Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (July 26, 1895)
CLACKAMAS COUNTY THK ENTERPRISE fORRESPOJil). EMS SWEEP THE FIELD. NAKQl'AX NOTES. first Wheat llarveited-llany IVnlcs HeUt All a Buccess. MARgDAM.July Hi. Having is nearly over. Tbe hay and all other crops are very good. Mrs. J. A. Urigits, of Monmouth, is visit ing at her (ion's home. M. J. White, one of our leading hop men, attended the Hop Growers' Association at Butteville last week. Tbe United Brethren have closed their caunpnieetiugaftcr a very profitable session. Nick Birchet took a trip to his ranch in the mountains the tlrst of this week. lie reports grass and cattle as doing nicely. White Bros, and Nick Birchet are build ing more store room for the coming crop. They have forty acres ol the finest hops in the country. Hop buyers are offering tour cents for '!H hops. So sales. A large number of people spent Sunday t the Can by camp meeting. All report a good time. The Congregational society of Elliot Prai rie held services In Shuck's grove Sunday. There was also an immersion. P. J. Hidings, our genial merchant, with family and Iriends, started for the seaside on Monday to be gone for ten days or two weeks. MARyi'AM, July 23. Harvesting has be gun. A. Cobb has the honor of having the first wheat in the shock. The prospects for hops are not so good ; the yield will be light but quality good. There have been offers of cents to con Uact, but no takers. The Grange picnic at Shuck's grove on the 18th was a success. Rev. Barkley, the popular legislator, was the orator of the day and was seconded by Hon. Casto. A large number went from here last Sun day to the Sew Era camp meeting. The picnic at Scott's mills lat Saturday was not very well attended owing to the band picnic at Woodbum; a good time is reported, however. A large number of campers are moving these warm days towards Soda Springs. Miss Ora Skirvin returned from Marion station Thursday, where she has been visit ing triemls. M. J. White and sister, Mrs. Ross, spent 8unday and Monday at Aumsville visiting relatives. Uncle Bob Thompson, who has been aick so long, is now slowly improving. J. T. Ross, Domp Drake and E. M. Hart man started for tbe headwaters of the Mo lalla last Friday on a fishing excursion. They returned Monday and report a hue time. Laura and Mabel Knight, of C'anby, are visiting relatives and friends here this week. Those who attended the Chautauqua and Stale Teachers' Association report an ex cellent time. Our miller, Mr. Shuck, is building a new warehouse. Rm. south of Sherwood, on Saturday evening, was a grand success. A large number of young folks were present heartily enjoying themselves until a late hour. Johnny lVn nis, of llasella, was noticed among the visit ors Irom a distance. W. K. Young and family are spending a few weeks at the wast. George Young is preparing to Mulsh oil' his house. It looks rather suspicious, George. Mike Riesner and Hert West Just arrived from Anaconda, Montana. They don't give very Mattering accounts of that country. We are sorry to inform the friends ol Ed. Mceks, who a short time ago went from here to Anaconda, that he Is in the hospital at present suffering from an attack of rheuma tism. E. 8. and C. 1. Calkins are rapidly get ting lumber on hand to construct a hop house. Henry Beavert is building an addition to his house. Mrs. C. I. Calkins returned one day this week from Woodbum, where she has been visiting Iriends since the Fourth. Dr. Glesy, of Aurora, was called, but ar rived loo late, Mr, and Mrs. Young were at the New Era camp meeting, and were called home in the middle of tho night by tele graph. The child was with his grand par ents at Grahams Ferry. It is now nearly as well as ever. Anna. IUJUSI'1'8 DOINUH. Notable Wedding-Successful Kerry Pickers Other Notes. Pamasits, July M.