Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (Feb. 15, 1895)
Oregon City Enterprise. FRIDAY, FKBP.UARY 15, ISU5. OREGON CITYOFFICKRS Mayor, - - Hiram Straight liwonlcr. L U Hurler Chief ol Pglte - Ckaa. K. Riirn tiKw, k s cim TrtNUinwr. B- I Hotmail qtty attorney, - K. F. Drlaaa Hunt of Water Worka. W. li. Howfll Cnr Kiurintcr.. D. Klnnalrd Ccuncilmen 1(. C. 8teen. leo. Hmiuhlon. J J. Conk. BenJ. Jaatar. Murk Howell, U L Porter. Henry MeMrum, J. W. Mottatt. uwincll meet Bra edneita of each month In oily kail. Lfltal Ailrprtisinir. Hereafter no leirnl mlvertisement will be inserted in the Entkrihiss untes ptyiuent for the same is made at the time the affidavit of publication U ren dered. This rule will be imperative and dead-beat litigants, who nrnke it a practice- of working the courts, lawyers and newspapers will have to look to some other paner to get their notii piiMishtit. SPRAY OF THE FALLS. Vlain pickles, Mixed pickles, Sweet pieklea, German pickles, Pickle Onions, Pickle pigs feet, Chow chow, ; Saner kraut, In bulk or in bottles, K. E. Williams, the grow. Wood wanted at once this office. Watch for Botany Bay at Shivety'a "Evaneeline" at the Congregational church March 1st. , If yoa don't see what you want ask for it at the Racket store. . Imperial Egg Food will make your fcena lay. E. E. Williams, the grocer. ' Ladies' hair dressing at the Queen shaving parlors, opp. Charman drug store Five cents per pound will be pnid for clean white cotton rags at this office. Frertag's appetizing pickle can be had at the Corner grocery. Best in the market. Born, to the wife of L. W. Davis on Sunday, February 10, a ten pound boy. Mother and child doing well. Botany B.iy Botany Bay Botany Bay at Shively's. Most people can not afford to experi snent. They want immediate relief. That's why they use One Minute Cough Care. Oysters, wholesale or retail, to families and parties. Also served in any style, freah and palatable at the Portland res taurant. Hair pins one penny to 15 cents each. Metal, rubber, celluloid, born or imita tion tortoie shell, at the Rackett store. Beet goods for the money in town. Drs. Hickey & Hickey will be here Friday and Saturday of each week at Boom 6. Electric hotel. Home office 117 and 118. Dekum block, Portland. House and three lots for sale in Falls View addition to Oregon City. Fruit tree, well, barn, etc. ; nice bouse. Will be aold cheap. Marr A Robertson, 7th and Center streets. tf Mra E. N. Taylor, of 413 River street, Manistee, Michigan, testified to her be lief in 8tcedman'a Soothing Powders by writing all the way to Englahd for a packet. For footwear you can get babys' shoes at 25 cts ; ladies coarse shoes at 89 cts ; men's boots at $1 75. or you can get the beat grade of eoods made at bottom prices at the Red Front. White Bros, completed for A L. Put rowan addition to the house on Jeffer son and Tenth street orcunied by Capt. A; B. Graham. A bathroom and a com modious closet were among the improve ments made. Jumbo, whose other name was long since lost, who was well known in this eity several years ago, he having been ' engaged in the restaurant business, is bow living in Roseburg where he is con ducting one ot the leading restaurants in that citv. Why is it that the Seventh street pho tograph gallery bas all the business? Because the photographer asks no per son to accept pictures unless satisfied and makes a first class cabinet photo for $150 per dozen and gives a life size crayon with every dozen pictures for 2 extra. No extra charge for groups. This offer is good for 20 days. Ladies fine shoes at $1.50 to $2, usually fel velvety, being sheep. An Eastern factory mades a good dongoia shoe for cash trade. These shoes nre eood wear ers, bave patent tip square or opera toe, Are neat and stylish and cost only $1.50 At Tbe Red Front. Same, in oxfords at l. Oayid Penman, of Nsw Era, em ployed on the steamer Salem, had a close call from a watery grave in Port land recently. He was on the after guard making the line fast to the dock at which the boat was landing, when the th boat's life line broke, causing him to (all into the river. As it was pitch 4ark and the current swift, he had a hard time to get to a piling and hang on -until rescued by bis fellow boatmen. (I lie Notes. A fraternal visit