Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (March 8, 1895)
Oregon City Enterprise, SCHEDULES OF TIME U. (.T CO.'HHTKAMKU. Hluiumir UAMONA i.v nitic'uix city, i.n v ten riiHTi.Kii Vim III, 7 Mliu. I i) p. m. II in. 6.UU i. ill. ' 4 uu p. in, - Tim Kl I'AHHANIil'.H HTKAMKK, ALTON A, KTIUH riTI.AHII,MI. AHII INI.KHllHI I. Iauvs I'lirlUnil T.ylor trt-nl ilwk nt i) A. M. mul li'uvi'i iinKiii City f"f Hali-m 7.11 A. M. 'I imaiUjr, I liilri'Uy ml HtluriLr. l,CBva ui.iintiiliiii' Wl A M ml Mulmil 7 6 A M. mul Orr"H CUJf M V M lr rurt- lnJ Moii'W, Wedwi'inlur uil Krl'Uj. rl lime, imxI noctnx1itllii '"l low ruin, No way Ir.iuhl liainllril, Mit'lal MU-i uu lhrimll IrrltfllL HOl'TIIKKN fACIKlC KAIf.WAV- KiiHTil Riiumi. I' Kurti (llifougli) Hombuii Uoul (war tiatluua) . 7:l. m. t :t y. ui. UUTII Hl4 Mn. Hnkflilltl U (r MllIH) Calllnrnla fcr" (Uiiouili) I ll a. m 7.10 p. W WIU.AMKTTK KALI KI KCTltlO IU11.WAY, Unit I'aliU, lv l)rriiu Cliy. : UA.M. i u " II 'Ml " I ui . M, iui oil " SKI A. N. 10 uo II in " I uu I", M. I " I UI " 1 :m " KUI " :) " l ui " tit " 6.UI " b Mi " 6.U) " Kalla. ft A. H. u Ml " 114.1 " v I 15 P.M. l.iW " BIO " I'HIUV TIM. V 15 A. M. 10:111 " It no ' I lb V u. I 4f. " t it. i vi " i ii ms " 4 Id " 4 " till " t I.. " II 11 " A. illkLKK, Hi:pt TIIF. MAIlJt. Malta rliian (iiinc N'irUi. M w . V m. p m. Halla cli'io "HiK Kuuili, V a. m., .' p. in. aim am'TK. Orca-oil (Tllv to Pnrllaii'l nttet Kaal Hlila Kali way. Inavra VI W V, M ami 6 w V M .arrlvra 11:0ft A. M. ami 4 Ml I. M rri '..rtl.ul. Kaiirru, WealHlilB.Hamly aud lllIHaiid rule. mall. Oricou l y l Kly.Canii. Milium. Libera and M'llalla Iravv al U ill. ul arrlvca at U m. dally. lrrnn Miy to Hcavnr r.rwk. Mink. Clark. Mail ir.H.k.l iil..n Mllla.aiid 1 0I1..11. Imv. l 111 a. m. Mumlay WdlnMlr and Krlday and reliirnauu lullnwlm davaal i .10 p. ro Ornon Cttr Viola, Uifan and Holland Imvra Orf"ii City Monday WiIiim.Iht ami Friday al I U) r jl., Uaylng Vll am dayt at 7 Ul A. M, FK1DAY, MAUCII 8, lH'.l.'i. A K 1.' mm KB lloi'mi. White Ilrolhen conimaiH-ed Tl.unhlav the erection ot a iiimtm-r iioime lor Mr. 1'. F. Morey on liia ranch ilirw niiica U-low thin city on the Willamette. The building will tie a (lory ami a half in height and colonial in architecture. It will he ruHtic in flnlRh, the interior being in the natural wood, the frame work being plained aud nllml ami weather boarding pliiined on both niilea. The main part of the build- ing will lie 24xiO (eel with an nd.htion Oi-rnTitl lian many friends in On on itin hnck oi 24xL'4 feet. On the lower ,. i-!, wi. ,. hi denrturH and floor of the main building will bo the I living room, a upacloua apartment ;nw feet to t-e uaed aa a aelting, dining or 1 . . -,i 1 1 Iwll r,u,n mm nmv I hi neeili-d. l will he fltlnd fur comfort, an old fiwhloncd lire ulace fur lour, fool lig being a ,,f tl. tlxliirci. Aduiinilig thia im inre.. lopuning , .; . . drcaaing room and tne batn will he a room. The ground floor of the addition will niiiLkiii the kitchen, "tore room, III) KlUIICll, Kioro ruum, The up,H.r floor of ' I I tinntrv. etc- muin building will have twelve bedroom while the upM-r floor ol the addition will be fined up T r a play roem for the children. A broad I'iaxx will extend along the entire front. Water will be sup plied from a apring in the hills back of the park ind both hot and cold water will be furniahed. The building will bo hand somely located on a knoll immediately in front of the park and will command a tine view of the Willamette river and the C'aacade mountain and intervening country. It will lie n ideal place to spend the hot days