-Married.-Klllott-Bohna. At the residence of the bride's par ents in Pamascnr, Sunday, July 'Jl, Edward 1,. Elliott and Miss Fannie llohna. At precisely I'J o'clock, noon, the strains of the wedding march were struck up, with Mr. Guy White as organist. The bridesmaid, Miss Myrtle Bricthaupt, and Charles Thorpe as best man, led the procession. Following came the bride and groom. The bride looked lovely in a cream dress adorned with rib bons, lace and orange blossoms. The groom wore the conventional suit of black. While landing under an arch and bell of evergreen and (lowers, the contracting parties were pronounced husband and wife by Rev, J. A. Iffil'ttl X ttsls tilt AilNlhinniiil K Klli,til..iia Meadow Brook Hews. , J: v T , , . WAt Nirvil ti K-hli'h m 1 1 tliil urn nit In. Meadow Bkook July IS -Joseph Kees j Tl , Wllll Molalla News. Molalla, July 15. Some will begin cut ting wheat the last of the w-ck. Next week will bring harvest round in earnest. Three more vears of continuous work un der the present road system will give Mo lalla quite a good summer road to Canby, and then if Canby's gravel could be spread on the entire way what a step it would be "out of the mire and the clay!" Mrs. A. J. Sawtell has gone to Eastern Oregon to visit her youngest sister, Mrs. Amy Wilson. Mrs. Dr. -andford. of Glencoe, Mrs. Jar isb, of Oswego, and Edward Dauby, of Jump Off Joe Creek, were visiting their parents at Teasel Creek last week. Edward was one of the boys that had to " dig up" on the Crow Creek hold up. The president of the Clipper Milling com pany went to Portland to engage a bead sawyer, and perhaps to " borrow some widow's boy" to take to the syndicate sbow today. Molalla, July 22. The clatter and bang of tbe binder is now the music in the fields. The course of the highway is kept in re membrance by clouds of dust sent up by rusticators Hying to the rippling crystal wa ters of the Upper Molalla and Wilbolt. Mr. Jacob Harless is having three double dormer windows placed in his hall on the corner of triangular addition of Molalla, which will enable him to look out skyward, besides adding much to the appearance of the building. Harless & Son will have a new threshing machine in the field this season. Officer Gibson, of tbe Portland police, is spending a few days on bis farm near Wil li oit. Frank Dixson, of Woodbum, will teach a fall terra of school at Teasel Creek. Dentist J. W. Thomas attended the Grand Lodge A. 0. U. W. which convened at Port land last week, returning home greatly im pressed wirh the work and growth of tbe order. O H. KobhiiiB is making a nice collection of minerals and shells. Willard also knows now to catch the " speckled beauties;" V.X) is the number his basket contained last Sat urday evening. Grain has filled well in the broad meshes; therefore, with many plump grains the heads will yield well. Jnstnow, many are complaining of being run into by wheelmen. Some resort to " blacksnaking." Has not a cycleist, a hi cycleist, trycycleist and quadcycleist equal rights on the highways? If one prefers to have his wheels " fore and aft" rather than " larboard and starboard," should he be forced to no track because he runs a narrow wheel? and family started on the 8th instant for liong Creek, Grant county, to be gone five years, having rented his farm for that period to D. Force, of Vancouver. S. Mnlvaney has torn down his old barn and built a new one across the road from the site of the old