p. rn. on the 14lh day of Joly, 1808. The bondt will be lnHued in both coupon and regi tf red form, the coupon bonds In denomi nation of 20. $100, I'iOO and f 1000, and the rrxigtcred bond in denomination of 120, 1100, ."00, 1,000 and 1 10,000. They will bo dated August 1, 1W8, and, by liieir tortus, will be redeemable in coin at the pleasure of the United Slates after ten years Irotn the date of their issue, and due and payable August 1, 1918. The bond will bear interest at the rate of 3 per cent per annum, payable quar terly ; the interest on the couon bonds will be paid br means of coupons, to be detached from the bonds as the Interest becomes due, and the interest on the reg iaiered bonds will be paid by checks drawn to the order of the payees, and mailed to their addresses. The law authorizing this tssae of bonds provides that in allotting said bonds the sever ul subscriptions of individuals shall be first accepted, and the subscriptions of the lowest amounts shall be first allot ted. In accordance with that provision allotments to Individual subscribers will be made before any bond will be allotted to other than individuals. All individual subscriptions for $500 or less will' be allotted in foil as they are received, and such subscriptions mast be paid in loll at tlie time the subscription Is made. II the total sum subscribed for in amounts of $500 or less should exceed $200,000,000 the allotments will be made according; to tbe priority ol the receipt ' of the sub scriptions. Allotments on subscriptions for over $500 will not be made nntil after the sub scription closes, July 14, and will then be made inversely according to Uie size of the subscription, the smallest sub scription being first allotted, then the next in sice next, and so on, preference being given to individual subscriptions. Persons subscribing for more than $500 must send in cash or certified checks to the amount of 2 per cent of the turn sub scribed for, such deposit to constitute a partial p tyment, and to be forfeited to the United States In event of failure on the subscriber's part to make full pay ment for bia subscription, according to the terms of the circular. Allotments to subscribers for more than $500 will be made as soon as possible after' tbe sub scription clones. In order to avoid a too rapid absorp tion of fundB Into the treasury with a possible consequent evil effect on indus try and commerce, any subscriber for more than $500 will be permitted tcf take his allotment of bonds in installments of 20 per cent.taking the first installment within ten days after ilie notice of the allotment, and the balance at four equal intervale of forty days each, in four in stallments each of 20 per cent of Uie bonds allotted. Delivery of bonds will be made in installments as payment for them is received, and payment must in all cases be made in full as the bonds are taken. The 2 per cent deposit will apply on the final installment. Any subscriber may pay for the full amount allotted him within ten days from the date of the notice of bis allotment. In terest will be adjusted from the ' time of the actual payment, whether paid in one sum or in installments as permitted. Seperate subscriptions from one individ ual, although made from time to time, will be aggregated and considered as one cuhscription for this issue of bonds. The Secretary of tbe Treasury will re ceive in payment for the bonds post-oflice money orders payable at Washington, D, C, and checks, bank drafts, and express money orders collectable in the cities of New York, Boston, Philadelphia, Balti more, Washington, Cincinnati, Chicago, St. Louis, New Orleans and San Francis co, All money orders and bank drafts must be drawn in favor of the Treasurer of the United States. The money orders ana bank checks so received will be forwarded for collection by the depart ment, and as soon as returns are obtain ed the subscriber will be credited with tbe amount of his subscription as of tbe date of collection. The secretary will also receive in payment for the bonds ceitifloatea of deposit issued by tbe as sistant treasurers of th United States In the aboye-named cities. Tbese certifi cates of deposit may be obtained from any assistant treasurer Id exchange for gold coin, gold ceitificates, standard sil ver dollars, silver certificates, United States notes, treasury