Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (Aug. 16, 1895)
Oregon City Enterprise. SCHEDULES OF TIME O. 'N KTKAMKK. Hli'iirnxr ItAMllNA. l.nv(.M.u,Niiit. i.vk roim.i.i. iw ') ii . i (I (Ml l. I" (i A, M. i U I1. l ."i , I'. M 7 IXU Mi. II '". in. H i. in. M'kMI tlHK. H :ti A II il l A ii i l' 'I ho Knat I'AMHANHKK HTKAMKIt, AI.IONA, KTKH hiHITI.MI,ii,KK A Nil I NIHCI'K NliKm K. l.i'ave I'oriinitJ Taylor lt.. il.M-k m u mi a M l,,",v r,"" I lly t"r H.1I..111 J. , A. M. I lipailny, 1 hura.Uy n,l. Hill unlay . LmvuIimI ,,..!,,!,,,,, ,, A M Hnlrm 7 4f. 1 .""i Hy l.uu I' M lor I'orl land Monday, Wpilni'mUy and Friday. Kaxl tlino. it 1 rn'ooitiiMlnilniiii mi. I l,,w rnliw Jjii IriMKht linii.... HowLI riiUauu NOI IIIKIt.M I'ACIKIC KAII.WA V. N11HIM nill NII, I r.i iila Kiiiti... (HirniiKln lliiavliiim Ih'kI (way amiloiia) H ( .111 I'm linger . . Hill Til HOI' Mil. Kuantiilra;'al (wily mull. .111. 1 I 'Kll lorn i n hapruaa itliriitilD Hi. 111 I' aa u.m 7 I I a. m it M p. III I) T, a. in, S T a. in IM p. m 4 Till p. in, VMI.I.AMKI IK FAI.I.M KI.K1TKI1; KAII.WAY Time Tallin. Of' Cliy. WtlWimn'r Palli "A a i.i.A. m. V Kl " .. 31 il " ,', .. I '"i'. m, 1 ih r. n. it in n .. 'J " 6 I.' runty fun. A. M. B1AA.M. iuii in 1(, .. II i ' 11 m " Jl. M. I UIL M. I " I . Hi .. i :J ' t u, .. " X.Ik " : " ,. t ui 4 .. Ml " 4-U. " li.taj " n It " " 6-'. " UU ' Ml " ('. A. Hupt. STAdi; LINK. Oregon 'ity 4'lirkiH Mullno Mail Hoiile. Ixmin tli.!in Cily IL O. IiiiIIiIiiik nt H A. M. M lay, Wi'iliwnilny nnil Frlihtv lor Heaver t'rwk, t'lnikm, Mraduw llrook, 1 11 Ion Milla ami Milium. Itetimiiiitf, lovi- .Mullno at I. A. M., ('1111111 HilUuA.M., Mi'U'low Itrmik 1(1 A. M., t'Urki'a 1:' noon, ami llravar Creek 3 1. M., TuvMluy, Thurailny anil huiurdriV. A iiiindirubl cimy niling Imrk. I'naseu ger ralia ri'nMinalilti. Humll mri'ila rarrlid, 10 rcnl to '.'.' cf iiIh, Any oriliT li'lt hIHi ihi III I protu -lly eattiiilcd 10. J. M. CYmminuh. KH1DAY, AlKJUST 1 1 , : JHr on Htrcdla ami imlilic (iropdrty to wln'in wiih rufiiiriMl llio orilliiiuini, mmlo a ml norlly r-ort rciicnliii l.y Cmiik:11iiiuii Mi'ldriini rrn'oiiiiiioiiilliiH lliutllic lifn of tlio fruiirliiriM Im cIiuiiihI from piif ictiinl (liriiliiiii lo two ycurn, ami tlmt tlio mi nimi Hi'i'iiHd liu riiUml fUO to HOil. A IxiiKlliy ilnliitln on tliu iimlmr of Kunl Hlilit Hull way f ruiit lilHi-M followwl in Klilcli Cuiiiii ilini.ii Miililrnni ami Ifow ill r I nt 111 1 ih mum I tho catiHu of tliu Huilway 'omininy, ami Couiicilnii'ii Kiuvkiih, Juit Ur iiimI Mull'.ilt with urruyed in oii lion, Tim riiiiiH'il ri'diHcil to rcfur thu imliiiuiii'ii Ui k to lliHcoiiiiniltiit, ami it aa flli'diiiilly n'lKi'on holml liy bi'inu lull) ovnr until a (Iim Ihkmi Ih ri'inlcroil in tlm auit liroiilit ly tho city ii.tiiiHl Hip KiiNt HIdi, Itiiilwuy Coinimny, for fuifi'itilru of ild fruiiiiliiwi, on tin) Krouml tllllt it llllH IlllVlir pltill ilH UHHCNHIIIDIlt for tlm Main hi rent iniiroviinnt. Tlio irlnciial exciiMo uiven for tlio nVlit HKiiiiiHt tli railway coiniuny, in ilml it Iiiih virtually rofinn'il to pay ito JiimI pro portion of tlm Main treit UNHUHimoiit. I'avimi (lit Kuniih. Ca.t. J, T. AiMTnon of (Iri'on City, onn of tliu ru Ki'iitM of tlm AkvitMiltiiral coIIi-b at Cor VuIIIh, wuh in tlm city vcmIit lay ami liail a li'UKtliy ami iiiil miliHfartory cunrr '" illi hi'crntary of Statu Kincuiil. Tlm uinliTKliitiilinif haa liccn that Mr. Kinruiil would hold tlio Agricultural