Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (June 11, 1897)
Phtronize Our Home Industrigs The prosperous community is the one that within itself, most supplies its own people in their various needs, and by selling much and buying little, keeps its money from going abroad, Our farmers and manufacturers would oach havo a bettor market for their products, if our pooplo would encourago our local manufacturers by giving preference to their products over thoso imported from other places. Wore such the practice, it would not bo long until Clackamas county would be one of the greatest Industrial centers on this Ooast. IRTDUSTRIAL DIRECTORY FOR CLACKAMAS COUNTY. Jlflt there are other industrial cstab lishments in Clackamas county not given in this directory, their card will be inserted free of charge on receipt of copy. WILLAMETTE PULP & PAPER CO N. R. Lang, Superintendent, News Paper and Sulphite Pulp. GEORGE BROUGIITON, Rough and Dressed Lumber. Sawmill, Main and 16th Sts. PORTLAND FLOURING MILLS CO., F. S. Kelly, Superintendent for Oregon City Flouring Mills. Flour and Feed. CAPEN SHOE COMPANY, E. Capen, Pres. N. M. Moody, Secy. Standard Oregon Shoes. Willamette Falls. OREGON CITY MANUFACTURING COMPANY, Ralph J acobs, Pres. E. G. Jacobs, Secy Cassimere, Flannels, Blankets and Socks. C. A. WILLEY, Harness, Saddles and Shoes. Seventh street, near depot. J. J. & W. II. NOYES, Plain and Ornamental Baskets made from Oregon Ash. Factory in Bolton Addition. F. D. ANTRIM, Axe, Sledge, Tick, etc., Handles From Selected Oregon Oak. LOGAN FLOURING MILLS, Fischer Bros., Proprietors. Flour and Feed. ABERNETHY SAWMILL, J. H. Jones, Proprietor. Rough and Dressed Lumber. Mill. 2 miles from Oregon City. OREGON CITY MANUFACTURING COMPANY, Ralph Jacobs, Pres. C. G. Jacobs, Secy. Fine Toilet and Washing Soaps. JOSEPH MEINDL, Hazel Shavings for Clarifying Beer. Factory on the Abernethy, 2 miles from Oregon City. MILWAUKEE CARDING MILL, J. G. Bonnett, Proprietor. Wool Carding of All Kinds. NEEDY TANNERY, R. W. Zimmerman, Proprietor. Harness, Whang and Skirting Leather UNION FLOUR MILLS, G. J. Trullinger, Proprietor. Flour and Feed WILLAMETTE FALLS SAWMILL, Charles Moehnke, Proprietor. Rough and Dressed Lumber, MULINO ROLLER MILLS, C. T. Howard, Proprietor. Flour and Feed ADKINS BROS., Rough and Dressed Lumber. Sawmill 3J miles cast of Canby DEEP CREEK FLOUR MILL, E. H. Burghardt, Proprietor. Flour and Feed MILLOVIA SAWMILL, Chas. & Robt. Miller, Proprietors. Cedar and Fir Lumber. JOHN BARTNIK, Hand Spinning Wheels for Wool. Desks, Tables, etc., made to order. Shop on Clackamas, mile above Park- place. k i j JOHN & THEO. TELLESON, j Handles of All Kinds kj From Selected Oregon Oak. I, Factory at Logan. tj OREGON CITY IRON WORKS, j James Roake it Co. W Machine and Foundry Work. h Fourth and Water Streets. i H GLADSTONE GREENHOUSE, j Wilkinson Bros., Proprietors. M Cut Flowers, Bulbs, Flower Plants and Roses. $ OREGON CITY CIGAR FACTORY, Frederick Cramer, Prop , Fine Cigars. Factory in