Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (Sept. 11, 1896)
Oregon City hnterprisc. oiiKouN crrv orricvun M)nr. R'inlir. tllilnlnl 1'iillc Auoftltir, lllrmii nlraium I , W . ' mil Chiu. K Hunt K N I'nllO It. I.. HmIhihn v. i. in m ii TritMitiritr, 'll)f Alliininr. Ht r'nl l in (' lulx'cH'k. Jp, Niip l. nl Wnmr Wink, W. II. Hmwi.II oily KiiHliir. II, II. J .(IIIMHI UoiiiiiiiIimkii -T. 0. '1'itili, I.. :, ( h v, John Jiittiio', J. J, ('(mini, l(, K' iiir, I. I l'ur trr, llniirr Mnliliimi, J. W. MnlTall. iiuiiiii'II lunula Oral tVadiiinilii oloarli inmitli la otljr hull Kill DAY, HKI'TKMUKU II. IMMt." f CHAT AHOUT TOWN. Fri'sh ovuIith in any Ml) In at llm Nov idly Candy Factory. Tiliiililim 2'i cunt a waul Ilowsid'a Hw fill 1 Iti'nt, iii'iir depot. If you want a inwltitf nim lilnn for -' go lo lli'lluiny A Hunch's. Mmi's iiihI buy cap nl all kinds clii'ap, at tint Kucki'l nlore. Wntch for lli) ni'W lull Biylr. Nullre nl 0H'iiliiK later at Mis (ioldmnilli's. Clmriimii A Hon will pay llm hlKhmt nmiki'l piim fur potatoi'", dried fruit, UK". '"' No liruknil 1'ullnrii or Irayed culf coiiio tiouin (nun III" WIIUiiH'tlii htUHin laundry. All t.rk KUiirMiitfi-il. Mr. mul Mm. I. II. ila me happy jver the advent ul a Imliy Kill, tli ut ppnard at their home on Sunday, H teniber Ulili . Twenty lour kind of lolwiTo, nuts, freli rmnlii'H, rliinrs, mul (rnnll Irull at Diin William un llm corner of Knvmlli ami (Vter street. Ii, Hall doc all kind ul ili'iital wurk which In guarantees to I hi flrl-cl, lid al price to anil tlm time. Olllce in Courier IhiIIiIiiik. A ilollur saved la iiiial to two dollar rained. I'ay up your riuWlitim to tlie Kntkhi mikk ami get th the lKrmllt ol tin) reduction In irlrn. A cool ilrink ol tliut aixla water or liiluuiel water tliat D. William keep on ( al hia notion aloru on Kevenlh street will refresh yon. Try a gl. II alllictcd wild au-nlii dieae, hair falling out and premature lialdnvm, do not inut greaae or alcoholic preparations, lull apply lliill'a Hair Kenewer. A trial aiiliHrrlptioti to tint Oregon City KmraMMiiiaR, the leading neper ol Clackamas county, unlll Novemler (1th, Including full election return, lor 2S rent. For a iiilt't place to hitch your hrnc awav lioin I lie motor lino mid a lar lo gut a llmt Iukh Jot) ol n-iiriiit or liorw ahot'liiK rail on S. K. S'rlpliiru'a aliop on Fifth atnil. Tim liul, i Hynli'in in ilriiini'd and un liTiiiiiii'd hv indolfiil tilrira iind oHtii ori-a. 1 Witl'H Wilrli Salve HM'dily hrala UuMii. It Im llm Ih-hI pilu curu known. ('. (I. Huntley Dnuiifiat. If dull, cpirilli'DH and Hlnpid; If your Moi d i Ihirk mid uln'iiihli ; II your ap itilu i rnprit'loiia and unrirlain. Yon iii'cd a SiirHupanllii. For lii't ri'Hulta lukn licWitt'a. It rocoinmi'iida itwlf. C (i. HuntU-y, liriiKirlnt. Tim 1'nivi-rnity of (in-tfon, tliu (rcut fret) acliool of tliu pi'oplo, oprim Siplm lor H, 1 siHi. Kvury younu man und yomm woiniii) in the atale onulit lo aliaiv in ita ('liridtiuu mliii'iilioual Inllui'iii'i'H. AdilrcHH, l.'niviirsily of Oregon, l-:n"iu, Oregon. Don't Irillu iiway liino when yon liavii rlioliTii morliua or diarrlnra. Fiulit llii'in in llm IM-K'mniiik- with I'k Witl'a Colic A Oioler I'uro. Don't liavo to wait for n-Biilta, thry am in Htautiiui'oiia and it lonvoa Him bnwida in lii'iillliy condition. C. CI. Huntley, DniUK'iHt. Win. Klliott hua liri'ii quilii nick for tliu piiHt wct'k nt llm home of hia ilunnli tor, Mra. J. T. AHirnon, hut liu la now pronouncod out of dungcr. Mr. Klliott in a piunt'cr of Mil und Iiuh rcaidud iu thia counly evurv ainco thut year. Ho Iiiih u hunt of (rimiilrt who will ImkIiuI to know that he in in a fitir way to recover hia health, Tlinwliinn muchino niiin will find at the Kntkhtiuhk olllco a perfect record mid rocuipt book, lllunk apuco for recordiiiK ciich daya work, amount and price and arrnnjsod in duplicate form so that it can be lined as a receipt aa well an memoranda of the work. Mont com plete thinK ever gotten out. Machine men who uaud this book luat aeaHnn have oidered for this year. Sent by mail lor 75 cents. The S. 1. Company has not taken olf the