Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (June 11, 1897)
Oregon City Enterprise. SCHEDULES OF TIME NOIITIIKUN I'ACmO RAILWAY. PCIHTM SOUKU. f'kllluriiU Kitiriui (tlirouvli) atoM-burs IxKml (way ttitllimi) Mia. m. a. MM p. in. KIUTM SOUSI), hi.mtiurf (way talliuit) California KaprH (tliroii(li) t 'fl a m 0; 0 p, m l'UHTAI. HCMKUUI.K. y sot'Tiisss racirio smaoan, ' Mall rliMH0n( Horlh, I m, Mull oliwo jullii Hoilh,9 00 a. m anil 1. W p in. Ma I illllr biliedfriiUI Norlh 7 Ml p tit., 10:15 Mnlldu.ilbuLd from south R.IUs m , 4vp.m. r rr aim iliotiio mm Mall eli'MM lor I'lirtUod ti.d diiirlbuUi'i pol.U, IViimhi, mill 4 4A p. in, M.iolou lor Milwauae onljr, MB a, m.. 4 . 4ft p. in. Mail irrltrti liom Piiillaiid, 11:10 a. la slid 4. it p. m, aiDi miiiTia. Oraton City lo Kly.C'arut, Mullnn, Mharat and Molalla loavaa al li m. aud arrives alUu. ' ore'aim City to Heaver Crsek, Mink, Clark. Meadow Brook. I'nlun Mllla, and I'ulum. leaves I S a. m. Monday. Wednesday and ri.oay, ud returns tin following devs at 4 M p. m tirK"ii City U Viola, Uisin and ludlaud Imih Ores,"" CUT Monday, WmluvwUr "d Fridays! I.W p. m., leaving Vlula aaiut days a7;i!,iii OrxiMi CM jr lo Willamette, SiafTurl and Wll.iuivllie.errlvuastku.sUs, in. audivavt. at 11 JO ila .y. ikii' rl delivery window la upon on Miwlav (run. 10 lo 11a. in. Al r.d'i. p"l ml" U' ba ai ilia "or la piutnplly H ( IT Sun tar, a ..n miiar d .r. A . Kmi.tii mall lhal la delay! all I Mill" arrive on ( m) a. in., a. I'. Ir. lu will om on U o'cl'Mik or 4 . la .ecu io oar. MII.I.AUK1TK fAUJ K'Y, rasa isava svsriaHox saiboa wuxjarrrs rAiu 6 Mi a, m. tXi. ro a ii 7 ou " a nu a i.o " luui aft " I , U 1.115 p. in. 1-j iu a i '4 lb p. m. 4,0 ' I l 6 10 111 " 4:4) t M 1 11.14 HiinJnT C in Iraraarctjr liour nnMt oVIiki p. m. lu iftvcl on and ' I " J" r ft. IN'JA, C. A. stli.UH. i-tHT. FKIPAY, JUNK J1.IHH7. Hk Wast a iWrur-rna. Sliadi' o( ItaiilitH, v. list are we lirxtlo rxpfil of our man Miiriiuiiii, lio of fuiirii'rn imlii'l IMi'iita) fur violating, tlio laws ol Ort'tfun li y avllintf liiiior wiiliuiit a lirttiisa I Ih nu want lo Ik' mt mauler, KinlKildi'iii'd liy liia aiii'i'iiaa in Kttttlnu; up it itiinm lo lii'i') hiinatiK out ol llio ClmkaiiHia county j iil, lit) U now ifi'tmu nn cil Hon to t(iil liiiulf Into (lit) mihi-ulll-e al M.irqiirtiii. Ami lin liua llio it It to aak nmlilkana to ai'l liltit In awnriiiK from a ri.ulill. ail ailnilniairailoii, a intuition u( I rust and lionor an a riT.nilion ofliia wit Ulxira for tint party. It wad mi li work aa tliU limn M iritiain liaailotiM in tlm (uhI (or tlin ri'nilili'iiu 'rt v, that wa an lin IHiitant (actor In lirlnilii iiHin It ili i riiMliliiji ilrfiMt it mmtaiiinil at tlin liun ln of tin) vomth of CUikitniHii county at lite liiat cuiinty fli'ftion. Whi-n tlio rn itililii'rtii mrty K"1 l',u lM,tl ' b.iniHrlort ami ri'Tobati an m la m-raiMxl off, will lln'rn lm iroaKrt of ila iMH-urlilK 11,0 a"""1' l"M'lM,rt tlm Iwlti-r clrmmit of our coiiniy. It ia an outrniii) upon puliliu morulity ami political ili-cuncy tlmt thin iiihii Marijuana ahoiild mkIc tht) B0irrii of Ilia follow citizen lor it Koviiriiiiient u t"ii)t ini'iil fUT Imvinu rolilmil tlaw taxpayir an Iih Iihn, ami ruiniHl in nn and Imya without diuiiIht. In (h hint term of circuit comt thri' indicliinntH wera found ntruiiiHt hi in lor dillttrent vioUtion ol tlu law. On oiifl ho wh triud nnd (ound guilty nnd only fMcHpod juat piiiilhhiiiunl hy I he clummicy of a politi cal acln-mer in the novernor'a chair, the othi'r two hit dodged hy h'liiil ti'i hnii altica when hroitiiht lo trial. TIikh tlir.