Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (June 11, 1897)
Oregon City Enterprise. COURT8. trciilt court cnnene flrit Mnn In No- veiniKirtud third. Monir in April. PmbKt court In loulon Drat Monday tn each Olltll. CnmmlMloncni court meet first Wedneedk iter drat MondT of ech month. FRIDAY, JUNE 11, 1897. SPRAY OF THE FALLS. liide a wheel and keep in fiont. Try Harris' Grocery for paints and ciIb. Money to loan on jrood real estate eourity by A. 8. Preiser. OntfiU for camper for Bale cheap at Young's second hand store. Sewing machines at Young's second Land store from $2 50 to (15. Secial bargains in second hand plows at Oregon City Auction House. Huntley's book store is headquarters for all kinds of bicycle supplies. . .Spring has come Buy in Sunset, F. E. Donaldson, Agt. Best shoes wear "Registers." New stock at closest prices at the Red Front Farm plows, good as new, from $3.50 to 14.00 at Young's second hand store. If you want a nice hat you save money by going to Miss Goldsmith's millinery a to re. Prices will appreciate from now on. The time to select a home in Gladstone is now. Ice cream and ice cream soda every day, rain or shine at the Novelty Candy Factory. Cbarman & Son will pay the highest market price for potatoes, dried fruits, eggs, etc. Lots in Gladstone will be sold at halt price this spring, money payable July 1st, no interest, no humbug. (12 buys a good bicycle at Young's econd hand store first door north of Po Co.'s hardware store. The Waverly bicycle is the talk of the town. Call at Cbarman's Drug Store. Get a catalogue and examing the wheel. H. E. Cross will sell you a couple of nice lots in Gladstone, at an astonish ingly low figure until July 1st. See him. You will not hesitate in having those Tooms repapered when you look at the styles and prices of wall paper carried by R. L. Holman. It takes more than "red circus paint rod nickel trimmings" to make a good liicycle. Be ware of those that have that "tin rattle." Buy the Waverly and you get the best. Installment plan, easy payments on .Sunset lots. F. E. Donaldson, Agt. The Waverly bicycle has no repair shop. The are built to stand the rough roads, and not to adorn the repair shop. . Ride a Waverly and set the pace. Cata logue free at Charman's Drug Store. "Croup and whooping cough are child hood's terrors; but like pneumonia, bronchitis, and other throat and lung troubles, can be quickly cured by using One Minute Cough Cure. Geo. A. Hard ing. - The Western Wheel Works is th largest bicycle manufactory in the world. At this season of the year it is turning out 750 finished bicycles every 12 hours or a little over one complete Crescent ler minute. No wonder that you see Ihein everywhere. Personal. The gentleman who an noyed the congregation last Sunday by continually coughing will find instant relief by using One Minute Cough Cure, a epeedy and harmless remedy for throat and lung troubles. Geo. A. Harding. Free insurance blotters F. E. Dosaldbon. Y'ou are not certain that you are buy ing the patent medicine you are using at the lowest figure until you have asked the price at Huntley's drug store. He was the first to cut the prices and nearly every day some new aaticle is added to the list. The statement made many years ago that "man cannot live by breal alone" is as true as it ever was he must have a nice juicy steak or a roast of meat to go with it. Richard Petzold salway ready to furnish Iub customers with the best of frenh and smoked meats at either bis Main or Seventh street market. No stairs to climb to Sunset. F. E. Donaldson, Agt. "For three years we have never been without Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera, and Diarrhoea Remedy in the house," says A. II. Patter E. C. Atkins & Co , Indianapolis, Ind "and my wife would as soon think of being without flour as a bottle of this Remeby in the summer season. ' We have used it with all three of our children and it has never failed to cure not Bimply stop pain, but enre absolutely. It is all right, and anyone who tries it will find it so." For sale ty G. A. Harding. The U. So Gov't Reports show Royal Baking Powder superior to all others. Laces and ribbons