colli'Koon thu Minn Iiiihim In tli mattor of fuu lH hh tho WoHton Normal arhool and otnr iiHiilulioiiH wIioho chIIh for nioiH-y allow ml on appropriation have lii-cn di'iiii'd cxi i'pt ti)on prcwuitntiun of liilla ttt Im auditod by him. Such waa thu inf(.rtmco drawn by tlio ri'Ui'iilH from tlio iliHi'UHnion in tho nwHpaH)rH and waa atrt'iihi'iii'd by othiTcircuinHtaiirifa that wito not properly uudorHtooil, bo thorn) KiMitlcmon were up in arnm and di'tcriiiinnd to onforcby law the rt-Hpect whii li thny Mifvud their (IcinamU (or iiiom-y from tho proper aourroa woro by law entitled to. ('apt. Appemon came yeaterday with 'blood Ir. hia eye" but ho went away with a Mnile. .Mr. Kln caiil annual him ho had no notion of rcfumiiK (ho rvipiiaJtion of tl;o reentH for their aharo of tho hcIukjI fund whon anktMl for; that Htich a douiHud had not The r 1 HtnttltltM lirnviilA i.altuuMiiltir fiut lwa l.u V m I, uuo tun l nl Un.t ! HL'ririillural funiUi h!ihII riuiil uiwl when the application In mudo in accord ant'o withlhoHi' proviHionN.thefuudN will bo paid. Mr. Kincaid Haid that ia true of all oilier HtnUj iimtituiiioug alao. Whore the law atalea certain iniHh'a of payinenta ani!ificully, that law will be rt't'ogiihcod. even though there way be a technical conllict with the coiiHtitution ; hut in the abspticcof legislntive direction coveriuu tho payments aimciflcally, thwi Secretary Kincaid w ill follow Uie man dutea of the couatltution. So there ia no danger oi conllict between the Axrioul. tural eoUego and Mr. Kincaid Salem StaieHiuan. m., 7 p in. m. 1 II K UAUM Valllfloac K11I111 Sorlli. ! 111 Mailt cl"c (oii( Noiiih, v a. in., 7 , ma ncTa. (irriion Cllr (o Portland over Koal aide llall way, liiavi-a 11 .n I1, M ami ft i M . arrlvra II n A. M and i'M V. M arrloa I'ortlalid, Kaatoru, Weal HI. I,., Handy and lllulilaiid ruiilri' mall Orrnoii Cliy to Kly. ('.arm, Mullno. Llln'ral and Molalla Iravra at 1J ni. ami arrlvi-a al li 111. dally f'llv I.. IU...-. ... I. tll.,1. fl.l. Mnadow liriM.k.i nioii Mllla. and' Culiou, li-ava I been rcfuwil yet ail 1 would not be, ai it a m Mon.lay Wiinnay and aim rriurna 011 loiiowina .lata al i :v t. m Iravra orririiii t'ltv aCniiilav UnlhiwiUu Hml . ' Friday al I UU I', .i at 7 la) A U. TlllHI) (IK II IH (jtlAMTKKH Will MlMirO, tint club unit man, ia very tired of jail life, and hm loving npirit chafta under reritrictliiiiH of aolitary ronllnement. A he waa apparently Hiitl'erinx in beullh fiuin clin.1. ci'iifHiiiiin lit in bin Mlnel coll, and receivinic tivatmenl from tho county pliVHician, ho waa nivcn tho frdom of the con idor, hia (ihyaical condition pre cludinu any Herioua nlteuipt at eacaK. TlmrHilay afternoon KherifF aladdock loanod hitn a brace and bit to make Home repair to hia bunk. Undid not -return them, and about two o'clock Fridav morn inn I'etcr Nehreii, tlio court bonne jani tor, who lives In t!e biiaement adjoining the jail aiiartim-nlK, hctrd a grating noine, mill after watching and waiting foraoinu time located tho itiiHo in the vi cinity of the aHHerwor'a ollite. Ilo cau tioimly unlia ked tho door, Jind diacov cred Mooro nuking Inn way throuiili a hole cul in (he floor. Ilo ol.l Moore ogo hack, btit the latter rrgucd the oint at Hume length, and wlifn Nehren unuiI Homo forcible perNiuiHion ho alid Okki;ok City Kwh. Mth. Mary La Koreat baa (hunotiHtrated that liga cuu be HiicceiNfiilly produced in thia climate. Korl'L' yeara a lig tree haa gtood In front