Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (July 1, 1898)
A 8IN0ULAII PEOPLK. CDD SPECIMENS Of HUMANITY ARl HAMAPQ MOUNTAINEtR!,. .,, Alblao f tfta Mllklwl Balraa aa, Ita. at gya4 Ar t'omiaaa Amamg TbaatTkay Ara U. Mm MUr ea4 yth.rta Is th Laad. ' ' ' Popl who bare nvr boon op in 4b Kauiapo tnouutalu mo hev llltl 1(Im of bow Strang ran of peopl livt buck ia iboM blub ud rooky bill mile from ny village, nod with not rod of road by which tbnir buti uiay be .reached by wagon. In other word, II 1 pot generally known thai within SO jolloa'tif th boart of New, York city turn- 1 a community at ourtou almost m onu b found In th remote mountain tvouKwa at Thiiuuhmmi or North Caroli na. II I nrl of lost tribe, or, rathor, ftn auialKatnatlon of two lot tribe. ( It 0110 oan imagine what aorl of bultiK would molt from mnro than oentury liitnrmarrvlnu of American Indian and Uulm-anefrroo, with an oocaiilnniil daih of white blood added to too nilxtarn, be may form notion of tb peopl that live back in tba ruKKd bilU thai rlna bout HntTnru, Huniapo, Hloetshiiric, Woodbourno, Toxedo and othnr place In the Kamapo valley, lint II would take ft pretty brUk iuieRluatlnn to pic ture aonie of the queer specimen of bo maiilty that bare rnaulted from thli nil 1 turn. 1 A I hi inn of the tnllklent balred and plukent eyed variety are ooiuiuon, and the dime muaeum meruit their ourlo balli In that line from among the tnonutalneera, aa did the great aud only Daruum before them. Back In the laat oentury and daring the first quarter of the present oentury 1ave were common In that part of Now York atate aud th adjacent region f New Jarv. Tbaaeilavea wore treat ed no bettur by tbalr old Dutch master tbas wore tbolr follow boodsuion in the on th. Tbuy were worked long and bard, and the lath wai not apared. Co) aeooentlv runaway Ive were many. Tbeae runawayt invariably aooght the faetDeaaoeof the lurroundlug mountain. ,i It It vary dinicuit thing to make coe't way up and among the Kamapo mountain vq at tbla day, and it wat ftlmoat an Impossibility In the alaviry day. " A a retult. when a negro once eced4 In biding there be wet a eafe from recapture aa if he bad goua Canada, allboueh be might be within alnhl and eooud of bla uieatnr'a borne. 4xirea of ruuawaya In time peopled tb lnaooaaalbl bill, and in the apoti whnra thev threw on their flrat ibolter Inn hnta of bark or fallen tree or found refuge in cave tbelr descendant dwell ftodav. The wood bad their Indian dweller already, aud the two raooa mingled Those are the atrange people who art oen now and then In Ibe little village alonu the Kris railway in Kocklaud aud the adlulnina town of Deruen and Orange couutlea, aud whoe buine are far hack In the hill. A characteristic of the people I that the name of the old Dutch famine in which the orig lual black wore slaves bave been re Uluud It them, veneration after uener Mtinn. The moat numurou fnmlly of the rare uoei bv the name of De Croat, but there are De Freeiee, Van Horvoue and nianv other De and Van. In the auiiiuier time yon might ollmb aud clumber mid (tumble no the ateop Idea and ovor the rocky aummlta of the IUmapo mountain all day aud not ae aolitary algu of a habitation, although there would be many on all aide of you. Tbey are to deftly looked in among the rock and bidden by the tree and foliage that only one acquainted with the way of tbo inonntalneor could find them. In tbe tu". when the treea ara bar, tbe hnta atat i wealed to any wbo may pass that way, and auob are few. for althoush there la no better ruffed cronse ahootlna anywhere than In theaa mountain fastnesses the weary climbing Decenary to get to tbe hnuuU of tbeae bird 1 more than the average Dortamuu care to undergo. .. ThnrH la bo omtind