Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (Sept. 11, 1896)
Jf AggrnillUliHI J Oregon HiNTBRPEISR OKKtiON CITY, OKKGON. FRIDAY, SElTKMliKIl 11, 1890. ESTABLISHED 1800 VOL. .'50. NO. Hi. City COIIHTH. Circuit miiirl niiiirnima flrat Mmntitr III ami thin) MimmIot April, I'riilwlv court In aaaalnn flmt Mumlajr In h noiiili. l)iiBiml"tiiiira mmrl tnimtn rlrat Wmlncailajr lint ami Miimlav nl 'll miinlli 7 w. wixcii. J DENTIST Willamette lllil., opposite I'lMlnllli n. Otiti s liimrri from 8 . in. lo 12: 1 to A ::) I', in. h., ATTOKNKY AT LAW aiit or r'fT rtaKiaiiar.. , mi' liel lo Oregon CIIV lank m lli "reel. Cl O. T. WII.I.IAMft. J. ..... I...M lllVMT Jir.AI, r.niAir. .. A gixxl Hi" ul bu.liic... resilience ami .uhiirhaii I'rui'i'ilx. Farm trrl y lu trai-l. to nil n tcrina. ('orriimi.ln', tnimil)r inirml. Offlca, aeit limit UiCaiiflnliI A ll miller t ilrug j d a d o UToi'iirnr.. attorneys and counselors at law MAIN kTKKKT OMMIoK VITX, OMKIIlltt. Purnl.h Ali.lracla 'ul im'v'.'ljfU Mimi-jr. Tur eluM liirlc, awl tran.ael imurral U Hu.lrtr.a. T T K. CIIOHH, ' ATTORNEY AT LAW. Will fitir m Aix loiata or tin Stats Krai bUU and Inauranr. Omnon Main Htrvet l.rl Hlilh ucl S.r.nlh, naiuiiH i itt. a. o'aau.l.. a. W. THiiHMOII r t orrim J. I NII'UM. O'S'M,U,,K,M'llO.'H..N0.l.KK.T.I. ATToRNF.YH AT LAW. Oltlmln Harklcr lliill.liil. nrnn Cltr, n.l A O I'. W. Icuiplo, I'oriUml. I hi (lenrral Uw Hn.liie.a. boll WmiM. I'rga L'lillerlli.lii. Forn'loHi inorlKK, I'rulial prarlir. II. tiVB. ATroH.NKY ANI ( ot'NSKUm AT LAW W ill I itocl...o in"ilr, niaka . Iirrli. h u tnuurr, . I . l r n l I antai l a (ciiaral law Ulnii Offioo liat 'HI .iljnlnl"! Hauk ol O I"U Cliy. oaiiioH it. oaanon ami c am.wiiaiJ. t. i!.crBM.L. IKUWNKI.I. CaMPiiKM, ATTOHNKYS at law, oatonn flit, oaaooH. Will rrarllr In all llir ismtia nl the aiale. Ol Am, nail door lo Caultclit A Humlnjr drug auire. yy ii ikiiivsh, ' ATTOKNKY AT LAW, nuiahy ruu.iL J :ANIIY, .... UIIKUON. i Will irarilpti hi all rinirla ol l Hale, i lii.iirani'o wrlllru In all Iraillnf coin. I ianli.i. Al .rm'l. o. .ui luri.i.iuil. I Co ivriioua a a. nail jr. I f 1 KO I.. HTOIlY JI ATTOHNKY AT LAW. t'italr oipnlle Court IIcium. j Tltlcaciamlncil ami alulrarn mail. Munej i l,iiatiril, Mnrtaifra InriM'loKrd allil a I (dlioral law biulupna. J J T HI.ADKN, NOTAKY Pl'IIMC ami CUNVKYANI'KK. A mntma n nr TITI.I All Ural ilaie bamllrd. Innriic wrlllrn 111 (lii. Ilartliinl, ol Hartford, l'alatllio. Ham burl ol llri'iuaii Onii'ounc oor mull of MrthodUt Church. c I.ACKAMAH AIWTKACT 4 TKUfcT CO. Abal ada. halna ol Tll'e, IV'fHp-Hun-, biam, luaurii -r. fay Taf ITrlwl Tltlra. etc., li'. oibca ov.r oank ol Ore, n Cliy. J. r. (I. A UK, l'ro.,,ml Mur, ohriion city, .... oaaooN. (1 II. DIMK'K. X, ATTOKNKY AND COI NSKLOIt AT LAW. Will practice lu all count of tho ttate. AbitrncU mailo, Tlile- ciamlneil and a general law uualncaa trauaaotvd. Ofllce with U L. rorler. -J-j W. K INNAIHIi, CIVIL KNOINKKR AND 8URVKYOK. Kallway lecallon and conntrncllon, brldgiu, plaimaud eatlmatva tor walor aupply. Pralnage and troot Improvement of towna. Bpcolal altenlloii given lo rtranghtlng and blue printing. qillK COMMKKCIAL HANK, OK OKHOON CITY. Caplml, 1100,008 TKAPOIACTn A lllinilB.i.n.i'.i'"'.' "- . Ixiaui mailo. Illlla dlncouiitcd. Make" col lection, lluyaand aclla eichanne on all imlnti In the llnltiirl Htatea, Kurolio ami Hong hong. Hcpoalla rccel-cd aulijcci to chock Hank opuu Irnm a. M. to 4 r. u. U 0. LATOUKKTTK, President. . , , K. K DONALDBON, Caahler JANK OP OKKOCN CITY, Oldest Banklne Hens. Id i Citf. Paid up Capital, ti0,000. Hurplua, fJU.MiU. raainNT, - - thoi. charman. VICE PKI10NT, oao. a, hakoino. CAaHiaa, . - a. o caiifikld. HANAUia. CHA1I.H H, CAUFiaLD. A genoral banking bualneaa tranaaflted, Dopoalta