Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (Sept. 11, 1896)
CLACKAMAS COUNTY THE i:Ti:ifrKlE (OKKKSI'ONl). EMS fcW I'.t'.V TUF. HELD. Hop picking: Comim'tieed anil Yield (ioid A odii of fupl. Short Seriously Hurt A Kuile Ferryman. V'li.soKvn I r, Sf pi. S. Hop picking Iim begun in rirnrl in lliia neighborhood and Hi campera an niinieroiu which inakr tiusiiiFM II v ly . Will Knight of iMierwood rune a meat wapiti every day anil Henry Milev a cnx-cry wacon alo t'epf r Jt Mohr man. C. T. Tooie, C. Peterson, Mr. Kpler, M. C. Young ami Mr. Yager are. picking. The yleM promises to lurn out well The dance given last Saturday (veiling by the Amettier Social club in Toote's hall waa well attended and waa a iuecM In every way. A very serious accident occured last Sun day morning at C. T. Tooie'a place. About S o clock iu the morning a the young people were going home from the party In the hall, Master Carl Short, a lad lifleen jeers of age and a nephew of Mrs. Tooie waa assisting a young man to bitcb up bis team, when one of the horses became un luanagable, kicking the boy on the leg and breaking it in two places. He was carried in the house and every thing done that was pos aible to relieve his sutlering. Dr. Showy of Wocklbum was summoned and the injured limb was set. He is now doing as well as could be expected. He resides In Portland auid is a son of Capt 8. V. Short of the steamer Elmore and was spending the summer with bis aunt on the farm. On Monday August 31st a little daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Shields, which was very welcome as heretofore their girls have all been boys, consequently there is great rejoicing in their household. Mre fress visited ber daughter in Port Jand last week. Miss Kmnia Harris has returned borne from the Coast. Mr. J. W. Graham's are entertaining guejts from San Francisco and Kalama this week. Mrs. S. V Shorter Portland is visiting relatives lor a few days. Mr. Mesirk, the ferryman at Boon's ferry is certainly a very cranky individual and from all accounts one would think be was a little olf. Last Friday Mrs. Barnes from Tualatin brought her grand children, a son and daughter of V. I.. Tooze of Woodbum up to the ferrv and called Mr. Mesick over in a small boat and told him to take the children over the river and Mr. Tooie would send a man for them. He took them over then was not going to allow them to get out of the boat w ithout the money for their erryage. The little girl started to get out but was pushed back in her seat with such force as to almost throw ber in the river. The man that came after them then arrived on the scene and demanded that he let them out, which he finally did. A gentlemen and lady were eye witnesses to it and they were very indignant. Observer. Nearly everybody has gone or is going to pick hops Your corrcsoudeut will be among the number. I. . Shank has returned from KaMern Ore gon, w here he has hern on a peddling tour. He reports good luck in that line. The social dance at Kvinsou't last Satur day evening waa greatly enjoyed by those present. II. I. Johnson has his buildings moved to his lot at last. The threshing machine has about llnlshed Its work in this part of the county for this year. The worms have about destroyed what few apples there are in this community . Misses Heasie and Mary Hay ol Portland, who have been visiting Miss Ida Uarrot (or the past two weeks, have returned home. Joseph Sprague was married at Oregon City last Saturday to Miss Cora Shepherd of Logan. Joe la a promising young man and Cora is a highly esteemed young ladv. We wish both long and prosperous life. ITEMS AHOl'MI VIOLA. tlrl.t Mill Kuualiig Pay and to Uunimeiice, Mght-HcliiKil Mtiik .News. Mink, Sept. Threshing is about over in this part of the county, drain bas turned out as well as could be expected lor tbis year. But it is about a two-third crop Mr. and Mrs. Cooper of Portland, who have been visiting friends and relatives here the past few weeks, have returned to Port land. The little sou ol Jacob