was paid Wednesday evening by a number of the iiiemlers of Clackamas Chapter No. 3 R. A. M. to Washington Chapter No. 18 of Portland. Woik in the K. A. degree) was carried out, the exeroUos closing with a banquet in honor of the visiting members. The visitors frvm this .chapter were Dr. W. E.Carl!, U.S. Strang, J. H. Walker, T. F. Ryan, A. W. France, Thos. Camp hell, W. T Whitloek. U. L. Uray, C. A. HeriiMim, M K. Bain, B. S. Uollomy and U.ipt. J. W. tianong. ' A. hiih lo(ge No. 38 K. of P. bus been undergoing a little renovating of late and few has its membership in active workii g onler. Several applications for inemlx-rship are In and the lodge bids fair to have a season of renewed prosper ity. At the n.eeting last Monday the hmiiimI installation ol officers took place. Tle following members are to occupy I the pit of honor within the lodge dur ing the year ISM: R. L. Greaves, M. W., E. E. Sommer, chancelor com mander; J. T. Lynch, viee-chaneelor; II. J. Thorne. prelate; C. M. West, master of anus; II. L. Schiller, keeper oi records and seals; C. Hoberg, master of fioann; R. L, llolman, inside guard; W. J. Wilson, outside guard; K. D. Wilson, trustee. The Woodmen to still further stimu late the giowth of their lodge at their ?.... T.......I.. a..a.i!in. It itive to the member who brought in five applications during the next three months a $5.00 gold badge of the order. To the one wno brought in ten new members a badge to cost $10. It Is ex peeled this will prove a stronu incentive to fie niemiwrg to gt in and push the work of the order. On Thursday even ing of this week the lodge gives a basket social to its members and their families. In addition to the refreshments a social program will be carried out, the object ling to build up a closer feel, nit of fellowship between the mem bers of the lodge. The EsTKKPRisi has to acknowledge that it is not up in church elections and the Kilitic pertaining thereto and as a consequenee made a slight error in giv ing the election returns for the Congrega tional Sunday school in last week's issae. The following correction has been handed in for the pnrpose ot dispelling any re flections thnt may be made on Mr. Perley Andrews, one of the candidates for the office of superintendent: "The correspondent on Congregational church work made a slight error last week in reporting that the Sunday school on the previous Suadxy elected C. II. Dye surintendfnt, Perley Andrews assist ant superintendent. The Sundav school can nominate hut has not the power to elect. The Sunday school nominated Perlev Andrews for superintendent and the church elected C. H. Dye and he llointd Perley Andrews for his assist ant." ' For the rr f of a building to catch on fire from a spaik from tbe chimney dur ing the winter or rather rainy season in Oregon, is onaccountaole to a tender foot and i must be admitted is rather unusual even to a webfoot. But such an event took place last Sunday when the dwelling of Mrs. Draper on Eleventh and Jeffer-on streets Caught fire and was proceeeing to make a lively blaze when discovered. A tew buckets of water stopped it with no serious damage done. A heavy coating of moss, the dry east wind and the sunshine were the three factors to aid the little spark to get In its work. A. Dntcher is hniidingon the west bank of the river below the suspension bridge a scow for the Crown Paper Co. It will be 2fx28 feet in size, and will be used by the paper company to catch the wood in from their chute across the canal. This method of handling their wood is made necessary t y the widening of the canal taking up the space heretofore occupied by the wood yard With the scow the wood will tie transfered direct to the furnace room of the mills. The Kermesse e.gar is a decided suc cess. Ten cents value for five cents cash. .. E. Williams, the grocer. Diversified farming is becoming more of the rule among the farms of this county each year. Mr. John Moehnke, a Beaver Creek farmer, has extended the list of ci ops grown on his place and on Monday was in Oregon City with a wagon h'ad of peas which he bad no difficult) in selliig for a dollar per bushel. As he raise,) tweri'y bushels to the acre the peas were one of his best paying crops The Maple f.ane school imder the direction of the teacher, E. M. Ward will