Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (Aug. 16, 1895)
Oregon City Enterprise. FKIPAY, Al'lU'ST 1(5, 1S.. OKFciOS CITY OFKll'KKS H!rm Stntlitlil 1. tt . o n I'hm. K Hum. K S 1'nlllt K. I- Htilneiti F. r. or fli h C. HhNmoV, Jr. XV. . Howell II. II. J lri-o i ;ltti. Hnmiiliton. Murk Unwell. L lVrliT. Iloiiry Mi'Mrum, J. W. Moilalt. wnipil mwtsUnt rt'e.lin'vl of each month In rity hull Miror, C .t f of Police Antiir. TrvtMirer. Cl'y Attorney. StrtVt ConimSst'iner. Sup'f. of Water Works. Cut Knsiiiri'r. Coiru-ikiim H, C. Stevens J. 1. I 'ooki KOIIJ. JHCunr. PERSONAL NOTES. Mm. X. M. Moody in vialting her par cuts at Moltillit. C. K. Uailoy, the Sovonth street tlrni;- ' - L I . - . V. KIM, Bieill .-tllHUiy HI I'.llgOIie. j Thos. F. Kyan loaves today (or Wii j hott Spri niH (or a short outing. I I'. ( I.atouiotto ami family loft Tuos : day (or h short stay at Clatsop beach. Mrs. M. I.. Moore and liaunhtor ate j spending (lie summer at Little Sestuooa. j V. V. Warl, a well k noun citizen of llrtrujoil ami Deserted Frod (iroon in the name of a yimnts ilrnu clerk, who recently from Manistee, Michigan, and brief may in l'ortland, him uroil tion in Hunting's tlrng store a week or limbing arrived after a a nwi- Kolihln A Lawrence's Moelninlo,' Mill and door and sash laetory went burned hint Saturday afternoon about three o'clock The lire hturteil in the upper Htory (mm Home unknown online, and (he building burned rapidly. The hooka two ago. Ho talked a d-ril (or a w,'to l,,iv,'d l,," theolllio, but the build stranger, hut intended to his duties in a : ""'I machinery as a totnl loss. ooai. lt'nt way. He boasted ol having j The building valued at 1 L'(H was tint been endued to some extent in mnug- property of Mrs. 1'. F. Morey, and as glinga valuable drug in the east, to insured in T. I.. flnu man's agonoy (or evade paying; enstoin duties lie in formed some o( Ins aeiiuaiututiees hoie, that he inteinhil to leae soon (or lion- l wr i ri i i .rvii.o. Baskets, baskets, Baskets, at The Fair. Tie utility knife set bread, cake puHng knif. for -t'l ets. at Stop and try Finest in the citv I'ncle John's real and 'The Fair." soda. Lloyd Wilson is back from the Cas- 'cade looks and is visiting his sister, Mrs. estate Maplewood j o( the citv. I Pearl and white metal belt pins at the Racket stoie. ....... ... j. vt. vjurueu. I Mrs. J.A. Moore left for Hrownsville ! Wednesday where she will make a short visit with relatives. ' Mrs S. K. Huntley left Saturday lor j Sea View, where she will join her son, ! W. A. Huntlev and family. Balfe Johnson came down Wednesday j from the I'alles and left for Sea lew to I join his mother for short visit. I Miss Minnie Joehnke returned home j Monday after spending a couple of weeks j visiting friends in Portland. I Miss Kssie Casto, who haa been visit linjj relatives at Portland, returned to her home at Alpine farm Friday. Miss Lista Wharton, ot Portland, spent Saturday and Sunday in the city, the guest of Miss Hattie Monroe. Mrs. J. H. Walker and family and Miss Mry Charuian left for Newport where they will remain for several weeks. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Cheney of the 'Courier, and Mrs. A. Doolittle, returned Tuesday from a visit to Clatsop bench. Bert Greennian left on the Roseburg local Monday for an outing at Newport. He will probably be away (or a couple of weeks. Geeorge PeVore, who has been sojour ing at the Johnt-on cottage at Sea View for the past month, returned Wednesday. and drug mmdries? "Time is money" j Miss Nora Conyers returned Tuesday Save both by getting your prescriptions ; from Gearheart and lett Thursday for fill . d at the Seventh St. Pharmacy. j Clatskanie, where she will remain for Lunch baskets ail sires, cheap at i some time. Staub's grocery. Fresh etock of canned j