one. Mrs. M. E. Wright, who has been con fined to the house for eight weeks from an injury, is slowly recovering. D. Robeson is able to be out and around, but his foot the bones of which were broken some three months ago, April 20 is still quite painful. Frank Lane, Mrs. Frey and family, Mrs. Way and children, and Misses Maud, Hat tie and Willey Johnson, are over on the coast enjoying a recreation and feasting on clams, tried, baked and stewed. The celebration at Canyon Creek was quite a successful affair notwithstanding the rain. About 700 people listened to Messrs. W. 8. U'Ren and J. D. Stevens. J. H. Wright read the Declaration of Independ ence. The young people adjourned to the Alliance hall in the evening and danced until sunrise Friday morning. We are informed that our missing saw mill man, David Anderson, is now in tbe Queen's domain and at home to bis friends. Dave was an honest, hard working man, and generous to a fault. We are indeed sorry to lose so loyal a friend, and hope he will soon return. P. Gabriel is on a short sojourn in tbe northwestern metropolis. Joshua Gorbett is in charge of the Canyon Creek saw mill. John Wright and Dix Bros, have pur chased a threshing machine which they brought home the other day. Your quill driver was treated to some fine ripe golden drop prunes last Tuesday from the orchard of our old friend, D. Robeson. PlIIXHIX. music and singing. The young simple re calved many beautiful presents. They went immediately to their new home which the groom had titled up for his bride. About forty young people spent the evening, and were served with lunch, etc. Those present at the wedding were, Mr. and Mrs, T. G. llohna, Mrs. K. E. Elliott, Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Elliott, Mr. and Mrs. 8. E. Kennedy, Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Osburn, Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Osbum, Misses Nettie Osburn, Iieua llohna, Myrtle Bricthaupt, .Minnie and Ethel Os burn, Lulu and Florence Elliott, and Messrs Charles Thorpe, Robert Ixtvelace, Uuy White, Walter and Ernest Bohna, Frank and Earl Elliott, E.I. and Will Ostium, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Rover, Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Bohna, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Hilleary, and Mrs. J.C.Elliott. Mr. Canaan started Saturday morning for Eastern Oregon. Will Skirvin expect to go this week to spend the summor and pos sibly longer. Some of our people have been to the mountains for berries. They were quite plentiful here Ibis summer. Fthlerville News. KaiiLinviLLS. July Zl. The weather is nice and cool and everybody seems to be de lighted, as it Is nice to work when cool. S. D. Benell had several men at work slashing on his place last week. J. 8. Forbes, of Oregon City, paid this val ley a tlyug visit. He is getting ready for a vacation of three weeks to be spent at the coast. Mrs. J. G. Fehler received word that her sister living in South Dakota is seriously ill with erysipelas, whic h we hope will turn for the better. Mr. and Mrs. B. Forbes and family, In company with three more families from Central Nebraska, are emigrating their wav to Oregon City. They are expected here sometime this summer. Mr. Forbes is an uncle of Mrs. Mrs. S. D. Benell. 8. Godfrey and J. BaldorfT, of Oregon City were in this neighborhood last week looking up some land. Leander Howard intends to quit us and move to the coast soon. 0. Kunzman has started to haul wood to tbe city. Charles and Conrad Priester were visiting at Frog Pond Sunday last. In our Isst letter the name of Herman Bruns should have read Herman Bruss in stead of Bruns. J. G. Fehler is slashing brush now-a-days. B. W. King will build himself a new barn soon. Crescent News. CKkseuNT, July 23. The Crescent brick yard is burning its last kiln, as the owners have dissolved partnership. The kiln was tired last Saturday and contains about 110,. 