give an entertainment at the school house on Friday evening, February 22. An interee'ing program has been pre pared, Supt. Gibson making the opening address. All are cordially invited to attend. Mr. and Mrs C. O. T. Williams were pleasantly surpr sed by a number of friends at their home in this city, the occasion being the anniversary of their 25 or silver wedding. Refreshments wete served during ibe evening. Appetite and sleep may be improved, every part of the system strengthened and the animal "pints .regain their huoyancv by the use of Dr. J. H. Mc Lean's Strengthening Cordial and Blood Purifier. For sale by C. G. Huntley, druggist. PERSONAL NOTES. Capt. J. W, Gaining, of Portland, was In the city last Sunday. Mrs. J. U. Pilsbury la in Portland visiting her daughter, Mrs. A. Thomas. R.W.Zimmerman, proprietor of tho Needy tannery, was in Oregon City Tuesday. K. L. Trullingerof Union Mills was in tho city Moiuky on his way to Portland on a business trip. W. H. Bnrghanlt made a tripto Sandy last week on some real estate matters in which he is Interested. J, U. CampWIl was In Oswego Wed nesday as attorney in a caao in Justice Haines' court at that place. Judge T. A. McBride will leave on Sunday for Astoria w here ho will con vene court for Clatsop county on Monday. Chas. F. Wagner, clerk of the Wilson villa school district, was In the county seat Monday on business w ith School Supt. Gibson. W. W. May, of Cams, an old time subscriber to the Entkri-risk, was In the city Wednesday and made this of fice a pleasant call. Senator A. P. Price, representing Umatilla countv in the legislature, sjient Ust Sunday in Oregon City, the guest ol his old friend, D. H. Glass. Chas. Holman, whom we all expect to see made our next state food commis sioner, was in Oregon City Saturday from his Meadow Brook farm. Mrs .Geo. Rinearson with baby Kineai son and accompanied by her little sister, Irene McCown, left Wednesday for a two week's visit with relatives at Waits burg, Wash. Rev. Gilmau Parker, of this city and state missionary tor the Baptist church, is now in Eastern Oregon and last Sun day conducted services in the Baptist church in Baker City. Mr. and Mrs. Horace Williams left Saturday for a weeks visit with Capt. and Mrs. Exon. of Dayton. Oregon, Mrs. Exon being a sister f Mrs. Wil liams. 0car B. Hayter, the efficient clerk of the Clackamas Abstract A Trust Co., has returned to this city from bis home in Dallas, Polk county, after an enforced absence of several weeks caused by chronic throat troubles. Major J. 8. Rinearson, an old time resident of Oregon City and one of Ore gon's pioneers, was up from his home on the lower Columbia near Rainier, dur ing the latter part of the week on a busi ness and pleasure trip. While here the Major called on many of his old acquaint ances and renewed the friendship of long years standing. The law firms of Oregon City have been undergoing some changes In per sonnel and offices during the week. The firm of Driggs A Gritffih has dissolved, Mr. Driggs continuing the business In the Caufield block. Mr. Griffith enters the law firm of O'Neill, Hedges A Thompson, who have moved their office to the Barkley block, where they have a suite of three fine rooms. Mr. Griffith has proved himself to be a young man of ability and industry and his admit tance as an equal partner to this firm is a deserving compliment to him. Justice Dixon's court was orcunied the greater part of Tuesday and Wed nesday with a suit brought by Murray A Morrison against C. P. Thore. The dispute was as to the terms of settlement between the parties, Murray A Morrison having built a house for Mr. Thore in Willamette Falls last Summer and claimed a balance due them. Tin Jury gave them a verdict for $75. Rev. J. C. Read, whose bold attempt to rob a Portland bank was mentioned in last week's Entrrpbisi, had his pre liminary examination in Portland last Thursday and pleading guilty was bound over to appear before the grand jury. He is yet in jail not being able to give the bonds required. The following marriage license were granted during the week by County Clerk Horton: Fmilie Burkhardt and C. 8. Am old, Nellie M. Olds and Geo. M. Stark, Effiie E. Shibley and James Dubois, Delia E. Garrison and II. F. Yergen, Minnie McFee and Gilbert