Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (Feb. 19, 1897)
ENGLISHMEN AND AMERICA. to soften tho board, llcittl, Hlioultlers and anus rtwh over tho cud of tho board, nnd with their bunds they hold uiu-oasiiiKly tho rouKh stool blmlt-H upon Winn j W ho Vrr rtwn Warm Frlrnde ol Thle Country. TlipfrvHn tlint the Enplish rmMio. tho big Kriiitlstouo whioli revolve. Ih incu who have umlorsteod Amorioa, or nouth thoiu by uoans of n powerful yet V ho have seemed to earo to understand simple transniissu n. It is n very com Ler, have, at least until recently, always ical aspect to S4H those pooplo at work, represented a small minority. DurhiR particularly booauso every ono of tho the first century of our national life workmen ha it small, long hairod doff, cam'ly an 1-V!:.!mi:m of 'eminence w ho .vivos as it sort of livo stove, Dur teas clear siphtod enough to perceive injj tho lonjr winter in ttio mountains a America's real devotion to gtvut ideals, body stretched out tit full length suiters Our British kinsmen thought us a horde much from cold in thoso ill protected of pradjinds and nothing else, whereas, .mills and since it is uot possible for in spite of a seeming absorption in ma-: tho workman to warm himself by a tonal things, the national life was grap-' clmngo of position or by moving his fling with mighty ethical and political this j exnodiont lias been ideas, which the selfishness and lire- j adopted in Thiers. Tho dogs uro well ipousibility of politicians might some-; t mined to their ofilv, Ouo whistloof IU AI, t.M A I r. I H AVSt'KKN. r'lirnlsliPil Hvory Week by thi t'lui-kn mas Altstitirt X TihnI t'tiiniintiy. Cordelia Juhnsnn to tieo V (.iraee, rVb 8 t7 W I) 4 hlk 42, Central Add to Oregon City t F IVtioM ti llenrv tloitteii.Keli 8 750 if lie ' j lie :!ti t 4 s rl e S J Oglesbv to MJ Howen, l'eli 8 'l7 tj C s's of so' 4 and liel4' of sel4 sec 2." t 4 r 1 e. 2000 times distort, but could never stifle. Leigh Hunt, as Lowell used to remind tis, could never think of America with out seeing in imagination a gigantic counter stretched all along our seaboard, and we bore Hunt's ridicule with a complacency that was the more cheerful because his caliber and weight of metal were scarcely great enough to do much execution over sea. Carlyle sneered ; we remembered his dyspepsia and forgave. Kuskin emptied the vials of his elo- j jnont contempt upon our sacrifice to theii master calls them up, and n sim plo turn of tho body indicates to them whero they havo to lio dowu to giv now warmth to the body uf thoir mas sr. Fhiludelnhiu Pre lrnriK-rtl Retort, A lawyer tells tho following story in Tlio Green 13:;g: "Some timo ngi wo had under cross examination a youth from the country who rejoiced in the name of Samson and whoso replies T L Turner to A F Tin ner, 1W UW V I) 70 acre in sdo 13, 1 5 a r I w U S to J C Va'ichn, Febfl 'tKl r.ttent lots 3 5 cl4' of uw '4' see U t ti s r 3 e Patent J II Sottleiuier to J CSetllemior.b'eh 8 i7 V D w of S Merriit d I o. . 0000 Oregon 1 and Co to M J Jamex.Sept 5'HiWD lots U 12 blk7l, Min thorn J K MurUy to Win MacM isters.Jait 21 QO ne'4 of nw and nw'f of ne1 and lot 1 see 20, t 5 s r 1 e BEFORE SUBSCRIBING FUR A 1AQAZINE SEE THE BEST, DESVIOREST'S 50 America's freedom and lMorrity: we I woro Provoca,ivo l' wioh laughter in Caleb Perry to John Perry, Jan 2."), abated no jot or tittle of our veneration 1110 court- Aml F0 questioned ttio for his prophet's message, while we j barrister, 'you wish tho court to bclievo strove to make just allowance for the 1 tu;kt voa aro a lnaoeably disposed and bypora?stlietie tcmnera- I inoffensive kind of ih rson?' 