Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (Sept. 4, 1896)
Oregon City Enterprise. SCHEDULES OF TIME .!. T.I'O HHTKAJIK.IIH, AlTl'da ill II llaNlllla, SSTHUN 1-iiHTI.tKll.tAl.tll IN II IHhtftHIKKI I !. I'lirlUmt. Taylor itrcul ilmb at rl fi A, M, . kil. ., miiiilar v iai A. M, ami limrua ill.. HI My I .iiwli'in a mi a, M, , j,,, nil u .w nui.iloy. Knluri.tiiM Irate (iriymi niy fur I'm I land al Ittm.t il.iya mill t mi I'. M, Sunday. Faal Hum, iikhI am UiIiiii n1 low rnti-. Nil way lml,t hamllud. Mpeulel ralvs on lliriiiuli freight. HdtlllKltN PAI'IFM! RAILWAY. SngTM Snl'SU, California Ksnrriai (tlirnnaii) Hiiaolmri IM'al (way lalliim) Helam raaNiir auliTH ami h li. Hiiantmri l.nral (way lalliuia) California Kipreas thruiih) Belvni i'.aeiisi fl tin m. i I (HI p. Ill . V.7 a. 111. t la. m t i ' i. ni 4 tup. in. ' J'tlHTAI. HOIIKIifl.K. a aoiTiisa" ci iru) anta.iAD. ' Mall rlittna 'ili'l North, I W i ill. ami 7 p m. Mall eli.ari miiiia Himlh, a 61 a. m ami 7 i. m. Mall di.trlhiited lnm burial a. in., IU 15 a m. Mail distributed Icm mill, I a. m., 4 y.iu. a hit iinaisLsoeic Lias. Mall rl"st lur l'nrlalil ditrll.ulll tMllllll. 1, onil 4 4.1 1. in. Milclia lir Milwaukee only, IU t. m.. 4 45 tv hi. Mail arilves If out Fuilland, II M a. nt. anil 4 It p. ui. mi ani iaa. Oregon City In Kly.Carus. Mtillnn, Liberal ami Miilatla Ihiim al II lu. ami arrives al li in Virr'tiin nir l fiar Ciwk, Mink. Clark. Meadow lliiM.k. I'lilun M Ilia, ami I ultnu leaves al a a. m. M"tiday, neOueaday end rnday, ml return, mi MIowlua davs al 4 & p m liltaoli I Ity Vim. b.ian ami llrillaml leaves (ii'i.u City Monday, We.lnea.ley ami Friday at I UI p. in., leaving Viola seme daya al l .uua. w Oregon I lly la Willamette, Staff'! I and Wll.nnvlHe. errlvaeal lu sue. m. eud laavea al 11 ft) a. ni. ilauy. l. nrral i. Iivaiy ainili'W Is upan on ainulay lliim III In II a. Ill AH tail. radlp"l Int.. Ilia li'ia al the iiiMtt la piumpily seat off Sun. ley, as iiu other day. il Ka.l. ni mall llial If ilvlayad ail'l falls I" srrive mi an a in , li I'. Hale will "ine on 11 ocl a H 4 15 o ih'IiIo car. A II.I.AMK1TK fAl.lS It Y. ( lal isavs u.1.4 lima raLU 4 Vi . ni li " i si IU Ml ' II 11 " I ii p. in. J..0 3 l " 4 l - It) M lb " 1 M " 15 " 10 15 " rsrfx.iux nan ui a 'ii a. m. 7 i " V !! III 111 ' II " I J III " I I'M1- nt. 1 l! - 1 la) " 4 0 " 5 i il " 40 " IU -1 l " a i ' 10,0 kllUday Caia Iran rtoit liullf lllllll n'rlork B m. In i Barl mi amKI'i" Jami r i. IJ0. r C. A. i I I I I. ll. rt rr. FUIPAY. HKI'TKMHKIl 4. IxlKuVKKItVTa AT THK Kl.KrTMII' HtATinN. Tim I'ailllc Itrilp) ('oinpany, wlolikvn llm nmlrni'l uf nrrrtiiiK tlm iIiIiIiuiikI nini'ri'lii atiiirttira Ht lliu Woal iili rift trie Million, put Kiiinll luria of ini'ii ut wink MumUy, if1'"'"!! tiling In rfiulin.'oH (uf i-livo iiju'mtluna. A rtH'k itukIiit will ho put In to pri'paro Miuin (or llm rt'iiimit. taliitli will I uwl In llm Mrtirtmn, mnUiy lit-xl wwk tint niimlmr uf ini'ii iMiipluyt'il will l con tlilrralily ii(iiiiiitfi It in tlu lnli'ii tion to pnali tint wotk toward coinpUt tion, anil flioinjli lii'hi will I I'lnployril to roinplnlu tlio alrurltiru Imforn lint liltili wntiT of nrxt wliilir Cornell. Tim nt'w kililition will (Inutile tin) rapni ity of tint biiililniK, ami the iinteliimTy will lm o provnlf.l Hint trulilo the quantity of iowir will lm protliiroil, Tliu fouiulu linn fur tliin part of tint work lni ulrcmly iH-fii litilli, ninl the conlrm torii will only lnivn to Inillil tint ii'ini'itt worn on top of llie foiinilitlloti, put In tint Moi'l ir tltrH, roolliiu, ettt. Tim Intricate ma- cliinttry, etc., will lie iliii'il in pohitioii by tlio