all prices at the Rai'ket store. If you want to save money buy your hats at Miss Goldsmith's. Ice cream freener at a bargain at Young's second hand store. Paint your buggy or carriage for less than $1. Harris' Grocery. A few second hand bicylcs for sale cheap at Huntley's book store. Buy now in Sunset before the rise. F. E. Donaldson, Agt. Special bargains in second hand sew ing machines at the Oregon City Auction House. Ice cream and ice cream soda every day, rain or shine at the Novelty Candy Factory. You can get the most durable paints at Harris' Grocery and save 20 per cent on your purchase. Patton's Wagon Paints makes and keeps wagons and faim implements like new. Harris' Grocery. S. J. Teel. of Portland, has opened a fruit and confectionery stand on Seventh street next door to Willey's harness shop. The Franklin, bicycle corduroy and the double knee hose are the best wear ing for 15, 20 and 25 cents at the Racket Store. If the care of the hair were made a part of a lady's education we should not see so many gray bead's, and the use of Hall's Hair Renewer would be unnec essary. Broken coffee 12Jc per lb ; Lion or Ar- burkles coffee 14c a lb; rolled oats 25c ; Arm & Hammer soda 4c lb; flour $1 sack ; big pail good syrup 65c; Dice tobacco 20e lb at the Red Front. Look out for "cheese frame" bicycles. One broke in the middle the other night on Main street and deposited the rider on the brick. Might have been serious on a hill. Cost of a new frame, (25. When a cold is contracted, cure it at One Minute Cough Cure will set you on the road to recovery in a minute. It will cure pneumonia, bronchitis, croup and all forms of lung and throat troubles. Geo. A. Harding. Hundreds of thousands have been in duced to try Chamberlain's Cough Remedy by reading what it has done for others, and having tested its merits for themselves are today its warmest friends. For sale by G. A. Harding, druggist. The general committee of arrange ments for the celebration at Gladstone Park, July 3, is meeting with good suc cess. Indications now are that one of the most enjoyable and patriotic cele brations ever given in Oregon City will be had this year. School Commencements On last Friday the West Oregon City school closed a nine-months term. Out ot respect to one of the pupils whose mother had died a few days previous, j the regular commencement exercises were omitted and only a brief program was carried out during the afternoon. This school has been a very successful one and is a credit to Oregon City and much credit is due to the principal, Prof. Durette, and the other teachers, Miss Norma Fox, Miss Addie Young and Miss Emily Young. With this week the Oregon City schools closes a nine-months term. On Friday evening the commencement exercises will be held at Shively's opera house where a splendidly arranged and highly interesting program will be carried oat. There are 27 members iu the graduating class, the largest in the history of the school, which ot itsell is a flattering compliment to Prof. S. W. Holmes, who for the past three years has been princi pal of the city schools. In addition to the part taken in the commencement exercises by the the graduates there will be some fine musical selections by the best vocal and instrumental talent in the city and those who attend can be assured of a pleasant and prufitabe entertainment. With next week the Parkplace-GIad stone school will close alter a nine months session. The under-graduates have prepared a pleasing program which they will render at the Chautauqua au ditorum on Wednesday evening and on Friday evening the graduating class will hold their exercises at the same place To each of these entertainments the public is invited with the assurance that the program will both interest and please. Saturday evening the alumni association of the school will give a ban quet at the residence of Prof. Gray to the graduating and under-graduate class. Visiting Editor. The California Press association, num bering some 80 members, who have been on a trip to ths Sound, w ill spend Sat urday afternoon in Oregon City viewing the falls and factories, A special meet ing of the board of trade was held Tues