Grossmiller, who bad his arm broken a short time ago, is gradually Improving. Miss l.iine Wolf of Portland, who has been visiting ber parents tlie past few weeks, has returned to Portland. Miss Barbara Steiuer and Miss Nellie Moran of Portland, have been visiting at Miss Steiuer's home the past few weeks, but we are sory they have once more Down to their native claim. Come again girls. Always glad to see you. There is a gentleman from California whose name we have forgotlon, visiting at Mr Staben's. w ill steiner, who has been working on a steamboat, plying between Portland and Astoria, is at borne for a few w eeks vacation. Glad to see you Will. Miss Heltie Guilder, was visiting friends at Union Mills a couple of days last week. Miss Eva Lehman, Miss lxuisa Steiner and Miss Lena Grossmiller, were visiting at Mr. and Mrs. Hettman's last Sunday. Henry Steiner. Will Hettman, K.I Hett ruan, I.uke l'mfy ana Jake Uoulander, called upon Henry Climber last Sunday. Come again boys, always glad to see you. Hubert Gintlier, was at the teachers meet itg last week, and spent the Sunday with friends in Logan. AcrrvLEMt. Clackamas Clippings- Clackamas, Sept. 7 Mr. Webster's fam ily put up over 40 gallons of huckleberries while iu tbe mountains. Miss S. F. Mohr das a Storm King fuchsia which is a beauty. There are 14 buds and blossoms on it. She also bas a fig 4ree 11 inches high which bas five figs. Mr. Joseph Myer was over from the Coast trying to find a market for his butter. Iiv. Mulligan preached his last sermon for tins year Sunday. We dope to see him return alter conference. Several new members have united with tbe M. E. and Congregational churches. Our W. C. T. J. ladies have all been so ! overcome with work for the last month that no meetings have been beld. Mrs. Humphrey has just returned from tbe Coast, and reKrts a very enjoyable time. Mr. II. Longcoy has rented his place and eipecu to seek a place where his health will be better, and also to take a rest. There is scarcely a family but what one or all have gone hop picking. Willis Johnson is borne from the Coast He found a pretty good growth ol whiskers while there, and seems very much pleased with tbe land around Hebo. Georga. Kutli and Mary Talbert expect to start to Portland for school this week. Grandpa Mory's bees have done pretty well this summer. Mr. Gillord's little boy has been quite sick also Mr. Wheeler's little girl Mr. J. Hehlellner will occupy the Berg, uian place this winter. Miss Bethko of Oswego, and Miss Sturcb- ier of Harmony, w ill teach the Clackamas school. XL, Sprluewater Spray. Sprisuwatek, Aug. 31. (Too late for last issue.) The light shower which fell on the morning of the 28th lust., was a very wel come guest to all except a few who bad grain nut. Rev Hurd and family have moved into the new parsonage, and commenced their work in tbe I'reabyterian church. He preaches every Sunday at 11 o'clock. Are. ception was given them on the evening of tbe 14th lust., which was well attended. Mr. Hargraves has returned from Grass Vallev, where he has been on business. He expects to move bis family there soon. Mr. Shannon and family expect to move to Portland soon. Mr. Bridenstine has rented Mr. Shannon s farm. Mr. McGetchie and family have returned to Oregon City. Mrs. Sanson and daughter Lona, of Port land, are visiting iu Springwater Mr C. C. Hoopesand wife, Mr. F. Liver more and wife and Mr. Willows, who have been taking an outing at the Coast, have returned. Threshing is nearly over. Crops are very poor this year. Several of the Springwater people expect to go to the bop yards soon. Miss Jennie Maylield has been employed to teach the Springwater school. Mrs. J. Dubois, who has been in the Ore gon City hospital, has returned home and is improving fast. Viola, Sept. ". Threshing is over in this valley. The average yield Is much below that of last year Florence Jubh came home Irom Portland Friday to attend school. Miss Cora Ward returned from Oregon City last Wednesday where she has hern visiting friends. J. M. Sevier