during suiiimen A Nkw Ki.wtric Link. Articles of Incorporation have been filed with the secretary of stale incorporating the Oregon City and Wilhoit Spring Kail road Co., with C. II. Caufluld, F. K. Arnold, 11. H. Johnson, Sidney Smyth I and L. L. Torter aa incorporators. The ichject being to build an electiio road I frem Oregon City to Wilhoit by way of IMoliillii. The route bus not been dcfl Yilely settled, but will ho ben the Hettlcr decide, tho amount of subsidy being u leuding factor in it" location. Of the ability of tho company to curry out their undertaking there is no ques tion. Mr. Canlleld being known as a man who never undertakes a thing with out milking a goof it and his aiaition as secretary mid one of the principal stock- ln,l,!i.r in the I'ortluiul General Mectric 1 Co , is an indication of the bucking the company will have. Mr. Johnson, Smyth and Porter are equally as well known uud their mimes give additional strength to the company. Mr. Arnold in one of tho leading real estate men of Portland and a pusher who know no fail. The work of securing the subsidy I and locating the line will be commenced at once with the expectation of bringing t a ..nmnUliikn it tha mil anoiu au cai ij ,,u.iiiiu.,w.iu, ..... road. Baskkt Social. At Partlow' Hall, Mty Pleasant, .Saturday mglil. uivon by the Twilight club and a pleasant time may be predicted. Twn.iniiT Ci.i'B. Club basket social at Partlow' ball, Mt. pleasant Saturday evening, March t). - Ladies hair trimmed in the latest style at Sloper's barber shop. Tiik OimooN (Yrv Ikon Wuiikh J. Itimke A Hiiiin, of the Oicgon City Iron WurkM, have luken adviiutagn of the lai'kiiiwn in work of lule to miike Home needed nddillniiH to their foiindiy and Nhop, Auiniigtlie uiiprovemenlH made in that of pulling in a kiuhII cukhIh fur the uieltlng of iron when niilllclent ordera aro not In to JiiHtlfy firing up liieir hirgu cupoU. Tlmy liHte hImo u'lilcil a hrima cuMting cniKila and are iireparcd to do all klinla of woika In lliat line Their foun dry ! now bh cnuipli'le a" any in the ritiile oiilnlde of I'orllund. In t lie inier- val U-tween jilH they have tilrned out a large number of huiid fotguil cold- vlilffU thai In (jiiHlMy far exceed thote aolj in the ilorna, and which they offer for aale al reaaonable price". They have alao manufactured a lot of bram everai- ble plumb-holm that in flniah and accu racy aouul the tuiat made In the Kuat. Tliean boha are not liaually carried in hardware (toriw, thouuh luiicliauli who deaire an liitruinenl that la perfect, ac curate and can be relied on, alway uae tlieni. . v Taxei Comiko in. HherilT Maddock reportataxei coming in much faHterllmn exMiiid. On hint Friday the drat day he hal the roll oien it looked like old limi-a to m-e the iiiimln-r of taxpayer who were in to aettle their taxea. The Aral contributor to the county' fund waa W. 0.' Mack ol Canby, who for hliuaelf and member of hie paid family in ll"X.3. The total amount taken lit for the day wa $010 71 and the cimh baa been coming each day allien fully aa well. On the flrat day hint year but $14 70 w a collec ted and for the Hint mx dava the total amount only reached 34, la ing but little in exicaa of what waa received the llrNl day thia year. Koad WoiiK I'onmknckii. Himd Kn gincer Kimiaird I Uking advanbige of the good weather and i having Mad work Malted by III foremen ill many of the dmlricl. Foreman Kwafford com menced with a l ire of men on the Molall road lal Monday. Ilia work for the preaent will conaint of clearing out the right of way to the lull aixiy feet of all limber and alumpa prepaiatory to