Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (June 26, 1896)
Oregon City Enterprise's. ami by V. II, Dobyna, nil tiff by W. 8. U'K.'ti. Motion filed by ilofoiulunt (or non-tniit u taken mi I tier aulvitenicnt. State ol Ort'tfon v ClmrloH Smith SaturiUy. June :,.-lwi ir. moot ir ol 0n motion ol proiwiitiiiir attorney, tilt. milca soutli-east ol Oregon City. DATR8 TO RKHKSI8ER. AYnlnesdav. July 1 Multnomah District romona'tirai-.K will mwt nt Ttgantavllle, M'aohington county, ai 10 a. in. Saturday, July 4 Grand oolcbmtion at NeimK a grove, tamiy same. w;is difiniswil. State Vii Al Riclinison ; on motion of the prosooutitiit attorney the cause was dismissed. State vs r red llomuiolor; on motion Saturday, July i Ormut rvli'bration at of the proseeutiiitj attorney, the cause le r.ra camp groiinu. Kverybody in VlUJll Saturday. July a Grand celebration at Hood View, hy Sunday n-liool and Kn- deavor societies. Saturday, July 4. Grand celebration and ball at Shaver's grove, Molnlla. Saturday, July 4. Grand celebration at Viola. Tuesday, July 7. Third Annual Assembly of Willamette Vadey Chautanipm Asm ciation meets at Gladstone park to bo in ' lessiou ten days. Tuesday, July 7. Pemocratic national convention meets in C'liica.ito. Tuesday, July 14. Methodist State camp meeting at t'anbv camp grounds, to con tinue until July '.'7. V1iiedy, July 1". Ancient Order of United Workmen grand lodge for Oregon meet in Portland WsJnesday, July 22. Populist national Convention meets at St. Louis. Wednesday, August lf State Firemen's tournament at Airia, to continue for three days. Wednesday, October 7 Oregon State Fair meets at Salem, to continue until Tues day, October 13. Thursday, November S. Presidential elec tion in all slates of the t. ii ion j FRIDAY, JUNE 2ti, 1S!. was dismissed. State vs D Morton; dismissed ou mo tion of the prosecuting attorney. State v F C Terry; defendant having paid the costs in tw o charges, on motion of the prosecuting attorney the same were dismissed. Abraham Lew is vs Simon Ootleib, 1' Premier and K Itrenner; motion ol de fendants to set aside judgment denied. Charles Uisley, trustee of estate o( Henry Nass vs W T Burney, et al ; sher iff sale confirmed. Emile Claguet vs Joseph Hobeiilu teur, et al ; sheriff sale continued. The following court expenses were or dered paid. V. X, Barrett, district at torney, 125; C. E. Kunyan. court re porter, S0; T. W. Fonts, bailiff, to; Thomas M. Miller, bailiff, US. Court adjourned Friday for the term, but Judge McBrtde will hold short terms occasionally to hear motions. REAL KSTATK TRASSFEIW. Ftirnlsheil Every Week by tlio Clitelm nm Abstract Trust ( umpiinj. Cliautauiina Notes. The grangers have taken 1000 tickets for Grange day, July 8. The great and burning question now is how to feed the people. Kestaurant The idj'oornf d Term Complete Its , propositions aie under consideration. C1RC11T COURT PROCEEDINGS. Labors -Several Mismated Couples Made Hippy. On account of the great number of ap plications for camping spaces that have I come in, it has been decided to arrange In tbe matter of the estate of Matilda ! the grounds as systematically as the D. Holt, deceased, Thomas Holt, con-1 positions ot tbe trees will admit, testant vs C. M. Idleman, evecutor and j nr. Carlos Martyn of Chicago, who T F Itjan to Kobt Kelland, June 15 ' WlJC, loH and S ol 