that tulaht BfOW nything about any of tbeae but; not ft chicken or ft fowl of any kind; not even a pig. Cut there are dog without limit monsrel. wolfish looking dog, auob a might bang about Indiun oampa and alwny from one to hull a dozen balf tmkod, eerie, elfish looking ciui dren. who. at slubt or aouud of a stran gur, aoamper to cover in the hut, iu the bruHh or anions tbe rock, disappearing aa oomnletelv aa ft atartled brood of vouua atiall. How do theae people ubiHt? They are the bort hunter and flhhenmni iu the laud, and cnmo and trout are abun dan I all about them. They bunt aud ware srouae aud rabbit aud catch trout for thn market dorins tbe aonnon. The woman and obildreu Dlok borrio. For th nroduuta of the foroHt. atreaiu aud berry patoho theao people obtain (tore good at the village, botn toe luxurio and the neoeaaarlea the latter being chiefly whisky and tobaooo, the former flnnr. mnal and oheaD droa Boodl. For thair own home croviding the poMum and tha 00011 are ulentiful at tbeir very doer, and tbe obloken ooop of tbe out lvina farm and villuae are not entire ly lnuoocMible, Now and then ft De Uroat or Van 8omobody-or-othor will hire on! to do work by tbe day, but be il lookod upon by hi fellow mountain ' eer ft degenerate. Bomeof thefomale children grow to be extremely handsome and ahopely young women, but il it rare that thoreareauy marrlugea among tboae people ouUide of their own raoe. New York Sun. A MODEL WIFE. be ttoa Blank la' Utmnrj af Brr Vft- Hurad Pradmmef. K II bad indeed her to b "bl'n,".and (be bad made no her mind that b bal "worked out" long enough' anyway, Ho in ftcoepuia him. h wm perieotiy aatUfled wUh her plaop, a b wanted to , have, a hie nfber' pwn. ( Bo tbey wer marfled. .." , ' ", , ' It Won't Iciiig ' after waW that abe nm& baok to aoe bar foriner'nilatren abonl annxitblng,' and th latter notlond Uial aha' War wearing mourning. ' Of oouma, aha wa orrv for her 'and wa rather aurprlaed thul ah mads no men tion of ber bereevqmetit, It la, indeed, grlevou thing when ft honeymoon J( cut (bort., , . , , t ' Finally the former niUtroM brought op the ubJH!l bftMelf. ' " ' ' ' '' "You are iu mourning, Maggie," ah UggeNted. ' ' )'. ' '' ' ' ' ' 1 "Yea," replied MaRgl omnplaoent ly, aud with no liow of feeling at all. "1 fought it wu tho luftNt I oould do fer'lm." 'It I allowing uo more tliau proper renpeot of oourae. I am very orry. It iuunI have been a great aliocg. "tireahiM'kl" exolHlmed Maggie iu turprlae. Then a the graKpod tho idea hu went ou, "Uh, be ain't dead," wiib tha ai!ciwit on "ho. "You haven't loxt your bunbaudr Maggie ahook her heud, "Then why are yon In uob deep mourning?" J cut to pleane tbe poor laa, an- iwerod Maggie. "You aue, it' tbla way," the went on when tho bad de cided to tell the tory, "Aftor we wa married be come to ma an be aaya, 'Maggie, ' be aay, 'the poor woman uiv- rr had anylxxiy to put on mouruin ier ber, an I dunuo that ahu'a been treated right,' beaayi Wbor aayil. 'Me Oral wife,' aaya be. 'hhe wa all alone in tbe world, eioeptln fer me,' be aay. 'bb bad no wlmmen lolka to wear mournlu fer ber.' Audaol aay to bim. I'll do it fer tb poor woman,' I aaya. An bar I am." And tb beat of It it Ibat tb atory I absolutely true. Chicago Pot. HIS LEG IS 8TILL GROWING. It 0U LMfer aad UhW aa4 Ha CWI A mail out at Koger parii oroae am lag a few tnoDtba ago, and In lb totting the doctor mad, , ome luldak, ,or ! tb patient wa at fault, for when it aef the bone Joined, improperly, and when tba man cam to'Wlk be found that one leg wa fevrfral' Ihcholr ilfoiiter than ithoul(l'l)e.