Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 7, 1894)
Mlimry Asoo!ntlon 0 REGON U1TY Ml J 1 ATnn in o VOL.29., OREGON CITY, OREGON, FRIDAY. DECEMBER 7, 1891. ESTABLISHED 18CG COUUTHJ fllrrnilt iwiirt rnnv.naa (lr Mnliitsy In No-Ttimm-f ami tlilnt Mmi.Ux In April, frniwt court In tawlon first Mmtilav In cwch WIOIUIl. (lowml..lmii.rnort nwti Ant Waducular liar Aral Nun.Ljr ,r, m,ml,. I. MtAKK, HKKTIMT. MtrrKiiOll hr the palnlaaa aitraelluu Ul tHtll. All work warrant! ami prli-ei rMnitlil, IliHunaT, I mill , tmiiliiroat eiirm-r Klrat III it Tarliir iu-i. (iirun A :m' old unit, I'tirllmi'l, orvauu. T HI.AIiKN, NUTAKY I't'HUi: iiiij ( UNVEYAM KK. I -ail.anil niliar pawni promptly ami ccu at'l.' aim-Utml Ha, imUi hatn1M liiiirnr wrllleu lu (tin lruio.i roinfaiilnN tnug tiii.lnraa Offlp . Mb (IIiuIdKiu Heal Kalat Company, Otwn -lf. Oivnuit ft LACK A HAS ASHTItACT A TKt'HT CO. At.lraU nt etui (ami. cminlr prniwrtr ! lal'y. (it fe'irk, reaaunatila rharxoa. Work u.rnl.....l dlra ii a trial I) 0 CaUlUM-lta. I', K iHillalil.uli, J, f. Clark, lilrn t'Ka, otiwn citv, .... omuor. N M JOHN"' D W RIHRAIRO JINKAIItl) A JOUKMOW."- CIVIL XXUINKKhITaNI I.'IIVIEYOKH. Hallway lacatlnn and rmixmHIiin. brldgos, plauiaiitl aaUmale. liar Malar au ly . Pralnaja and at mat Improvaruaut ol Liwni, 8lal ailrullnn ifn In raiilitlii am) tdua irlullU. AY f CAHKY JOIINHON, LAWYER. Coruar Elht anil Main aireata. Orrfon trtly. Or.ion, IlKAL ESTATE TO HKLL AND MONEY TO LOAN. J U POKTKK. ATTOKNKV AT LAW nTi or rirTT ri axKKin. OHIo neit to Orvnn Cltjr twnk an sih itraot. I 0. T. WILLIAMS KAL K8TATK AM LOAN A0KNT. A (ood Una of Bualnaaa, raalrlmr ami aulmrbao lruwrlf. Farm Property In traru to lull ou f aiy Urma. Cnrrapnr1iir prumtitly anawarad. Ofllr, a at dur to CauSald A llunlley'a druj ttura. Q D. A l.0 LATOl'KKriR, ATTORNEYS AND COUNSF.IaOHS AT LAW m.W rtsrrt, omtoox enrr, orroom. , runilali Ah.lraru ol Tula, Loan Mnimy, Por Ctoaa Wirl, ami trauaaul Uaurral Law Itu.lnaaa. J J I. CHUNK, . ATTORNEY AT LAW. WiM, PtTti ill All Court or THt Htatb Raal EaUt nd luiuranra. Oltlca on Main Blr et. bat Sixth aud 8rnlh, oaaiinx city, on. c II. UYR, ATTOKSEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW Offloa orr Oraf n City Hank,. ORRdOR flTT. ORRUOH R. 0. RaowRRLU A. (. DRRMRR. 1 KOWNKLL PRKSHKR ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Orroor City, Orroor. Will pramli-a In all th wiirU ol th atate. Ot fire, iirxt door to Caiinulil A lluittlejr'a dni( tor. F.P. WHITE. W.A.WIIITK VHITE BROTHERS l'rnctical Jrchitects if Builders. Will pri'para plana, elavatlona, wnrklnx ta- 111 and apanlnnatlona lorallklnda nl build Inga SiH-flal atlmutlon Rlren to imxlrrn out Uoa. Ktlinau-a lurnltliail nn aprlli-atlon Call on oradilreaa WHITK flKOR., Oron City, 0n fit UK COMMKKCIAL BANK, OF ORKUON CITY. 'apltal. 100,00g TRARaACTR A ORNRRAL RANKIRa RtialMRaa, Loam made. UIMa dlinouiitcd. Makoi cnl leotuma. Ntiyi Rnd aelU erhange on all poluu lu Ilia United Slatai, EuropR Rnd Hoiii Kong, peponlta racel"ed 111101101 to cberk . Interuit at utual rain allowed on tlmo dcpoalta. Bank open from S A. M. to 4 r. M. Baturdar evening! from II to 7 r. M. 0. C. LATOUKKTTK, Proaidant. r I DON AI.UHON, Caahlor TJANK OF ORKQCN CITY, Oldest BaiialBS IlQUse Id tte Cltr. Paid up Capital, W.OOO. rRRMDRNT, VICR rRRIUI'RRT, CAHHIRR. TH0S. CHARMAR ORO, A. HARDIRQ. R. CArflRI.D CHARLRI H. CAURIRLD. HANAURR k .....i l.anVlna biialneaa tranaacted. n bhv,m . Depoalti recalTad mbjort to check. Approved bllle Rnd notce dlacoiinted. Countj and city wrranti bought. Loam mU on tYallablo toourlty. Kiohange bought Rnd iold. Colleotlont mde promptly. DralU mid vallole In Rny part of tho world Telegraphlo Richanget Rold on Portland, Ban Fralco, OhloagaRnd New York. Interoit pIJ on time dopoalti. ub A'etlUof TH K tiUJiui'f PIONEER Transfer and Ee, Freight and parcels delivered to all parts of the city. RATES - REASONABLE. Uli i'"' V - '.V ' .rv ' -vf r ' . Window HlmitPR? I'lxHitff Kiv iir call, TI18 MotinfiirnlnliiT, SEVENTH STREET DRUG STORE. DR. L. M. ANDREW, Prop. A Full Line of Fresh Drugs and Medicines. Patent Modlclnes of all Makes, Notions, Optical Goods Full 6 lock Of rvHcriln Oil, Bett and Cheapest. EinoBolectionof rcrfuniory and Toilet Soaps. And lead ing Brands of Cigars. ihi:m iiiitio.m 4 Aiti:ri i.i.v rn.i.i.ii. Corner Kt'vvnth and Center Street, - - - Oregon City, Or. OREGON CITY New and Enlarged Hhop with all appliances for MACHINE WORK & CASTING. All work executed in the bent manner poRsiblo. Promptness guaran teed on all orders. RBPAIHING-A-SPEOIALTY. Prices tho lowest to lw' had in Portland. Shop on Fourth Street, near Main, Oregon City, Oregon. r. ROAKE & CO., Proprietors. 