spent a lew days with his laimly last week. Misa Annie Dubois ol Portland, attended the Teachers' Association meeting at this place Saturday .Misa A Hi Gale of Oregon City, came out Friday to visit friends and attend the teach' era' meeting. W. C. Ward, J. A. Randolph and Ed Mid ler have gone to the mountains lo spend a week or 10 days. Kev and Mr. J. W Palmateer of lou, came over to attend services at the M . K. church Sunday, and were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ward. IVII Walker of Woodbnrn, waa here afew days last week visiting relatives. A. Shaw of Portland, was visiting with J. K. Heater last week. School will ou next Monday with Mr. J. W. Kartln as teacher. A social will be held in the church, Fri day evening, September 11. Everybody in vited. Tbe Viola mill is now running day and night, and, as it is giving good satisfaction, its patrons are from far and near, The Blue liibbon Club will meet next Sunday evening, tbe time having been changed from the first to the second Sun day in each month. J M Hayden and son George are keep ing bachelor's hall yet. Mr. Hayden is an expert at canning fruit and he has tbe repu tation of being a good cook loo, or the school niariii that took dinner with him last week is no judge. We must plan to have the teachers in en I here either earlier or later another seanin as so many have expressed sincere regrets at not being able to attend the meeting held here last week. The farmers were Just in the midst of threshing and several families had gone after huckleberries. The exercises Fiirm for limit. A lino ranch of lltift acres nciir Rcdlniul 7 miles Irom Oregon I'ily for rout catdi preferred and ronnonlilo term given. lilO acres under ciillivulion, ft acres lull bearing orchard, l'lenly of pimluro, good buildiiitia etc. One of I do best Iiiriiia iu ( 'luck a hum county; la near clmrcli anil school . Renter must under atuml dinning Mini fufuiali good roe oinineuiliilioiiH. Tools and slock sold reus- Ulllitllo. AdillOiW I.. KlIIIBIIKVHKV, it Rcdluud, Oregon, A Careful lit tier Wanted. People goiiiK to thu coast by team can have prompt and ellKient service by calling on A.M. I lumps, the express num. Ho is familiar with all lliu Made over the mountains and with all the re sort a at the beaches ami knows whero tho ticst ramping places are a well as where supplies can be bad. Ilia charges aro very rcasonaiiln. See liim Mure making your arrangements. Our Matidlug ut Home. "Four out of every live bottles of med icine sold ill the last Ave ycais aru 8. 11. goola. The 8. II. Headache and Liver Cure 1 use myself as a geueial physic. If you aru ik and w ant lo get well, tlm quickest, clieaH'M and safest method is to buy the S. It. remedies ami use aa di rected. C. P., druggist, Puftir, Or." For sale by 0. li. Huntley. The People's favorite. When you are hungry ami want an ap- Mtiiing meal one that is well cooked lo your luste and well served try the Nickel Lunch Counter, This is no second-class raaUurant, wu feed the Ust K'oplu in Oroiron City and they al ways go where they get full value (or their money. (live ua a trial. (ikokiik Uko. Proprietor. A Home-like Hold. Farmers and the traveling public will find a comfortable homu-liko place In stop at when in Oregon City at the QREGON CITY IRON WORKS New n ml Kiiluwil Simp with nil iiiliniicrH fur MACHINE WORK & CASTING. All work executed in (lie Im-hI immurr Nnililo. teed mi all order. l'ruiiiitiieHH Ktmnin- were enjoyed by all who were permitted to I Oriental hotd. Table supplied w ith an abundance of the host the market af ford. Rooms and dels are clean and comfortable. Our "5 cent meals aru mil excelled. John iMiksi iikk, Prop. attend. Sunt. Starkweather makes a good president and the etllciency of the other nttn-ers needs no comment George Hayden is taking a much needed exereie on a new bicycle he lately brought Irom Portland. Our other cyclers are Carl Ward, John Mattoon and Willie Heater. From Harmony. Harmukv, Sept. 5. Threshing Is about done here. Wheat and