Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (Oct. 4, 1895)
Oregon City hntcrprisc. OKKIKlN UITY KKI( I'llM Marnr. - - lltrnin tmlr'ii HmmnliT, . , w, mm, Dhlnf nf I'ulli'S - I'ttHM. R. Ilnrni AxMimior, . KM ( aim Trtiaaiirnr, II llnlmnii fllljf AlliiilinV, K. I. lir 111 ll Hi riint CiMMMiUilniior, (!. Knlx'nrk, .lr Hup'l. nl Wamr Works, W. . Ilnwi'll tllly KiiKlin-or, II. II, J.. I , JuUlli'lllllfill - II, (,'. Hlnvimt, 'Inn, llrnililiill, J, J. Cooke. Ilniij. Jauiiar, Mink 1 1 w I, 1. I'lirlnr, lliuiry MkIiIiiiiii, J. W. Moltmi. tluiilii'll lunula flrnt rYiutmila of trni li iiiuiilli In oily hall HtlDAY, OCTOIlKli 4, lwift. CHAT ABOUT TOWN. ltllMllllUH, Ofi'Kini KniMid, I'liHiurn KrapfH, 'ill ifuritiu urupi'H, Yellow Midway pi'iu'lii'M, , Fanry I'llnif miicIihh, (lrnK.i L'Oh a liuHkut, IViii'Iikn fHli: Ihu , V.. V., Williams, the grown A li'iid 'ni'll glvnti wilh i'cli tablet ul Tim I'ulr. Money to loan on lniirviil farms, W. II. Knrgliardt. Leave- your outer (uran oystor lon( t thfl Novolly randy tur, Ilyoil want a sewing marliliio (or 25 go to lli'lloiny A Kuaili's. Cull and iiiHHH't the stwlc at I'arkor A Howard's swond liandstorn. COT William iiM the lioss bar gains In Inutile !nl ur small (rid. Appli Ikixiii and dried fruit Imjxi-s lor Mle by K. E. Wii.i.iahs, The (irooer. A line asaortiiitmt ul gras and other frulU t Stauti'i grortiry. All (rimh. If vun WHtit lint flu nifit put up In good shajia, vutt tiilint ('t It of Albright. ltk-ebc; bulk lard 10c; 20 pound J). II. sugar 11.00, at the Hod Front Trading uoinpany. Oysters will lie stirvad throughout (he M'hiiii at the Novidty randy utore in all styles, Including Hie Hluomur. You ran aave twentydlve cent on v ery pall of lard, by bringing vour palla to Albright's, and have him fill them. Fresh in, diroct from the farm none tale like thiwe brought from I'ortland ur other distant points at Stand's grocery. Try a duten. Um aklrtena (or binding drwis. Something new; better than volvptwn. Once worn, alwaya used. For Bale by Tliomaa Charuian A Hon. How about thoae 2 to 6 acre tract"., near the Iftaulauqiia grounda, at (Had Mtone I'ark, aome o( them planted with prune treca. 0. O. T. William. A lew of thoiM) tl00 toftM lot hi, only a lew blocks (rom the otmra houso. F.asy term. Apply to C. O. T. William. ' l(o! ye pleasure Becker, to Yaqulna ltay and ruturn 'for IJtt.OO. (iood until October 10, lKfi5. Ticket on Bale at lqiot, H. I. Co., by L. It. Moore. t( HIIILOH'SCUHK, the great Cough and Croup Cure, ib in great demand. 1'ockut aiiu contain twenty-five dowis only LTic. Children love it. For sale by j. A. Harding. F'xHrience and money ran not Improve Pn Sawyer' Familv Ct:re, bcatise it radically cure lypi, Liver com plaint and Kidney difficulty. For sale ty (Jeo. A. Harding. Say, why don't you try DeWitt'a Little, Early Itinera?. Them) little pllla cure headuuhe, IndlgeMtion and constipa ilon. They're small hut do the work. C. Q. Huntley, druggist. Ir. L. L. I'lckena, dentiHt, does all kind of dental wok. (iold crowns, porcelain crown and bridgo work a specialty. All operntion guarnnttMiil for It yenr. ("all anil get my price. Olllce in Harclay buildimt Cholera Morbu 1 a dungerou com plaint; and I often fatal in it romilts. To avoid tli ih you should use 1H) Witt' Colic A Cholera Cure, a aoon a the flmt flymptom appear. C. U. Huntley, DrugglHt. Kiiiciirnon' fruit dryer la ono of the Urgent and beat in the county and Freytuglaan expert at handling It and guiiranteea the ipiulity of all fruit dried by him. Fruit dried on the shares or will pay cbhIi for green fruit. If notified will receive fruit in Oregon City. Dr. A. 1 Sawyer Dear Sir: I hnye been Hiill'itring with ick hondiiche for a long time. 1 imed your family Cure and now am entirely relieved. I would not do without your medicine. Mr. 0. Miller, Mt. Morrel III. Sold by OVA. Harding. A new line of line drena good jiiHt re ceived at Charman & Son's for lull wear, and a linn of elegant silks of all