5, hlk I'S, oo iiw Close A Scollnrd to T F Ryan, June 18, W deed lots (1, 7 and 8 blk 4 Kdgewood 40'.' Valentine Hrown to l'eter I'miue Juno 17 'I V D 5 a in tiarrett el oiK) V S to J II Ingram Oct 1 ''.Hi pat tie l4 sec 13 t 2 r 3 e Pat Jacob Natter to August Holden June 15 'W W 1 w,S of tie'' and nwl4 of se4 see 20 t 5 ar 3 e II J Mintliorn to Levi I) Johnson May 8 'IHi deed lots ti to 20 blk 75 aud lots 20, 21 and 22 blk 80 Minthorn Alfred Smith to J C Smith June 10 'IH W D e'4 of swl4 seo 31 t 3 8 r2e C S to J Ii Hobb Feb 15 'Ul 4 pata lots 1, 2, 7 aud 8 blk It OC Cirant W A Wise to John Wise June 10 '00 W D 10 a in Abernetby el. O I A S Co to S A McMillen June 4 'SHI W 1) lot 3 blk 21 Oswego .... Nellie R Howard to J II Settlemen June 11 'IHi Q C lots 4 and 5 sec IS 1 5 a r2e Hiram Orel in to Tho II Mooro Oct 21 '02 W I) nei4 of nw, tbe n. of ne4 and ae'4 of ne'j sec 30 t 4 s r 6 e A M Stonaberg to 8 E Stonslierg June 15 'IHi W 1 ne4 of soV and se'4 ol nel4 sec 23 t 2 s r 4 e T l, Cliarman to E E Rail June 15 Wl W D lot 2 blk 3 Weilynn .... M J Broderick to Tho Cliarman A Sou June 15 '00 trust deed lot 2 blk 156 O C 500 J W Noble to E M Atkinson Apr 12 1H5 W D lot 5 blk 47 Oswego .... 1000 1000 000 1050 210 800 1000 221 Shingles The best ou the market. In small lots or in ear loads. Iiiineiisiou shingles cut to outer Cedar Posts Itv carload or mixed tar lots Kb shingles. W. II. & Al'KOKA, L S. HON'M'Y, OREGON. FIRE INSURANCE, .When A Munli'h l'ire Inmirnni t'ompitny ol Aix I. t'hai'elle, Germany, established ls.'. assets I'i.noonin. Insurant t'umpauv, nf eslublisbed lU, assets American Kire I'liiln.Mi.liia, J.MiS.1 ll.V Western Assurance I'ompanv n( Toronto, slutihslird KM, a'l, AXI'KKW G. M AI.STKX, Agt. JriL-L-ar Hulldliig, ot'posiie Court House, lregon I'lty, Oregon, IM) YOU ni:i:i) AXV Doors, Windows, Moulding, Window Glass, C. OU OTHER IIIJlliDINIJ MATERIAL? :(!( TO: H. BESTOW CO. Low Prices. First-class Goods. Corner Itth And Main Streets, Oroffon City, Oregon. Legal Notices. OREGON CITY IRON WORKS 400 v p r..i in vi, ;.... ,k n,i .... w ii i . i f ,i . i " - pivivucui. ..riU uu .,.t-. ..uiu UK . gpeakg on the opening day of the Chau- D nS, of swi4' sec 3 t 6 s r " e conntr court for Clackamas county. A?-; Uuqua a99t.raby, ig arMdy on his wsy j , M fc wlUwllb"Brll; Nov 4 '93 W D nV of se1 and s.Si 250 ' pellant and proponent appearing bv Hedges ft Griftifth, and respondent and contestant by J. K. Weatherford and A. 8. Dresser. Taken under advisement. Otk Grove Land and Improvement Company rs Charles Charles S Bunnell ; decree for plaintiff. Miller i Miller for plaintiffs. Decree of possession of prop erty for plaintiff. Oak Grove Land and Improvement Company vs Isaac Anderson ; W Y Mas ters for plaintiff. Plaintiff given a de , cree of possession of said premises. Margaret West vs T L West; Miller A Miller for plaintiff. The plaintiff and defendant were married at Portland in September, and according to the allega tions of tbe former the defendant aban doned bis wife at Silverton, Marion 1 coonty, in 1803? and hai since that time to the coast. Last week he spoke every night in Spokane to crowded houses. The Spokesman-Review says be charmed friend and foe alike. The board of directors 'met Saturday evening to consider a proposition from the Porland General Electric Light com pany for lighting the