Bolton. t LINDSEY & SONS, A Rnnrrh and Drpsspd Lumber. PARKPLACE TANNERY, Fairchild & Irish, Proprietors. Shoe and Sole Leather. Work done on shares Ornainenti.1 Rugs made from Angora Goat and other Skins. JAMES WHETSTONE, Plain and Ornamental Baskets. Factory at Park place. PARKPLACE STEAM LAUNDRY, Sisters Good Shepherd. Props Laundry Work of All Kinds. CROWN PAPER COMPANY, W. P. Hawley, Superintendent. Wrapping, Fruit and Bag Paper. Sulphite and Mechanical Pulp. SANDY SAWMILL, J. II. Wewer, Proprietor. Rough and Dressed Lumber. BARLOW CREAMERY, Barlow Creamery Ass'n, Props. Fine Creamery Butter. BROETJE'S NURSERY AND GREEN HOUSE. J. F. Broetje fc Son, Proprietors. Nursery Stock, Flower Plants and Bulbs, Cut Flowers. Courtney, on East Side Electric Line. NEEDY CREAMERY AND APIARY, D. J. Kaufman, Proprietor. Gilt-Edged Butter and Clover Honey NEEDY SAWMILL, J. A. Yoder, Proprietor. Rough and Pressed Lumber. OSWEGO NURSERY, Walling it Jarisch, Proprietors. Fruit and Ornamental Trees, Shrubbery and Flowers. MARQUAM SAWMILL, Mortenson it Hanson, Proprietors. Rough and Dressed Lumber. 0. II. BESTOW A CO., Sash, Doors, Moulding, etc. Mill Work of All Kinds. Main and Eleventh Sts. OREGON CITY ICE WORKS, Jas. Lovett, Proprietor. Artificial Ice and Cold Storage. PORTLAND GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY, P. F. Morey, Pres. II. W. Goode, Mgr. Electric Light, Power and Heat. AIMS SAWMILL, ' E. II. Bramhall, Proprietor. Cedar and Fir Lumber. OREGON CITY LABOR EXCHANGE, Crushed Hock for Concrete Work A. J. Kellogg, Mgr. Mill 2 miles from Cams. SANDY CREAMERY, J. N. Foster, Fine Creamery Butter. II. II. WHEELER, Rough and Pressed Lumber. Mill 3 miles east of Canby BUCKNER CREEK SHINGLE MILL, J. H. Evans, Proprietor. Mill 11 miles east of Oregon City J. K. MILLER, Sawmill and Feed Mill. Address, Needy MULINO SAWMILL, McCord Bros., Proprietors. Rough and Dressed Lumber. SANDY FLOUR MILL, F.' A. Meinig, Proprietor. Flour and Few! MILWAUKEE POTTERY WORKS, Chas. Fischer, Proprietor. Enameled Brick, Vases, Flower Pots, etc, FRANK FOX, Rough and Dressed Lumlwrr. Sawmill 4 miles southeast of Molalla. HENRICI BROS., Feed Mill. Beaver Creek ELYVILLE FEED MILL, J. A. Thayer, Manager, HENRY KLEIXSMITII. Feed Mill. SrrinRwater, Sl'RING WATER S WM I LL, J. N. Livermorc. Proprietor. Rough and Dressed Luinlier. KUGLAS, SIEFERit KEE, Rough and Dressed Lumber. Sawmill 2 miles east of Clackamas. RICHARD IIILLIARY, Rough and Dressed LuihIxt. Sawmile J mile west of Damascus. J. B. JOHNSON, Rough and Pressed LumlxT. Mill 3 mill's from Damascus. OREGON CITY BRICK YARD, W. P. Poyser, Proprietor, mile from court house. Foot of Moss Hill IOLA FLOUR MILL, David Zureher, Proprietor. Flour and Feed. GEORGE SAUM, 7 miles northwest of Stafford. Rough and Dressed Lumber. Feed Mill. n A. J. SAWTELI., Molalla, Oregon. A STAFFORD FEED MILL, John Schieve. Feed of All Kinds. ABERNETHY BRICK YARD, J. B. E. Jones, Proprietor. Yard 11 miles from Oregon City, y AURORA SAWMILL, Cole it Sons, Proprietors. Rough and Dressed Lumber. NEW ERA FLOUR MILL, J. Scoviok, Proprietor. Flour and Feed. A B. F. LINN, Rough and Dressed Lumber. Sawmill on Aliernolhy, 7 miles from A Oregon City. BEESON it SONS, Rough and Dressed Lumber. ... - . 