oats averaged about 20 bushels an acre. There will be a fair yield of potatoes here tbis year. There are not so many planted as last year. Our school will commence on Monday, September 7, with Miss Jennie Rowen of Beaver Creek, principal teacher, and Mrs. L. Marshal, assistant. A dozen or so of our people have been on tbe sick list during the past week, but are improving now. Dr. Hickman of Clacka mas, das been attending several. A new boy arrived at the dome of Mr. and Mrs. Jodn Daris, September 4. Jessie, the little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hunter, died last Saturday afternoon. The funeral services wer conducted Sunday fcuiuiay alternoon and the remains were laid away in the Multnomah cemetery. Rev. O. B. Streylleler began a revival meeting here Sunday evening which is well attended. (iuite a number of our people will go to . the hop yards, most of them leaving today. Holland News. Kkplaxd, Sept. 7. The Aid Society met at Mrs. C. Sprague's last Friday afternoon The attendance was very small. There were services at the Red land M. E. church last Sunday evening, also at the Bethel church at 4 p. rn. Mr. McGraf is very sick. His recovery is doubtful. Mirrirllle Notes. MARvsviLLE.Sept. 8. Mrs. Dorcas Rogers, an old resident of this place, 57 years of age, was foui.d dead in bed this morning. The old lady has not been well for some time, but was not thought to be dangerously ill. Heart failure is auposed to be the cause. Threshing is about over in this section Elmer's steam thresher finished the last job bere last nigbt and pulled home. J. W. Jones pulled home, we understand, last night with his steam thresher. Mr. F. M. Manning bas also pulled dome and boused his machine, "the famous Nancy Potter,'' alter a very successful run in High land. Frank 8ager will return this week to the fishing grounds down the Columbia. Eugene Cummins and family with several others will go to the bop fields near Salem this week. G. C. Barger and wife, old residents of this county and pioneers of '52, will visit their daughter, Mrs. F. M. Manning, this week. Mr. Zercber, proprietor of the Viola mills sent some men last week at work on the road known as the "hog back, which put that road in fine shape, and from the way wagons are rolling that way some of our mills nearer home might take a pointer. Eagle Creek Notes. Eiii. Crkek, Sept. Z The whistle of the engine w ill not be heard any more Ibis season, as the threshing is all done. The grain is only one-half an average yield. The huckleberry pickers have all returned home with but few berries. Walter. Louis, James and Philip Morgon ami Alec Baker have gone lo the bop fields. Mr. I'del made a business trip to Hood river last week. Mr. and Mrs. George Githens visited their son Henry at Eatile Creek Falls yesterday. Married, yesterday morning at Fiddler's Green, Mr. Chas. Bartlemay to Miss Mary If inkle. Misa Edna Thibet of Portland, Is visit ing at Mrs. W. J llowletl's. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Cook and family of Pamascus, visited friends at this plate yesterday Mr. ami Mrs. J. Gibson visited their daughter, Mrs. J Reed, at Springwater yesterday. Ex Superintendent H. S. Gibson of Ore gun City, was in this vicinity yesterday. Samuel Hollman has gone to Idaho, where is mother Is living, and will make that bis home. Iluckleii'a Arnica Sulve. The best salve in thu world for Cut. Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chaped hands; Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Erup tions, and positively cures Piles or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. For sale by Chat man A Co., Charmnn Bros. Block. RBPA1IIINO -A - 8PBOIALTY. Priced the lowext to lie lmd in Portland. Shop on Four Hi Street, near Main, Olefin City, Oregon. ROAKI5 BROS.. Proprietors -E j.TSITTTT.T.T.T.Tr.T.T.rT.T.TTr.T.:.T. Oregon CitiJ Hospital.., ...GLADSTONE PARK... Conveniently of new and pleitKiint located. Free from the noine mid (hint of the city. Skillful nurries mid every convenience cIiihm