Hon. F. X. Matthieu, of Buttevillo, meats and fruits. Prepared lemon syrup 1 the pioneer statesman, was in Oregon I City Friday, enjoying a social time with I hid old friends. Money to loan on good eeciirity'by A. S. Pressor. Fresh vegetables from faun delivered to all parts That 10 sere tract on West Side can be now for $500 . Owner wants money C. O. T Williams. Mr. Freytag supplies his customers three times a week with all varieties of fine vegetables. His prices are very reasonable. For a quiet place to hitch your horses awav from the motor line and a place to get a first class job of repairing or horse shoeing call on S. F. Scripture's shop on Fifth street. 100 acres of land near Clackamas sta tion for $2100. Some improvements. Think of it. See or write E. C. Hackett, Oregon City, Or. lui Ladies and boys Eton caps, just the the thing for outinj wear, at the Racket store. Antifermentine ten cents a package. Preserved fruits without cooking. E. E. Williams, the grocer. Why descend those tiresome steps when you wish pure drug, chemicals j New tiers, was in Oregon Citv Tuesday, i oliiln, hut lie will not leave 'or that P. A. Oshurn, the popular sheritr ol ! I,,,u'0 f"r u'w w,,,'k ''' A Mi' higtn Benton County, was in Oregon City ' 8l,,'nl telegraphed to the shoritt of Mult Monday. I nomah county (or his arrest, and as soon as I. is herealiilts were discov ered, he notified Peputy Sherill Moody ; " K"11'1 htHinosH to make his arrest. He now lavs in the 1 1'""1 deplored. Multnomah county jail, awaiting the ar rival ot the Michigan sherill', as he is wanted on a charge of seducing l.illie Sweetuian. Green is only twenty yeais of age, hut be has nude a bad tait in $StHI. 'l'iie eligitie and miichiiierv was the proerly of Kulil'iiiM A Lawrence, and an inruranee tiolicv of Jl.lHHt is held in C, O. T. William's agency. Their Iwsa is about J.';'tHi. H was with dillieultv that the lite was pteveu'od froiu spread iug to adjoining huililings. Messrs. Laurence A Bobbins Here just getting established and their It 4 i i r-, i h There was a grand occasion at eanip Alderlea on Clear creek Tuesday evening. It was the re'd birthday of (i. A Harding and about eO invited guests participated in the festivities The eighteen Portland IS our siini Wo mako a spoclalty of flno Ton, Coffoo and Spicos No nuittiT what vim I my at our sloro it in tlu very I'cst f its kiml. Kvt'rytliiii in nt'W ini'l IVt-sli. Wo would ask you to call and sec our stock. W'v liavo'tlio lvst lranls of ull pxttls, ami can in somclincssliow vou soinctliiiiii vorv liiu'. life for a young man. The picture of a i (hM, at (i0,Hi ,.,,, presented Mr. young man ruining and deserting aar,linga large piece of fungus with helpless girl, is not a pleaMirg one to con-l,lrlr,ullll,s iI1H(.rii,0l t.r,.0n, and hi template, ami ne can onry tniiKe ninetuis ,irpriat inscriptions ; also a large cake by rt'stonng her giKKhrauie. j which as lill.d with salt and hairpins, Patrick L. Brotlern k, a former resi-; "'' resisted the recipietn's ctl'orts to cut dent of Oregon City, and well knmn to j !' with a knife, the older residents, died at Astoria last sheriff Maddock, !j. V. Cooke, Con Sunday, aged 40 years. He was em- Uahle M-ld.urn McCown and T. P. just the thing for a cool drink. New supply of ladies shirt waists, white and colored, at the Racket Store. Meat from cheap second grade beef cannot be otherwise than tough and tasteless. Albright buys only the best of stock three and five-year-old stall fed steers furnish his stakes and roasts juicy and tender enough for a king. Just received a new supply of those tea bi'l st.