Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (June 11, 1897)
f Oregon City Enterprise DATKM TO KK.MK.MBEH. TiH'niluv, June In.-O. A. II. department Meets nt lndependencs. WkiIiii-mIiiv, June HI.-Annual iiiMllmiof Ori'Knn Hials Pioneers' Association In 1'uri Imiil. Friday, Jim IH. Annual rump numllim of M. K. Clnircli at Canhy, to continue lor tun iluyi. Tih'mImv, July l.l.-Kourth annual saiif lily u( lliu WlllMiiintiv Valley :IiiiIhiiiii Ancialloll meets In Uladston l'rk U) remain In session tor twelvs days. HU KAY, JUNK 11, 18117. UK A I. KM'FATk TRANSFERS. Furnished Every Week by Ilia (larka. limit A but met k Trust Comimuj'. Wm H Orlhhlo to Naltlo K Orlhhle My 2, 'U7 W V luU 7, 8 and swtf of lot 4n J swtfof hlkOCanhy f J I. Hwallord to 1) 0 Utourette, May au, 'U7 W D 10, acres In Holme claim HuiiMit Land Co to John lt Humph' rey, My 118, 'l7 lot 5 blk ID, Sun set City Jeremiah Una to T F Kyan, May S8, '07 nw.U' ol lie! iwc HO 1 4 i, r 2 W It Kill to Margaret White, Feb 27, 07 lot 1,2, M 19, Robertson A L James to U II Dimlck, June 21 U7 W 11 lot 2, blk 1 (lren I'oliit. J (1 Davidson to Mixre Gorlach, May 27' 't7 W IHoU 1, 2 sec 18 t 2s,r8e . IWton to K J Ratten, Deo 17, tMI Q C tract "O" Clackamas Riv erside J U Foster to J C Newborn, June 8, 1)7 W I) lot 2, blk S, Real's add to New Kr Ida 11 Wlnleri to J F Coor, May 2S. 'U7 J, acr town of Clt-knmii 1) W TIioiiim to Central uranire, No 270, June , 'U7 ,'a In sec 2(1 1 i, r2e U 8 to Mi('le, Nov 7, 'IXIpal- enl in1; aec 2H t 2 a, r 6 e Thos M Kvans to Kofi lierena, Mir 9, 'U7 W I) nw'f ol nw4 -"W t 2 a, r 5 a M H Cochran to School district No 2,May 2U, 't7 1 acr In Win F.lliott claim DO 200 200 600 400 450 40 5 lotto 10 Tat 123 35 THE CLACKAMAS AUSTRACT A TRUST CO. are the owner of the copy right to the Tliorne system ol abstract indexes, for Clackamas county, and have the only complete net of abstracts In the county, ran furnish information a to title to land at once, on application. Loans, liivi'BliiicnlH,rrl estate, abstract etc. Olllie over liauk of Urciron City. Call and Investlfate. Address box 377, Orfon CUy Oreuon. Clertric lintel Arrival. W lt Herst, Han Francisco Kotwrt Duncan " John M Stewart, Molalla Ina V Leland. New Era Levin Inland " Mra F H Dale, (irand Romide Addis dallaiiher, Portland Frank M Wells " HJLaalcr " X B Macklln J T Cleeton, fit Helena Jamea Kvans, Canity Henry L Rotters, Vancouver Alei llarr " 1'rof Knnpp, Portland II K Hodges, Silvorton O S Hihlmtd " J W Welch " 8 ritnian L J Wolf " The Electric holul is the fineHt in the city and flrst-clasB In all ita appointment. Electric earn atop in front of the door. Teacher' Institute. The minimi teacher' Institute for Clackamas county will be held in the Barclay school building in Oregon City, commencing Monday, June 28, at 0 o'clock a. m. and continuing in session four days. Every teacher la exacted to attend or II lu written statement of rea son (or nun attendance. II. Q. Btakkwkathkr. Hchnol Superintendent. Duted June 10. 181)7. Hook Cheap. Everything required in the school room, book, slates, tablets, soiikos, Ink, pens, pencils, etc. at Daniel Wil liams, cornui Seventh mid Center streets. Full stock of nuts, candies, notion etc., fresh and of food quality. Bold at reas onable prices. Till I Your Opportunity. On receipt of tm cent, cnh or stamps, a generous siimplo will be mnilcd of the moHt popular Catarrh and Hay Fever Cure (Ely's Cruam Balm) snflloient to demon strate the grunt merits of the retmidy. ELY nitOTIIEIta, 60 Warren St., New York City. Iter. John Iteld, Jr., of Onat Fall", Mont., recommended Ely's ('ream Halm to m. I can emphasize hi statement, "It I a poi tiva cure for catarrh If uxed a direoted." Iter. Frsnoi W. Poole, Pastor Central Pres. Churoh, Helena, Mont Ely's Cream Balm is the acknowledged cure for catarrh and contains no morourjr nor any injurious drug. Price, CO oents. ROYAL Baking Powder. Highest of alt in leavening Strength. M. S. Oovronwot Rapert TIIK KXI'F.ltTH' liKl'Oltr. A Complete NIhihImk mm loll:e Condition uml IHiinairi'itM'iit of the NherlfN nml Treasurer's Oftlccs. . (CoiiIIiiiiimI from Flmt I'hk"' turn over to the treasurer the following amounts, collected from the person whosu n ii inn are given bulow, the total of which wechargu to him as due the county. a act mo 4 U14, Jm P Hliw. 