- in dictinontH coNt thu tux pa era n( C'lui kit miiH county no 1i h than tWiO. Tht fet for tlin witnenma heforu tint !nind Jury aiil'iiinted to over f 100 while Hit) (eea ol tho witni'Mxc in liia trial in the circuit court Hinoiliilfd to $llta Hiit trial htHted two dit.VH and h It co8tH the 1 -T per day to run t Iih circuit court for lliia county, Unit made, another 2"0 to add to the conIh. A the other Hi tiini a whii li he Iihn lnon IM-Iore the courtii have coal from 1 100 to PK) euch, it will he ieen tlmt thin umn MAiquum hna coat tliia county enough to have built five niilua of Rood rond, or to Iiavb iflven a nin. montliH term of achool each to 20 hcIiooI diNtriuta. MHrqimm Ih neither wanted an it aaloon ker nor poMtimiHter In C'liu kanirtH county, and he had better emigrate t Tcxhh or Iludim and give the taxpayers a reHt. Hand Conckkt. The concert niven hy tho Silverton Murine Imnd at Shively'B opera Iioiihu laHt Hutiinlity evi'iiiiiK was only fairly well attended but ireally enjoyed by t horse prvaent. While the entire program was Btrictly IIihI'cIhhr, anei hil inunlion Hhould lie made of J. W. Welch'M cornet nolo, "My Old Kentucky Home" and the baritone hoIo by M. O. Cooley. The beat nuinlier of the whole proKiam was "The Ilullflnchea," a polka for two clarlonetH, hy II. L. Allen and Albert Johnson, which was roundly ap plauded. Kach member of the Kilyerton Marine band ia not only an artiat but a gentleman and should they conclude to favor our city with another concert would be greeted with a crowded bonne. In the afternoon before the coniert they gave a parade on Main atrcet that waa very plcanlnif. Their marching waa in dim order, the twenty-two men in their neat fitting uniforms presenting quite a Holdlerly appearance, while their piny hiK urimtly pleuaeil the crowd which hud gathered to llaten to the out door con cert. Tiik Ciiai;tai'o.uan With the meet ing ol luNt Monday, McUiitflilln ChauUii qua clicln IIiiIhIkmI their work in (Jreek art, which la the laat book in the coiirae of ntudy for thin year. It liaa been de cided lo hold a cloalng meeting next Monday evening when a aymponium embracing all the live toplca of the dy will ha conaiderml, each of tho member taking a aubjnut ami ulvliiK their view ami explanailona, Unlit refreshment will be aerved ami an evening of flue Intellectual a well a aoclal enjoyment la anticipated. I la earneatly deal red that every member be preaent on that even ing, at a mark of appreciation of Mr. Dye, who hai ao accepledly filled the efllceof prealdent ami in at rue tor alnce the organisation of the circle Not Mao.uah' ArroaNav Now. In puhllalilng the report of 1'. A. Mar quam'a application to the governor for a pardon, the KNTxaraiax stated that Geo C. Brownell wa Marquam'a attor ney and that lie preaenled Marquam' petition to Oovernor lrd. In regard to Marquam'i application for a pardon, Mr. lirownell dlaclaima all connection with the caae, he having nothing to do with Marquam'a legal affair alnce the October term of circuit court when he and II. K. Croa defended him, but as Marquam waa not good pay ami had proyed himaclf unworthy of lurther an siataiice they