notes of 1800, and national bank botes; and tbe subscriber will be credited with the amoW of his subscription aa of the date of tbe certifi cate ol deposit. Tbe secretary will also receive currency sent by registered mail or by express direct to the treasury de partment." ' For the mutual convenience of the subscribers and the department, a blank form of letter to accompany remittances bas been prepared, and it may be ob tained at tbe offices of national and state banks generally, at tbe several sub-treasury of Uie foiled States, at any money order post-office, aod at any express office. The bonds will be dated August 1,1898, and will be forwatded to subscribe at the address designated by them free of expense for transportation as soon after the date as possible. The bonds will be accompanied by a check for the amount of interest due the subscriber at the rale of 3 per cent from the Uate of his pay ment to August 1, 1808. All remittances and other communica tions relative to this loan should be ad dressed to the Secretary of the Treasury, Division of Loans and Currency, Wash ington, D. C. All subscriptions must be received at the treasury department, Washington, D. C, not later than 3 o'clock p. m, Thursday, July 14, 181)8. No subscrip tions received after that date and hour will be considered. L. J Gagc, Secretary. SAFE AT HONOLULU they took in the neighborhood of 1600 tons of coal. Of the 2,500 men on the various ves sels, but two desertions were recorded, and they were from an Oregon company. Two men were left behind. One was discharged for disability, and tbe other is in a local hospital. Tbe voyage down was nleasant and the vessels traveled abreast most of tbe way, although it was necessary for tbe Peking and Australia to slow np and watt for the Citvof Sidney. Eight cases of measels broke out on tbe Australia. Tbe sick men were separated from the other passengers on the ship by being quarantined on the hurricane deck and tbe surgeons bad tbe casas well in band when the vessels arrived at this port. Send the Ektkrphisb to your friend in the East and thus give him an idea of what is going on in. Clackamas county, It may induce bira to locate with us. Remarkable Rescue. Mrs. Michael Curtain, Plainfield, III., makes the statement, that she canght cold, which settled on her lungs ; . she was treated for a month by her family physician, but grew worse. He told her she was a hopeless victim of consump tion and that no medicine could cure her. Iler druggist suggested Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption; she bought a bottle and to her delight found herself benefitted from first dose. She continued its use and after taking six bottles, found herself sound and well; now does her own housework, and is as well as she ever was Free trial bottles of this Great Discovery at Charman & Co's Drug Store. Large bottles 50 cents and $1 00. . For Yooair Men and Young Women. There is nothing that will arouse the ire of a young man or woman so quick as to bave inferior laundry work put off on them. They may dress ever so well, but if their shirt front or hirt waist is mussy their neat appearance is spoiled. The Troy laundry makes a specialty of ladies' and gentlemen's fine work. There can be no better work than is done at the Troy. Leave your oiders at Johnson's barber shop. A dollar saved is equal to two dollars earned. Pay up. your subsciptioo to the Emtbrpribk and get the benefit of the reduction in price. THE DREADED CONSUMP TION CAN BE CURED. T. A. Slocum. M. C, th Great Chemist and Sclentlat, Will Send, 1're, Three Bottle of Hi Newly Discovered Remedle to Sufferers. Editor Entbri'Risb : I have discov ered a reliable cure for consumption and allbrochial. throat and lung diseases, general decline, loss of flesh and all con ditions of wasting away. By its timely use thousands of apparently hopeless cases have been cured. So proof-positive am I of its power to cure, that to make its merits known, I will send, free, to any afllicted reader of your paper, three bottles of my newly discovered remedies upon receipt of express and post office address, T. A. SLOCUM, M. C, . 88 line Street, New York. When writing the doctor, please men tion this paper. SAFE AT HONOLULU lie port Sayi the tit of 1'eklus Narrowly Escapes. 7000 SOLDIER-LETTERS WRITTES Tie Hawaiian Gevervmeat Rajally Ea tertafns tbe la I ted States Expedition. 