'M tat f 10 mi Hiram Halglit, Mrt lx HI In ft7!l.'l, Kllxatjeth Hackney, 111 tea.... 4 HO aimi, J II Lnmliart, 'III lK 1 00 mil, John Hural,'Wiax 411 Total ! ii67 In justice to Mr. Maddovk It should be said the total of the amounts listed above was promptly paid to the treas urer, on his attention being called to the errors. In addition to the above we found that $:i61 wa collected from L. II. Andrews, (15 tax, receipt No. 3103, when .'S01 should have beea collected, the result of a clerical error, whereby the county lone $10. A to whether Mr. Maddock or Mr. Andrew I ri'oiisible to the county la a matter we think for the court to determine. The original and delinquent roll to gether with the delinquent tax sales book should be an Index to a peron s property, relative to the payment of taxes When tax Is pat' on properly not yet delinquent, It should le credited to the original roll to the person paying. After tax has become delinquent, and payment Is made prior to the time of advertising, it should be credited on the delinquent roll to the pernon paying, but not on the original roll, a ha been and is now the custoia in this county. All credits on the original roll should cease when collodion are commenced on the delinquent roll and all credits on the delinquent roll ahould eae when the proxrtv i advertised. Wheicjcredita are tnadein two places, a ha tiMiully been the practice, it la very annoying to thoe whoso buniiie it 1 to search the records to find the history of proerty In regaid to the payment of taxes. When the sale wa made on the 18U4 delinquent roll, the sheriiriiMi'ied receipt to Clackamas county and recorded same In hi cokIi regiMter, when in fact, there was no cash, or its equivalent received. This should neer be done, aa to any casual obnerver, examining the cash rcgUtnr. it would appear that the sheriff had received money, represented by these entries which should be turned over to the treasurer, wlien such is not the (act. The syHtem of cash reginter ued by the sheriff (or the past nuinU-r of years Is excellent, and we would not recommend any change. In our examination of the sheriff ollice we have not checked up any of Mr. Ornce's work pertaining to the collection of the 18!HJ roll, now in course of collet- tlon.ond have checked delinquent tax col lccled by him to April 20, 1HU7, only. Through the entire examination both present and pat ofllciala have been very coiiHulcrate, and have shown u every courtesy possible, all of which we duly appreciate, and take this means of thanking them for uniform klnduesses. lU'vct fully submitted, Boxohtii A Stalky, Oregon City, Oregon, June 8, 18U7. HKI'OHT ON TKKARUUKIi'S OrriCK. To the Honorable County Court ol Clackamas County, Oregon : In pursuance of our contract with you dated March 8, 1807, to exxtrt the books, records, etc,, of the sheriir and treasurer of Clackamas county, we submit the following, as a result of our examination of the treasurer's ollice : We checked up ail that part of Mr Califf's work pertaining to the collection and disbursement of school district tax, beginning with March 0, 18114, the time such special tax was first collected, and found no errors in school district au' counts except a few which had been cor rected previous to bis retirement from ollice. According to the balances shown on the various books, and the receipts given to Mr, CalffT by M, L, Moore, hi successor in office, he paid over all money represented by the books. We found the examination of Mr, Moore's work a very dillicult and tedious undertaking owing to a luck of system in keeping the various fund accounts. On looking back we find the same general methods have been used for years past, and handed down from ono official to another from term to term. From the confused arrangement in which the ac counts were kept, it probably took at least tour times as long to check up and verify the work than it would have taken had there been a system used which was adapted to the needs of the ollice, We compared all of Mr. Moore's work with vouchers, except money received from Mr. Maddock as fees, and about one-haU of his payments of county war rants. Mr, Maddock had no personal receipts from Mr. Moore for fees paid, receipts presumably having been made on the fee book diroct, and we were un able with the help of past and presen ofllciala to find the fee book in the court house. We must presume, in the absence of any vouchers that these entries of fees cover ing a period of nine months, made