1 J Sawmill on AbtTwthy, 10 mile from Ij Oregon City. a FRED MOEIINKE, Rough and Dressed Lumber. Sawmill on Aberixlhy 10 milts from Oregon City. rl J. H. MARTIN A HONS, Rough and Drtssed Lomber. A Sawmill on Abernethy, 8 mi lea from Q Oregon City. jJ GLADSTONE SAWMILL CO., A H. E. Cross, Manngft. n Rmiglr ami Dresscl Lumber, y MULINO SKINGLi: MILL. A Jesso it Hurias, Proprietors. rj Fuio Cedar Shingles. Ij I rl ! STURGIS BROS., Rough and Dressed Lumber. Sawmill 2 miNs south of Jfolalla. HERMANN BROS., Rough rtd Drcel Lumber, Sawmill 2 miles soutlwast of Molalla. JOHN EVE RH ART, Feed MilL 3 mile south of Molalla. SAAd MILLER, Rough and Dressed Lumber, Bride and Tile. Mill And works 2 miles east of Hubbard. OSWEGO IRON AND STEEL CO., W.M.Ladd, Pres. J.Frank Watson, Sec. Pig Iron and Water Pipe. Furnace and Pijo Foundry at Oswego. LOUIS TOEDLEMEIR, Feed Mill and Plow Share Grinder, Mill in the KruHe neighborhood. EAST SIDE RAILWAY CO., Builders of Electric Cars. Shops at Milwaukio. SCIIRADER BROS., Feed Mill and Plow Share Grinding. 1) miles southwest of Stafford. Legal Notices. Nti-e Tor Publication. Land office at Or-eon City. Ore., May IS, 197 li itice la hereby given that the Hiowirig B'ui el asitler hua filed notice of bia Im ntion to make Anal pror f i i aa p t f his claim, and tiint nl I tT ol will binid i bcfr the R-.-glst r and R-weiver at Oregon City, 0 e., ou July 10, IhlT7, yla: AMBROSE PLEWAED, KK.SCftCfortheEHofS W) and WtfofBE 5 of 8cc. 10, T. 58., K.8E. tli Dim i ihe following wl'DMses to prnre tiiOO'i inuoua r aid. nee upon and cultivation cf nH t la'id. va: Cbariea Hubbard, of C 1 on, Ore.; Frank Bilker, of C Itnn, Or a.; Peter Lufurty, o( Col t.ll.O e .Micha.l Arn'iet, t Co. to i, Ore fr-Kl. 6-25 BOBEBT M1LLEU, Beaiater. Notice for Publication. Land olRceat Oregon City, Ore, Hay 21, 1867. hot ee ii hcrcbr Kiveu ibut the fjlloHlng br : ed ettl r b i Hied imtlce of h a lntenllou to mok i linal proof In mpp rt of hit o aim, and thrt ajd proof will be md b'ora theBeglnter a-i.l lto elver atOrerou City, Ore., on July 26, 1j7, vis: HKNKY W. HUNT. H. E. No. D04H for the 8 V, ol N E M and lota 1 mil l i of aec Ion 2. X 4 K. 6 K. He name ihe (n, lowing witnenaea to prove hla continuous r aldenoe up .n and cultivation of Be d luud, T a: Chnrle" CM l'er, of Leon. Ore. : Robert MI ler, 0' L'on, O e.; (i. H. Pd rxiHtK-T, of Leon, O e. ; nco'i Buruer, ol L : (). 