Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 7, 1894)
CLACKAMAS COUNTY THE ENTKIil'USK CORKKS1OM EMS SWEEP THE FIELD. A Uiilrrn, An On I nntl a Iturnetl Hum A w Doctor Literary Sorirty Discusses Mto Quest lous. Moi.all, IVc. 3. Thanksgiving: thank fill (hat we are still alive and tit At our most excellent weather continue. The day set part having past, again we are thankful lor what has gone by, wishing we were more hopeful for the future. Kev. Gray preached at the acuool house last Sunday at 11 o'clock and Kev. Gardner -entertained the audience In the evening. Malcolm McDonald, our blacksmith, will move to Newberg about the tint of the new year where he expeela to live fn the future. Our old burg's loss will be Newberg's gain, yet we hate to lose "Mack." Ir. W. C. Belt, of Astoria, has located here, becomes with good recommendations. The new drug store will be his oftlce. N. P. Kayler is now back to town but not yet on his feet, although getting along fully as well as could be expected. I-ast Saturday morning at 6 o'clock H. S. Kamsby's barn and contents burned, and it was only by treat effort and a favorable atmosphere that the other buildings were saved. An insurance of W0 was carried. Mr. Ranisby set his lantern in the wagon seat, as usual, while he fed; an owl was in the barn which (lew about, striking various objects and dually came in contact with the lantern, upsetting it, the oil igniting and licking upwards, catching the overhanging straws of a Ill-ton hay mow. before one con M think twice the barn was enveloped In flames, hi trying to whip out the tire with a sack Sever got his hand and beard burned. It was with much difficulty that tbe horses were saved. Molalla Lodge No. 40, A. 0. V. V., had initiation and election at their last meeting. Tbe names tor the several offices will appear later. Prof. Eugene Ogle has treated himself to a splendid piano, which means further ad vancement in the science of music. Molalla literary society is discussing many of the leading topics of tbe day, such as the "government ownership of the railroads." Sunday morning last " Uncle Jake." Mo lalla'i " Clark Braden." got into a "come and go as you please" discussion with a Rev. lwctor of Divinity, in which the former claims to have delivered over to the latter more gospel than tbe D. D. ever heard be fore. ltorings which makes It some bettor. We had onitht to have better roads now for we have got good old democratic times. Since the election in the lvnst you can scarcely find a democrat or populist any where and when you do find one he looks pretty sick. Kdward Boring, son of J. II, Boring, has come home from work up at Molnlla. He was working for his brother In-law, A. K. Mulligan. We are glad to see his smiling face. The wedding bells have quit ringing now after the marriage of Mr. Preston and Mrs. llartson and also Mr. A. Kaiibion and Miss M. Van Fleet The last chance saw mill has moved over to Troutdale. Mr. Burnicger, who is clearing for M. Vctsch, has about finished clearing his ten acre contract. J. A. Sutton is fixing up his house. I-ook out young ladies he will want a helpmate before long. Orville Boring, who Is attending school at Portland University, came home and spent Thanksgiving with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W, H. Boring. He reports school getting along nicely Portland where, she will attend the Port land University during the winter. The school at New lira was dismissed last week on account of Illness of the teacher, Mi Nettie Olds. (. I., Logan, of Vancouver, was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. John l.orcli the past week, Warner grange met in their hull at New Kra last Saturday. Sherill Maddock, of Oregon City, passed through hereon Ihesoiith Km ml train with two prisoners in hijoharge. Peter Kngle, our road supervisor, has made a very beneficial change In the New Era road. The Central Point Sunday school is pre paring for an entertainment to Ik- given on Christmas eve. A good time la peeled. Madam Humors that there will be a wed ding In the near future. J. L. Waldron is talking of moving with his family to Astoria. (1. W. Dlanchard has returned home from the mouth of the Columbia where he has been at work for the past few weeks. The debating society Is progressing nicely at the Union hall. Mackintoslis Mkr Goods Nw Eka, LATCH. Dec. 3-Th finest weather i.l.. 11:1 t . . " ""'K "I nrevails here that we have had for veara at things he will take "leathers" before long. ihis season nf il, vear I. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Wood were the guests I hi,.,,,,! m. of W. II. Boring last week. Smith Hinton, of Portland, was in this vicinity the past week visiting friends and relatives. W. H. Boring has rented T. O. Sorind sou's farm for the next vear. Ask'im. FKOU POND SEWS. Grand Vddinr-A Popular Cuuple-Our Correspondent Overcome. BAND? SAYINGS. Jio Thanksgiving Nothing to be Thankful For A Wedding Enjoyable Entertainment. Sahdt, Dec. 1. Thanksgiving day passed unobserved here. Sandy people seemed to think there was nothing to be thankful for. Tbe High Forest Debating and Literary Society is growing in attendance and inter est at every meeting. Saturday, December 1, was the most enjoyable affair in the history of the society. People lor miles around ! re,t. Kate and Malenda Sharp, Rosa Wag- Fiiod Tonp, Nov. :.. Undoubtedly the most notable wedding that it has been the good fortune ol the residents of this pen-able and quiet little hamlet to witness took place at the residence of the bride's parents last Thursday when Miss Ella II. Turner, the acknowledged belle of the neighborhood, and Mr. John Seedling, a well-to-do and handsome young Canadian, joined bauds and with the assistance of Nelse McCouncll, J. P., were launched on the blissful sea of matrimonial content. Never before did the bride look so pretty as she did on that eventful day. Her dress, the color of which was old rose, trimmed with silk and braid, was faultless to a point; she also wore a bridal veil, which gave her the apearance of a queen ot women. The groom, too, was at his best, dressed in a suit of conventional black, and the peaceful and satisfied ex pression which his features contained evoked the envy of even your correspondent who, by the way, falls far short of having any matrimonial Inclinations whatever. Miss Susie Turner, sister or the bride, was the bridesmaid and Mike Gross, with his pleasant ways, becoming features and win ning smiles, did tbe honors of best man. The following guests were present: Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Turner, parents of the bride, Mr. and Mrs. John Kruse, Mr. and Mrs. J. A.Turner, Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Seely. of Woodburn, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Eligsen, Mrs. Sharp, Mrs. Lett'ie Tooie, Misses Ma- The fall plowing is nearly all done. Cattle and sheep are making their own living so far and are doing well. Mr. Covey of this place has rented his farm to Mr. I!ue of West Oregon City. Services were held at Central Point M. E. church yesterday by the regular circuit minister. David Penman, sr., has some lence in the county road that ought to I removed as it is a very had place to get over in the winier time. The people in I.elaud school district are going to have a Christmas tree and an en tertainment on Christmas eve. Sam Cox was taking In the neighborhood Tuesday, lookng alter his thresliiiighlils. Mr. Editor, could you kindly stale In the columns of your paer how many coining mints there are in the United States and where they are located, Answer: Three Philadelphia, New Orleans and San Francisco. ai AT PORTLAND PEIOES. LADIES KID GLOVES FOR 75c, WORTH $1.00. IF YOU WANT SHOES THAT WILL WEAK COME TO OANBY. Dress Goods Just in From the East. G rOHftrifift ALWAYS THE LOWEST. BOSEUS CAN BY, OREGON. CANBY NEWS. I) City Officers Elected -Street Lights Good but Dure Needrd-Boad Work Heeded. were present, among whom were Mr. and Mrs. Andrews of Cottrell ostoffice, B. My ers of Eagle