-"H' waa'-naturally vary maeb Inconvenienced and bemoaned tb fact tbat brtwaa tft bo ft cripple for Ufa. One day while be wa alon at tb bnu a woman book canvamtcr wa ad mittitd Aftfir hn bad failed to m il btm whet ah bad 1le 'ftuked 'bim whut the matter wa. told ber and auld that be feared be would be ft cripple for life. "Humph I" ald tbe woman. inure In 110 need of thut now aiuc Cbrlitiau acinnce U doing w much," ' "I buve board a tfruat deal about ChrlHtlun iunc,M uld the mun, "but I never heurd that it could cute tron- tilu liUn miliH. " wii lint?" aaked tho woman. "It 1 doing gnuler thing than that every da Yon would bettor SO ee ft healer. " "Hut there I nouu here," replied (ho mun. "Well,"ald tbe woman, "I'm aome- ARTISTIC DINNER GIVING. h lmt tNaMe Um a Ma via aba a4 lit taeru biuoii vsmymaj h mm Urg. SI ba baao ftaid. ia U th anag. to number, but eight and even ten ar perfectly manageable, bot.h In tb biat ar of amovtb aervio aud la tb higher barsuonie.. Do nrtt oonfln yoor oboio Iq .Intimat frjopd, bot.ftdd. t bir jtleaaur aud yporowo, tb ffeah MPerl ence of inaetiug new uirita, vhoa oyn graiality yon biv divined. " A' realiy artUtlo aluu It tb. wtftef ,"oonvlctlon,'"boiild nevfir ' x coed four ootkrte, Including the coffee. Tb aotiera' of tb dinner i that eaob dlab (ball ba perfMt, worthy of the pal at mid pf th appetite, ojoyd to tb foil for it merit, and .not trifled with and InHtaotly forgotten, Tbe aeoond polut In Importance I that diab (ball baa ftttractive'lu appearance aa it i perfect in' flavor that' it ahoold be placed upon tbe table a ftn added en joyment and hospitably aerved by boat or boate. The third point, alao of lm iwirtuiiofl. ta that a dinuerihould b unable not an antiulpution of aeaaon foi every ohoecn article abould be at it ver bent A lean, half abriveled January tomato, which ba ill borne it travel, i but forlorn apology for tbe DO YOU NEED ANY 0 .-,i.T i' ! v. ?i f. v- :G0 TO: c; h: i i ,1 .M i ... ,: . GO- Low Prices. First-class Goods. Corner 11th and Main Streets, Oregon City, Oregon. 4 THE FIRST OF THE YEAR Will be a desirable time to enter the ci, mam uv travel, l out ft ioriorn apoiogy iur too thing of ft healer myaclf. I can't tay pi0II,p BU(i awnMna) aumuier product here, but I'll tell you what I'll do. I'll Wxuuj not fitted for an "artUtio" aupcarauoo. Ella Morri Kretacbmar DREW PAY, BUT DID NO WORK i . .. Aad Wfca llMhar4 Wanted a Crtl- , Mu For Ability and MvaaMy, "Fancy a fellow picking your pocket and akliig for 'character, ' " aaid a buviueM man Ibe other day. "Tbat beeu my experience. I hired ft young man about a month ago to aoiicit oniere for ma on ooiiimliicm, with tO a week guarantee. A he turned nothing in aft r fortuight I began to luapi-cl tnat bawaaworkiug for another unu ana doing nothing to earn tho I JO, ao I told bim tbat if no order material ixod by the cud of the week bo muni not expect to continue in my employ. "I made inquirlea which oouvlnoed mo tbat be wa doing what I (ujpocted, but I got uo legal proof tbat no wa tax- lug my money ou falno pretenaua. Ho when the woek wa up I wn forced to pay him a third tl!0, making 00 In all, which, I felt aure, he bad dune llltlo or nothing to earn, flefore doing ao I told bim of my atmpiotona, which wa lool- lh, a I met ouly with denial wnicu i ooulilu't diHprov although in aoawer to the queMtinua of tbe cpmui examina tion I pot bim through be made tate meut which I knew to bo lie. "In pite of my arcomtioii he aeem- ed to think tbat my puyiug bim tbe final 20 wa acknowledgment that I be lieved bit denial, aud after reoeiviug the money he ak d if I would give certificate a to hi ability und boueaty in cane be found it uourntary to cull up on me for one. I aimwrred that I would at lea! aign nothing aguiuMt bim, for after paying him to uo purpone money I could ill afford I didu't want to make an enemy of him, hut ailvinod bim not to put me to