Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (Oct. 22, 1897)
Patronize Our Home Industriss The prosperous community is the one that within itself, most supplies its own people in their various needs, and by selling much and buying little, keeps its money from going abroad. Our farmers and manufacturers would each have a bettor morkot for their products, if our people would encourago our local manufacturers by giving preference to their products ovor thoso importod from othor places. Were such the practice, it would not bo long until Clackamas county would ba ono of tho groatost industrial contors on this Coast. IIVDUSTKIAIi DIRECTORS FOR CIjACKAMAS COUHJTY. glfU there are other industrial estab lishments in Clackamas county not given in this director, their card will be inserted free of charge on receipt of copy. WILLAMETTE PULP PAPER CO X. R. Lang, Superintendent, News Taper and Sulphite Pulp. GEORGE BROUGIITON, Rough and Dressed Lumber. Sawmill,. Main and 16th Sts. PORTLAND FLOURING MILLS CO., F. S. Kelly, Superintendent for Oregon City Flouring Mills. Flour and Feed. CAPEN SHOE COMPANY, E. Capen, Pres. , N. M. Moody, Secy. Standard Oregon Shoes. Willamette Falls. OREGON CITY MANUFACTURING COMPANY, Ralph Jacobs, Pres. E. G. Jacobs, Secy. Cassimere, Flannels, Elankcts and Socks. C. A. WILLEY, Harness, Saddles and Shoes. Seventh street, near depot. J. J. A W. II. NO YES, Plain and Ornamental Baskets made from Oregon Ash. Factory in Bolton Addition. F. D. ANTRIM, Axe, Sledge, Pick, etc., Handles From Selected Oregon Oak. LOGAN FLOURING MILLS, Fischer Bros., Proprietors. Flour and Feed. ABERNETHY SAWMILL, J. II. Jones, Proprietor. Rough and Dressed Lumber. Mill. 2 miles from Oregon City. M OREGON CITY MANUFACTURING 5 COMPANY, Ralph Jacobs, Pres. C. G. Jacobs, Secy. Fine Toilet and Washing Soaps. JOSEPH MEINDL, Hazel Shavings for Clarifying Beer. Factory on the Abernethy, 2 miles from Oregon City. 6 JOHN BARTNIK, Hand Spinning Wheels for Wool. Desks, Tables, etc., made to order. Shop on Clackamas, J mile above Park- n place. n kj JOHN & THEO. TELLESON, K Handles of All Kinds Factory at Logan. y OREGON CITY IRON WORKS, g James Roake & Co. Machine and Foundry Work, fci Fourth and Water Streets. g GLADSTONE GREENHOUSE, t Wilkinson Bros., Proprietors. U Cut Flowers, Bulbs, Flower Plants and Roses. " I OREGON CITY CIGAR FACTORY, M Frederick Cramer, Prop , Fine Cigars. Factory in Bolton. k LINDSEY & SONS, Rough and Dressed Lumber, fj 4 miles from Oregon City, Molalla road. MILWAUKEE CARDING MILL, J. G. Bonnett, Proprietor. Wool Carding of All Kinds. DEEP CREEK FLOUR MILL, E. II. Burghardt, Proprietor. Flour and Feed. MILLOVIA SAWMILL, Chas. it Robt. Miller, Proprietors. Cedar and Fir Lumber. PARKPLACE TANNERY, Fairchild & Irish, Proprietors. Shoe and Sole Leather. Work done on shares. OmamenU.1 Rugs made from Angora Goat and other Skins. JAMES WHETSTONE, Plain and Ornamental Baskets. Factory at Park place. PARKPLACE STEAM LAUNDRY, Sisters Good Shepherd. Props. Laundry Work of AJ1 Kinds. CROWN PAPER COMPANY, W. P. Hawley, Superintendent. Wrapping, Fruit and Bag Paper. Sulphite and Mechanical Pulp. SANDY SAWMILL, J. H. Wewer, Proprietor. Rough and Dressed Lumber. BARLOW CREAMERY, Barlow Creamery Ass'n, Props. Fine Creamery Butter. OREGON CITY LABOR EXCHANGE, Crushed Rock for Concrete Work A. J. Kellogg, Mgr. SANDY CKEAMERY, J. N. Foster, Fine Creamery Butter. NEEDY TANNERY, R. W. Zimmerman, Proprietor. Harness, Whang and Skirting Leather. UNION FLOUR MILLS, G. J. Trullinger, Proprietor. Flour and Feed. WILLAMETTE FALLS SAWMILL, Charles Moehnke, Proprietor. Rough and Dressed Lumber. MCLIXO ROLLER MILLS, C. T. Howard, Proprietor. Flour and Feed ADKINS BROS., Rough and Dressed Lumber. Sawmill 3 miles east of Canby. BROETJE'S NURSERY AND GREEN HOUSE. J. F. Broetjo it Son, Proprietors. Nursery Stock, Flower Plants and Bulbs, Cut Flowers. Courtney, on East Side Electric Line. NEEDY CREAMERY AND APIARY, D. J. Kaufman, Proprietor. Gilt-Edged Butter and Clover Honey. NEEDY SAWMILL, J. A. Yoder, Proprietor. Rough and Dressed I,umler. OSWEGO NURSERY, Walling it Jariseh, Proprietors. Fruit and Ornamental Trees, Shrubbery and Flowers. MARQUAM SAWMILL, Mortenson it Hanson, Proprietors. Rough and Dressod Lumber. 