0U0 brick. Edgar Waldron, of Sew Era, made a short visit last week to the family of his brother of this place. A crew of men are repairing the bridge on the Abernethy road near Mr. Jones's saw mill. The bridge has been in bad shae for some time. Last Wednesday evening no Edgar an I Clyde Waldron were passing through Mr. Jones's pasture they were attacked by a bull. Luckily it resulted in nothing more serious than bruises and torn clothing. Mr. Routh has built a barn and Is now walling his well and making Improvements onhlsplaoe. Glkaneh. Clarkes News. Clakkis, July 22. In about a week har vest will be in full blast Grain Is unusu ally good this year. Cal. Ball is building a bop house for G. W. Lee. Mr. and Mrs. Jewell, son Merle, and Miss Ethington, of Iowa, have gone to Iong Beach to spend a three weeks outing. John L. Gard has the fall term of live mouihs school at Timber Grove. Alvin Klinsniitli, who has been working all winter in Portland, has come home. Rev. Ilornshuh, the German minister, has organized a Young People's Society of Chris tian Endeavor. Meetings to be held in the M. E. church. Amos Gard, of Oregon City, was visiting his uncle J. J. Card last Sunday. Alma. Cheaper Than Ever Wo arc now selling iiioh'h nil Wool uits at $7.00 and $7.7r, same ratios as Albany gootls which wo soltl two yours ago at $ 13.00 and $15.00. Hoys' and Children" Clothing at iilmut oiio lmlf former priccH X'hUjim ami Outing Shirts ut vt'ry low priiTtt. STRAW HATS.... nil tln lending Htylcs rriluwl tiriiTH. nml at greatly Carlton & o Rosenkrans, Canby, Or. IIAI5IGIIOHST & COMPANY, J1 irst anAUIen. HARDWARE j Portland, Oregon. CI Northwestern Aleuts for Dexter- r, f UV- :tV'- -HUmnud.- - Hester Lance " Silver Hieel . ;.. iff I. Crescent Wedges (warranted.) R & S Proof Chains. Arcado Files, Hope. Crescent Meo Loggers and Wood Choppers Specialties. Oregon City Agent, - - - - - - WILSON A COOK REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Milwaukee News. Milwaukee, July 21. John Beck man Is building one of the latest designed, fruit dryers. It will have a capacity ol 2,00 pounds of green fruit. Mr. Beckman has a large and very promising fruit orchard and is preparing for its future yields. We are sorry to say that our town has been having a siege of diphtheria, several cases being reported, one ending seriously,.! that of Gertha, the five-and-a-half vears old Furnished Every Week by the CU -U-man Abstract & Trust Company. B F Bonney to Ackerinan St Latour ette July 15, '1)5 W D 15 acres in sw i of eec 2d, t 4 n r3 e $ C Ileal to V M llatcholor July 0, W D se'4, neV nee 3d, 1 1 a, r 4 o; exeent blks 12 and 13 Molalla 40 acres Jus W Itoots to Clackamas county July 1.'), U5, W 1) 1 acre in sec 8 t 2 , r2 e A M Crawford to K M Looney Juno 15 11)00 ftm lien's Arnica Naive. The Ix-st salve in the world (or Cuts, limine., Korea, l'l eis, Salt Khoiliii, Fever Sore", Tetter, Chapped hands, Chilblains, Corns, anil all Skin Erup tions, nml positively cure Piles or no pay required. It la guaianteed to give perfect patisfaction or money refunded. For jmle by Chaimun & Co., Chariuan Bros Iliock. Dec 20, t 3L'0 50 Co JO0 daughter of Mrs. Cased. She died Fridav Some of our good people are anxious to morning, July 19, and was buried the same day at 5 o'clock P. M. Latest advices as to the other patients say thev are