recelveif aubjeot to check. Approved hllla and nolea dlaconnted. Count; and elty warranla bought. Ixana mvlo on available aeourllr. Kinhang bought and aold. fnllnnilotta tnailA nrnmntlv. Dralta aold avallaole In auv part of the world Telegraphic, exahangea aold on Portland, Ban rranoiaoo, iinicag.i aim new iui. atereit pal J on time dopoalta. YV;a ii " Leading Agency :UICIlICICNTINll JIOVAI, l)K I.I VKKI'ODl., ilo larft buiinrm in the worlil. NORTH IIKITISH A M., lariat ! In U' world. HI'S OK LONDON, ol.lral .urly lira I iuranr company in tin worlil. l.TN A OK II AllTKoKD.Iartfi-nlanil lt Amrrlran Coniiany. CONTINKNTAI, OK NKW YOltK. mm or lh tx-ot American com panlw. AND OTIIKK FIKHI-CI.AHH COM HAN 1KB. Cnll tm mm tur Knllnua. ami 1 I. DONALDSON, Edoiards Bros., Successors to ELY BROS., 099 Molalla Avenue - GENERAL MERCHANDISE NKW GOODS -rfswLOWlCST I 'KICKS Flour, Shorts, Bran, Oats, Wheat, Spuds, Etc. Cash Paid for Chickens and Eggs. Pioneer Store We cull your nttention to our now full arrival Ladies' Mwf s and Children's Mackintoshes, tho Latest The celebrated "Duck Brand" in all styles. Thos. Clmnnan k Son. pow you Can When your children need and bowel regulator, buy BABY'S FRUIT Baby's Pectoral DR. J. H. IRVINE, Proprietor. ATTENTION Wo aro headquarters for Lightning Ice Cream Freezers, Screen Door3, Window Screens, Rubber Hose, Lawn Mowers, Tjiwn Tiakes. Wiro Netting, Lubricating Oils of all kinds, Babbit Metal and everything in Also solo agents suit tho times cut saws. POPE St Main and Fourth Sts., A PRETTY DISPLAY of crockery In Justly a housekeeper' pride. Everyone run have It, too, at small coat, dimply hy taking advantage of the brilliant rriM kmy hint oirml In our stock. You'd l,eaitonlHhedlo see what 11.(10 would Imy at our t'Htabllaliiiiiiiit. 01.1 piece that one iniiHt he vnrv odd not to be delighted with j breakfast, dinner, and l set that re wonder of art.biisiily, kihI uniqueness ; mi assortment that give tho purchaser every thing to clioowi from, are our crockery MttriictioiiN. Hoe here : 100 piece Jlnniir wit, Ann decorated, for $7.75. BLUOMY k BOSCH, Tbe Honsefonislicrs. n Clackamas County. nlaxi for llottarai unrt Calanilara At Gimmcrcial Hank. Save Money laxative or stomach LAXATIVE. Fifty dories for twenty-hve cents. The season for colds and doughs is upon us. In order to be pre pared for an emergency, get a bottle of Syrup, The best in tho market. Price 25 cents. For sale at the CAN BY PHARMACY, Canby, Or. the hardware line at prices to .t for Simonds' celebrated cross CO, Oregon City. I,KA(LE MO. OSK. MrKlnlij mill lliilmrt Supporters Or gsnhte . A move hl Wn on foot (or aevwral (k U) orKunu.H a McKinley ami Ho-' hart Ieagim In On'on City, and v rul liiiiidri'.i naniHa hal U-cn Biicn(lJ Ulhell, lrr-ap' i:tive ol party affilia tion. A Ittioutfh hut two honri notice waa (iven " mtln Fri'lay nllit, K'MxIly ninnliHr were in Bttnilani:H at I'oim'g h ill. The mwtliiK waa c:al kd to onlor hy County nMr J. C. Brawlley, who amioiini'oJ the uhject of the ineet irK He aiaUi'l tliat the next order of lUHiiii;na) wag the election of a chairman. L. I.. I'orter named A. ti. Drcaaer, I ccoudi:d by V. T. (.irillith. Mr. Dreeaer I waa unaiiimoualy tdecb-d chairman, and 1 rentondeil with a few aiitirooriate re j niarka. On motion of J. C. Itradlev, Hccoiiilcil hy (ieo. II. Ilorton, F. T. Grif fith wan made secretary. The aecreUry then read the cull for the meeting and ' one of the linta of gig-nature, containing 175 namifg. The other hat had not yet been handed in. On motion of J C. Hrailley ll waa dncided to call this or ganization, the McKinlev ami llohart league No. 1, ol Clackamas county. A motion by L. L. I'orter carried that ! the oflicfra of thia league conciat of a j