Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (June 26, 1896)
KMTIII.ICAN I'l.ATFOKN. CiuiIIimmmI i-'ront Klral I'sun. , produm of this country. Ti n rcii'iiUI can parly favor mii'li protection a will limil In llui ro.liicliiii on AiiikiU hii noil, ol nil Hut Kiiniir which I tin American peo ilu iihii, himI fur which II, .7 pny otlmr 0 ilrli'N inorii tliuii f IX),(I(N(,(HX) un miiilly. Wool. AMI ttlMJl.KVH, "To nil of our proline! lo (honn of tint lllllllt Ullll fll'lll, Hi wull IIH Hiomi of tint alicoo mill llui factory lo Imiii , lo wool, llm iroilicl of I ho Kri'nt liiilimtry of ahvcp IniNliiiiiilry, u well a to tint IIiiIkIiimI woolen of tint mill, wo proniias tlni iniii't miii it protection. MKIK IIANT MAIIINK, "We fuyor ritoriii the early Amorl i nn Hilicy of illm'rliiilhatlong duties for tin Uilniililiii( of our merchant marina, ml tint protection of our aMpping Inter nal in tint forniKii rarrylng trade, to American ships, tha product of American lahor, employed In American shlpyarda, ailing, under tha star ami trl, ami manned, ollicered, and owned by Amerl ('mm, may reyaln Ihu carrying ol our for el(ii com mitrco. MONXY. "Tint republican party la unreservedly for aouml moiiity. It caused the enact mitnt of tha law providing for the re eumi'tlon of aiwlo payment In 1H7; inctt then every dollar ha liecn aa good a gold i we are unalterably 0od to every meamire calculated to diiliaite our currency or Impair the credit of our coun try. "We ant, therefore, oixmd lo the free coinage of silver except by Inli'mational agreement, with the leading cnminiri'iul nation of the world, which we plcdtfed ournttlvi' to iriimotit, and until nii Ii agreement can he ohtniniMl tint exiting gold standard iiiiiHt ih pieaervrd. "All our ailver and paper currency iiiiihI he maintained at parity with gold, and we favor all nieiirc denied to liiitinluin, Inviolulily, the ohliKiitiona of t!ie United Hatr, ami all our money, whether coin or paper, at the prcaeut ataudaid, the alaiidrtrd of the mont en lightened nation of the earth, I'KNxiosa, "The veteran of the I'nloti arinici do-, serve ami should receive kind treutment and gcuerou recogtiiilon . Whenever practicahkt they ahould he given the preferaiu-e in the mailer of employment, and they are entitled to the enactment of audi luwa aa are bent calculated lo ae- cure the folllllmcnt of pledttea made i tliem in the dark daya of the country 'a pvril, We denounce the practice in the IH'imion bureau, no re klennly ami tin juntly carriivl out bv the prenent admin iatratioii, of rrditcintf hmiIoih and ar bitrarily dropping- namea Irom the rulla, a dcnerviiig- the aevereat ciindeinnalion of the American people. FOHKION HKI.ATIONa. "Our foreign njicy ahould lie at all time, llrm, viiioroii and dmnllied, and all our iulerenta in the wetter 11 hem in pherea carefully watch 3d and jfuardud. The Hawaiian Manila ahould be con trolttd by the United Stale, and no for eiun power ahutild be (Ktrmilled lo inter fere with them; the Nlcnru canal ahould be built, owned, and 0ieraUd by the United Slate and by the piircbaae of the Duuinh lalanda wo ahould aecure the proper and miii'li needed naval ata tion in the Went Indie. 'AHMKNIAN MAHIACHK. The munnacren in Armenia liave roiined the dett)ympatliy and J unt In iliiiatlini of the American people, and we lielieve the United State ahould ex- rcine all the Inlluence it can properly exert lo bring- thene atrocitiea to an end. In Turkey Ameiican renidontu have beea eixinoil to the uravent danirer and American pronrty doatroyed. There are, an everywhere, American citiaena ml American property niunt be abao ltitely protected at all huurds and at uny coHt , MONHOK IIOI'THINK. "We nwwtrt the Monroe doctrine In lie fullest extent, ami we realllrtn the ritilit of the United 8 1 ate to uive the doctrine elfect, by rcHponding to the ai peala of any American state for friendly intervention In cum) of KuroHan en crochment. "We have not