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About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (Nov. 29, 1895)
HOW TO OIT RID Of RODENTS. the llll IUII TrUih It Ixwlarcd U llo (ha Mmt Ffiicaoimia. A (j"Mlli'iiiuii who Iiiih ixprliii(iiill nml liialMs Unit tin knows wlmt lilt U tulklnu; about my Unit It In imwxIMo cntlri'ly to clour prmuiiw of ruin liy u Nlinplo ilnvlrii, Oil" iiuihl limit u trup Unit will cntrli II vii nil. it In n lluii to 'lilro fnrm tlm cmuiIiidi, m llii'ii thorn In no iliuiK'T nf K"ltliiK Dillon, itml tlm lilto (if rut In immHtiiioa u very triiljlituiio tlilntf. Tlii'M a tiny, tinkling Isill In fimtml nmiiiiil tlm rut's nivlt hy n flint, nIduik I'lutln or n wirn, Willi tlm inula myiinOy twisted, no Unit tlm rut limy ni'ltlinr slip tlm miliar nlT nor l ciniKlit In nny iilmio Unit It limy u t (iuit to eriiwl tliroiiKli. Iu a fnw mlimti'N It will riKxivnr from Dm olT'lN of tlm chloroform, whim It nIiouIiI Ini Inrni'il louae in tlm nilliir, or whnti'Ver lmlMilitf oiiA I'liiKwrN to clnur (if tin 'Hi triiuliliniiiim tiuiiuit. Tlm ii'iso of tlm In. 11 frlxhtoiiM it, unil It riihlni liiHtliii-tlvi'ly towunl ItN com null, Mini they in turn lawsuit frlKlitcn Oil, l I I) JUltllll tllkoH HM'MhiIII of tlm iMitlr colony. TIiIn In iwtiiluly n kknI wny to IuiiiIhIi ruin. It In niiKK'wti'il that a similar xxiH-ri-liM'lit Iki Irn il iiihIip Knuinil limlii. Tlirsn cnntiircN iirn xuiil to lx nxtrciiicly wiml tiro to iiiiimi, uinl tlm flnUiiiK"' Irtllii Imll throiiKh niiiliTKrniiinl wuys miirlit Imi tint iiii'iitiHof driving tht-ui out of tint ni'lj;lilii irliiKKL lluw U Hhm uo I ha Wln." It In not dilllriilt to rlioot n bird "on tint winu;" with a lull" wiiNililn pnwt- tlm. liver Iiiiiiiiil tinili In Ntiliorilliiiitixl j to tint I'.vn. It tlirri'foru foliowN tliut if win 1 limkliiK nt n lilnl yon run nm i'Iiii 11 leu lly In liiK tlm linrri l of your gnu nt t'xiuily in lino with your ryo, imll ltiK tint tr IKK"'" Um liiHtiuit tlm llnmrin rtvu lit tiiut point, tlm liinl will lx) hit. ('onmviuiMitly tlm until rwMuitiul In winjf jiootiiiK In iKt'iintcy nml rupldily in i-lrviitiiiK Timr K11" to your aliotildor while) you kuz" t n certain olijn't, Tliia mills' pNllttlllHl jllMt m wttll villi an empty iruu us Willi louili'tl one, uutl a fttw wiika' ttixntlMi will iniiko you iiiorn than a pnaaiiMo nnirksiiiiin. Haw In I'm Kwwm Tor Many I'nrpoaes To cli'iiii wimlowN ami inirrorN aild b tal)hHinuful of li"ulli),'lit or kt'i-owini Oil to B gill It III 'f tl'plll WUtlT. A KlliNh will remain on tlm k'um '''' " 'ii'' friction urn k'vo. To rvmuvti fniil stains aitttiruto the rtuiim villi kerosene, rub tliurotiKhly with linking mnIii anil leave iu tlio mm. To nunoTii piilut fmro any kind of cloth witonito tho Npotwilhln'riwuoainl rub well ltt'iMwit if mvtmarj. Toclrin bniHN itluir rotui, lirmw Ixsl -tti-iwU nml oll'.nr broMirN, rub with kcn muii) anil rolli'ii Ntouo, put m with a Noft cloth awl Milinh with a dry cloth, aoft paper or chnuitilN. To rcinovo runt fnwu kntth-N or othrr lronw.mi rub with krn"iifi and lit tliciu tunil. Kix'p a tiny and thwn wivh with hot witter autl Nonp, rrputiiif if dow- ATf. Tumiiihid lump burnout inny bo mn diTt d almoNt on K'xd iu now by boiling thum In water to which a t'iu"xKmful of aodn and a litlln kinini'iio hnvn bcrn aildcd. Then mtnir with kernM-nn anil KxmriaK brick, and poliHh-with cliuiimii or noft leutlmr. To