'Yes.' 'And- vagaries of the bypoi incut. . Theso things it wus easy to cou dono. The Englishmen who have understood American life have judged it by some thing besides the froth of the irresponsi Mo prvss and the antics of provincial "statesmen." Cobden's fatal exposure 01 nis we to do us service and John that yon havo no desire to follow in tho steps of your illustrious iiamesako and smite the Philistines?' 'No; 1'vonot,' answered the witness, 'and if I had tho desiro I ain't got tla power at present' 'Then you think you would bo unable to cope successfully with 1,000 enemies and utterly rent them with tho jaw bono Tright's brave words in the hour of our 811 ass?' ' ' answered tho ruffled distress can never be forgotten. The memory of Thomas Hughes alas! that we must write "memory" now will always remain a rich and fragrant leg acy, to which, in a peculiar sense, we are coheirs with Englishmen, while the work of Air. Bryce has not only won ocr respect and gratitude, but is bound Jo leave doep impress on our life. Noue tff those men was blind to the evident foibles, defects and crudities of the strenuous life of an earnest and virile peopla On the other hand, none invited distrust by silly attempts to flatter or cajole. But all were quick to recognize in American aspiration, achievement, and representative character something other and better than mere bigness. They even ventured now and then to speak of these things as great ; but the words sits bettor on their lips than on ours. From "Duty of Englishmen to America" in Century. Samson, 'I might havo a try when you have done with tuo weapon. ' Crime and Cruelty. Crime is nothing but cruelty, and all cruelty is criminal id its tendencies. Church Union. ANTIQUITY OF 1 HE MEASLES. PeopI la All Times Hire goffered From Thl Dlmw Of course every one thinks ne knows what measles is and yet very few really know more about the ailment than the fact that it is a contagious disease, char acterized by sore eyes, sore nose, sore throat and on eruption of the skin. The disease is one of great antiquity, dating as far back as A. D. 900. At thut time, however, it was confounded with smallpox and scarlet fever. By many observers smallpox and measles were always regarded as one and the same disease, differing only in degree. This misinformation was not dispelled until 16 10, when Sydenham, on Eng lish physician, declared that they were distinct diseases About the origin of measles little is known. At the present day the disease is found all over the civilized world. It is not known in uncivilized countries. It has always been claimed that the dis ease wag due to a specific poison, but the nature of it was not known. Quite recently, however, a European bacteri ologist named Czajikowski reported that lie had found a micro organism in the blood of a person suffering from mea sles, which he believed to be the cause of the disease. Measles is unlike some other contagious diseases, in that i.t is no respecter of persons or places. It af fects all 6orts and conditions of peopla What better illustration of this is need ed than the present cae in the first household of the land? The disease is one of the most highly contagious ail ments known. It is far more contagious than smallpox, but the poison of mea tles contains much less vitality than that of the latter. The poison of measles