both dropped him at the termination of the trial Foh a Fmatkiinal I'icaio. Keprewn talive of tho variou fraternal organlza timia in the city held a meeting in Recorder Ityan's olllce Wedneaday after noon and diacuaiMid the nutter of having a fraternal picnic In Oregon City about the21tof Aiwuat. A committee con aitiiig of C. A. Filch, Max Ilolax and A. S. Walker wa apHiiited to ak each fraternal organisation in the city to Hi-inl one dellgile lo meet with lid committee at tl.e recorilvr'i olllce next Monday even ing, June 2 lit, when arrangements will be perfected. OraicKHH Kikithi Colli t Hubbin Mood. No. I), Foreater of Ameiica, elecleil the following ulllcer lutt Friday evening lor the enauing six moutlia from July lt; Chief rain-r, A. W. Minder; auli chiel ranger, W. M. Uoako; record ing NH-retary, J. K. Morriajaeuior woocl ward, M. P. Chapman ; junior woodwaid, A, 8. Willlaiua; n-nior heudle, (i. C Ah hlaon; unior boa lie, II II Stafford; hold-over, F. T. U'igera, fliunciul sec retary j treaaurer, J. II. Hyatt. Ilolax Union: ii I'M, M.iv'a houae hack of the city hall wa entered hy burglar Sunday nlht and a silver watch and (27 V) stolen. Koine of the family were nut late and the door was left unlocked through which the burg lar mual have entered. When Mr. Mjv aroae Monday morning he miaaed hia pants hut found them in the hall near the front door, but the money and watch wvre gone. There ia no clue to the thief. Naw Pahtok. lr. W. I). Williams, of San Frunciaco, has accepted a rail to the reclorate of St. Paul's Kpincopal church of this city and will occupy the pulpit for the flrnt lime next Sunday. Until recently Ir. Williams was a Con gregaiioiialist, and panior ol the First Plymouth Congregational church, of Sun Francisco, and ia one of the most gifted pulpit orator on the roust. For Tiik Ciiii.iuikn. Next Sunday at 10 a. m In the Presbyterian church will occur the Children' Day excereises by the Suhlmth school, consisting of appro priate eonus, recitations and dialogues. At 11 o'clock, the pHstor, Hev. A. J. Montgomery, will preach a children's sermon, which will be followed by the annual administration of the sucratnimt of infant baptism. LocKiiART, Tcxas, Oct. 13, 18H1). Messrs. Paris Medicine Co., Paris, Tumi. Dear Kirs: Ship us as soon as possi ble 2 groMB Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic ami will not have any other. In our experience of over 20 yerrs in the drug husiueHS, we have never sold any medi cine which givea such universal satis- lucaion. Youie respectfully, J. S. IUiownk & Co. For sale by C. fl. Huntley, druggist You run no risk. All druggists guarantee drove's Tasteless Chill Tonic to do all that the manufacturers claim for it. Warranted no cure, no pay. There are many imitations. To get the genuine ask for Grove's. For sale by 0 G. Huntley Money for Fanners. When it comes to buying harness, saddles, whips or robes the prices and work to be bad at Willoy's harness shop cannot he duplicated in Portland. Re pairing done in good shape and promptly, Full lino of shoes carried and sold at bed rock prices. Shoe re pairing attended to. Willey's loirgers and farmers hand made shoes have no superior. Call at shop on Seventh street near the depot and see how big a dollars worth you can get. Insurance. If you want to know anything about Fire or Life Insurance or Building and Loan Association, call