Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (Nov. 29, 1895)
Oregon City Enterprise. Clackamas Co. Directory. COl'NTY OFFICKKS. Gordon K. llye (hs, K. Morion K. I". SCmiibx-k S. M. Knilij' M. I. M.mre J.C. Hrn.lloy H. (iilison P. W KinuNtrd K. 1.. Hoimii I Hiohanl Soolt 1 Kmnk Jaipur ) ,r) it ot Courts, svrlff, -K ecorvior, TronMirer, AKewir, S-'ftmil uperiuienUMii, SUTyor. Coroner, ComiuiKMniterit, FUIDAY, NOVKMHKK W, 15. SPRAY OF THE FALLS. Fartlow's cider, clean and pure. K. K. Williams, 'I he Grocer. Croi'het cotton in all shades at E. E. Martin's. The Fair has just opened a nice stock holiday goods. Money to loan on itood real estate security by A. S. Dresner. Go to The Fair for Hoyt's spring clothes pins, only ti cents per dozen. 1 300 to loan on good real estate. C. II. Dvs. The Fair is selling good toilet soap at 6 cents per cake. All kinds of second hand goods bought byPariterA Howard. We pay cash. G. 0. T. Williams is now prepared to make loans on good farm property. Write him. "What pretty hats!" exclaimed a lady s she passed the Red Front millinery window. Handkerchiefs, nil si!k from 10 cents up at E. E. Martin's special sale Nov. 2t and 30th. Wedding stationery, the latest styles and finest assortment ever brought to Oregon City at the Ektkrprisk office. That 20 acre tract, level road, 2l, miles out, plenty of running water, only 1550. C. O. T. Williams. Experience and money cannot improve Dr. Sawyer's Familv Cure, because it radically cures Dyspepsia, Liver com plaint and Kidney difficulty. For sale by Geo. A. Hardine. For a quiet place to hitch your horses awav from the motor line and a place to get a 6rst class job of repairing or horse shoeing call on S. F. Scripture's shop on Fifth street. W. A. Putrow has added to all lines of goods kept in stock in his hardware store and has marked everything as low as is eonsistant with thequality of goods. It is a truth in medicine that the smallest dose that performs a cure is the best. DeWitt's Little Early Risers are the smallest pills, will perform a cure, and are the best. . C. C. Huntley. Why descend those tiresome steps when vou wish pure drugs, chemicals and drug sundries? "Time is money" Save both by getting your prescriptions filled at the Seventh St. Pharmacy. Agents Wanted. For the best end latest improved washer. Ha1 the recommendations to guarantee it. Call on Pope & Co., hardware dealers, Oregon City. Dr. A. P. Sawyer Dear Sir: I haye been suffering with sick headache for a lone time. I used your family Cure and now am entirely relieved. I would not do without your medicine. Mrs. G. Miller, Mt. Morrel Ills. Sold by G. A. Harding. In clothing, R. L. Russell ot the Park Place store, can give lower prices than Portland or Oregon City. The reason for that is, rent, insurance and other charges are lower than his competitors and that he buys for cash. Just exam ine his goods and see the bargains of fered. County Treasurer's Jiotice. I have funds in my hands for the pay ment of all Clackamas county warrants endorsed prior to the 1st day of Jan uary, 18!3. Interest on the same will cease with the date ol this notice. M. L. Moobb, County Treasurer Clackamas County, Or. Dated Oregon City, Or., Nov. 15, 1805. For the many accidents that occur about the farm or household, such as burns, scalds, bruises, cuts, ragged wounds, bites of animals, mosquitos or other insects, galls or chafed spots, frost bites, aches or pains on any pari of the body, or the ailments resulting from ex posure, as neuralgia, rheumatism, etc. Dr. J. H. McLean's Volcanic Oil Lini ment Las proved itselt a sovereign remedy. 