exits in the breath, the blood, the tears and in the secretions from the nose and throat Although the disease is usually classed as one of childhood, adults sometimes suffer from it The adult cases are usually the more severa In fants under 6 months are generally con sidered exempt from the disease, al though there are exceptions to the rule. Measles is generally looked upon as a necessary evil of childhood and one that deserves but little attention. In a sim ple case that may be all well enough, but there are usually other contingen cies, and some of these should be guard ed against In almost every case the eyes become inflamed and call for at teution. There is usually a bronchitis, which, if left nncared for, may be fol lowed by pneumonia and fatal termina tion. San Franoicco Chronicle. Oregon City .Market Report. (Corrected weekly.) Wheat No. 1 merchantable, 73 cents per bashel. Flour Portland, M70; Howard's Best, f4.90; Fisher's Best, $4.70; Dayton, $4 90: Pendleton, 5.10 Uats in sks, white, 4' tents per bushel, gray, 40. Millstoffs Bran, flo.50 per ton; shorts, $17.00 per ton. Potatoes 60 to 65 cents per sack. Eggs, 17 cents per dozen. Buttei" Ranch, 30 to 40 cents per roll Onions, 1 60 to $2 00 per sack. Green apples, 90c to $1 per box. Dried Fruits Apples, nnbleached, 5 cents; 50-pound boxes, evaporated, 6c. prunes, 6 to 7 cents; plums, 4c. Bacon Hams, 10 to 12) j cents; sides, 7; shoulders, S to 10; lard, 8 to 10. Livestock and Dressed Meats Beef, live, 2 to 3 cents; bogs, live 3) cents; hoirs dressed, 4 to Scents; slieep, 2.00 to $3 00 per head;veal,dressed,5 to 6 cts. Poultry Chickens, young, from $1.50; old 3.00, turkeys, alive, 8 cen'.s per txuud. How's This! We offer One Hundred Dollars Ho ward for any case of catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. Cuksey & Co., Props ., Toledo, O. We, the undersigned, have known F J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and be- ieve him perfectly honorable in all bus iness transactions and financially able to carry out any obligations made by their firm. West & TitfAX, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Walding, Kiss ax & Marvin, Whole sale Druggists, Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mu cous surfaces of the system. Price 75c per bottle. Sold by all druggists. Testi monials free. Hall's Family Pills are the best. '.17 W I 10.3(1 acres, n t fee 21, t 2 s r 1 e David Chalmers to Fred Kakel, Feb 97 W I 7.1(1 acre adjoining Caucmah ......... 245 O.egmi Land Co to Annie K Giicritu, Apr 21, '91 W I) lot 31 blk II, Minthorn U0 Geo A GrosMintller to J Grosniilli'r Feb 2 '97 W D i of sel4' sec 7, t4sr3e 1500 E C Mdler to Mel dine L Bruee Feb 12 '97 W D 1' acres sec 34 t 3sr le 75 K"!ert A Jack to William .Murtinxon Jan 9, 97 W D 20.00 acres sec 8, t 6 s r 1 e 300 J I Jordan to .'uli O'.Meara, Jan 28, 97 W 1) tio!) seres sees ;i) 31 1 5 a r 2 e and sec 3'i t 5 a r 1 e THE CLACKAMAS ABSTRACT A TRUST CO. are the owners of the copy right to the Tliorne system of abstract indexes, for Clackamas county, and have the only complete set of abstracts in the county, can furninh information as to title to land at once, on aplicution. Loans, lnvestments,real estate, abstracts etc. Otnce over Bank of Oretton City Call and investigate. Address box 377, Oregon City Oregon. Use OXIEN tor your "nerves" also for coughs and col Js. Pamphlets free. Charman A Co., Drugisti, agent. An Unparalleled Offer. Demorest's Cut Piiuer Patterns are tho nui.