Interfered and shall not Interfere with the exiKtiiiK poanennions of any European power In this, hemisphere but those poHMoasione must not on any pretext, be extended. We hopefully look forward to the eventual withdrawal of the Kui'oHiaa powers from this hemi sphere and to the ultimate union of all the Kiitflish sioaidn parts of the conti nent by the free consent of its inhabitant!) Cl'HA. "From the hour of achieving their ow n indeiHindence, the twnple of the United State have regarded with aimputhy the strumjles of our American peoples to free themselves from European domination. We watch with deep and abiding Inter eat the heroic buttle, of the Cuban pa triots ngainat cruelty and oppression, and our best hopes go out for the full auccoss of their determined contest for liberty. "The government of Spain, having lost control of Cuba, and being unable to protect the property or lives of resident American citizona, or to comply with its treaty obligations, we believe the gov ernment of the United Statos should ac tively une it influenoe and good office to restore peace and give independence to the island. THI NAVY. "The peace and security of the repub lic and the maintenance ot its rightful liilliiiiiiro anionic the nation of the eurtli, ilitmulid a iniviil power com limit miriile with It portion and respond hillty, We, lliitniforit, favor the con tinued enlargement of the navy and a complete: aylem of hiirhor and hhucouhI lIl'lllllKCH. COIIKIIIK IMMIIIIIA TIIIN, "For the protection of tint iUiility of our Amerlcnii clli.cimhlp and the wage of our worklngiueii against the fatal com pelilioii of low priced luhor, we demand that the Immigration law he thorough ly enforced and aoexletidcd aa to exclude from entrance to the United Htutes those who cun neither read nor write. CtVII. SKIIVK'K. "The civil service luw wn )iluced on the atutute hook hy the repuhlican party, which tin always aiiHtnlncd It and we renew our repealed declaration that it ahould he thoroughly and lionent ly enforced and exletnlud wherever pra ticahle. tHKIt HAI.I.OT. "We demand that every citizen of the United Mate ahall he allowed to caat one Iree and unrestricted ballot, and that iich ballot be counted and returned a caat. I.YNl'IIINU. "We proclaim our unqualified con demnation of the uncivilised and bar barous practice, well known a lynch ing, or killing of human boiiiK sus pected or chanted with crime, without procee of law. NATIONAL AKIIITMATKlS. "We favor the creation of nation board of arbitration lo act tie and adjust dillereiicea which may arise between employers and employe engaged in In trrttt couilueice. IIOMkhTaAljH, " We lielieve in an Imiunliute return to the free homeiilend policy of the re publican parly, and urge the pannage by congreaa of the KUlixfaclnry free home Mead measure, ahich ha already panned the houno and ia now -ndiug in the wiiiile. TKiimroiiiKn, "We favor the admlnninn of the re maining territories at the eurlienl prac tlcuble date, having due regard to the interest of the people of the b-riitoric and the United Slaten. All the ..federal officers apoinlel for the territories ahould be avlected from iHina fide real dents thereof, and theright of self govern ment ahould tie accorded a far a prac ticable "We believe the ciilienn of A lank a lioiil.lhve reprewintall.iu in the con gren of the United Stales, to the end that needful legislation may be intelli gently enacted. TKMI'KKANCI. "We lympalhlie witli all wise and le gitimate elbnta to loosen and prevent the evils of intemiieraiice and promote morality. HKIIITS or WOMKN. "The republican party In mindful of the righta of women, l'rotection of Amer- 1 1... I. I.. - I .. .... ,.,,ea ...,- p,s.r, eipial pay for euual work and j protection to the home. "We favor the admission of women to wider spheres of usefulness, and wel come their co-operation in rescuing the countrv from democratic and populist mismanagement and misrule. "Such are the principle and