25c, 60c and $1 er bottle. For sale by C. G. Huntley, druggist. Don't Tobacce Spit Or smoke your life awav, is the truthful, startling title of a book about No-To-Bac, the harmless, guaranteed tobacco habit cure (hat braces up nicotinized nerves, eliminates the nicotine poison, makes weak men gain strength, vigor and man hood. Vou run no physical or financial risk, as No-To-Ba3 is sold by druggists everywhere under a guarantee to cure or moucy refunded. Book free, address Sterling Remedy Co., New York or Chicago. Charraan & Co., Druggist. For the ailments in the kidneys and bladdor incident to declining years, there is no remedy that produces such imme diate and satisfactory results as Dr. J . II, McLean's Liver and Kidney Balm. Its genial and invigorating effect on the liver and kidneys is remarkable. Price f I. For sale by C. G. Huntley, druggist. PERSONAL NOTES. J. S. Risley, of Kisley's landing, was in the city Fiiday, on business connected with the circuit court. Dr. II. C. Coley, of Hubbard, was in Oregon City Friday on his way to Port land. Charles H. Dodd, of Portland, was in tliecitv Saturday on business connected with the pmliate court. Mrs. R. A. Miller returned Tuesday from a two week's visit with relatives at Sal cm. Miss Eva Meldruin, daughter of Ju ltfe Meldnini, left on the "Shasta Limited" Wednesday evening for a visit to San Francisco. She accompanied George A. Steel's family. Mrs. Harry Gilmoro, of St. Helens, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. George T. Howard at Gladstone. She arrived Wed nesday morning and is accompanied by lor daughter, Miss Sarah. G. II. Bestow returned Monday from a business visit to Hubbard. County Commissioner Frank Jaggar and J. H. Wolfer, of Needy, are attend ing the United States couit at Portland in the capacity of trial jurors. Dr. J. W. Welch left Thursday morn ing to 8end Thanksgiving with his par ents at Silverton. He will return Satur day. Miss Ora Spangler, one of the teachers at the Eastham school, is spending Thanksgiving with her parents at Cor vallis. State Treasurer Phil Metschan spent a few momenta Thanksgiving day in Ore gon City. He was on his way to Port land. J. P. Keudish and wife, of Portland were the guests of Rev. and Mrs. S. W. Stryker. Mr. Ketidish is superintend ent of the North Pacific mills. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Cheney, Mrs. A. R. Doolittle, and her daughter, Mrs. J. Lynch have returned from their trip to California. H. Peace, of San Jose, California, is spending a couple of weeks as the guest of his brother-in-law. James Shw. He is accompanied by his son, Herbert. Road Engineei D. W. Kinnaird. went out to Marquam Monday and formally received the new Butte creek bridge, built jointly by Clackamas and Marion counties. Coll Van Cleve, publisher of the Ya quina Post, who has been in the city several days, returned home yesterday. Miss GusBie Miller, ot Portland, was the guest of Mrs. A. B. Graham last week. W. A. Askin, who made his home in Oregon Citv for about a year and was a favorite in musical circles here, was in town Saturday. Miss Winona Williams will leave this evening on the "Shasta Limited" for a visit with her cousin, Mrs. E. F. Wagner, of Oakland, California. Fred A. Case, returned from Los Angeles last week to his home in this place. He was in the hospital sev eral weeks with rheumatism and while he was very much pleased with the cli mate there, he was glad to get back. Miss Hattie Case and Charles Case, students at the Portland university, are home to spend Thanksgiving with their mother. R. L. Russell, the merchant at Park place, returned from a ten-days trip to California Wednesday evening. Attorney A. b. Dresser was in Portland Wednesday to represent a case he had in Judge Shattuck's court. Judge D J. Switzer, of St. Helens, was in Oregon City for a short time last Monday. Nathan Tingle left last Saturday for a visit to his old home at Quincy, Or. Justice J. G. Foster, of New Era, was an Oregon City visitor Thursday. Wm. Murtenson, a well known sawmill man, of Marquam, was in the city Thursday. If you suffer with piles, it will interest you to know that DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve will cure them. This medicine is a specific for all complaints of this character, and if instructions (which are simple) are carried out a cure will result. We have tested this in numerous cases, and always with like results. It never fails. J. A. Lousignont was taken to the state penitentiary at Salem last Satur day evening by Sheriff Maddock, where he will serve a