Btylea. Will also soon have a full and winter stock of the luteat and mont fash ionable at y lea of men and boy' cloth ing. If they cannot fit you, thoy will take your measure and have a suit made to order. A small heating stove in that dump bedroom, or going too long without a stove in the sitting room may be both a sorrowful and expensive economy. Schwan & Putrow will soil a flrstcluRs beating stove at a price that Is within reach, of the poorest. In tho better grades of beater their stock embraces some very elegant stove. In cook stoves they carry a complete line and all of the best make. Itlter Note. Tim 0. K & N. Co, have 1euud the (learner Eugene and she mude her first tiip Vlnci"l,iy This will make the fi'tiipuiiy fijiii' hinl uiniiiiijf on the Willmnotlo and will enahln it to handle III! the hiisllicris ollcrcd. The ali'iimnr Toledo bus discontinued bur dully trli anil now leaves Dayton Monday, U'eiluesil ty and Friday ut it a. m., reaching Oregon City for Portland at about 11:3D a. in.' Ueturnlng leaves Portland, Tuesday, Thursday ami Hat urduy at I) a. in., reaching Oregon City lor ilp-rlverjiolnt about 11 a, in, (.'apt, (ieer repurts that tlie Toledo 1 currying good loud now of both passenger and freight and that during the late hop season the bout wu crowded to it utmost CHpaeiiy, He state that his Yamhill river trade I rupidly increasing anil that no soon a the river rise mill cleutly, he will resume hi trios to La fayette and McMiuiivllle, The dully trip service given by the tuuiuer Alton and (irey Eagle, of the Oregon Clly Transportation line to Hulem, Imlei eudeiicu and way landings during the last sit weens, ha been a very great convenience to the hup men and Other bIiIjijktu along the WilUiiietto. The Isiala have been well patronized and on uiuny trip had lo refuse freight and pussengeiR, n much being tillered dining the rush of hop picking. Owing to the unusual low dagt ol water In the river, gieal difliciilty was exsTienced at time in getting the boat over the shoal place, hut hv the perseverance and (kill of Capt'i. Grahuin and Hpong, the uteamer war able to make their regular time and never missed a trip, F'or some time past the Alton, which leave Tay lor street wharf, Portland, at 0 a. in., ha only been going a fur a Mission landing, where aha connected with the (irey Eagle, returning to Portland the same day, The (irey Eagle continued the trip a far a fialem and when the depth of water would permit, went on to Independence. A toon a the river rises sulllciently, the the Altona will ex tend her run to Salem and Indepen dence and the drey Eagle will be used on the upisir river a a tender connect ing with the Altona. The steamer Kumona since going on her winter time table, making only two round tri a dsy between till city and Portland, ha lost none of her tratllc and la crowded with freight each trip and n as a good list of passenger. With the coming of the cold rainy day, tier pa enger business will Increase, for travel ing by boat is fur more comfortable than on the electric car during (itch weather, beside, the number of bundle a passen ger ha I no Inconvenience on boat like it i on the car. With the free de livery of freight to all part of the city lor their regular customer from the duck, the freight business of the Ha- tnona ha, since this wa put into effect, greutly increased and tho service given to Oregon Cilv is the cheapest and best ol any line running into the city. In the many years that the boat of the Oregon City Transportation company have run between tlii city and Portland, thev have made more regular tune than even the railroads and havo given a ser vice that i a credit to thomaolvea and this city. ".Nevada or the Lust Mine." The Oregon City Glee and Historic Society, will favor the public with one ol their most interesting entertainment, under the auspices of the Ladies' Uulid, and for the benefit uf the St. Paul' F.piRcopal chinch of this city, on the evening ol October 11 and 