14 ow you Can Save Money When your children need a laxative or (stomach and lxwol regulator, Luy . , BABY'S FRUIT LAXATIVE. Fifty doues tor twenty-five cents. The se.on for colds and coughs is upon us. In order to be pre pared for an emergency, get a bottle of Baby's Pectoral, Syrup, The best in the market. Price 25 cents. For sale at tho CAN BY PHARMACY, Canby, Or. DR. J. H. IRVINE, Proprietor. J. JONES DEALER IN Doors, Windows, Mouldings, DOOR AND WINDOW FRAMES. Cabinet Work, Fitting up Stores and Repairing of all kinds. Jobbing Orders Promptly Executed. IMIK I'.N THK I.OWKNT. ASliop corner Fourth and Water streets, back of Pope A Co's, Oregon City The Oregon City Sash & Door Co. CARRY THE LARGEST STOCK OF Sash, Doors, Blinds, Mouldings, Etc., -IK OREGON CITY1.- Special sizes of doors and windows made to order. Turning of all kinds. Estimates for Stair Work and Store Fronts Furnished on application. Builders give us a call and see if our work iB not of the best, and our prices as low as the lowest. Trice sent on application. Factory Cor. Main and 11th Sts , Oregon City. Do You Need a Legal Blank? The ENTERVRISE has the only complete stock in Clackamas county. Nearly 200 Different Blanks to Make Selections From. Every kind of a blank needed by a Judge, Jus i tice, Lawyer, Real Estate Dealer, Farmer or Mechanic. One or a Quantity Sent potsage paid at Portland Prices to Your Address. Close Figures In Furniture. Furniture In pitlior a good InvffitiiH'iit or r bail one; It in loiit sr oy to iiiRke iiiIhUIim AD It Ih to make ptircliRwi. Wa U'licve in (-Rlllnit riibiIu m apade innry tlnxi. TIiIr time wt) iiRve a Rwciul BiiiiuutHTiiiiml to iiiBkcRiid 'ou won't ko fur RHtrRy if you lv it M'ciul Rtli-tition, We nrn ofri-rlnK a liamlaoms p irlor Rut fnr WliRt we Iirvo to nv nlout ttimn crii ho rrIiI in Muili'riue: In ninku. mutorial ami) cmt tlioy My compariHon. Thpy are flnlMliml to ixirfcction anil tlicy rth alinoat ar iluratjlo rr Die evriaRtinK IiIIU. Have you 4n our new line ol DELLOMY & JUSCH, Oregon City, Oregon. IRON WORKS. & SON, CONGRESS RESUMES Lr;lHlaors of tlie CoHntry As- ;u,ec,t!rk of iiW,m- Mr- K"r- The 11 r .11 11, ; tune required wa an hour and forty five wnibleforlheahort hesnlon. jminii(J u WM Mt,wA to with careful ! attention, eopecially the portion relat I.N'CIUEMTS OF TIIC OI'CSIMU. jing 0 the tariff and banking acheme, I but there waa no demonstration when it I'rfhldcnt'R Mfkoagr Heme Keceni'! war concluded. Several routine report meiidiitlonR Made Inipoiiant were nrekented, alter which Bcranlon (Jiifatlnna Dodged. i announced the death of P. Wright, the 'late representative from the L"tli dis- Wariiixotor, Dec. 3. The cpetiing of ' trict of Fer.neylvRiiia. The uruaI reno thewtwnd RcRHion of the 6.'Jd coi.greRR ! lu,i(n wer wlopted, and then, a a alter receM of three montha iBRde the ; 'urt,,w mark of respect, the honite at caption building me center 01 lute of inlereet today, witb added intercut owing to the jwlitical revolution which recently occurred. In the aenate the members were late in arriving, And some of lhoe who had been moot conspicuous in the ! public events, notably Senator Hill, were ahaent. The presentation aad reading of the prenidunt'e annual mes sage constituted the chief point cf inter est in the senate. There were 70 sena tors oresent. After the reading of the the messago, resolutions were offered on vsrious Ruhjects, including the alleged Armenian outrages, the surrender of two Japanese citizens to the Chinese authori