Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (July 26, 1895)
Oregon City tntcrprisc. KUIIMY, JULY I'd, 18115. ' Clackamas Co. Directory. COUNTY UFFiCKUH. J m.Iho, i'lmk n (!mrt, SlinrllT, lli'i'onl.T, 'I riiMnuori AnoRNiir, -KhImkiI Snperliittiuiti'iit, hurviynr, Dornuur. CiHiinilMlnmtrK, (liinlnii K. My Ih'.i. K lliirlnii K. '. MmlilM k H M. Iliiiiialiy M I.. Mnnrtp J. V., lit l)-y II. H (ill.-. .11 1). W Klmialril II. I.. Ilninmii I llli'linnl He. ill I Ktniik JnuKur HATK.H '10 IIKMKMIIKU. JI'I.Y H, Mmiilnv-lli'iiulnr iMiinlhly inci'l- I ' K l lliu Imiiril ul Irmlit. JI'I.Y in, WmliH'iiluy-- Williiinrltci VtiUiy l'lmnluuiiiii AiHiii lnlliiii fin vciit-H ul . i I a . 1 ( i j 1 1 1 mrk lur proii u( Iru iluvs. CHAT ABOUT TOWN. I . r iiiurt cup fur ! lit "The Fair." For nil kiwis of Notion u' to "IU lilll'kl't SlOIO. Money In lomi on 1 m i pr i 1 farm. W, II. lliiiKluirilt. If ynu wmit m'WliiK imirliiiii) fur .''i go to Itclloiny A Itimrli's. Htoi In mill try oimi of t'lictc Jolui'i clgurs, llni'ht In tliu market. CO T Willlull'.S IlIlM UlU lll'HH llf gain ill Inside lulM or small tract. Kreytait'i turnips are perfect, sweet I ml tender. A trUl will ion vine". Cheapest place In town for liltw k mill tun hose mil ladies and xiil uuinr wear li t Uiu Kni kct store. Money WHittmt, WW for live montlis, the lnt of security. Address, H. box i'HH Ori'uoii Clty: (KlioRc; imik lar.i l()c; lit hihwU P. (I. niKiir 11.00, at tlio lti'l Front Tradlnu company. Mr. F. It. Andrews, of Urn Mapluwood garden, will deliver vetfclalilcs on hat unliiy in time for Holiday meal. An endless variety of rt to flux froumt'-Tlio l ir." B, 10, 15. 20 and 25c counters. Mr. uiul Mm. James Harris, of tlio Weal Hide, have a liriglit itirl ul their lioiiiu whose advent dates from Monday last. In medicine quality is of llrt impor tance. You ran relv upon prescriptions that are filled at the Heventh Street riiarmiiry. Assessor J. C. Itradloy and family have moved into the Bacon dwelliiiK on uiKir Kixth street, which they pur chased a few week ago. The Yaijuina J'tsrt, Coll Van Cleve, editor, published at Toledo, Oregon, has aunHMid(d publication. Failing hi'altn of the editor la the reason iiiven. How about those 2 to 5 acre tract, near the Chautauqua grounds, at (Had Molie Park, some of thi'in planted with prune treea. C. O. T. Williams. IUv. J. K. Sinilh, who formerly con ducted the Ashland assembly, and IuhI year assisted in the assembly here, la now in chaw of a pastorate In California. Hoy waists, while and colored, cheater limn ever at Iho Backet store. Taken up a stray horse at Nobl'itl's atuhle, Oregon City. I a hay horse, weighs i:i(H) pounda, loft hind foot while, and whilo in Ida face. Una a small bell on. Hranded "J II" on loft shoulder. Mr. Clcvering, a well-known oerator. ia now associated with Mr. I'rier In the gallery on Muin street, where you can gut tho beat of work done at rcitaonahlo price. County Recorder Huiiiaby uttended a futility reunion and golden wedding an niveraiirv of hia pureiita, Mr. and Mra. Uaiiiaby, well-known citiaons of Silver ton, IuhI Friduy. Sherill Mmldock hua extended tho time for the payment of taxes until An gnat 15th, ullhoiigh he hud authority to cIoho up tho booka at the July term of the county court. Tuesday noon, a fire, alurm raiaed a burn of excitement for a few moments, but there was no bliwo. A spark hud started the dry nioaa to smoking near tho skylight of Iho Oregon City laundry, which was quickly extlniahod. The young people of the Presbyterian church will give, a lawn social at tho residence of Fred Meyer, Seventh and Jackvon streets, on Friday evening of this week. Ice crouin and cake. All are invited anil a ploasaut time is as sured . Uncle John opened his ice cream and confectionury parlor foot of Seventh aired Thursday evening, lie carries a full line of candies, nuts, fruits, cigars and notions. His prices will meet your pocket books and his goods are all first clnss. At last Oregon City Is to have close mail connection with Wilsonyille and Stafford. Iiida are asked for carrying the mail and will be roceived