Creek, T. and J. Eprson of Sandy Ridge and Steve Wable of Pleasant ner, Susie Turner, Ella and Lena Eligsen, I Messrs. John, Albert, Herbert, Charles and Smith Turner, F. M. Kruse, Walter and 0. P. Sharp, Mike Gross, Arthur Turner, Home, besides many others. The question j Henry Eligsen and John Tyler. The presents to the young couple were generally speaking both numerous and costly, the most noteworthy of which were from T. L. Turner and w ife a bedroom set, Hon. John Kruse and wifea rockingchair and cushion, Miss Rosa Wa ner an elegant nickel, latest improved, hand lamp, J. A. Turner and wife castor and glassware set. John Turner set of silverware, Fred Eligsen and wife salid bowl, E. R. Seely and wife cake stand, F. M. Kruse lemonade set, Lena I Eligsen chair tidy, Ella Eligsen (lower vase, I Susie Turner set of cups and saucers, Meier it Frank a bedspread. In the evening the lor denote was, Resolved, l hat art is more pleasing to the eye than nature. The affirm ative was led by Lewis Huglinn and the negative by A. Rich. After a lively discus ion the question was decided in favor of rt. At the conclusion of the debate the literary exercises began. An excellent program, consisting of recitations and songs was ren dered in a highly interesting manner which was greatly appreciated by the audience. The following officers were then elected : President, Edw. F.Burns; Vice President, JyewisEri; Secretary, Miss Mollie Dunn; Assistant Secretary and Treasurer, Lewis I young couple gave a dance to which every Huglum; Marshal, Robert Jonsrud. j body were invited, and they did justice to A pleasant wedding occurred the past ! the occasion by "tripping the light fantastic week. The bappy couple were Miss Rena Pederson and Gilbert Huglum. County Judge Hayes tied the knot. We all wish them a successful and long happy married life. Considerable interest seems to be mani fest in the sale of R. Gerder's estate which is located in our village. A large number went down to Oregon City from here. Each party wants to buy it, but the sale was post poned till December 17. It is said several gentlemen from Portland are anxious to buy the land and lay it out in lots. We Jjopc this will be tbe case as it would be a "boon to our town, Casper Arduser has sold his stage outfit to tbe mail carrier. Casper will probably go to Portland for the future. P. 8autenbine is busy making cider. He Tuns his cider mill with an engine and is making cider in large quantities. J. and C. Timermau are down with the TiiunipB bat are slowly improving. Reader. Carni Notes. Caris, Nov. 27. Another road petition is being circulated by Uncle Jake Spangler, relating to the Molalla road. We under stand the county commissioners objected to the petition presented on the ground of alight omission. It is the manifest design of the people to have this road located, and the present petition, it is thought, will leave no loop-hole for escape. tph. Jones has ereeted a neat cabin on Lis ranch, dimensions 12x10. He has lilted it np with bed, bedding, furniture, etc., and now little Vida Graham asks, " Where is Mrs. Eph?" Mr. Oflieer has returned to the Alpirfe farm and will look after the comfort of Dr. Casto this winter. The doctor has rented Lis land on shares to Bud Smith. The Casto family are in Portland. Walter Emmett has so far recovered from Lis severe illness as to be around the farm. Call a. toe" till daylight next morning. That hap piness and prosperity may attend the young couple is tbe earnest wish of A F'koo. Borings Breezes. Borings, Dec. 3. We are having some sxild weather at present, but most of the farmers have got all of their fall plowing clone row. Tbe roads are gettiug pretty had. There -lias been some more culverts put in Eagle Creek Newt. Eaole Creek, Nov. 27. The school ex hibition held at Wilbern's hall Saturday night was a grand success. The program was short, but very interesting and instruc tive. With the exercises our worthy school teacher closed her three month's term. Miss Daurers leaves here with the