cleiiu iron work rub with a cloth diuupt niHl with kerowtmi. To reiicw wtxxlwurk and furniture rub with konwent) unil (In n with linmxxl oIL To rcnoviito bliu'k wuhuit fumitnre Tuniixh with black vnrnihh plentifully dilutud with keniHeiiu. How to Illua Steal, In order to blue Htoel piccca creuly the ftillowhiK will give autixfiwUiry re sult: J'irxt bltio Hit) ubjixJt without any N)xxdil rt'Kitrd to uniformity of color, If it prove to bo iinMirftxit, tiiko a piooo of tit 'd wood Unit due uotcrumblo too wudlyorof oleim pith and whiten tho surfiu with rongo without k ttiiiK it 1)0 tKdry. Small pleeea U111M prejiartKl, if ck-umxl and blued with cam, will aa iuino a very uniform tint. lluw to KatlniaU the Weight of Cattle. Tho weight bf cut tie canlx) nsoortuin ed by mcjuiiirt'itii'iit, Tlio jfirtli eltmo lie hind the sboulder ami tlm ImiKlli from the forn jutrt of the slionlilerbliuloaliniK the buck 1o the In mo at the tail, which is a vertical line with tlm buttock, should Im meiiNiired iu fwt. Multiply tlio Hqniiro of tho Kirth, e.iprtwHtxi In ftxit, by five times tho IoiikUi, and divide the prtxltuit by 'ii. Tlm qui 4 lent is near ly the weight of tho fore qmu'tor iu ini porlul stouus of 14 poiiutU avoivdupxiis. Iu very fat cuttlo the fore quartrm will be ulxiut cuiu-twentieth more and hi very lean animals iilxmt the siiino pro portion lesa tluut the woig'it obtained by tho rula Tho foro quartern are littlo more than half tho weight of the living animal, the ikiti weiKhing about the eighteenth part and the tallow about the two If tii part of tho whole. How to ft team the Throat. If it is necessary to steam the throat and lungs of a siek pers&u, hot coals put into a vessel of water iu the patient' lap will do it, bnt a kettlo on tho stove, with a conncotiiiff pipe reaching to the bedside, is even better. Ho can inhale much or little steam at will and without being harried. How to Remove Mildew. Mildew is removed by first brushing off any looso mildow. Thou a little com mon salt should be rubbed in, afterward lilierally sprinkling with powdered chalk and .thoroughly moistening with clean cold water. After this tho articles shonld be slowly dried in the open air and then rinsed, and if the murks are not removed the treatment should be repeated, possi bly several times, bnt in the end the mildow will be removed. Uow to Malta loa Cream Cake. Two ccpa of sugar, 8 enps of floor, throe-fourths cups milk, three-fourths onp butter, whites of 6 eggs, 8 taaspoon fu la of baking powder. Kleclrld lintel Arrliil. I, 0. I.iikln, rorlluinl J, W. litirrinn, ('U' kaiiniH UvljfhlH. J, K. Miiiku, llurlciw. John K. CnpIi'N, I'ort litml . lr. J. II. Kwitin, I'orilmrl. A, 0. (illixoii, Ht LoiiIn, Mo. A. It. CyniH," ANtorlu. It, l MhiIIIIII, HllHHldll. 0. Fowler, l'ortlurnl. Jolin Itrownliiif, I'orlUtiil. (iiiotKii Moxlity and wife, (liicixo, M, C. Miller, St. Joseph, MiHxuiui. Tlieo Lilly, 1'ortlund. II. Knox, I'orlliiinl. W. A. Ahklu, rortlaml. W, C. MiHirti and w ife, Tint DuIIcn. MrN. 8, II. Heeley and daiivhler, WiImoii Villi). Walter 1Ioiii;Iiin, Kun Fraticixco. JiKvjIi Murlin, Phuinhcun, (!. K. Itrlnley, ('iiy W. II. Heel, I'ort I and. C. W.Noblltt, City, J. II. William", I'ortlmnl. J. K, Knmllev, i'ortlimd. Ilr. C. II. Hnntli, KiivIii Crui k . T. I'. Dixon, I'urk, Minn Jmiici Kvhiin, Cutibv. T. IC. JitrkNon, ( j-utruliu, Wuxh. K. J. Itidliik'", Mur.piiiin. CyrtiN JointN, Marijiiuiii. W. I'. Hoyer, Sutetn. (ieoritn J. Jut-knoll, S iletn. I', I,. KiliK, rorlliind. J. C Yule, Kan Fraiieiwo. 