yard in thia city, that beura fruit continuully every caaon. The tigs are about half tho size of an ordinary hart- lett pear, w-luch they reHemble la h1iuh. The fruit tx-gina to form in Match, be foie the leuyes como out, and if the weather ia warm tho young flga attain Htilllciont atiuiding to aufoly winter tho April froata. On the the other band, if (hero ia cold wouthur in March the young llgs fail to attain aulllcient growth to williHtand the blittht of later April blaeta and froHta, and a ortion of the iruit ia killed, althougli the tree never fails to bear a part of a crop. Tho flgn are of a largo variety, of uikkI flavor and ar now ripening. The tteo was grown from a "lip planted liy Mrs. lForent, and with ila largo lavee, ripo llgs in dtilor ent Htagea of growth, pix'Honts a pkamng and ornamental appearance. Mrs. Jji Forest has a couple of two-year old fig trees in hor garden, that are thrifty in appearance, unci will come into bearing 1 heso, too, wore propagutod HWIMMINO I'.XI'KMH Hl'lll I. MtHM and William Fisher, went to Oiegon City yesterday morning with the inten tion of swimming tit 1'ortland from there, a distance of about I I miles. Arrange merits lot a bo il we'O nuide w ith a young man who was finding and the start wun made at 11:15 fr m Oregon 'i v. A good rule of Hpced was 1111111111111!"! until the mouth of the ('luckumus wax reached, ul which pliico the rivi r ruoi. ipiiio switt, 11ml for a mile and a hulf the sw iiiiiiiing was cxceplionitily liixi. Alter the rapids were paHHcd, the man in tho bout hi mm to think he hud i-aiticl Ills iinKiity, bill. Ilnoe o.i ..11 vf (putting, ami ho ro'Aed while the. Ii'.vh swam. The water below 'h rsp'ds runs si iwly,uni progress from t. u point was slow, the current heinir "f liitle avail, Maker, wiu swam the lircuft stroke, gradually giew ahead of l'ialier, until ho lin t gtined about a quarter of a milo. They were about six miles from Ihu Blurting point, and, as it was im possible to keep within Safe dintanco of both swimmers, Fiaher, who was v ry tiied and cold, was hauled into the bout. Maker continued to swim until about seven iiiiles had been covered, and in a a colli streak of water was taken with cramps and was compelled to ipiit, after being in the witer V't hours. Finher, who works in the utlice of the l'oriland Flouting Mills Company, is a small well built fellow, ami one of the hcit swiuij mers in I'ortl.iml. Maker is the instruc (oral the Olympic baths, and In addition to being an a!l-urour.d athlete, holds liie world's one-hour record for tyaw riting. Monday'; Oregonian. .illa)r( or Siou'll. Iist, strayed or stolen from my place on July 3, one Jersey cow four years old, yellow in color with suisll bell fastened on with wire. Any Information ol her will be gladly received or a suitable re ward will be paid for her return. C W. I'OKTKK. Ouk'ion Citv, July 10, IHllo. A dollar saved ia equal to two dollars earned. 1'uy up your suhsiuption to the Kntkiii'Iiisk and get the the benefit of the reduction in price. bark into the jail corridor knocking oyer an empty box that stood on u table, and I next year. bis person falling ou the lloor with an I from slips taken from the old tree. audible Ihud. The HhwJlV wav) sum moned and locked the prisoner in his stooJ cell, where thieves do not break out and steal If Nehron ha-1 bean two minutes later in opening thiwloor of the iisHoseor'a olllce, Mooro would have been out through one of