Hying train between I'orllund and Bun Franciaco, nor have the stundard rntea been eHtabliabed. Including berths the tickets (or l'lillmun Btandurd slee ers nro $10 and for Pullman touriat aleoierH f 10. A train leaves every five days leaving 1'ortland at 10 p. in. Tho next train loaves Portland Monday, September Mill. If you have ever seen a little child in the agony of summer complaint, you can realize tho danger ol the trouble and appreciate the value of instantaneous rebel always afforded by De Witts Colic and Cholera Cure. For dysentry and diarrhiea it is a reliable remedy. We could not afford to recommend this as a cure unless it wore a cure. C. U. Huntley, Druggist. 'reali oyalora In any style at llm Nov- idty Candy Factory . Mlna Marytii'rluf Wall begin tlm full term u( her klinierKurliiii m'bool laat Monday . All kluda of freali and sail water flh on ire at ll'iinnhrey Tieniliath'a, next door to Albright's meat market. Hev. M. I Kuugwlll lie-in a aurlea of aeriiioua next Hundiiy evening on gen eral tuples. Ilia II rut aiibjet will be "Danger Hlgnala." I', M. Alkinwiii has nudu a prewuit of a big II r tree lo the dee reading room, and Hey, Wall, tlm librarian, would hn glad lo get some help lo have It mailt) up Into firewood. Mine J. II. iliimir, of Cortland, organ IxhiI chiMaea I ii KhakiiHpMarean reading, (ieruniu and Freucli n the city Wed neaduy and will ciindiii.'t a clan on Tues days hereafter. Senator Mitchell made a great cam paign ad lri'M al Woodhurn luat Friday on a mud uinney and protection. He will adilniHit tliu people of Oregon City on September I'lllli. Mra. I'.. K. Murtin'a inillinery oH-ning will luku place about tlm lTitb ol Sc lember. Slid will have one of the lineal aelertiona ever brought to Oit-gon City, bulb in style and II nihil . Many a day's work la toil by aiek head ache, cuilxcd by indigentinn and atomach trouble. DeWitt's Little Karly Klaers are the iiiohI cio-rliia! pills for overcom ing such dilllciillie. C. i- Huntley Diuggint. L'Mt, on the street between nil Main street, a aoldier'a nmmorlal sheet ol Co. It, Mil Ohio Volunteers. Tlm parly finding it will he ruitably rewarded by leaving the alioet al this olllce or tirace's slore. AogiiHla. the infant daughter ol liu dolph and Aiiguata Seiler aged II months and seven day, died on Monday, Hep tcmber 7th . The funeral services oc curred at the family resilience on Wed neaday, SptemlHr lith at 2 p in. The Novelty Candy Factory's big fountain ia running almont day and night and the (troprietois are scrvinf their ciinloniers with the lineal icecream soda, Artie simIu, Wilhoit mineral water, root I hit and carbonated orange cider. The miliji'i'l lor the morning dlacourac at the MelhodiHl church next Sunday ia, "The Flight ol Jonah From the Post ol Duty," In the evening die paator will, by reiiiet, ileliver hia lecture on, "(jive the Hoys u Chanco " All are cordially invited. The St. Cecilia chorus will meet (or practice every Monday afternoon at the home of Mrs. K. K. Williams. Thi chorus won aueh high praise laat year from On von City audiencea that they will alwiiva be greeted with cuthuni uhiii wherever they may sing. Theories ol cure may be dieruswd at length by phyxicianH, but the Hiillercru want quick rebel; and One Minute Couch Cure will give it to tbeni. A hale cure (or clilMrcn. It is ' the only luirmlcHH remedy that produces immed iate rcnulls." ('. (i. Huntley, Druggist. All HrHons intending to join the Chautatiiiua cIiihh this year are cordially invited lo meet ut C. II. Dye's Monday evening Sept. 14 to organise and order books. This, the Frencli-Ureek year is said to he the most delightful of the course. Cost of books. f.r, cost of mug axlue or fl W in the club. An article in the September Review of Reviews entitle! "The Outlook upon the Agrarian Propaganda in the West," by Newell Dwiglit Hillis, throws helpful sidelights on the campaign methods now lieing employed by the populists in the West, ol which tho F.ast bus heretolore known little or nothing. At the Y. M. C. A. athletic sports at (ilaiUtono park last Saturday afternoon, the "Yellow" carried otT