tbe tout." cew lor sun. give yon tlieabminttreiituient. You Joet May where you ara, nod I'll cure your abort leu. " Aud he went away The man nulled, but be thought there mlulit La omethinit in it after all. So Iim Im ibii tu have fuith iu tho healer. In a few dava. however, be hud almoat for gotten all about it and Joked wltb bit wife about the matter. At the end of two week be aroae to (lauding poai tlun aud diaoovered to bl great anion iahment tbat bla abort leg wa nearly ai lnuir aa tbe other. II wa duliahted. "That woman wa all right," be aald to hU wife, "and I bave done ber srrat iniuitloe In (lulling in my disbe lief." In fortnight more both leg were of equal length. He left bla room fur tha flrat time In aeveral moutbiand went to buiiiieaa. II proudly ibowed bl leg to all bl friend and Kid every one of tba marvelou mean by wbich ha recovered. Evervtbiua weul well for time, but premitly tb mun made the aitoniahlng dlacovery thai the cured limb waa at ill urowluB. In suotber two waeka it waa fully two lucbea longer than the one wblon bad uol been uroKos aud tbat it waa tbe well leg on wbiub be now limped. Thla naturally ' worried bim very much. Ton ate, tboia wa do telling where It woold eud. Then be recollect ed, too. tbat be bad no idea wbo tbe healer waa, or where he oould find ber. tl enuld not even remember tbe nam of tbe book abe wa trying to aelL Aud tbat I bow tbe niatur now atuima. xne man' lctt i (till urowiiig. Tbut woman i dill caddiutt around the country will lna book and giving bim tho abneut treatment. If he doo find ber, ibe will have to bCRin on the other leg, and even then the man will ouly be tit for tbe dime muaeum. The inaji'i faitb in tbe new telouco I (till nnbroken, but be feel that the bealera bopld be aecurely anchored and kept within certain bound.-Chicago Chronicle. In Woman' Home Companion. Koglba Wonua ftmokara. A Maw York aocietv woman wbo ba ft long line of aocial connection in Eng land aald in dlaoumlug tbe amoKing babit among women over there, about wbich ao much ha been printed lately: Knoll nli vniiuin vaVwim I hava rnnaived in my borne and I receive many al moat without execution amoke. It i not giggling matter with tbem, a it till I with oar women, to come extent. It lft matter of oourae," Aud tbe oigarette habit il growing fait in femi nine circle here. If yon doo t believe it, inquire in tho store where "apecial lv mad for woman" articlu are aold. bmokera' outfit for all aorta and ooudi- tion of womankind are now on aale, mot of the high priced one being Im ported from dear bid London. New York Letter. m I I . . . , UaaateM,.. ... ., ... Weaver Poetry i aometblng tbat ia born in one. It canuot ba acquired, ibe making of poetry 1 a gift ' Beaver Bo 1 tbe dUposing 01 u, o far aa I bavo bad any experience. Bo ton Traneorlpt. Hot go Bad a That. Johnnv. Johnny, are yon smoking tb naaty little thing again? I thought you had aworn off." "No w.. I never iwear. ah i aaia waa tbat I'd bedoKKoned if I ever amok ed 'em again." Chicago Tribune. Bean fever bo been added to tbe liet of epidemic like bay fever and roea fever by German doctor, who baa christened hi discovery "Faviamua." Ilia cure for tbe disease ia to keep away from beanfkld. New claaBeit will be commenced after the holiday vacation. For catalogue, address W. I. STALEY, Salem, Oregon. The Marketing Point i.i. 0. OF CLACKAMAS COUNTY i. H ' 1 The factory towns pf the East are note! for affording the best market to the neigh boring farmers and gardeners in proportion to the population of any of the towns ia. that section. The reason for this is that the people, of these towns have a fixed in come upon which they can always depend, and,' as a consequence, they are liberal buy ers, paying cash for all their purchases. ! . I A UMful Oaddla. : A lady golfer at Singapore ba train ed ber barofootod odddio to Coma to ber ftsalstano whenever ah ba to play ft diffloultahot. !''