C. Potter. The Smyrna correspondent for the Entkrprise announces that Miss Kdith liardesty has been appointed post master for Needy. Miss Hardesty is a bright young lady and fully competent to fill the position and will doubtless give satisfaction to the patrons of the office. Married, at the residence of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Olds, in Sunset, on Thursday, February 7, 18115, George M. Stark, of Marion county, and Miss Nellie M. Olds, Rev. Isaac Dawson officiating. The young couple will make their future home at Shoalwatcr bay, Washington. As the Entkbpbisk goes to press word comes from Salem that Senator Browned by securing a suspension of the rules had the new charter for Oregon City passed by the senate. Hon. Thos. Buckner, representative for Coos chuntv in the legislature, spent last Sunday in this city the guest of E. E. Martin. Yucca Root toilet soap will not thap the hands or tace. E. E. Williams, the grocer. Teachers' Examination. The regular quarterly examination ol Clackamas county commenced at tho county court room at 1 o'clock p. in., Wednesday with a very large attendance of teachers. Supt. Gibson Is assisted in his work by Mrs. Gibson and Geo, L, Story Tint following Is a list ol those taking the examination : Mario White, U P. Low, Nannie Wilkinson, Arthur llohlen, Amos Gard, John Gard, M. Alex Lehman, Ctiiis. Rutherford, II. 8, Morrison, W. K. Young, ' Rolwrt Ginther, Alice. Ale Arthur, Minn In Mu Unlock, Aletha Phelps, Mary Davis, C, E. Miuier Roy Groavea, V. 1. Schubert C. K. Barney, H. E. Willis, 0. D. Ely, Mrs. Lavella Marshall, W. Gilbert Heattie, Lucy K. Wheeler, Kale Mlley, Belle, Mrs. F. II. Morrison, Birdie Galentine, HiUtie Giuther, lVn- nis Boyles, Johanna Peters, Eugenia Shelby, Pearl Cosper, Iae Rogers, Al vina Lee, Mahlon Moran; Misa Amy Taylor is taking the examination for a state certificate and Miss Maggie Wil limns, T. J Gary and F. M. Dulling are applying for state diplomat. Drs. Carll and Summer moved Into (heir new offices in the Barclay block Thursday whine they have a suite of line riHims. Their mum office and con sulting and oixTnting rooms aro marvels of convenience and taste in (iirnishingsi The lloois are hard-wood finely pol ished and the ceilings are beautifully decorated with hand fresco work by one of the best artists in Portland. A lire- place lends cheerfulness and comfort to the reception room. The other two rooms will be used for sleeping apart ments by the doctors. Drs. Carll and Sommer have offices that they may well be proud of. letter Uit. The following i the list of letter remain ing In the iKt office at Oregon City, Oregon 2 P. M., February IS. lHJlft: (IIHTI.KMkS'S LIT. Aklni, Mr Mack. W A Anderson, Amlra Morey. Hlellman IVautiian, A Roberta. R N lioumla and Wheeler K-heir, W li Carletl, Kotit Samliiian. A Frieae. C J Smith, J it and A M Premier, V 11-2 Tvarks, M Hoffman Mr aisrs, (ieo Laiiiks' Liar. Akinn, Mrs 8 Krant, Mail U..1.I.. U.P ll.rri. Ml.. MO Ifrviuui. .... .... . ... Campbell, Mantis Ijiughlin. Mrs M ( handler. Jennie Moore, jura .n u f'.u.t I BMP. MiiAMCM Antile Cotlman. MraO W Watera, Una Hiinii, w K wniie, twirma Kilily, l'hebs Wood, Kdna If called (oratate when advertised. 8. K. (iKKKN, P. M. Watch for Botany Bay at Khively'a. Make no Mistake. By dispelling the symntoms so often taken for Consumption. Santa Abie has brought gladness to many a house hold. By its prompt use (or breaking up the cold that so often develops Into that fatal disease, thousands can lie saved from an untimely grave. You make no mistake by keeping a bottle of this pleasant remedy in your house. California Cat-R Cure fs equally effect ive in eradicating all traces of Nasal Catarrh. Both of these wonderful Cal ifornia remedies are sold and warranted by C. G. Huntley. 