-aine.B and fruit jar fillers at "The Fair.;; If vou enjoy a good cup of coffee try our Red Seal Blend Java and Mocha. E. E. Williams, the grocer. Diseases unfriendly to women positively cured by Dr. Sawyer s Pastil les. Ask your druggist for a free sample pai kage. It heals and cures. Sold by Geo. A. Harding. A well made lemonade will quench your thirst ami tone up your stomach. It is the most healthful sum mer drink to be had. Try a glass of Uncle John's ice cold lemonade. For a box of high grade French creams and chocolates (put up right) go to the Novelty Candy Store. Temporary head quarters one door south of Albright's Moat mark-t; The Women's Relief Corp.i, j of this city desire to announce that they have adjourned their meeting until the third Tuesday in September, on account of hot weather and absence of members. Mrs. Joseph Hedges and family desire to express their appreciation of the con siderate acts and kind offices exercised by many friends during the illness and funeral services of the late Jos. Hedges. J. W. Roots, the leading fruitgrower of Clackamas, was in town Friday, getting lime piping and other apparatus for his fruit dryer. He contemplates extensive improvements in order to handle his im mense fruit crop this season. He has over 30 acres in orchard. Bound threshing account books for sale at this office. The ook contains date lines with indexed spaces for the differ ent varieties of grain with price printed on a stub. The part to be detached is a complete statement of grain threshed, and can be used as a receipt. Attorneys J. E. Kice and J. U. Camp bell were at Oswego Monday looking affer the interests of the state and de fendants, respectively, in a larceny case. The defendants were accused of stealing lioney, but as there was no evidence against them they were acquitted. robbed The Wilhoit stage was again Monday, making the second time that the stage has been held up within the last month. This time it occurred near Wright's bridge, and the high waymen only secured $0.75 from the pas sengers, B. C. Tow ne, C. W. Alisky and Miss Richards, all of Portland. They threatened dire vengeance on the heads of the driver, Hank Mat toon, and the passengers, if they were not better pro vided with money next time. No clue to the robbers has yet been discovered. Miss Clara Potter left Wednesday for Bandon, where she will visit friends for a couple of months. She goes by way of Yauquina bay. W. T. Llewellyn, deputy sheriff of Butte county, Montana, is spending a portion of his vacation in this county. He owns a farm on Beaver creek. Prof. Rigler, formerly principal of the Oregon City schools, and C. C. Fay, an insurance adjuster, were among the Portland visitors in the city Monday. James Rintoul has accepted a position as stenographer with H. E. Noble, a are i Portland broker. He will remoye to Portland in a week or two to remain per manently. County Recorder Rainsby. who spent I Sundav at Molalla, reports that hun both dreds of Portland people are camped along the cool, shady banks of the Mo lalla liver, recreating and fishing. Miss Lillian Hamilton and Miss Roberts have closed their millinery store on Main street, and Wednesday Miss Hamilton left for old home at Tacoma, where she will reside in the future. Col. W. L. White left for Seatte Thurs day, where he will spend a month vis iting at Seattle. He is accompanied by hiB son, A. G. White, who will look af ter his mining interests in King county. A F.Parker, M. W. Randall, Capt. J. P. Shaw ani a couple of Portland par ties went to the mountains Friday, and expect to he absent for a week. They went in the direction of the Cascade mountains. S. A. I). Gurley, formerly a well known teacher of this county, but now a practicing attorney of Arlington, has be come a bold soldier boy and has been elected first lieutenant of the newly formed militia company in that place. Maurice Binford, one of the editors of Young America, and representing the Northwest Pacific Farmer, called at the