day afternoon at which a special com mittee consisting of H. E. Cross, J. G, Pilsbury, C. O. T. Williams, C. A. Fitch, A. W. Cheney, Charles Meserve, and M. E. Bain were appointed to see that the courtesies of the city were ex tended to the visiting editors. A dollar saved is equal to two dollars earned. Pay up your subsciption to the Entbbpribk and get the the benefit of the reduction in price. P0UDER Absolutely Pure Celebrate ! for its great leavening strength and heathfulness. Assures the food Mgainst alum and all forms of adul teration common to the cheap brands. Royal Bakino Powdkr Co., New York Married HUNTLEY-MILLER In this city on Wednesday, June l. 1897. ai the resi dence of the bride's parents, Mr. C. G. Huntley and Miss Lura A. Miller. The ceremony was performed at 1 o'clock in the presance of the immediate relatives and friends of the high contrac-1 ting parties only. To the strains of Mendelsshon's wedding march played by Misi Mollie Barlow, tiie bride and groom-elect, attended by Miss Vara Pilsbury and Mr. N. B. Townsend, of Portland, took their places under a bower of roses, ferns, and clematis, where Rev. A J. Montgomery spoke those few solemn words of the beautiful Episcopal rervice which united them for life. After blessings and congratulations had been heaped upon the happy couple, the wedding party was seated to a bounteous repast. The bride was attired in a lovely white silk trimmed with chiffon, and carried a beautiful boqtiet of bride roses, while the groom wore the conventional morn ing habit. Miss Pilsbury looked charm-1 ingio white organdie over pink silk, carrying a boquet of pink rosee. The interior decorations of the Miller residence were inperb ; the front parlor: was decorated with ferns and evergreens, ' while numerous vases filled with beauti ful La France roses were arrange about the room. The dining room was adorned with lavendar and clematis and the side parlor in red. The residence- was literally a dream of beauty, showing fall well that loving hearts and kindly hand had been untiring in lorming the deeo- ratious. The bride one of Oregon City's, most poularand accomplished daughters, j ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Miller j being highly resoetted pioneer citizens. ' The groom is one of our best known and enterprising young business men. Mr. and Mrs. Huntley left on the overland for California and will be absent about one month. The best wishes of innumerable' friende for their life joornev so auspiciously began are theirs. SWOPE-GUTHRIE-OnTnesdav. Mav 27, 1897, at the residence of the bride's parents in Crbana, Qtiio, Mr. Geo. W. Swope to Mix Nellie Guthrie, Kev. J. G. Vaughn officiating. From the Urban Daily Citizen the following is taken: "Mr. and .Mrs. $wo left last night for St. Joseph, where they will spend a few days after which they will take the Southern Pacific for Ore gon City where they will reside. Mr. Swope is a rising young lawyer of the West and a Christian gentleman. Miss Nellie is one of Urbana's most charming young ladies and we bespeak for her a cordial welcome in her away western home. The Citizen extends congratu lations and wishes them a long and hap py journey down the stream of time." Mr. and Mrs. Swope are expected to arrive oa the overland this morning and will receive a cordial welcome from Mr. Swope's host of friends to this city, even though he did solemnly assert when he started east that he was not going to be married. George 8rt met his lovely bride in Portland two years ago when she was visiting friends there. The ac quaintance ripened into love as the sequel shows. EHRET-WINTERMANTLE-At the residence of of the brider mother near Canby, Wednesday, June 9, 18U7, Miss Met tie A. Winterniantle and Kev. J. K. Ehret. The nupitals were celebrated at the home of Mrs. C. Winterniantle in the presence of the relatives of the bride and groom and a few select friends. The occasion proved an impressive one and caused sweet memories to entwine each other's past with glowing hopes for the future in promise. The groom is a member of the Oregon conference of the Evangelical church and a resident pastor at Sweet Home, Linn county. The bride is the eldest daughter of Mrs. C. Winterir.antle. The ceremony was performed by Rev. If. I Bittner, of Portland. Some valuable gifts received gave expression of the interest manifested in the future wel fare of the happy couple. DICKSON-RKEK On Thursday after noon, June 3. 