Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (Feb. 15, 1895)
Oregon City Enterprise. .SCHEDULES OF TIME O. (!. T. J'O.'H NTKAMKU, Hummer IMilUNA, uuvKitiHKuoNuiTr. utrii niri.tnt. ",. ,. 1 ""I'' ' H.mip. m. Tin Kaat I'AHMANOKK HI KA MKI1, Al.TONA, aaTWsaH rilRTUHII.KMCM AMI) milKOHIKItri. l.aav I'orilaiHl Tnyliir .lru,. iW, t It l A. M, '" li-am. (lrpiiii ; 1 1 y fur Malam 7,U A. M. lunula?, Tliuriilar ami Haturilay. I,aava lml.i.ii.lKiMa 6 mi A M ami Hnlnin 7:45 . .""'I'"' HI' I W r M Inr rorw mini auiiiar, nocllli.nlay ami Krl'lajr. Fail lima, ikm1 actcniiiialiiilotii and low rains, Nil way Iraialil liaiiJlsl, N.olal rst on t..l.l IfVlgUI, HOI'TlltCHN IMCIKIU RAILWAY. KukTM KWHD. California Pinrsat (thrfiii(h) hcnoUurg lxKial (way iialluun) I.Wp. ni. OIITH SOUND, Hihurf IT'I (war .Ultima) Ml a. m Caliliiriil, Ktirtu (Itiruiiihj 7 10 p. iu W1LUMKTTK FALL KI.KC'THIU KAILWAV, Tims 'labia, l-aan Uiava Orsn Hjr. WllUaom. rails. 4:0 A. a), a 4,-i A.M. II ou o an m II an II fi t W I". H, I It r. U. in i -1.U0 " :! " aiiNDtV Tim. 0U A. M. SIS A.M. lo lu ir. ll.OU mi luuf. M. I It P.M. i l it 'J in i if a no j ii IWI " I. It " H0 " l it - U 4 It im " 4 4 " J M t it 6 u & i,i .0U " it enila to provlilo huIh for tliosii wliocomo. Tin rcuilliiK room la 1oIiik a moat cxi-cl-li-iit work In OrcKori (,'lly ami In Kroatly iiiirTliitc( hy I hit lulmriiitf mini ami Htranirora who vlnit It. IU aiippoit, ly Hid climi'Ht m-onumy on tlm part of the librarian, I liaroly aulllt'iiMit to kp It ruiiiilnjr, mid our dtixoriialioiilil In-more llbnral In tlmlr contribution, to Hila moat worthy Inatltiillori, for If lliiiro la a rnla- alonary or diarlfy work in Or-ron (,'iiy tllHt )HVH 0110 llllllllriul KllltH on ('Bi ll dollar Inynatixl It In the true ritaillnii room. Who uv Can Talk With. The Orrgon Telephone & Telnpraph com pany liave the work coiiiplnlad of IIdi'bkiioi.d NKCKMcirv. F. K IW-; on, of Vancouver, 1 1 iiH ili'vlai-d a dm! ) II. .1 .it ... .1 .. iiKiner '.oat HK'i!iiMi'a wiiii iii0 noccHKiiy (8y tlt(t oi KlnilliiiK wooil mid n, ahic.n a person to Iniilil a fire In a atovw aol 't Ui h good limit in liulf tlm tiinii himI aitli lioif oftliH II'Ut un liy tlm old wuy. Ilia ideitn mill von ven iu lit ami can I carried In tlm pocket or in tlm yrip wlirn on a miiipinir. trip wncn uiy kiminiiK i not : uiuliiiiliii'dlv alwayaat iiand Mr, lVaraon Imn al-1 iIHt ,e hlH I Household 1 rraur W, KiiIIit, of Can.iji.iWif!, N, Y., C. A. MiLtaa, HupL TDK MAIM. Mailt oliwa joiih Nimh. U m., I p. m.,lp. m. Mailt roa i.lii Huuili, V a. m., S.4t p. ra. ILi aoi'TIi. Orffon Clly lo Porilauil nrfr Kait tlda Rail way, laavpa U iO I'. M. and t U f M.arrlvva 1 1 OA A. M and 4 to P. M ( arrlaa pnnland, Kuiaru. WeiHlilo, Handjr aud lllglnaud raum' mall. uri'anii C'lljr o Kljr.Carua, Mnllnn. l.llwral and Mi.lalla ivawi al li m. aud arrlvaa alUn. dall Ort'non Ckr to Daavtr Craak. Mink. Clark. Maadow liriMik. I'l.inii M 1 1 Ik. and lulioa, Iravaa al 10 a. m. Monday Wanlnnday and Krldajr and raioriia un Inllowlm daa al i .15 p. m Orvnn I lly In Viola, Uigan and Hadland Imvai Orrfnu Clly Monday Waduraday add Prldar al I OU P, M., Uavlug Viola aarut day! alt UO A. M, FK1DAY, FKI1KUAUY 1, 18H5. Hoau to Kk-Iicatko A move mant I now under way to dare a re aiir vy of the Orfgon City and New Kra riv.'i r'ad, villi a view of locatlniiit along the foot of the bluff and vacate that part along the river bank and railroad The change In location ha heen biought about by the county court ordering cloned that part of tne road letwern the rail road track and the river bank ai danger oui to public travel and iinpotwlble of re pair. The court han hail an examination of Ihi road made and they find that it ia impoiih!e to maintain a roadway ix tween the railroad truck and river hank a the river ia constantly waahing away the hank, and to prevent It and aave the ro. I would cost nut li-a than t-'i.OOO in buildimc breakwatxiH, dyki-l and making tllla. County lioiid Engineer Kimiaird ia of the opinion thitt a rniiie can he had