m Mr. Moore's book are correct. An explana tion is bIbo necessary at this point to show why we did not check up part of Mr, Moore's payments of county war rants, which Is a follow : By law the treiiNiiriir is required to turn over to the clerk ami taks a receipt theref'TH, each quarter, all redeemed county warrant. The following Is a ropv of receipt given by M'. Morion to Mr. Moore for re deemed warrant: pflMM Ohkoos Crrv, July 1,'UO Received from M . L. Moore, county treasurer, ninety-five hundred twenty- three and .08 dollar, In redeemed county warrants si per hi count. Signed, Uko. F. IIohtox, Clerk. Nearly all of the receipts given to Mr. Moore for redeemed warrants are of this nature. The clerk enters on III ab stract of wan ants issued opposite the number of the warrant redeemed the date of cancellation, after which, it was, and has evidently aiway been until recently, the custom of the clerk to burn the warrant thus cancelled, an act almost criminal, although not done with any Intention of ever involving the county In risk of loss. These cancelled warrants are really a part of the county' records and should be carefully arranged, labeled and Hied away. They are the only absolute evidence that an entry on the treasurer' book i correct, and when they are destroyed this evidence Is gone. It leaves the way open for fraud between a treasurer and clerk, and a county could be defrauded out of thousands of dollar and no one would be the wiser as to where to fix the re sponsibility. About one-half of the war raits redeemed by Mr. Moore were on His in the clerk's olll e.and these entries we have checked up and verified with I hs m and found no error. In the absence of the others we have to pre sume that his entries of them are cor rect. We could have used the county clerk's abstract of cancelled .warrants to check the treasurer's entries, but the clerk is as liable to error ss the treasurer and the warrant being gone there would be nothing to show who Is right. This would have takeo a number of days longer and the results obtained would have been very unsatisfactory. We found the following errors to have been made during Mr. Moore's adminis tration, and caused by the county clerk's tu-ning over money collected on account of delinquent tax. unseggregated . The rod fund should be credited and the Kiineral fund charged with $74 58. Also the school district No. Ti should be credited with 3ii and general lunl charged witn same. In addition to the above, general school fund should be ere lited with $124.20 and general fund charged with same, being the amount of justice of the peace Ones received by Mr. Moore and wrongly credited to the gen eral fund. We have made Hie entries on the preent treasurer's books neces sary to correct all the errors noU-d above. On Mr. Moore's turning the ollice over to Mr. Shade, the present incumbent, Mr. Shade receipted to Mr. Moore for $3.88 more in the road fund and $(I.G0 more in the aeclsl school fund than his books, which we have verified, show him to have owed on account of these funds. We credit him with the sum of these overpayments, $10 64. but charge him with $21, the amount of an entry made in the general fund when closing his books, which he entered simply as an "error," with no oilier explanation, We can And no reason for his having taken credit for this amount, and therefore charge him with the difference, $10.40. which is now due the county. On examination of Mr. Shade's work beginning July 0th, 1800 we found that to properly verify his work and introduce a new system adapted to the needs of the ollice it would be necessary to re write his work entirely, from vouchers at hand, for ha hau continued with the same general plan used by his predeces sors although tie introduced some new features, they only serve to further coin plicate the records which were already in a very chaotic state. In order for him to verify his books and balance his cash it would have been necesary to balance various books; and from the appearane of the books and from his own statement we found that a balance had not been struck between cash and books from the time he assumed hiB ollice, July G, 1800 until May 31, 1807, when the same was done by us. We re-wrote his work, to this date and on Btriking a balance found him to be $001.35 short ot the balance shown by the books. An explanation Is necessary just at this point. When Mr. Moore