-t practical on the 111,11 ket Tliev 1110 250 01 any sire that any member of it ImiHcluim cmild leipiire. In each copy of tho Miigamiio Is printed a coupon en tilling the Hiiti-i'iilnT. or iurcliicr. In ie 1 pattern (worth and retfiilariv sold fur "ioel. or any number of pniicnm fur four cents each to cover package and pontage, Win. 11 1 ho value u( I ne patterns in con sidered tint suberller actually gets HUMORISTS MAGAZINE FRF.E And what a Mau'iulne it is I For 1S97 it will be more brilliant than ever In'loro New niiinHKciueiit, new methods, now idea. Each copy contains mi cxipiihito reproduction in colors of some celebrated picture bv a famous artist, woithy to adorn the wall of the most refined homo. It is nlliriiied tbat IVmorenl's is I lie only complete Family Magaxlne puhlinhed combining all of i lie mux! excellent points of its eonteiupories, besides having in imitable feature of itsown. liuoroHt' is actually a dosen Magasine In one. It l.i a Pittest of Current Events and Ideas for tl.o Inny nun or woman, a Review anil a Storehouse of Interest for nli. Wives, tuotliera, sister and danilo ters can lln I exai tiv what tbev need to annuo and instruct them, also pia.'tieal lieljis in every tloparliiivnt of domestic ami social life, Ineliidiiiir tho furnish nir ami ornamcniini; 01 die liotne, emtnoM ery, brie-a-brae, artistic mid fancy work ol all kinds, etc., etc.. and suggestion ami advice regarding the well-being and dressing of their own persons. The soo of I lie articles for 1KM0 and 1S97 will cover the whole country and its varied interests, and the articles will be profusely illustrated with the finest en gravings, am! in addition, it will publish the best and purest fiction. It treats at length Ont-nf-Door Sports, llonm Amuse ments and Entertainments; it ulves a ureal deal of attention o Hie Childieu's Department, and "Our Girls," and has a itiontlilv yinpositiiii liy Celebrated I eople, in winch are discussed Import ant questions of the hour of Interest to ttie oliler readers. Let us hare your subscription at onm You get more value for your money than it is possible to secure in any other magazine. The Magaxine one year for $2 00 Or six months for .(M (Over 250 different garments are shown each year, patterns of all of w hich are obtainable by snrMorilK-rs at 4o each.) Sample copy (with pattern coupon) sent (or 10c Yamhill River Route. Slciinier Eugene, I.KAVKH KAVioN. Motnluy, WoiliioHiliiy nml Friday ut ti A. M., rciu'liitiu Oregon City, for lVrtltuitl iiltout 1 1 ::iU A. M. I.KAVKX I'OltTI.ANP. Tuesday, Thursday ntid Saturday tit I) A. M. Salmon St. dock, reach ing; Oregon City, fr uprivcr points about 11 A. M. Through trip to Lnyfctto nnd McMinnvillo inado when depth of water permits. Freight nnd passiners rtitcij reasonable. nil I Line. PORTLAND TO THE DALLES liy tho fust and cum liiodinus Ktennior Regulator 1 Legal NoticeB. DOGS KEPT THEM WARM. A Knife Hanufuctnring Town Where th Grinders l Living Stove. ' Thiers, au old town in the Anvergne, is famous for its steel knife industry. The town boa retained much of its ro mantic mediaeval character. Its streets are narrow and crooked, and the maun factureof knives, the principal industry of the town, is not carried on in modern factories, bat in ancient, small build ings along the little river Durolle, which furnishes the power for the in dustrial township. Curious and unique, bs everything else in Thiers, is the meth od of work of the people engaged in grinding the knives. The grinders, men