assembly grounds. A committee consisting of Col. Miller, C. II. Caun'eld and James Steel was ap pointed to make arrangements for per manently lighting the grounds. Professor Boyer and Rose liloch sang in "Tbe Creation" at Salem last week. Tbe university at Salem has made in ducements to Professor Heritage so that he will remain there. He expects to Lave a music tent on tbe Chautauqua groand with three pianos, He thinks 75 remained away from her. The plaintiff1 of his sint'er8 MsiBt in. ,he ooiag was granted a decree of divorce on the plea of desertion, and awarded the cos tody of the minor children. George Lazelle and Thomas Duncan, executors of the will of J. K. Bingham, fdeceased, vs J W May, et al ; judgment Jat 1171.70, attorney fees', etc, Execu .tion issued, and attached property or--dered sold. Hedges A GritEfth for - plaintiff. Lizzie P. Scollard vs David H. Cloie; ' E. C. Maddock, leferee, reported that he Lad sold lots 6, 7 and 8 of block 4, of . Edgewood, to T. F. Ryan for the con . aideration of $402.25, said property be . longing to faid litigants equally. The , sheriff's sale of said property was con , firmed. Mary A Lehigh vs J Leonard Char : man ; motion to strke oat certain por ! tion of defendant's answer, was over ; ruled. f red Schrieve vs Balthazer Kurz; C. D. Latourette and G. W, Swope for plaintiff. Ordered if garnishee fail to appear be shall be liable to the penal lies, etc. "Theresa Kramer vs Rudolph Win terer, etaL; dismissed for want of equity, and that defendant, A. P. Loeing, re .coyer of and from the plaintiff his costs and disbursements taxed at $35 35, and that execution issue therefor. Elizabeth Woerner vs Peter Woerner; this cause coming up on motion of plain tiff by her attorneys, C. D. and D C. Latourette, and it appearing by stipula tion of parties on file that this action has been settled, it is therefore ordered that said case be dismissed. Mahal a Wallace vs Alexander Wal lace; action for divorce. The plaintiff appeared in person and by Brownell A Campbell, her attorneys, defendant not appearing and default entered. The plaintiff and defendant were married in Oregon City on November 28th, 1884, and the forniar alleges desertion for a period ot more than one year. She was awarded the custody of the four minor children. William N, Marshall vs Melissa Mar Bhall; Brownell A Campbell for plaintiff. Plaintiff and defendant were married in Clackamas county on March 11th, 1805, and the former alleges desertion and per sonal indignities on the part of the de fendant. A decree of divorce was granted. F C Buck vs John Evans, et al ; sher iff sale confirmed. . Laura B Burnhatn vs Henry P Burn bam ; Reid St Bell for plaintiff; They were married in Oregon City on Octo ber 23rd, 1879, and the plaintiff alleges desertion on the part of the defendant. The decree was granted. . ; : Samuel Matthews vg V Lewelling and W8U 'Ken ; plaintiff- appeared in concert of the Chautauqua, July 7. Oregon Cily Market Report. (Corrected weekly.) Wheat No. 1 merchantable,' 55 cents per bushel. Flour Portland, $3.10; Howard's Best, $3.05 ; Fisher's Best, $3.00. Oats in sks, white, 27 cents per bushel, gray, 25. Millstuffs Bran, $14.00 per ton; shorts, $14.50 per ton : chop, $13.50. Potatoes 10 cents per sack. Eggs, 11 cents per dozen. Butter Ranch, 15 to 20 cents per roll. Fresh Fruits Rhubarb, l '' cents per pound ; gooseberries, two cents per lb. Dried Fruits Apples, onbleached, 4 cents ; 50-pound boxes, evaporated, 4'lt'o. prunes, 1)!t to 4,'j cents; plums, 2,'j to 3 cents. Bacon Hams, 8 to V cents; sides, 6 to 7; shoulders, 5 to 6; lard, 6 to 7. Livestock and Dressed Meals Boel, live, 1?4 to2 4cents; hogs, live 2 cents; hogs dressed, Z cents; sl'eep, $1.00 to $1.25 per bead; veal, dressed, 4 cents. Poultry Chickens, young, from $2; old $2.75, turkeys, alive, 8 cents per pound. Poultry advancing. Ffre. Policy holders of the defunct State Insurance Company wilt find it to their Interest to see me before placing their business elsewhere. Special induce ment offered for tbe re-writing of such risks in old and reliable companies. A return premium allowed on unex pired term of State policy to apply on premium of new policy. Save money by calling upon me before placing your insurance elsewhere. Andrew G. Malhtbm, Office in Jaggar Bldg. opposite court house, Oregon City. Our Standing at Home. "Four out of every five bottles of med icine sold in the last five yeais are S. B. goods. The S. B. Headache and Liver Cure I nse myself as a geneial physic. If you are sick and want to get well, the quickest, cheapest and safest method is to buy the S. B, remedies and use as di rected. C. P. Balch, druggist, Dufur, Or." For sale by C. G. Huntley. Shoemaker Wanted, To occupy a shop. One of the best lo cations in Oregon City. Call on D. Wil liams, Seventh street. Use OXIEN for your "nerves" also for coughs and colds. Pamphlets free. Cliarman A Co., Druggist), agent. The U. S. Gov't Reports show Royal Baking Powdet superior to all otters. of nel4 sec 4 t 0 r 2 e 850 Casper Ramsby to R E Ramsby June 13 '00 W D e1,' of nw sec 12t5sr2e...; 1 E C Maddock to Joseph Price June 17 m W D 34' a in P Lee cl 350 THE CLACKAMAS ABSTRACT A TRUST CO. are the owners of the copy right to the Tliorne system of abstract indexes, for Clackamas county, and have the only complete set ot abstracts in the county, can furnish information as to title to land at once, on application Loans, investments, real estate, abstracts etc. Oiflce over Bank of Oregon City. Call and investigate. Address box 377, Oregon City Oregon. ConJenseii Testimony.. Chss. B. Hood, Broker and Manufac turer's Agent, Columbus, Ohio, certifies that Dr. King's New Discovery has no equal as a Cough remedy. J. I). Brown. Prop. St. James Hotel, Ft. Wayne, Ind., testifies that he was cured of a Cough of of two yeais standing, caused by La Grippe, by Dr. King's New Discovery. B. F. Merrill, Baldwinsville, Mass., says that be has used and recommended it and never knew it to fail and would rather bara it than any doctor, be cause it always cures. Mrs. Hemming, 222 E. 25th St., Chicago, always keeps it at hand and has no fear of Croup, be cause it Instantly relieves. Free trial bottles at Cliarman A Co.'s Drug store. Don't Tobucce Spit Or smoke your life awav, is the truthful, startling title of a book about NoTo-Bac, the harmless, guaranteed tobacco habit cure that braces np nicotinizeil nerves, eliminates the nicotine poison, makes weak men gain strength, vigor and man hood. You run no physical or financial risk, as No-To-Bac is sold by drnggiHts everywhere under a guarantee to cure or money refunded. Book free. Address Sterling Remedy Co., New York or Chicago. Cliarman A