1S!)7, at. the Baptist parsonage by Rev. M. L. Rugg, George Dickson, of Bndal Veil, to Grace Keek, of Pendleton. Unconditional surrender, is the only terms those famous little pills known as DeWitt's Little Early Risers will make with constipation, sick headache and stomach troubles. G, A. Harding. PERSONAL NOTES. Philip Kohl, of Lojjiiu was in the city Wednesday, J. 11. Doardnff, of h'tils was doing busi ness in town Wednesday, Dr. and Mrs. J. J. I.envltt of Mulalla, were in Oregon City Monday. A. C. Hotiiih, the W'oodhtirn attorney, was iu Oregon City Saturday, Miss May Wishart is visiting friends in McM'iinvllle during llio week. Miss Laura Couyers, ot Clat-kanle, is In town visiting with her sisters Miss Lillian Bunting is spending the week In Portland with her parents. Tommy Cowing is in linker City, hav ing gone up Sunday for a week's visit. Martin Bobbins, of Elliott Prairie, was au Oregon City vistor Wednesday. Miss LnluSpangler, of Corvallis, is in the city visiting her sister Miss Ora Spangler, Fred Warnock, the rustling proprietor of the Silverton Appeal, was in the city Saturday. James Shaw, of Dallas, accompanied by his daughter, Miss Ellen, Is visiting in the city. ! Albert Moshherger, a prominent citi zen of the Molalla country, was in Ore gon City Monday. W. T. Sinter of Salem was In the city Saturday looking after aa important case in the circuit court. Miss Ruby Spencer of Portland, was the guest over Sunday of Miss Sadie Seiverof Gladstone. Dr. J. H. Hickman, formerly of Clack amas, hut now of Portland, was In Ore gon City Saturday gretfing old friends. Mr. Owen Dolan and Mits May Segur of Portland, spent last Sunday with Mr. ; and Mrs. II. A. Pittenger, of Crescent. Otto E. Kratisse, the Salem shoe nun, was in the city Sunday accompanied by his wife and were guests at the home of Wm. Wright. J L. Berry of Berry, Linn connty, was in the city Monday ami Tuesday visiting at the home of hit brother-in-law, W. T. WWtlock. A. M. Vineyard, of Canby Prairie, clerk of chool diet i let. No. 54, was In Orejroa City Satuy lay, transacting busi ness with the county superintedent. Miss Imo Harding leaves tonight on the sreamer, for San Francisco where she wiU remain for several weeks tbe guest of her aunt, Mrs. N. Lawrence. Mrs. f. 8. Moshtr and Xr. A. Sprsgue-ef Redland were in Oregon City Monday and Tuesday the guests of Mrs. Mrs. Cap. Jones and Mrs. John Baxter. Mrs. T. W. Clark and ynungeet son left Monday evening for Bandon, where Ihey will sind several months. Mr. Clark has been quite sicle bat is now im proving. Rev. M. L Rugg, D. C. Latonrette ami W. C. Jhnson went to McMmn yilte Tuesday t attend the meeting of the board of regents of the McMlnnville college. MV. aod Mrav E. E. ChurniM, accom panied by their daughter June, left Monday for tbe Sea View, where they have a fine- cottage. They will be absent a couple ef weeks. Levi Johnson, the popular Y. M. C. A. general iecretary, left Monday fbr a tmir of Eastern Oregon h the interest of the state Knard of the aswieiation. He will j Vie absent until tliefTrst of July. j P. F.Morey who has been Ruat for: some time will retrjrn today arcoin-1 panied by Miss Helen Evitliam who has j been attending a voting ladies' seminary in New York City thiring the winter. Rev A. II. Hurt) of Hpringwaier, pas tor of the Preshytwrian church at that place, was in Oregon City last But onlay to meet his daughter who has bean at tending school at tie Portland academy. E. X. Wheeler of Portland, book keeper lor the Goodyear Rubber Com pany, accompanied by his wife, spent Stinday in Oregon t'itv at tbe home of his father, C. H. Wheeler, at Green Point. Miss May Wilson, of Moline, Illinois, who spent the winter in Sun Jose, Cili fornia, was in the city Saturday visiting her old time friend Mrs. Oilman Parker and then went t Portland to visit Mrs. J. K. Groom, another old friend. J. Jt. Edwards, who