the foot of the hluir that will have In no place not to exceed a 5 per cent grade, and Hint the coat of coiihtrili'lllig the new r"Hil would not he ao heavy aa haa been aii)poed by many Thia one of the nioat important roada of the county, and aa under the present law the people intercrited In the road can alone have the change made by petitioning thn county court, they aliould piinh the mat' ter and have thn nurvey made ao that work may Ihi done on It tbla year An Eaht Wink. Ttao eit wind of laat Sumliiy and Monday waa aomething new for Wehfoot w!ere the prevailing winda are either from ttie north or aoutli. It blew a g.iln and wkn cold and crisp enough to make one think of a Dakota tephyr. The force of the wind waa auch that it shook buildingi and wai ao dry that It loon raiseil cloudu of duat on Main street in a .itiannur aurpriaiug aud disagreeable to pnduHtariana. IU force waa particularly noticahle on Mt, Hood over whoae honry head it muat to have wept with the force of a tornado, for that part of tha south ami eustsiJoHof its Biiinmlt vlsahle Irmn this city waa aa bare and black aa in mid-summer, the enow having ail been blown oil and plied up on the west side of (lie moun tain. The old soi tiers can fall to mind but few auch winda for they are almoat link mm n on thia const, the great moun tain r iiigo east of us being un ohVtti il barrer niiiiiHt liny ordinary wind from that direction. Thia wind waa evidently a aide iasue of the great storm thai gwept ovei the middlo uml cio-tern alutea hod week and even extended in ita fury acroMH the Atlantic ocean into Europe, it covering the gniateat imrt of the globe and being the most severe of any alorm for yeHra paat. With us it had apent its fury and waa devoid of all danger and waa only diaxgreeahle to be out in. Til a Fn an Kkadino Hoom. If there are any persona in Oregon City who think that the free rending is not patronized and ia not worthy of their support, they have but to atep- into tha- room any day or evening to be convinced of their error. Eajiecially on rainy daya when many . of the laboring men about town are laid off or when one of the factories shut down ia the room crowded and every chair ia occupied, 'and often time during tha venings the librarian ia put to Lis wits wiring for and inatalling the telephones lor their uhacrlbers In Oregon City When first put In some of the Hiihacrib era had dilllculty in making themselves clearly heard through their telephones, but that waa soon overcome when they became uaej to the Instruments. They now work fine and no didiculty ia exirl ... ! ( enuoii in carrying on conversation over the local wires and on the long distance line with I'ortlaiid. The telephone! are proving a gnat convenience to those having them, for they pave them many trips about town and thus save time and exwillate business. The central ia In charge of Mlas Lura Miller, who la proving quite an adept In handling the wires. The following firms and Ditrsona are now connnccted by the system: flank of Oregon City, (leo. Uroughlon's Haw mill, Geo. C. lirownell's law ollice, Dr. W. E. Carll's olllw, ('barman & Go's drug g'ore, W. C. Cheney's reslilonce, Commercial Hank, C. D. A I C. Utouretie's law otlllce, Crown Taper Co., (Jeo. A. Hard ing's drug store, Hill A Cole's saloon. MarrA Koliertson'a grm-ery store, I. F Morey's resilience, Ohkoon Citv E.ntxr- l-Riaic, Dr D. L. Paine's residence, Ore gon City Iron Woiks, Oregon CHy Trans lation ( o.. rostofllce, Western Union Telegraph ollice. Court House, Smith A Lovetl's, ice works ollice. K. Williams' grocery store, Willamette Pulp A I'aa-r Co ollice, Willamette Pulp A I'apcr Lo s. residence, W. A. Huiilley'a book stoie, Postal TcleKrspn (Vs. ofllee, C. 0. Huntley's drug etoro and U. Stsnh's grocery store Handy KxrxHKMK Hook A large volume now numbering over .180 pages, but sold at the same i rice as when, in the fortiea, it printed only W) page. Th New York Tribune Almanac for 181)6 comes to us this week, revised, rear ranged, freshened np to dale, and