1. enix llirlxel, Si olt'N Millit. V., I.. KoHHel, rorlUntl. (ieO' K. I'nney, City. Ti e above In only a purtinl lint of tlm new atrivalH at thm houmi during the pHt week. Tho F.lcctrio U iowini !n M)puUrily. ItllC I."(C lrlf. On Saturday luxt II. E. Cromt coin, pletiil a biK Iok drive in the CU. kninaM river, lundinK a inillioii feet of finu lir loifti in tlif) boom at tlm tladtloim mill. Tlm loiti ixniiB from near F.aglt) Creek and owing to tho low ntaije of wuter, were about a week on the way. Mr. CrooN l.aH over half a million feet of lo yet at h'M camp all bunked ready to dnvn whim wanted. Thia In the lur'xt lot of lofB Mr. CroH baa ever bail in hia bomn at one time and anlicipalCN that hu will have no dilliculty in holding them even during the hitchoHt water. We baa had aeveral atroti piers built out in tde river to hold hit boom loga and Ihry ate ao placed aa to iheer ofT the curnmt and drift, and are ao heavy that the liiiflieHt flool cannot move them. 1 here will be no luig fuiniue hereafler at the Uladtitone auwiuill. The 1'uilrd ArtUiiiis. We ahull clout) our charter iu Orriton CitytliiN week. All wiidiing to be meniliera of thia denirnble order apply early while the coat of joining ia o lighl. lieniouilier ladiea you who join are en titled to direct mcmhcriihif) on the innur ance. Wldowa wiNhimt to pruritic for your childrun now ii your chunco Ir. Farnliaoi, deputy from (be supreme aHuembly ia still at tno Klectric bottd and wiMtld lie happy to give all iuionna tion and receive application for ineruU'r- ahip in the order. I num Tbunkxgiving Hervicca were held at the Congteiratioiial church kev. A. J. Montgomery, of the l'renby trian ohurch, delivcreil an impre.wive and appropriate aermoa. and the Vong Tvicevarlicipaled in by the different fliurch Hioira of the city, whs granii. Uev. Jiaac Dawaon, who for the punt rear Imih had charge of St. raol's 'I 1 I . l .fl!-. Ml i-t'iwl'i cnurcn 01 una cny, win aoon Wave for Albany where he will conduct ...u in a ,.,r.., l ll.ul mlv VV k i U bere Hov. and Mrs. llawtton huva made many friends who will tie sorry to lose them (rum our midst. Superintendent V. T. (Jardncr of the Uoys and Uirls Aid Society at Portland, announces that boys, and sometimes girl, can to had for ordinary service at Wiws; apon indenture, to work, attend scIhioI, and bo brought up somewhat as your own, and three children may be had for legal adopt ion. The Foreeter'a ball will lie the event of th season tonight af the armory hall. Great preparations have been made (or the occasion. Louie Doolittlo baa taken position in the irrocery store of V. Harris, lxuie is a rustling young man and will do good work wherever he goes. Ton Are Not Inxnred. The State Insurance Company Is in thu hands of a receiver. Will allow von tbe highest rate for their isilicies and place your insurance in the reliable German-American Insurance Company of New York. Assets $(1,000,000. Surplus $2,000,000. T. Lkonahd Chauman, Agent, Cbarman Bros.' Block, Frank 1 Welch, dentist, graduate of dwitHl department of the University of Pennsylvania, will be iu Oregon City otlloe Thursday of each week ; remainder of each week In Portland olllce, room 77 Dekuni building. Prices on dress goods will bo cut into at the special sale Nov. 29 and 