and women, lay stretched out on wooden planks, over which they sometimes throw sheepskins Tick's floral (julde-lH7. For nearly half a century this Cata logue of Flower and Vegetable Seeds, Plants, Bulbs, Roses, Grains, Potatoes, etc., has come as regulary as spring time Here it is again to remind us that it's time to think about our gardens. This issue contains half a dozen full page half-tone illustrations of Roses, Asters, Gold flowers, Carnations and Tomatoes. It seems full of the necessary inform ation for either amateur or professions). Send 15 cents to James Vick's Sons, Rochester. N. Y., for a packet of either Vick's Branching Aster, New Japan Morning Glory or extra choice Panny and a copy of Vick's Floral Guide. If you state where you saw this notice you will receive a package of flower seeds free. Indigestion Cured. Depressing times depress the mind ; the digestion is disturbed. Two or three doses of the S. B. Headache and Liver Cure will restore your health to a nor mal condition. GO cents per bottle. For sale by C. G. Huntley, druggist. Lock hart, TexAS, Oct. 16, 1889. Messrs. Paris Medicine Co., Paris, Tenn. Dear Sirs: Ship us as soon sb possi ble 2 gross Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic and will not have any other. In our experience of over 20 yerrs in the drug business, we have never sold any medi cine which gives such universal satis facsion. Yours respectfully, J. S. Browns & Co. For sale by C. G. Huntley, druggist Notice. r01ICE W HKItEHV OIVE.V THAT THE 11 uiiderali.'De'l Bat eoii 'pointed bjr ih i County Courto: the olla ol Or a lor Clck- dim Louuty, jrniuu:rttior, wnu mo win n nrxiid, ol itie ealate ol Aug Hue Rir;!ey, da ctaaeU. All peraoua tmviug Qtimi agiuai taid eintJ are bereby nottn&l to irvtit the fcimeto me pDpery tri-mitd at mrofliej iti Oieto 1 Ciljr, or iron, within all month I pun till, . Jau.iy, ls7. L. L. foli i tK, l-.-J, 2-2B AJmlul-lrnl it aforvanl 1. DEM0REST PUBLISHING CO., 110 Fifth Avei.iio. New York, F03 0SLT8TOCENISTAMPS Ths Queen of Fashion Magazine FOB. THRCB MONTHS and A McCall Cazar Pattern rf tit ntylMi waltt will be mailH to yoo ritRF!. 1 .-civ. .irj yuu cut out init adrrrtlaeairnt and Knit witli the tumpt and butt oimure. We Oder ihie r ,-tiny to tuiihcr introduce our Biaffatlne and pau t Ti,t. Not more khao out Order iU be aCil rtofire of Final Ketllrmrnt. JOflCE IS HEKK8Y OIVE.V THAT TUB tin leraig ie i d nl il trat " of ihd oaUlo ui 1 uum i J. IiKli-b, luoi-el. baa lliod lu I ho ; limy Court, ol Caknmia County, Oreua, 1 1 Uual aoo'uut aa au'jha linirjiat-at r am tliat Mo:i l,.y t y o lr. h, at 2 o rl m P.M., at lha touuiy Coirt Uimmu, iii Uriiu City. t' aki n CjUUL, llrcit i.i. Una btoii n pointed aa (he time and ler Ly aald C-turt I ir beuriuK aa 1 d) etmaitiir any aii'l all nil-ctlona toaaid arouut. otOKGE J. L'KUI , Jai..Vl'U7 AJtil bkuwsiM. A Caxpbrll, 1-iti, 2-ai Alt iru for AdiniDialr.tor. Attiiliiltrulrlx'f .illre. NOTICE H HEItEBY C1VKN II1AT 1 II K uu'lem Ima bm nuixilnud hy tho Cuu ity Court uf Ciaekamti Ciiiut", ail nliua trHtnx ol tiid eatate of entries 1, rili.t r. de ce-ed All ierou liavniK vialma Klnt lu i etite "f anid djiii'detit are h'rely tiot fled tn lrca'. nttl.e amenuiy rurllli d accord D to law for piymeut t tna iiiid'-nijind at li.ima-c ii C a' liHin County, Ort ( in, or at the oilxe o ilrowue.l k I'aiattwli, Oregon City, Uteirin. Within aix mnntiia irom ih iime of tin- notice. February 6, lmi7. FLORA I'il.USTKK. Brownkll 4 Camppkll, Ad mliii-trati 