12. Don't fail to witness the production of this beautiful drama, entitled, "Nevada or the Lost Mine,'' a three act drama, to be given at Shively' opera house. We can assure the people of Oregon City that this play Is one moat worthy of the patronage of every theater-loving indivi dual, and should be so considered. It bcautlflly depict the frontier life in the giild mining region of the Sierra Nevada' in the early day.' The piny will be staged with overy modern scenic and inouhanio effect. Every person con cerned in It is adopted for his or her prt or character, and are well up in their line. In connection with the drama, there will be a very selected musical program. In response to the request of the Ladies' Guild, the following talented inimical artist have consented to appear: Mrs. C. U. Harlow, lute of Stockton, Cal., Miss Celia Goldsmith, of Eugene, Oregon, Mis Roatrice Harlow and Mr. A. A. Askin, both of this city and a number of other. Taking the program a a whole, it will be a mout enjoyable and interesting entertuinuiunt. Look for ad in another column. Reserved seats on sale at Huntley's drug store. Popular prices. Monday morning a bright, healthy girl came to the homo of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Sheehan. The mother Is doing well, the Why growing fine and Billy is too proud to work. Thl is the second little one to brighten their home, their oldest one being a boy. The U. S. Gov't Reports show Royal Baking Powder superior to all others. 0. E. A, Froytagdoes not propose to remain in the fear of the procession in the matter ol supplying the. market with fresh vegetables, and his gardens are kept in first class conditfon. EDUCATIONAL NOTES All communication Intended for thl column should be addressed to Mr. II. 8. Gibson, Oregon City, Oregon, in TA iiitn ui.y.r. The Teachers' Ass.s'lutioii of Clacka mas county met at midland, September 'JH, IHIlf,. The hour at which the Oregon City delegation reached the place of meeting wss somewhat later than the usual time for opening the meeting. A the weather wa o unusually warm and pleasant the cople of Itedluinl had arrunged a table and platform In the grove where the meeting wa held. '.V teacher were present and a large num ber of people residing in tho vicinity were In attendance. Mr, Uitxhee, Mr. Durette, Misse May Held, Harrington ami Clark and ifr. Karton were elected to membership in the association, The minutes of the previous meeting a prepared by the secretary, Mis. Fannie (J. Porter, were read and ap proved. The audience were delighted with Nome very fine Instrumental music furn ished by Prof. Ogle. "Our School a Factors of Our Government" wa the subject aiitned Pruf. Alex Thomson. "The Child la Father lo the Man." The public school I the Nation' bene factor In lurnisbing good citizen When we begin to tie educated, we begin to become tiuod citizen. It is the legi timate object of the school to develop good citizenship. You cannot teach patriotism without teaching politic, but do not teach partixanship. Teach the history of (acta, In relation to other fact. Prof. Thomson' paper will be published In the Fntkhchisk at a later dste. On motion the roll rail wa omitted. "Five book the teacher should own and read" wa the aubjuct assigned Mr. T. J. Gary. Mr. Gary thought no one rule (or needed book could lie given (or different people. He referred to Mr Hackutl't paperat Howen's acbool house near New F)ra in May, In which lie rec ommed the Ilible, Shakespeare and the dictionary, Hu thought "The F volution of Dodd" should be read and re-read by every teacher. He read the 6th chapter of the book to the association. U.S. Strange endorsed all that had been said by Mr. Gary. He thought Longfellow should be included in the list of book that every teacher should read, Ha quoted a saying "that if one heard a quotation that ap)ealed to the reason, he might know it wa taken from Shakespeare, but if one appealed to the;oul, he might know it was written by