30th at E. E. Martin's. All kinds of toys and dolls Just arrived at the Racket Store. The U. 5. Qov't Reports show Royal Baking Powdet superior to all otters. Awarded Highest Honors World's Fair, Gold Medal, Midwinter Fair. Dli' mwBEL Mont Perfect Made. 40 Yean tbe Standard. A I'rogrenHlve Firm. That Oregon City ix Holid and the bnaiiieHx men are expanding rather than contracting tlieir mock 01 gooiix, in eaxiiy xi'cn by the iiumt caaual ohixTver. Of the vaiiouN firin, none Imve uliown a greater increaxe in btixinemi than that of He Homy & UtiHch, furniture and gen eral umrchandiHC iI-hIitx. The g'ound IIimjT of their building having become tooNtriall for their puriow), tln-y Mx:tired tlm weond floor and have had it rellttod to tiuit tlmir purpoH.t. A hro:id Htuirway leading from tlm front part of their More room baa been put in to connect with the upic.r lloor, on which the atock of curjH la, iiutM, lipholHlored good sml film fiirnii nre will be carried' With this additional H001 Npaoe they will liave ample nxjiu to allow of! tlieir gxxlH, and witli the new stork to be put in will al uioat double tl.e alock now carried. They ure uftct thu hotiii) truJe and are going to get it and to hold it. Tlieir pri ced and quality of goods will do Hie work. Itexoliillona of Itexpert. OxW'Ktio, Oukoon, Nov. 'J.jlh, 1895. Whereon, It I ma pleaxed the Supreme Architect of the univume to remove our dearlv be-oved brother workmRD, Chas. Morr'll, therefore be it Keaolved, That Tig Iron Lxxlge, No. 135, A. O U. W., tender to the family of III" deceased brother, our beartfult ayuipathy and condolence, commending alone ia able to beat our griefa and cfrry our Borrows. KcHolvod, Thai in the deatb of Brother U. tl.iu l,1.rU I,u faill,fl,l ... . t, ... .... - nir-mocr, nm nullity a loving iiudnanu and fiitber and tbe community an hon- ' eat man and upntilit cttiien. - ' ' Ho-olvcl, Tbat these resolutions be apread upon the minutes of this lodge, anil a copy preaented to tbe bereaved family, also a copy bo furnished tbe county parmrsfor publication. Hoiikrt L. 1'ol.LOCK,) I'. II. Jahikcii, V Committee. Ciao. . Loc-kv, s E. 0. Farnsworth, agent for the Troy Laundry Co has bis new delivery wauon out and is colleclins and deliver- , ... ,i Ulg liilintiry llireo limes a wees, to ail parts uf the city. Tho rbi is a beauty and attracts milch attention. With the'F. 8 Kelly. ... Caataln ,. . . , i . . . . excenuiii vtora unit cuicicui bcttoo w Mr. Farnsworth's company, it should receive a lilieral patronage people of Oregon City. from the Will Young has bought out Wm. Kiild's interest in the Cook livery blea and the firm now is Young A Davidson. Mr. Young is a rustler and the firm will do all I hey can to furnish a good livery servio eat reasonable prices. They also board f horses and give special induce ments to farmers ,to leavo their teams with them. Harry Proper haB taken the position , of messenger bov for 0. G. Huntley's drug store and V. A. Huntley s book stoie. Hurry is as active a boy as there ( ia in tawii iitul alimilil fill tlm position ' ... , , creiniaoiy. There will be a social dance given by the entertainment committee of Wil latnette Kebekah Lodge, No. 2, I. O. O. F , til Aimory Hall. December 13. All Odd FellowRO rortlially Invited. v n r I. I... ,..A ht. l,ui tdaop r0HU'lttM ana Drusliea up lllltll It uu I!,!. lo-' r,,l..r on.I i. , ' eoiutoi table as one would wish. SpsHal sale in millinary on Nov. 9 and JO vou.ean tret, a trimmed hat Irotn 75 emits tip s.t E. E. Martins. Postofflce -:- Store, MILWAUKEE, OR. FAMILY -:- GROCERIES, Dry Goods, Notions. Hardware, "Rftftt.S ShnfiS Olir CTfrcT P0 Oro pfACri UU1 VjlUvClltO UlC 1 lCdil and of the best quality. In Prices v:e meet Portland Competition. O.WISSINGER.'