turned the ollice over to Mr. Shade, July 0, 180(1, all money was counted and ao (ording to their statement a memoran dum receipt taken by Mr. Moore for the entire amount. Mr. Moore then took about thirty days to balance his books ready for turning them over to Mr. Shade. On August 0th Mr. Shade re ceipted to Mr Moore for each balance on the book, duplicates of which receipts are on tile in the clerks office. At this time Mr. Moore payed J $1150.00 addi tional to what had formerly been turned over, and Mr. Shade issued his receipt for this also, a duplicate of which is on file. Mr. Moore's books do not show that he should have paid this amount in ad dition to the balance on the books, but both agree that the money was paid, Mr. Moore saying that according to his figures he owed the county that amount more. Mr. Shade states that he understood tiie money went to make up the balances then appearing on the book. If this were true the receipt should not have been issued. We hve callml In both Mr. Moore and Mr Shade to get their ver sion ol this matter, but from their ttH (Hunts we find that they ars at variance, In view of these facts, and the receipt before us ss evidence, we could not .do otherwise than charge this amount in question to Mr. Shade, and leave him to pursue his reui' dy In a court of equity In case he has reason to believe lie can produce evidence to have the receipt set aside. In ease he should be able to do this, he will then have a surplus "f $248 71 on May 31, 1807, the date to which our examination extends and the time to which we compiled his books. If there is any place outside of a bank that banking methods should be used it 1 In the treasurer's office. We have now given this office a sys tem by which they can readily balance cash daily If they so desire, and show in a moment the balance of each fund and of all the f .nds. During our examination of this office we have been shown the ntmost cour tesy by the present and past officials, all of which we duly appreciate. We wish to thsnk you, gentleman of the court, for your assistance and con sultation accorded us on so many oc casions during this examination, and we trust that the benefit to Clackamas coun ty taxpayers as the result of our work mar be more and more apparent as time passe. Respectfully submitted, Bozobtii & Stahv. Dated Oregon City, Oregon, June 10, 1807. For a significance, variety and interest of matter and beauty of il lustration , there rarely issues a magazine equal to the June number of McClure's. Professor Langley'i account of his ten years of hard study and experiment in the construction of flying-machines, crowned at last with a machine that actually solves the problem and proves "mechanical flight" to be both possible and practicable, is a posi tive contribution to scionce; but it at same time a most interesting story of heroic patience and effort directed to a noble end. The paper i illustrated with pictures of Professor Langley'a own machine (the only flying-machine that has ever flown) made under his direction. A series of life portrait of Queen Victoria, made timely by the sixtieth anniversary jf her reign, Is another at tractive feature. There are twenty-five of these portraits, all reproduced with rare beautv and showing Victoria, at various ages, from two years to the pres ent time. Madame Blanc (" Th. Bent ion"), who has long been associated with the " Revue des deux Monde," has an interesting article on the great " Kevue," its founder and first editor, Buloz, and its present editor, Brunetiere, who has just finished a visit and course of lectures lu this country. Hamlin Uarland write of " Grant' First Great ' Service in the War," supplying some new personal glimpses of Grant. Nobody should fail to read, in this number, the new Kansas story by William Allen White. It is as genuine as life, and is the strongest thing the young Kansas author has yet done. There are other exceptionally good stories in the number, several of them true stories; and they make the number as lively and entertaining as it is instruc tive. Circuit Court. Continued from last week : Jacob Spnnglor vs F. L. Mack and W. T. Whitlock, defendant allowed to appeal. Willamette Land Co. vs. S. V. and W. S. Lewelling, judgment for $1548.50 and $100 attorney' fee. Wm. Church vs W. W. McGuire et al, judgment for $i500 and interest and costs. Rebecca Long et al vs J. W. Doores