availing. For thia aeoKon the work on Uii road will be confined principally to that part between Oregon C ity and Heaver creek a it ili he iinpoaaihle U improve the whole dialance. The re mainder of the road will be repaired enough to make it paanahle. Lgrr roM tiik Hait. General 0. O. Howard left laat MondaV fur III Inline in New York. He gnei by the wiutlitni ruiltt topping t Sn FrmiritHf, wlier lie will deliver t IwMire on March 8. On the llib he will Imtura in Oak Unci, lid koni there hi) will no tu Ui An- Hi-lfii, and limine to IVnver. Iroin jvnver he will go diiect to Iuh houie. wlesf him a pleuwiiil trip. Theai: pleasant trip. Theaddreaae l.u .l..liwuru.i In thia rilv Hurt verv ill- tureHlina and were higblv iipprecmled. .Mohk I.kual liLANKa. To accmiiodate t the Incre'uaiug demand for Icgil hlanka the F.ntkbi'Mikk ollice liaaiieaily donbltil MVUm now " HUB uin UI17 iwii''""w ..... ' j An iidilili.miil cane haa U-en put in ho , ill,! 11.. thai all the hlanka max be alphaM.cally I f... ,.n.,.uw ,.,.nL'(it, Initio in arrniiKi " i"1 ii .............. ... handling and now no office in I'oillund haa belter arranged blank cawatban iIiih ollice The caae wa built by J. Jonea A Son and i a credit to their skill as mechanic. Fki'it Piiosi'KCT. Word cornea from all over this county that the fruit pros pects are most flattering. Notwithstand ing the warm weather of late, tho fruit buds are not go far advanced as would, be expected, the cold nights having held them hack. Though bIiouM this unus ual warm weather continue much longer and then later on cold rains sei in. there i danger that the cmp muv be cut short oino, though a total failure is not ap prehended as that has never occured in Oregon. IloAitn ok Tradk Mkutino. The regu lar monthly meeting of the board of trade will be held on next Monday. Piesi lent Cbarman will announce at this meeting the standing committees ol the board for the ensuing year. Some important ad vertising mutters will be up for consid eration, and it is expected that a full at tendance of the members will he had. ( iitarrli Cannot He ( tired With local uppliciuians, us they cannot rcuch the scat of disease, and in order to I cure it you must tnku internal remedies. Hall's Catarrh euro is taken internally, and acts directly on the mucous tuirf.icen. Halt's Catarrh cure is not a quack medicine. It was prescribed by one of the best physicians in Ibis county (or years, and is a regular prescription . It is composed of the best tonics known, combined with the best blood purifiers, acting directly on the mucous surfaces. The perfect combination of the two tn- ( ,itntB whttt ,,rojucog tncx w ; u) ,M e. cuiirrh Pl I ... ondor- Send for testimonials free F. J. CHENEY & Co.' Props., Toledo, O. Sold by Druggists, price 75c. La Kermeaxe. A 10 cent cigar for a nickel. E. 'E. Williams, the grocer. Karl's Clover Root, the preat blood purifier give freshness and clearness to the complexion and cure constipation, 25c., 60c., (I 00 for sale by Ueo. A. Harding. t hide Mole. The annual acliool meeting waa bl'l Monday In the achool balding. There waa no icnt i In the election of ofllcera. Mr. F. K. Dunulilaon wn unanimoiiHly elected director to aueceed Mr. John O. SliuiiHon, and K. A. Hu.ith waa re-elec'ed clerk. The meeting waa very pilet but enthiiHlaatlc Thl wa the lieiit attend ance ever had in fhi dlatrlct, fully one hundred voter being at the meeting. Iloth the loHrd and clerk' reiRjit allowed that the diatrlct wa in g'Kid con llllon financially, and that the achool wa lining conducted in a flint claaa man ner. There were one or two dlapoaed to