on II. T. Sladen. He has it at bis finger ends. In 'Hie Justice Court. The case of 1 Anderson egHint A. Newell was tried by a jury in Justice Curi In's court, three mile northeaat of Kagle Creek Tuesday. Plaintiff Ander a m hud I wen sued in the juatlce court at Dunai'CU and a wagon attached by Defendant Newell, a constable. The wagon was claimed by Anderson a exempt from all execution and on it was lepleveueil lone lier with (2S damsel Newell' claim wa that no demand had been made on him for the properly a being exempt The Jury gave plaintiff the wagon without dama ge. J. U. Caiupb.ill appeared for the plaintiff and G. U Dimlck for the de fendant Wedneaday afternoon In Justice Hchuehel'a court Jamea Kerns was given a preliminary hearing for assaulting I. M, Park with a dangerous weapon and bound over in the sum of (100 to appear before the grand jury. Bail waa fur nished by his brn'her. O. B. Dimlck represented the state and George C. lirownell the defendant. Omer Harmon, of Marquatn wa ar rested Monday bv Deputy Sheriff loom for aaiilt and battery upon E M, llarimsn ol that place. His trial is aet for Tu-s lay, June U in Justice Kchue bel't court. Constable McCown has had his weather eye out for Harmon for some time. One day lat week Jenks was out at Marquam and came suddenly uimn llirmon and to'.d him lo consider himself un leranett. Harmon promptly look to hi heels, w itli Jenk in hot pur suit. Two shots from our sandy com- ph-xloned countable, fired on the fly, only served to iuc'reaae Harmon' sieed. Jenks wa gaining on his victim, low- ever, and would doubtless have captured him hid his long les not got tangled up and threw him down. When at laat he got them straightened out Htrinon was in the woods. A friend at Marquam ays Jenk can run fast enough to heal a populist at the June eleclMin but not fait enough to catch one after election. For Younx Men and Veuag Women There is nothing that will aroue the ire of a voting man or woman aociuick as to have inferior laundry work put off on them They muy tlrena ever so well, but if their shirt front or shirt waial is muaay their neat appearance is oiled. The Troy laundry makes a specially of ladle' and gnilcmen's line work. There ran be no better work than ia don at the Troy. lave your orders at Farnswurth's arlier shop. Atuld I'viisuuiptlun, by stopping lhal cough. We know of no belter remedy lor coughs and cold than the S. li. Cough Cure. G. A. Harding Money la Loan. On well improved farms at low rales and loiu time. Apply to Ciiaki.ks Hkkrv, No. 2tkl. Stark St Portland. Leading insurance agency F. K. Dokamison. Sunday Services. ST. PAt'L'8 CIII'KClt - Kpianipal - R i a p 1 1 - . Keel r. K ly cumin .diuii at Ilia. ... nd Mime ii 11 a. in. a id MW . in. amid J "ii ol a! 12:8 'a. in. Flltr CUNUKKUATIONAL CIU'KCH. Knr. J. W. Co an I'aalor. Hvrvleet at 10. J a. . and 7.DU r. N. Sunday School atlor morning vrneo. I'lajrt-r mci'iin i i u ulajr eveiun t 7 SOo.eltrck. I'rayvr im-otliiK ol Young Heonlr'i goolrly ol C'lirlailan Kudeavor every HunJaj evening at4:S0prmpt. FIRST BAPTIST V.HV KCH. - Rv. M U Ht'iiu, Paalor Morning Scr Ice atl ' i. Hunda; Si-hrxil at 11 : t ft ; Kvenine Service 7:HU; Ki-nnlar prayer mtln( .iiUiaday evening. Monthly Covenant Mccllng every Wednemlay evenlni prnrvillng ihe flrat Sunday lu the uioiilk. A oonlal luvltatlou to all. 8T. JOHN'S CHURCH. CATHOLIC Rsv. A. IIii.i.irkanii, I'aa:or. On Sunday niaaaat 8 and 10 .10 a. M. Kvery aecond and fourth Hiinila; Uurmau aoriniin alter the S o'clock iiiaaa At nil other maaaea Kngllah aermona. Sunday School at i:.iu r. M. Veatera, aiiologollcal ubleeia and Hcntillcllon at 7:80 r. M. METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHTHCIL-K v. I. L Jo e-. 