en riched by the add i I ion of new features. The book contain! an almost unlimited array of statistics e"Ti every conceivable subject which conc erns the whole people of the United tlatta, with much which Interests only the political parties or oiher Urge bodies of men or women. The results of the phenomenal elections of 181)4 are fully reported. There i no partisanship in the contents of The Tribune Almanac, and eveiy one can ac cept with confidence ita statistics of coin age, circulation, foreign trade, eleotioiia, Imputation, pensiona, revenues, hanking, divorce, marriage, sports, leg.l holidays, and the hundreds of other things treated 01. 1 he (nuts about piominent societies in the United Mates am given more than usual, and the Constim tional Amendments in "New. lork State are given. The Almanac for 18:15 ia a most valuable book of reference It ia indexed thoroughly and well. Price, 25 cents a copy. time deliver those orders for more. onhtied Botany Bay Botany Bay Botany Bay at Shively's. he always k-e.a Dr. King's New Discovery in the hotiae and his fmnil) has alwats found the very best results Mli.w its us.-; that he would not be with r ii it, if procurable. 0. A. Dykeinim, Druggist, CtsLill, N, Y., s..ys Dr. King's New Discovery is tho beat cough remedy; used It in liis family for never failed to Wbv not trv and take j a remedy so long tried and tested. Trial hollies tree at Charman A Co 's ilruif store, Charman Bros, block. Regular size 60c and f 1.00. ready niailii a limited canvass of Oregon clrht years, an I it has City for his fire lighter and will in a short do what is claimed of it. Nkw IIotki,. J. P. 8umnerhas rented the building on the southeast corner of Main and Eighth streets ner the ciurt house and opened a hotel which he calls the Farmers Home. Mrs. Humner will have the supervision of the tables and the rooms and she will see that they aie attractive and rlean. Mr. and Mrs. Humner expect to make the patrons feel at home when in their house and they Invite their many friends throughout the t-ountv to atop at the Farmers Iloii'e and try Its hospitality. The Ksrmesse cigar is a decided suc cess. Ten cents value for nve cents casIi. E. E. Williams, the grocer 8( iio"L Examinatii.ns Examination have been held durum thia week in the various rooms of the c ty schoola to enable the pupils lo g-iln the rnid-terni promotions. It is expected that all who are to enter the school for the last hall of the school year and are em I led to go into the first grade w ill be iu attendance next Monday so aa to start with the class and thus not retard the work. There are now enrolled In the school 375 girls and 314 boys and it is expected that (bis will be increased some next week bv new scholars entering the school Yucca Hoot toilet soap will not cha the hands or face. E. E. Williams, tne grocer J-.LKCTSICITY ON TIIK 10W I'ATII Sc Yoik'i state engineer has great expecla lions concerning the coming utility of the trolley In moving canal bouts. He suys the trolley bees could be built on either side of a canal, the motor running on its own track, aitached to tow-lines as now used, controlled by the helmsman, and consuming no space on the boats. The track along the towpath could he elevated, giving room for horses to tow by the present method when desired. In thia case the motors might be called electric boraea. This is but one of the practicable and iiiexpeusiveiysteinB that have neen propoeed. imperial food will make your hens lay. E. E. Williams, the grocer. A I!uln.'v,Mflkliig Book. Every business man ouitbt lo read Dollars And hense, a money-making1 book by Natb'l C. Fowler, Jr., the lead iiiir expert on business a'd advertising, 18 chapters, illustrated wi h 100 plates, i presenting every style ol elf dive sdver tisemetits, wi ll examples of reading notice-, circulars and headlines. It tell the i lain truth alout advertising iinri exposes ineffective method. Any' , reaner oi ii.e ivntkbhhiss w ho will send ........ ,,, iff'nuc niaiiifji v (lie value ol twenty-five c-tita to I he Trade Cnn-aii, liost.iii. Mass., will receive the txxik bv p'epaid mail. Whf n t he Doctor.... Ei.xctrical Enoiniur's Trainiso. Th educational fad of the moment is electrical enuineerlng, just as some years ago every man thought he must make his boy a civil engineer. Mr. James B. Cahoon, than whom there can be no bet ter authority, tells ua in the January number of Electric Power how this train ing must be sunplimented in order to uiuke a real electrical engineer. We sincerely hope that It may scare about half of the 1,500 students now taking their regular college engineering courses into thinking about it before graduating into mere dynamo tenders. . One sug gestion of Lieut. Ca boon's we would lay especial stress on and that is the train ing in moving heavy machinery into place; it is one of the lineet arts extant, The artlnle Is to be continued in the Feb rtiary number, and aside from its im portance I o the engineering student, it abounds in the humorous incidents pliiyed upon the novice A Lonokki.i.ow Symposium. One of the best method of studying an author is through the symposiums now so popular in A m. 'ilea The I ongfellow SyiiipoHiiim lo be given at the. Congregational church on March 1st is tho flrat attempt at thia tyle of entertainment in Oregon City. Every lover of literature will appreciate the effoit lo set lorth in living form the ideal Hiawatha and hia beloved Minnu huha, l aughing Water, at the Door of the Am ient Arrow-Maker in the Land of the Dukotahsj the glimpse of Evangeline and Uabriol, and Benedict Bellefontiiine and good Father Felician amid the sor rowful events of the Acadian exile. All will be glad again to catch a paasinn glimpse of Miles Standiah, John Allien and Priscilla. Some of the most cele brated poems of Longfellow will be snmr and spoken and orations on his life and haracler he iriven bv some of our tal ented young people. ' The name One Minute' Cough Cure suggests a medicine ' that relieves a once, and quickly cures. Its use proves it. C.C; Huntley', druggist. Watch for Botany Bay at Bhivoly'a. Needy Note. NKxnv, February 13. Died, In Ante lope, Oiegon Fcbniary 5, 18!5, Geitrude Ransdell, aged 17 years, 1 month and 3 days. Deceased was born in Otoe county, Nebraska aui 1878 from which place she came with her parents to Oregon in lhSO since then her home has been near Needy. The 8th of Januaiy 181) 4 she waa taken wi'h n bat seemed to be la giipe but developed into consump tion In hnee cf improving hei health she went to Antelope to stay with her sister, Mrs. l'atterson, at which place she remained till her death. She d'eil trusting in the Lord and said she was going to heaven to be w ith her mother and father who has proceeded her to the hereafter. They laid her by their side to await the glorious resurrection morn Hie was a kind anJ loving sister and i friend to all. 8be leaves four brothers and two sisters to mourn her loss. Mr. Warnock of Silverton is visiting iiih nepnew, .nr. ugie mis week. J. U. Campbell, an attorney of Oregon Ul attended justice court last Monday. State or Ohio, Citv or Toledo,) vuvnii y Fkank J. Chkney makes oath that lie is the senior partner of the firm of F. J. Chknky k Co., doing business in the City of Toledo, state and county afore said, and that said firm will nay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each aud every case of Catarrh that can not be cured by the use of Hall's Ca tarrh Curb. FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before me and subscribed in my presence, the Cth day of December, A. D. 18811. A. W. GLEASON. Notary Publio. skal. Hull's Catarrh Cureistaktn internally and acta directly on the blood and mucus surfaces of the system. Send for tosti uioniula fiea. V. 3. Ciiknry & Co., Toledo, Ohio. jtHySold by diuggists, 75c. To (ood Tomplars. Do you know that Moore's Revealed Remedy Is the only' patent, medicine in the world that does not contain a drop of alcohol; that the mode of preparing it is known only lo its dncover ; that it is an