1 1. Atlorm-ya tor a liulul-tralrlx 2 S-5. OTICE H HEREBY OIVEM THAT THE d r-lueJ una b" D ai.po'iiio.l admluia- -VTOTI IMtor uf the eitiitd of lleruiau Aotfii-t Mohr Kiano, duvt;A4e., oy fie Co;inty Court ot tue siate ol U'. ijoii, lor tlu County of C ackamat. All neraoua b iviiii billa airaluat tlio aaiu et ile are uerjbr uutitei to prumnt ilia anno lor piy- nieni 10 me property Teriiiuu wun voucnera at WiUonyu.e, Oregon, within tlx montua from tbia latj T thuy will be louver birr-'d. titled tun 5t i day of (i-liru iry, 1hj7. JOHN f. MOHRilANN, Adm niatrnt ir of tue eatate ol liurmm Auuuit lioannanu, d:cei'j,. 212,3-12 .otlre. .XOTlHie tit IIRkRRV filVfM TIlaT TIIIT UDderalxned liaa be n by tne County Court oi tue oiatx of Oreg u. lor tue County of Cieck atoaa, apioluted aumlulatrntor ol the entile of Amuroie S. Latou. ucceated. and all i.eraoui bavin clalina airalnat tie aal l eatnte are hereoy uotlfl :d to preaent tue aarai to me for paymuut with the proper and neceaary yoiioheri at my place near Ml. Flea-aut, Claukamna Couiitj", OreKon, witMn alx montua Irom this date or they will be barred. U tied tola P.iu day Ol Kebruarr, A. O 1H'J7. WAKU 11. LAW TON, Ailmlnlitrator of the e.tate ol Ambrose B. Lawtoo, deceatel. 2 1'J, K-ltf NUIIIIIIODN. In Iho Clrcu:t Court of thj Hut ot Oregon, for ciacsamaa couuty. William H. White, plaintiff, va Frank Jonoe. defeudant Notice to Frank Jonei, defendant: IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF ORE eon, you are beruby reuulred to appear and au.wer the complaint tiled againat you In the above entitled ault by the flrat day of the next term of tbla Court fo. lowing the expiration of the time pnacribed in theurder of publication lu the timmoua made hirelu, to-wlt: Hy the third Monday in April, Wl; and If you falljao to auawer, fur waut tuereof, puintiir will appiy to the Court for the reliel demanded in the com plmiit, viz: Tbe foreclosure of the uiortKaite mad) and executed by you Pi Edward 8. Elliott and Betty H. Moore, on the Mtli day ol Oi tobjr, 1HX7, upon certain lands In Clackainai County, edited by you to aald par ilea and for the aale ol aid mortgaged premiaea toiatialy the amount due upon aald promlaaory note : inta aummona la pumiane'i oy oraer oi tne Hon. T. A. Mciirlde, Judseof aald Cnnrt.made and dated the 7th day of January, 1HD7. Bald publication to be made lor the period of alx week at leaat once each week in the Obeoon City Esiiai-Biea. W. W, THAYER and HENRY ST. KAYNKR, -22, J-J Aitorueya for plaiutiff. I.t'iivt's IVrtliinil, Ttifslay,Tliurn day nml Suturthiy nt t:;i() n. m. Arrives Moiulav. "WeilncsiKiv nml Friday. This is the (Iront Sooiiio Itotito. All tourist n-Itnit tlint tho sct'iicry on tho Mitldlo Col n i n bin is not ex celled for henuty inul prnntli'iir in tho Uiiitol States. Full i"ifonin tio n by uiMreHHinjr or oiillinj' on J. N. II A K.N KV, Ag.-nt, Tel. ON. Portland, Or., Ollico ami wliarf, foot of Oak St. THE GREAT GOLD SILVER CtUINI'NUIH Of HKITWI I'tllitljtlli;! H0 UMSTHK.N tKHUN nw yiiin lwiojiiii) The 0. R. & N. No Chang of Cars between WfiliVM CITY Shortost Lino to Spokano t tlNNKl IKK niill nUU K'iltt KtfUTU Oh- VHHIU, KrtSSI.J VII, JlIKCIIS iKb,SI, l,!f HUU liMOTK.VIY Jll.VI.MI 17I111',S Low Kates and Through Tickets FDR I'AMt'tll.KTH AMI HKTAII.ICI) INKul-M TluN, W III I k TO W. H. Hurlburt, (ii'lirral l'iMciiiit'r A(t'lit. O. R. & N. Co- .'ultruSD, Om. EAST AND SOUTH ftviirrrt-pfaift fix '. 