up to August 2d, for carrying the mall from Oregon City to Wilsonvllle, via Willam ette Falls and Stafford and back, a dis tance of 12.50 miles. Tho seryice is daily except Sunday and will loavo Ore gon City at 10:30 a. m. anivingat Wil sonville at 2 p. m ; will leave Wilson ville at 6 a. m. and arrive at Oregon City at 0:30 a. in. The service will begin October 1st. PEnSONALNOTES. Mra. W. 8. Holmes Is K'nding a few day with frl iiids at Kugte creek, l.J lurniiAorth iclmned Wednesday from a aeverul days sojourn at Wilhoit springs. Mias Kva Klcclu and Hesaie llurker, of I'orllunil, lire, tlio gueals of Mrs, L. 0, (iiiruelt. Mibh Oliver, of Portland, is Npending a few days in the city, the guest of Mikn May Mm kit. Mrs. Jolin Yunciireii, of Fugle Creek, was Hut gucHt of Mra. H. F. Scripture oyer Sunday. Henry K. Dom h of the Stale Horti cultural Coniniiwuioii. was ii from Port land Moiiilny. Mrs, Henry Clone, of Oregon City hua been viailing her daughter, Mrs, John Talhcrt, of Siilem, (ien, T. M Anderson and family, of Vancouver, are camping on Kan lit creek for a few days. L, W. I'ueth, a well known farmer and hop grower of Union Mills was in Oregon City Saturduy. Mrs. K. K. Warren, of Newbeig, who has been visiting Mrs.C. O.T. Williams, returned home Monday. C'rcd Struttou, of I'ortlund, is spend ing his vacation on the headwaters of one fork of the Molalla. Mias Mary Mclnlyre, accompanii'd by Mias I-enora Kay, of Salem, are spend ing the week in Portland. C. Winlprmantle, of Canbv, and VV'.S. Uldor, of New F".ra, were at the court house on biiainess Tuesday. Mif Maud Junpiiah, of Ksgle Creek, spent Sunday with the family of her uncle, County Aasessor J. C. llradley. Mr. Flixabeth Fuch uxs Friday to Kedland for a week's vlait with her old-time friends, Mr. and Mrs. Spces. Miaaes Lena and Cora Johnson, of Clackamas, have been the guests of the fit in 1 1 y of C. A. Hurmunn for several days. Mr. and Mrs. J. K. McConnell ol I'leaaant Hill accompanied by Mrs. A. I.ocev of Hatelia aero in Oregon City Tuesday. Miss Helta Fouta will leave Saturday for Long Peach, where slie will Ss-nd some time with the family of F. Wolfe of Portland. Mrs J. Shade went to Oakland, Ore gon, on thd Kottobiirg local Tuesday. She will remain several weeks visiting sick friends. Chester Murphy, of Salem, Jordan Zan, Frank Iiekuin and Morris White house, of Portland, were the guests of Laurence Driggs Friday. K. P. Grant, of F.aelbrook, Mass., has accepted position as siierintendent at tho woolen nulls. Ho was chairman of the school board of his town for seven years Mrs. If . K. Croaa, accompanied by her children, Dolly. Iaiay and Percy left Monday for a isit of several days duration with the family of O. F.aton, near Oswego. Mrs. K. M. Hands, of Vancouver, ac companied by her children, Tluirlow anil Eulalie, were in Oregon City last week attending the Chautauqua and visiting relatives and friends. ti. H. Wishart, accompanied by his brother-in law and siater, Mr. mid Mrs. Horuce Houghton, left for that popular resort, Newport, Monday, where they will remain a week or two. Charles Foster and Cass Simpson, of Kagle Creek, left Tuesday for Arlington, Eastern Oregon, where they will spend the summer. Tho latter will try a change of climate for the benefit of his heaith . Hon. 11. II. tiilfry, who has been sec-j rotary of the United Statea senate for the past sixteen years, was in Oregon City Tuesday on his way to Lane county to viait relatives. Ho was accompanied by Mrs. tiilfry and two daughters. I). It. and James McLaughlin, of Skun otiilus, N. Y., woolen manufacturers, are registered at the Kloctric Hotel, and wententto A.J. Sawtull's teasel farm on the Molalla Wednesday, to contract for a supply of teiiHels for the factory which they represent. Prof. J. B. Horner, professor of litera ture and F.ngliah at tho State Agricultu ral collego, and formorly editor and pub lisher of the Oregon School Journul, did active work to make the State Teachers' Association a grand success, which closed its session at Gladatone park lust Satur duy. Tho profeasnr was accompanied by