Enteki'hisr office Monday. He is on his way to Ashland on his bicycle, and will look after the interests of both jour nals. Mrs. Charles Meserve left Thursday for Hood River, Wasco county, to try a change of climate and high altitude at the baBe of Mount Hood for throat trouble. She was accompanied by Mr. Meserve, who will return in two or three days. Gilbert Hedges arrived Tuesday even ing from Rhode Island, with a view of seeing his father during his last illness. Unfortunately he did not arrive until after the funeral ceremonies were over. All the other members of the family were in attendance. Isaac Ackerman was up from Port land Sunday and spent the day with his folks. His many friends here are al ways pleased to see his genial counte nance, but his position as overseer of the departments in the Farmers and Mechanics store at Portland, takes up his time; and it is only occasionally that he has leisure to visit his old home. ployed on the stonmer Telephon", and received fatal injuries while making a landing at Stella, Washington The line hud hern matte fast to the dock, Hud the sudden heaving of the boat caused the cable to break loose striking him in the stomaoh. He was taken to the Sister's hospital at Astoria, and only lived three davs. His remains wore buried in this city Wednesday, Rev. Father Hillehrand, officiating. The de ceased was a brother of Morris II rode r iok, and was very popular in steamboat circles, and his many friends in this city were pained to learn of his demist' in the prime of life. Randall spent Sunday at Wiihoit. Among those w ho are enjoying hii outing at that popular resort are John Hill and family, David faulicld and (.uiiilv.C. W. (taming and family , W,W. Aldndgeand family, J. W. Cooke's family, Mr.-, C. C. I Cooke, of Portland, and Miss Bessie MhII.i'ii, of Caneiuuh. Miss Midlam (ell into the creek the other day but was res : cued bv the oaui!rs. There was a very good attendance at the regular monthly meeting of the huard oi trade Monday evening. A plan was discussed at some length foi dislri bulioti of the newly printed board of trade pamphlet. Ir. L. Pickens, Prof. As J. B. Jackson, of M.ilull t with hislj.yV. i;,ay and F. T tirillifth weie family, wore driving down the big hill at I ,(.,.t,., (r ember. Road matrers wore Wilhoit last Saturday afternoon, the I iliseussed, and a 1 10 apace ordered in neck-yoke broke, and the horses run j the mmthly Oregonian tor another awav. throwing the occupants out and ! nu.ntli Staub's Cash Grocery. Commorclal Dank Block, smashing things up generally. Mr. and Mrs. Jackson were not seriously injured, but his three little children were hurt very badly. The baby's shoulder was broken ; the oldest child's right arm was broken and its face was badly bruised, while the other one's back was cripnled. The children were carried to the hotel at Wilhoit and caied for by Dr. Giesy, of Aurora. Mr. Jackson was going to the springs for an outing, August Koch was brought in from Cherryville last Saturday by Constable Jonsrud, and given over to the custody of Sheriff Maddock. He had been ar raigned on the previous duy lieforo Suslice Jonsrud, and bound over in the sum of of (250 to keep the peace on a charge of threatening to kill his wife in a fit of jealousy, and was unable to secure bondsmen. Tuesday be was examined before County Judge Hayes on a charge of insanity, and was ordered sent to the State insane asylum for treatment. "Throw up your hands" was the com mand of the Wilhoit stage robbers us the driver brought the team to a sudden halt and found himself confronted by I two desperate highwaymen. After the frightened passengers were relieved of their valuables, the robbers asked if there was a watermelon on board? On being informed in the affirmative, they then wanted to know if the