years' sentence for the larceny of seme tools from a shop at Clackamas Heights. It is possible that there will be a family reunion at the pen itentiary before many weeks, as it is stated that two of Lousignont's brothers are in a fair way to go the same place at an early date. The Clackamas county authorities are just now puzzed what to do with J. A. Lousignont's wife and children. They are in destitute circum stances and have no means of support. For the Gymnasium. At the Y. M. C. A. entertainment next Monday evening a dozen or more of the athletes of Portland will give an exhibition at Shiveley's hall. These feasts of agility are amusing, instructive and inspiring to the youth. Intersperced with the acrobatic feats, 'some of our favorite musiciaus will render choice selections. General Secretary Dummett, who has the siiKrvision of the North west coast in the interest of the Y. M, C. A. will present this subject, followed by Capt W. A. Kimball, the leader of the Hoy's Brigade in several churches, and professor of military tactics in Bishop Scott Academy, will uive a talk to the boys which w ill Interest not only the boys but their fiiends as well. U is hoped that eneouiagoinent may be given and nn organization effected at this, time. Admission 25 cents, reserved scats ;!5, at Huntley's bonk sloie. The fund realized will he donated to the gymna sium. mt'F.K F.XPKNSrX A Detailed Statement or What the Needy Cost I'liickunias County. An F.ntkki'kisk rcortcr has sH'iit considerable time during the past two weeks looking up Hie expendi tures made by the county court in caring forpauers. Then-porter ws assisted in many ways by Deputy County County Clerk H. S. Strange and County Judge Hayes while making researches in this direction. Every transaction in con nection with the paujH'r expense of the county w as gone over in detail and prop erly verified from the records in the conntr clerk's olhVe. The total amount of warrants drawn on the pauper account tor the fiscal year leginning November 1st, 18!M, and ending October 31 , 1S!5, is $5,185.7(1. A careful estimate shows that there, are only IS ensioners on the couutv's bounty who would likely be sent to the county poor farm if there was one. This estimate includes one widow woman, w ho receives $11 per month for the support of herself and children. These 18 pensioners cost the county $104 per month, $193 per annum for board, besides their clothing, which is another item of expense. One thousand and fifty-nine dollars is paid to regular pensioners annually, who receive only partial support from the countv, most of whom are familit-s. It would be im practicable to send these people to the poor (arm, and they would still have to receive some aid irom the county. The hospital expenses for the yenr heicto ore mentioned were $-VH.7i); surgical treatment, $120; burial expenses, $11;!, 50, The above items of expense foot up $3.8.'55.50, leaving $1,350.20 for the numerous cases of temporary relief and for clothing for the paupers and medical aid for the county charges. It is estimated by those competent to know that the hospital and burial expenses would only be cut down about $100 per annum, as special ases only are sent to the hospi tals, where the afflicted person is una ble to pay for their own treatment, and where indigent persons meet with se vere accidents. Besides most of the fun eral expenses borne bv the court accrue by reason of the death ot needy individ uals, or for example, if some unknown corpse was fished out of the waters of Willamette, Clackamas county would have to bear the burden of burial. If there was a poor farm the only items of appropriation that would be saved, is $1,908 for the 18 regular paupers and $100 in funeral and hosuital expenses. The other approximate expenses of $3, 117.70 per annum the county would s'ill have to bear, as it is out of the question to send every family that needs tenqwrary relief on account of sickness, to the county poor farm. The county would still be at the expense of supply ing the paupers with clothing. From the various bids presented it isestimated