0. II. BESTOW it CO., Sash, Doors, Moulding, tc. Mill Work of All Kinds. Main and Eleventh Sts. OREGON CITY ICE WORKS, Jas. Lovett, Proprietor. Artificial Ice and Cold Storage. PORTLAND GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY, P. F. Morey, Pres. H. W. Goode, Mgr. Electric Light, Power and Heat. AIMS SAWMILL, E. H. Bramhall, Proprietor. Cedar and Fir Lumber. GEORGE SAUM, 7 miles northwest of Stafford. Rough and Dressed Lumber. Feed Mill. STAFFORD FEED MILL, John Scbieve. Fetd of All Kinds. II. II. WHEELER, Rough and Dressed Lum1or. Mill 15 miles east of Canby. BUCKS' ER CREEK SHINGLE MILL, J. H. Evans, Proprietor. Mill 11 miles east of Oregon City. J. K. MILLER, Sawmill and Feed Mill. Address, Needy. MULINO SAWMILL, McCord Bros., Proprietors. Rough and Dressed Lumber. SANDY FLOUR MILL, F. A. Meinig, Proprietor. Flour and Feed. MILWAUKEE POTTERY WORKS, Cbas. Fischer, Proprietor. Enameled Brick, Vuses, Flower Pots, etc. FRANK FOX, Rough and Dressed Lumber. Sawmill I miles southeast of Molalla. HENRICI BROS., Feed Mill. Beaver Creek. ELYVILLE FEED MILL, J. A. Thnyer, Manager. HENRY KLEINSMITH. Feed Mill. Springwater. S PR I NG W ATE R S W M I LL, J. N. Livermoro. Proprietor. Rough and Dressed Lumler. DOUGLAS, SIEFEIUt KEE, Rough and Dressed Lumber. Sawmill 2 miles cast of Clackamas. RICHARD HILLIARY, Rough and Dressed LuiiiImt. Sawmile J milo west of Damascus. J. B. JOHNSON, Rough and Dressed LuiiiIkt. Mill 3 miles from Damascus OREGON CITY BRICK YARD, W. P. Poysor, Proprietor. 1 mile from court house. Foot of Moss Hill VIOLA FLOUR MILL, David Zurcher, Proprietor. Flour and Feed. LOUIS TOEDLKMEIR, Feed Mill ami Plow Share Grinder, Mill in the Kruso neighborhood EAST SIDE RAILWAY CO., Builders of Electric Cars. Shops at Milwaukio. ABERNETHY MUCK YARD, J. B. E. Jones, Proprietor. Yard lj miles from Oregon City. AURORA SAWMILL, Cole it Sons, Proprietors. Rough and Dressed Lumber. 3 4 W n n Sawmill on Abernethy, 10 miles from ' Oregon City. f r" I'ljrn MMLMIVl'l.' I Ihl.l' 41 ' j I I t II I 4, I Kotigii and Pressed Lumber. A Sawmill on Abernethy 10 miles from (j NEW ERA FLOUR MILL, J. Scevick, Proprietor. Flour and Feed. B. F. LINN, Rough and Dressed LuiiiIkt. Sawmill on Aliernuthy, 7 miles from Oregon City. BEESON it SONS, Rough and Dressed Lumber, Oregon City. J. II. MARTIN A- SONS, Rough and Dressed Lumber. Sawmill on Abernethy, 8 miles from Oregon City. GLADSTONE SAWMILL CO., H. E. Cross, Manager. Rough and Dressed Lumber. MULINO SHINGLE MILL, Jesse it Hurias, Proprietors. Fine Ci-dar Shingles, STURGIS BROS., Rough and Dressed Lumber. Sawmill 2 miles south of Molalla. a s I I HERMANN BROS Rough and Dressed Lumlter, Sawmill 2 miles southeast of Molalla. JOHN EVERIIART, Feed Mill. 3 miles south of Molalla. ISAAC MILLER, Rough and Dressed Lumber, Brick ami Tile. Mill and works 2 miles east of Hubbard. OSWEGO IRON AND STEEL CO., W.M.Lmld, Pres. J.Frank Watson, Sec. Pig Iron ami Water Pipo. Furnace and Pipe Foundry at Oswego. SCHRAMM BROS., Feed Mill and Plow Share Grinding. 