policies of the republican party. "Hy thene principle we will abide, and these H)licle we will put into exe cution. We ask for them the considerate judgment of the American people. Con fident nlike In the history of our great party, and the justice of our cause, we present our platform and our candi dates lo the full assurance that the elec tion will bring victory to the republican larty and prosperity to the people of the United Stutes." ltlliuus ( ollc. I'emoti who are subject to attack of bilious colic will be pleased to know that prompt relief may be had by taking Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Piiirrluea Kemedy. It acts quickly and can always be deended upon. In many case the attack may be prevented by taking this remedy as soon as the first indication of the disease appears. '2b and 50 cent bottles for sale by (J. A Harding, druggiat. Mew York (inllery. It. K Clavering, the well known ar tist, has moved the New York gallery to the building on the corner of Water and Fifth streets, where the reputation of this popular establishment will be SUB' tained. Low rent enable Mr. Claver ing to do the very best work at the low est possible prices. Cabinet pictures at (d per decern Worthy or Notice. The S. B. Medicine company is the only 0110 out of nine proprietary medi cine firms incororated on this coast since 18H7 that has not made an assign ment. These hard times with new news paper advertising contracts lor two years, it speal.s loudly of their morit, For sule by C. G. Huntley, druggist. Avoid Consumption. by stopping that cough. We know of no belter remedy for coughs and colds than the 8. 11. Cough Cure. For sale by C G, Huntley, druggist. Insurance. If you want to know anything about Fire or Life Insurance or Building and Loan Association, call on H. T. Sladon. He has it at bis finger ends. Kl.Ttrln llulel irnrul. J W Maitlund, H K, J II Wait, Cortland, 1' I Duhney, " Carl Triecliiil, " W II IIhiiciiuu, ('hlcHgo, W K King, rortland, I) I) ('hurch, (.'hicago, (ieo V, W11III. I1 ami wife, N Y, J M Tiai y and wife, Ijgan, John Van Zitntine, City, 0 II Wadu, Healtlo, J M Waddle, rortland, C M Turner, H F, iOiiise Nunsliergor, Napa, Cal, Adah A I'arkitr, Napa, Cal, W L Kturkweather, Milwaukee, 0 I' Coshcw, lirownavillo, H 1' Merger, Kdgar Al'.en, l'ortland, Mr K J Andrews, The Iitlloa, John Mf.nlun, 8 F, It H Jenkins, Klva Mill, (1 W T.blor. l'ortland, J A I'a'.lernon, St Ixiui, Wash, II J (ii-een, Portland, W F Harris, Heaver creek, W A James, Molalla, Janii; Ilerry, " F X Matthleu, Ituttovllle, A R VrvHK-r, City, J K Weatherford, Albany, Win N lioot, Monmouth, J II SUmlTur, 8 F. J 8 Mill, Kugeue. 0 W Kostham, Colima, C A Ilurnt, Heaver creek, W (J Mack, TaUtine, Iliiiid Sharp, " W N Kleven. rortland. 8 A I llungate, Molalla, J II Mat toon, City. The only flrst-clusa hotel south of rort land, where the capitalist, drummer, poli ician, merchant, farmer and me chanic gel lirst'Clan accommodation. Clurki j Iti 01 n. There wni a birthday dinner given at t. W.'s, last Sunday, in honor of Kliner's H-'iili bi-tlnhiy. There were a few invited guests. J. Klim-r has had an addition put on his residence. Mr. riiilliHtne is going to remodel his residence. Harney lx'ltchaeis ha the contract. Mr. and Mr. Moore bad friend from Oregon City visiting Ihem last Sunday. Mrs. Caliihan was the guest of Mrs. Harry Uard last Sunday. lkirn lo the wife of William Uuckner, a boy. Katie (iard ha been staying with her sister, Mr. Hosteller, for the past week and ia now over to her mother's lo stay while she is improving. The caipenters will set through at Mr. King's this week. Jack lllngo ia doing the painting. I-eonard Smith returned borne last week Irom the logging camp. Our acliool closed last Fiidav with shaking. We need a little more rain for the , , fern for Mr. Hostetter Mrs. Moore's niece from Oregon City, is out visiting her for a few weeks. I Air. ami Airs. August lioltemlilcr