Co., Druggist. Some Bargains. Four pieces of land adjoining Clacka mas Heights addition to Oregon City, of 47, 30, 20, and 11 acres each. All on par tially improved, with bouses, fruit etc. Good soil, lays well and convenient to school, church, etc. Are rare bar gains. Have also a span of fine mules to sell cheap. C. L. Livesav, Oregon City. .4limllralr'a .tollre. XrOTlCKIH IIKKRHY lilVKN THAT T11K i undr.inl h. IM Uar liwn aii"tlw. r lh ll.iu. imrilmi a. lures, I utility Jnili u( Itrkam. ('niiuir,, .v.liuuil-t' i Hi vsiau nl IWnrr Hoiiemill -r, .lMaikl. All Dcrfeius hv!tu eUtin. iuclsl ih stM are harvby mittMed lu prvseut the inmi with tirowr vmit-htri to uiv t the ulflre nl t'. IX A 11. ('. 1-atouretie, my atlnriogri, lu Oren Cily, Urwon, within in months (ruin IhU una, laie4 Ibit June Mh v . 1U.SKY J. HOTTKMIM.KIt, S Ailmiuiilrm ir aiuiriaM. Adtnlalitmlor'a oiler. TortCR H IIKItKBY OIVKN THAT THK t uuiler.liriietl ha tvu appaltiuj bjr Ibe l ounly Couri nl I'lackniiu (nuniy, SUia ul Uretfoti, AflimnUtrator of Hie vaiita nt Tnoinaa J. Iiiflllh, lU-enalnl. All -.oti. l.ntlnf elalut (aln.t aalil tiitnto ol Thulilt. J. Indian, d coeU, ar hereby mulill I pnaant the aauia duly veritle I tor iaviti.'tit lu Ilia umloralirue 1 mi (,'urrlu l le, ( l kainaa Ciiiuiy, O'eiuu.or al Iheomoanl hrownoli A l iiruxmi City, Orfin, within all moulha mini lhialate. lalMl, Jnua Ii). 1-lK UKOHi.K J.Ot'KKIS. Ailmlulairatof ul eaut ul Tliumat J, IiiKllih, 0OialM.l. Baowxiil. A Cinrsiti.L, 11 7 10 Aitortwii for Ailmiul.traiur. For the Kidneys. "I am G5 years old ; have had kidney disease and constipation for 25 years. Am now well used your 8. B. Head ache and Liver Cure one year. Used 6 bottles at 50 cents each. J. II. Knight, Rutledge, Or." For sale by C. G, Huntley, druggist. Indigestion Cured. Depressing times depress the mind; the digestion is disturbed. Two or three doses of the S, B. Headache and Liver Cure will restore your health to a nor mal condition. 50 cents per bottle. For sale by C. G. Huntley, druggist. Notice. Notice is hereby given that I will pay no debts contracted by my wife Elizabeth Wilhoit trotn and after this date. John Wii.iioit. Wilhoit, Jane 9,1890. Karl's Clover Root will purify your blood, clear your complexion, regulate your bowels and make your head clear as a bell. 25c, 50c., an 1 a dollar. For sale by Geo. A . Harding. Aduilnlalrwlvr'a ."Yotlrc, XTOTIC H HKRKBY tilVEN THAT THK lt nmleranel ha Iwei ilu.jr appointed by Ilia Uun. U. C. Ilaraa, Jmlfi ul In Cunly Court ol 'h el U ( Oier u for Claeaama I'ountr, Admlnl.trat In ol 'In Kauta it AJara H. etranie. dra ai 1 Al. p'" hamn clalma ana pit aanl tat, art reiiurite 1 1 pre nl the aanie. properly yanneil w me at tbe oinceoi inoa. r. nyaa, oa Ha'oeireai, in Ufa lion City. Orvfffli, ilnlii all mauthi I rum tha Ual ol tii la Boiica. IOUKNA R STRANOK. AdmtiiUralnxof Kitau o. Adam II Hiram, IcaaiL DaUtd at Oreron City, Oifo:i, this Win, ilay ol June), IKM. s-'JI T-st. New mill Knlitrgi'il Simp with nil niiliaiiccH fur MACHINE WORK & CASTING. All work oxivutiil in the- U-st iiiitiincr ixissililo. ti'i il mi all orders. I'miniitnchH Ktiifoh REPAIRING - A. - SPECIALTY, Prices the lowest to had in Portland. Shop on Fourth Street, near Main, Oregon City, Oregon. ROAKE BROS., Proprietors ATTENTION Adiulnlalrator' Hale. "VTOTICE IH IIKKKBY (ilVEN THAT IT R. 11 auanl In