has been conduct ing a grocery and dry good store in this city for sometime, has packed up his goods and will goto Bills ton, where he was formerly located. After getting settled in that town Mr. Edwards will go to the mines in British Columbia, Scott Bozorth went to Salem last Thursday to conduct the civil service! examination for the United States post office department, being president of the board of examiners. Mr. Bozorth re turned to Oregon Cily Monday and re sumed his work of exporting the county books in connection with Prof. Slaley. Biicklen's Arnica Naive. The best salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Erup tions, and positively cures Piles or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. For sale by Charraan & Co., Charman Bros. Block. The 2j cent fare to Gladstone is un precedented in motor line fares, 12ya cent fare to Portland. "I don't believe Intra evtr wm to good a pllt niiult Ayr'iCthrtlo 1'llta. Tliry will do alt you recom mend litem (or suil even more. Whan I have a cold and ntha Inmi lien to ItccU, a ! or two ol thoo I'llli U all the limllrlnt needed lo cl tut right ulu. l'or headache, tho Bonnltive palate. Bomo ooittsi are too heavy thoy "won't diunolvo, and the pill thoy oovor pima through the system, hnrmloss aa a broad pollut. Other coats are too liuht, and pormit the epoody deterioration of the pill. After 30 yoars cxponuro, Ayor'u Butrnr Coated Pills have been found as effeotlve as if Just fresh froni the laboratory, It's a good pill, with a good coat. Auk your druggist for Aycr's Cathartic Pills. Thu trMiniouitl will he found hundred others, fret. Addreaai J. If You Wont Klrwt-cltm K.s.x.'s.'.' 1 I JOD CAL.L AT TIUC ICNTKHIMUHIC. CQilson & Carry a complete lino of Oliver Plows and Extras, Call and see our THE BEEHIVE IN cf ITS GLiORY -"si 'jivrju'V. jr.nTJrpi"" For the simplo reason the wise people of Oregon City appreciate tho fact that they can get better valuo j for their money with us than any other house in Clackamas county tho reason wo can sell cheaper 4 p than other houses is because wo do a strictly cash business, both in buying Misses' Shoes, sizes 13s to 2s, 75c. Ladies' Ties, 85c to $198. Those Ladies' $3.00 Vicl Kid Shoes, still selling at $198. Men's and Children's Shoes and all other tfoods proportionally as low. We make a npeclalty of Bhoen, o 1 please give uh n elsewhere. THE BEEHIVE 0AUFIELD BLOCK fI0-T0-OAC Oror l.ftinfrOhnTMiinM.annflJOnupftii nrors .tflnnwftrtoriofltmTthftilMtrfl tor tnbftiwoln tnv frrn. Hf UMifiolH tlHiKruHUiHLimrvu-ffHKl iu inn innn hi ni:iKH wfinK impnrent, mnn nrrontf. Tiirunmn nwi iimjriiiu in, .Mini, itj n noi. y mi will 1)0 nil htttiUni. WiMtxptHit jum to belli" wiiiu wm Mitr. lor 11 i mp) in iihMilniidf tfimriinUtMri hjr tlriiwlMn Hvurr whuro. 8nd lor our liookli't "(hin t Tolmr-m ntt. mid Hitmkn Voiirl.lfti Awtiy," wrllfmi KUurtiUUiti and free ftOiuplu. AUUroM'iUEt iiUt,lAU ttUUlUI X CO., ChUueoor Aew lurlu SOLD AND GUARANTEED BY CHARMAN & CO. VlKiL.U H . ll tioiu. fc. t U4I. M.UAI. thuUlt. MM..... rurielnOregoiiCiLr,Orui.,br CUAUMAN CO., lrugLu. Pill Clothes. f i DO CfOOU pill bits) A ffOOU t cont. ThO Dill OOllt BOfVOa fc two mirnoHtw! Ik tirotoata the pill, nud UlBiruinoa it to ii lo, lull In Aytr'l "Cuteliouk," with a C. Ayer Co., Lowell, Mae. i prifltii At Lowest Httten. Cooke Mowers, Hakes, Cultivator, also IUacksmiths supplies. all Steel Rakes ALSO BINDER TWINE. tf cf and selling. cnll before buying GUARANTEED TOBACCO HABIT CURE if) world. Munf tmlu 10 poumln In i)duN and Hitornf IThU Fnmnna Itemed' enrol qnMilr, permnnentlr all nrv(Mt. ul"..uiKH. Wimk Miiiiiorr. tit hrulti 1 itwt.. '!'. Iki, Wukfillh, lMmt Vitality, Mglitlr Kml ilniuum, liiipotmmjr wnmliitf ( ohiimmI h l'unriili!ToriorxMr. UuliUlliianonpluui.. Ihb nerve lonlo unil himxt Itiillder. Mnkn. Ilia pulitmiil pnnr ""nitnrt plump. M!nlljr rnrrlortln Y.'tp-it. 1 piir 6 f"rfl. Iljr Bmll.prtt pnlil, vxrhaiirriKmirii'iriinr.ormDnrtrriitiitril. Write , free mrillciil Ixmk, Kinlurt pl.ln wrnppor, with te.tlmnnlnl. bii(1 flnnnrlftl .tttHllnir. Knchnrm tnrrrm1tUntli,n. Iltumri,t imittlm H'iu.rMt - ati,sra - l.'r.MBkUVMbkkttCU.. M.ii.i.Tim.Ii IliUMfc