meion was from the Novelty Candy Store, and on being assured that it was they quickly caused it to be handed out. Even the roebers in their haste recognize the super iority of the Novelty's melons. A four-year old son of Charles Huiras was drowned on Milk creek last Friday evening four miles east of Catrby at Wheeler's mill. The boy and Charles Jesse's little girl were playing along the tail-race below the sawmill. It was about ! o'clock in the afternoon and the flood gates of the reservoir were thrown open and the boy fell into the swift cur rent and was carried about 400 yards below. The little girl came to the house, and when asked where her playmate was, said that "He had swimmetl away." The search resulted in finding the life less body of the boy on a sand bar where it had lodged. Lr. J. W. Cowan writes from Spring water under date of August iHli, ami the fallowing is an extract from his letter: "Couldn't get transportation suitable for us to go to Mount Hood, We have a fine camping place, a nice open, aity grove, splendid spring at hand, good air milk, butter, eggs, etc., cheap and good, and everything to ourselves although there is room tor all Gladstone assem bly." They are camped at Cornett's picnic grounds. Henry Meldrum left Monday to begin the contract for his government survey in Klamath county. He took along as crew, Jack Blunt, John Holland, W. B. Murray, Malcolm McCown and William Helis. They expect to be absent a couple of months. Charles Walker, who had a large piece cutout of the fleshy part of his arm at Herman's mill at Molalla, about ten days ago, is in the Oregon City hospital, and getting along finely. For awhile the physicians were alraid his arm would haye to be amputated. II. II. Johnson and Ernest Rands leave today to ln-gin their contract of veying two townships of land included in the Willamette Valley A Coast Range Wau'on Road Co. grant, on the head waters of the Santiam. Their crew con sists of George Ward, Bert Nash, David Henderson, Bon I lack ley, A. E. Wors wick.I. L. Hoffman, Wagner, Mitchell and Frazer. They exect to be absent a couple of months. The Oregon City board of trade has just issued a neut, nicely illustrated lit tle pamphlet, published by the Entkh phise, giving a brief history of the city and itood illustrations and decriptions of both city and surrounding country. It is a credit alike to its authors ami pub lisher, and if properly distributed, must result in desirable udditiuna to both city and rural communities. Industrial Herald. W. J. Evan, the shingle manufacturer of Beaver Creek, is down with malarial I trouble and over work, and Mrs. Kyans has been very sick fur about a week. Their daughter Annie is also down with rheumatic fever and the youngest son, Llewelyn, has been sick for nearly three months. County Surveyor D. W. Kinnaird has received a new solar transit from St. Louis, of the Saegmiller make. It is a great improvement in the line of solar compasses and cost him $275 in St. Louis. Its aluminum parts make it both light and durable. Adam Triechler, w ho died last week and was buried by the county, leaves four children in destitute circumstances. He wus formerly employed in the woolen mills. W. E. Johnson, formerly from Mount Pleasant, writes from Myrtle, California, that his wife is much improved in health and the family are well pleased with the climate and their new home. Dr. A. P. Sawyer Sir : Af'.or suffering for four years with ft male weakness I was pursuaded by a friend to try your Pastilles, and after using them one year, I can say I am entirely well. I can not recommend them too highly. Mrs. M. S. Brook, Bronson, Bulhel Branch Co. Mich. Sold by (ieo. A . Harding. That 20 acre tract, level road, 1!t miles out, plenty of running water, only ;r,0. C. O. T. Williams. Awarded Highest