50 cents and $1.00 a package, 3 for $2.50 Frequently accidents occur in the household which causes burns, cuts, sprains and bruises; fur use In such cases Dr. J. II. McLean's Volcanic Oil Liniment has for many years been the constant favorite family remedy. For sale by C. G. Huntley, druggist. Yucca Root toilet soap will not chap the hands or face. K. K. Williams, the grocer. Yl'CI'A. A toilet soap made by a new process from the Mexican soap root without the use ot any animal fat. Has been used by the Spaniards and Mexicans in its crude state lor general ions. An abso lutely pure article. E. E. Williams, the grocer. Marmot Num. Maiimot, Feb. 11. This morning Mr. Phillip Mooro'i house raiiKlit tire from the chimney, and bemuse the d ry east, wind was blowing a gale the buil'IfiiK was in a few mlniitea tntircl) di-Hlroyeil. The old mnn, who la barely able to gi-t around, grabbed a straw lick and a couplo of old blankets, all Unit he saved. He never thought of tryinir to save hi papers anil other valuables, lie was well mipplled with all kinds of provMmis. Mr. Mnorelsone of the oldest pioneers of this section and most everybody who came over the old Harlow road will remember blm. Awarded Highest Honors World' Pair. DRr MOST PERFECT MADE K pure Crape Cream of Tartar Powder. Ptes iom Ammonia, Alum or any other adulterant. 40 YEARS THE STAN DA RU cnEASl" MEWS NEW LOT OUTINGS, Calicoes, Muslins, Shoos Etc. CASH PRICES. .v. i ,,n ii o n I ... I u 111 lKu Arv irrilll. SIlL'lir. '20 111. extra C, 20 H'M. Prunes, apples or salt meat, 18 yd. calx,t w., 20 buy a pair good oxfords UHUHlly f l.oo. Anothor BlilpmiMii, lames tuiiig. i , valuo forll..r0, broken lots hIioch at cost or Iohh; boy or turn h warran ted plows n..r0 and ll.a:.; ladio- heavy (dipiier cut to; steel wire, .ail ft oM t 'im kotf. or !!: llm. 1.(0: 10 to 2D penny 2.2.) keg, or 40 llm. 11.00; !W to liO rnny 2.00, department. ...Red Front Store... URUGON CITY. rrJkiJrJ?'? ' 'L assortment of fashionable jewclery and silverwaro is very complete IiUKMICIMTKU A ANDHICHKN. Save Money. And Encourage Home Industry THE Qregon Picture Frame Company Makes a Specialty of Manufacturing Mouldings . . . and picture Frames i New and Novel Designs Easels Pictures Dollars And Sense. For Fifty Cents. A Dollar 8avcd Is a Dollar earned. Buy Your Groceries where You can get them tho Cheapest. All New, Fresh Selected Stock of the Best Quality in the Market. Staub's Cash Grocery, Commercial Bank Block. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the county of OUckamas. Adam Andre, plaintiff, yi. C. H. Andre, defend ant. To C. M. Andre, aald defendant: In the uame of the Stale of Oregon, you are hereby required to appearand an.wer the com plaint filed aaalnat you In the almve-eutltled suit In laid court 011 the first day of a term thereof to be begun and held next after alx weeks from the nubllcullon of this lutnniona. namely, on the l!Uh day of April, INUfl. And If you full ao to appear aud answer, for want thereof, the plalmlir will apply to the court for the relief demanded In the complaint herein, whloh la for the dissolution of the marriage contract now aiihslstlng between .aid parties, and for auch other equitable relief aa prayed lor In aald complaint. This aummoiia la published by order of T. A. Mollrlde, Judgn of aald court, made and dated February lit, ls5. C. D. & D. C I.ATOUKKTTK, 2-15:8-22 Attorneys for Plaintiff. FLANNELS, YARNS, i1uiiih, 10 llm. koo.1 "!. 10 yds. outing llannol, iuhI .In hum. l Wr ImiwHoiia mu - - or 45 U.S. 11.00. Uedttction in every tijjk W7ii'ivs M flu JOT, and those who watch and wait for time will only dim-over its Might. You can discover an elegant collection of time pieces in our stock of ladies and gentlemen' gold and silvo watches, which in all cases aro models of ac curacy, keeping timoso well that they don't lose it. We can eonlldcntly rec ommend our watches and clocks, too, as entirely trustworthy, and meeting ihn needaof thu hour to a second. Our -fcaUi. 108 Second Street Near Washington M. J. MORSE, Manager. and Art Material. IP SMI " SJ Midwinter Sale OF JsIIIiltlNERY.... HatH, Bon nets and all fall and Winter goods sold at a great reduction. Seeing is believing, no please call and examine for yourselves. Mrs. H.T. Sladen. E. O. SMITH, THIRTY YEARS EXPERIENCE. Consultation freo. Roouib upHtairs in Kelly Building next to BurmeiHtor t Andre Hen's, Jewelry Store. Oregon City. Oregon. Sunset Grocery, ...West Side... Complete (lock of Crockery Tinware and Notions. First class goods ... ... Low Prices ... ....Prompt delivery. Satisfaction Guaranteed, c. a. McMillan, Prop. FOR- ABSOLUTELY PORE DFJGS 00 TO Q A. HARDING. . NONE but ooMpitent PHARMACISTS employed Flue PerTumeriES am Toilet Articles. Also i full (took of IPAinSTTB- OILS ETC.