much im proved, and it is hoped all danger has passed away. improve our new road, by digging out stumps and tilling up holes. Let's all go to work and make us a new road and ask " no odds of nobody." The way to get a road In this county is to make it ourselves. Blierwood Notes. Sherwood, July 21. Harvest is rapidly coming on with us. A large amount of grain will be cut in this vicinity this week. Henry Beavert, Melvin Baker and C. O. Riesner have returned from a prospecting tour throagh Idaho. P. C. Her baa completed his new hop house. W. C. Heater will commence operations on bis new kiln this week. The dance at the place of W. R. Calkins, Leland District Hews. Lkland District, July 23. What was the matter that the Enterprise was not sent to our office? The crops are in great need of rain. T. C. Thomas, W. H. Jones and Kd. Ow ens have gone to the British Columbia gold mines. L. Horner returned again from his home In Middleton. S. P. Converse has gone to bis borne in Portland. A great tuanv from this place attended the Canby and New Era camp meetings. Mrs. Enos Cahill and daughter Anna have gone to the coast to remain for the summer. Already you can hear the clicK of the binders harvesting the beaiitilul golden grain. Next Sunday there will he Sunday school at tbe Leland school bouse after being post poned lor three weeks. Hayskku. Hood View Notes. . Hood View, July 23. Frank Seely, while hitching up bis team Monday morning, was thrown to the ground by one of the ani mals, breaking his arm. Dr. Giesy set the limb and Frank is doing well. Little Porris, son of Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Young, of Wilsonvllle, while playing near a horse was struck in tbe pit of his stomach br the horse's head while the horse was nip ping at Hies. The child was unconscious fiv. hours and had between fllteen and twt nty spasms. The timely assistance of Mils Dempsey and Miss Graham, two of Portland's medical students, saved bis life. Hmyrna News, Smyrna, July 22. Harvesting is in full blast; the grain is well filled. Yoder, Schwartz t Co. are having their traction engine overhauled and an injector put on. J. B. Hlen is doing the work. L. D. Yoder and wife, their daughter Ida, Miss Maggie Schwartz, and James and John Watson, started for Netart's bay last Tues day. Mr. Yoder and the Watson boys will return sometime this week, but the ladies of the puny expect to gather up the shells on the sea shore for a month or so. fj. it. i otter and wile went out to uervo B l All tlm mViova pndorMpd Nn. 9.9.. Ihoo last Saturday to visit the former's sister, j Interest will ceaflo on Hie ruiiio with the ni5, (JC Dnw'4' 3 a, r 1 w Jai V Shaw to Mary V Myers July 15, MI5, W I) lota C, 7 blk 1 , Iota 1 1 and 12 blk 2 Oregon City annex II A Kay lor to W O Hawtell July 17, '1)5 W 1)33 aires and 7 acrea in ace 21, t 5 8, r 2 e J F Albright toTheo Billnter July 18, '115, W D 1 acre in iie!4' hoc 13 t3r 1 e Jan W Shaw to Gun Liiiul May 22 'l5W Dlot 9, r, 11 and 12 blk 4 Sbaw'a drat ad to Oregon City W II GroHS to JttuieH I'helun Dec 15, '114, W 1) 1 Here in nt''4', nw,'4' aec 14, t 2a r 4 e Josephine Jackson to Stella Alden May 13, '95, W I) hc!4 of nw.'4 nee 9. t 4 a, r 3 e 40 acre Have your titles examined and HtracU niude by the CL.'