was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Elmer last Sunday. Alha, Alms Items. Aims, June 22. Mrs. Cutler of Spring field, is visiting her doughter. Mrs, Win. Bramhall, also Mrs. Win. D. Thomas. Mr. Hickman of Parkplace, is visiting his Bon J. A. Hickman. Horn to Mr. and Mrs. Wawktield a son. Horn to Mr. and Mrs, Neal Lowe a daughter. Julius Eisner, made a business tour to Oregon City last week. Miss Alaid of Hullrun, is the guest of the Misses Wakefield. Mr. and Mrs. Kirk of Cambridge City, Indiana, is visiting their daughther, Mrs John Hramhall. Mrs. E. 8. Hramhall has been quite sick for a few days past. Aims will celebrate the 4th of July this year. Quite a number of persons visited the home of Neal Lowes last Wednesday evening. Miss Jessie Wakefield, visited at Bull' run, Friday evening. Quite a number of men turned out Thursday, looking after the new road, glad so many are interested. Mt. Pleasant News. Mt. Ti.easant, June 23. Miss Mina Joebnke instead of Miss Mina Johnson should have been mentioned in connec tion with the school at Barlow in last weeks correspondence. Miss Chase' school closed last Friday afternoon with appropriate exercises and a large attendance of visitors. . Mr. Will Hart of Oregon City, and his brother, who is visiting here from Cali fornia, were out lust Saturday afernoon enjoying a tramp across country. JSenj. Hendrickson has added a kitchen and appliances, also three neat chimneys to his cottage. Miss Mina Joebnke continues taking constitutionals on her wheel. George R. Wilehart of Oregon City, was visiting here last Sunday. If Richard Wagner were still with harmony he would find motif enough in the combination of McKinley and Hobart to last through a five hour act and leave the audience siting lor more seraphic strains. One of the moot dlni ruble leatures In a book or publication designed lo be carried for the purpose of giving infor mation, or for guidance in various pur suits is compactness of proportion. A bowk that will go into the pocket of an overcoat or dunler in vastly more ser viceable than a largo bulky volume, it 1 nu Id that one of the greatest reanon why the Kaml-McNully Hallway Guide is so bopulur is that it size 6x7 inches ren der it entirely convenient under all cir cumstuuee. At the name time all the advice that could lie desired can lie found wilhn its 072 page. Subscription re ceived at the home oflice, W Adam street, will be promptly acknowledged and tho beautiful wall map of the United State, (Kix44 incheii, or if preferred, a large scale wall map of any state, sent the subscrilter, prepaid. The map actually sells for (2.00. Yearly subscrip tion, f 'l 00. Insurance that insure F. E. D0NAI.I1SO.K. Mr. II. K. IXirsch, stale fruit commis sioner for the first horticultural district, lielieve in beginning at the right time to train fruit growers. He oilers a beau tiful gold medal, enameled with the like ness of various fruits, as a prize to the boy or girl between the ages of 14 and 1H in any ungraded county school, for the best essay on fruit culture. The con dition are that writer must live in the first district, which comprises Mult nomah, Washington, Yamhill, Clack amas, Columbia, Clatsop and Tillamook counties, and the essay must not contain over 700 words. All essays must be sent to Mr. Iki.-sch at Hillsdale, Oregon, by August 1, 18'Ml. Our special offer sale will end Satur day night, July 4th, IKIiO. Don't fail to come before that time. Mis C. Goi.iii-hi.'H, The Milliner. The annual address before the Cres cent Literarv Society was delivered on Monday at 2 p. in. by He v. J. W. Cowan, I). I), of Oregon City, and a very in teresting and scholarly ad iresl it was. The ,atten lance was quite small, but aa the president of . the society said it made up in Quality whut it lacked in quantity. The Sieaker in defining the word "Crescent" gave it a new and much more weighty meaning than many of bis bearers had been accustomed to associate with