.. Successor to GARY & WISSINGER. I 4. l i Let me nave atrial order. Sunday Services. HT. IA I'l.'H CHI'KI II - r.piw!,l - Kev. Ilxwxiti, l(r:t,,r Hrtvleen Hill nlwk I, in. n1 1 Ml p. ta. Vrtynt wrvlcn very Wed iietilxf erenlng. KlIIMT CO.VfiHr.rUTIONAI, CllfKCII, llev, J, W (:. t't,r. HitvK'ih at 10 ;ai 1 a. ami X tit) r. a. Hiimlny HcIhkiI niter inornlnt aervlra. Pi)f r mi-cilii We,)iiif.yi!vi-niiif at X Win.elfiek. Prayer mceilii( nl Ykiiiik Pi,1,i fy i,l Chrl.Uaii Kieltavur ver)f euuiJaj avmiiKal7 prampt. riKHT nAPTIHT CIURCII. - luv. M I., Kciiu, FanUir Mornluj H.-rvtre al II: rlori rln j Hi'IiimiI at lH; KvrniiiK Mrvl'' (i KcKiilar Iryr mwilliia WHiK-u'lay evenliiic. Monthly Covenant Meeting mry Wlben'lay evening rneeiiiK the r) rat Holiday In lie mouth, i Oorulal luvltatl'iU to all. HT. IOIIN H C'llt;KCII.CATIIOMC.-Iixv. A llti.l.xuatxi, fan. or. On HiunUy iiiantat X anil W Mi a. a. Kvery arraui'l ate lotirth Hunda Oernian aermoti aftrT the a n clock inaat At all ottiirr maaaea Knxllali ixrinofii. Hunday H'Iiiki1 at t m y, u. Vaira, apoluxetlcal iulilitcta ami Kent lli tlori at 7:30 r. a. MKTIIOPIHT K.I'HCOPAL ClirKCH-RiT 0. Hr !., I'antor. Mnrnlnk aervlre at II: Humlay HcIkhiI at 10 mi. I lau mwtluk alter niornliix frrlie. Kvenlna aervlfe at 7:3(1. Kliwortli laatie meetnik Hnmlay cTenlni at tiW), Prayer Meet Ilia Tlmrwlay evening at 6.30. atraiifera conllallv (nvlte'l. FIUHT FKKHHVTF.ItlAN CHCKCH.-Rav. J. W. Montgomery, Paator. Hervieea at 11 A. at. and 7 ao r. a. Mahhaih Mehw,l at ID a. a. Yotirif Feople a rtrmletjr ( Chrlallau Kndearor meeta very Hunilay evening at A 30. Werlneaday veiling prayer meeting at 7:30. Beata free. KVANO'CUCAL nitTKCH-'iRKMAN-lf. E. II on km Met M. Ha.tor 1. K. Khkct a-. t.n'. Preaching aervlen every Hnmlay at It A. M. ami 7 :l P. M. Habhath 'Kfxil every Hnmlay at 10 A. M Mr. Z"ti merman Hupt. Prayer Meeting every I btirxlay evening KKtil LAR kKHVICK' AT U. It. CIII'KCH mortuog au 1 ey u.ngiif l.t airl a 1 rii ,iiivy ol wi montii. Hublwih Hehonl at 10, A, Si. encti Sibhatli. J I). Hnrfii-, Mll.l. W. II. M' Lain, l'ator. KVASOF.I.H AI. I.I'TIIKHA.S CllfRCK-I fiaav, paaior. (ierinan aervltea every Bumlay at II o'clock A M. nnpliah aervlcei at 7:i t. M Hti inlay achool at 10 o'clock A. M. Loca tion : Htore rixjm next dixr U bakery In HhUe ley'a building, corner ol Seventh am' Madiaoa treeta Society Directory. the earila for all ao" tlea and lodgea n ( lackim County are puMiahed f eiolc iri e hi t e t.NTEtrai-a It I- eipe t d that the nrTicera f tne varlmie 1 d e w 11 xud the rrr.e t ona tnat may be iiecvaaary fiom t me to torn. OKEuO.N CITY UOAkD OF TRADE. Mecta at Comt llouae oo Second Monday in each month. Vlallom welcome. J.a.UWHEM K, fc E. CHAkMAS. Hecreury. Preaident. GAVEL LOlMJE. NO. 45. A O. V. W Meetaaecond and fourth Saturday evening! at Knlght'at ball. Cauby. Vlalllug brothera made welcfime. E E a.L E. . MAbDora, Recorder. Maiter Workman. PIO 1H0N LODGE NO. 13S, A. 0. 