the honors over the "Hods" by a score of IS to 3. Charles Pope won in 1st in the 100 yard foot race; In the bicycle race, Jo Uooufullow was first, Charles Wil son second and John Hurrishurger, third. The yellow team won the relay raco as well as the baseball game, and F.d Newton won the hammer throw. Mrs. 8. A. Kell, of Pomona, Cal., had the bad luck to sprain her ankle. "I tried several liniments," sbo says, "but was not cured until I used Chamberlain's Pain Palm. Tnut remedy cured me and I take pleasure in recommending it and testifying to its efficiency." This medi cine Ib also of groat value for rhouma tism. lume buck, pains in the chest, pleurisy and all deep-seated and muscu lar pains, For sulu by G. A. Harding, druggist. Capt. F. T. Eustnian from Fort Van couver with a detail of four men arrived in Oregon City Wednesday and is camped on the Clackamas near the Eust Side railway bridge. Captain Eastman Is making a topographical survey of this part of Oregon for the war department, his work being a part of that now being carried on all over the United States by the government in ascertaining tho lo cations of all roads, streams, lulls, mountains, etc.. the knowledge ol which ia of vital importance to an army on a campaign. Captain EiiBtinan finished a survey of Washington county last week. This county will close bis work for this year. COim L'milH (.'0N.HITTKK lllolil an KiiIIiuhUhIIc llejiulilliaii Meeting Maturiliiy. PurHiiunt lo call the Clackauiiiacoiinly republican central comiiiitluii held a meeting at the city council cham ber Saturday afttirno'Hi at two o'clock, Chairman H. M. Ilumsby presiding. Twenly-oim out of the ,'10 precincts in the county were represented, and the gath ering was noted for being imbued wilh uu extraordinary amount of enthusiasm for a county central committee, as theno gatherings are usually very prosy matter-of-fact allairs. The majority ol the committee expressed themnelvus as being very hopeful for the success of McKiiiley and Hobart at the November election. Mr. Daniel was apioiiiUl to 1111 the vacancy on the committee from lieayer creek by a unanimous vote. It was decided to havu public speak ing in every precinct in the county, and cuuiinilteeiuen will be expected to com municate with the secretary when shak ers are wanted, as by pursuing this plan conflictii.g dates will beavoided. It was alao recommended that the committee men of each precinct work harmoniously together to further the object and pur poses of republican organization. There are aeyeral precincts in the county where there ha Meyer been any repub lican nM-akers, and it ia the desire of the committee to have lhse places supplied as well as the most ixmulaloil precincts. County republican headquarters have been established at Secretary llyan s olllce, where a plentiful supply of cam naiixn documents can be obtained. Any one deflriiig campaign literature can ob tain the same by applying or addressing headquarters: The following commit teeman were in attendance : Charles llolstroin, Aberrielhy, J K Marks, Harlow, Tho. Daniels, Pea ver Creek, LI) Shank, Cunby, William Welch, Chcrryville, F M Osborne, Damascus, John VanCuren, Kagle creek, E Williums, Garfield, J M Tracy, Huntings, II Kleinsinith, Highland, John II Darling, Maple Lane, C T Howard, Milk creek, W 8 Kider, New Era, T F Hyan, Oregon City No I, George Ilroughton, Oregon City No 2, J L Swalhird, Oregon Cilv No 3. J ATulta, Oswego, A Aschotr, Sievers, Jacob Miley, Union, T H Stipp, Upper Molalla, J P ljgan, West Oregon City. Wedding (iulore. A favorable omen of MeKinley's elec tion and returning irosH-rity, is Iho fact of the numerous weddings that have oc cuiredin this vicinity during llm past few day. Miss Leon M. Smith and N. Hubert son were mairied at Suiinyaido in this county on Saturday, September fi'li, Pev. Itariett ulhYiating. The happy young collide are receiving tho congratulations of their many friends. Married at the residence of W. II. II. Samson, Wednesday, September lUh, Miss Annie Covey und John Clowser, both of Harlow. County Judge Hayes performed the ceremony. Air. and