it. Everything in the line of growth or progress, he said was cresent. Newberg Independent. Best insuiance companies V. E. Donaldson. John W. Loder, a Yamhill boy who has been attending the Columbian university of law at Washington D. C kindly remembers us with a pmgiam and invitation to the commencement of that institution. Mr. Loder' name appears in a lint of 101 bachelors of law, and be is the only man in the lot from Oregon. Postmaster-General Wilson awarded the prices on the occasion. Yamhill Reporter. Mr. Loder was form erly a resident of this city and read law in County Judge Haves' office. We are dumb during this special offer sale, our prices do the talking. Miss C. Goldsmith, The Milliner. People, who live in the vicinity of Green Point addition, are considerably annoyed by the depredations of tramps, as the south bouud traverler first enter that comparatively unprotected portion of Oregon City. L. O. Smith was having a very good suit of clothes dyed, and they were left banging in the basement ot thedwellingto dry. As the basement was open a tramp who bad been so- j journing in the neighborhood all day, walked in and carried away the clothes. Largest insurance business F. E. Donaldson. Rudyard Kipling, as be showed him sell to his intimate friends just belore he became known to all the world, will be the subject of a paper in McClure's Magaz'ne lor July. It is written by the roan with whom Mr. Kipling was as sociated in tbe editorship of a newspaper in India, and it will be illustrated with j portrait and other pictures from pho tographs furnished by Mr. Kipling's family. Our special offer sale will mean a sav ing of no less than 25 cents on each dol lar, We mean what we say. Miss C. Goi.ds.vitu, The Milliner. Homer Davenport, the New York Journal star cartoonist, is lean and lank with the best natured face in the world. One glance at the man shows bis gen tle humor. He has the soft, graceful ways of the Californian, (or his home is on the Pacific slope. He has lately been entertaining New York with his clever pencil work through the columns of tbe Journal. St. Louis Republic. Free insurance blotters F. E. Donaldson. Yesterday morning Eli Bangs drove ' John Oreon, H. C. Green and J. D. Up ton of Oregon City, to the Blue River mining district. These gentlemen are men of large experience in the mining i biiHlnvss and are interested in the Blue j River mines. These men are much taken with the prospects of their minus. Eugene Register. Every summer hat must go at our special offer sale. Miss C. Goldsmith, Tbe Milliner. Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder World Fair Highest Medal aaa DipfcsM. The Nation's Birthday. Notwithstanding the dull times ther will lie the usual number of celebration on the Fourth in Clackama county. The people ol Molalla are making prepa rations for the biggest celebration ever had at that place. A fine program i be ing piepared for the forenoon, and the afternoon and evening will be given over to sports and athletic game, closing witli a grand ball. The patriotic people of Sandy are pre paring for a great celebration in Meinig'a grove and to make this the equal ot the many successful celebrations at that place. Preparation are well in Land for grand celebration in the camp ground at New Era. A fine program will be ren dered and a day of enjoyment will be as sured to all who attend. The people of the south-west part of the county will celebrate with a grand picnic at the Pleasant Hill achoolhouse grove. A program suitable to the day will be readered and games and sports (0 inteiest tbe young people will be car ried out. The patriotic people of Viola are pre paring to hold a celebration in the park in that place, that will equal any beld in tbe county. A program thrt will please and instruct is being prepared, and, hav ing an extra fine grove, all who attend can be assured of a pleasant and com fortable day. Bid Wanted. Notice is hereby given that