iiimiufui'tiirer. Tlmre in mp itlly ini n-iialiiK tlnnninil for tlio powttr (omtrntiMl nt the full". Iy tlio rortlHiiil lleneml KliftrleCoiiipiiy,iiil it in the lnti'iilion o( thin t'oinpiiny to Mill fur- tlittr Imilil on it ml !! to the Mrmture (ml iiiurliinery, until thin will I'O the lurgi'Mt (jniirrnliim elei'trli! jMiwitr Million tn thii worlil. IIki'Ihion Kkniikhki). Kiirly Ih( njirlnu Mux Holliiflr, liookkwpitr for the OrfK'ii City Woolen MBHufHCturiim rompnny, tooklout a 12,000 iiolit-y in the Munlmttiin Life IiiHtiriinco Coinpnny, anil Knvo hiH notti for the Hinotint of the pruinliiiii, $:il).'JH. An the pulley tlitl not arrive an aoon aa war ex put' toil, Mr. liolluck ili'dintMl to accept the jnilicy, al thotitih he retained poHHomtion of the Bimie for a couple of weeks before re turning ll. When the note became tltio, P. K. Mtilford, of rortUnd. mmttral niiont of the iiiHumnco coiiipiiny, broiiKlit ault in JiiHtio.e Ht'.huehttre court to rocovor tlio amount of the premium. H. F. and G. W. Kwopo appt'iueil for the pluintifT and Heilirt'H A (irilliflli for the defend ant. Tlio law points In the cario were argued by the attorneys, and Justice Btihuebttl took the mutter under advino niont. Wednesday, the jimtico gave out a tloelriion, awarding judnient to the iiiHuranct) company for the iiiiiotint of the promiuiir AVii.i, Not IIitii.ii. A atiitemtmt baa been ptibliHhed that the Crown Taper Com puny intended to erect a pulp mill on tlio property recently purcharied at Harlow. W. P. Ilawloy, superintend ent of tho Crown Taper niilla, informed an Entkiii'iuhk rejiorter that there waB no fountlution whateyor for such report, and that Btatemonta to that eirect were publlHbetl without any reliablo author ity. Mr. Hawley atatea that the prop erty and water rlht waa purchased by the company as an investment, and they did not yet know what they would do with It. Ho further said that the wa ter (tower waa a valuable one, ami aa the prim milled tlii'in they madti Hie pur t'haait, In ciiiii'IiihIiim, Mr. Iluwley Mated, that nut vinliHtuiidlnn they were Inivinii the roof of nun of tint biilliliiixx covered with anphult to prevent Its leak liiK, lhat no. further Improvement", would be made around the woika iiiiIchs McKluley was itlectnd pniNldniit. (iltAlf ON THK WkOT HlllK. 1'. A, Decker waa over from Htalbird Winlneailiiy, and reortN that Ilia gmiu In liia neljjliliurlioo'l la not near all threahed yet. That already threahed, prtxluitnl alHiut two-thlrda of a crop, which I roiinlitcrably above the aver.ine fur the wheat crop in other auctions of the atiila. This is the heat wheat-pro- tltifliiK suction of Claekaiiiaa county, ami the moM fertile of any portion ol the Willamette valley. This part uf Claeka iiiaa county too, Is owned ami controlled by a thrifty class of farmers, who know how to till the toll, and make it briiiK forth abundantly. Mr. Ilecker states, that notwithstanding the thortaKO ol the wheat crop, potatoes will be up to the usual atandard, and a splendid yield Is anticipated. Ifopa look well, and the prospect is (nod for a bountiful crop, al though the prospects are not favorable for remunerative prices, Tns Initial s Itsi kitiun. IjiM Thursday evening Mr. and Mrs. J. llort iiius gave a reception to tlio Young l'eople'i Hoclety Christian Kndeavor of the I'realijlerian church at their lioma in this city. About &0 people enjoyed an veiling most pleasantly panned in mnalc, ainging, games, etc. Itefreah meiils, consisting of ice cream and cake, were arvrd at a lato hour, after which tho boat and hostess were complimented on the success of the affair and the gueata dispeiaed. Koalta.iT A new hard-finished dwelling bullae, seven rooms, pantry, bath room, waah and wood room. Will be rented completely furnished with everything necesaary for housekeeping, or only with stoves and carets. Amount of rent not ao much an ohject aa the se curing of a family w ho can guarantee aliaolutely good care of tho houae and fixtures. Conveniently located and in one of the heat Paris of the cily. Apply at this ulliee. 