that it would cost about $5,000 to prop erly equip a poor farm, and the expenses of operating the same would be at the lowest estimate, not less than $2,000 per year, as the salaries of superintendent and matron, and the expenses of opera ting the farm would be no small matter. The question would naturally suggest it self to the taxpayer, Where is the de ficit to come from to pay the interest on the investment? There will be an entertainmennt and sociable at the Baptist church Thanks giving night. Some of the special features will be an exhibition of fancy nd trick club swinging by John Lewis and Matt Brown, of Portland; solo by Prof. Hepron, a cultured singer; and fine elocutionary talent. Entertainment, ten cents; refreshments, ten cents. Only a single marriage license has been granted by County Clerk H'jrton within tho past two weeks, and the for tunate pair were Miss Aryilla Swift and C. Wills. Miss Swift has been a resi dent of Oregon City for several months. The regular meeting of Meade Post No. 2, will be held on Wednesday, De cember 4, in the city council chamber. Important business is to be transacted, C. A. Wai.tAMS, Adjutant. Mother Goose market at the Congre gational church Friday evening, De cember 13th. Dolls and candies for sale at Mother Goose market, Congregational church, December 13th. Tne Shakesperean club held a regular meeting at the residence of Mrs. E. E. Charman. There was a full attendance and the session proved a profitable and interesting one. Charman & 8on supplied the Willam ette Pulp i Paper Company with nearly 150 turkeys, which they presented to their employes for Thanksgiving dinners. After a Hood Dinner ynU Willi t pl I'ijjur. Yoll ciin (,'i't it tiny when) tor a ilitiio, but ten cent four or live- times ii day is lots of money these times so wo ollVr you u high gtiulo full hiivium i-ipir for a nickel, ltis . , . Tlio ICermoHMe . E. E. WILLIAMS, The Grocer. A I'l'Uieer (June. Died, At his home near Marmot on Nov. 23, Fred Sieveis, nged 07 years, 10 months and 10 days. Mr. Sievers was one of the pioneers of Oregon, having settled on the Sandy aUuit thirty-five years ago, tiftei a residence In Oregon City for a number of years, and is well known by all the old time settlers and travelers over the Barlow road, having kept the Summit house for several yeius. He was born in Loudon, England, Jan. 13, lM'.'S and came to America in his twenty-second year, lie passed peacefully away, u'ter a short illness at his home near Marmot surrounded by loving relatives, a w ife and four children, besides two grown sons. 1U was laid In his final resting place in the family burying ground, on his liomcaWad by sorrowing friends. Mr. Sievers was a loving huthand and father, a kind and obliging neighbor and will long be rememliered by those who have enjoyed his genial companionship. Oregon City Hxrts expect to r?wl in a g.imo of football uhout Christinas time. A team is to be made up from Com pany F to play un eleven made up of the tei town players. The personnel of the two teams hip not yet been decided upon, but it is intended to have the teams organized and in active practice at an early date. The proposed game will be an important event of the holi days. Uev. Charles Short, of Marion county, was a guest at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Drigs on the comer of Cen ter and Sixth streets, last Monday even ing. While eating supper he left his hat and coat on the front porch, hot when he came oat they were missing. They were evidently taken by some strolling touris', as no trace ban been found of the missing articles. Ameetingof the Thespian Club was held Shively's opera house Wednesday evening. It was decided to put on mat ever popular drama, "Damoa and Pythias" at an early date; probably in about three weeks. This play will be under the Immediate chaigeof Mr. and Mrs. Rasmus, formerly of Madison Square theater, New York City. Mr. Rasmus has been putting "Damon and Pythias" on the staue in various parts ot the country with great success. Mr. Rasmus will rereeiit Damon, and Pythias will be impersonated by C. E. Bailey. The remainder of the cast will be made up by members of the Thespian Club, except a promimnt part to be taken by Mrs. Ras.nus. This drama w ill no doubt prove a drawing attraction, as Mr. Rasmus bus had many years of special drill in this line, and will appear at the Marquam Grand in February. 