Mrs. Horner. Dr. G. O. Rogers, who has resided at Forest drove for the past two years, was in Oregon City Tuesday on business be fore the U. S. land oMic.e. lie will re turn in a few weeks and contemplates erecting a neat dwelling across the river, and makjng his permanent residence in this city. Dr. Rogers is a gentleman of scientific attainments, and is a popular lecturer. The Entkm'mnk received a pleasant call Tuesday from S. W. Malone, U. S. storekeeper at Torre Haute, Indiana. Mr. Malone is enjoying a briof vacation and is making a tour of the Northwest. He was greatly pleased with the country and especially with the beautiful scenery. He was highly Interested in the falls and factories of Oregon City and spent tho er.tire day in the city. F. B. Dickey, of Pittsburg, Penn., is visiting his cousin, Mrs S. M. Hamsby, anil will probably Samd the summer visiting relatives In this county. Attorney C. I. Latouretto visited Sa lem Monday, on Icjul business. II. K. Cioas was in Salem Monday as attorney In a ciibd before the snorcine court. II K. Hayes, of Salem, was in Oregon City WeducHduy, tho guest of his son, County Judge lluyes, F. T. Uriflllh, of the law firm of O'Neill, Hedge, Thompson A (irilhtli, made u biiainess visit to Stilem Tuesday. Mias Lutie Martin, of Siilem, spent the week in Oiegon City, visiting at the home of her mother, Mrs. C. F. Mar tin. Kev. M. N. Ferrin, one of the profes sor in the I'ucillc university at Forest drove, and a brother of Dr. II. K. Fer rin, spent several days in Oregon City last week, lie was accompanied by his w ife and children. J. M. Lawrence left Wednesday morn ing for a few week's viait to his old homo in Wisconson. lie. goes by way ol Ibe Northern Pacific railroad. Fred (ireeuiiiun will act as deputy county recorder during hi ahxeuce. J. II. Walker went to Corvalli Wed tieaduv evening on the overland, to look after some buainea mutter. He started for that place Monday, but was recalled by a telegram at Saleul, Informing him of K. K. ('barman's death. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Frost, Miss May Darling and Mrs. Dean made up a party that left for Newport on Tuesday morn ing. Mr. Front will return after a couple of weeks, and the balance of the parly will remain for about a month. 8. A. D. Gurley. now a prominent lawyer of Arlington, but formerly well known teacher of this county, came down to attend the funeral of Mrs. Gur ley's mother, Mrs. S. V. Mack, of Canby. Mrs, Gurley wasalao in attend ance . According te the Handon Recorder, W, C. Cheney, the electrician of the General F.lectric Company, will superin tend placing in position the dynamo and electric lighting plant of the Hundon woolen mills. Mrs. Cheney is spending the summer with Mrs, Theo. Clark at that place. Attorney C. II, Dye left Monday for British Columbia, to look after some luw matters. He was accompanied by Mrs Dve. who will take some much needed recreation and devote a portion of the time studying the early history of the Hudson Hay Compiny. They will prob ably be absent a week or ten days yet It is very probable that the next annual meeting of the Orviron Press Association will be held In Ore gon City. A preference was expressed for this place at the recent session held a- Newport and the matter now rests with the executive committee. The road lrtil and bridge structures on the Oregon Central & F)astern from Albany to Ysiiuina are in excellent condition, and Manager F.dwin Stone and Superin tendent Clark did everything possible to make the trip pleaaaut for the visitors. The clambake was an immense success, about 2000 pcoplo partaking of the feast. Hon. U. A. Henaall did all he could to entertuin the newspaper representatives, who thoroughly enjoyed a brief stay at this popular resort. The newly elected oll'icera of the association are: Presl dent, Charlea C. Doughty, Dallas ; vice' president, A. W. Patterson, Heppner; second vice-president, A. W. Fisher, Portland; treasurer, Charles Nickell, Jacksonville; secretary. Albert Tor.ier, Portland; sergeant-ai-arms, John R. Heegle, St. Helens. One of the features