iireaidenl, vice-president, aecretary and treaaurer, and an eiecuiive committee of live. The chairman then announced that nominations were In order for pres ident. George F. Ilorton nominated K., E. Williams, seconded by J. C. Bradley. Mr. Williams (jracioualy declined the honor. Max liolluck then nominated L. L. I'orter. who declined, as he said that he had been in politics to some extent, and made some enemies. George F. Ilorton waa nominated by M. K. Willoughby, but he declined for the same reaanns given bv Mr. , I'orter. Kudolph Koerner was named by M. J. Broderu-k, for president of the league, but he too declined. A. 8. I)reaer was nominated by D. W. Kinnaird. seconded by Dr It. E. Ferrin. As Mr. Dreiser was did not de cline, he wa elected by acclamation I 1m rHHiK.ned briefly, thanking them lor tiro honor conferred upon him. and whenever he mentioned McKinley's name, wag lustily cheered. W. II. Howell nominated D. W. Kin naird for vice-president, who was made the unanimous choice of the league. George F. Ilorton named W. Ii. Wig gins for secretary, who was elected by acclamation. For treasurer, Max Bollack nominated George F. Ilorton. seconded by J. C. Bradley. Mr. Ilorton wad elected by acclamation. It was moved and seconded that the newly ele. ted ollirers of the club elect an executive committee, whereupon the following executive committee was an nounced : Kudolph Koerner, Frank T. Barlow, John Mrtieehan, John W. MoffAtt and J. C. Bradley. II. K. Stevens was named as one of the members of the executive committee, but he declined, as he said he could do more effective work for Mckinley in a privatecapacity. He thought every mem her of the club should wear a Mckinley button and show his colors. The officers of the league aa they now tand, are A S. Dresser, president. X). W. Kinnalad, vice-president. W. B. Wiggins, secretary. George F. Horton, treasurer. On motion the league adjourned sub ject to the call of the president. Following is the declaration of princi ples of the League, which is being nu merously signed : "We, the undersigned legal voters of ihe county of Clackamas, without re gard to past political differences, be lieving that the present crisis In busi ness and the politics of the country, in which a combination of all the advo cates of the various forma of "fiat" and cheap money threatens to deepen the business depression through which our people have so laboriously struggled, by adding to the uncertainties now attend ing business transactions, theblight ot a debased and fluctuating currency, de mands the united efforts of all patriotic citizens who have sufficient foresight to nerceive the impending danger, to avert it, and to restore prosperity throughout the borders of our land ; and believing that further that the hordes of 'flatism and repudiation can best be overcome bv the election of William McKinley to the presidency of the United States, we do hereby associate ourselves to gether under the name of the McKinley and Hobart League No. 1, of Clackamas county, and we declare it our purpose, both as individuals and as an associa tion, to use all honorable means to ac complish the election of McKinlev and Hobart leagues Jn their several pre cincts." Following is the list of names that have been handed in to the secre- petitions are out, new signatures are constantly being added : J C Bradley F T Grillith N M Moody E C Mad. lock W II I'utrow It D Wilson J K Ithoades, II H Moody A L Bean M McGeeban II Gilbert C W Wright W B Wiggins G W Stafford J U Campbell F A height K Kittall J M Lawrence W G Kleinsmith II T Bladen J W Koota It L fUlman Cha P '1 hore D II Glaus Kd Keckner, (Jeo Brown John Bean Geo F Ilorton J A Thayer C II Woodward COT Williams G B Dimick J W Mc Annlty It L Blanuhard M II