1'uk MiNKits. The necessary blanks for tiling on a mining claim can lie had at the K.HTaacaiaa ulllctt, aa well aa blanks fur all other needs. Portland pricea du plicated. Oregon ( liy .Market Iteport. (CorriHlftl weekly.) Wheat No. 1 iiiervhanlslile, 47 centa Mr hiiahel. Flour I'ortlBiitl, f.'t.lO; Howard's lltuil, :.:it); Fiitlier'a Iteat, 13.00; I ton, Oats In sks, whiU', 3T) cents jmr biinhel, gray, DO. MilUt nils Hran, I'.'.M) ier ton; short, f KI.Mt ier ton : chop, l:l..'0. Potatoes W) centa per bushel. Fggs, MM cents Mr tlo.en. Putter llauch, 2.1 to centa per roll. lried Fruits Apples, unbleached, 4 centa ;r)0-Miund Iwxea, eviiHiraUd, 4'yC prunes, l!1,, to 4'H cents; plums, 2'u to 3 cents. Paeon llama, H to 8'u cents; aides, A to 7; ahotildera, f toll; lard, 6 to 7. Livestock and lreHHed Meata Heef, live, I V to 2 cents ; hogs, live 2V cents ; hogs dressed, 3' cents; ai'cep, (1.00 to (1 25 per head; veal, dressetl, 4 centa. Poultry Chickens, young, from (2; old (2.75, turkeys, alive, 8 cents jer pound. Poultry advancing. A Valuable rrctcrlptlon. F.tlitor Morrison of Worthingtun, Intl., "Sun", writes ; "You havo a valuable prescription in Fleet r it: Hitters, and I can cheerfully recommend it for Consti pation and Sick lleudacho, and aa a general system tunic it has no equal." Mra. Annie Stehlo, 2(126 Cottage Grove Ave. , Chicago, was all run down, could not eat nor digest food, had a backache which never left her and felt tired and weary, but six butt lea of Flectric Bitters reatomd her health and renewed her strength. Pricea 50 centa and (1.00 (let a bottle at Chnrman and Co'a drug a tore. For Young Men and Yonug Women There is nothing that will arouse tho ire of a young man or woman ao quick aa to have inferior laundry work put off on them. They may dross ever so well, but If their shirt front or shirt waist ia mussy their neat appearance ia spoiled. Tho Troy laundry makes a apeciulty of ladies' and gentlemen's tine work. There can bo no better work than ia done at the Troy. Leave your orders at Fiirnsworth's barber aliop. Oat nnil Cheapest liiNiiranoe. Savo money on your insurance by call ing on E. E, Martin, who ropresenta tho only Mutual doing buaiiiess in Oregon City. You cannot afford to keep on throwing your money into policies and pay from 3 to 5 yearn premiums in ad vance and then have tho company fail. The Oregon Firo Kelltif association will aland the closest investigation. E. E. Maktin, Agt. Commercial Bank Block. My bread and cake are baked with Bpeed, And I have time to shop and read, Because the dough I need not knead With Cleveland's Baking Towder. For Balo by Marr A Robinson . BITTEN BV A 8NAKE. Tlial la Wli.4 llm Vlrtlin of rrwitleal Inks Thought. "A kxm1 many years ago, "said an rx-foiiKrcNsiuiiii U a party of congress men, "1 was In Ocoiglii. A party of ns tl willed to go from Atlanta to Chirks villn mi linrsclnii k. Tim Murphy, iui Irishman, was a lieutenant of the At lanta Hiliee force. IIo wanted to go, loo, and we rmisciiti d. On our way to Clarksvilln, through tho mountainous '.liniis of thn Mali', we killed two lurgo rattlesnakes. Murphy was uinawd and frightened. Hit wanted to know if snakes with plentiful, and wo told him that they were. Wo told him that at Chirksvillti they had often U-cn found In tho rooms of guests at the hotel Tim hated to turn bank and ao went on, "Wo knew that at Clarkeavillo a sv loon k( ht had a stuffed hull snake, and wo contMKited a phin to make Tim wish ho had never left Atlanta. We got to the old fashioned botid all right We were put in a big rtsnn, with four U-ds in it Wo drank a good deal, arid Tim was iu excellent spirits. It was a warm night, and most of us undressed. Tim pulliil (.