1 J miles southwest of Stafford. & A. J. SAWTELL, iijwtYvl dim J'luici til juuni'in, fjm Molalla, Oregon. W ssisiss7as ltangerons Ink. It soiw-tinitB happens that a trifling scratch or puncture made with a pen gives rise to dangerous septira-mia. The chemical constituents of the ink which is introduced by the pen into the wound are not capable of producing gep ticeeinia, but microscopical examina tion proves that the ill effects are due to the liability of ink to contain patho genic bacteria. Dr. Marpmann of Leip eio has recently published the results of the microscopical examination of 07 Bam pies of ink csed in schools. Most of them were made with gall nuts and contained saprophytes, bacteria and mi crococci. fuproKin ink taken Irom a freshly opened bottle was found to con tain both saprophytes and bacteria. Bed and blue ink also yielded numerous bacteria. In two instances Dr. Marp mann succeeded in cultivating from nigrosin ink a bacillus which proved fatal to mice within four days. This ink had stood in un open bottle for three months, and the inference to be drawn from the inquiry is that Ink used in schools should always be kept covered when not in use. London Lan cet Tsdiotu Work of Old Bookmaker. ' During the twelfth and thirteenth centuries monks frequently isolated themselves from the world and repro duced the Bible in illuminated manu script. The work was necessarily slow .and in no instance was it accomplished in leas than H5 years. Guido de Jars was a producer of these illuminated manuscripts, and a beautiful specimen of his work was sold along with the books of Sir W. Burrcll in 1790. This copy of the Bible had occupied half a century in its production. A note in the beginning of the manuscript in Jars' handwriting indicates that he began bis task in 121-i and did not conclude it till 12'J-i. A Translation. It is related that a sophomore one commencement day wag crossing the campus of Emory college, Oxford, Ga., with his sweetheart, who stopped to read the inscription upon the stone to the memory of Ignatius Few, the first president , "What does that mean?" she asked, pointing to the line, "Vivit nou mortuusest" Proud of his ability to translate Latin, the student explained: '"He lives. No, he don't; he's dead.' " New York Christian Advocate. What He Wh AfU-r. Congressman So you want to serve your country, do you? Applicant Well, I ain't particular whether I serve my country much or not, but I should like to get an office at a good salary. Somerville Journal. When the house of commons goes in to committee of ways and means, it is for the purpose of discussing taxation and voting money for the public service. FOR CLATSKANIE Wood wanted at this office, oak, fir or limb. In length 16 or 22 inch or four foot. Steamer G. W. Shaver. LEAVES Portland foot of Washington street Tues day, Thursday and Sunday evenings at 5 o'clock. Returning, leaves Clatskanie Monday, Wednesday and Friday even ings at 5 o'clock. Will pass Oak Point about 7; Stella 7:15; Mayger 7:25; Rainier 8:20; Kalama0:15; St. Helens 10:30. Arrive in Portland 1 :30 a. m. This is the nearest and most direct route to the great Nelialem valley, (Joipo; jjast? IF YOU ARE. DO NOT FORGET Three Important Points Shaver Transportation Co. FIRST Go via St. Paul because the lines to that point will afford you trie very best service. SECOND See that the coupon beyond St. Paul reads via the Wis consin Central because that line makes close connections with all the trans-continental lines entering the Union Depot there, and its ser vice is first-class in every particular. THIRD For information, call on your neighbor and friend the nearest ticket agent and ask for a ticket reading via tho Wisconsin Central lines, or address Jas. C. Pond. or Oro. 8. Battt, Ohm. Pub. Agt., Oeiifrl Aj-'fitt, Milwaukee, Wis WS Htark Hi., Portland, Or. O REGON CITY IRON WORKS New and Enlarged Shop with all appliances for MACHINE WORK & CASTING All work executed in the best manner possible. Promptness guaran teed on all orders. REPAIBI1TG - A. - SPECIALTY. Prices the lowest to be had in Portland. Shop on Fourth Street, noar Main, Oregon City, Oregon. J. ROAKE & CO. ( v.