Mrs. Clowser will reside ut Uarlow. J. K. Anderson, of Clarke county, Washington, and Miss Margaret Green, oi Milwaukee, were married in this city Friday, SoptemW 4th, at the residence of W, II. H Samson. Justice SehueM olllciated on this interesting occasion. Miss Helen Sittou, daughter of Mrs. E. E. Martin, was married last Friday to Phillis Holdeii, of Clackamas Heights. The bride was one ol Oregon City's most estimable young ladies, and Mr. llolden is popularly known by a wide circle ol acquaintances. Mr. and Mrs. Holdeii will reside in Oregon City. Cora ShepharJ and Joseph Sprague, both of Hedland. were married at the residence ol W. II. II. Samson lust Sat urday, September 5th. Both are esti mable Clackamas county young people, and will reside on the bride's farm in the Kedland neighborhood. This Is the 50th wedding held in the Samson dwel ing since it has been inhabited by the present occupants, and Justice Sehne bel had the honor of tying the nuptial knot. Nollce to Taxpayers. To the taxpayers of Clackamas county, notice is hereby given that on Monday, October 5th, 18.tS, the Board of Equalization of Clackamas county will meet at the oflice of tlm County Assessor, and continue in session for one woek. J. C. Bradley, Assessor. Tools For Sale. Pilo-drivor, hammer, a derrick, ropos. blocks, peavys and a full set of bridge and boatbuildor's tools. Will be sold at a bargain. Call on Mrs. Sarah Paq ukt, Main and Twelth Streets, Oregon City. Card of Thanks. We wish to thank the many friends for their kind sympathy during the sick ness and death of our beloved daughter, Mr. and Alus. Wm. Wickham. The Novelty Candy Factory is the place to get pure ice cream in any quantity. Highest of all ia Leavening Power, Latest U.S. Cor't Report 1DX ABSOLUTELY PUCE Mrs. K. E. Dais, of Kan Miguel, Cal. Says: "I am trying In a measure to repay the inaiiiifactnrera of Cliaiiibvlain's Couuh Remedy for the great good their remedy has done me. For years I was a constant sutlerer Iroin weak iungs and bronchial asthma. My rest at night was disturbed by a hacking cough, so that I felt miserable the greater part ol the time. Many remedies recommended by friend were tiled, none of which proved suitable to my caae. I did not exteri encaany leneflclal results until I began taking Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. After two bottles of the large lxe have Ixwn used I am pleased to slate, my health i better than it ha been (or years. The soreness has left my lungs and chest and I can breathe easily. It has done me so much good that I want all who are suffering from lung troubles, as I a as. to give it a trial." For sale by G. A. Harding, druggist. Insurance that insures F. K. Doxalusok. J. R. Mattock, the well known New Era farmer, wa in the city Saturday, and rejiorts that the grain already threshed has fallen considerably below the average. His wheat turaed out 21 bushels to the acre, which the reapers estimated would yield 3- bushels to the acre while the cutting was being done. The wheat grains are not plump like they were last year, which accounts in some measure for the shortage. Mr. Mattock states that the August rains greatly improved the prospects for the potato crop, which will be up to the usual standard. Leading insurance attency F. E. Doxaldhox. Wilh a small outlay of money and la bor a good wagon ami bicycle road can be made between Portland and Oregon City on the West Side, 11 miles in length. The road to Riverside Inn is in good condition and from Oregon City to Oswego ia one of the finest drives in the country. There is a gap of about two miles between the Riverside Inn and Oswego, which needa improving. The Oregon Road club should take the mat ter in band and see thut it is opened. It ia not too late for this season. Portland Evening Tribune. Largest insurance business V. E. Donaldson. Last August while working in the har vest Held I became overheated, was sud denly attacked with crumps and was nearly dead. Mr. CummingB, the drug gist, gave mo a dose of Cliumoerlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy which completely relieved