.CKAMAS AH STUACT& TRUST CO. who have the i only complete set of abstracts of title of all land in Clackamas county. Acunrate and reliuble work by a reHponaiblo firm. I Ollice upHtairg in tbe Caufiehl building:. County Treiiaurer'a Notice. I haye now in my hands funds for tbe payment of tbe following Clackamas county warrantH, to-wit: No. 11,000, amount f2.40; No. 10,957, amount $2.50; No. 11,133, amount tM; No. 11,445, amount 1500; No. 11,447, amount $350; No. 11,411, amount 500; No. 11,412, amount 500; No. 11,444, amount $500. We recomenil Ie Wilt's Colic and Cholera cure la-cause we believe it to be . .,, a safe and reliuble reinmly. Its good t ! if . - i . . . . uiiitwa are Known ai once in cases oi cholera morbus and similar complaints. C. G. Huntley, Ilruggist. Fnrimirs Attention. Fisher's flour mill at Logan has lieen relitted and is now prepared to turn out a grade of Hour superior to any even heretofore manufactured by this Urn;. Give tbe mill a trial. Custom grinding for one-eighth. Highest prico paid for wheat. tf 400 ab- Ir. J. II. McLean's strengthening cordial and blood purilier, by its vitaliz ing properties, will brighten pale rhctks adil tratiHlorm a pale, haggard dispirilud woman into one of Bpurkling health and beauty. For sale by C. G. Huntley, druggist. An Absolute Cure. The Original Alueline Ointment is only put up in large two-ounce boxes, is an absolute cure for old sores. Mrs. Charles Kitchie. Jona. May Ilo As Much For You, Mr. Fred Miller, of Irving, III., writes that be bad a severe kidney trouble for many years, with severe pains in bis back and also that bis bladder was ef fected. He tried many so called kidney cures, but without any good result About a year ago he began the use of Klectric Bitters and found reliet at once. Electric Bitters is especially adapted to cure all liver and kidney troubles and often gives almost instant relief. One trial will prove our statement. Price only 50c for large bottle, At Charman & Co. 's drug store, Charman Bros. Block. Tbe most pleasant little pills for regu lating the bowels are De Witt's Little Earljr Piiers. Cure sick headache and constipation. Small pill, small dose. C. (i. Huntley, Druggist. dale of this notice. M. L. Moouk, Treas. Clackamas Co., Oregon. OitKtio.N City, Or., July 11, 1SD5. F. It. Andrews, of the Maplewood farm is now prepared to supply vegeta bles, fresh, to any part of tbe city, and orders by telephone will wceiye prompt attention, as be bus telephone connec tion with every part of the city. i Many suffer from irritation of the kidneys and bladder without knowing ' what is tbe matter with them. Dr. J. H. I McLean's liver and kidney balm will give relief. For sale by C. U. Huntlev, ' druggist. j Mr. Freytag is ever on the alert to i supply his customers with fine crisp veg etables. Have you tried his string beans, cauliflower and beets? ind burns, wounds, cbappod hands and all skin eruptions. Will positively cure all kinds of piles. Ask for the Original Abietino Ointment. Sold by C. (!. Huntley, at 25 cents tier box by mail 30 cents. Persons who are subject to diurrlm a will lind a speedy cure In De Witt's Colic and Cholera cure. Use no other. It is the best that can be made or tbat money can procure. It leaves tbe sys tem in natural condition after its use. We sell it. C. G. Huntley Druggist. De Wilt's Colic and Cholera cure never disappoints, never fails to givo imme diate relief. It cures just as sure as you take it. C. G. Huntley, Druggist. Last June Dick Crawford brought bit twlve-moiitli-old child, siiKcilng from Infantile diarrlnea, to me. It haj been weaned at four month old anil had al ways been sickly, I gave It tbe usual treatment in such cases but without ben efit. The child kept growing thinner until it weighed but little more than when born, or erhaps ten pounds, I then started the father to giving Cham berlain's Colic, Cholera and Diurilnea Itemely. Before one bottle of tho 25 cent size hud been used a marked im provement was seen an I its continued