ri,i,.ii tt, Im.til'a action relative to a V 1 1 tl . V ..v w ' rule compelling Pru or (Piwl'" to aend a reasonable excuae for keeping children out of school " One brilliant lannavnr thotiifht it wa none of the board' nor the teacher' biwine why be kent hi children out of acliool no that they knew that he kept them out. Everything I very quiet on the went aide thl week, nothing happening to mar the aerenity of the community. O'HMKNTAroK, ChHutanqna Program. Program of the Nautilus C. L. H. C for Monday llth . Hollcall Quotation from Wordsworth "Character study" li.Cha. H. I'" burnt. M iwic I nstruinenl al. Select reading. Sketch ol Wordsworth. Discuasions on recollections of child hood Words worth. Munic quartette. Friday March I5tb being tll Wor.1t woith memorial day, selected by the C. L. 8. C. the above program ha been arranged in conformity thereto. Ciicle to meet at the residence of L. C. Driggs at 8 P. M. sharp. Mt. Paul's Church. . 'lbs Reverend James E. Barbour, rec tor of the church of Ti e Good Shepherd, Portland, will officiate in the above church on Sunday morning next. He will alo deliver a short ddres to the Sunday school children. Sunday school at 10. morning service at 11. All mem ber and friend' requested to attend, and nr,liu Minm 10 airanicrrff. ah .... . . an seats free. Evening service at 7 :'M a usual. The Suiiill Farmer' Paper. American Gardening (New York City) Is an illustrated journal of horticulture, devoted to the work in the garden fruita, flower and vegetables, trees and shrubs; the conservatory and the care if the home grounds. Everv person who admires the beauty and frairranre of flower, or Who CUltl tat fruits and vegetables for profit or pleasure, will find thia magaxine worth manv tiniBS ila cost to them. It aims to assist both Hie amateur and professional gardner in increasing the beauty ana Droductivenoss of Nature. It advocate the cultivation ot ttie (Kslhetic tttsio of the American people for flowers, a higher appreciation of the beaulie of Nature in landscape art, ana the more libeiul uie of fiuits and vege tables as ai tides of every-day diet. It has no axe to grind nor clique to serve, ami as its proprietors nave no connection whatever with the seed, flower or nursery business, absolure impartiality may alway he looked for. No lexs than fourteen other horticul tural Pamirs and magazines have been absorbed by American Gardening; its correspondents are practical tillers ol Lie soil: skilled men, who write irom experience and not theory, and they write so clearly as to entitle American to it emphatic designation as "The I'aner for the People It is published semi-monthly at $1.00 per year. Healthy Children. from healthy mothers. And mothers will certainly be healthy if they will take Dr. Pierce's favorite Prescript Inn. Kothina can equal it In building up a woman's strength, in regulating and assisting all her natural functions tliH nains and burdons of child bearing, supports and strengthens weak, nursing mothers, am' promotes an ahnndiint secretion of nourishment. Ti'h an inviuoratitnr. restorative tonic, a soothing and bracing nervine, and a remcdv fur woman's ill's and ailments. In every chronic, "female complaint" or weakness, it acts bo beneficially that, once used, it is always In favor. Delicate Diseases affecting male or female, however induced, speedily nd iii-niniinmitlv cured. Illustrated book sent sealed for ten cents in stamps World's disrwnsnry Medical Ast-ociution, (103 Main Street, Ruffulo, N. . $4,0IW Reward 5.00 For a better or more pVusa'nt remedy for the cure of consumption, bronchial troubles, couch, croup and whooping cough and Santa Abie, Ihe California king of . consumption. Every bottle warranted. If you- would be cured of that disgusting disease, catarrh, use California Cat-R-Core, 60 cents aud $1 a jar; by mail 1Q cents additional. 