good wishes of all. Bert Stafford made a flying trip to tanta Sunday. There is some great attraction at that place for Bert. Ernest Dodson, of Park Place, is visiting friends and relatives at Mr. Wilberns. Miss L. Whorton is the guest of Mrs. E. N. Foster. Miss Whorton is an applicant for the school here. Representative-elect C. B. Smith was In Portland last week on business. later. Eaoi.e Creek, Dec. 4. Married, at the home ot the bride's parents, on Sunday at 12 M., Linda Don lass and Fred Hofrinles ter. A large crowd of invited relatives and friends were present to witness the mar riage of the young couple and partake of a splendid dinner. A petition is being circulated asking for the straightening of the road near Mrs. Glover's, which is greatly needed by the community. The dance had at the hall on Thanksgiv ing was the grandest and best attended of any had for some time. Bert Stafford has hired out as coachman for Dr. C. B. 8mith. Cahby, Dec. 5. The annual citv election was held last Muudar. The following can didates were elected: W. A. Avery, col lector for one year; George Knight, treas urer for one year; H. A. Lee, L. A. Clonln ger, J. J. Sell in it t, A. W. Riggs, councilmen for two years. The I. O. G. T. gave an entertainment and basket Social Tuesday evening In Knight's ball. The hall was well filled and everybody was well pleased. The receipts of the evening were f Mr. Trullinger has started a new black smith shop in the building formerly occu pied by J. Zeek. D. W. Howard is getting twenty acres of land grubbed in the Molalla bottom. The Ball Bros, or this place and Mr. Paine of Molalla sold their hops today to 0. W. Huhhard of Salem. Tbe revival meetings in both the M. K. and the Christian churches are still in prv gress. Mrs, James Evans is quite sick at her home in Can by. A. Rnsenkrans. from Michigan, is visiting his brother, F. A. Rosenkrans. He says when he left Michigan a week or ten days ; since there was snow on the ground and j the weather was very cold. Here he finds j I such mild and pleasant weather that he I seems to be sell pleased with Oregon. Two young men arrived from the East last week on a visit to their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred ttissell. Mrs. Tenant, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hovt, arrived here from Michigan last week. The street lamps put np lately are a good thing, but we think they are not enough. The lights are too far apart. There should be at least five or six more. The roads are getting to be in a very had condition. Those that were worked and thrown up are, if possible, in a worse con dition than those that were not worked There is no use in talking, we will have j no good roads until they have gravel put on them. We hope next year many of our I roaos will be graveled. j I'eiter HAjWnjOHST & COMPANY, 151 Front Strout. HARDWARE 'rortun.i, ..!.. Northwestern Airnla lor ATKI1VS SSAWrS -Ijinrs Occiduiit TtilllrtiMiih . IH jier liiire- n -IMammid, -rtllvtr Hieel 4w. Jill..- ' 1 ! , .no'iifr , . - " " " s y, av, ii s ti n " ' Crescent Wedges (warranted.) U it S l'ronf Chains. Arcade FilcH. Loggers and Wocxl Choppers Specialties. Oregon City Agent, ...... ti I Hope. Crescent Meo WILSON 4 COOK Hmjrna Naiaeks. Pkyii!. Nov. 27. An infant child of Mr. ttnd Mrs. Bailey as burled at the Hmyrna tfmveyard on Tuesday of last week. Mr. anil Mrs. Dan Wylaud were visiting friends ami relatives in Oregon City on Fri day and Siiturday of last week. Mrs. Haltle Myers was visiting her par ent". Mr and Mrs. T. C. Ackermin.last hut- urdny, and utteuded church services at Smyrna Sunday. Rev. Merrimau filled his regular appoint ment at the Samson school house on Sat ti r dnv evening. iwing to the rain the services were nut as well intended as usual. The Sunday school and Wednesday evening prayer meeting have been well attended. Work has commenced on the new bridge near Frank Fisk a. Kd. Hilton is superin tending it. Emanuel Garner, who has been in the neighborhood for several weeks, left for his