ties And the election of United Htates senators by the people. The senate Adjourned At 4 P. M. SENATE'S BOl'TINB PHOCKEDlNUa. Washington, Dec. 3. Promptly At 12 o'clock Vice-President Stevenson CAlled Ue senate to ordur, and Chaplain Mil burn offered the opening prayer. Me referred feelingly to the critical illness . treated on an equality of other nations, through which the daughter of Steven-j Of Germany's embargo against Amer son bad safely passed. Harris then i icao cattle, be hopes that that govern offered the customarv resolution asking j onent will see their error and cease their that a committee b named for the noti-1 restriction. On Germany's threat fication of the president that the senate waa In session. The presiding officer j imported from other countries giving a named Harris and Mandercon a the 'bounty, recommends that the duty be committee. Cockrell, chairman of the ' rescinded. Of the complications in committee on appropriations, next of-1 Central And South America with vArious fered resolution, which was adopted, i European countries declares in maintain providing that the daily sessions of the ; inn the principles of the Monroe doc senate begin at 12 noon. The point of trine by the United States In protecting no quorum being raised the roll was 'American interests. Recommends that called. It showed the presence of 08 ' the United States withdraw from the senaiorfl, considerably more than a quo ' rum. A recess was then taken until .'2:30, lo awsit the return of the com - mitlee sent to notify the president that the senate was in session. The commit- tee not being ready to report at 12 :30 a further recess was taken until 1 :30. Upon reassembling at that hoar Execu tive Clerk I'rudcn appeared ut the main door, and white-haired Isaac Bassott an nounced : "A message from the president." Immediately Secretary Cox began reading the document. At 3:40 he fin ished having taken two hours and ten minutes. The vice-president then an nounced that, in accordance witb the usual custom, the president's message would lay on the table and be printed. Routine business was then again taken up. LITTLE DONS IN THK 1I01SS. Washington, Dec. 3. The opening of ' and that the coast survoy be transferred the short et'saion of the house was pic-. from the treasury to the navy depart turesque in a way, but devoid of interest-1 ment. That a surplus supply of ord- ing features. The victorious republicans and defeated democrats exchanged greetings and gave and took thrusts on the result of the recent political battle with much animation, but through good nature. The galleries were crowded and half the desks on the floor were smoth ered with flowers. Onex-Speeker Reed's desk was a magniflcant floral ship. On the card attached to it was inscribed : "Advocate, as yon have always, pro tection and American labor, and the ship will guide you into a heaven of peaceful waters." On the desk of Linton, of Michigan, was a large floral school bouse, the com plimant of an A. P.' A. organization in acknowledgment of his championehio of the public schools Reed entered the chamber a little be fore noon and was enthusiastically cheered. His face wreathed in smiles, and he bowed right and left as he picked his way to the cloakroom, where friends congratulated htm as next the speaker. A round of applause greeted Speaker Crisp as he entered. The other leaders on both sides were given enthusiastic receptions by their respective partisans. Wilson and Burrows were also particu larly well received. There was no chance in the first day's proceedings (or reference to the elections, so the actual proceedings were dull and uninteresting. Several new members were Bworn in, and, after a long wait, the president's message was read. Although it was listened to with interest, it was con cluded without a mark of Approval or disapproval. Washington, Pec. 3. As the bands ol the clock pointed to 12, Speaker Crisp entered the house chamber and ascended the rotrura amid applause. With Bevoral bard bangs of the gavel the speaker restored order, and the second session of the 53d congress