et al, dismissed. W. H. Engle, guardian, vs John Har lesa etal, petition of property as follows: To Gilbert Engle 5.00 acres, to Blanche HarlcBS 7 acres, to Charles Harless 6.33 acres and to John Harless 20.02 acres. Laura A. Gordon vs Jas. L. Gordon, divorce and two children given to plain tiff. Robbing Ss Son vs J. H. Comer, judg ment for $13.94. Following summoned as special venire : Matt Hamilton, Geo. Lazelle, A. Laley, Amos Leek, W. J. W. McOord, Geo. Speefl, Geo. Kidder, M. L. Moore, G. A. Schuebel, Fred Bluhm, J. Burgoyne, J. 0. Newberry, L. D. Mumpower, T. R. Worthington. Sarah A. Broughton et al vs Oregon City et als, sale and execution Bet aside and new execution ordered. Annie Johns vs Daniel Johns, divorce. Anna Guntenbcin vs O.O. Mfg. Co., jury verdict of $400. Suit was for $)000 For Campers and Picnlcers. Vienna Sausage, Vienna Sausage and Sauerkraut, Lunch Sausage, Van Camp's Pork and Beans, Heins's Pork and Beans, Heinz's Tomato Sauce, Picnic Hams and Bacon, In fact everything necessary for out door life. Marr & Mulr. Wall Paper. Best stock of wall paper in Oregon City latest designs and prices to suit the times at R. L. Ilolman's, Seventh street, near Main. tf. The Clackamas Hhnutlng Trouble. The usual .quiet town of Clackamas was thrown into a fever ol excitement Tuesday evening by a shooting tragedy that may prove fatal. Charh-i L. Road armel, the victim ol the shooting is a highly respected citizen of Clackamas, and has a wife and child according to the statement of several prominent citi zens of that place. Charles Lescor who did the shooting ha been at Clackamas considerable of the time for the past eight months, his parents residing about three-fourths of a mile from that place. Lescor, it i stated by several resident of Clackamas, has a previous unsavory record. According to their story be wa known In Portland aa "Dirty Faced Charley," and one individual asserts that he formerly thumped a piano in a saloon conducted by Close Bros, in this city. Lescor had recently joined one of the churches at Clackamas and bis mo tive were questioned by quite a number of people. He been accused of attempt ing improper liberties with young gir Is by placing hi arm around their necks, and Mr. Koadarmel had cautioned some parents a to hi alleged actions. On Tuesday evening there was an ice cream festival across the street from from Run yan'i store. Roadarmel and Lescor met in the store between eight and nine o'clock and had some words, wbeu Lascor reached behind him for his gun and Roadarmel, who saw he could not run pushed Lascor over the stove, falling on him when Lascor pulled a revolver from his pocket and shot Roadarmel in the left hip, the bullet ranging upward toward the chest. Immediately after the shooting Constable Willis Johnson and Justice Otto A. Gengelbach took Lescor in charge and brought bira to Oregon City, and placed him in the county jail. Lescor was given a preliminary hear ing before Justice Gengelbach in Clack amas Thursday and bound over to ap pear betore the grand jury in the sum of $1000, in default of which he went to jail. The evidence against Lescor was very conclusive by reliable witnesses. George C. Browne!! appeared for the defendant and G. B. Dimick represent ed the state. hare Your Grain. Few realize that each squirrel destroys $1.50 worth of grain annually. Wake lee's Squirrel and Gopher Exterminator is the most effective and economical poi son known. Price reduced to 30 cents. For sale by C. G. Huntley, G. A. Hard ing and Charman & Co. Send the Entkkpribk to your friend in the East and thus give him an idea of what is going on in Clackamas connty, It may induce him to locate with us. Close to mills and stores in Sunset. Fine view and water. ...... F. E. Donaldson, Agt. Rags Wanted. Cash will be paid for clean cotton rags at the Entebpkibb of fice. Special prices for Gladstone property entire July 1st. Steamship tickets and seasick preven tave. F. E. Donaldsou, agt. Gladstone property will be in demand this coming spring snd summer, .Seven minutes to Gladstone two and one-half cents. THE DREADED CONSUMP TION CAN BE CURED. T. A. 8loenm. M. C, tht Urtat Cbemlst and BcieuUst, Will arnd, Free, Three Bottlnof Ilu Newly Dlacovered Remedies to Sufferers. Editor Enterprise:: I have discov ered a reliable cure for consumption and allbrochial, throat anrt lung diseases, general decline, loss of flesh and all