home near Golden City. Missouri, yesterday morning. If we are not mistaken it was not; the mild climate ami the Evergreen blackberries alone that cuused M r. (iarlxT to prolong his stay amongst us. However, we wish Mm a pleasant homeward Journey, and hope that when he concludes to cease roving he may not settle in the drouth I stricken Middle West. Peter Jiillom, G. Fordel, et al., came up i I from Portland last week and went to work cleaning up their slashlngopKsite the saw-1 mill. Commissioner Jaggar was tip todav in Hpecting the bridge neir Marion Samson's, Joha. BROWN The photographefj Ih jin'imrccl to make pliotog;rai!iH of all kind iroiiiitly ami in FIRST CLASS STYLE IJahifB an J Children's Picturon a SjH'cialty. Cull and examine hin work MiprllTi Notlr of Hal Kirrtttl"!.. In (He Clrrtiii Court u Hip Hui of Orrtfuii, fur IhrCounljr of WmlKliRlou. A Ilm tirnmiiti j.UlntifT, $, J I. lUnnnmcr, ilefttmUiit. Hutc nf Otrtfuu, CoUhtjr nf CUrkni . Nnllrn It hrrrhT rlvrn thi lit vlrtuo nf an rftriMiitnn and of'lrr nf ! iwinl mil nf ihm HfruH court of ihr hint nf Ore mi fir th : i mihiy nf n iRiuiiirinri. in-unlit iuto ihr dar ; of Nnvrmlr, 114. In kiiII wIhtcIh AHr M'litninliii hn iif 1 it 1 1 fT Mitil J. I lUrnir rnwctr j wm ilrfriHiNiit nmiuiiiilliitf in. In Hip naum J nf -lit nf Ori'iruti, (hit mil uf Dip fft m- Ulr licri'lnnftcr ir rll,ri, n tvnWit tun RiifTW'Iriit In iMlUfy tin liMnnti'U nf mI1 ilfrrrn, low It H .Tj. hihI ihr further tin nf I7 0 rntn. hrKHhcr with tlilrrnt ni Ihr unfit alltt'ff ami aiti'iiilltig thi nil j NnW, ihrri'liirt. In nlileuri tn urh tirr, 1 1 ilhl. mi hit iMh iUy nf Nnvntihfr. 14 .t-ily h'vy Umti, mxl will, nft hittihliiv, (tin .Vth Uy !iTrmhtr, l'4. at llir hntir nf Mt o rl.n li H hntmv In mI. M. nf MUl Ujr. at thn frmtl lMir f thormirt in v. nfTer fnr mIr al ruhlin i auctlmi, ami eil t Ihr hlirhrM mnl hf( hhlilrr At the Old New York Gallery Second door north of Harding' Drug Store, Oregon City. NOBLETT'S STABLES. Livery, Ffpd and Salo.Stablo ORECONCITY. LOCATKU BKTWKEN Til K UKPOT. IIKIIK1K AND for esoli In IinimI, all I tie right lllle slid lmeret J the sld ilefetidslil J. I, lUrlisriiwrr has In aitil to Hip fnllowlliK deerl)M'il pi.iperly, to wl; I lleirliiiiliK si a poti.t lx and nUty nine tnin dredllis ehslns north of the imrthwesi eornrr of seetlun thirty In lowiiKltlp tun smith of ! raiiKC mie vimI of lA'IIUnielle iniTtdlsn; Ihenee esai Ihlrtv and elulity seven hiiinlrrilllis ehains; j tlienre m.iltli trlily-la Mini ality nine hllli dredtli. ehnlns: Iheiiee writ thirty sml elithty I seven lininlrrdtlii ehstus In inerMlsu line; . tlieiiee iinrih twenty six and sUty nine hun I dredtlu ehnlna in thn plai e id UkIiiiiIik enn , tslnliiK elulity two netes mure or less, all In CIseRiimns enun)v. Oregon. Imled Ilils jsth day id Novemlier, A l tw.H K.I . MAPIMICK. HherlrT nf Clrkmi County, Ntale ol Oreiroii Hy N. M. Moony, liepuly. II w u J L0UAN LOCALS, Thanksgiving Pleasantly Celebrated-A Lively Delating Society-Other Notes. New Era Notes. New Era, Nov. 27. O. W. Veteto leaves this week for Kansas for the benefit of his wife's health, who has been III for several months. We sincerely hope tbe change will help her. Horn to the wife of David Penman on the lHth lust., a son; weight ten pounds. Mother and son doing well. Misses Minnie and Lena Engle took a (tying trip to Portland last Friday. Miss Mamie Briggs, of Oregon Citv, re turned home last Saturday to attend school In the Phelps district. Miss Ada Randall starts Thursday for Looak, Dec. 3. Thanksgiving day found most of our people in a frame frame of mind. Even those who complain of the mud are thankful that It Is no deeper. There was some visiting and neighborly eating of Thanksgiving dinner. The great attraction was the masquerade at Linn's mill. We went by couples, families and crowds. The hall was gay with sailors, In dians, negroes, clowns, flower girls and many men and maidens whose merriment was not hidden by their masks. The dance lasted from 7 P. M. to 7 A. M. A few Iiganites went to the dance at Hpringwater where the crowd was smal), hut the enjoyment great. The debating society field one of its most Interesting meetings Haturday night. 