tho office windows on the ground, and making u race for lib erty. Moore must have worked indus triously lor several hours, as he had placed an empty box on the tablti sland inu in toe corridor, and mounted on Uie box he cut a hole through the ceilinit willl the small brace bit inula buck-saw. Ashe had lo reach through the hole made in the ceiling to work an opening in the floor, the work was done with the brace bit alone. When Nehren came in Mooie hud thrown his coat and vest through the hole, and ha 1 his head and slioiildurs through tho opening and was raising his body up by means of bis el bows. The w.'Uched and his li failed. Savk Youk I'kvmks. "A Mnny saved ia a penny earned" Wo do not have to j ay high eulai ies for -clerk hire or any exorbitant rents. This is why we tan save your money alien you are in need of pure drugs, idieiuicals, drug sundriee etc. We do business on a cash basis birI give you tlw benefit. K. C., Seventh Street rharuiuvy, Cor. 7th and Center street. t'lotiiimr. Sold at greatly reducud prices by I Charman A Son, to make room lor an immense fall stock. A full line of gon (Jemeii'a underwear just received. For tho ailinents in the kidneys and bladder incident to declining years there is no remedy that produces such imme diate and satisfactory results as lr. J. II. McLean'H Liver and Kidney Jialm. Picnic ai Ui.auhtonk I'ahk. Tho at tractive surroundings, beautiful scen ery and convenient transportation fucili tiea is muking Gladstone park the most popular resort lor public gathering and picnic gatherings of any place in ! state. Last year tho merchants' pii nic was held down the Columbia, and the occaxiou was hampeied by the lack of transpirtatiou 'utilities. After all the boats on the nverhad been procured, in cluding two barges, no less than one thousand iH-ople were turned away for lack of transportation, one-half of whom were little children, whose disappoint ment was depicted on their countenan ces as ihev washed the merry crowd Bail away for a day's outing Says the Oi'cgotiiuu: The merchants' picnic, which will take place on August L'.sth, prom ises to eclipse in iroKrtions the mons ter demonstration of one year ao, while. In entertainment, comfort of transporta tion and re tl pleasure there will he no comparison. The committee having tho matter in charge has Ssnt a great deal of time cist n;j about for -.-i '.' grounds, accessible by transportation fa cilities, and bus decided Uon (iladntone park. This bountiful ground is situated on the Cluckamas river, about 11 miles from l'oriland, and about milco from Oregon City, and the Southern Pacific. Uuilroud Company and the Fast Side P.uilwav Company both run to tho very gutes of the pHrk, and quick service will be made both from Portland and Uregnn l ity. , it It the present ar rangements V2, 000 can go as comfnr'uVy as $t!,(HVfl, which was the number that applied for transportation last year. School Mkktino. The board of ili rectors of Oregon t ity school district No. 02, met at the office of Thos. F. Hyan, at 7 :70 p.m. August 10th. There were present: T. S. Iwience, chairman, J. W. Noble and J. W. Norris directors. On motion it was voted that school com mence for the ensuing year on the L'.'hI day of September. The subject of grade work and the assignment of teachers was discussed. Profs. Holmes and McA l-i!:? being present, and the following assign ments to grades were made : Ilurcluy bidding 10 and 8 A, Prof. S. W. Holmes'; 