the board of directors of school district No. 62, of Clackamas county, Oregon, will receive sealed bids at the office of Thos F. Ryan, on Main street, Oregon City, up to tbe hour of 2 p.m. on Saturday, the 11th day of July, 18, for the sale and de livery of 135 cords of good, sound, body tir-wood, cut Irom green standing trees. j and to be first-class in every rerpect. I Seventy-five cords of said wood to be delivered at tbe Barclay school building on 12th street, and GO cords at the East hain school building on 7th street, in Oregon City, and the whole of said wood to be delivered on or before August 30th, 1SUG. The board of directors reserve the right to rejct any or all bids. By order of board of diiectors Titos. F. Ryan, District Clerk. Dated, Oregon Citv. this 15:h day of June, im Cheap Land for Hale. 100 acres of land, nearly all level bot tom land ; easily cleared ; well watered ; two fine mountai 1 streams running through it; fine trout streams; would make a fine stock ranch ; near public road ; one mile and a fourth from Colton post oflice and school house ; we have six months school in each year; three mile from saw mill ; large range for stock ; can give good title. Price per acre $4.50. For terms and further information call at my place or address W. E. Bonnky, Colton post oflice, Clackamas Co., Ore. The Inter Ocean Is the Most Popular Republican Newspaper of the West and Has the Largest Chcu.'atlon. TERMS BY MAIL DAILY (without Sunday) $4.00 per year DAILY (with Sunday) $6.00 per year The Weekly Inter Ocean C 1 .00 PER TEAR." V 1 As a Newspaper THE INTER OCEAN keeps abreast of the times hi alt4 respects. It spares neitttor piuaa nor expeuss in socumirf ALL THE NEWS AND THE BEST OF CURRENT LITERATURE The "Weekly Inter Ocean As a Family Paper Is Not Excelled by Any, nj"fsIt has something of interest to each member of the family. Its Ifc-t? YOUTH'S DEPARTMENT is the yery best of its kind. IU LITE3 ART FEATURES are unequalei It is a TWELVE PAGE PAPER and contains the News of the World. POLITICALLY IT IS REPUBLICAN, and gives its readers the baneh. of the ablest discussions on all live political topics. It is published in Clii-aa i-' is in accord with the people of the West in both politico and literature 1 lease remember that the price of THE WEEKLY INTER OCCAN Is 1M V UNE DOLLAR PCB VEAK. Address THE INTER OCEAN. Chtcaco. Qfegon Citfl ...GLADSTONE PARK... Conveniently of access and pleasant located. Free from.the noise and dust of the city. Skillful nurses and every convenience of a first class hospital. Ample room that patients may have quiet- n ness and rest. Special rooms n Services of the best physicians of the county u in aueiiuuuue. TERMS REASONABLE. r Address, MISS M. i OREGON Geo. T- Howard, DEALER IN ...pecoqd land tjood? Highest price paid for Furni ture, Stores, etc., etc. (Jowl line of Tinware, Glass ware, Crockery, etc,, always un hand. 7th Street, Near Depot- ...The Prairie Farmer... IS THE Greatest of All Farm Papers. It presents each week all that is worth knowing in carrentagricul turial literature. Each number contains more solid reading matter than any other agricultural paper, ami covers a broader field, Scis:rlp!lCa Price, M Dollar i Year. It is the Paper for the People. SanpleClM QlTars Tor 1895-6: Tu pA.d FA"e" I Butt Papen one lear Weekly Inteb Ocean lor $1.25. T"' and FAK"" ( Bfjtl PjP 0iit CiiicaooWekkly TiMEk) f3r $1.25. Address The Prairie Farmer, Chicago. "TWIN COMET" anil "LITTLE GIANT Lawn Sprinklers. BEST MADE Unique. efficient, labor aving. Will sprinkle 4 times greater area than any other sprinklers made. Highest Award at the Chicago Exposition. ' Can be seen in operation at the court house yard. Send for cir culars giving testimonials and prices. E. STEBBINS MFG. CO sole manufacturers! SPRINGFIELD, MASS. a For sale by all hardware and rub ber stores in the U. S. AGENTS WANTED CAN MAKE Bid MONEY Hogpital... for ladies. f. E. LIIBKER, SUPT CITV, OR. I