0. W. U..i. mrmrm T)iiiraw vnln al Ddrl Fellnwa . hail, oawego. Viatttug brethren alwaya wel- M. W. CATARACT HOSE . No. XL Meeta aeeond Tueaday of each month at Cat' aract Engine hotiae. W'. H. HowtLL.Prea ti. H. Barrrow, Bec'y. J. W O'CoKNtLL, F'rn MYRTLE LODGE NO. 24, DEGREE OF HONOR, Meeta every Friday la A. O. U. W. HalL Via ln memuera maaa welcome. ' Ma. F. I. Bai ANLOW, C Ol3. I 8. A. Gillitt. Reooider. FALLS CITY LODGE NO A. O U. W. Meeta every Saturday evenlnr of each month in A. O U. W. hall 7th bt All aojourning brelnren cotutaiiy mvnea in attend. MAX tCIIL'LPlU-, M. W Gio Caurr. Recorder. MEADE POST, No 1 G A. R., DEPARTMENT OF OKLGON. Meet! flrat Wrdnndar of each month, at K. of P. Hall, Oregon City. Vlaltlng comrades made welcome. J. T. APPER OX, Commander, C. A. Williams, Adjutant F COMPANY, FIRST REGIMENT, O. N, O. I Armery. Third and Main. Regular drill nleht Monday. Regular buaioena meetiuga, nrt Monday of each month. I Off Ivl US U L. Pickens, - - Flrat Lieutenant w, a. IIiiiiI ey, - - Second Lieutenant K. OF P. STAR LODGE NO. 95. J. F. Rfalev C. C: Thomas Neilaon. K. of R and S. Meets every Wedueaday evening at S ocioot in laine nan, L. u. u. r. nuimiug Brolbers from other K. of P. lodges Invited. OSWEGO LODGE NO. 10U, a. F. A A. M. Meets the second and fourth Saturdays ot each month at 7 p. m. All Maaous la good standing are Invited to attend. D. B. Kias. W. M. K. J. Rvssiix, Sec'y. OSWEGO LODGE NO. SS, I. O. G. T. Meets every Friday evening In tbe new ball in Old Town. J. C. Hainis, O T. Jobs Kruse, Bec'y. BUTTE ( KEEK GRANGE, No. &2, P. ot II. fAAitsi ail fbnlr Kail In Uarnnam atnsisvnrl Cal urday In each month at 10 a. m. Visiting 1 welcome' A. V. Davis, Master. auernetiiv REBKKah degree Loihje NO70. Meets the Art and third F Idav In the month at 7:80 P M., la I. O. O. F. Hall. Mrs. D. h. Ola no, Maa J. M. Mai.DRi;. Secretary. N. G, ST. JOHN S BRANCH, NO. 67, C. K. of A. Meets every Tuesday evening at their ball corner Main and Tenth Streets. Oregon N. C. MicHKLs.Seo'y. Ukrbikt IIasatis, Prea. WARNER GRANGE, No. 117, P. ol H. ball lu New Era. David McArtlmr. Master Un- ," WaldrOD. 8C'j CLACKAMAS CHAPTER. ClaokamM Chapter No. 2, R. A. M. Regular O"uvocatio third Monday of the month at 7:H P.M. W. E. CARLL.H. P. II. 8TRAN(iE, SWT. OREGON LODGE, No. 8, LO. O. F. Meets every Thursday at 7:S0 o'clock r. at. In the 0d Kellows' Hall, Main street. Members ol tbe Order are Invited to attend. VY. A. HEDGES, N. O. Tas, Ryan, Secretary. OSWKGO LOt'tiE, NO 93, I. O. O. t Meet-t at Odd Fellow'a hall, Oaareno, every Holiday evening. Visiting brethren made t. elioiue. C. II. NIXON, N. G. J. K. rlII.KY, Sec. j ACHILLES LODGE, NO. S8, K Of P. Meets every Friday night at the K. ot P. Visiting Knights Invited. Io.idu l.viii'U r O H.J.1 B0m. KotPa.d -. FOt'NTAIN IIOSK CO . Na I. Regular mectin second Wednesday In each month at engine hotiae, east side Main street. Detween oeretun ana tigntn. J. W, STS WART, Sec. H STRAIGHT, Frm. M. P. Quins, Foreman. TUAUTIN GRANGE, NO. Ill, P. ot H. Meets last Saturday ol each month at their hall In Wllsonville. J. U K si'aa. FRKn Ellioskn, Sec'y. Master. DAMASCUS GRANGE P. OF II. NO. Kft eeta on the first Saturday in each mctith at cioct a. m. at tne iam". iia arnatar bouae. 