64, 7 9 HOBKKT MILLER, Register. Dxecutor'a iotire. NOUCK IS HEREHY GIVEN THAT THE uuderlino'l haa been appointed by the County 0'iui-t of Clantamaa County, Or"eon, rzuentor of the luat will and testament of W. l. Daugherty, deceaaid. All rwrnm having Lnnn airalnat the tatata of aald W. D. liuugh erty, dei en"rt, ar hereby uotitiid to prcacnt the aime, duly v. rifled, for payment to tne uu atmiiued at Idol illa, (1 k kiiiiBB County, Ore arm, or at tht ottice of B owncll 4 Campbell, UrtgouClty, Oregon, wltliiu aix montha from (lie date of thia uotice. D.ted May It, 1K97. CHARLEY DAVGHEETY. JJrownell ACumpbj'l, Executor. Att'va fr executor. t-u-eu Notice of Final Nettlentent. IN THE MATTE B Of THE ESTATE OF Andr-ai. H Troie, decemx-d. N .tl e la hereby given that the und Ttlgned bia fib d hta flual report In the Coanty Court o' Clackamaa county, O-egon, aa executor oi and estate, and the court hi fixe I August 21. 1S97. at ihe hour 'f lu o'cl'K k a. m., aa a day and hour for the hearing of object om to iai I report a 0 for tb tettUmiUt ol aid tnt, June Stb, 17. HKNKY TKOGK, Ex ecu 'or of the estate of Audreaa H. Troge, deceaaed. 6-11; 6-9 Oregon City Market Report. (Corrected weekly.; Wheat No. 1 merchantable, 72 cents per bushel. Flour Portland, $4.30 ; Howard's Best, 4.30; Fisher's Bent, $4.20; Dayton, $4.70: Pendleton, $4.90 Oats in ska, white, 45 eentg per bushel, gray, 40. Millstuffs Dran, $16.00 per ton; shorts, $17.50 per ton. Potatoes 45 cents per sack. Eggs, 10 cents per dozen. Butter Ranch, 25 to 30 cents per roll. Onions, $2 00 to $2 25 per sack. Dried Fruits Apples, onbleached, 5 cents; 50-pound boxes, evaporated, 6c prunes, 5 to 7 cents; plums, 4c. Bacon Hams, 9 to 11 cents; sides, 6; shoulders, 6 to 10; lard 7 to 8 LiveHtock and Dressed Meals Beef, live, 3 to cents ; bois, live V, cents ; ho(58 dressed, btob4 cents ; sheep, $2.00 to $2.25 per head;veal,dressed,4 to . Poultry Chickens, young, from $1.50 ; old $3.00; turkeys, alive, 8 cents per FOR CLATSKANIE Steamer G.W. Shaver, LEAVES Portland foot of Washington street Tues day, Thursday and Hunday evenings at 5 o'clock. Returning, leaves ClatHkanie Monday, Wednesday and Friday even ings at 5 o'clock. Will pass Oak Point about 7; Stella 7:15; Mayger 7:25; Rainier 8:20; Kalama9:15; tit. Helens 10:30. Arrive in Portland 1 :30 a. m. This is the nearest and most direct route to the great Nehalem valley. IF YOU ARE, DO NOT FORGET Three Important Points FIRST Go via St. Paul because the lines to that point will afford you tne very best service. SECOND See that the coupon beyond St. Paul reads via the Wis consin Central because that line makes close connections with all the trans-continental lines entering the Union Denot there, and its Her- - t vice is first-class in every particular. THIRD For information, call on your neighbor and friend the nearest ticket agent and ask for a ticket reading via the Wisconsin Central lines, or address Jas. C. Posd, or Oko. 8. BatTt, Gen. Paa. Agt., General Agent, Milwaukee, Wis 24(1 Stark 8t., Portland, Or. OREGON CITY IRON WORKS W New and Enlarged Shop with all appliances for MACHINE WORK & CASTING All work executed in the best manner possible. Promptness guaran teed on all orders. - HEPAIRI1TG - Ji. - SPECIALTY. Prices the lowest to be had in Portland. Shop on Fourth Street, near Main, Oregon City, Oregon. J. ROAKE & CO. pound. Shaver Transportation Co. J V;