0. D. Kobins was elected president, Fred Oerher vice president, M. L. Hampton secretary and Minnie Shumway treasurer. Resolu tions were passed changing the meeting from once a week to once In two weeks. The sunject for December 15th Is "Resolved that Columbus deserves more credit for discovering America than Washington does for defending it." The question last night was debated from the teacher's standpoint and was decided In favor of the negative. The Logan Leader was very ably edited by Miron Balder. Mrs. Reed and Mrs. Richey are again able to attend to their wonted duties. Lewis Hampton has gene to attend school at Willshurg. He intends to fit himself for teaching. The students at tbe Logan night school are earnest and deserve success in their pur suit of knowledge. Pearl. flunnyshle Hayings. SrnnvstitF, Nov. W. Born, lo Hie wife of George Johnson, on the IWh of November, a fine boy weighug V pounds, Quarterly meeting was hsld at the Meth odist church on the 10th, 17tji and lHth of November, Washington Baker, of Kagle Creek, made a flying visit to friends and relatives in Hun- nysiile on the -7th instant, The new parsonage is now ready for occu pants, and Rev. Bowermaii and family are moving in. Double and Single RiH, nnd wid jdle horHi'H alwiiyw on hand nt the jlowewt jiricps. A corrall connected with the barn for loose stock. j Information regarding any kind or stock promptly attended to by person of llotUir. Horses Bought and Sold. Morses Hoarded and ted on reason We terms. KXKCI TOIt'H Mil It K. Nolle Is hereby iilven. that the ntwle turned tins l.ef ll duly unpointed ly llm Mini. II. K. Hayes. I'minty Juiljrit of CUrksinaa eolllily, Oreirtn. ei itor ot the last will ami ti stsmrut (if Martha A, liimros. derraneil. All permina having rlilma aiialnat anlil enisle aie iioilfled lo presoiil the same, with vniiehera pn.pnrly verified, to meat thn olltee nf t li. and 1. ('. I.aloiiirile. my atlerneya. at Ori'itim (lly.Oru gon. within alx months from this dale. Iiaied Noveinlier '27. IMM. II-M U-J J. W. IIOOIIRM, Kieetilnr. IOTOGRAFER" Cloudy weather preferred for sittings. Artistic Work Morrison, Cur. 6tti, Portlnnd, Or. j ill - l ItSO, FQW-aCASC IT WILU NOT UBL t Portland-Oregon City and Yamhill River Route. An agreeable laxative and irian Tovra, Bold by Druggists or sent by mall. Jifio, Wo. and tUX) per paclrage. riamplaa tree. Tf A TTO The Favorite Toonmni A1U 11 U or tbe Teetii aod iireaUi, 2U For sale by G. A. Harding, druggist. STI? TOLEDO DAILY -:- TIIIPS. Down Ieave llayton f A. M., MiHHion 5, .'50, Newberg (5, lliitte villo fi:45, Oregon City 0:0, arriving in Portland lO-.'AQ A. M. Up Leavo Portland 2:.'W P. M., Oregon City 4 P. M. Stage runs between McMinnvillo and Dayton, via Lafayette, in con nection with tho boat. The stage will leave Hotel Yamhill, McMinn ville, every morning at 3:30 a. in., returning, leave Dayton every evening, except Sunday, on arrival of the boat. Beet of accommodations for pao nengers and fast timo made. For freight rates apply at dock or on steamer. Everybody should patronizo the Toledo and thus sustain a daily boat. Joel P. Geer, Owner. Aarchie Oekh, Captain. MELLON 1800 miles of long dis tance telephone wire in Oregon and Washington now in operation by the Oregon Telephone ami Tel egraph company. Portland, Seattle, Spo kane, Taeonia, Sitlein, Walla Walla, Pendleton, Albany and DO other towns in tho two status on tho line. Quick, accurate, cheap. All tho satisfaction of a personal communication, Distanco no effect to a clear understanding. Spo kane as easily heard as Portland. Oregon City office at Huntley's Drug Store. J. H. THATCHER, MANAGER, Portland, - - Oregon. KAU.H KNCAMPMKNT, No. , I O OK ..T!" Sr?f i,'l,r,'1 Tiilayaif each month, at Odd Kellowa hall. Meinbom and vlidtW patrlareha, cordially Invited to attend J. A. S'IKWAKT, W.H How KM. Scribe. cblel Tatrlarch.