8 C. YOSNG. ter. T. H. Fbathkrs, Secretary. I i , A. P. A. COCN'Ctf. NO. a, ' . Meets on the drst in". FrMiysli eayh month at K. el P. h".i, visaing ajemtwra .v welcome. j.w.N0st.t,rraa. M0I.AI.U OHAKOE, NO. 40, f. of II. Jfeett at tlieir hall at Wrlgtifa Bridge on tin aecml Hatunlajr of each month at 10 a. m Fellow oiemhera made trelcome. It. Oo' i itr.a, Matter. E If Coorga. flco. Mil I NOMA II LODOK, NO. 1, A. F A A. M. Ilolla It regular commurilcatlona on flrat and third Halijrdnya ol each month at7:ii r. M. Brethren iugootl aianuoigare inviteo to mmnu. . U oaar, W. M. T. F. Kvar.Hecrcury. OriWfcliO GRANGE NO. 175 P. ol II. Meeta the aecond Haturdav o I each month at 10 a. m. L. A. HlUPl.rv. Mauler. ii. L. TKvaxaox. Bec'y. MOI.AI.LA IJDGK No. 0, A.O. V. W. Mecta flrat and third Haturday In each month at :!iool boune. Vlaltlng memlx-ra made wel come. 3. W. Tuonan, M. W O. W. Roaaixa, See. GEN. CROOK POHT, No, 24 . A. K , De art ment of Oregon. Veeti In achool home at Needy on flrat Bat unlay In each month at 2 o'clock p. m. All emnradea made welcome. I. P HlM.lxoa. II. THoarwM, AdjL Commander. WACIIENO TRIHF, NO 13, RF.DMEN. MeetiTueadar evening at A.O. 17. W. Hail. Via- Itllig memlwri tnvlte'l. A. Anxra, Hacbem. CHAi. Ktixr, C.of K. CANIIY LODGE, NO M, I. O, 0. T. Meeta flrat and third Haturday evening of each mouth at Knlght'a hall. Canny. Viaitlng membera alwaya maile welcome EU.A Eniuht. Heo. Gito. W, Knioht. W, C. W00DMES OF THE WORLD. Willamette Falla Camp No. 14", meeta 2d and 4th Tueaday nigbta In each month In K. ol P. ball. Vlaltlng neighlmra mule welcome. E. E. Martin, Clerk. J. D lavtoa, C,C. WILLAMETTE KKHKKAH DEGREE LODGE NO. 2, I O. O. F. Meeta the aeeond and fourth Friday In each month at a o'clock p. m. In I O. 0. F. Hall Maa J. C. BaAbLcy, S. Q. Mru. M. G. Chamman, Sec. COLl'MBIA HOOK AND LADDER CO. Meeta flrxt Friday of each month at Fountain engine house. t'HAa. athby, Prea, C. B Pillow, Heo'y. Cha Biixaa. k rm BCNKIHE LODGE, NO. IS. A. 0. V. W , Meeta every aeeond and fourth Saturday of each month at W ilaouville, Oregon. M. C. YoiNO, M. W. John Tyleb, Recorder. I I0.NEEK CHAPTER NO. 18 0 E. .-. Mceitaecoid and f.urih Tu day In each month at Mn o .lo ten pl. V'-nora alwava we en e. Mine M. JL IIolmkk, HlH llATTtl WlHS'ILL, At. W. DeJ'-ury. w. c. r. v. OieionC tyVV. C. T. I', metta mor thlv at h. ma- ot in m m - lr f date civen 1 loca ei'lnmn A.i ir.tD J. I lr c-u- mv t 4 toattent. MK.8 A J H i.SK'iK. MRS M, I. 1k:i; S. IT- Icicut a.- et iry. HKKiaKo Uio-j-, NO oP P., Mee eve yrSn; eve !n .a 7:30 o' luck, 'n K. "i P. ball. Auto u. Vii tin : kn. hta mad: elcaina. M. ,0. fanH.C. C, HaxaT 8Ynra, a ot K d S. ELECTRIC LODi.K, NO i. A. O. V. VV. Meeta aeonJ and fourt ' aeilnefdnr of etc moutaat A. a U. h .lL V..IU. brotien made w come, A. M. ( Has at, Thus. F. R tax, Kicor lor. M. . COURT ROBIN HOOD NO. 8330 A. O. F. OF A Meets the 2d and 4th Frldaya of each moots at K P Hall S U0 P M. I. E. Lawrence, Geo. R. Wilihabt. Chiel Ranger. Recording See MEADE BELIEF CORPS. No. IS, DEPART MENT OF OREGON. Mrs. F. L. Cochrane, - President Mr . T. W. routs, - - . Treasurer. Mr-. Clous -, - - - Secretary. Meeta on first and third Tuesdays of tack month In K. of P. Hall. Membera ot corps from abroad, cordially welcomed. A. B. Steinbach & Co. v Popular One Price Clothiers, Hatters AND "CI 'I, Cor. First and Morrison Sts. PORTLAND, OREGON, The New Way East GREAT NORTHERN RAILWAY- . ..AND O. R,&N.Co. Lines. THE SHORT ROUTE. TO POINTS IN Washington, Dakotas, Idaho, Minnesota, Montana, And the East Through Tickets on Sale "Chicago, St. Lons. ToandFromnlAt I New York, Boston. And all points in the United States, Canada, And Europe. The GREAT NORTHERN RAILWAY Is anew tranae wliuental line. Rhus buffet-library ohaerv ttlon cars, palace sleeping and dining enrs, Is aiily tourist sleepers and aeeond class Otrtchet, "lavltig rock ballast track, the GREAT NORTHERN RAILWAY is tree Irom dust, one of the chief annoyances ot transcontinental tra: al.