of the gathering was Senator Mitchells sHech eulogistic of tho press and replete with references to constitutional law M. K. Pain, of the Three Sisters, is one of the new members on the finance com mittee. Ahorse kicked H. S. Shafer, of the Freemver House. Middleburg, N. Y., on the knee, which laid him up in bed and caused the knee joint to become stiff. A friend recommended him to use Cham berlain's Pain Halm, which he did, and in two days was able to be around. Mr. Sluiler has recommended it to many ot tiers and says it is excellent for any kind of a bruise or sprain. This same Remedy is also famous for its cures of rheumatism. For sale by G. A. Hard lug, Drnggist. Something went wrong with the train mail service last Friday and the Entkk rmsK bundles for Canby and New Era took an excursion to some unknown place, arriving back to their destinations several days late. The mail sorvice from this city is very good, but. like aJJ other things in this world, has a miss once in a while. The fewer of these miBhaps the better, as it is rather exas perating for people living in the country to make two or three trips to get their county paper Shorifl Maddock returned Wednesday from Whiteson, Yamhill county, where he attended the funeral of Mrs. Elmer Remington, a sister of Mrs. Maddock. lie was accompanied by Jacob and Wil liam Rauch, father and brother of the deceased lady. Mrs. Reniinijtop. was a pioneer of fjlackamas county, having come here in 1853, After residing for many years in Marion county with her husband and family, they removed to Whiteson, where the family still reside. Henry Millard, of New York, stands at the head of the list for making pure candies and of beautiful designo. Sold by E. E. Williams, The Groccrr Lodge Nolfs, W. J. Phona&oe, of Oswego, district deputy giand master, I.O.O.F., installed the following new officers of Oregon Ivixlge No. 3,last Friday evening: W.A. Hedges, N.O. ; If. W. Trembalh, V. G. j T. F'. Ryan, recording secretary ; Sol S. Walker, treasurer, John J. Cooke, con ductor; K.W.Hcott. warden; Charles H. Dye, chaplain; J. W. Moffat, R.S.N.G.; Charles F.. Midlam, L.S.N.G. ; J.C Brad ley, R.H.V.G. ; E. A, Leightori, R. 8. ri. ; K. II. Godfrey, L. S. S. A social mealing of Multnomah Lodge Noll will be held Saturday night. T. F. Ryan went to Portland Tuesday and received the thirtieth or Scottish Kite degree of Masonry. Pioneer Eastern Star Chapter No. 28, have adjourned their meetings until September. Abernethy Kebekah Lodge No. W), I. (. O. F., is the title of Ibe second organ isation of this degree, Instituted in Ore gon City. The new lodge completed it organization Tuesday night at the Odd F'ellow't hall and wa instituted by Mrs. Foster, PKcial deputy grand muster, as sisted by Mrs. Mauley and Miss Lacy, of Portland, with nineteen charter mem Imts. The following are the elected and appointed olliceis: Mrs. Georgie K. Meld'iiin, N. G.; Mrs. Minnie G. Char man, V. G. ; Mrs Nellie F. Glass, sec retary; Miss Bessie Midlam, F. 8.; Mrs. Pauline Metzner, treasurer; Mis Erina Ijiwrence, conductor , Miss Hattie Weth- erell. warden ; Miss Mollie Hankins, I. G. ; F. W. Midlam, O. G. ; J. T. Apper son R. 8. N. G. ; Miss Myrtle Wetherell, L. S. V. G. The new lodge starts out under the most favorable- circumstances and will hoW its meeting the first and third Friday evenings in each month in the same Iodize room as the other Ke bekah degree lodge. Oregon City Workmen lodges were pretty well represented at the A. O. IT. W . grand lodge in Portland last week . T. E. Gault wa appointed inside watch man of the grand lodge Rev. Mr. Murai, who was to speak at I he Congregational church last Sunday evening, did not get the letter inviting him to come until Monday afternoon. As it was then a little late he concluded not to come. It is now arranged that he will speak at the Congregatinnul church next Sunday morning at 10:30 on "Re ligious Ideas and Methods of Worship In Japan, Corea and China," and on Monday evening he will give a steropti con lecture on the China-Japan War." He delivered these lectures in the prin cipal cities of Washington, and were well attended and spoken of by the people everywhere. Admission, Monday even ing, X5 cents. State or Ohio, City or Tolkdo) Ll'CAS Cointy ) Frank J. Chknkv makes oath that he is tho senior partner of the firm of F. I. Cheney & Co., doing business in the City of Toledo, County and State aforesaid and that said firm will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and erery case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of Hall's Catakbi: Ct KK. A.W. Gl.EASOS, sr al Notary Public. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken inter nally and acts directly on the blocs! and mucous surfaces of the system. Send for testimonials, free. F.J. CHENEY A CD. Toledo.O. tfSold by Druggists, 7.V. For physical ailments, especially those incident to declining years, there is no remedy that produces such satisfactory results as Dr. J. II. McLean's Liver and Kidney Balm, its genial and invigorating effect on liver and kidneys is remark able. For sale by C. G. Huntley, drug gist. Ben Franklin tramped, hungry and foot-Bore, through Philadelphia Btreets, with a loaf under one arm and a lot of brand new proverbs under his hat One of Bon's maxims was, "a penny saved is a oennv earned." ion ve neani inai before, but no matter; if you if will buy your groceries at V. Harris you will re- alize the force of it. To allay pains, subdue inflamation, heal foul sores and ulcers, the most prompt and satisfactory results are ob tained by using that old reliable remedy, Dr. J. II. McLean's Volcanic Oil Lini ment. For sale by C. G. Huntley, drug gist. Travelers find a safe companion in De Witt's Colic and Cholera cure. A change in drinking water and in diet often causes severe and dangerous complaints. This medicine always cure them. C. G. Huntley, Druggist There is one medicine that cures im mediately. We refer to De Witt's Colic and Cholera cure for all summer com plaints. disappointments no failure. C. O. Huntley, Druggist. O. E. A. Freytag does not propose to remain In the rear of the procession in the matter ot supplying the market with fresh vegetables, and his gardens are kept in first class contlitfon. Ho! ye pleasure seeker, to Yaquina Bay and return for Iti.OO. Good until October 10, 1SG5. Tickets on sale at depot, S. T. Co., by L. B. Moore, tf That 20 acre tract, level road, 2 miles out, plenty of running water, only $050. C. 0. T. Williams. Money to loan on good real estate security by A. S. Dresser. Dr. Price's Cream Baking- Powder World's Fair Highest MsJsl sail Dlpl Notice, Notice Is hereby given that the follow ing list ol warrants were issued from this office for more than heven years prior to July 1st 1K!5, and were taken from the clerk's office, but never pre sented for payment; and, unless the same are presented for payment by He- tembar 1, iHti'i, will be cancelled : No. 2521, issued Feb. 10, 1K.K for $2 in favor of W, A, Moodv. V. 9'i'tfl liynuil Iiiru. II ffir 1 ''ft No. Issued June o, wm, lor .m is favor of John Confer. No. 2978, issued June , 18HH, for $1.70 in favor of Henry Kloper. Gko. V. Hoktos, Clerlr. W. II. Nelson, who is in the drug bus iness at Kinnvillc, Mo., has so much confidence in Chamberlain's Colic, Choi ena and Diarrho a Remedy that he war rants every bottle and offers to return! the money to any customer who is not satisfied after using it. Mr. Nelson takes no risk in doing this because the Remedy is a certain cure for the disease for which it is intended and he know it. It I for aale by G. A. Harding, Druggist. Strayed or Stolen. Lost, straved or stolen from myylace on July 3, one Jersey cow four years old, yellow in color with small bell fastened on with wire. Any Information ot her will be gladly received or a suitable re ward will be paid for her return. C. W. Poktek. Ohkoo.s City, July 10, 1885. To the Farmers Binding twine cheaper than anywhere at Charman & Son's Pioneerstore. AX IPiSHl D22- uw ITSLE OF UMMER i 'TOCK EVERYTHING AT CQSTjpARMERS... C0JJE ETOY frXD JSECiIRE THE BEST BlWIjXJS. HOT DAY SHIRTS. To wear a stiff, startched white shirt during hot weather, pre venting all circulation of air around the body, is both un comfortable and unhealthy. By wearing A Negligee Shirt You get perfect comfort, and are not baked with the heat. We carry all colors, sines and styles. 