me. I now keep a bottle of the remedy handy. A. M. Iiunuell, Centerville, Wash. For Bute by It. A. Hunting, druggist, Heliuble fire insurance F. E. Donaldson. The Novelty Candy factory has just received a new shipment ol Oregon melons and other fresh fruits. The Novelty carries the most complete and freshest stock of fruit, confectionery auts etc., of any place in Oregon Citv and at more reasonable prices. Their ice cream and soda is just as good as you can get in Portland Ten big insurance companies F. E. Donaldson. Julius Priester states that the Maple Lane republican club is prospering, having already 38 members, and several more have signified their intention of becoming members at the next meeting, which will be held on September 2tth. The officers of the club are E. M. Ward, president; C. C. Williams, vice-president; and Julius Priester, secretary. Best insuiance companies F. E. Donaldson. The Milwaukee school begins next Monday with the following efficient corps of instructors : Trot. T. J. Gary, principal, and Misses Edna Ross and Ida Birkemier, us assistants. Prof. Gary stands high as one of the leading educators of the county and the people of Milwaukee are fortunate in securing his services. Free insurance blotters F. E. DosALD80N. The best ice cream in the city at W. W. Slovall's Seventh street confection ery store, at the Reddoway stand. Five cents a diah or 25 cents a quart. The yery place to get cool soda water, cigars and candies. Give the place a trial when you pass that way. Chailes Albright, Jr., has removed bis hill butcher shop from Shively's build ing to the room formerly occupied by the Seventh Street Pharmacy in Wil liams block. Jack Humphrey has charge of the establishment. A nice line ol ladies' and gentlemens' umbrellas just received at Cbarman A Son's. Ar.OlT CLAIKA.MAH I'OU.W. Large lo area and In Isolation, and Various reMorces. Clackamas county has an area of about 1,500 square miles and a population of 22.000. In l:0 the population was 15,233 and in 1810 it was Being one oi the Lower Willamette valley counties, and reaching (rom the river to the mountains, it naturally follows that Clackamas must have a considerable variety of surface characteristics and natural productions. It has a wide lange ol (arm product. Its timber is abundant and valuable. It has a large mineral wealth, only a small portion ol which Is under development indeed, in the volume and value ol its manufac tures, Clackamas county ranks second J second in ttie countie of the state. Besides the Willamette river, the Clackamas, the Molalla and Pudding are important streams flowing from the eastward ; and the valleys of all of them are uniformly rich and well suited to agricultural. There are no better lands anywhere than in these bottoms. The soil is of surpassing richness, and is easily tilled. Back a little from the streams is what is koor as second bottom land; that is, land possessing most of the characteristics of that bor dering on the streams, but somewhat drier and suitable to tb production of crops that'might be injured by excessive moisture. Still further back is upland of all grades to the most mountainous. Of course there ara many secondary watercourses, anj on the ridges separat ing them is fine farming nd grazing land, the soil in general being of a clayey nature All the common farm crops are grown. Wheat, oats, barley, buckwheat, various grasses, beans peas, potatoes, and other root crops, melons, strawberries, grape g currants, ' blackberries, raspberries, cherries, plums, prunes, pears, peaches, apricots, and apples of all kinds, are among the productions of Clackamas county. Vast quantities of bops are also raised. The only teasel farm wett ol the Mississippi river is in this county. I Fruit, wheat, hops and potatoes may be named as the most important agricul tural' productions ol the county. The fruit raising industry is probably the most susceptible nf expansion. The small prairies in the central and south ern parts of the countv cannot be sur passed in the advantages they offer (or the raising of peaches, prunes and small fruits. Others