1 II FOR CLATSKANIE Steamer (r. W. Shaver, ComiiHnriiiK Auril 15, lHtHI, will Ictve 1'urtliinil fait of Wniihliiifttiii "trt't Tuca iluv, Tliurmlay riuI Sunday vininK nt S oVliM k KiMurniiiif, lfvc t'lulNltaiile Moiulny, Wed licit. In y nml Krliluy vt'n in(fKt SoVttH'k. Will imnit Oak IVInt nlMiiit 7; Stfll 7:15; Mayjii-r 7:W; Kitinl.-r Hilt); KlutimU:15; St. lliduim 10 :.'I0. Arrivn in TortUm! 1 :.1t) a. in. Tli in 1 tin' ni'urt'Ht ami ttuwt dlrcrt ronl lo tho gri'iit Nolinlt'in vitllcy. ShavorTransportatlon Co. -VIA- Til K SHASTA KOUTE Of tlio SOUTHliKX I'ACIIIC COM TAN Y. Kpre Trulm loave PortlnnJ I)llr. Hoii.h H Hi r.V ur.. II lAan i North. L Ar I'lirilami Ar Or .m liy l.r fit. Kranrlarn .y lo A.m. 1 'a a. at. Tuir.i, ho. 4011 ' ', S, St. 18. A 4, 44 and 4fi Inclita oittrmlirtra. Lma' TaiLne-Maiii lUaoia. I'laln tailor, budlrriare vrry lahl'. Jl prcarnt. '1 hia atylNh dcaign la cut to lit the lijfurr pcrlrctly. It I. n Krrnch lUrtaand lamailr with the curved arama s i hrcumina; to the form. It may be worn plain, aa ' mn In the illustration, or aiuiply trimmed nlib br.i: I, piaarmrntrrie or pimp, 'I lie ljucen cf Kaahlun la t!ie tirlchmt, moat ai-l-i.-t and atrictly l'-'i'i-Oaie raaliion and llouae lu; I Maga-ine puhlnhed. Contalna rai h month ;i4 'r of intcmuii'r rradlng miitirr and from a; to v a,aoi.iiri v hf.vt anil orli;inkl pattern de- i:nt lor l.Ai'.in, Miaaciand Children, llundaoma wo ..I enT.ivint'a. The AUCitl l.nmr Pattrrno hire twi-n known f ir a; yr.ira t "Hie Urhalne I'aticina." I'n r Mi.ilitd Ii r:raiiceof atyle and bt. Adrfreaa, IHZMcCALLCJ., 142-140 W. 14th SL, Neat York. llon.W.J.Di-yan's Book All whs an Intanata4 la furtharln tha aala f Un. W.J. Irrua I k aiiould nirtaK0.4 immaii.iaiv aa II b Uia imtiluliara. Ibaetirk will aoaUla . . . ii irroiTTT or m Cikl Albl Ma. in tmtwt, ii:nu ki;i fin " IH irT IHPuillST if rVl-" tam-ill. ill le ... i "trw of mil V.. t MITICIlalTlHIWI. AGENTS WANTED e. . . , , Mr. Hrjan baa an- Koaiowd hla Inlanllna of 4nollnir an-half nl all rurallli-a to frll..rln tlx caiia nf blmatallUia. "I harw ar already toiliflatiooaitf an vnurnionaaala. Addrea Vt. H. ('(ml Y COMPANY. Puhliaber i lt-tV Dearborn M...UIHAIAI si The lMue tralna alnp at Kail I'ortlanii, (rt-Kun Cliy, WixHlliurn, Mlem, Turner, Mariiin, JellVrami, Alliany, ranicnt.Hlieilila, lUlwy, llarrlaliiira;, Juiiriliin Cliy, Knuone, Crrawull, CiittaK' (irove, lrlii, ami I at tlum from HoarbiirK to Aahland Incltialv MNINO CAKH OS OODKN UOL'TB. Pullman Buffet Sleepers. Ann Socond-Class Slooplng Cars Altai-bed to all lb rough iralne. KOHKHt'ltO MAIL (Dallri. A. M. a Jo r. M. l.r l.r Ar I'ortland Ar OrefoiiCHy I,y Hoaniitira; l.r 1 1 40 r. at I .( r. f on a. at RIFANS TABULES aro good for headache, heartburn, fsour sto mach, belching biliousness, torpid liver, drowsiness, lass itude, foul taste in the mouth, bad breath, constipation, indi gestion, dyspepsia. The formula by which they are made is in uso in the greatest hospitals in the world and is prescribed daily by nine doctors out of ten. Three times in five when a physician is called he vill write a pro scription the items in which will almost exactly correspond with those of the liipans lab- ules formula. Your druggist can supply Ripans Tabules in little vials for 15 cents or in a box con taining six of theso vials for 50 cents. If he will not get them for you, address, with the price, THE RIPAN3 CHEMICAL CO., 10 8pkuciBt.,New York. ff-M, 60 VIAR8' pi TRAD! MARKS, DtaiGNI, OOPVRIOHTa Ao. Anyone aindln a aknti-h and diwrlpllnn may quirklyaarortxln, true, whthr