hoHiitnl. Ample of a flrnt room thitt patients may hnvo lien mid rest. SjM-cinl room for lllilier). quirt- Services of the I rest physician of the county in attendance. i TICWMM WICAHONA1IUC. fj Address, MISS M. E. LIIBKER, SUPT. i ONKC.ON CITY. OK. Dickey Prairie News. Dickey I'ka i hie Mr. Cyrus Dickey is visiting among relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Mahler will soon leave this place and take up their residence at Woodburn. Miss Bertha Marks, of Mark's Prairie is going to teach our school this fall. Major Hungate of Molalla will soon oc cupy his new house. The new school house, at Molalla is pro gressingvery rapidly. Tbe teachers of the same for the fall and winter term are Miss Thomas and 0. I). Eby. Hundreds of gallons of huckleberries arc being parked out of the mountains. Several parties went from bere and succeeded in getting as many berries as they could well take care of. Smyrna Hews. Smyrna, Sept. 7. There is still some har vesting to do, but the hot weather is burn ing the late grain. Miss Sadie Crocker, who has been work ing iu Portland during tbe summer, is at home again. I. I!. Hien is building a house on his ranch near Clarkes and expects to move there soon. The ice cream social given by the En deavor society at the church last Friday night waa well attended and all had a pleas ant time. Uuite a number ol the boys went over to Needy last Thursday evening to listen to "llru'r" llarkley's free silver harangue, but the "honorable member from Marion,'1 failed to convert any of the young voters from tbis neighborhood Quite a number from here attended pro bate court today, where tbe Lucy A. Smith estate is being settled. Hop picking is at hand. F. E. Fish and T. C. Ackerson will begin picking next Wednesday. Josa. Electric Hitters. Electric Bitters is a medicine suited for any season, but perhaps more gener ally needed, when the languid exhaiiHted feeling prevails, when the liver is torpid and sluggish and the need fjf a tonic and alterative is felt. A prompt use of this medicino has often ayerted long and per haps fatal bilious fevers. No medicine will act more surely in counteracting and freeing the system from the malarial poison. Headache, Indigestion, Consti pation and Dizziness yield to Electric Bitters. 50c and $1.00 per bottle at Cliarman & Go's Drug Store. Eureka Hotel, Has the reputation ol setting thu best table in Oregon City. The cooking done under ierS')nal supervision o( Mrs Uibhons, and the victuals are equal to the best had in a private family. Uooms and beds clean and comfortable, (live the Eureka a trial. Meals and beds '2'y cents each, Special rates to regular boarders. w York Gallery. It. K Clavering, the well known ar tist, has moved the New York gallery to the building on the corner of Water and Fifth streets, where the reputation of tbis popular establishment will be bus tained. Low rent enables Mr. Cover ing to do the very best work at the low eat possible prices. Cabinet pictures at (I per dozen. For the Lungs. Elder Alson W. Steers writes from Portland, Or,, ''There is no medicine for the throat and lungs that I can rec ommend to ministers, public shakers and singers, with the confidence that I can the 8. II. Cough cure." 00 cents bottle. For sale by C. (i. Ilunlley, druggist. Or. Price's Cream Baking Powder World' Fair Highest Award. Cheap Land for Mule. 100 acres of land, nearly all level bot tom land ; easily cleared ; well watered ; two fine mountain streams running through it; fine trout streams; would make a fine stock ranch ; near public road ; one mile and a fourth from Collon post office and school house; we have six months school in each year; three miles from saw mill ; large range for stock ; can give good title. Price per acre $4.50. For terms and further information call at my place or address W. E, Bonnky, Cotton post office, Clackamas Co., Ore. An Old Mauilhy. Clarence Porter is so well-known in Oregon City that be needs no further in traduction to those wanting blacksmith work. His work always