Longfellow." Prof. Durrette puke at some length on the same subject. He would not particularly desire every teacher to own a copy of Shakespeare, as a great many would find Shakesieare about as hard to understand a the fifth reader would be to second grade pupil. He advocates the study of psychology. Miss Fannie G. Porter read a composi tion on Mt. Hood, describing the trip to, and ascent of the mountain by members of the association. Mis Porter' paper wa well written and well read, closing with a short poem as follows: Tli finur Is ours, with hnieun'old N-w llclils of lalmr before us rise. New lieniities In nature we'll tx-h:il Brlgtit tlie prospect before our eyes. Time will tiring some sorrow loo, Care we will Hud on our way; To our friends and work will e'rr b true If God's holy word we obey. Hut we must work for a life like this For our etlbrts are watched by the I-ord, And this motto HewlU surely) nut miss Aa the labor, so the reward. Mis Georgia Ruth sang a beautiful son, which was much appreciated.' Mr. Stone, Mr. Funk and Mr. Karton Bpok e kind words of encouragement to the association. A most delicious dinner had been pre' pared by the good people of iftdland to which the teachers did ample justice. "Resolved that we the teachers of the Clockainus County Teachers' Association in session assembled, heartily thank the people of Hedland school district for the excellent manner in which they have entertained us on this occasion and for the interest which they have manifested in the cause of education". The above resolution was unanimously adopted by the association. On motion the meeting adjourned to meet at Viola the third Saturday in October. The program for that date i as follow: A Talk on Reed's Word Lesson by Prof C. W. Durrette. "How to got tho Tatrons Interested' Miss Maggie Guttridga. Discussion, "Resolved that City Schools do more to Make Good Citizens than Country School" E. M. Ward atT., A C. Strange neg. Address Geo. L. Story. Roll call-Old Bible. "How I Teach Geography" Mis Helen Taylor and Mis M. Mayfleld. "How I Teach Measurements" A ra McLoughlin. School will commence in district No. 13 near Canby on Monday next with Miss Helena Bark ot this city in charge. Miss Bark is a graduate of the Monmouth normal school and is a teacher of ability. J. W. Welch, dentist of the Chicago College of Dental Surgery, office in the Courier bldg. near dopot. Highest of all in Leavening Tower. Latest U.S. Gov't Report awss STAR 4C GROCERY Dealer in GROCERIES, CROCKERY, FLOUR, FEED, ETC. (j range .Notice. The next regular ipiarterly session of M. I). P. Grange will be held at lliidi- lulld Gruugo hall October Oth ut 10 o'clock a. m. All 5th degree members iu good standing are cordially invited. Those wishing to tuke the degree please bring the proper certificate. Mahy ri. HoWAiiu, Secretary. Try a can of our Bon Ton coffee if you want something good to drink. Pure Java nd Mocha. K. E. William, the groce". Charman & Son have received a com plete stock of men's, women's boy' and misses' mackintosh. All grade and prces. F'reytao' turnip are perfect, sweet and tender. A trial will convince. The Hist Mrdlcnie for Diarrhoea. Mr. Cioier, of ibis place, had bn troubled with diarrhoea for three or four week :d failed to get anything tint would theck it effectually, until he used Chamberlain' Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, two doses of which effected a complete cure. He say it i the lst medicine he ever saw for such cases. Also that he had given it to sev eral families and they always praised it. R. L. Anokka 3c Bho., Sandy Flat, (ireenvilie, Co., hi. C. For sale by G. A. Harding, Druggist. I Dr. A. P. Sawyer Sir; After suffering for four year with fi male weuknes I wa pursuaded by a friend to try your Pastilles, and after using them one year, I can say I am entirely well. I can not recommend them too highly. Mrs. M. S. Brook, Bronson, Bethel Branch Co. Mich. Sold by Geo. A . Harding. , The larnwut invoice