!' ' ''" Should the ball lie badly or be awk wardly bunkered, the oaddie stroll op to it, clutohe II with bis toes aud drops It in bard, clean Ho. without exoitlng ospioioo, Boston Olob. GREEN BADGES OF COURAGE. hitM Worn by Army Sar(ona and Their , , . Ul.tory. A Croat many doolIo do not know hr armv auruoou wear creeu saHbes. It I not ao much an iuaignia of rank aa It is ft protection to the wearer. Accord ing to tbe code or war, surgcou are never shot or takou prisoner. To delib erately ihoot ft urgeon while be 1 wearing hi nnh i ooiiHidered ft viola tion of the oodo, punlnbable by death. IteoauHe of this proviiou aurgeoua of one army never ref uho to look alter tho wouudodof tho other army if it i possi ble for thuin to do so. Durlug tbe oivil war it wu often tho cuno that after a battle the Held honpital would coutain almost an eijuul number of mnu dressed in blue aud gray. Tho Federul army bad the best aurgoons and the best tnrea. and a wouuded Coufudurate con- iilnrnd hiiuwulf In Broat luck if be waa removed to a Federal hospital to be cared for by Federal surgeons and pby sloiuns. But In tho heat of battle a greon aasb la nnl muuh orotectlon. aud surgeons nfton wounded or killed. But thia did not koeD the aurcoon at tbe rear until the battle wa over. Thoy wore often fouud iu tho thick of the fray, driwuinii wouuds and seudlug the wouud ed to the roiftj Theirs waa perilous ft well a nobis duty, and tbey periorm ed It well. Omaha World-iioraia. ,..ui. A Pular Cholo'' 'X"'' ! r jidT CastloroSKO boad tbe list of tba uowly elooted poor w guardian ol Klllarnoy. Bba wa nominated ny ber tha Rarl of Kenmare. Her eleotion, it t said, baa aroused tho oati!t interest uiuonK Ireland poor, who hone that if members of the aria- tnnranv uka uo soch dutlo large moat ore for the relief of dirtrea will fol low. i if you would be well spoken of, learn t- amak well of other, and when you bey learned to apeak well endeavor llkawlaa to do well, and tbo you will rj tb holt of being wll pokn of. Epiotataa. . :t,'- .! I'J . 1. a This Is Tear Opportunity. On receipt of ten cenU, cosh or stamp. n.ii.miia umnll will ba mAUM Ol U1C mit imnnlur (tarrh and Ilav Fevr Cur (Ely' Cream Balm) snfllcint to demon, atral the great merits of tha remedy. ELY UKUilifcliS, 56 Warreu bt, Iew lora uuy. T?.. JnhnTtaM. Jr.. of Orpat Falls. ModL. . . - racoiumended Ely's Cream lialm to ma. I eau ampbaHite bis statement, "It la a pod tiv cure for catarrh if used as directed." Rav. Frauds W. Pools, l'antor Uentrainea. Church, Helena, Mont ,, . . Pmun Ttalm is the acknoirledaed cure for catarrh aud contains no mercury nor any Injurious a rug. trice, ou oenia. A Bhino.d Coal Uola. Down on South Clark street, about 100 foot north of Madison, there is on the west side of tbe street a ooal bole Ilka a ooflln. Orlainally the opeuiog waa not different from any other ooal bole. It wa of ordinary ie, aud was closed with a Hexagonal cover, Then large piece of the stone waa broken off tbo sidewalk, enlarging tbe bole to ft Kreat extent. When tbe stone waa replaced by a sboel ol iron, tn haxasaual ooeniuB waa elonaated. ao tbat tba sbarje of ooflln was formed. Then the pedestrian along South Clark atreet bad their trouble. It is assorted tbat attention waa first called to tbe omtnoua hoi in tbe aide walk wben ft man bod bla leg sprained hv a miaateo on tbe cover. A number of rMirwiiii wituoaacd tbe accident, and at the turn time uoted tbe peculiar shape of tbe cover. II wa not loug Deiore ev er v bod v seemed to be aware of the can- ketllko figure. Now, any one who watobos tbe crowds tbat daily puss .1nH. nt.1f ijwkf tin., XTa rl u.iH will IIU4I( VIM. m.uvv, mvh. umu.xw, - I be attracted by tbelr action wben tbey Prepared under the personal direction II . 