Flanagan I Dieckleman T L Charmsn W J kauch E K ('barman A H Dresser W II Burghardt jr J A Koake W A Huntley C G Huntle W G Parker E E Williams J It Williams J M Graham ' C D Story John K Humphreys John Vigelius II S Gibson Ham Selling C E Murray Jr M J Broderick RGCaae Ed II Whillock J M Robinson F C Miller Frank Walker 8 J Burford M P (Juinn E L Johnson Will M Moore F Wyder W R Gradon George Broughton John A Noblett W B Zumwalt II Trembath T A Pope Otto Deute John F Bock W Rambo M Bollack L L Porter Peter Nehien Jos Kice D W Kinnaird C N Greenman J C Brown Fred A Metzner J 11 Black II W Trembath Thos Campbell Ed Boy lea M E Willoughby J Austin T Trembath F G Fennimore E G Farnsworth A R Clark E Matthies K 8 Wood Sidney Smyth G C Brownell II E Crofla Wm Andresen J II Shepard F It Charmaa C HGrigg Theo Miller Thos Charman C A Williams II M Templeton Rudolph Koerner Wm D Hawkins Wm Charles Thos Carrico J P Alldredge Chas Athey Win Fine F T Graves Win Gadke Wm Dungey Fred Meyer Geo Marier Gaston Greable II Sauerman A B Rintoul E Harmon John Monner A Walden C M Toole (ieo Buland E W Midlam C'lias Meserve J L Moore H Githens John Frost Georfe Bebb W Howard Peter Mclntyre Joa Brunner, B Beach W W Freeman C N McCausland Ludwig Hartke Geo C Watson Thomas Morrissey II H Chase Arthur Dente Charles Charles J Myers Jas Mclntvre W M B Conner T W Fonts R M Bradley M Schulpius G C Etchinson B E D.dan Wm Muir J W Welch Henrv Fuller R T liowen Geo Marier Thos F Ryan C P L-wney H S Strange Cliarles Muir John Pntchard M E Bain W 11 Howell F A Toepleman II E Ferrin G O Rineatson C A Holstrom B C Leland hnos Calnll Sam S Goldsmith II C Stevens W II Faubion J G Pilsbury Jos Tompkins Geo J Currin W E Roake F T Rogers F T Barlow F W Greenman C H Dve R G Price J M Tavlor Chas Aibright Jr C, L Perrv M E Butler T P McCubbin A C Beaulian W E Hart C G Jacobs J R Hickman G R Califf C T Howard E F Kennedy A D Hill J L Swafford C E Hickman E S Califf James Wilkinson Edwin B Carr C T Hickman J H Riuearson S Myers M J Gleason Richard Fievtag E Mass John McGetchie Samuel Roake E A Chapman Wm Godbould Alex Richards W L Little Thos Warner A J Lewthwaite A Matheson A J Hazird Al Blount E P Ketchum EG Roberta F Forshurg Grant C Bacon C Purdom G Olds R Warner J Blount C Hetman S S .Tenninira O M West John Humphrey E J Grubb B O Faust G Muessig A Zimmerman Joe Coleman H A Jordan R J Goodfellow James Harris Claude Adams E W Yale T W Sullivan N Story 1) E Shepard W WMarr C A Baxter Wm Johns S Kilpatrick R Freytag C B Johnson S F Scripture C W Mead J W Gray Wm Wright Wm Dodge E B Rinearson II K Jones J H Moody A Barrett E A Smith G Hunel L O Eaton F Glen nan J G Porter Jap Slover F S Kelly 0 L Gray A Gregerson Ben Baxter E B Andrews M F McCown E Xuttall O Freytag L O Smith Chas Rernier G D Warner H S Moody Ed Tavlor II C Stevens Jr C Miller II Williams H Aune S W Hoimea tary, and as several M. C. UK.OKUE TALKS. Urinil (tally at Wehihanl'a Hall Last Nat onlay Mght. A grand republican rally waa held at Weinhard't hall laat Saturday night un der the auspice of the Young Men'i Republican Club. Music was furnished by the Oregon City Band, and an enthu siastic audience soon filled the hall, among them many ladies. The hall was neatly decorated with national colors, and a large portrait of McKinley loomed up prominently on the wall at the rear of the platform, while on either side were profiles of Lincoln, and printed above were the well known words of the martyr statesman: A po litical party may tool part of the people all the time, but no political party can fool all the people all the time." Be low the suggestive picture were some ol Lincoln's solid tariff arguments. The meeting was called to order by W. Moffatt, president of the Young Men's Republican