of ladies capes ever received in Oregon Citv will be placed on the counter at Tho. Charman & Son's store. Theso caie are all the latest styles and embrace many of as fine cloth as to be had in Portland or the Kmt. AH size and prices Come trv one on and see how well it looks and what a bargain we are ottering. ' For the ailment in the kidney and bladder incident to declining year, there is no remedy that produces such imme diate and satisfactory results as Pr.J. H. McLean's Liver and Kidney Balm. It genial and invigorating effect on the liver and kidney is remarkable. Price f 1. For sale by C. G. Huntley, druggist. A new line of i moor ted dress goods juBt received at Charman A Son's Pio neer Stoie, ranging all the way (rom "0 cents to $1 per yard, consisting of serges, suitings, henriettas, etc. Second hand school book at second hand Btoie. Near the depot, Seventh street. Dini't Tobacco Spit Or smoke your life av,is the truthful, startling title of a book aliout No-To-Bac, the harmless, guaranteed tobacco habit cure that brace up nicotinized nerves, eliminates the nicotine poison, makes weak men gain strength, vigor and man hood. You run no physical or finunciul risk, as No-To-Ra3 is sold by diuggists everywhere under a guarantee to cure or money refunded. Book free. Rildrees Sterling Remedy Co., New York or Chicago. Charman A Co., Drnguist. The latest in visitinir cards at the En trkphisi Okpick. Prices to suit you. ASSIGNEE'S NOTICE. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, THAT HEN'RY Wlltufu, merchsnt at Eacle Creek, Clack amas county, Oregon, an Insolrent debtor, has duly aalKnrd sll nu property tor the beueiHol hu creditors, to the umlornlmifd, uudir the feueriil ai.t -umeut law. if Oregon. All ered tort of said assignor are required to present their claims, duly verified, to meat the otticeol C. I). A 1. C., mj attorneys In Ore 'on Cltr, Oregon, within in rue months from this date. C. B. HMITH, Assignee aforenald. Dated October 3, InM. 10-4:11-8 ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. la the County Court of th State of Oregon, for ine v-ouuiy 01 uiacnamaa. In the matt-r of the eitate of Agusta Melcher, decencd. NOTICE IS HERREBY GIVES, THAT THE undersigned haa been appointed owerutor t tn last will and testament 01 Agu.ta Wulcher a4a oounly, stale of Oregon, 011 tha 14th daaf teptembor, lS'l.V All persona tuvtog c.jat aga'nat the etata of tha said Aguita MrfbUtr, diceaaod, are hereby notllled to ureaeiilUte xm duir verified fur payment to The unite Igned atSMtTord, Clackamaa county, Oregon, or at the utile of Ceo. C. browneli, Ortfton taty, Oregon, within six month, from this date. PHII.If A. BAKKH. Executor, bated Sept 20, 1M& Uio. C. Bsownsll, 9-&; 10-18 Atty ror Execute. "JJOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the undersigned ha been appointed by the County Court ot Clackamas county. State of Oregon, executrix of the estate of Edward L. Eastham, deceased. All per sons having claims against said estate are hereby notllled to present the same duly verified for payment tn the undersigned at the Bank or Oregon City, In Oregon City, Oregon, within six months from the date ofthi notice. CLARA E. MOREY, Executrix of the Estate of Edward L. Eastham, tlec'ed. Dated Oregon City, Oregon, September 27.1SU5. , 9-27:10-25 PUCE fShivehj'ji Opera Houge n n n nrt.fu-Lj-u-irirrr Friday and Saturday, Oct., 11-12, Grand Dramatic and Musical ENTERTAINMENT, Given by the OREGON CITY GLEE 4 HISTR1NIC SOCIETY under the auspices of the Ladies Guild, And for the benefit of St. Pau1 Episcopal Church, of this city, The Beautiful Three Act Drama, Entitled .OR THE. Lost Mine This play is laid in the gold mining regions, ana depicts ironter me in tne gold mines in the Hierra Navadaa in early day. It is one of the best play on the American stage, with the follow ing cast. Cast of Characters. Nevada, the wanderer. . . . W. A. Askin. Vermont, an old miner, James Church Tom Carew, Dandv Dick, young