1. .,,.1 1. I A II U Itian I keep safe distance from tbe awe in- sulriuB ubloot. while the women care fully raise their skirts aa they walk shyly away from the cover, ao tbe cas ual observer these pecnlnr antic are un- AYnlnluahlo. but the men aud women r - , . . who are acquainted wun tne mtnory oi tbe oofflu shaped cover are too wise to blaoe themselves in the power of "the evil eye." Chicago Inter Ocean. As the Great Manufacturing Center of the Pacific Coast Library of the World's Best Literature. of Charles ludly Warner. With the assistance of HAMII.TN WRIGHT MABLE, and a large corps of famous authors and educators The choicest thought and literary senis of all ages and alb nations. The Library la to conslnt of 30 royal octavo volumes of about 600 pages each, printed in large, clear tvpe, on fine naner, substantially and ricbly bound in modern library style. Tbe first volumes are now ready and the others will follow ranidlv. Each volume will be lavishly illustrated with full-page and vignette send for sample page. rl A Clanr Advartlaer. Tha Knnsaa City Journal say : "A flnnr merchant at Edaiir let the atory get out tbat while he waa stooping over hi flour bin ft 160 diamond riug bad slipped off bla linger into tne nour. ne , f appeared to be greatly exerc.sea over tne - , loss, got ft nouoe iu iiie iwhii jmpui, uui .... sa finally anuouuoed with a sigh that he wry terniB, wnicn prevail uUr.8 ' j ..... . I l K .nnnh wnnld hava to o va it on: tbat the ring or puDiicauon ouiy rainra .vuKu mmm In tl.a flnnr aomawhore: tbat he HARFER8 WEEKLY CLUB, 14 Mar upposod it would turn op in sack of get street, San Franlsco," Cal., or 209 flour, but he bud no idea wnat oue, st.rv tract. Portland. Oregon. Call or Well, you ougui to uava aueu tun uuuiu that onHnlnna man had in the flour trade. For the next woek he bad to hire Th hnln o fill sacks out of that bin One man who never bought a" sack from him before came In and laid in a win tor's supply. And the smooth merchant whistled softly as be filled the aaoka aud winked hlg other eye.", , , , . w vl ..(...I j, ., . ... , . triio iy " ' noi m iniraoiv n orw. Mother Well; profossor, ' do yon ! think yon will be able to make a mnal' oiao of my daugbterr " " Proiaasor Alas, madam. I fear not. Mother Why do you say that, pro fessor? . . ' Professor -- Tbreesoore and ten it man's allotted number of years, and I m bow 65' year old.' The time it too abort, madam. tjmoago news. . . . I ku-. t'" .' ..'. .J.I! I 1 rt a mrra rat.m Ik a wfltlra e. Snnl. Intn IK ntrlli II U OIlicklT Sbtorm. W mil at Tmnrefiw or bj mall : aample 10. by milL SLX lUtUTiiaitai a iiaiiiai o k,w wv a vd a notvniiinnfl l" nt"H OREGON CITV Is Comincr to be One of the Best Marketing Towns in the State This is proven every day by the number of farmers, who are to be seen on its streets selling their produce, who, until just tho last few years, sought the markets of other towns. . The system of macadamized roads that is being built into all parts of Clack amas county, will enable all the people of this county to share in the profitable mar ket that Oregon City affords. If, as it ia sure to do, the demands' of Oregon City in crease in the next five years as it has in the past five years, this city will rank next ta Portland as a market place for THE PKODUCE .of the Farmer Get our Prices on Job Printing. vnaij'mj a mi it ' IV I iifUl II Vji).! VIMHI ill' jii.x'a ni nn i J ! (i" ,'"V Hi ii t-n:"!'"!.fTt1 1 R .aysruv mil 1 Jhi "ii: nirfl ni l lM Sldton i a'-iiT "rai'MKi I U ," ai.ll t ik.-t il; t-t V