'Strife" will be presented bv tlio Thes pians at a later dale. Oueen Esther rehearsal at thoM.K. church Friday night. All singers are invited to come. Bring your (Joeon Esther books, if yon have any. An excellent entertainment Thanks giving night at the Baptist church. Admission, ten cents. "For Charity Suffcrclh Long." "matron of a Ilenevolent Ilimift and knowing the good Iir. Miles' Nervine has done me, my win to holp others, over comes my dislike tor the publicity, this letter may give me. in Nor. and Dec, 1HU3, The inmate had the " LaOrippe," and I was one of the Brut. Resuming duty too soon, with the care ot so many sick, I did not regain my health, and in a month I became debilitated and nervuui from sleeplessness and the draft made on my vitality, that It was a question If I could go on. A dear friend advised me to try Itr, Slllen' HeMtvratice Servlne. I toon 2 Dottles and am happy to say, I am In better health tnan ever. I still continue Its oeruMional une, an a nerve food, as my work 'is very trying. A letter ad dressed to Milwaukee, Wis., will reach me.'' June 6, VM. Mrs. Ladra O. Pboeotx. Ir. Miles' Nervine Is sold on a positive HiiranU'o that the first bottle will bfiietiu All lruxirlKU4Hll Itutti.S buttles forio, or it will be sent, prepaid, on receipt of price by the Vi. MUos MuOicul Co., Llkliart, lud. Dr. Miles' Nervine Restores Health Mr. Laura C. Phoenix, Milwaukee, WU. flATCH YOUR FEET ! !!! As you value your life. Kverv time vou net vour feet wet it in null in your Collin IViiih lurks in a poor hIioc. A hml hIioo makes big doctor hills pulu i-lurks rounding shol.lers hollow diesis billions complexion iiml ritiinteil forum.. A dry wiinn foot prolongs life makes rosy cheeks well roumlcil forum clear com plection full chest ami jjooil iipetitf. YZITCH WU FKKT Ttf Y0Q YlIM Y()U1 WFK. lo this anil you hIiiiU live a long time. McKittrick. "The Shoe Man." Next door to Orotfon LKDIESI ilon't stay awak ivijjhts Iriiuminjr your hats,-but just call at Mrs. SladetlS, millinery parlor's. Somit thing there will attruct you. Hats anl IkhiiicIh rrtiulo to order. Priori of trimmed hats frmu 1 1 .(X) and uji Next door South Methodist Church, Main Wtreet, Orcirorv City, Special Sale at II. II JJ7IRil.IjT'j3f FRIDAY, SATURDAY, nov. 29. 30 Don't Miss tin Ifci renins. (jlJJJgg ESTABLISHED 1883. The most complete stork of FRUIT Titos ever had in our nursery. ORNAMENTAL Trees in every variety. SMALL FRUITS In all the latest and U-st varieties. TRUE TO NAME All trees plainly laheU'd. FREE FROM DISEASE .Special care is taken to have all stock free- pests. NURSERY is located 3 miles In-low Oregon City on west bank of Willamette river. CATALOGUE sent on application. 1'ostolTico address h Oswego, Oregon. OSWEGO NURSERIES WALMNCJ Si JAKISCH. F. T. Harlow agent for Oregon City. Two Papers.... For the Price of One P Enterprise Agriculturist FOR S1.50 PER YEAR Cash In Advance. Old HuliHcribcrs to the Entkkpuibk by pnying in advance are entitled to this ofler. Thia in tho bent clubbing offer ever made. I1 Itom. bud rj fcuriuleinOrcguuCiL,Oreg.,b7 CilAKM.VN A CO., DrutflfHU. City Dank, Oregon City. Thlt Fmnnafl Remedy mri quickly, pflrmBnentlr all nervous liMnMin. Weak Maun try. l of Hraln ft'owttr, Itatuliuhe, Wi kerulitunt. lot VlUtllty. Muhtlr hiiil. .jHUdii, evil drttumi, ImpoWMM-f And wnnlliiif laMt oriinmI hf I jj ytruthfnterrorg ttr msewtf. CmiLnliiiinooiiiiiUia. In a nvrve ton I a iintl hi ol but I1 r. .MnkHH the pn?'? find piinTnf rnnir and plump. I I Knnlly rnrr1e1 In YwtpTtat. IM iwrhnx; l for Vft. y miilijtre V A rmM, wi'h tl iitrtUen rrwrnvtfnrmimfyrrfntitrU. Writ un.lW i mfdlcfal hmk. M'tilcd pliiln wrnppnr, with ttttTnnlttl and t M'M llnnnrltl FtntifllPir. Knrhrrn for cmvtaHimt, nro mild auraaaii.ur ir m hbhtk hi id i:tt,, aiuuM l .