miners, Joseph Rice, C. U Pope. Silas (Steele, missionary of health, A. A. Askin. Jerdcn, a detective, ..Henry Posey. Jnbe, a back miner,. .. .Leigh ton Kelly. Wine Kye, Chinaman, . . ...ReaNoris Mother Merton, mother of the camp, Minuie Lane. ' Agnes Fairlee, s school teacher, Ruby Spencer. Moselle, a waif, Birdie Walker. This play will be staged tinder the immediate direction of Mr. A. A. Askin. In response to the request, of the Ladies Guild, the following talented Musical Artists have consented to appear, Mrs. U. C. Barlow, late of Stockton, Cal., Miss Celia Goldsmith, of Eugene,Or.,and Miss Beatrice Barlow and Mr. W. A. Askin, both of this city, and others. The scenic and mechan ical effects will be perfect. Seats on Sale at Huntley's Drug Store. Price of Admission, 25, 35, 50c. H. W. JACKSON, Bicycles, Umbrellas, Guns, Sewing Machines, And all kinds of small ma chines put in good order. No work to difficult to undertake. Prices reasonable. Shop on Seventh St., near depot Money Loaned. First Mortgages on Improv ed Farm Property Negotiated. We are prepared to negotiate first Morgages upon improved farms in Oregon, with eastern parties at a rate of interest not to exceed 9 per cent, per annum. Mortgages renewed that have been taken by other companies. Address with stamps, Mervin Sworts, Baker City, - - Oretron. T. T. WHITE. W. A. W HITK . WHITE BROTHERS Practical Architects 8; Builders. Will oreuare ulana, elevatiuus, workiitf de- !t lie. and iiecificaliiiiie furallktuda of Cmla- titita Special attention iven to mooern cov tanes. Estimates furnished on application Call on or address WHITE BROS., Oregon City, Ojn NEVADA --list AND -n Rein. win if':jpj BANKRUPTCY of the physical beinsr Is the result of draw ing incessantly upon me resent cajmai 01 nerve force. The wear, tear and strain of modem life are concentrated 0!n the nerv- ous system. The youn? tiicri of our day De- come sulu-rer trom nervous uioimy or ex haustion, nervous prostration or weakness. This may be the result of too much mental worry and excitement, or the result of bad practices ana excesses, or pernicious nami, contracted in youth, through ignorance. They feel irritable, weak and nervous with such distressing; symptoms as backache, dizziness, shooting pains in bead or chest, aometimes indirrt stion. The middle-aged men, as well, suffer from exhaustion, loss of manly power, low spirits impaired memory, and many deraneemecU of mind and body. The ill-used brain is morbidly wide awake when the overworked business man attempts to find rest in bed. The physicians and specialists of the In ralids' Hotel and Surtfical Institute devote their best enenries to reclaiming and restor ing such unfortunates to health and happi ness. They have written a book of 158 pages, treating of these maladies and settins; forth a rational means of home-treatment for their cure. It U sent ucurtly sealed, in plain envelop, on receipt of lo cent far postage. , Address WoatD'a Dwpbnsait Medical Association, No. 663 Main Street, Buf falo, N. Y. SEE Davics Exhibit AT THE Portland Exposition And have your photos taken at the gallery. Third aud Morrison Sts. Entrance on Morrison Street. FOR Oliver Plows and Extras. Harkins & Carr. (Mrs. Carr Marshall) FINE 99 No. 324 Washington St., Between bixth & Seventh Sts. Portland, Or. PORTLAND TO THE DALLES Bv the fast DALLES CITY AND REGULATOR and com modious steamers Daily boats, except Sunday, leav ing Oak street dock at 7 a. m., mak- - ing regular landings at Vancouver, Cascades, White Salmon, Hood River and all intermediate points. Passenger and freight rates lower to these points than by any other line. First class meals served tor zoc. This is the Great Scenic Route. All tourist admit that the scenery on the Middle Columbia is not ex celled for beauty and grandeur in the United States. Full informa tion by addressing or calling on J. N. HARNEY, Agent, Tel. 914. Portland, Or., Office and wharf, foot of Oak St. GO TO Wilson k Mi Hi Lit