(I everything hut his shirt. IIo lay down faoo foremost across tho bed. Then I tied a string around tho nock of the snake, put a fishhook at tho other end of the line and cautiously hitched the book to Tim's shirt. "Tho n:-xt time ho turned around ho got a glimpse t.f the snake. 'Holy arhniokH' ho yelled! 'L"kl' And lin n he mailo a dash for the window. Aa ho jumped out tho window tho fishhook pricked him in tho buck. Ho uttered an awful yell, said ho hud been bitten and went flying through the sandy street of the town iItiism d in Kongo stylo. Wo follow iil and tried to catch him. At ev ery step ho swore ho had been bitten, and that ho would die. Wo overhauled him after tho whole town hud bt-on onmsed. Wo took him buck to tho hotel and filled him with whisky, telling him that was the only cum for a smiko bite. Tho next iiiorning ho went to At lanta and took a coumo under a physi cian for snuktt Into. For years after that Tim would brag about killing 20 snakes at (inn time anil uf having been bitten by unit of them. Ho ditl not learn of tho trick for five years, and then he threat ened to take luy life. " Wushiliglon ritur. Th A ryo Cowboa. Tho stndy of domestic cattlo should lie of 1-njMf iui interest to us berauso tin y have undoohliilly ut-upied a more im portant place ill our own aiiccstrul his tory than any other sjH-oiis of animal Tho Aryan tribesmen from whom nearly all western civilization folk ant de scended were cowlsiys almost to a man. Like the KafTlrs and dumnras of South Africa ttsliiy, all their thoughts were alsitit their herds. This is shown in a curious way by tho atudy of tho early development of our language. The San skrit word for a king meant originally ' 'a chief hertlhutau. " The word for an as sembly, or the meeting plueo of a coit gri KS, was the same as that for a cow yard. A soldier was "one who fights atxiut cows. " It would seem us if they n-garditi nothing else as worth ruling over or talking about or fighting fur. I'rofcKsor Mux Muller traces tho word "daughter" to tho ancient term for a milkmaid. Iu the good old times they plainly did not tako any account of young ladies w ho wtto not accomplished ls rfurniera in thecowpen. Tho cow or ox was for long agts the chief standard of value. Kverything, from a new coat to a new wife, was priml at ao many oowa Many of our wonls which refer to uiouoy bear traces of this, such as"fee,,aud"ptcuuiary," which lire directly derived from tlio old English ami Latin words for cattle. Doubtless there wero currency disputes when other materials began to be uatnl for coinage, and difficulties arose about tho adjustment of relative values. "Cow tuetallism" might well have been an important plank iu some of the Aryan political platforms. North American lteview. Tha Thought Switch. "I suppose," said Mr. Ulimmerton, "Unit if a man is blessed with fairly good health he ought to be able to sleep nights, but, as a matter of fart, many people lio awako half tho night worry ing over things not worth fretting alHiut, and waking up in tho morning tired out to start with. "What is Howled is a thought switch that will switch tho thoughts over from unpleasant lines to lines that