speaks for it self and his prices are always reasonable. Remember his shop is opposite I'ofie's hardware store, corner Main and Fourth strtees. tf For t.'ie Kidneys. "I am 05 years old ; have had kidney disease and constipation (or LT years. Am now well used your 8. B. Head ache and Liver Cure one year. Used 0 bottles at 50 cents each. J. II. Knight, Itutledge, Or." For sule by C. O. Huntley, druggist. Strayed. From our place at Fisher's mill a dark bay mare fi ur years old, branded "F" on left shoulder. A reward will bo paid (or information as to the whereabouts of the horse. Fishkk Ukob., Logan Ore. The Inter Ocean N the Most Popular Republican Newspaper ol the West and Ha the Largest Circulation. T1CRM3 11Y MAIL, DAILY (without Sunday) $4. 00 per year DAILY (with Sunday) $6.00 per year The Week I v Inter Ocean C i .00 FEll YEAR." P I As a Nowsparwr THE INTER OCEAN koar ahr-sstor tha times In all mpocta. It spams naithar plna our expum In anourlna; ALL THE NEWS AND THE I1EST OP CURRENT LITERATURE. Assssts Ths Weekly Inter Ocean A a Tamlly Paper Is Nut Excelled hy Any. f-plt has aomstlilnit of intoriot to each msmbir of Ota fmllv Iu YOUTIl'8 DEP AHTMENT Is th very best of IU kind. It, LITl'.lt. A HY FEATURES ar unmjualed. It Is a TWELVE PAGE PAPEllanil oonuln. tho N.waof th. World POLITICALLY IT IS KEPUHLICAN, and itlv.s tu radrs the bntlt of un all live pollUol topics. It It published In Chlcano ml is Inacoord with tho noopleofthe Wt In both politic. nl lltnrature Mnaee rimmbir that tha prloe of TUB WEEKLY INTEH OCEAN Is ONI V ONK DOLL A It 1-KH IK A II. Address THO INTHR OCGAN, Chlcnzo. Tie Si. Luis Muicrit The Greats National and Representative Republican Newspaper. Reduced Subscription Kates, by Mail, Postage Prepaid. DAILY AND SUNDAY, . One Year, T(I.(M): 8ix MoiiIIih, f'100 SATURDAY KDITION, 10 paKe, One Year, 1. f0 SUNDAY EDITION, 28 to 40, One Year 12.00 WEEnlY", IhhwmI in Senii WVi'kly Sections, 8 pane each TticHiluy and Friday, 10 paea each week One Year, $1.00; Six Months, 60c. (,'ow fur Sale. A fine l)i cow five yearn old with a calf four weeks oM for mtlo ut $.'10 Ad .Iress or inquire of Nichohuis Strolmcker one mill from lyncher's mill. I'oHtolIice Kedland, Or. Wood Wauled. Kir split wood, limb wood or hard wood wanted at thin oIice. ROYAL Baking Powder. Highest of all la leavening Strength. V. S. Government Report TIIKffiLOIIK-DKMOCItAT Ih iiniverHiilly conceded to l,e TDK RUST of Amer ican newHpiiperH.aiKl at llicae KI'.DUUI'.D KATr.M it IhhIho TIIK CIIKAI'KHT THK GI.ORK EKMOCRAT imivh for and nrinta MOItR NKWS limn nnv nil.itp paper in the United Slnlea. It will be iniliMKnsalile during- the coming (roat National l,'iiinpnin, and the LOW i'KICK jiliicej it within the reach of all THK (iLORK-DICMOCKAT is sold hy news-deulcra everywhere at 2 cent for tho uiuiv aim o chiiih tor tne Mummy imhiick. Delivered to regular MiliHcriberB, Daily and Sunihiy, 15 ceiita a week, (10 cciits a month. If your local denier does not handle it, It.'HiHt upon him procuring it for yon, or nenil your milHcrii- ti..t, ... i 1 . l: . ... .1... . ..I I!.. I 1 mill f i-lllluum u uiiui i iu me pUIHINIierH. W Parlichir nttenlioun in called loTHK WKKKLY (iLORK DKMOCUAT IhhuciI in Semi-Weekly Hectiotm, iarlst piiea every Tuerdiiy and Friday, riiiikiini it practically A LAIlOK S KM I-WKKKLY I'AI'KU I'OK ONLY ONK DOLLAR A YKAIt . Thia iHMtie Juat llllfc the hill for the Iiiihv niiin, who hits not tho time to read a daily paper, and yet dcHirca to keep promptly anil thoiirouifhly (mated. It Koch to every Stute almoHt lo every poMullicc in the Union. All America la it lenitimalo field. No mutter where you live, you will find it invaluable an u news paper and homo journal. Sample copied free on application to GLOI3IC PRINTING CO., , Ht, Louln, Mo. BAG GUARANTEED TOBACCO HAEIT GUREii rTerl,flmmboxoold.HniOmrn nrovo ltjmow(irlort(nlroiit,n,l.i. , wnere, ni-mj iur our ihkikii't. i hiti I I hart(i fi, (. jtrirl HmiikH Your I I f a ' ritt... . BTBr'" SOLD AND GUARANTEED BY CHARMAN & CO. t i