use cured the child, lis wcitknesa and puny constitution disappeared uml its father and myself believe the child's life was snved by this remedy. J.T. Marlow, M. D., Tamnroa, III, For sale by G. A. Harding, Druggist. When occasion demands its use, try Do Witt's Witch Hazel Salve. It is cooling to burns, stops pain Instantly, cleanses, a perfect healer for scalds or skin eruptions. Always cures piles. C. G. Huntlev, Druggist. Ladies who oxericnce a sense of weak ness, ami sometimes lameness of tho back, should use Dr. J. II. Mt b-an's Strengthening Conliul and lllood Purifier, it will supply tho much needed strength and overcome all weakening irregulari ties. For sale by C. G. Huntley. Sunday Services. U. H. HTKVKKK. DKNTIHT. HAD MR. moved tnOdrt K,.lnw'lniniil. W 1'r.r l.t Kpwurtl ...I 1 I.I... 1 . ... ' IJ.'JI nuu biui, runmim, urt'lfwll. Dm. I tfrjvrrrj r'wa PAY ST. HAtll8 CIKIK,:,, - Kiisrnpsl - tov. Ikhiic IIhwk Itoctiir. Service mil o'clock a in. ami 7:l p. m. Prayer service every Wert uesilxy evening. ' ' um.HL ''"NtlKKUATlONAl, ClltMtCif. Itey. J W.Oi.wsn pt.,r. Services st :Su a M and S OU p. m. Hun. lav,. si rrlee. Flayer meeting We.lne.,Ky evening at SIKH, clock .Prayer meeting ,,l Youiir People,. Society ot Clirl.tUn Kndeavor every Huudar evening at 7:1 nrmnnt. ouuuay KI HHP BAPTIST ClitlRCIf.-Rav. M I, Itnuo, Pastor Morning Nervine at II'HiiiiiIs School at I'i-lft: Kveiiln,? H..rvi.. . L. Z ",H.l ,.u,tli.. u... . ..'Kumr r.-j. i-,i. i, -.uuy HV(Mllll(. Mllllt V (.ovoiiiiiit Meeting every Wednesday evcili i preceding the firm Hundiiy lu the month A oorulalluvlUtloutosll. mniui, A ST. JOHN'S CHURCH. CATIIOMC-Rnv A Iiu.kbbani., Pastor. l),i Hllll.lny u,s t H mm I :.) a. H. Kvery senond nml tourtli Hui At all other manses KiikIIhIi sermons. Huiidny School at t.m r. m. Vespers, apologetic.! iiblccis, .ml Mcnedlctlnii at 7:110 p. m MKTIIODIHT KPIHCOPAI. CllllliClI.-Rgv O. Hvkks, Pnstor. Morning service hi It siiiidiiy Hehonl at 10:00. 'U meelln, lr,'; n "- .'iill if Sl'rv H ii leng at 7: JO. Ut. Price's Cream Baking Powder World' Fair Highest Award. If yon use the Petalum liuuhatnr ft UrmHltri. M:ike si.mey while others ure wnslinv time bvold processes. 11.- -vv" i U CutatogtellHii.l.boiit I !M A' l'W ,31 It.auu ucscriocs every jjs .......i. m article needed fur lhctZZd Cs'.sfccaC poultry busiuena. uuu. The "ERIE" mechanically the best wheel. Prrttlet model. We are Pacific Coast Agents. Bicycle cata- logue,maill free, gives full description, price, etc., aoewt WAWTF.rT. PETALUM A. IlfCUBATOB CO.,retlnii,Cal. UiAncH lloukB, i)i 6 Main St., Lus Angeles 'SITUC mnnlllltf Hl.lliluu nn i ... HMO; Prayer Meeting Thursday evening at A SO strangers cordially Invited. " riKHTPKKHBYTRItlANCHIIKCIf.-Hav. J. 1 W. Montgomery. Pastor. Hervices at 11 a.m. and S 7:S0 r. m Sabbath Hehonl at 10 a. m You i J! People's Society of Christian Kmlna.n. m ... ! ! Mi!n.".'"'By ev,ml,l'- l aw. Wednesday vent nil nntvur tnii.i..t- i.oii , ' I KVANO'CI.ICAI. :ilUKCII-r,KHMAN-H JC lloRsw iiiicii, Pastor: J. . Kiirbt A-htiii' , Preaching servlcos every H lay at U A. M fn'i 7i? I , H"h,""h 'cl0M '""'I ''n-laV at 10 A.M..M-. I i Hupt. Prayer Mooting I every 'I nursilny evening ' 1 KKOULARsKkVIi KbAT V. B. CHUKCII- morning and ev innguf l.t and 8 I ru id iy o( .eeh month. Habhnth Hehonl l 10. A, M. ench a , nuriii. Bii.,1, ta W.H.MeI.Ais,Pat..r. ?'l I EVANOKI.ICAL MJTHKRAN CIIUKCH-L ' .,Ril';Y'. i Ml"r--i.1'rm"n services every Sunday ' 'J U "'Block A M. Hngliah services at 7:80 P A ,M Sunday school ai 10 o'clock A. M. J,c- sf, tlon: Storeroom nevt Annr tn h..!.. ai..... ?' ' 7e"UUll"' c"UBr ' Heventh and Madisoi 1 1