Honors World's Fair, dold Medal, Midwinter Fair. DIt mm CREAM Most Perfect Made. 40 Years the Standard. UNIVERSITY OF 0KK(i0X, lM-lO,. "TlIK I'm YKItSITY OK OlIKtioN, Kltgi'lie, Oregon, oiler free tuition to nil students. Young men ciin olitiun lumnl, lodging, lieut inul lirlit in the, dormitory for I'J.JiO per week. Koomers furnish their own linen. You hk women are provided with hoard in private families t M.OO per week. Younn women doHirinu Ironrd should address I'rof. Jolui Strauh, Kiip'tit', Oregon; or Secretary Young Women's Christum Association, Kugfiii'. The university oilers three Imcfiiliniiciite degrees, Ituclielor of Arts, Ituclielor of Science mid Huelielnr of Letter with ctrrrt'Hrndinn courses of study. The tollowing Hlmrter courses are also ollered: An Knglisli trourse leading in two years to 11 luiHinoss diploma and in throe years to the title graduate in Kiiglish: An advanced course for graduate of normal schools loading to tho degree master of 'dagiigy: A three years' course in civil engineering lending to the degree civil engineer: A course of two yours for teachers of physical education loading to a i , .-Ti 1 . j 1 1" i 'ri. 1: diploma ana uie title tiirectot 01 tuiysicui onuciuion. uio 1 nivorsuy charges an incidental fee often dollars which is paviiMe in advance, by all students. Students holding diplomas from tin1 puhlic schools and those having teachers' cortilicates are admitted to the preparatory department wiitioiu examination. 1 imsc desiring inioriiiiiuoii regard ing tin; propratory department should address the Dean, N. L. Narn gun, hugeno. For catalogues and information address ('. 11. Chapman, President, or J. J. Walton, Secretary, Kugeno, Oregon. . i. inj.u:. BKKKV WEBH. TVE H B & JAMES V- -Aii in xut:. mj v ii 4 on tmu, i 1101 mi:. Carriaeo Painting a Specialty. t aints ot all colors aixl shades mixed to order small fiuantities. Main Shop at Story llro's. it Go's, carriage ami wagon factory, next to Xohlitts Livery Staples. Also next to the Oregon City Iron Works, Oregon City, Oregon. PAINTING. ) in largo or f-n-i'VH lit UJulfcfcH ittlm iKKPSBU2JE State Normal School Monmouth, OroKon. Training School for Toachers Complete Miglrt-I irnile Trninlinj I 'opart liienl, and tlnmnkli rriilYiiniil Cnurne. The )iiloma of the .School I'lilillon one tu tcm li In ny iinrnlv in the male without further I'liiiiiltuillnii. Board, Lodelns. Books, Toulon, $150 per year. Beautiful and Ilealtlirai Location-No saloons There is a H'hmI ileniitnil lor well trained teachrs: There is an over snpily of untrained tcitclrorit. CutuloKiie clii'iTlully mmiI on application. Aildrewt, I'. I.. Caiiipholl, I're.i,, Or. YV. A. Wanii, Hoey. WHITE COLLAR LINE. Strs. Telephone, Ocean Wave and Bailey Gatzert Columbia River & Puget Sound Navigation Company. Alder Street Dock, Telephone No. .'551. v. . .I v " : . ' 'i it- ". ' - - '. i Portland, Astoria and the Ocean. Telephone, loaves Portland 7 A. M., daily except Sunday. Telephone leaves Astoria 7 P. M., daily except Sunday. Runs direct to train for Clatsop beach and connects with Sir. Ilwaco for Ilwaco trains running to all points on North boacli. Hailoy Gatzert leaves Portland H P. M., daily, except Sunday; on Saturday 11 P. M. Leaves Astoria daily at G: l.r A. M., except Sunday and Monday; on Sunday 7 P. M. Connects with all trains for Clatsop beach and Ilwaco beach. This line has a boat connecting with both beaches, returning from Astoria every night in the week. Ocean Wave leaves Tuesday and Thursday, 8 A.M., Saturday 1 P. M., running straight to Ilwaco, connecting with trains from all points on North JJeach. Leaves Ilwaco, Wednesday and Friday mornings 7:.'50A. M., Sunday night CP. M, U. B. SCOTT. E. A. SEELEY, President-Agent. STAR & GROCERY Dealer In GROCERIES, CROCKERY, FLOUR, FEED, ETC.