are pleas ant and keep them there. There are plenty of such switches now, but the trouble with Vm all is that they don't ltx-k. They're all open switches. A man gets over all right, but it's always up grade where this switch is luid, and the first thing ho knows ho slides buck on tho old line of thought What we want is a switch that will keep him on the right track till he's gathered strength enough to climb the hill to the level, where tho going is easy, and where tlio track lies straight for dreamland. "Thero'a money for tlio iuveutor iu this, and what a boon lib would confer cu his brother man." New York Sun. IlMrtlcaa Girl. "Proud beauty," said he, striking an attitude, ho had learned by constant at tendance at tho 10, 20, 80 drama "proud beauty, I go from here to the river, whore I ahull end my sorrows by jumping in." "I wouldn't go to tho troublo of jump ing in and having to bo soarehod for with grabhooks," said tho girl who had refused him. "Just tako a driuk of tho water. That will do." Chicago Jour nal Tarlatlona. "I wish," said tlio editor of tho coni io journal, "that you would give us something first rato in the way of a bi cycle joko." "I'm afraid the blcyolo joke has boon overworked lately," was the answer. "H'rnl Maybe it has. Well, give ns something about tho bicyclo joke boing chestnut " Detroit Tribune. NOBLITT'S STABLES Livery, Food and SaleBUble ORECONCITY. IICATKO BKTWKKM THK llRIDOC AND Wtl'OT Double nriil Kindle Ttig;n, and sad dle horses, always on hand at the lowest irif:rH. A corrall connected with the barn for loose stock. Information regarding any kind or slock promptly attended to by person of letter. Horses Bought and Sold. Horses Poardod and Fed on reason able terms. MOLALLA-:-AVENUE ..STORE.. G. W. Grace & Co. NEW GOODS, Complete Htock of every thing needed in the home. New GocxJh Modern Prices. Qorner Grocery Complete stock of Fine Family Groceries, Try my extra Choice Tea.sss Richard Freytag. Main and Fourteenth Streets. pARMERS.. . Your team will have the best of care and Full Measure of Feed At ihe City Stablea. W. H. YOUNC, Prop., Hucctaaora to Af J-J COOke Livery Rigs on Short Notice. Telephone No. 42. JOHN YOUNGER, JEWELER, 0pp. Huntley's Drug Store, All Kinds of Watches, Clocks and Jewelry Repaired FORTY YEARS EXPERIENCE IN Great Britain and America. Give me a trial. The Queen of Fashion THE FASHION PAPER OF THE DAY. Superb, Strictly Up-To-Date Desijjns, Illustrations and Fashion Notes. . Ecliable, Bright and Clean. A year's subscription for Only 50 Cents, Including, free, your choice of any one of ths Celebrated McCall Bazar Patterns, and all patterns to subscribers J Only 10 or 15 Cents. Send s a-cent stamp for a sample copy to TUB MrCALb COMPANY, . 48 Eaal Ulta St., KtW York. V?!Miri,N "0 a) i i MOWErJTAL BR0HZ 10. BRIDGEPORT. CONN WIMTK URONZH Monutnent will not Moan-cover or black en. Are artintic, cheap anl the moat enduring monument made. White I'ronzn is no experiment. It has utood for hundred of ycara in Kurope and iH not affected by the weather. Correspondence Boli cited. On receipt of poHtal card, will he pleased to call and ehow aamplcH and dcHins. MONUMENTAL WtONZK CO., C. K. IjO.VNKM., MOB. Hw. cor. Ash and Eaiit 10th Streets;, Portland, Oregon. Summer Goods at Cost To make room for fall and winter stork. I am going to sell the remainder of may summer goods at a price so low that all can buy. Full Line of Gents Furnishing Goods All new stock and of latest styles. I propone to treat all customers fair and sell goods so cheap that no one need go to Portland. My expenses are the lowest of any store in Oregon City and I sell on the cloHest