an orur anil licaiiaiol the County Court ol Clackunaa I'.iunty, Ori'i' ii, In in mattar o( Hit eaiala of Philip Monra, deeaae t, duly mad and tnU-red on Juut :irl. IMl. a adiulnlatrator ol aald mtate, I will odor lor al anil aoll to the hlghi-at hl l.lcr lor caab, un Monday, July Sth, lii. al una o'tloek p. in., at Int Court HniKt do- r In Or I n City, OrKin, all th rlirlil litla and Hit r. at of aald I bllln Moore, aoornaed at int ihmc or nia iieaii in in f.iilowlnn d"erllMd real t t it, to-wlt: Ilia a a t of d a i an. I n t i of t 4 and n a 4 (if n t 4 aud a ar 4 of o t 4 of aewtlou 21: alao a w 4 ol n w 4 and a w 4 ol a w 4 ol lection il, all In tp 2a r 6 1 ol tha n lllnma'te mt man. Dated June 3rd, 1IMI. T. H HMITII, J-:2r) Aimlulat iratr.iraa!il . la the Cnunty rnurl nf the Hiata of OreKon for tlackamaa County. In th matter of the vital, of Lucj A. Smltii, dt- ctnaeu. TY VIKTOR Of AtTHOKITK OF AN OR- Iderofaole irauUd by tbe County Court ol tha HtaM ol Oretou tor Clickainat County, dated June 4ih. W: I will a ill at prtrat tale the IniiowiUK neanriona real tauie: An un uiviueu one-oaii inieron i ina waai m m -. of aeetlon 9, town-blp 6 aouth ranire 1 eat ol Willamette murldlan, iontaliiln HUaaret mort or leaa annate In Clackamiar niuty, OrKirnu. Hal will Im ma leou ami atui 1110 ;un any oi July, 1'.1, arl ll la wl 1 La rec lvul Inr the aam by th uudera uned at Nee ly, Claekamaa County, Oregon, jvrmi o a,u i.anu in nituu r kcu l. nnti n, Bbownell 4 Camphku Adm d atrator. Aiiorneyt, iWi, 7-a Mherltri. MoJe. In th Circuit Court of th "tat ot Omnti, for tbe County of Clackainaa. Robert J. Ileutel, plain ll IT, vi. Philip 8. llatea, Jan H. Butea and Hsnry W. Coe, dafoa-rJania. State of UreroD, County of Olaekamia, . X VIKTUK OF A JUIKJMKNT OKOKK, decree ai l n exocutl'in, duly lanuml nut oland under tno of the iibova eutltlul court, In the aWi untitle 1 caii-e. to mt duly dlroeted and ilnted th 2Htn day ol April, lxtM, upnu a JuilKnwnt aud 'letroa ren lerad ami ntered In aald court on thi Mth day of April. HUB, In favor of Robert J, Hi.mii.-I, planum, ana avalnat fnillp B.llate'.Jau M.llatan l Ifoury W. Coe, defendanta, for t inn of ,tll5.W.wltn lnunet thur eon at the rate ol S wr een'. per nnnm from the 20th nay of Apnl, ImW, ana in i lurtber um ol WiM, with lntret thereon al 8 pr re it. per annum from April 0,l, una the further aura of JU, attnruey'i lee, mil me further aum of till, ooata and iilaburaeinauta. and alao tliecitanf and upon lllla wr I, com DiandiiiK m taialialv of the tollnwlu do mrilwd real properly i tnnta 1 1 the County ul Cla'kamaa, Htnte nl Oregon, to-wlt: A portion ofthetieorKeAueruothy U. U C, lylnir In ano tlnn 29, twiiahip2 aouth rnuee 2 eat of the Wlllamett meridian, deaorlbed aa followa: Be XinuluK at a point on the aouth boundary Una 0' th Oeorgo Abernethy I). I.. C, chalni wenlorlr from tha nortlieaat corner of tn Kzra Flaher D. L. C. : thence north 42s aunt 14 oh aim to th north boundary of th Aburn'thr claim a determined by jiidKment n tha Clroult Court of the Stat of Oregou, for Claokamaa County; tlienco weatirly on aald north boundary Un north US" 84' wett to the eentor ol the County road, 11.70 cbalna; thenc aouth 42 wett along aid County road to the aoiitb b iuudaryof Ills Alieruethy D. I C; then' eaaterlv along aald Alumothy olann Una t tbe place of beginning (leaa four