- Ronud trip tickets with stop over privileges and c.'.vlca ol return routes. Fast mail train leaves Portland daily at 8:46 p. m. over O. R. & N. Co.'s road lor all points on our lines. For (urtLv Information call upon or write, C. C. DONAVAN, General Agent, 122, Third Street, Portland, Ore. ro F. L Whitney G. P AT. A. St. Paul, Minn. MELLON ) IW) milt'H of long dis tance telephone wiro in ' Oregon and Wanhingtoa now in operation by the Oretfon Teh phone ami Tel egraph company. Portlaml, fcattle, Spo kane, Tacoma, Salem, Walla Walla, IVmlleton, Albany and 'M other towns in the two KtateH on tho line. Quick, accurate, cheap. All the Halisfuction of a K:rnonal coinmunicalloo. Distance no cirect td a clear underntantlin. Mpo kane as eacily h'jnrJ aa Portland. Oregon City office at Huntley's Drug Store. J. H. THATCHER, MANAGER, Portland, - - Oregon. Beplator Lis. PORTLAND TO THE DALLES By the fast and com modious steamers DALLES CITY REGULATOR Daily boats, except Sunday, leav ing Oak street dock at 7 a. in., mak ing regular landings at Vancouver, Cascades, White Salmon, Hol River and all intermediate points. Passenger and freight rates lower to these points than by any other line. First class meals served for 25c. This is the Great Scenic Ront. All tourist admit that the scenery on the Middle Columbia is not ex celled for beauty and grandeur in the United States. Full informa tion by addressing or calling on J. N. HARNEY, Agent, Tel. 914. Portland, Or., Office and wharf, foot of Oak St. Letters for Etta M. Maltlenbaoer anal Miss Ida Xeukirchner are uncalled for the Park Place posto 8ioe. EAST AND SOUTH THE SHASTA ROUTE Of the SOUTHERN PACIFIC COMPANY. Express Trains leave Portland Daily. Sou.h i I North. Vfor. a. Lr Portland Ar S IOv.m. 9:3Sr. a. Lt OreronCtty Lr 7:2Sa b. 10:tSA.M. Ar S. Francisco Lt 7;00.xi. DINING CARS ON 0GDEN ROUTE. Pullman Buffft Sleepers. AND Second-Class Sleeping Cars, Attached to all throtixh trains. ROSEBURG MAIL (Dally . 9 30 a.m. I Lv Portland Ar 4:M r. at 9:-.'; a.m. I lt oregoncity Lv 3 3r.a 5:20 r. M. I Ar Roaebitrg Lv .uSa.H SAI.EM P.S fc liEK (U . y. t:lr. Lv r rtl n i Ar I !0 16 . 9:1.7 a. M Lv l:eDi'y Lv I -t 49 r. M K:1'i.m. Ar In L Sot) a. Weat SlOe Division. BETWEEN PORTLAND AND COHVAUSi Mail Traiu, Daily (Except Sundav.X 7:30a.m. 12:15 r. M. Lv Ar Portland Ar 6 Ci.rvnilia .r l-xitr.t At Albany and r'orvallla connect wlrb trains of Oregon Ceo ril A E n-'-n Rnilroaii. Express Train Dailv (Eiceft 8undny) 4:45 r.M. 7:2AP. M. Lv Portliind Ar IS:!a.M Ar McMinuvillc Lv U.Wa.b THROUCH TICKETS TO ALL POINTS IN THE EASTERN STATES. CANADA AND STROPS Can be obtained at lowest rutea mm L B. Moore, Ageut, Oregon City. R.KOEHLER, E. P. ROGERS. Manager. Ass't G. F. at.ii l'as,i. Agent. SWIG'S SOOHIl P0W25IS. For Childnn Cutting their Taetb. IN USE OVER FIFTY YEARS. ttlttvt fmrhk Wear, prtmnt fit. Cemaaioaa prtn a aeatray state of tht eonsututnm tilting tut fried of ttttlitng. roai a case it will not ei "Kjjrnuitj uuiira ana i-Brv luwa or sale Dvu. A. tlrUnK, drujrgist. r