8anta Abie and Cat- R-Cure are sold and w ar ranted by d G, Huntley. Yucca Root toilet soup will not chap the bands or face. , , , E. E, Williams, toe grocer. Dr. Price's Cream Baking; Powder Awanfod Cold Madal MldwInMr Fair, Saa Francix. When the Doctor.... writes a jirew.Ti'itiori for your sick one do you realize how important it is that nothing; but the purest and hest drugs should enter into its composition? We pride ourselves on buying the very best in drugs and are always will ing to nav more and get the host. You know there are "'seconds" and "sub stitutes" ' in drugs as in other goods. If we do not have the material in stock to fill a prescription properly we tell you so frankly and you can choose between going elsewhere or waiting a few hours until we can get it for you. We cosider our reputa tion of far more value than tho money we can make on any prescription or any customer. C. Q. HUNTLEY. mm WRITING LETTERS is n nlnomire u'Vipn one is Drovided 1 , with good paper, good pens, and good ink. U',. n,r.r iVio W IT TInsliroek's If t I UII T niav ' ' Co. "High Class" writing paper the very finest in wnite, cream ami tho intpst. tints. Youcan have a sample book for the asking. nil the leadin? makes w v U of paper and the very best inks that money can Duy. Huntleyi Book Store. P. S.-When asking for the writing Daner samnles get a catalogue of our 10c. music. Just arrived... ' -AT THE r Millinery Parlors ...OF--- Mrs. Sladen, The finentand largest assort ment of Spring -:- Millinery Eyer shipped to Oregon City. I have secured the ser vices of a ' Very Fashionable Trimmer, And invite my patrons and the public to visit me on my flppninrj DayS, Which will be announced later on. Buy your. Choice Candies . . AT THE . . NOVELTY CANDY STORE. Pure, Fresh, Delicious. Prices lowerthan ever. Our Taffy Candy Has no equal in the City. Fresh Fruits and Nuts. ur'eDaralionof 5 ADrailtt.BillSitlu ,r- .' i .i.. : nd Snre Eyes It. .SL. i.rfs tlltfUMllJJnmra, mo "IV. I fRlALJAR' ronTOQL. OR.OYlU-E.CAu For sale by C. G. Huntley. A scientific etiiiv- j'-'4.Av aVAW A Genuine Rock Bottom IP II E AIIAiyGE To Avoid Over. And to make room for ' gpimin Prices will be dropped so low that the leanest purse can secure a bargain in the many lines carried in stock by The Pioneer Store, THOMAS OHARMAN & SON. Proof of the Pudding Is in the Eating.. So is the quality of the meat tested that is on sale at the . . . . NEW MEAT MARKET .... Only first class Btall-ted meats in stock and full weight is guaranteed. J. KONKLE, Prop. Next door to Burmelnter & Andresen's Jewelry Store. D O YOU NEED f nHNY DOORS, WINDOWS, MOULDING, Or Building Material? Go to C- H. BESTOW- Lowest cash prices ever offered for FIRST - CLASS - GOODS. Also combination wire and picket fence, HARTMAN STEEL - PICKET - FENCE. And best farm fencing made. Prices to suit hard times. Shop Opp. Congregational Church, MAIN STREET, OREGON CITY. SCHWAN & PUTROW. Dealers in PLUMBING, TINNING, CAUFIELD BLOCK, FOR ASTORIA-FAST TIME. Steam'r Telephone Leaves foot of Alder st., Portlands Leaves Portland daily, except Sunday, 7 A. XT. Leaves Astoria daily, except Sunday, 7 P. II.- ' Tug Ilwaico from Ilwaco connects at Astoria with Telephone every night, for Portland.- Tickets of all other lines good on Telephone. . ; ' SALE Carrylna ass. .. Stoves and Tinware. AND GENERAL JOBBING.' Main Street.