began. Rev Dr. Bagley, chaplain of the house, in yoked a divine blessing, and then the roll waa called. At 1 :35 Mr, I'nrden, the prciiiJcnt'R executive clerk, appeared with till menHaH, which war read hy 3:-" adjourned until tomorrow at 12 o'clock. STXOPHIS Of THK MESSAGE. The presidents merwaife was one ot the longest ever delivered in Congress, and covered a large number of subjects. On the foreign relations of the United States, he is gratified to report the most harmonious relations witb all nations of the earth. Under thia head be gave notice of the abrogation of the re ciprocity treaty with the government of Brazil bv the latter country and says nothing as to future trade relations with that country. Announces a new treaty witb China for the further regulation of Chinese immigration. Of bis efforts to bring about arbitration between China and Japan to settle their difficulties he trusts that it may be successful as the present war is injuring jar growing com mercial Interest witb the two countries. In view of their wonderful strides in civi lization, he recommends that Japan be of retaliation against our duty on sugar i joint protectorate with England and Germany over tha Samoan Wands as i American interests in tlie islands are j not suilicient to justify the expense. Of our relations with the Hawaiian islands I he makes no mention, merely stating 'that be had reorganized the republic j lately founded. In his review of the work of the vari ous departments the president confines himself to reproducing extracts from the reports of cabinet officers. He recommends that the army be concen trated and that the smaller posts be abandoned and commends the eff icing of the army and its work in the late strike. For the department of justice be recommends that an additional judge be appointed for each circuit. He asks that the navy be increased by more bat tleships and torpedo boats; that more lapid piomotions be given naval officers ; nance be manufactured suitable to arm our fast merchant ships witb in case of emergency. In view of the fact that the i postollice department has been running at a loss he recommends that the rate on much of the matter now sent as second class be raised. In addition to increas ing the revenue it would rectify an in justice now perpetrated in allowing novels and trashy advertisfng matter gotten tip as alleged newspapers and sent at newspaper rates. In the work of the Interior department he recommends that the price on timber land be raised; 'lhatthe public lands be suiveyed by government surveyors under the direct control of the depart ment instead of by contract sis now ; That a court of Appeal be established to decide all land contests and that regis ters and receivers be given authority to compel witnesses to attend in cases be fore them; that agents on the Indian reservations be exclusively army officers and the allotments in severalty to the Indians be held back until they are sufficiently civilized to take care of themselves. On pensions be makes no recomendations. In the agricultural department he is opposed to the indis criminate distribution of seeds. He ad vocates some changes In the present tariff law and sanctions Carlisle's plan of banking and of currency. This bank ing plan being a cross between the pres ent national banking system and that of the old state banks. Mullno Maslnn. Mulino, Dec. 4 I presume as the reader glances at the heading of this column, he or she may wooder if the Mulino correspondent has been devoured by the bard times. Some may say that the times are beginning to pick up a little but we find tlietn quite close in this section of the country. Neverthe less we are blessed witb an abundance of eatables and what a glorious country we would have, had we just a little more money or some such circulating medium to take the place of money, that would loosen the reins of poverty now bonded on so many people of our conntiy. Cleveland and his congress convenes and adjourns (to go fishing) action suc ceeding session, and how much better are we for that? Xone dear reader to my mind. How in the