1'aator. Miirnlng aerrtre at 10:4ft: Sunday Hciiool at 10:00. claaa nieetiuft alter morning aervlre. Kveulng aervico at 7:80. Kpwnriii League meeting Sunilay evening al S:!l0; I'rayer Meeting Thuraday evening at 7:8a atrangera oonllullv Invited. FIRST PRKHBYTEKIAK CHITRCH. Rav. A J. Montgomery, I'antor. Servicea at 11 A. M. and 7:80 r. M. Hahhath School at 10 A. at. Vomi Poople'a Sonlely of Chrlntlan Kudeavor meeta every Sunday evening at 6:80. ihn adaj gveutug prayer meeting at 7:80. SoMa tree. EVANGELICAL CHURCH GERMAN Rev. Erl'u, I'anior: J. It, KhhxT . 1 tin'. Preaching aervlcea evert Sunday at 11 A. M. and 7:H0 P. M. Sabbath achonl every Biinilay at 10 A. M.. Mr. 2i'iiiiiiiriii.iii Supu Prayer Meeliug every 'l uiirxlay evening OKU MAN LUTHKRAN ZIOX'S CON grpirHlional clnircli. Kev. K. Sack, paator. Service every Sunday at 11 A. M. Solidity achool at 10 A. M. c3 1C 3C 3C Picnics, Lunches, Camping Parties, Fishing Parties, All are in order now. The O quality ef the edibles add much to your pleasure. You can get the choicest Olives and Pickles, Potted and Deviled Ham, Salmon, Sardines, Chipped Heef, Van Camps and Heintiss linked Beans, the nicest Cakes and Crackers. Wild (.'berry Phosphate and litre's Root Beer in fact everything to be desired for such occasions. We furnish boxea and pack safely. c3 E. E. WILLIAMS, The Grocer. if IT'S NO TROUBLE To let you uso our tele phone. That's one of tho reaHona we have one to accomodate the public. Wo have a city directory for the name reason; its always handy for any one who wishes to consult it. We sell stamps and are always glad to accomo date you. For the special convenience of jeorIe who desire to wait for the street car at our store the company has consented to make stops in front of the store. IN OUR STORE These conveniences are placed at the disposal of the public for the sake of creating good will be tween the public and our selves. We take it for granted that you acree that adruggist's best policy is to so treat Lis visitors that ho can keep them for his customers. C. G.HUNTLEY, Original Cut Rate Druggist, Oregon City. P. S. Ask for our cut rate price list. J. ZEEK, BLACKSMITH AND WAGON MAKING. HORSE SHOEING. All kinds of repairing done on short notice. Satisfaction guaranteed. Business done on the pay down system. Produce taken in exchange for work. Clackamas, Ore. Bread i the Staff of Life, That is, if it is good, wholesome bread, if not, it is mure dangerous than 'he Bulletaof theTurks Since assuming control of the Ilardinif bakerv no effort baa been spared either in quality of flour used, or skill in handling to make Horton's Bread, The equal of the best known made. His pastry cannot be excelled. Tiy a loaf ol whole wheat flour bread. Fine Groceries and """Fresh Vegetables, TINNING, PLUMBING. ahdGENERAL REPAIRING FURNACE WORK, HOP HOUSE FURNACES AND PIPING Prices to meet the times. Fred Gadke, Shop on Main Street, next door to Bellomy & Busch. 