75c to $l.i)0 Portland prices. Glass & Smith, The Clothiers. r. F. WHITE. W. A.WHITE. WHITE BROTHERS Practical Architects Builders. Will nrenare nlans. elevatinna. working de li lis, and specifications torallkluds of build- ue;s. Special aiteuiion gireu to miwcrn uw ts.,ea. Ksitmntes iurumaeu ou npiuiuituun Call on or address WHITE BKOB., Oregon City. Of n JOHN YOUNGER, EWELER, 0pp. Huntley's Drug Store, All Kinds of Watches, Clocks and Jewelry Repaired FORTY YEARS EXPERIENCE IN Great Britain and America. Give me atrial. A KNIFE la Ihf hand of Surgi-oa rIvm you a iVrllnfl; of hor ror anl drnul. 7hm im no lcmr nccrlty for It UM In munyrliiwflrtr form erly rr-Kiu'lcd a incurable without cuttiny. The Triumph of Conservative Surgery w-11 llttifttratH hr llir fact thai f tfyri pp or ftrrwh. is now radical! I Ull Cllr,, without the knife ami without twin. Chiiny. chalintf tniMr can bat thrown awny I Th y never curr tmt often iuducw ,nflnmmitj' and ieiith. TIIMAIJC vnriHii. Filrroiil (Uterine) and 1 UJ'lUlwf many other, are w.w removed without the peril of rutting operation. I ILL, I iin ,m other iliwawa of the lower bowel, are permanently cure! with out or report to the knife. CTf)p in f'tixl'ler. no matter howr)fe. OIlilL, gft crtmh'-d. pulverized, washed out and perfectly removed without cutting. QTlMf Tl 'IP ul t'rmary i'nwiixe la also O I Rlvl Ulvlv removed withMit online; in hundred of cam. l-'or pamphlet, references and all pJirtiriilar. send 10 ccnu tin Alainp) to World' OiHpennry M'-dical Association, No. 66) Main Street, Buffalo, N. Y. MOTHERSs- and those noon to become mothers, should know that Dr. Pierce' Favorite Prescription rot childbirth of its tor turea, terror and dantrer to both mother and child, by aiding nature in pre paring the syttera for parturition. Thereby "labor" and the period ofj confinement art" tjreatly ahortened. It also promote the secretion of an abundance of nourishment for the child. Mra. Dora A.GrTHra.of Oaklry, (hrrlnn ".. Trnn., write : " When I bejmn taking Dr. Pierce' Favorite Prescription. I wa not atleto stand on my feet without unficrintr. almost draih. Now I do all my hotmrwork. wanning, cookie.;, tewing; and everything for my family of eight. 1 am stouter now than I have been in ftix years. Your ' Favorite Prescription ' is the best to take before confinemect, or at leat it proved o witb me. 1 never suffered so little with any of my cfaildrca a I did with but but." Duffy &JIeckart EXPRESS and TRANSFERING. I Special care in moving Household ! Goods and Pianos. ; Prompt work and ! T 1 1 1 iteasonaoie cnarges. Leave orders at BELLOMY & BUSCH'S. Your team will have the best of care and Full Measure of Feed At ihe City Stables. Kidd & Williams, Props., 6ucce.ora to V. H. COOke. Livery Rigs on Short Notice. H. W. JAQKSON, Bicycles, Umbrellas, Guns, Sewing Machines, And all kinds of small ma chines put in good order. No work to difficult to undertake. Prices reasonable. Shop on Seventh St., near depot. Money Loaned. First Mortgages on Improv ed Farm Property Negotiated. We are prepared to negotiate first Morgans upon improved farms in Oregon, with eastern parties at a rate of interest not to exceed 9 per cent, per annum. Mortgages renewed that have been taken by other companies. Address with stamps, Mervin Sworts, Baker City, - - Oregon. FOR- ABSOLUTELY PURE DR.UGS OO TO Q A. HARDING. NONE BUT COMPETENT PHARMACISTS EMPLOYED Fine Perlteries ail Toilet Articles. Also a lull stock ol IP-A-HtTTiB- OILS ETC. NOBLETTS STABLES. Livery, Feed and Sale Stable ORECONCITY. LOCATED BETWEEN THE BRIDGE AND DEPOT. Double and Single Rigs, and sad dle horses always on hand at the I lowest prices. A corrall connected with the barn tor loose stock. Information regarding any kind or stock promptly attended to by person of letter. Horses Bought and Sold. Horses Boarded and Fed on reason able terms. 6 A.Sr V. J -JBflDH AND n