name of com mon sense can yon and I tie benefitted by congress issuing bonds 'o borrow monev with when the gold is taken And locked op in the vaults, And kept there to pay interest on the bonos that have been issued before to pay Interest on the thin interest bearing bonds that may bj due. At the present time the treasury is nearly empty. What will they do? Issue more bonds of course. No danger of them passing a bill throngh congress te issue greenbacks that could be circulated through the states by the much needed road improvement. No indeed this would not be of intrinsic value they say. But suppose we had fifty thousand dollars to spend in Clacka mas county of such money, bow much each and every one of us .would be benefitted hy this act of congress. We would have good roads, assuredly we would have better times. Never will we have good times until laboring people get work and get pay for the same. Then and only thes we will have good times. Claude Howard is building a fine ball 30x53, with two stories, the lower one 10 , feet and the upper one 20 feet besides the his of the roof. This upper room will be suitable for concerts, entertain ments and various other social gather ings requiring a first class hall. Wm Wallace is adding a porch to the front of his residence and intends to place his stock of goods in bis sitting; room when his lease expires in March next. John Sherman and family are visiting; relatives here. Oscar Daniels got tired of the rain end and and left for Utah last evening. Some poor unfortunate is making a practice of stealing chickens. If the parties who are bothered will set shot gun pointed io a direction that he most come from, the tale will soon be com pleted. HARMONY NOTES. Cmlitable Thanluglvinc Gatlwrlnj A Christmas Entertainment To Be Held. Harmony, Dec. 1. The school's Thanksgiving entertainment came off list night. There were about 250 pres ent, many coming from Portland, Mil- ' waukee, Clackamas, Sunnyside and Lents. The program for the evening consisted of eight dialogues and eleven recitations. The first was by Lens Clark followed by a Thanksgiving ad dress by Prot. T. J. Gary, of Milwaukee. The others were Arthur Coats, Lizzie Blakney. Blanchie Fortner. Edith Tyler, Martha Sturcbler, Lena Hanne, Maude Fortner, Ettie Hall, Nellie Morey, Frank Hall. All was well rendered. Rev. Wm H. Kbit, of Sunnyside willingly loaned his organ for the occasion, Our Sunday school was well attended last Sunday despite the rainy morning. Albert Frankhouser, in charge, spoke of having a Christmas entertainment and appointed the following committee: Mrs. John Wise, Mrs. Geo. Wise and Miss Kanne. Rey. Bitner Thursday morning; after his sermon appointed John Wise, Albert Frankhouser and Miss Emma Sturchler a committee to assist the one already Appointed in making the arrang ments. Mrs, Elizabeth Luther, and son John, have returned from a two month's visit with relatives in Washington county. The latter was on the sick bed five weeks while absent. Ethel and Maggie McClure, of Port land, aw visiting with their sister, Mrs. Kilton. , . . Surely you did not forgot about the recent election Thursday. We are enjoying mild, clear weather ajuin after the refreshing rain. Mr. and Mrs. C. Campbell, of La Center, Washington, are visiting with relatives here. Forest Tyler, of Vancovver, Wash., is the guest of his sister, Mrs. II. Gilford. James Barbus, of La Center, Wash., was the guest of Mr. Daniels Friday. John Fnca. of Portland, Is at Mr. Batting. Geo. Stevens, of Portland, was visiting his parents Friday and Saturday. Miss Lottie South, of La Center, Wash., is the guest of Mrs T. Battin. Ora Battin has returned to bis ranch near La Center, Wash. Father Granthorne and Mrs. Morey, who have each been on the sick list, are slowly Improving. Karl's Clover Root, the great blood purifier gives freshness and clearness to the complexion and cures constipation, 25c, 60c., $1 00 for sale by Geo. A. Harding. A dollar saved is equal to two dollars earned. Pay up your subsciption to the Enterpbisk and get the the benefit of the reduction in price.