7 A, Prof. P. M Weddell; 6 B, Miss Gertrude Finley; 5th, Hattie Monroe; 4th, Hattie Wetherell; 3d, Laura Beatlie ; 2d, Hattio Cochrane; 1st, May Kelly; East ham school building--!)th. IVf. L. W. McAdums; 7th II and ti A. Mrs. Nellie C. McAdams, 5th, Miss Einia Lawrence; 3d and 4th Kird; 2d, Miss Ora Spangler; 1st, Mise Mollis Hankins. Sick-Looking People. Did you ever obHerve! tlutt nine-tenths of the jieojile who are not look ing well reply to your! inijuiry with: "0, a little hiliouH," or "Got a touch : of malaria." j Them: two titles cover a 1 multitude of little ills that ' are the direct result of TOKI'lD I.IVKK or DKUANOKI) stomach. We have sold many medicines for these troubles, and our j Syrup Cascara ; is the result of a careful ! comparison of these reined-' ies. For niuot s.vEss and mai.akia it's not a cure-1 all we guarantee it to j give entire satisfaction. It is pleasant to take, acts quickly, and cots 25 cents per bottle. Ian t it worth trying at our risk? C. C HUNTLEY. Druggist, Oragon City, Oregon. 25 Cent Novels i For 10 Cents We have several hundred novels all new and fresh which retail regularly for 2.')C We got a "job" on them and you may haveyour choice for 10 cents. The titles are (standard, and you will find books by your favorite authors. You will better appreciate this bargain by asking to see some samples. Huntley's Book Store. Oregon City, Qgn. A splendid selec tion of Ladies' underwear. A carefully selected Btock of Summer dress coodu and everything to match. A new Stock of late Style Tan Shoes for Ladies', Centlemen and Children. The Latest Shapes in Straw Hats for MLCN AND IiOYS..... Pants, Sweaters. Caps and Shces For Bicyclists direct from the factory, at prices that defy competition in '! Oregon. Spring and Summer men's suits of the latest cuts of Cambridge, Oxford and Poole makes. French kid Shoes for ladies and children, in Oxford ties and Juliettes. A full line of groceries that will compare in prices with anybody's figures. Thos. Charman & Son. z You pip grower;? ?... Fkanciiisk Laid Ovkk The city council had a special meeting Saturday evening to consider tho ordinance rood at. tho regular meeting, held on tho Wed nesday niuht previous, granting the East Ride Railway Company a fran chise to run express and freight cars into the corporate limits of Oregon City. The mayor and all the members of the council were present except Tortor, Cooke and Broughton . The committee Its and invigorating ellecton the prisoner Is now closely j liver and kidneys is remarkable. I'rice lis liberties have been cur-1 'or mlle C. O. Huntley, druggist. It does seem bind tcr a woman to have to cook on a burned out stove, be sides tho entire family have to suffer from Improperly cooked food. For $18.50 Suli wan A Putrow will furnish a first cluHBcook with all the fixtures, Peoplo who desirq ruspborries for can ning, red or black, can do well by ap plying to Tompkins Brothers. A splendid selection of men's, ladies' and children's tan shoes at Charman A Son's. Beware or Ointments Tor ( alari li llial Contains .Mercury. as mercury will surely destroy tho sense of smell and completely derange the mucous surfaces. Such articles should never be used except on prescriptions from reputable physicians, as the damage they will do is ten old to the good yon can possibly derive from them. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by K. J. Cheney & C., contains no murcury, and is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. In buying Hull's Catarrh Cure be sure yon get the genuine. It is taken i internally, and made in Toledo, Ohio, by K J.Cheney & Co. Testimonials free. fJflTtiold by Druggists, price 7oc. per bottle. llliicksinlthlng. Clarence Porter has reopened the blacksmith shop lately occupied by W. S. Maple, opposite Pope's hardware store and is ready to do all kinds of re pairing and horseshoeing. Asa shoer Mr. Porter is equal lo the best and al ways gives satief iction. Highest price paid for wool at Char man & Son's store. Postoffice-:- Store. MILWAUKEE, OR. FAMILY-:-GROCERIES, Dry Goods, Notions, Hardware, Boots Shoes, Our Groceries are Fresh and of the best quality. In Prices we meet Portland Competition. O.WISSINGER, Successor to GARY & WISSINGER. Let me have a trial order. IMWVr - ' 1 Jt.. I Vr H tl it is necessary for you to have a grader. You will save more pU money by its use in one season than it will cost. Youwillhave a better grade of prunes, and they will sell better. You cannot afford to be without one. Do not pay $(S0 or $70 for an Eastern grader when you can buy the best grader on the market for $28.00. Manufactured in Portland. Is invented and manu factured by a man who has made prune graders a specialty. Graders made to grade from 10 to 40 tons of prunes per day and guaranteed. Also wire fruit dipping baskets from $1.50 up. Fruit growers wire works of all kinds. Correspondence solic ited. Agts. wanted. TESTIMONIALS. The PorUitnd Wire 4 lrc0 Wrk,. Hiludait, Or., AprU , 195. riKSiB: Ketlylng to your f ivor ol 23ri Irnt., I rxg to ay that the Pruuo Orailer 1 bouirhl Iniro you last yir, hat given parted antUfuccioo. Never -'.aoutot or lor, la eaar to operate and irradea the pruiiw as even as cm b) desired; and attar da me. great pleasure to spenlt i word In ita praUe. A good Dinny fruit growjra v.s ted mypic (I'jrini prune dry ing time and were auprited at tue eicuent work it d.Mt. Youn Truly, HNY E. DoicH. aay 1 am vjry much ever seen f w n.. t,...,.- ViNCOCViR, Wash., April 15, 1H95. Dear mr: I uatd one of your fruit gra lers ait y..r aul wil. say 1 am ploased with 1U wuriting. I thlun your grater tbeciietreat an.i bet gra.ler I have used. I wouldn't exchange mi 2f zraJer lor anv ito rmder in nw amumi nr. Youn Truly, C. H. Rickil PORTLAND WIRE & IRON WORKS, Sole Manufactures, 334 ALDER STREET, PORTLAND, OR. SCHWAN & PUTROW. :(abll-.h-l HI MlU PIONEER CI. 1m$kf and Epre freight and parcels delivered to all parts of the city. RATES - REASONABLE. The latest in visiting cards at the En terphisb Okfici. Prices to suit you. Dr. Price's Cream Baking: Powder Awarded Cold Medal Midwinter Fair, San Francisco. I n 7 HANDLE- HOSE... ... PUMPS Cotton A great variety of and Rubber "Pnrno Pi Hose of best grades Ordinary Well Pumps Spray Pumps. Prices will suit you call and examine. No trouble to show goods. a 1 ;t;..,.i),.i.m 8 'i-t -c fold mitehMyy .m.J Sorr Fyc3 It $JJ jK f VJ a!.m lit... ... .11 r-. I ! J.T' S T.-HIH II , e - UN?UAS.NTBRfnlH. If u,, rti icK roa phw.r.. 0. OfcOVlU-EXAL. For sale by C. G. Huntley. Q YOU NEED r ANV -. - - DOORS, WINDOWS, MOULDING, Or Building Material? Go to C- H- BESTOW- Lowest cash prices ever offered for FIRST - CLASS - GOODS. Also combination wire and picket fence, HARTMAN - STEEL - PICKET PENCE. And beBt farm fencing made. Prices to suit hard times. Shop Opp. Congregational Church, MAIN STREET. OREGON CITY.