Club, whomade some telling argument in favor of sound money and protective tariff. He spoke of the free and unlimited coinage of sil ver on a ratio of 10 to 1 ; that it meant that the bullion ok ners can lake 53 cent worth of silver to the mint and have it stamped one dollar by the government. Mr. Moffatt believed in hearing speakers on both side of the question, that the object in seeming speakers was to in form the people on thia all important President Moffatt was enthusiastically applauded, during bis brief speech. He next introduced President A. S. Lresser, of the McKinley and Hobart League. Mr. Dresser made one of hie short, characteristic pointed speeches, which was well received. He stated that the object of the league was to elect McKinley. His remarks were received w ith enthusiasm. Hon. M. C. George wag then intro duced, as the speaker of the evening by President Moffat For over two hours Mr. George held the large audience, and poured hot shot of republicanism into the ranks of the enemy. He then plunged into a comprehensive discus sion of colitical questions. He spoke ot the significance of the unprecedented victory in Vermont, and declared that the hope of the country was centered in the republican party. Its record dem onstrated that it can trusted with the affairs of the nation. No mere outline conld possibly do justice to Mr. George's address. It was simply masterly and unanswerable. He treated the opposite side of the house with perfect fairness and courtesy. He asserted that if there was an election, tomorrow -MuKiuley. would be elected four to one. He stated that the monetary question was a very simple one. notwithstanding many speakers assert that the subject is deep and difficult one. Before he began bis argument he invited questions from anyone in the audience, stating that it would afford him great pleasure to an swer them . All were there to learn and be taught. In fact, he said a question might lead him to thinking, and cause him to obtain new ideas. He had dis cussed the tariff question at the June campaign, and that it was one of utmost importance. However, he believed that we were a unit on that question. As to the money question, that was one on which the people were not so wall in formed, and that he would devote him self principally to the money question, or the free coinage of silver. He would be glad to hear any suggestions on the matter under discussion. In comment ing on tne comoinauon rjeiweeu me populists and certain democrats, he mentioned that on former trips to this coast, General Weaver had been an earnest advocate of free trade, but dur ing his tour of the state last spring, he was mum as an oyster on the subject of free trade. He was constantly inter rupted by applause. As he dealt in fig ures, he grew lucid and clear so all could understand him. His speech was full of pleasantry, which kept everyone in a good humor, and held close atten tion. The audience fairly roared with delight over his complete answers to his questioners, and his courteous replies disarmed all unpleasant feelings on the part of the populists. It was certainly one of the most effect ive political meetings held in this city for a long time. It was a sort of school of finance in which the audience took part, and Mr. George acted as school master. Worthy of S otic. The S. B. Medicine company is the only one out of nine proprietary medi cine firms incorporated on this coast since 1S87 that has not made an assign ment. These hard times with new news paper advertising contracts tor two years, it speaks loudly of their merit. For sale by C. G. Huntley, druggist. Fresh oysters in any style at the Nov elty .Candy Factory. Or. Price's Cream Baking Powder World' Fair Highcat Madal ana Diploma.