advance in the science of medicine without a parallel .In the nineteenth century; that its proprietors olFor to forfeit ipl.OOO for any case of dyspepsia it will not cure? . writfH a prescription for vour sick one do you realize now important it ia that nothing but the purest and best drugs should enter into its composition? We pride ourselves on buying the very best in drugs and are always will ing to pay more and get the beet. You know there are ''Heconds" and "sub stitutes" in drugs as in other goods. If we do not have the material in stock to fill a prescription properly we tell you so frankly and youi ran choose between going elsewhere or waiting a few hours until we can get it for you. We cosider our reputa tion of far more value than tho money we can make on any prescription or any customer. C. Q. HUNTLEY. A Genuine Rock Bottom liLEIIiaffi 3 To Avoid Currying make room SPMETJ IDS ii Prices will be dropped so low that the leanest purse can secure a bargain in the many lines carried in stock by The Pioneer Store, THOMAS CHARMAN & SON. A BOOK WORM Would be delighted with the new cloth, gilt top edition of "The Autocrat of the Breakfast TaW which we are selling at 75c. This most desirable book one of Dr. Holmes best has always sold for 1.50. We have also "The Dolly Dia logues'just at present the talk of the reading world for 50c. in cloth or 25c in paper. TT . . l nave you reaa tne parody on Trilby "Billtry"? Paper 50c. Huntley's Book Store, Oregon City. Proof of the Pudding Is in the Eating "So is the quality of the meat tested that is on sale at the ....NEW MEAT MARKET.... Only first class stall-led meats in stock antl full weight is guaranteed. J. KONKLE, Prop. Next door to Burmeister & Andresen's Jewelry Store.; are lost annually directly and indirectly, by people who cannot do their own figuring, write their owas . letters, or keep their own books; and who do not know when business and legal popem which they mutt handle every day are made out correctly. (WAM these thlnga, an much more, we teach Miorwiflft ly. i n Hundreds of our graduates are In food positions, and there will be openings fot hundreds more when times Improve. A'oto Is the time to prepare for them. Besides, a buslnisa education Is worth all it costs, for one's oum sue. Send for oar catalogue, to . learn want and how wo teach. Mailed free to any address. Portland Business College, A, P. Armstrong, Prln. Portl and, Oregon, j. a. 8cratar, Buy your. Choice Candies La KfiinesHP. A 10 rent eig-ir for a nickel. E. E Williams, the prty-er . . Cash paid for clean cotton rags at the Entkri'rihr ofllcp. Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder A wanted Gold Madal Maiwinw Fair, Saa Franciaca. . . AT THE . . NOVELTY CANDY STORE. Pure. Fresh, Delicious, Prices lowerthan ever. Our Taffy Candy Has no equal in the City. Freih Fruits and Nuts. A, scientific jbcsbkss!' scienlilic jBrflBBBsS .preparation., a fTO. 1 Abictinc Balsam f v uiiiiiviu iLJ't'.V.Vff. Cold n live tif!adr A'ii vrV, CalArrhM toafafa rV H rUS YJJKf islora totcaisrafl ,i-4. lawvts BAbTAMi ?y I-, jNPittSANT Breath.' t)t The Argonaut Is the only high-class political and literary weekly published on the Pacific coast. Thousands of single-stamped copies of it pass throtieh the poet office every week, reniailed by subscribers to their friends. It has a larger circulation than any paper on the Pacific coast, excenl' three San Francisco dailies. It eoes into all the well to do families of of the Pacific coast. Over 18,000 circulation. Argonaut building, 213 Grant Avenue, San Francisco. For sale at Huntley Book Store. SOHWAN & PUTROW. Dealers in Stoves and Tinware. PLUMBING, TINNING, AND GENERAL JOBBING. CATJFIELD BLOCK, Main Street. kn,r. . 4 fonranou OROVIU-E.CAL For sale by C. G. Huntley. The Chinese Suffered.... ....Another Defeat I The Oregon City Steam Laundry IS DOING Clean Work, Neat Work, and Cheaper Work Than can be had of the Chinese or any other place in the city; Special Rates on Family Work. Goods called for and delivered.