au IiihiiIIoii la proliiil'ly palontnlilo. (-iiniuiuiilratlniia atrlrtly connilnutlal, OIiIihii arniii-y roriHH'uiliiif put mite lu Atnnrli-a. We havo a Waahlimton oiliin, I'atnuta takim thruutib Muuu A Co. rinjolre Speutal notloe in the SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, ny iiiuatratMl, larirnat elmilatlnn of itlrta lotirual, wei'kir. ternia $.'1.1'! a year t la tnontha. Hunrluinn ooulia and itAMu ii un i'ATKNT aeut free. Addruae MUNN A CO., llroudirny. New York. any wlHiitlno I II. Ml a IliMia I7nfflrl KIABLB MAN a OH IfdlllCU WOMAN. A8SURED Immediately K?Br BON. THE BEST PAY EVER OF. FERED FOR SIMILAR SERVICE. The Coaninpolltaa Magazine, edited by toim 7"" "ALKaa, wi.l, ,0 ,ud . qir of a million to lla clientele, already the lare. eat, ol intelligent thinking readeripoaieaaed by any periodical in the world. IT IS PREPARED TO PAY HAND SOMELY FOR ASSISTANCE REN DERED. It wisboa the ervloes of ono reliable man or woman In every town, village, country dlatrlot, or manufacturing eatabllshment In every State. All that is required of any one le reliability, earnestneaa and work. No matter on what other work you are engaged, It will pay you to examine into thla offer. Apply, 'atnj poaltlnn, capability and refer, ence., to THE COSMOFOUTAN MAGAZINE lrrlngton-on-the-Hudaon, New York HA I. KM PAH KMiKH, (iMIIy. r. M j l.r " ' r.ittl m i " " Ar j lu it a. T Wr, h Orra-.ill liy .y j y n . .!:. lAf -1 "ii l,r f it) A. ) Val Hide Ulrialtin. lIKTWfK.S l-OKTLANU AND COUVALLIS. Mall Train, lully (Kircpt Hundar.l "7 MkM, .i I'.irlland "Ar j 3U Ti !.ilL":J I Oirrallla t. I HAy aj At Albany and I'orvalllt cuniKvi wlib tralna of Urogon Ouiilral A K iaiu'n llallroad. Kapreaa Train Daltr IRirent Hunday) 4 4'r.M. 7:'Jr. M. l.r Ar I'orllaiid Ar MrMliinvlUe l.r A. H ISdOA.M THROUCH TICKETS TO ALL I'OINTi IS Til KAHTKKN HTATKH. CANAKA ANI KI'KOI'E I'an Im iililnlnnl at Diet lor.r ralca from K. K llnyil, Anfiit, Crr-Kiin City, K.KOKIII.KK, K. H. KOIIKUH, Manager. Aaa't (I. K. and I'aaa. Agent. IF ,'OU ARE. DO NOT FORGET Three Important Points FIRST Go via St. Timl because tlio linos to that point will aH'ord you trio very bout Hervieo. SECOND Sco tlint tho coupon beyond St. Faul reads via tlio Win- consin Central bccaimo that lino niakeS cIoho connections with all tho trans-continental lines entering tho Union Depot thero, and its ser vice is hrst-class in every particular. THIRD For information, call on your noighbor and friend tho nearest ticket agent and ask for a ticket reading via tho Wisconsin Central lines, or addrcHS Jar. C. Tonp, , or Ono. H. Hatty. (Jpii. Pas, A?t.. (JeniTBl Awiit, Aiklwatik(),Wl8. 2HI Stark rit., 1'ortluiul, Or. aafl .. . I "i 'i"'"iw7 nu wnaiina uiatiaaiia eailMia nr 1 TO vHiithtulcrriirtur n.ciurt. ContalhanooplHlua. la a nerve tonlej .' .. "iitanauiBiinieonii puny atrnny and plu liaallycHrrliminTnatpiwki'l.Bji purhori 0 fur VS. llyanall, aiti. MiabAl. aitaiiAkt aw, iit. amnna Wemedy enrae quickly, permanently all . "... 1 jnomorr. ' oi uruin tower, lie, WukHfulneaa, lxt VUullly, Mubtlr Kinla. Mini iilixid nullilrr. Mnkna the pnleoiid puny atronir and plump. n-M,rnnimiraiiiiKin.ei prnor n rnrajs. llyanall, pre pnlil, ii'liiieirtltrntrimmnffformnnrireiniiied. Write medlpitl bonk, aenli-d plain wrappor, with teatlmonlala and tlnnnrlnl atnnillnir. A'n charnti tnr rimnittntinnm. iiii.imaMiIia. CiorLa. lhitdbriiaraaaala.araildraaaBMllVKaianflL. uuiT.u.ikiUM ruraale In Oregon Olty,Orci.,bi C'UAUMAN A CO., Uruaglau.