margain. Come and see my goods and get my prices. Ojposlte Eutler'i Bock Store. WAY DOWN PRICES! ftnod P our 7Vi aark, Baaon So. St, lt LarilZX! (bring pall.) I (,! SOr unixilurel Tm (Itom rrcalrer) 2a j (jrtcii Tm Tea dual Iba. SV. Our (Juotwwilr Tea (ilba. for lie,) ticelitha iliual Mip Tea. trj II Itiiut CoHr j c up. I.lno or Arbucklaa 2 lor tte ilieno CorTea I ll. $ LeinoD or Venlila le ot, brlof bottla, un hall rriot. Eren cbani T'jbarro 20c ponnrl, Contnka Tobacco (imokmir) I to pouad aad pipe '&:. Stock Halt :x par IW lba. Cookluf MlaiMt 46c ai, Baat Byrup C" brlof can. M ca Axle (raeaa lnc, ok hall qnantltr onlr. He-t Hil.xl oil OK (1. ;( antor Macbuie Oil 40o. Turptntitie SUc aat. brine cu for oil Fine atock PATTON'8 PAINTS atrlctljr Drat claaa and we eaa tare you 10 to 20 par ceat la pre. B ehWe Bkln PowJer 20c; Jellf Qlaitsa 3Se dtt. Bhoa thread 7a cemtnt 15c, thoenallt 10c lor Hlb. Hall aolea, Boleltatber. etc. Good bandied aia1.0O, nail hammer 4. Lowet prlci on Brythca, Rakw, HueaJ Forki, BlilDf lea, Uraln, Feed etc esc BUYfli 8 lba. Rice, 10 Iba Rolled ata: 1 lu beat Coooaout; 1 lb. best em m l Olurer, lluaiard, Pepper, A liplce and Peppe; 1 lba. wnole Per per; 6 lba. ti&;o ol Tapb-ca: 10 lb-. Gerrrea or Corn Heal; li buncbo Matcneet 12 lba. Salaoda. toe HUYSi S dnt. Ctotheaplna; V lb. Store Pi)I.D:l box. Aoltlermenttna', 1 Hytnea atone 1 Wtit-k Brotm; 1 double haudlo Baiket; 1 MUkHtraiuer. go nUYB:l Teapona, 1 can garllnei, 1 bar Tar Soap. 1 bar H rai 8.n, II In. bar Toilet H"P,'4 lb. UlaTlnf Soap, 4 oi. S-w:ng ilteX O'.l (br.n bttie.) S 1 aaortel Tacka, 1 boiil Vaaeline, 1 Waabpan. Furnlahlnua, Dry Oooda, Mllllnaary Ktc. tnnil're1 white Bhlrta 5ne;rollar 10c; Cuffa 20c: meu a 811a Hamlkirctiief UK up, (abmt 4 prlcal: meu'a hrj Overa la tUc, Brjwoiea ic; cbil l'i Hulu that wear L5U. Cut pricea on Shirtwaists, Sweaters, N'ickties all kinds. Straw and Felt Hats, Underwear, Ladies and Gents, Stockings and Socks. nigCutln Mllllnery;it;llah t rimed Hat tl.uu; ic Fluwera cut to luc: big lot Telret hra uaula al '4 pric-: wah Silk worth al in kern; Bill B by R bbnn tc Til: Handkerentela 2d up: Hnk H lata lJc, 20c and 2'w lor nice etn b o.'lere I coo a. Crochet Cotton 4c; white Kntt Uog Cotton 5c ball A. Penny nuym: 1 Crooh'l Hook, paper UairplD., Needle., 11 ik aud Ejn or Pine. Shoos nt Cut Rrlceat) Babfi I and I at 15c, larger 2Sc up; chid S to Hat aoo, M ant 75";miaan School Snoa an 1 One aheca at eut pr cm; lad e' atrll-h ibova bat er graJee than be'.oti at $1.50. $1 anl tlir, child Tennit ahoee 40c; men'a lane Me; men'e cloth to leather aule 75c, ladies Oxford's In tan ci Ibaek at cut prices. Men's fine shoes l 35 up; boya' flas $1.25 np; meu'a coane ahoja $1,25 up; boys' coarae 1 up. Red Front MAIN AND NINTH ST3. 'rading Co. OREGON CITY. Burmeister & Andresen, Are selling handsome Eight Day Clocks at $5.00. Other Clocks proportionately low. When you bay Agents for Pure Prepared ! Paint A house you make sure the title is clear. When you paint it use Fure Prepared Taint as it makes all the difference in the world whether the paint ia genuine or not. Color cards free. Special prices in quantity. CIIARMAN & CO. CITY DRUG STORE. -Telephone No. After the Winter is Over. After your feet are sore from wearing rubbers and overplioes, and the other shoes are pretty well worn and out of shape, yon want to pet a new pair. If we are correct, then come to us and we will please and ease you. We have received a fine stock of all kinds of goods for the spring seasan, and' not only that, but to wear throughout the othor seasons. . Our shoes are well made, comfortable and low in pi ice. .Krausse Brosr.