1 TET)WA1H1D STiDIKY. Practi ncai i orsesnoer Track and Koad Work a Specialty. Any style shoes forged in iron or steel. Wagon work ami repairing. Satisfaction guaranteed. Shop on Seventh street, next door to Nnhhlt's stable. SHINGLES FOR SALE Buy your shingles at the Mulino Bhingle mills, a large1 stock of shin gles always on hand at reasonable prices. Custom - sawing done promptly ani in first-class order. CARLISLE BROS. Manufacturers of shingles, artistic di mension shingles, box boards, head ing, etc. MULINO, OREGON. I KM GOING To set one of those ... FINE HAND MADE HARNESSES . . . Before they are all sone. I must have a set for they out-wear any machine-made harness,, besides I can save from $3 to $5 by purchasing of the OREGON HARNESS COMPANY, J. F. CAMPAU, Manager.. Oppcmlte Court House Oregon City. All kinds of repairing done promptly and at reasonable prices. The Newest Always Takes the Lead For the reason that constant improvements are being made ia alll classes of productions. Yucca Koot Soap Takes the Lead, For it is the latept and is the best soap for the complexion, the toilet, the bath and laundry. Try a sample bar no soap equals it. Absolutely Iree from animal fats. Yucca Toilet Preparations. Lanola Creme, Almond Meal, Peach Bloseorn, California Lilac and Glycerine and Mexican Tooth Powder. For sale by J0SPH C. GIBSON. - 203 Second Street, Portland. Ceneral Agent for Oregon. R. L RUSSELL, The Parkplace Merchant. Pays no big rent for he owns his building. Has no city taxes to pay and gets his insurance for nearly one half less than the up town merchants for he has no dangerous exposures. SELLS CHEAPER Than the other Oregon City merchants by reason, of these savings. Call and make a trial purchase. FARMERS' PRODUCE Taken in exchange for goods. Sl.00 -the- CI. 00: Weekly 1t4tej QcbatL The Greatest Republican Paper of the W est. Z IT is the most stalwart and unswerving Republican Weekly pub- lished today and can always be relied upon for (air and ht.nest re-J ports of alt political affairs. rv-34 The Weekly Inter Ocean Supplies All of the News fivan? UlcO and the Best of Current Literature. I It is Morally Clean, and as a Family Taper is Without a Teer. Its Literary Columns are equal to those of the best magazines. Its Youth's Department is the finest of its kind. It brings to the family the New of the l.ntlre World and gives the best and ablest discussions of all questions of tQeUay. I n lntor ilcnn BivAa twelve ntrrs of readinir matter each week a and being pablmhed In hiraco Is better adapted to Ihe needs of the people west ot the Alleghany Mountains tnan any other paper. $1.00 pjj!EvciEj3cjj si. go: The Daily and. Sunday Edl Z Hons of The Inter Ocean are I the best of their kind .... MONUMENT? writ we FOR nFSICHS&PRICtS momumeHtal bhquze CO BRIDGEPORT. CONM TO OREGON I - harness com.pany JT J.F.CAMPAU, Price of nalty by mall $4 M per year Price of Sunday by mail J2.U0 per year Daily and Sunday by mail 16.00 per year J Addreum TUB 1XTKH OCEAN, Cb Icano. J WHITE BRONZE Monuments will not Moss-cover or black en. Are artistic, cheap and the most enduring monument made. White Bronze ia no experiment. It has stood for hundreds of years in Europe and is not affected by the weather. Correspondence soli cited. On receipt of postal card will be pleased to call and show samples and designs. MONUMENTAL BRONZE CO., C. R. DONNEI.L, MGR. Sw. cor. Ash and East 10th Streets, Portland, Oregon. I