flourish there, of course, but these sre particulaily mentioned, be ! ii -.... o. itaiinc Hie mc gcucmnj'u no the most profitable and affording a basis lor the rapid upbuilding of a great in dustry. By going back a few miles from the river, or into tho foothills, many choice locations may be engaged in with profit, and comfortable homes made. Many of the old settlers have farms of several hundred acres each ; and with the jrow ing disposition to divide up these tracts into smaller farina, a large amount of such land is now and must continue to come into the market. The Oregon City Board of Trade will be glad to supply full information regarding this locality. Pacific Northwest. Cures Croup. "My three children are all subject to cioup ; I telegraphed io San FVancisco, got a half a dozen bottles of S. B. Cough Cure. It is a perfect remedy. God bless you for it. Yours, etc., J. H. Crozier, Grants Pass, Or." For sale by C. G. Huntley, druggist. Imllgextiou Cured. Depressing times depress the mind ; the digestion is disturbed. Two or three doses of the S. B. Headache and Liver Cure will restore your health to a nor mal condition. 50 cents per bottle. For sale by C. G. Huntley, druggist. For Sale. A cottage, five rooms, two full lots, fruit trees and a good well, city water in yard. Cheap on easy terms. Good location, 10th and Jackson sts. Apply at this office. Sixteen to One That you can't get a better shave in the city or a neater bair cut than you can at Rogers'. 15 cents a shave, Sun days and the holidays included. Farm to Rent. One of the best farms in Clackamas county to rent on favorable terms. Call on or address. L. L. Portkr, Oregon City. Money to Loan. I have $350 to loanon good cleared farm land. C. H. Dyk. There will be a public sale at Clarkes on October 3, wherein all the live stock, farming implements, bay etc. belonging to Henry Jewell will be sold cheap. EAST AND SOUTH THE SHASTA JIOUTE Of tho SOUTHERN PACIFIC COMPANY. Cxpress Trains leave Portland Daily. Hou.h I iNiirtaj Hr.u Ut Portland Ar 10 A.m. 9 xr,r.n. Lt lijr I,t lat.i, 10 4 M. I Ar S ,r 7:00 r. at. The aliove train tlop at Kait Portland, Or-rnn ('Alt. WrvxIlHirn. Halm, Tomer, Marion, JrtlrrMin. Albany, A Ihany junrlion, Tangi-nt, Hlieildt, Halwy, llarrlnhurg, Junc tion City, Knifiie. Crmwell, Drain, anil all tation from Korlnirg to Aalilaud inblusiva DIN150 CARS ON OGDKK ROUTE. Pullman Buffet Sleepers. AMD Second-Class Sleeping Cars Attached to all tbroufb train. ROHEBURO MAIL IDalln. 30a. M. I It Portland Ar 1 1 40 p. -;;.. I Lt OreronClty It IJU F. bVir.n At Rieliir I.r HA I. KM PAH K-OKK. (Poly. 4 -io r. u. Lt P rtl on Ar 10 IS a. 27 A. if) a. m 4:49r. a Lt (it .t a-i.'tf. a. Ar I-m t.r Weit Hide Uirinton. BETWEEN PORTLAND AND CORVALLM. Mall Train. Dally (Except Sundav.) 7 30a a. l'i l.Sr M. Lt Pr:ln) Ar Ar Conralll Lt ean r.m Mr.m Al AlbanT and ."orT.llli connect with trains of Oregon Cen rtl k E nui-n Railroad. Ezprei Train Dallv rEicept Sunday) 4 4', p. a. I Lt Portland Ar S:. 7:26 r.a. I Ar McMlnnTllla Lt 15.40 a. THROUCH TICKETS TO ALL POlXTalN Till EASTERN STATES, CANADA AND EUROPE Can be obtained at lowett rate from L. B. Moore, Af ent, Oregon City. B.KOEHLER, K. P. ROOERS. Manager. An t O. F. and Pa. Afnt. Forty Million Dollars of surplus is behind the guarantees in the new policy of The Equitable Life Assurance Society and there are a great many guarantees. THE EQUITABLE LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY, L. Saxcil, Gin. Mas. ORIUONIAil BLD., PORTLAND, OR. ..The Prairie Farmer. IS THE Greatest of All Farm Papers. It presents each week all that is worth knowing in current agricul tural literature. Each number contains more solid reading matter than any other agricultural paper, and covers a broader field, Subscription Price, One Dollar a Year. It is the Paper foe the People. Sample Clubbing Offers lor 1895-6: Tna Fbairii Farmer J m m jtjjj Weekly Inter Ocean j for $1.25. The Praise Farmer J papj m ChicaooWeekly Times) JCaT for $1.25. Address The Prairie Farmer, Chicago. FOR CURES SCROFULA, BLOOD POISON. THE CURES CANCER, ECZEMA, TETTER. S BLOOD