con ditions of wasting away. By its timely use thousands of apparently hopeless cases have been cured. So proof-positive am I of its power to cure, that to make its merits known, I will send, free, to any afllicted reader of your paper, three bottles of my newly discovered remedies upon receipt of express and poet office address, T. A. SLOCUM, M . V., 08 Pine Street, New York When writing the doctor, please men tion tins paper. Replator Lit PORTLAND TO THE DALLES By the fast and com modious steamer Regulator Leaves Portland, Tuesday .Thurs day and Saturday at 6:30 a. m. Arrives Monday, Wednesday and Friday. This is the Great Scenic Route. All tourist admit that the scenery on the Middle Columbia is not ex celled for beauty and grandeur in the United States. Full informa tion by addressing or calling on J. fl. HAKJNJKY, Agent, Tel. 914. Portland, Or., Office and wharf, foot of Oak St. mania Lh Iijafkefc PAUL J. SCHOLZ, Prop. Best Quality of Cold Storage Meats. Smoked hame and bacon cannot be excelled. Game in season. Highest price paid for live and dressed stock.. Seventh St between Main and Depot Established IMS. PIONEER Transfer1 and Ejgjfe, Freight and parcels delivered to all parts of the city. RATES - REASONABLE.' 0. R.&N.Co. "FAST MAIL ROUTE." Leaves for the East via Walla Walla. and Spokane, daily at 2:45 p. m. Arrives, at 11:59 a. m. Leaves for the East via Huntington and Pendleton, daily at 9 p. m. Arrives at THROUGH FIR9T Cr.Afi3AM)TOCRST' 6LEEPEKS. eCEflS USD gCEDMiE?. Ocean Division Steamahips sail from Ainsworth dock 8 p. m. For San State of California sails April 2, 12,22; Colum bia sails April 7, 17, 27th, and regular stated intervals thereafter. C0LUJJBI7I HIYEK DIYIjSIOfl PORTLAND AND ASTORIA m Steamer T. J . Potter or steamer Eaily Gatzrt, leaves Portland daily excepH Sunday, from foot of Alder street, at 6 :45 a. m., Ash St. dock 7 a. m. ; also at 7 .45 p. m. daily, except Saturday, from foot of Alder St. ; Saturday at 9 :45 p. m. an? at 8 p. m. daily excep Saturday from Ash St. dock; Saturday at 10. p. nx. Returning, steamer T. J.. Potter or steamer Bailey Gatzet leaves Astoria daily except Sundav, from Telephone dock, at 6 :45 a. m. ; 6. R. & . N. dock, at 7 a. m ; also from Telephone dock at 6:45 p. m. daily, O. R. & X. dock at 7 p. m. - Willamette River Route. Ash Street Wharf. Steamer Ruth for Conrallis and way points, leaves Portland Tuesdays, Thurs days and Saturdays at 6 a. m. Return ing, leaves Corvallis for Portland an4 way points Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, at 6 a. in. Steamer Elmore, for Salem and way points, leaves Port land Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridavs at 6 a. m. Returning, leaves Salem for Portland and way points, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays at 7:15 a. m. Steamer Modoc will leave PortUtnd for Dayton and way points, Sundays, Tuesdavs and Thursdays at 7 a. m. Returning, leaves Dayton Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays at 7 a. m." W. H. HURLBTJRT, E. McNEILL, Gen. Pass. Agent. Pres. and M'gr, Portland, Or. ; EAST AND SOUTH -VIA- THE SHASTA ROUTE -Of the SOUTHERN PACIFIC C0MPAM. Express Trains leave Portland Dally. i; i niai, Sou.h i I North. 6 00 r.M. Lt Portland Ar 9 SO a.m. 0:52 p.m. Lt OrsirinCIty Lt 8:40a. m, 7:45 a.m. Ar 8. Francisco Lt 8:00 r.M. The above trains stop at alt stations be tween Portland, Salem, Turner, Marion, Jefferson, Albany, Tangent, ShedJa, Halsey, Harrisburg, Junction City, Eugene, Cottage Grove, Drain, Oakland and all sta tions from Koseburg to Ashland inclusive Direct connection at San Francisco with Occidental and Oriental and Pacific M:iil Menmshin lines for JAPAN and CHINA. Sailing dales on application. Rates and tickets to Eastern points and Europe. Also JAPAN, CHINA, HONO LULU and AUSTRALIA. Can be obtained from E. E. BOYD, ticket agent, Oregon City ROSEBTJRO MAIL (DallT). 8:80 a. m. I Lt Portland Ar 4:30 p. m 9:23 A. M. I Lt OreitonCltT Lt J8:H6r. K 6:20r.M. Ar Koseburg Lt 7:,HOa. West Bide Division. BETWEEN PORTLAND AND CORVALLIS. Mall Train, Daily (Except 8undT.i 7:80 a.m. Lt Portland Ar 12:15 r.M. Ar Corvalll Lt 1.0a r.M At Albany and Corvallli connect with trains Of Oregon Central A E ulern Railroad. Express Train Dailv (Except Sunday) 4:50p.m. Lt Portland Ar 7:30 p. m. I Ar McMlnnville Lt 8:25 a. m 6:60 A. M R.KOEHLER, Manager. E. P. ROOERS, Aii't O. F. and Pass. Agent