7. I Victoria, June 18. Tbe steamer Mia- were brings the following from Honolulu, under date of June 8: The Hawaiiati Star of June 3 publishes tlie" following story regarding an attempt to blow 03 the United States ship City ' of Peking while that vte.nel was In port in this harbor. If the report which is in circulation today is true, Honolulu came near being the scene of a frightful a disaster as thai of the Maine, and in much tbe sarut way. The ttory is nothing more nor leti than an attempt to blow up the Peking, but it was frustrated just in time. An enlisted man, it is said, wasranUI in the act of arranging a fuse connecting with the magazine. The magaaine co at tains 400 tons of powder. The dastard, it is said, is now undnr tbe closest guar! and when the Peking gets out nn ti e hitch seas, will be hanged at the yard arm. 1 lie alleged culprit is said to rB half Spanish. The officers of the ship denied tbe truth of tbe story, but their denial was made in a half-hearted way. Three Kamehameha school student, all native Hawaiians, tried to enlist wirti Colonel Summers, of the Oregon reiffc ment, for the trip to Manila. Tbe boye are worked np over the war, and ata immensly enthusiastic in their senti ments. Four men, regular members 01 the Hawaiian army, joined tbe United! State forces here. ' While tbe United States troops were in this city, over 7.000 letters were writ ten by them. The postage, amounting $441, was paid by tbe Hawaiian ' govern ment. Most of the stationer' was fur niabed tbe men tree of charge, 1 r' On Jnne 1 tbe Spanish Vice-consul at Honolulu made a formal protest to tlx Hawaiian minister of foreign affafrj against the constant violation of neutral ity in Honolulu harbor while actual wav exists between Spain and the Unite? States. Tbe minister of foreign affaifl replied: "I have the honor to say that owingjp tbe intimate relations now existiug be tween this country and the United Stateje this government has not issued a procla mation of neutrality, having reference JsJ the present conflict between the ' Unite States and Spain, bnt on tbe contrary, the United States has tendered ns pr.viW eges and assistance, for which reason) your protect can have no further 'consi J eration than to acknowledge its receipt. On the 2d inst., tbe queen dowager Kapiolani, presented tbe United States; steamship Charleston with a large Ameff ican flag, as a token of her appreciations of the kindness of the officers of trut warship, immediately preceding and fol lowing the death of her husband. King Kalakaua, in California, in 1891 In November, 1890, King Kalakaua visited) San Francisco, as a guest of Admir1 Brown, on the Charleston, 'lhe kiij was taken ill and died. Tbe Charlestnr was detailed to return with the remain, to Honolulu. . t THE TROOPS VBASTBD. Victoria.. B. C, June 18, Advices t day per steamer Miowera from Ilonol'itTf June 10 say tbe United States transports City of Peking, City of Sidney and Aus tralia arrived there together Jane 1 A soon as the three vessela were signteJ all Honolulu turned ont to welcome tbe soldiers. The docks were lined, wit! people, and as tbe vessels entered th harbor, the spectators yelled themwlveS hoarse. Such a scene of enthusias n ai never before witnessed in Honolulu. When the vessels docked, it was la'ti, so tbe order was given to allow no on9 ashore, but next morning about half ol the troops were allowed to land- Paring the day they were given the freedom 4 the city. They visited Walkikl and othe? points of interest, and bad a pleasant time generally. ' At noon President Dole and his cabinet received the officers of the expedition. During the reception the steamers and grounds of the executive building werB thronged with people. On June 3 the soldiers were entertained on tbe grounds of the executive build ing. President Dole was on band to welcome them, Tbe utmost freedom prevailed, the affair being very informal. To each man tbe chief executive gave a word of welcome to Honolulu. An out door luncheon was served by the ladies of the city. The transports left for Manila Jane 4. The Charleston steamed out and waiwl for the fleet, consisting of tbe Peking, Sidney and Australia, which got awsjr about 10 o'clock with tbe Charleston la the rear. While the vessels were in pot) I Hnpit nn Ma M Di,oAMIl iO.PWa.Pa.