acre on th aat aide of till' tract aold by i. M. Taylor to Robert Flndiy) eon talnlug eight and one-ball (K) acrea more or leaa, xcerllnir therefrom loti 1 and block A, In Frank T. Btoka'k addlllon to Oregon City. In niaekamaa County, Oregon, aecord ng to th map and plat of aald addition on file in th oltlc of toe recorder of oonveyanoea for aald county ud atat. Now, therelori, by rlrtn of aald elocution, Indgmentorder and decree, and In oomollauce with the comman la ol aald writ. 1 will, on rj st urdily, the 27th day ol June, 1HM, at the bour of on o'clock p. m at the frent door of th County Court Home In Oreenn City, Ciackarnaa County, Oregon.aell at public auction, aubloat to redempt on, to tbe blgheat bidder, lor U. H. gold coin, caan In hand, the abov deacrlbed real property and all th right, tltlaand Intereat which the auove named defeadanti or either ot them baa in nr to the aarae or any part thereof, to aatlafy aald execution, Judgment order, de cree, Intereat, coat and dlahuraementa and accruing coala. E. (!. MADDOCK, H her Iff. ft li, VIA 03 y n. at. moout, iapub We urc hoadijuartors Air Lightning loo Cream Kroe.oM, Screen Doors, Window Scrcena, KnMier Hose, Lawn Mowers, Lawn Hakes, Wire Netting, Lubricating Oils of all kituln, Rabbit Metal ami everything in tho hanlwaro lino at pricos to suit tho times. Also sole agents for Simonds' celebrated cross" cut saws. POPE St Main mid Fourth HtH., CO, Oregon City. WOMAN The very reinnrkuhl" and certain relief giv en woman ly MOORH'S IUC VISA LEI) Kl'..Mhli nan given it Hut iiiiino ol onion 9 Friend. It ih uniformly . HiicccHnful in reluuving tho Imckaches heiulaclier) and rllri woiikneHH which burden and Fhortcng a woman's life. Thouniindri of wonioit U-Htify for it. It will givo health and strength, and make lifo a pleafliire. FOR 8AI.K liV THK YOU STEWART & HOLMES DRUG COMPANY. WHITE COLLAR LINE. Sts. Telephone and Bailey Gatzert. Columbia River & Pugot Sound Navigation Company, Alder Street Dock, Telephono N'o. 351. ."""'""i H i aaiaaau l-wwy wi;ithiT 1 Portland, Astoria and the Ocean. Telephone leaves Portland 7 A. M.f daily except Sunday. Tolephon leaves Astoria 7 P. M., daily except Sunday. Runs direct to train for Clatsop beach and connects with SlrK Ilwaco for Ilwaco trains running to all points on North beach. Bailey Gatzert leaves Portland 8 P. M., daily, except Sunday; on. Saturday IIP. M. Leaves Astoria daily at 6:45 A. M., except Sunday and Monday; on Sunday 7 P. M. Connects with all trains for Clatsop beach and. Ilwaco beach. This line has a boat connecting with both boaches, roturning from Astoria every night in the week. U. B. SCOTT, Ea A. SEELEYa president. Agent. tbl. Mlr.I JM4 Thli FnmoMaKcmJsrmiri qalckly, prmannny Tl nrvou dlM'ttiMi, Wfttk MeiiMiry. l of lira in I'owr, llHEdttuha, WakfulnM ImI Vllllty, Nlhtly Kmlf. vll drMiiifl. IniDftUtiiur and waHtlnir dUuawa oauaAd bt youthfulerrttrs itrtxcwa. Cuntalnanouplalas. liinerf (oal and blood builder Makaitha palaaml imriYntrniiir and plump. Kanlly nnrrlad In Tnt porkwt. 91 pr boij A 1rd. Hjr BiKlljpra. rmid, HHtha written VHftrantftormonryrefnrtded. Writ oa, ffW mrdlrul iMMik. anl(l platn wrapm'r, with tftlmnnlftla and rlnannlal nMI fiaV A'rt rhttrit flW rati Will f (lffJUl Hnimraf imit(U UAt. wui, tUms. ltMfcrwHMi.yl'B"W,luiTifiyi Wft rorMllaOreguDCIt,Oreg.,b7 CUAUMAN CO- Uruiiglit.